importing into US - FCC Form - Touch HD General

this is a question to any people who imported the HD by buying online
i got my through handtec,
but FedEx is asking me to fill out the FCC Form 700
there are a few fields i don't know what to write
Date of Entry: ?
Entry Number: ?
Port of Entry: ?
Harmonized Tariff Number: ?
Trade Name: ?
thanks for any advice and sorry if this was asked before; i did try to search

I had the same issue, however Fedex said they would complete the first row of detail in the form, Date of Entry, Entry Number, Port of Entry & Harmonized Tariff Number. So all you should need is:
Trade Name: HTC Touch HD

thanks for your help mmdirk
and congrats on your 1st post


Vodafone V1640 8 digit SimLock Code

If anyone has been supplied with the 8 digits SimLock code (from the provider) for Vodafone V1640 please post it in that topic!
We are trying to compare the relation between them in order to see
how the manufactures have calculate the algorithms.
Our acquired code starts with *2530* If someone has related code
from Vodafone starts with the above numbers please let us know; this
will be very helpful.
Thank you,

caller ID question send to contacts only ?

Hello...just wondering about an option in the Hermes if some one could tell me about the caller ID settings.
Does it have all 3 options suchs as the following:
Send caller ID to every one
Send only to Contact ( this is this the option I have seen in Smart phones but not in windows pocket pc smart phones)
Send to no one
If some one would be so kind enough to answer this it would be greatly apperciated
Hi Geek,
I don't think there are any settings in the phone to do this but it can be done manually.
There are 2 network enabled settings you can have setup by requesting them from your phone - CLIP and CLIR; CLIP is Calling Line Identity Presentation (show ID - also called CLI) and CLIR is Calling Line Identity Restriction (hide ID). These are done by sending *#30# and *#31# to the network respectfully. It's worth knowing not all network support CLIR.
So if you send *#30# to the network you will enable CLIP and everyone will see your ID. If you send *#31# to the network your ID will be hidden from everyone. your network should say 'accepted', 'enabled' or something similar if it accepts the request.
That covers 2 of your points. Now for the 3rd. If you have CLIP enabled (*#30# - everyone sees your ID) and you wish to hide your number from some people then you dial the number like #31#<number> SEND.
If you do it the other way and leave CLIR enabled (*#31# - no one sees your ID) then dial the number *31#<number> SEND.
Hope this helps.

Get Vogue MSL like this...

download, unrar the 2 files and copy unto your vougue, run from vogue, for the input put in your ESN with the letters in capital, then the result in output is the MSL
Unfortunately it didn't work on my Telus HTC Touch I was so hopeful, too.
Scratch that! It works as long as you enter the Hex value of your ESN, rather than the DEC value. Great utility!!!
Call sprint (*2), at the menu, ask for vision / data. That should get you straight to a tech, not a cust service rep. Tell them you have error 67 (vision username / password error) and error 1012 (error while provisioning vision services). They will tell you to go into the programming menu (##3282#) and then they will give you another number to enter. That is you MSL number. It is as easy as that. Seriously. I just called in on these errors ( I am actually getting these errors) and the tech walked me through what to do. In doing so, they will give you your MSL number. Try it. NOthing to loose right?
email ecare
All I did was send this email to ecare.
The Account Number is
The Account Holder PCS Phone Number is
The Account Holder Email on record is
The Account Holder Mailing Address is
I would like the MSID # and the MSL # for my phone. Can you please
provide me with these?
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And they sent me this response within 8 hours.
Thank you for contacting Sprint. I will be happy to assist you regarding the phone.
I would like to share that the MSID number is and MSL number is . The information is for phone number .
If there is anything else I can assist you with, please feel free to write me. I am here for you.
Thank you for contacting us. Have a great day!
Oscar T.
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I erased the info in this post, but they did send me both numbers.
Anybody know why I am receiving this error when trying ot receive a MMS: Error Code: 1012
Could not prepare Vision Services.
Please Try again later. If the problem persists, you may need to contact Sprint.
I have the Verizon XV6900 with it updated to a ROM from PPCGEEKS
Any suggestions?

