General leo gripes ! - HD2 General

right had this phone a few weeks now got most of the little niggles sorted with this forums help just a few others that bug me ....
1: there is a separate system and ringer volume ...but if you set one it changes the other!! they are not independent. this is a major bug for me because if i have my phone on vibrate while im at work, if i then want to listen to music at work i plug in my headphones and have to turn up the volume to listen to the music. but if i then take out my headphones the phone is now on loud. and if i forget and leave it on i get told off at work ! lol
2: the age old text reply problem. 200+ messages (and no i dont want to delete them) means a big wait to reply to a message ....stupid !
3: the lock screen slider is very odd, sometimes it will unlock with one slide and other times it will take a few goes...and if your showing off your new phone to someone it just looks crap because you cant even unlock it ! can the area of touch sensitivity around the lock button be increased in size to make it easier to unlock ???
anyway cheers Dom

1. The volumes can be set seperatley if you choose to, by default they are linked. To set them seperately you simply go to settings sounds and display, and set single volume to off!
2. You can use Microsoft MyPhone to archive your text messages, ie not deleted but not on your phone. I did this with 2000 messages that I dont really need to be stored on the phone.
3. No lock issues here, to increase the area would sort of defeat the whole point of the lock button

2: the age old text reply problem. 200+ messages (and no i dont want to delete them) means a big wait to reply to a message ....stupid !
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Just disable HTC Messaging and the problem is gone.
I wonder why people are still complaining about this, the fix is as easy as it gets. Really nothing worth talking about.

1: wow how did i not see that ?!?! i've looked in the menu about a million times ! haha cheers
2: yeah i have used that too but some messages i like to have with me so i can read them back......sentimental old sod i am...
3: i guess if no one else is having trouble it must just be me ! lol

You can disable the lock screen, if you want, with the following Registry setting:
[HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd] "DeviceLockWhenSuspend"=dword:0

right tried that and you still cant have the ringer on vibrate and the system on loud .... if you click vibrate on either it sets the other !!!!!!!!!

if you click vibrate on either it sets the other !!!!!!!!!
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This is normal for Windows Mobile and has nothing to do with HTC.
I don't know if there's a workaround.

well i dont care if its htc or win mobile .... its annoying ! lol

If you use something more powerful like G-Profile you can set up profiles with, for example, your txt/calls set to vibrate only. (Dont change the ringer volume to vibrate, instead change the incoming call notification to vibrate only. You can of course do this in Settings, but its easier with profiles)
It seems G-Profile is no longer free, but I am sure there are free alternatives if you search around.

onisuk said:
well i dont care if its htc or win mobile .... its annoying ! lol
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Not that I want to be rude, but other phones cannot even set different volumes for system/ringer. E.g. on the iPhone, you only get ONE volume and you can't do anything about it.
Actually, it's already a huge advantage of Windows Mobile that is has that feature.
And it's a huge advantage that there are programs like G-Profile that give you even more options.

maati said:
Not that I want to be rude, but other phones cannot even set different volumes for system/ringer. E.g. on the iPhone, you only get ONE volume and you can't do anything about it.
Actually, it's already a huge advantage of Windows Mobile that is has that feature.
And it's a huge advantage that there are programs like G-Profile that give you even more options.
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yeah i know but this is the first non-nokia phone i've had in about 5 years so its all a learning curve for me ! on the nokias you had profiles too so i guess i'll try this g-profile thingy ! thanks again ....

maati said:
Just disable HTC Messaging and the problem is gone.
I wonder why people are still complaining about this, the fix is as easy as it gets. Really nothing worth talking about.
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not sure if I'm correct here but I thought the messaging fix stopped mms working,
if wrong.sorry but I need to use both sms and mms


