so i've got it, some questions about softwares and ui - XPERIA X1 General

1. is there a way to increase the font size beyond the windows restriction?
2. I've tried pdastats program to give me more detailed view for such system stats like battery, memory, ram, etc but it didn't work, the icons were too small, even smaller than the start menu icons; any good alternative? especially for battery, ram, and storage?
3. how to turn on sms delivery report permanently?
4. what's the best registry hacker?
5. how to change ringtones, sms tones, etc with my files? does it support midi files?
6. what's the best phone profiler app?
7. is there an easy way to transfer contacts from se m600i to x1?
8. how to access symbols like + from hardware keyboard?
9. how to uninstall panels completely from system?
that's all for now, now I want to tell u about the good and the bad about x1 for me so far:
10. my pin lock bypassed @startup but then when i want to call suddenly it kick in! i'm worried if thats prevents me from receiving calls and smses unexpectedly?
+ powerful, highly customizable, great screen, god battery
- very hard to grasp for non geeks lol, fonts too small, panels are crap, no unique softwares, not even a pouch supplied for a device this expensive?

It's a bit rude to ask so much without so much as searching for these topics first. Most of the answers could be found in a couple of minutes.
Push the blue key to get to the blue symbols on the keyboard.

Yeah, rude to say the least. RTFM please...

sorry if I was rude, but I'm sure most of my Qs weren't asked before (I'm reading this forum everyday)
help please?

Most of your questions are generic to WM and not in the X1 section. You should be able to find the answer if you search within (or even google)
For Panel, you can't without modify the rom. But you take have to stop loading by remove the shortcut at /Windows/Startup

nap007 said:
sorry if I was rude, but I'm sure most of my Qs weren't asked before (I'm reading this forum everyday)
help please?
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They have all been answered somewhere on the web I promise you!
You can't be telling me you think no one has asked how to change ring tones before or what file types are supported?!!!

nap007 said:
10. my pin lock bypassed @startup but then when i want to call suddenly it kick in! i'm worried if thats prevents me from receiving calls and smses unexpectedly?
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You just have to get used to push the phone button when the todayscreen is up after starting. Then you can have another go with entering the PIN.



