"Dial Up" to home modem to use internet - Networking

I have configured a sever at home to listen for dial up connections on a dedicated land line.
Can I use this to dial up with my Kaiser? I have used the following procedure to set up a connection...
- Start
- Settings
- Connections tab
- Connections
- Add new modem connection
(I am given the option to select a modem, either Bluetooth, Cellular Line, Cellular line (GPRS, 3G) or Hayes Compatible on COM1:, have tried with "Cellular Line" and "Hayes Compatible on COM1:")
- Enter my phone number
- Enter user name and password
I have used the following procedure to test it...
- Tap and hold the new connection and select connect.
On doing this I receive a dialog as follows...
"Cannot Connect
Dialed: 0117 blahblablah
Cannot connect for an unknown reason. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings. If the problem continues, reset your mobile device according to your manufacturer's documentation and try again"
When using the "Cellular Line" it goes through the "Connecting..." dialog a couple of times and fails with the above message. When using the "Hayes Compatible on COM1:" it brings the error up almost immediately.
I am using Orange in the UK
Kaiser / Tytn II
Radio =
Rom = Laurentius 9 or 10 or something
Is this possibly to do with the "CSD Line Type" configuration in which you can specify "Data rate" and "Connection element"? If do, does anyone know what these should be set to?
Is this just because Orange don't allow this type of traffic?
Is this because the modem part of the phone is FUBAR?
Your opinions and experience would be greatly appreciated.

not sure if its the same but
i had a pre gprs phone which
supported internet over normal cell
and it turned out that it could not
connect to a normal modem subscription
it required a special modem connection
at the network which was pretty pricy
so maybe it simply cant connect to a normal modem

Can anyone confirm this?
I find it hard to understand why a device that can be used as a USB or bluetooth modem for a laptop can't communicate with a normal modem.
Can you name the protocols or the standard that it does use?

ahem - bump - (sorry)

Most cell phone providers do not allow data connection over modem unless it is their own (dial up / in) Gateway - last time I used Orange in the UK, they were no exception. Only voice calls will be routed properly and data connections pretty fast disconnected, resulting in an error report similar to the one you got.
To verify if your provider supports data connection to other non-Orange phone numbers, you should call customer care.