Verizon AKey

I have some questions regarding Verizon's AKey. I believe my Imagio needs an akey because VZW can't authenticate it. Please only reply if you are willing to help answer my questions.
1. Do All VZW devices use an akey to authenticate the phone on the network? I thought it was for data only. Up until a week ago I didn' even know there was such a thing.
2. In the ESPT (##778 ) settings is the akey field supposed to be blank because it is on my Vogue.
3. Is it correct the akey is 26 digits?
4. Is there a way that I can extract the akey from my Vogue. CDMA workshop 2.7 was no help. I did connect it to DFS & was able to read an akey. There are four fields in the Keys section on the General Tab which are DEC, akey, SSDA, SSDB. Next to the the DEC field there is CS field (check sum) which DFS didn't read.
DEC: 20 digit numeric number.
akey: 16 digit alpha numeric number.
If I do need the akey for my imagio to work on the network then I'll have #8899 like the nice female voice says & this should hopefully resolve my issue. GSM phone are so much easier to play with, just pop in the old sim card. in teh new phone.

[SOLUTION][SMSC Setting]SMS Problem-Cannot send SMS

Hi All,
Just wanna share a solution to a problem that had me frustrated for months trying to get sms working properly on my phone, especially after rom flashes.
This solution worked for me but I offer no guarantee to anybody wants to give this a try. Don't worry, it's nothing high level so it won't brick your phone or FC the hell outta ya.
## Edit: I know that most of you can set the SMS message centre number via Messaging app>Settings>SMSC number. For me, I can't do that cos for some reason, the ROM i'm using somehow does not have that setting option in the messaging app, I don't know why cos that's up to the ROM dev. So I used the dialer codes to access that setting instead. Either way works, whichever you feel is more accessible.
*Note: The SMSC number used in my example is for Singapore Singtel users only. For other telcos or even people from other countries, please find out your SMS service number in the list below first before trying out the steps below. The method will work only if you have the correct service number from your telco.
If you have the same problems as me:
Can receive SMSes
Can receive/send MMSes
Can surf Internet/No issues with data/3G working perfectly fine
Simply just CANNOT send /reply any SMSes
...then do the following:
Go to your dialer
Key in *#*#4636#*#*
From the menu, choose Phone Information
Scroll down the page until you see an item called "SMSC:" with a textbox right beside it
Tap on the textbox and key in the numbers: 06915669917777
Tap on the Update button
Exit the page using the back key or home button
Try sending or replying to a SMS. There you have it, it should work.
## I wished to compile a list of SMSC numbers of any telco of any country. Combined with the method above, you get a viable solution to what it seems to be a frustrating problem for some of us here. Feel free to contribute your SMSC info here and I will periodically amend the listing accordingly. If this solution still doesn't work for you then I can only say that I'm sorry, there's only so much one can provide. Hopefully you can find your solution elsewhere in the XDA universe, I'm sure there will be something for you.
Singtel - 06915669917777
Malaysia (Courtesy of override182)
Maxis - 0120000015
UK (Courtesy of NOS_20)
Manx Telecom Pronto GSM +447624499955
Vodafone UK +44-385016005
O2 (Was BT Cellnet / Genie mobile) +447802000332 (contract)
+447802092035 (pay as you go) Alternative: +447802000334
Virgin Mobile UK +447958879890
Orange UK +44-973100973
Orange UK +44-973100974 internal
T-mobile (One2One) UK +44-7958879879
Guernsey Telecom +44-4481/7781
Jersey Telecom +44-9797
Jersey +44 7797704444
Hutchinson 3G (3) +44-7782000800
Tesco +447802092035
Argentina (Courtesy of cpl.Bower)
Claro +543200000001 or +543200000000
France (Courtesy of StAfFoRdShIrE)
Bouygues Télécom +33660003000
Vodafone +351911616161 (Courtesy of jgcaap)
No need for donations. Just a simple thanks will do
Why on earth did you not add Singapore Singtel users only your title
Nyssa1104 said:
Why on earth did you not add Singapore Singtel users only your title
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Why on earth did you not read further? I mentioned that the solution is for Singapore Singtel users only because the SMSC number that I indicated is from Singtel. I do not know what SMSC number that the other telcos are using SO, I quote myself again:
For other telcos or even people from other countries, please find out your SMS service number first before trying out the steps below.
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For the sake of pampered readers like you, I have amended my note in the post so that you don't have to waste kilojoules of energy to read. This solution can be used anywhere in the world. The only differing factor is the SMSC number used by your respective telco. That, is for you to find out. Therefore, I'm not restricting the solution to only Singapore Singtel users.