Hello one and all.
I have been looking at this forum for about 1 week and i'm still none the wiser. This may be because I have no idea what im doing and I am a little worried about making rom changes as I have no experinace of this.
I have a 02 exec. Which i am happy with but its a bit slower than I thought it would be. The phone seams to mess around when answering.
I have booted it up as normal on the basic setting.
A few questions that I have :-
What is the best setting to boot up on basic or corperate with the code ?
What reg changes are critical to boost performance ?
Any Software that I should get for the Xda ?
VGA settings do I need to change them ? What effect does it have.
Any advise would be good. If it could be given in a format my 2 year old could understand that would be good for me.
Thank you in advance
You'll find a wealth of information on each of your questions by browsing & searching the posts already on this forum.
thanks moandal that's why I posted.
1 post says basic setup another say corporate. 1 post says hack this that and the other. another says not to.
I'm new to pocket pc.
these forums do not make it clear what is best.
example radio version 1.06 or 1.08 at least 3 posts on here saying each one is better than the other. I have no idea.
all I was asking for is some guidance as to which set up has worked best for people.
@CRJL you've one up on me mate - I did not even know this thing had two modes!!!
BTW, why is that? Someone mentioned somewhere a corporate password - how to enter this & why would I want it.
BTW CRJL, I agree with you, these little devices are very confusing, espcially because the front end software (WM5) is soooooooo labourious!
when you hard reset the thing. after all the rom stuff loads up it gives you the choice of basic set up or corporate. it selects basic automatically after 20secs.
if you tell it corporate then you have to put the code 0506 in. this the uninstalls some stuff off the exec. you loose mms and all the gprs an 3g settings for conecting to the net. (i don't know what else it does) some of the people in the forums say it makes the exec faster. I could not really notice any difference.
you loose a few applications as well.
until I learn more I'm staying in basic.
I find these forums are for more advanced users so the simple questions tend to get missed. (im talking abot my first post) still not had a reply answering my questions
CRJL said:
What is the best setting to boot up on basic or corperate with the code ?
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for this you should first make a hard reset (carefull, with hard reset you will loose all data!) by pressing both app buttons and reset at the same time.
When it starts up, after the installation countdown shows up you should make a reset to stop the automatic setup.
Now you have a machine, which is only basic setup. See how you like the things in there.
After you now enough about this, you can make same hard reset again and start the corporate setup. Then see, how you like this setup.
After this do same with basic setup.
In total you have then an idea, what you can have with the 3 different setups.
Now you can decide, which of the 3 setups you want to start with. After this, you should read the posts about Extended Rom, how to unlock it, which programs are in there etc. Then you get an idea for example how to install some software in the basic setup.
Also, you can add some programs from other Roms. For example I have an MDA Pro and I added the I-Mate Backgammon game to my setup.
Try out and see what customizations you want and need, which you do not want.
CRJL said:
What reg changes are critical to boost performance ?
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Basically, this does not really make difference. Forget about reg changes. Performance depends on running programs and setup - see above.
As far as I know, o2 installs some app in the basic setup, which makes the device slow. As I never tried o2 rom, I do not know, if this is true.
CRJL said:
Any Software that I should get for the Xda ?
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read here:
here also I recommend to try out the software and just keep the ones you like.
In total I would recommend you to create a directory on your PC where you put all the setup and cab files, which you want to have in your final setup. After trying out all, make a hard reset again and install the files from this directory. This prevents any junks to be left behind from your previous tries.
CRJL said:
VGA settings do I need to change them ? What effect does it have.
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I think, you get more problems than it helps. Some programs appear too small on the screen. And when you make a Romupdate this does not work anymore.
I recommend not to install any VGA Patches. Instead just set the text size to more small and search in this forum for some registry hacks to change system font etc. and see if you like it, when the font is more small (this is good for Opera or PIE as you can view complete page!)
Nice reply, thanks mate!
what are the ><ahem, ahem>< "app buttons"
Andy (thicky wicky Blacky wacky Adder)
thank you. I will give the 3 setups a go. I did read that if you soft reset before the counter that video calling does not work.
will give it a go and see what happens I'm sure there will be a cab file on here to sort it out.
anyone wishing to add any pearls of wisdom fee free. I'm learning more and more all the time.
app buttons: the buttons on the keyboard, which have changing functions. these functions are shown at the bottom of the screen. These buttons can be found to the right and left of the red and green call buttons on the keyboard.
about video calling: yes, this feature is installed after you switch on first your device. it is activated with one cab file. If you can find out which cab file this is, you can install it manually in the basic setup.