Connect RAS server using cellular line

Happy new year to all
I got my xda ii couple days ago and trying to set up the internet on it. I don't have a GPRS data plan because it's quite costly here in Canada ($20 for 3mb). I have a RAS server at home using ADSL which capable of connecting any desktop or laptop to internet using phone line dialup. However, when i try to setup the connection for my xda ii, it received the following message:
Cannot Connect
Dialed: +9059999999
No modem at above number. To check your
connection settings and change them if
needed, tap settings.
Settings Dismiss
My Settings:
Start\Settings\Connections\Connections\My ISP\Test1
Select a modem: cellular line
Phone number: +9059999999 (9999999 assume it's my home phone)
User name: test1
Password: xxxxx
Again, when i use a laptop to dial in from a remote location, it works. So the RAS server works fine.
I don't hear any sounds from the xda nor my home phone rings. Not sure if i need a driver for it. I m in Canada using Rogers AT&T.
Same problem
I'm also a recent XDA II user and am experienceing the same problem with my ISP in Austrlia. As I understood the doco, we should be able to dial into an ISP just like on a PC with land line. I hope this can work.
Dialing Pattern
In the XDA I, it has Dialing Pattern setting. Default at (+EFG), where E=country code, F=area code, G=tel number). If the number u put in the Telephone Number field includes Country, then modify Dialing Patter to (G) only.
On the Australian Telstra network, to use straight GSM dail through you should set the CSD Line Type to 9600 V.32. It ain't fast be it is cheaper than the standard 2c per K on GPRS.
is this your problem
I was having the same problem you were having. I configured and got the GPRS and mms working and now all of the sudden the dial into ras using cellular gsm works ? Go figure
Re: Dialing Pattern
jcabuslay said:
In the XDA I, it has Dialing Pattern setting. Default at (+EFG), where E=country code, F=area code, G=tel number). If the number u put in the Telephone Number field includes Country, then modify Dialing Patter to (G) only.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Let me furnish the detailed setting, assuming T-Mobile USA (adjust it accordingly if your service provider is a different one.)
Start | Settings | Connections tabb | Connections
... to The Internet ... [New ...]
General tab: [CSD Dial-up ISP Conn]
Modem tab: New ...
Name: [ISP Modem Conn]
Modem: [Cellular Line]
Baud rate: [19200] (you can leave this default alone but 9600 is high enough)
Leave Advanced ... settings alone
Country code: [1]
Area code: [425] (my default, leave it alone)
Phone Number: [4257861000]
Leave Proxy Settings alone
For free ISP's, see FAQ
Back at the Connections page:
Dialing Locations tab:
Locations: [Home]
Click on Dialing Patterns ...
Put [G][G][G] as instructed by jcabuslay above. This step is critically important and where I was stuck. T-Moble tier 2 tech guy got me over the hump (first 2 tier 2's didn't really know how; it took 3 tier 2's to get it right!). Note T-Mobile US uses plain 10 digit dialing plan for US domestic long distance (optionally preceded with a 1 works too) and G fits that.
Click on Connect to connect. Or start to browse the internet and the connection is made on demand.
The first time connecting, you are promted for username and password, which are saved (but you can't get to it to see or change them; you can only delete the whole setting and recreate it in case you needed to change username or password).
I create a Work CSD setting for dialing up to work modem pool similarly. I use
for access to my UNIX account at work over the Work CSD setting.
Chances are that the LAN you dial up to at work is connected to Internet so you can avoid the hastle of finding a free ISP.
CSD connection comes handy since by and large, when you are not at work is when you need to make the connection, i.e. nights and weekends, when T-Mobile US is free - you get free data / Internet connection.
When the issue of making XDA your Internet gateway is resolved, this CSD connection would allow your laptop to have Internet on the go, see thread
If you can get your XDA to behave as a wireless modem, you can create similar CDS settings on your laptop.
Have fun!
i'm trying to make an ATD call to conenct to a remote unit in order to make a CSD connection. However i get a NOCARRIER error. I called the network poeple and they tell me i need to select GPRS or CSD before doing an ATD.
Would someone agree with that ?? How would i do so ? (guessing its an AT command)
I am using a Treo 750v and when I try to setup a CSD dial-up connection I can't find the settings for: "Baud rate: [19200] (you can leave this default alone but 9600 is high enough)" anywhere.
I can select Modem: "Cellular Line" but no other sub-settings. Any idea?