I've Got Shift! Now, Some ?'s Please

Just received Shift X9500 far, very nice!!!
As my last device was the lil' Fujitsu U810 which was very nice, but just a bit too small (keyboard & display) and before that an OQO E2, which was very nice, but really small, the Shift feels just right size-wize....
However, have a few questions, have taken a lot through this forum, but didn't see my questions covered, unless I missed it....
1) Chirping Sounds
After I turned on Shift and went through various startup screens, I heard periodically a sort of chirping set of sounds periodically for a few seconds at a time, then it went away for awhile, but then it would do this again periodically.
However, Shift did some sort of automatic install; Intel Graphic Driver7.14.10.1364, HTC Control Center and maybe some other items, but didn't watch display the whole time...
At some point Shift rebooted and since then chirping sounds have not reappeared....
So, just wondering if anyone knows what this sound was for? and if it comes back what should I do?
2) Software Solution Package
There's a small piece of paper that's titled "Downloading and Installing the Software Solution Package to the HTC Shift".
It says that this package has the latest drivers and apps in it...could this be what was being installed automatically when Shift first booted up to desktop??
If not, should I install this?
If so, where do I get it on the HTC e-Club site?
I registered and then checked on what's available for Shift. However, I could only find 2 files for downloading; a Vista Sidebar Hotfix and one other file (forget which one..), but that's all I see as available there for the Shift...
3) Windows Updates
Should I do a Windows Update now or do I need to install the package in question 2 above first or ???
Thanks in advance for any and all input!
Over 200 Views & Not 1 Reply....
Just thought I'd update this post a bit...
The only issue that really I'm wondering about still since my original post, is question number 1.
I still occasionally get some sort of series of sounds; maybe 'chirping sounds' was not the right description...more like a set of repeated sounds, somewhat like a muted phone ringing or something like that??
I don't have a SIM card installed in my Shift.
Could this be some sort of alarm notification??
Came on yesterday, when I thought Shift was shutdown....don't know how to shut it off when it happens, but finally went away after happening a few times...
Any ideas as to what to check to stop this???
Hi archimark,
is you chirping sound sound like some noise,or a regard system sound? If the sound comes from WM side, you should check the alarm setting, and maybe your appointments.
You can update using windows update,except for the touch drivers update, which are a kind of downgrade.
THANKS, thaihugo!
thaihugo said:
Hi archimark,
is you chirping sound sound like some noise,or a regard system sound? If the sound comes from WM side, you should check the alarm setting, and maybe your appointments.
You can update using windows update,except for the touch drivers update, which are a kind of downgrade.
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Thanks for your help, thaihugo!
Good question about that sound...hard for me to describe it in words, but is somewhere between a soft telephone or alarm sound, series of repeating, modulating tones, is best I can describe it.
Will check on WM side, but I haven't really used WM side at all.....
the sounds are likely from the WM side ... i usually get those sounds for notifications, new email allerts, etc... shift gives quite a few notifications etc if it feels ur connection is not configured properly etc.. hence these sounds.. do one thing:
Liberate ur shift and then from WM side mute all sounds .. then soft reset and see if u find any such sounds...
studdocs said:
the sounds are likely from the WM side ... i usually get those sounds for notifications, new email allerts, etc... shift gives quite a few notifications etc if it feels ur connection is not configured properly etc.. hence these sounds.. do one thing:
Liberate ur shift and then from WM side mute all sounds .. then soft reset and see if u find any such sounds...
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Thanks for the suggestion, studdocs, will give that a try and report back...would be great to get this solved!
Sounds a lot like the low-battery notification to me... that's when mine makes a kind of 'chirping' sound... if not that, it could be that sound used for something else...
salmon said:
Sounds a lot like the low-battery notification to me... that's when mine makes a kind of 'chirping' sound... if not that, it could be that sound used for something else...
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Aha!....I'd wondered if that might be a possibility....
One thing I just remembered that I didn't mention before, is that when I hear the sounds, I also see the indicator lights pulsating below the display area located on the frame surrounding the display....
Does yours do that too???
that would definitly be a reminder on the WM side...