Just got my XDA Exex - A few questions

I just upgraded from an XDAii, and obviously there are many advantages, but also many disadvantages. Let me run through a few of my qualms and see if you can help with any.
1. Less "toolbars" in programs
For example, the photo album app in XDAii had a row of buttons for slideshow, start, stop, full screen, rotate, etc etc.... Most of this is accessible through the menu system, but full screen seems to be missing comletely.
Also the calendar comes to mind. The row of buttons for day, week, month and year was a godsend
2. speaker screech
Anything over a certain noise level seems to come though in a really piercing way that I have to hold the phoneawayfrom my ear
3. Phone pad not working in messaging
The phone pad entry method, the one that replicates the keypad of a normal mobile phone, cannot be used for the thing it would be most commonly used for - SMS messaging. WHY?!?!
4. Phone "themes" missing
Remember in the photo contacts app, where you could apply different themes to contacts when they call, like the row of carrots, or the glistening heart? What happened to that?
5. Less hardware buttons
The contacts and calendar hardware buttons have been replaced by an extra row on the screen. Yes, there are buttons on the keyboard which link to them, but that doesn't help me when trying to configure 3 control buttons in Worms, does it.
6. Add ringtones?
Ok we have ups and downs here. On the plus side, MP3 ringtones are now supported. On the flipside, you can't file them into folders, they have to place in the My Documents route directory in order to be accessible. Is there a way round this?
I hope someone can help me. Any info you can give will be much appreciated
GaZ said:
1. Less "toolbars" in programs
For example, the photo album app in XDAii had a row of buttons for slideshow, start, stop, full screen, rotate, etc etc.... Most of this is accessible through the menu system, but full screen seems to be missing comletely.
Also the calendar comes to mind. The row of buttons for day, week, month and year was a godsend
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This is an annoying one and I don't know of a fix for it. The first part is down the to album program I think, if it is just called 'Pictures' then it is the one which came with mine too and it isn't very good at all. I replaced it with Resco Photo Viewer. As for the calendar part, those buttons you mentioned are accessed through 'menu' - again, annoying and takes more time.
hmmmm...... oki doki, not sure if i can help.... but lets step through....
I just upgraded from an XDAii, and obviously there are many advantages, but also many disadvantages. Let me run through a few of my qualms and see if you can help with any.
1. Less "toolbars" in programs
For example, the photo album app in XDAii had a row of buttons for slideshow, start, stop, full screen, rotate, etc etc.... Most of this is accessible through the menu system, but full screen seems to be missing comletely.
Also the calendar comes to mind. The row of buttons for day, week, month and year was a godsend
2. speaker screech
Anything over a certain noise level seems to come though in a really piercing way that I have to hold the phoneawayfrom my ear
3. Phone pad not working in messaging
The phone pad entry method, the one that replicates the keypad of a normal mobile phone, cannot be used for the thing it would be most commonly used for - SMS messaging. WHY?!?!
4. Phone "themes" missing
Remember in the photo contacts app, where you could apply different themes to contacts when they call, like the row of carrots, or the glistening heart? What happened to that?
5. Less hardware buttons
The contacts and calendar hardware buttons have been replaced by an extra row on the screen. Yes, there are buttons on the keyboard which link to them, but that doesn't help me when trying to configure 3 control buttons in Worms, does it.
6. Add ringtones?
Ok we have ups and downs here. On the plus side, MP3 ringtones are now supported. On the flipside, you can't file them into folders, they have to place in the My Documents route directory in order to be accessible. Is there a way round this?
I hope someone can help me. Any info you can give will be much appreciated
I realise there are many side steps around my issues, but they're some of the thing that made me love my XDAii. Like the hardware buttons, made it so easy to use PocketSNES. You turned it sideways and instantly had a d-pad on your left, and 4 buttons on your right (just like a SNES pad). And calendar, I know it has the options on the menu, but I miss the quick functionality.