Laptop GPRS via BT on PDA

I have scoured the forums and the nice BT how-to's at geekzone web site but still can not get this connection set up. I want internet access on my laptop (W2000Pro) via BT connection to PDA (PDA2k) using GPRS on PDA. Maybe I just am using the wrong number to dial. I thought it is *99# for AT&T W here in the US. Detailed instruction on PC and PDA end will be much appreciated.
Have you put the modem string in?
On the laptop go to Control Pane > Phone and Modems > Modems
Highlight the XDA connection and click Properties > Advanced tab
In the 'Extra Initialization commands' field enter
at+cgdcont=1,"ip","Service provider"
for service provider it could be AT&T.com; you will have to find that out!
swamp2 said:
I have scoured the forums and the nice BT how-to's at geekzone web site but still can not get this connection set up. I want internet access on my laptop (W2000Pro) via BT connection to PDA (PDA2k) using GPRS on PDA. Maybe I just am using the wrong number to dial. I thought it is *99# for AT&T W here in the US. Detailed instruction on PC and PDA end will be much appreciated.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There are a few factors to consider when attempting to use a PDA as a GPRS modem, as follows:
1) PDA devices, throughout several years of my testing/engineering experience in the wireless data industry do not make good GPRS modems (In fact, most of them do not function as modems - as it was originally intended by the manufacturer)
2) The Win2k Pro has to be at least Service Pack3 for decent GPRS connectivity (I am going to assume that it is either SP3 or SP4 on your box)
3) Under control panel > phone/modem options (as mentioned by the person below) you need to click on the "modems" tab, then highlight your PDA modem and click the "Properties" tab....Here you will click the "Advanced" tab, AND in the "extra initialization command" bar you will enter the following string (case-sensitive) at+cgdcont=1,"IP","proxy" ....don't leave spaces in the string...then click OK and OK again (or apply and OK, whatever the option is)
4) Most importantly, you need to make sure that your SIM card from ATTWS/Cingular is accurately provisioned for the GPRS PDP option. (If it's not yet, you will need to call the ATT Wireless Customer Care/or Cingular Customer Care -whatever it is called right now)
5) You will then go into the Control Panel > Network/Dialup Connections and "create a new" manual DUN connection using that PDA modem driver (not your internal modem driver obviously - you would be amazed how many ppl make that mistake)...You will want to dial *99# ....You don't want to use ANY area code or dialing rules, and you want use both a blank username and a blank password (make sure "save password" is checked)
In conclusion....Provided that all of the aforementioned components are in place, you should be able to connect and browse/get mail, whatever your needs are.....depending on the capabilities of your PDA modem, you will get anywhere from 28kbps to 70 kbps for your data throughput.
Your local neighborhood friendly GPRS expert :lol:
PS. I just realized that you are using BT as your connection means (which implies you have to use Bluetooth Neighborhood, Bluetooth Places, or Bluetooth Devices, one of the above anyway........Therefore, just apply the settings I gave you to the Bluetooth DUN setup (instead of the Windows DUN setup)...You should see your PDA modem as a "bluetooth Dialup modem" on com6 or something of that nature.....
Cheers 8)
Finally got it - was easy in the end
A correction... I am using XP SP2 not 2000 (duh). Anyway I got the connection working and it all seems very easy in retrospect.
For anyone else having this problem: You just need to find the services offered by your pda2k through your "BT Places" on the laptop. Dial up networking will be offered, choose that and a shortcut will be created automatically in BT Places. All else was automatic, just dbl click Dial-up Networking. You will see a dialog on pda2k explaining the connection, you get a phone icon in banner area and then use the internet on your laptop just like normal. In case it does not happen automatically you just need to make sure you have a BT modem in Control Panel/Modems on a COM port and a BT connection using that modem with number *99#, no other options or settings required.
Glad you figured this out!
I was going to suggest using the Widcomm drivers found on this forum. I switched and was able to get a DUN service.
On another note if you are using the MS BT drivers, I found that if you establish an Activesync connection via BT, you can setup the outgoing serial port as the BT modem.