3 Diamond Apps

After spending the summer learning c# and .netcf I got my hands on a Diamond and had to make some small apps.
They're very beta and pre-release versions, but please try 'em out and give me some feedback
Senses when the phone lays idle and when it is on the move, if it has been stationary for some time and it gets picked up it vibrates if there's been any unattended activity (sms, appointments, missed calls).
Should probably add some gui components for sensitivity tweaking.
Rejects all callers enlisted in the supplied text-file. Currently the text-file contains "all" telemarketing numbers in norway (from
Really simple GPS-utility showing the current speed in different units.
Nice work!
Downloading them now.. and gonna try 'em right away...
I was thingking about another thing that the VibraNotify could do (or as a different program)
Like a theft alarm.. If the phone has been idle for some time.. and it gets piked up.. you have to enter a code.. if you dont, a high alarm sound will start
(I'm not gonna take the cred for this, someone else spoke of it in this forum some time ago)
Thanks. I'm going to try it!
Nice! I`ll have a look. Would be nice if you could set some settings, like idle time on the Vibra thingy!
Nice ... thank you.
audiophil said:
Senses when the phone lays idle and when it is on the move, if it has been stationary for some time and it gets picked up it vibrates if there's been any unattended activity (sms, appointments, missed calls).
Should probably add some gui components for sensitivity tweaking.
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How long is some time?
ok.. I tested VibraNotify...
I'm gonna use it for sure
But I noticed that if i get a sms and move it, it vibrates...
but if I don't check the sms... and move it again later, it doesn't vibrate
I think it should vibrate until I have checked the sms?
It's little bit annoying to see these programs working in task manager... is it possible to hide them? I mean they will be working in background... Especially vibranotify...
plus is it possible to add numbers to list for callblocker? I could not do that... well it saves as .txt file when i try to modify and save the list...
Theft alarm could definitively work, how about a mp3 shouting "Put the mobile down with two fingers only!"? Hehe
Regarding the idle time, I think I used 10 seconds, if you don't hide the windows you can se it changing states. The number outputted is the square of the sum of the changes in the accelerometer values.
I will add some gui components and registry settings for this when I got time, would be more dynamic that hardcoded constants.
I'm not sure if I understood what you meant NisseDILLIGAF, doesn't it vibrate if you got unread sms'es when you pick the phone up from i.e. the table?
Just add the numbers to the textfile, seperate by a newline, save and reload the application. It caches the numbers, maybe a wrong design decision? Comments?
audiophil said:
Theft alarm could definitively work, how about a mp3 shouting "Put the mobile down with two fingers only!"? Hehe
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audiophil said:
I'm not sure if I understood what you meant NisseDILLIGAF, doesn't it vibrate if you got unread sms'es when you pick the phone up from i.e. the table?
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No... What I mean is if I get a sms and I accidentally move the phone, It vibrates...
I haven't checked the sms (I don't know that I have a message)
When I pick the phone up ... there is no vibration... It only vibrates once..
It would be great if It would vibrate every time I move it untill I have read the sms...
Like the flashing center button... It continues to flash until I have cheked the sms or a missed call or whatever...
again.. Thanx for a great app .. It's gonna be a standard app for my phone
Ah, then I follow you. This could certainly be done! Maybe an option in the gui to enable/disable...
I certainly need to reinstall VS to continue developing
I'm keeping this topic in view, sounds like a nice app. But as read from the comments, it still needs a little bit of work (setting etc).
Nice work!
audiophil said:
After spending the summer learning c# and .netcf I got my hands on a Diamond and had to make some small apps.
They're very beta and pre-release versions, but please try 'em out and give me some feedback
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As you seams to know what you are doing I'll give you my two cents for a simple apps:
You know that when the Diamond is in standby with black screen you can't see if you have signal or not.
It's possible to have the DPAD flash when the phone in standby mode have no signal ?
Maybe it can stop flashing when the signal came back.
Let mi say after 15 sec. with no signal it start blink with 5 sec delaied flash and after a customizable time the blink
become more quick to allert that you are not reachable for a long period...
It will be wery usefull to know that without touching it.
Let me know and thank you for your great work!
titipsx said:
As you seams to know what you are doing I'll give you my two cents for a simple apps:
You know that when the Diamond is in standby with black screen you can't see if you have signal or not.
It's possible to have the DPAD flash when the phone in standby mode have no signal?
It will be wery usefull to know that without touching it.
Let me know and thank you for your great work!
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I'm afraid this is not possible, when the diamond is in standby (black screen) it's pretty much like if your computer is in standby mode, all running programs are paused. Checked into this when doing the vibranotifyer, since running it in standby was my original plan.
I certainly hope I'm wrong, maybe someone can correct me?
just thought I'd write a quick note to thank you for your programs. Small and simple, its a dream.
Keep them small and simple.
What I'm really looking for is an application to replace my Garmin305 EDGE, and I hope that you continue to develop your GPS stuff to include some of the training and tracking features that the Garmin had.
I found this program:
Its called TrackMe, but its clearly not developed for the Diamond, as running it clips my battery time down to 1.5 hours.
What would be nice is to run each feature as an individual streamlined application, like your speedometer.
Anyways, thanks again.
And keep up the good work.
the callblocker doesn't work with the 1.93rom
smax76 said:
the callblocker doesn't work with the 1.93rom
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More reports on this?
I got 1.93 myself, and I just tested it with success.
audiophil said:
I'm afraid this is not possible, when the diamond is in standby (black screen) it's pretty much like if your computer is in standby mode, all running programs are paused. Checked into this when doing the vibranotifyer, since running it in standby was my original plan.
I certainly hope I'm wrong, maybe someone can correct me?
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Too bad, but maybe I was not clear in my request.
I mean that the phone is only with the screeo switched off, but it is still active.
For example when it is in this state the phone can ring on a call or on sms...
If I understand well you mean that an apps like S2U2 can't do anything if the screen is offf while you press the power button ?
Thank you for further explanations, I'm really curious on that...
titipsx said:
Too bad, but maybe I was not clear in my request.
I mean that the phone is only with the screeo switched off, but it is still active.
For example when it is in this state the phone can ring on a call or on sms...
If I understand well you mean that an apps like S2U2 can't do anything if the screen is offf while you press the power button ?
Thank you for further explanations, I'm really curious on that...
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AFAIK the calling, sms'ing etc is handled on a lower layer than what is allowed for the programs, suppose the hardware raises events or something when this happens which wakes up the OS.
Can't seem to see that S2U2 does anything while the mobile is in standby mode?
I just noticed something... maybe I'm wrong..!?
But It feels like the battery is draining faster with the VibraNotify!?
Anyone else that noticed something like this?
Gonna test some more... I'll know more tomorrow...