Oh, and yes my Exec obviously does have the QWERTY keypad, but this isn't always conveniant when walking, or holding many bags, or drinking in a crowded pub. The phone pad was the texting solution I've been waiting for for years, and doesn't work in the application it's needed most in :x
Thanks for informing me of the windows\rings folder. That's one bonus at least.
So what are your qualms with the Exec? I'm guessing deeper things like memory useage and stuff?
none really, I am happy thru n thru
weight n size perhaps. the price for a double thumb keyboard...
I just read a lot of negative comments and complaints and few people saying how good it is overall for price n quantity of gadgets in such a small package.
Ok, The toolbar thing is a bit annoying at first, but you get used to it and I prefer the aesthetics of a 'cleaner' looking screen without all sorts of icons at the bottom making everything look untidy (personal preference though). Lack of hardware buttons on the face of the phone when it's in PDA mode is not something I've even thought about, but I can see how it would cause issues for game-players. Bit of a shame, but I doubt if it's a consideration for many OEM's, they don't really build WM phones with gaming ergonomics as a high priority issue...
Not had problems with the speaker, and sticking ringtones in the \Windows\Rings folder is good enough for me - why would you need to sub-categorise them? Unless you have dozens of them that you change on a daily basis?
I'm interested in your comment that the "Phone pad" doesn't work in the Messaging app though? Mine works perfectly this something that others have problems with? Maybe you have a dodgy ROM or something?
Oh, and I never knew that the theme could be changed depending on who was calling? Didn't that take aaaaages, and slow the response of the phone down to a crawl!?
sub69 said:
Ok, The toolbar thing is a bit annoying at first, but you get used to it and I prefer the aesthetics of a 'cleaner' looking screen without all sorts of icons at the bottom making everything look untidy (personal preference though). Lack of hardware buttons on the face of the phone when it's in PDA mode is not something I've even thought about, but I can see how it would cause issues for game-players. Bit of a shame, but I doubt if it's a consideration for many OEM's, they don't really build WM phones with gaming ergonomics as a high priority issue...
Not had problems with the speaker, and sticking ringtones in the \Windows\Rings folder is good enough for me - why would you need to sub-categorise them? Unless you have dozens of them that you change on a daily basis?
I'm interested in your comment that the "Phone pad" doesn't work in the Messaging app though? Mine works perfectly this something that others have problems with? Maybe you have a dodgy ROM or something?
Oh, and I never knew that the theme could be changed depending on who was calling? Didn't that take aaaaages, and slow the response of the phone down to a crawl!?
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I never knew about the windows\rings folder before posting this so that answered that one.
As for phone pad, it definitely isn't working in messaging, so I may try a newer ROM, but only if it can be downloaded from the official O2 site.
The phone themes, did indeed slow it down, but I thought rather than exclude them they'd work on it and make them better.
GaZ said:
The phone pad was the texting solution I've been waiting for for years, and doesn't work in the application it's needed most in :x
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Seriously, you must be the only person on this planet that was wishing for that - you have a keyboard and a keyboard on the screen... what the heck :shock:
beachmeat said:
GaZ said:
The phone pad was the texting solution I've been waiting for for years, and doesn't work in the application it's needed most in :x
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Seriously, you must be the only person on this planet that was wishing for that - you have a keyboard and a keyboard on the screen... what the heck :shock:
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As you may have read if you looked at my previous reply, the keyboard is no good for one handed use (ie: whilst holding a pint in a crowded pub)