Using Jam as Blutooth GPRS modem for laptop with Vodafone UK

I'm trying to get a net connection for my laptop over bluetooth through my Jam.
I'm on Vodafone UK & they provide software called "Connect Me" for the laptop but, of course, the list of supported phones during setup doesn't include the Jam or any PPC Phone device.
Does anyone know how else I can go about this?
Hey. It shouldn't be too difficult. The only thing you need is to start the modem application on your Magician and (provided that you have a working GPRS connection for your provider already configured) enter the exact (!) name of this connection (on my Magician it's the GPRS connection under "ISP" - use the name of this GPRS connection, not ISP!) in Options->Use preset GPRS APN and also check the box. Then you have to go to the settings on your PC, check in your Bluetooth manager the available services and click the modem service (SSA or something). There you have to enter your name and password of the provider and as phone number (at least for german providers) *99#. In the last step, you might have to check the TCP/IP settings and set them the way your provider needs them to be. Hope it helps.
Thanks Dandie - I'll give it a go....
Nope - sorry - I'm totally baffled.
My GPRS connection on the phone is fine in normal use and is names "voda gprs".
By "the modem application" I assume you mean "Wireless Modem".
In the tools/option menu I have "Preset GPRS Connections" checked and the APN box completed as "voda gprs"
The connection type is set to bluetooth.
Whjen I press the "Start" button not a lot happens. It doesn't connect to my GPRS service.
However, if I connect to my GPRS service manually by clicking the connection icon in the bar at the top and clicking "connect GPRS" the "Connection" box in WModem turns yellow - which I assume is a good thing.
I have bluetooth turned on on my jam and my laptop (sony vaio) and the devices are already paired.
However - the laptop BT manager (Bluespace NE) only shows the following services available on my Jam: File Push/Serial/vCard & Dial up Networking.
No modem service. Clicking dial up networking gives me Dial-up networking Com 8 & Serial Port Com 10 options which I have enabled. But clicking dial up networking just pops up the options box again and doesnt seem to connect.
Launching browser on laptop having done all this = still no connection.
Jeez - I'm not new to this and have had this laptop connected to numerous mobile phones for internet access but this is driving me nuts.
I just want to make a BT link launch my browser and go but it ain't happening ;(
You're on the way. Don't give up. It's not anywhere as easy as it is with a normal mobile phone and a special application. This is the fault of MS if you ask me.
Anyway. You shouldn't connect to your GPRS connection when you use the modem. Otherwise it won't work. So disconnect on the PPC, start the modem application and select bluetooth (the APN setting is alright already). Klick on start. Now you have to initiate the connection from the PC. Connect to the dial up profile of your PPC. Then should a normal DUN dialog be displayed, allowing you to enter the password, number etc. These informations are given by your provider. The bluetooth modem might have to be configured separately in device manager of the system. (you don't need AT strings when you use the APN setting on your PPC)
I give up.
Followed these instructions to the letter - also followed MS support sheets & nothing.
Just end up with helpful error message - error 777 the modem on the remote computer is out of order.
My God - this should be soooo simple. It's a basic requirement. But I am going to have to revert to my trusty cellphone for mobile internet from laptop.
Even if I could get it to work I don't want to have to launch the Wmodem app on the Jam every time I need to connect. This is screwed up.
Thanks for the advice anyway.
It is a requirement to start the Wireless modem app on the Magician [if you want to use it as a modem] and set it to Bluetooth.
On the PC, go to control panel > phone and modem options and select the properties of the modem installed for the Magician - I am on XP SP2 and it is installed as a 'Standard modem over bluetooth link'.
On the advanced tab, enter +CGDCONT=1,"IP","Internet" and then set the Dial-up number in you network connection to *99# - that is it.
I am on T-Mobile [UK] and it works fine
When you enter the AT string, you have to leave the option "Use preset GPRS connection" in the settings of the Modem app on the Magician cleared. For me, both ways worked, either by naming the (working) GPRS connection in the settings or by entering the AT string. I prefer the first solution. You can't combine them! (at least it always failed when I tried)
You're damn right! It really is too complicated and could have been made much more comfortable. But once you get it to work, it's quite flexible too, since you can connect via cable, infrared and bluetooth.