Answering calls delay

There is a 2 sec delay between hitting the "ANSWER" key and getting/starting to send my voice to caller.
It's annoying that i have to wait about 2 seckonds till i can say HEY.
What program can i use to remove this annoying bug
or can i just use other kind of phone software?
(i used phonex and it was faster, delay was about 0,5 sec)
By default, there's a 3 sec delay between hitting the END key and dropping the call,
that can be adjusted by advanced configuration tool. set mine to 0 sec.
h2kk said:
By default, there's a 3 sec delay between hitting the END key and dropping the call,
that can be adjusted by advanced configuration tool. set mine to 0 sec.
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Would it be possible to put up a link to advanced config tool software that you are using?
I can't seem to find the setting on v2 and v3.0+ wont work because of some .net framework problem.
h2kk, do you happen to have any idea whats the "keyboard layout" which is default: custom ? Is it the onscreen or hardware keyboard?
Seems like no one cares about the MOST IMPORTANT feature: PHONE
Beleive it or not, lots of people use X1 to make and receive calls,
and if that feature is buggy, then, i'd rather have that fixed, than use touch flow from htc hd.
Or is there a thread somewhere and i just don't seem to find it?
h2kk said:
Seems like no one cares about the MOST IMPORTANT feature: PHONE
Beleive it or not, lots of people use X1 to make and receive calls,
and if that feature is buggy, then, i'd rather have that fixed, than use touch flow from htc hd.
Or is there a thread somewhere and i just don't seem to find it?
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Have you tried searching rather than expect someone to do your work for you.
Ive just typed "call delay after answer" into the search and come up with this lot.
There's a lot of discussion over this on loads of different phones, some people believe it's the processor struggling, (too many progs running etc) but I'd hope not with a device this quick,
I haven't had this happen to me yet, touch wood etc...
others seem to think it's a variety of things, you could try this.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\PHONE\PhoneExtendS etting]
Fix described in the link above was for Windows Mobile 5, but hopefully it will do the trick for you. Let me know if it works.. If so, I'll use it when my phone arrives!!
fards said:
Have you tried searching rather than expect someone to do your work for you.
Ive just typed "call delay after answer" into the search and come up with this lot.
There's a lot of discussion over this on loads of different phones, some people believe it's the processor struggling, (too many progs running etc) but I'd hope not with a device this quick,
I haven't had this happen to me yet, touch wood etc...
others seem to think it's a variety of things, you could try this.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\PHONE\PhoneExtendS etting]
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Should the "CallProgressIdleTimeout" value be predefined in the registry? Because for me it wasn't there. I created an object an set it to "0000" but it didn't help anything. I still have approximately 1,5 seconds delay after hitting the answer-button before the call gets connected.
Rahul3000 said:
Fix described in the link above was for Windows Mobile 5, but hopefully it will do the trick for you. Let me know if it works.. If so, I'll use it when my phone arrives!!
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nah dont use that one, it's for the delay in the phone ringing, but will mess a few things up soundwise on the X1 I think.
I actually searched and didn't find a solution.
Tried google again but all the results lead nowhere.
Also i have allready changed my registry (don't have the callprogressidletimeout though)
This fix only makes the phone ring instantly, that's not our problem here.
I'll say it again. The reason why i started this thread is:
When i used Phonex software, then answering calls was a lot faster
I'm willing to uninstall the default dialer/phone application (still don't know how to do that)
and use phonex or any other fast piece of software. (phonex freezes my phone)
h2kk said:
I actually searched and didn't find a solution.
Tried google again but all the results lead nowhere.
Also i have allready changed my registry (don't have the callprogressidletimeout though)
This fix only makes the phone ring instantly, that's not our problem here.
I'll say it again. The reason why i started this thread is:
When i used Phonex software, then answering calls was a lot faster
I'm willing to uninstall the default dialer/phone application (still don't know how to do that)
and use phonex or any other fast piece of software. (phonex freezes my phone)
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What phone skin/dialer are you using ? the stock SE one?
you can revert to the default WM one by changing this key.
hklm/security/phone/skin/enabled to 0 and reboot.
try that, if it changes things then it might be worth changing the caches as the both the manilla (tf3d) and SE dialler take up a fair bit of memory, what do you have those set at?
I'm quite interested in what's causing it, as I don't have this problem on my phone
Phonex looks quite nice,