Too many questions... i put them all in one thread. .
Hello everyone.
Just got a TyTn. Quite a change from my old K800, but im sure i'll adjust.
Ive been reading around here for a few weeks now in antisipation of my TyTn arriving. So know a few things already, like the highly rated 'batti' battery app.
I have a few questions about it though that i cant find definate answers on:
- Is it possible to have custom ringtones for each contact?
- How do i close programs? As at the moment they just seem to minimise, and the only way i can find to actually close them is through the memory app in settings.
- How do i install the today screen app called 'Launcher' its not a cab file like the rest of the programs ive installed.
- Is there a today screen plugin i can use to lock the phone when i press it?
- Some of my contacts are listed as 'elliot, fred' rarther than 'fred elliot'. How do i fix that?
- Is it possible to have full screen contact images? Ive got contact images setup for a few of my contacts, but they only ever show up as a tiny icon when opening a txt (havnt tryed incoming calls yet), is there a way to make it so that when i get a txt i get the picture instead of/extra to the standard popup?
- Emoticons. How/can i put them in txt messages? (actually view them, not the pure text equilivent.).
Thanks in advance all.
Any help would be much appricated. .
boomam said: i put them all in one thread. .
Hello everyone.
Just got a TyTn. Quite a change from my old K800, but im sure i'll adjust.
Ive been reading around here for a few weeks now in antisipation of my TyTn arriving. So know a few things already, like the highly rated 'batti' battery app.
I have a few questions about it though that i cant find definate answers on:
- Is it possible to have custom ringtones for each contact? YES
- How do i close programs? As at the moment they just seem to minimise, and the only way i can find to actually close them is through the memory app in settings. 1. Search for X Button Program 2.Get A Custom ROM
- How do i install the today screen app called 'Launcher' its not a cab file like the rest of the programs ive installed. Be More Specific
- Is there a today screen plugin i can use to lock the phone when i press it? Start-Settings-Today Screen-Items Tab, or download 'device lock (before you even ask, use the search function
- Some of my contacts are listed as 'elliot, fred' rarther than 'fred elliot'. How do i fix that? OMFG
- Is it possible to have full screen contact images? Ive got contact images setup for a few of my contacts, but they only ever show up as a tiny icon when opening a txt (havnt tryed incoming calls yet), is there a way to make it so that when i get a txt i get the picture instead of/extra to the standard popup? ok this is getting ridiculous
- Emoticons. How/can i put them in txt messages? (actually view them, not the pure text equilivent.).
Thanks in advance all.
Any help would be much appricated. .
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Ok I tried to help, but geez dude. I think this forum may be a little advanced for you. There are plenty of other websites and forums that can help you with these questions. Before you post any more questions:
1. Read The Windows Mobile Manual
2. Learn how to use the search function
3. Spend a little more time reading
4. Read a little more.
5. Come back and post questions when you ACTUALLY have a phone. THis way you can try to figure things out on the phone before you start asking questions.
Good Luck!
<sighs, then sits on hands to prevent pulling out n00b cannon>
MODS You know what to do, this thread is gonna get HOT
boomam said: i put them all in one thread. .
Hello everyone.
Just got a TyTn. Quite a change from my old K800, but im sure i'll adjust.
Ive been reading around here for a few weeks now in antisipation of my TyTn arriving. So know a few things already, like the highly rated 'batti' battery app.
I have a few questions about it though that i cant find definate answers on:
- Is it possible to have custom ringtones for each contact?
- How do i close programs? As at the moment they just seem to minimise, and the only way i can find to actually close them is through the memory app in settings.
- How do i install the today screen app called 'Launcher' its not a cab file like the rest of the programs ive installed.
- Is there a today screen plugin i can use to lock the phone when i press it?
- Some of my contacts are listed as 'elliot, fred' rarther than 'fred elliot'. How do i fix that?
- Is it possible to have full screen contact images? Ive got contact images setup for a few of my contacts, but they only ever show up as a tiny icon when opening a txt (havnt tryed incoming calls yet), is there a way to make it so that when i get a txt i get the picture instead of/extra to the standard popup?
- Emoticons. How/can i put them in txt messages? (actually view them, not the pure text equilivent.).
Thanks in advance all.
Any help would be much appricated. .
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Have you even read the threads / wiki / use the search button?
peezy said:
Ok I tried to help, but geez dude. I think this forum may be a little advanced for you. There are plenty of other websites and forums that can help you with these questions. Before you post any more questions:
1. Read The Windows Mobile Manual
2. Learn how to use the search function
3. Spend a little more time reading
4. Read a little more.
5. Come back and post questions when you ACTUALLY have a phone. THis way you can try to figure things out on the phone before you start asking questions.
Good Luck!
<sighs, then sits on hands to prevent pulling out n00b cannon>
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This is the best advice for you with your issues....
peezy said:
MODS You know what to do, this thread is gonna get HOT
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locking thread to prevent a full on n00b assault...