When you enter the AT string, you have to leave the option "Use preset GPRS connection" in the settings of the Modem app on the Magician cleared. For me, both ways worked, either by naming the (working) GPRS connection in the settings or by entering the AT string. I prefer the first solution. You can't combine them! (at least it always failed when I tried)
You're damn right! It really is too complicated and could have been made much more comfortable. But once you get it to work, it's quite flexible too, since you can connect via cable, infrared and bluetooth.
OMG, I got it to work, and I'm using the internet connection now on my laptop. I've had the SX-56, the MDAIII, and now the MDA Compact. I must say that I like the compact the best as it is the most practical. I have T-Mobile in the USA, and the initialization string for the bluetooth modem on my laptop is:
My APN here for T-Mobile is internet3.voicestream.com. I think it's different for people who use WAP though.
Thanks guys. Now I can sign on by bluetooth, USB, and serial.
Afraid I gave up on this a long time. Nothing I tried worked and life's too short to spend several days trying to get my "phone" to work as a gsm modem.
The anansky rom upgrade, by comparison, took just under an hour (mainly as it was my first outing with a hex editor).
Mark One, I totally agree with you. I've tried everything and I can't get the bloody thing to work.... I had no problem last time with the Widcomm stack on XP but now that I've upgraded to SP2, the bloody MS Stack is driving me nuts.... Tried all the instructions here and it still won't work. It's pissing me off!
There is the option within Wmodem to use bluetooth, i have only used it over usb atm tho
Yeah, I guess on the PC you need the Widcomm Stack, or at least any other than Microsoft
You can find many hints in the web how to make the Widcomm stack runs under SP2.
i ve got nearly same problem but i did all the same and cant connect
ive got internal BT (toshiba), i create SSA connection (automaticaly at port com 40) , entered extra dial string command (it is 100% correct), turn on Wireless modem program at my HTC, choose bluetooth and tap start.
Maximum that i reached was that connection led turned yellow. Other 2 are black.
i tried to make direct port connection at ports from 1-10 and to install modem manually. But i could choose only standart modem cause usb modem driver dont fit.
So ... dont know what to do
Ive got the same problem at the minute, however when i browse what services are availible on my magician in "My Bluetooth Places", dial up networking isnt one of them!
Also i havent got any form of bluetooth modem installed on my pc anywhere (i.e the phone) ive tried enabling wmodem and then searching for it but i get nowhere fast
Please help i need to get this working!
Ive just been in touch with Imate (who are BRILLIANT by the way)
and i have solved my problem! here is the pdf they sent me which i followed and it worked fine!
argh .. didnt help. I have another BT browser and it is not same as u have . And it creates not bluetooth modem but only a standart 33000 kbs modem
so , i need a driver for BT modem on Jam
When your Stack on the PC supports SSA, you can install a Bluetooth modem yourself. Just go to Hardware, select "device connected", then chosse "select yourself", then "Add new hardware", then select Modem then "select Modem yourself", search for Widcomm (maybe other Stacks work aswell), select Modem and then your outgoing com port! Then you should have the Modem available.
I think the radio version 1.12 didn't work for me either. Try installing the radio 1.13 (which I would recommend anyway) and maybe also the latest ROM version (I successfully use version 1.12).
You need some patience with that crap but it works.
Chaosmage, which bt software you using?
been using mine as a modem since february.
my way is similar to one above, except that I DO NOT turn the wireless modem on.
using the XP SP2 built in stack with an MSI 6967 dongle.
in bt services in control panel, pair the devices.
on device tab, highlight the device and click properties
go to the services tab and tick the DUN service.
click ok and wait for the new hardware bubbles by the clock to disappear
In phone and modem options in the control panel, click the modems tab
open the properties for the standard modem over bluetooth link
on the advanced tab, enter at+cgdcont=1,"IP","internet" in the extra initialization field
click ok and then go to network connections
create a new connection that dials *99# using the standard modem over bluetooth link - vodafone would tell you to use a login and password of web, but that's not really needed as they don't use authentication (none of the uk networks do)
This i know works, cos it's how i do it, and also how i used to set them uo when i worked at vodafone in newbury.
Any q's, feel pree to PM!