[REG] Better profile handling program

Hi guys, first post from me so excuse if theres some infos missing what you need, but I'll add as something is asked.
I'm a long user of Nokia phones and just changed my E90 into a Diamond. And the one thing that I really miss is that theres not exactly different profiles to choose from (or made your own). Theres only selections for silent and vibrate, other than the normal selections. And I really miss that from Nokia phones. Just a few simple clicks and phone has a loud theme with a different ringtone and SMS message sound, or then its almost quiet (like when my baby is sleeping).. I think you all get the picture, if you ever had Nokia phones =)
So my reguest is for someone to point out a program or if someone wants to make I would be glad, really glad I think some others would like these too
I could make another post but I'll just add few other programs also to here that maybe someone knows if there exists similar for Diamond
- BestProfiles (enable selected profiles to turn on at some time of day)
- FlipSilent (turn ur phone face-down and its on silent, works for alarming to go snooze)
- Putty (great for symbian phones but I found only programs that arent so good as this is)
Anyways thnx in advantage if someone can help a dude out...
PS. only had HTC for a few days but after starting using it I had to order a data-plan to my mobile and a better battery, but this was off-topic..
Try ageye's G-Profile (, you get a fully 14-days working demo and full app is just 5€! One of the most happily money spent ever for my Diamond, now I even have it start playing music when I plugin earphones/carkit and stop when disconnecting!
teorouge said:
Try ageye's G-Profile , you get a fully 14-days working demo and full app is just 5€! One of the most happily money spent ever for my Diamond, now I even have it start playing music when I plugin earphones/carkit and stop when disconnecting!
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I just installed it and it seems a fair try, tho it has a lot more possibilitys that i would actually need from a app might even help that dude out to translate it to my native language, like i just did to PocketShield, not finished yet but almost =)
Below again some off-topic, maybe some admin explains to me how to get rid of it =)
ErrorsOccured said:
1. To prevent spam to the forums, new users are not permitted to post outside links in their messages. All new user accounts will be verified by moderators before this restriction is removed.
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Got that error from replying to your message and wondered first that wtf, i didnt put any links in my reply, and after that noticed that link from u to G-Profile