General leo gripes !

right had this phone a few weeks now got most of the little niggles sorted with this forums help just a few others that bug me ....
1: there is a separate system and ringer volume ...but if you set one it changes the other!! they are not independent. this is a major bug for me because if i have my phone on vibrate while im at work, if i then want to listen to music at work i plug in my headphones and have to turn up the volume to listen to the music. but if i then take out my headphones the phone is now on loud. and if i forget and leave it on i get told off at work ! lol
2: the age old text reply problem. 200+ messages (and no i dont want to delete them) means a big wait to reply to a message ....stupid !
3: the lock screen slider is very odd, sometimes it will unlock with one slide and other times it will take a few goes...and if your showing off your new phone to someone it just looks crap because you cant even unlock it ! can the area of touch sensitivity around the lock button be increased in size to make it easier to unlock ???
anyway cheers Dom
1. The volumes can be set seperatley if you choose to, by default they are linked. To set them seperately you simply go to settings sounds and display, and set single volume to off!
2. You can use Microsoft MyPhone to archive your text messages, ie not deleted but not on your phone. I did this with 2000 messages that I dont really need to be stored on the phone.
3. No lock issues here, to increase the area would sort of defeat the whole point of the lock button
2: the age old text reply problem. 200+ messages (and no i dont want to delete them) means a big wait to reply to a message ....stupid !
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Just disable HTC Messaging and the problem is gone.
I wonder why people are still complaining about this, the fix is as easy as it gets. Really nothing worth talking about.
1: wow how did i not see that ?!?! i've looked in the menu about a million times ! haha cheers
2: yeah i have used that too but some messages i like to have with me so i can read them back......sentimental old sod i am...
3: i guess if no one else is having trouble it must just be me ! lol
You can disable the lock screen, if you want, with the following Registry setting:
[HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd] "DeviceLockWhenSuspend"=dword:0
right tried that and you still cant have the ringer on vibrate and the system on loud .... if you click vibrate on either it sets the other !!!!!!!!!
if you click vibrate on either it sets the other !!!!!!!!!
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This is normal for Windows Mobile and has nothing to do with HTC.
I don't know if there's a workaround.
well i dont care if its htc or win mobile .... its annoying ! lol
If you use something more powerful like G-Profile you can set up profiles with, for example, your txt/calls set to vibrate only. (Dont change the ringer volume to vibrate, instead change the incoming call notification to vibrate only. You can of course do this in Settings, but its easier with profiles)
It seems G-Profile is no longer free, but I am sure there are free alternatives if you search around.
onisuk said:
well i dont care if its htc or win mobile .... its annoying ! lol
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Not that I want to be rude, but other phones cannot even set different volumes for system/ringer. E.g. on the iPhone, you only get ONE volume and you can't do anything about it.
Actually, it's already a huge advantage of Windows Mobile that is has that feature.
And it's a huge advantage that there are programs like G-Profile that give you even more options.
maati said:
Not that I want to be rude, but other phones cannot even set different volumes for system/ringer. E.g. on the iPhone, you only get ONE volume and you can't do anything about it.
Actually, it's already a huge advantage of Windows Mobile that is has that feature.
And it's a huge advantage that there are programs like G-Profile that give you even more options.
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yeah i know but this is the first non-nokia phone i've had in about 5 years so its all a learning curve for me ! on the nokias you had profiles too so i guess i'll try this g-profile thingy ! thanks again ....
maati said:
Just disable HTC Messaging and the problem is gone.
I wonder why people are still complaining about this, the fix is as easy as it gets. Really nothing worth talking about.
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not sure if I'm correct here but I thought the messaging fix stopped mms working,
if wrong.sorry but I need to use both sms and mms

What do I need? New phone!!