macintosh tiger & bluetooth connection XDA for gprs

plz help
has anybody connected internet via bluetooth on a apple powerbook with mac osX through XDA II (GPRS). i am able to do tht on a windows platform But very new with macintosh ...
please help....
that's the most difficult thing to achieve.
I dont think you can do it...
no it's not , I did it, it's just a question of finding a modem in your list and it should be a BT modem.
Pair your device from MAC OS and choose to use it as a internet dialer.
Then in your network configuration choose Blutooth then in the Bluetooth modem choose a BT modem, I think any should do the trick, I use one called au cdmaOne Bluetooth Adapter, wich I don't phisicly have but had downloaded quite some time ago (I'm talking about months ;-) when i use to have Nokia phone (surch google).
In the phone number I use *99#, mind you I live in the Netherlands so don't know if it would be the same everywhere. I have T-Mobile.
When done, open internet connect and connect.
I got it to work wright away when I first tried so it should work
Hope that helps
Here's how I make my Mac OSX 10.4.4, PDA2K, and AT&T mMode service play together. For other services you will likely have to adjust the APN, username, and password. For help on such setting be sure to check out: http://www.taniwha.org.uk/gprs.html
Now, on to the instructions:
On your PDA phone:
Set your phone to discoverable. (On the Today screen click on the bluetooth icon and choose Bluetooth settings. On the General tab make sure it says "Bluetooth is ON." If not, click "Turn on."
Change to the "Accessibility" tab. Make sure both "Allow other devices to connect" and "Other devices can discover me" are checked.
Change to the "Services" tab. Choose "Dial-up Networking Server" from the list and uncheck "Authorization required." Tap "ok."
On your OSX Mac:
Choose Set up Bluetooth Device
Any Device
Select your phone from the list
On your PDA phone:
Type the number into your phone when your phone prompts you to, then tap "ok"
On your OSX Mac:
Select at least "Access the Internet with your phone's data connection." Choose additional services if you desire.
Enter Username: "None" (The HTC software seems to not accept blank username/password from a Mac, so type None instead of leaving these blank)
Password: "None"
Phone Number: *99#
Modem Script: au cdmaOne Bluetooth Adapter
The other selections are optional, but keeping them checked seems convenient.
On your PDA phone:
Make sure GPRS is disconnected and you just have the white square with a G and no arrows underneath. If the arrows are there, hold the red phone button until it disconnects.
---------- Only required for some carriers (not needed for AT&T) ----------
-Now go to Start->Programs and run "Wireless Modem"
-Open Tools->Options
-Make sure "Preset GPRS Connections" is checked
-Enter "Proxy" for your Access Point Name (APN).
-Tap "ok"
-Select "Bluetooth" from the drop-down box and click "Start" to make your PDA phone listen for connections.
On your OSX Mac:
Click on the Internet Connect menu on your menu bar and choose "Connect"
After 10 to 15 seconds your Mac should be connected to the Internet.
Please help...
I recently bought a new iMac but have not yet got internet connection, so i got onto the web using my Xda Mini in the same way it is printed above.
It was a perfect connection and i was very pleased to actually get online, however i have no idea how much all of this will cost!
While i was online, my GPRS symbol at the top was the white box with a 'G' inside - it didn't have the moving arrows. So how was i still able to get a connection?
I understand that GPRS works by the amount of data you download - is this still the case when you're online on a computer?
I am on a straightforward pay monthly O2 scheme, by the way.
Thanks for any help!
You have to check with your service provider ask them what your per kilobyte billing rate is. There is a text file on your Mac called /var/log/ppp.log . When you disconnect from the internet your Mac writes the total number of bytes transfered in that session to this file.
The easiset way to view that file is to run:
Machintosh HD : Applications : Utilities : Terminal.app
Then type:
cat /var/log/ppp.log
The number is bytes, but most providers bill by kilobytes, so divide by 1024.
The BT connection with Dutch T-Mobile works OK; however I do have the problem that I keep losing connection after 10-30 mins of being online. Also I do have a problem that in some cases the modem of my Wizard does not seem to respond.
Is the modem just slow or somehow erratic perhaps? Does anyone have the "Modem error" as well?

8525 to connect via dial up networking

Can the 8525 dial in to my internet providers access number and access the internet via dial up networking?
Ok, here is what I am doing.
Start-->Settings-->Connections-->Connections-->add new modem connection.
My Connection - Name
Cellular Line - Select a Modem
Enter number for my dial up service
Enter Username
Enter Password
Leave Domain Blank
(no changes to the advanced section)
Click Finish
When I select the new profile "My Connection" and tell it to connect, I am again prompted for my password. I enter my password and press OK
It says connecting to "My Connection" and Connecting using Cellular Line.
This flashes up twice then I get the message:
Cannot connect for an unknown reason. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings. If the problem continues, reset your mobile device according to your manufacturer's documentation and try again.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
one other thing that I tried was putting in my home phone number as the number to dial. When I try to connect, it doesn't seem to even be dialing the number because my home phone did not ring or anything.
Seems that Cingular does not allow this according to this thread
That really sux!
I'm using a HTC Tytn in Sweden that is Operator free. I then use the chip from my company's subscription to Vodafone (Telenor). Everything works fine, including GPRS, but I get the same message as you do when trying a dial-up connection.
And, same as you, it doesn't seem to dial at all. The message comes too quick. If I manually dial the dial-up number, the modem answers in the other end, so the number is okay.
I haven't checked if Vodafone still allow CSD in their network (according to the thread you pointed out), but I do believe they do, since I already used the same chip in a Sony-Ericsson phone to dial-up. So, it seems that dial-up works with my chip.
Anybody comment???
I'm having the same problem. The strange thing is that I tried dialing manually on my phone to the ISP and I can hear the modem pick up on the other end. Any insights?
Dial-up Connection
I can get mine to connect but I am unable go load browser pages.
I had a 8125 that worked great.