3 most worst problems of our Mini

3 most worst problems of our Mini​
1)Problem with Lock Screen. In missed calls wrong number is appearing.
2)Problem with in-call volume. After phone restarting, we have to push the side button during a call in order to increase the volume, because the initial level is approximately 40%.
3)HTC has released an update which supposes fix the problem with in-call volume. Are you sure that this update fix the problem which is written above (2) ? In case of “Yes”, could we install only the second “update file” (cab) in order to get rid of in-call volume ?
I bring to your attention to all issues above. Please for your cooperation in order to find a solution finally !! Furthermore, if someone has found a solution, I personally beg to publish the solution. Summing up, please try to keep this post ACTIVE !!! We have to pay lots of money for this wonderful mobile. However, it’s a really pity that these problems discomfort us !!! I am sure that together we can find a solution FINALLY !!!
I totally agree with you.
The first problem has occurred more than once on my mini.
The fact is that he always show the previous missed call.
So when your father calls you and you miss it.
And then the next day your sister calls and you miss that call again,
the lock screen will say that you missed a call from your father.
Strange that this has not been fixed yet, since this will just be a minor error.
My best guess is that they search the first missed call (missedcall(1))
where the function is maybe starting to count from 0.
beejee0 said:
always show the previous missed call
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Exactly my friend ! Ragarding second problem about in-call volume ? Do you have the same problem ?
Yes, but...
While the problems listed are serious, to me the very worst problem is the volume. Laid flat, the device is inaudible. Also I find the volume control was placed on the wrong side of the device. I think it should been on the right side but then I am a righty. Also I have big hand and end up changing the volume unintentionally. Because of the extreme sensitivity of the screen and placement of the talk/send soft key, my thumb pad (?) has placed numerous calls. This is correctable but one wonders if anybody at HTC played with the phone before the design was finalized.
humphster said:
While the problems listed are serious, to me the very worst problem is the volume. Laid flat, the device is inaudible. Also I find the volume control was placed on the wrong side of the device. I think it should been on the right side but then I am a righty. Also I have big hand and end up changing the volume unintentionally. Because of the extreme sensitivity of the screen and placement of the talk/send soft key, my thumb pad (?) has placed numerous calls. This is correctable but one wonders if anybody at HTC played with the phone before the design was finalized.
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yeah i dont like that ringtones are not so loud too..but this might help u
Stl09 said:
Exactly my friend ! Ragarding second problem about in-call volume ? Do you have the same problem ?
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I must say that the volume hasn't bothered me yet.
It's really strange !!! Some people have problem with volume level and some others not !!!
Your comments guys... Give all a try in order to fix this problem FINALLY
More serious problems:
1. Phone tends to freeze every few weeks. Only solution is to do hard reset, losing all data from your latest sync.
2. While having a numeric keypad is a great plus for a touch screen device, this great feature of HD mini is buggy. At times, it doesn't know if it's operating under T9 or under abc mode. The worst problem is that it tends to save every erroneous typing into the custom dictionary, with no option to ask for confirmation. While the custom words you really need requires a confirmation press on the word. Often, the custom words you want added to the dictionary are added erroneously, mispelled and cannot be modified or deleted. This is one very messy virtual keyboard.
3. Some regular and important options are restricted. Like the option to hide headers and scroll bars in mobile excel is greyed (unavailable). For no particular reason, other than to cripple the app.
4. Weather tab is buggy and a tremendous resource hog. Disable it and avoid it at all cost. It gobbles up close to 10Mb of ram, and makes the Sense unstable.
5. HTC Messaging is extremely slow. Cannot effective handle more than a few hundred messages.
6. Editing contacts is a mess. Copy and paste is disabled in many of the fields. Editing contacts will often freeze up the phone for a long time. Sometimes reaching several minutes. (Don't reset the phone no matter how long it takes, it will come around. It's just extremely slow and inefficient.)
Stl09 said:
Exactly my friend ! Ragarding second problem about in-call volume ? Do you have the same problem ?
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beejee0 said:
I must say that the volume hasn't bothered me yet.
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I once emailed them about "wrong missed-phone appearing on the Lock Screen", you know what was their reply? (actually, you can guess)
Wow, so simple?
Hard-reset won't be the solution, bc, I have had hard-reset more than once, the problem still can not be solved.
Hopefully, HTC will soon issue some kind of patch for this.
Best regards
nguoidungnq said:
I once emailed them about "wrong missed-phone appearing on the Lock Screen", you know what was their reply? (actually, you can guess)
Wow, so simple?