Will be taking delivery of my HD2 today.What do I need?
File Explorer? Total Explorer? Which version? According to the website none support the snapdragon processor(unless it has a different name)
What about to change visual aspects?
Is it just a case of finding a particular .cab file, loading it onto the SD card and installing?
And how does it work? If I install (for eg) transparent ,then decide I dont want transparent just reduced transparency, do I need to uninstall the first one and install the second?
saldawop said:
Will be taking delivery of my HD2 today.What do I need?
File Explorer? Total Explorer? Which version? According to the website none support the snapdragon processor(unless it has a different name)
What about to change visual aspects?
Is it just a case of finding a particular .cab file, loading it onto the SD card and installing?
And how does it work? If I install (for eg) transparent ,then decide I dont want transparent just reduced transparency, do I need to uninstall the first one and install the second?
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Seriously, wait till you've had the phone for about a week before doing anything to it. You sound like a puppy that's about to go for a walk! Chill man. Get to know the phone before you start changing it, or you'll just end up asking for things that it already does!
Yeah thanks.
Any answers to the questions I asked though?
saldawop said:
File Explorer? Total Explorer? Which version? According to the website none support the snapdragon processor(unless it has a different name)
What about to change visual aspects?
Is it just a case of finding a particular .cab file, loading it onto the SD card and installing?
And how does it work? If I install (for eg) transparent ,then decide I dont want transparent just reduced transparency, do I need to uninstall the first one and install the second?
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File explorer will not let you copy/move certain files, but Total Commander, or Resco Explorer will. Just get the latest version, and don't worry about the processor. They run on Windows - they don't care about the processor.
If you install theme/visual changes, there's no hard-and-fast rule about what to do to replace the changes. Some of them you can uninstall and it restores the original look. Others don't. You can usually just install a new change over a previous one, but not always. You're gonna have to just find out through trial and error, or by asking, when you have specific questions to ask.
I wasn't being dismissive earlier - there's just no straight forward answer to such ambiguous questions.
Enjoy your new phone mate. I've had mine for 6 weeks now and I still love it like it was new yesterday!
johncmolyneux said:
File explorer will not let you copy/move certain files
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Uhh... yes it does. Menu -> Edit -> Copy/Cut/Paste/Paste Shortcut. I've got Total Commander but I only really ever use it for registry tweaks.
DexyG said:
Uhh... yes it does. Menu -> Edit -> Copy/Cut/Paste/Paste Shortcut. I've got Total Commander but I only really ever use it for registry tweaks.
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Uhh... just because the options are there doesn't mean they work for every file. As you quoted me saying, "File explorer will not let you copy/move certain files" (certain files, not all files).
Uhh... You're both right!
File Explorer will NOT let you copy/move/delete certain files
However it WILL let you copy/move/delete certain files
The key is the words 'certain files'. The 'certain files' John C is referring to are, for example, most of the files stored in the Windows folder and these tend to be exactly the ones we want to delete or rename. You WILL need one of the above-mentioned apps to mess around with them.
File Explorer is fine if you're only manipulating non-System files.
johnkst said:
Uhh... You're both right!
File Explorer will NOT let you copy/move/delete certain files
However it WILL let you copy/move/delete certain files
The key is the words 'certain files'. The 'certain files' John C is referring to are, for example, most of the files stored in the Windows folder and these tend to be exactly the ones we want to delete or rename. You WILL need one of the above-mentioned apps to mess around with them.
File Explorer is fine if you're only manipulating non-System files.
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I was only explaining that I wasn't wrong - he'd misread my statement. Obviously if it doesn't work for certain files then it does work for the rest. The context of the question suggests that the OP needed that explaining to him, or he'd only come back later and say "I can't copy this manila file into the windows folder", and we'd have to explain it to him then!
Bottom line, we're all right, and we're all trying to give the OP a concise answer (which I think he's got now)
Ah ok, my bad. Sorry.
Ahhh... That's nice...
Now we're all friends again, to come back to the OP's original question, I'm with John C on this. Take your time, get to know your phone and decide what you REALLY need first.