Hard-reset won't be the solution, bc, I have had hard-reset more than once, the problem still can not be solved.
Hopefully, HTC will soon issue some kind of patch for this.
Best regards
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It won't work. HTC tech guys are so lazy and do not know how to solve problems. They always go for quick fix that won't work at all. Only to pretend they know what to tell you.
Some of the quick answers they usually go for are:
1. Go to service center for replacement (even if it's just a small software bug)
2. Hard reset (without even understanding why)
3. Soft reset
All these quick answers cannot solve any problems.
2)Problem with in-call volume. After phone restarting, we have to push the side button during a call in order to increase the volume, because the initial level is approximately 40%.
The problem above is the MOST SERIOUS for me !!!! We've paid lots of money and phone doesn't do the standard functions !! Let's BOMB with emails HTC Support
the problem which bothers me is that the footprints points to google maps or to copilot software,but i want it to point to my favorite gps software which is iGO....i asked htc support how to make footprints to open iGO NOT copilot $h|t is what they answered
(South East EU Support
(Customer Service)) Close Pending Dear Mr.Mirea, Thank you for contacting HTC. Kindly note that Footprints uses the GPS software installed on your device. If you have any other inquiries, don’t hesitate to contact us again. Please note that you can contact us via support line For further details, please go to Thank you so much for using HTC products. Respect & Regards, HTC Team
here is my reply on that
btw..does your sms tab shows messages shows like mail one..i mean with flipping pages?
Stl09 said:
2)Problem with in-call volume. After phone restarting, we have to push the side button during a call in order to increase the volume, because the initial level is approximately 40%.
The problem above is the MOST SERIOUS for me !!!! We've paid lots of money and phone doesn't do the standard functions !! Let's BOMB with emails HTC Support
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Yes. That's what i've been promoting. Drown HTC Support with surge of email complaints. This is the only way to force them to get off their lazy ass and do some real work.
tzacapaca said:
the problem which bothers me is that the footprints points to google maps or to copilot software,but i want it to point to my favorite gps software which is iGO....i asked htc support how to make footprints to open iGO NOT copilot $h|t is what they answered
(South East EU Support
(Customer Service)) Close Pending Dear Mr.Mirea, Thank you for contacting HTC. Kindly note that Footprints uses the GPS software installed on your device. If you have any other inquiries, don’t hesitate to contact us again. Please note that you can contact us via support line For further details, please go to Thank you so much for using HTC products. Respect & Regards, HTC Team
here is my reply on that
btw..does your sms tab shows messages shows like mail one..i mean with flipping pages?
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Unfortunately, they almost never read your complaints. All they do is to issue standard pre-composed responses. Which will not contain any answers to your questions. This is their method. Of all the complaints i've written to them, none were ever answered.
SMS tab doesn't show flipping pages. Just simple text in a black background. The only effects you get is the twisting of the text when being swiped away. I think only big brother HD2 gets the flipping page effect for SMS.
bart3385 said:
Unfortunately, they almost never read your complaints. All they do is to issue standard pre-composed responses. Which will not contain any answers to your questions. This is their method. Of all the complaints i've written to them, none were ever answered.
SMS tab doesn't show flipping pages. Just simple text in a black background. The only effects you get is the twisting of the text when being swiped away. I think only big brother HD2 gets the flipping page effect for SMS.
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Damn finally i will have to call them,maybe this way i will get a proper answer
tzacapaca said:
Damn finally i will have to call them,maybe this way i will get a proper answer
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Good luck on that. In our country, the HTC "hotline" is permanently connected to a fax machine. The only response you ever get is fax tone. Nobody answers the call.
Battery only less one day?!!!!!! [email protected]#
Stl09 said:
3 most worst problems of our Mini​
1)Problem with Lock Screen. In missed calls wrong number is appearing.
2)Problem with in-call volume. After phone restarting, we have to push the side button during a call in order to increase the volume, because the initial level is approximately 40%.
3)HTC has released an update which supposes fix the problem with in-call volume. Are you sure that this update fix the problem which is written above (2) ? In case of “Yes”, could we install only the second “update file” (cab) in order to get rid of in-call volume ?
I bring to your attention to all issues above. Please for your cooperation in order to find a solution finally !! Furthermore, if someone has found a solution, I personally beg to publish the solution. Summing up, please try to keep this post ACTIVE !!! We have to pay lots of money for this wonderful mobile. However, it’s a really pity that these problems discomfort us !!! I am sure that together we can find a solution FINALLY !!!
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the same problems my mini