IMHO, the only thing you should install from the start is the BSB Tweaks cab (Just search the Leo forum for latest version - I think it's in a sticky somewhere). This will save you having to install a Registry Editor and installing a lot of these tweaks manually. It also makes it a lot easier to switch the tweaks on and off.
There are also some HTC updates now available (for Camera, SMS and SD Card). They have been out for a few days now and I haven't seen too many complaints, so I would say they are all safe to install...
Finally... ROM updates...
There are a couple now available from HTC. But again, unless you're experiencing a problem which you know has been fixed by these new ROMs, I would leave them alone. I've still got the original O2 ROM in my HD2 and it's working perfectly well, so I've not bothered to upgrade just yet.
All of the above is just my personal opinion. Hope you find it useful...
By the way, if you find BSB Tweaks (or any other cab that someone has invested time and effort into creating) useful, you might want to think about making a small donation. A $5 PayPal transaction is easily made, costs about the price of a pint (in the UK) and really makes these guys (and gals) faces light up!
Wont be updating the ROM. TBH I dont even know if I will be keeping the phone. I am an iPhone owner .
saldawop said:
Wont be updating the ROM. TBH I dont even know if I will be keeping the phone. I am an iPhone owner .
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Now you tell us...! ;-)
Just before we all get tarred with the same brush, I'm also an iPhone owner, and will be keeping my ROM-upgraded HD2 and selling my 3GS ;-)
Got my HD2.Although Im liking(not loving) it ,there are a couple ofthings I dont like.
1) I sometimes wake up to 30+ spam emails.Do I really have to open each one and delete them individually?(havent had the phone 24 hours so happy to be proved wrong)
2) I dislike the fact that when I delete an email from the phone, it deletes from the server
3)Dont like having to mess about opening different video players depending on codec (BUT it does play different codecs so cant really complain I guess)
4) This is probably down to not having too much time to play, but how do I get the screen to turn off? Is there a setting somewhere I can turn it off after x amount of time.Or do I HAVE to press the power button?
Got my HD2.Although Im liking(not loving) it ,there are a couple ofthings I dont like.
1) I sometimes wake up to 30+ spam emails.Do I really have to open each one and delete them individually?(havent had the phone 24 hours so happy to be proved wrong)
2) I dislike the fact that when I delete an email from the phone, it deletes from the server
3)Dont like having to mess about opening different video players depending on codec (BUT it does play different codecs so cant really complain I guess)
4) This is probably down to not having too much time to play, but how do I get the screen to turn off? Is there a setting somewhere I can turn it off after x amount of time.Or do I HAVE to press the power button?
5) Oh, and the Alarm!!! Is it possibly the worst alarm on a mobile phone ever?
Im not the heaviest of sleepers but there is a strong possibility that I would miss the 2 second alarm.
saldawop said:
Got my HD2.Although Im liking(not loving) it ,there are a couple ofthings I dont like.
1) I sometimes wake up to 30+ spam emails.Do I really have to open each one and delete them individually?(havent had the phone 24 hours so happy to be proved wrong)
2) I dislike the fact that when I delete an email from the phone, it deletes from the server
3)Dont like having to mess about opening different video players depending on codec (BUT it does play different codecs so cant really complain I guess)
4) This is probably down to not having too much time to play, but how do I get the screen to turn off? Is there a setting somewhere I can turn it off after x amount of time.Or do I HAVE to press the power button?
5) Oh, and the Alarm!!! Is it possibly the worst alarm on a mobile phone ever?
Im not the heaviest of sleepers but there is a strong possibility that I would miss the 2 second alarm.
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1) You can click on "Inbox" then Menu->Select Messages->Several, Choose the messages you want to mark as read then Menu->Mark as read/delete
2) I kindof makes sence to delete the email - keep the two in sync or is that only my perception on things
3) Try use one codec possibly, I'm certain there are different players out there with the ability to play a wider range its just a case of looking (sorry i don't really use my phone for music/multiple video formats)
4) Yes there is a setting settings->sound and display->backlight
5)Agreed it is rubbish I've tried G alarm because everyone seems to rave about it but i wasn't too keen but you could still try it and it does do the alarm sound for longer than 2 rings
Thanks for that Strange though because the screen is set to switch off after 1 minute. It doesn't! Was still on when I woke up this morning