If anyone of you is kind enough to post your telco's SMSC number here, I will gladly compile a list.
Well yes OP is right but its a standard reply to all with SMS problem check your Message Centre settings posted here since the dawn of SGS2 .
List of numbers sounds good but those with problems wont search and wont read OP took months to find a well posted solution .
I say that as i have just answered exact same SMS question again .
JJEgan said:
Well yes OP is right but its a standard reply to all with SMS problem check your Message Centre settings posted here since the dawn of SGS2 .
List of numbers sounds good but those with problems wont search and wont read OP took months to find a well posted solution .
I say that as i have just answered exact same SMS question again .
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Yes you are probably right. But I do not see any sticky on this issue. And there are plenty of feedback from pple trying to find solutions but only found questions unanswered.
I was just thinking if my OP can be sticky that probably it can help in needless searching.
Stickies would be needed for every single item on SGS2 starting with the On button .
This thread will be lost within days so no long term help .
maxis malaysia - 0120000015
JJEgan said:
Stickies would be needed for every single item on SGS2 starting with the On button .
This thread will be lost within days so no long term help .
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Sure no biggie, sticky or not, I'm sure this can help in one way or another. Since there can be so many solutions to a problem, I'm happy to provide one out of so many alternatives.
In a way I made my own sticky by putting it in my sig
override182 said:
maxis malaysia - 0120000015
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Hi override182, thanks for the contribute!
Ask a mod to put it in the stickie thread is what i suggest then it does not get lost .
I think its a problem in my sim card from 2 days that i can't send sms, i also tried this a day ago but it just fails to send sms
But the SMSC number i used can also be wrong, so if anyone can tell me the SMSC number of tata docomo-india then i will confirm it if its a sim card problem or SMSC
sahibunlimited said:
I think its a problem in my sim card from 2 days that i can't send sms, i also tried this a day ago but it just fails to send sms
But the SMSC number i used can also be wrong, so if anyone can tell me the SMSC number of tata docomo-india then i will confirm it if its a sim card problem or SMSC
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Hi sahibunlimited, sorry to hear u have this problem too. As I have mentioned in OP, you might want to enquire about the correct SMSC number from your telco first before attempting this fix, in your case calling up tata docomo will be your best bet in getting the accurate info.
Once you get that info, you might also want to post it here so that it might also help others in your region who could encounter the same problem as well. I will gladly add your info to my listing.
JJEgan said:
Ask a mod to put it in the stickie thread is what i suggest then it does not get lost .
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Appreciate your suggestion. So, a shoutout to mods out there, if you have read this thread and find it sticky-worthy, please do so. I will do my part in actively maintaining this thread.
any more of you out there willing to contribute your info here?
I will just need your telco name and SMSC number. If you don't know how to get the SMSC number, you can acces it via Messaging app>Settings>SMSC.
OR alternatively, you can go to your dialer and key in *#*#4636#*#*. Scoll down until you see the SMSC item with a textbox beside it. Hit the refresh button and if you are one of those who did not have any problems with SMSC before, you should see a lengthy number appearing in the textbox. That will be your SMSC number.
I appreciate all that can contribute some input here.
A fellow Singtel user here so cant help you with any input. Just wanna thank you for making an effort to help ppl that may have such problem in the future!
Had a similar problem once on Aokp/Aosp roms, I switched to Samsung rom and SMS used to be sent but on Aosp it didn't work. The smsc was the problem but it couldn't be changed using the dialer code. It used to give me some error. The solution I later found was to go to the Samsung messaging app , put in my messaging center number and voila! It works just perfect in any rom now, including aosp roms
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Im using Maxis in Malaysia, and your solution Solved my problem, thx :good:, Im just wondering since the no given 0120000015 is without the international prefix which is +6 , will sms's still work overseas or even in Sg whilst roaming?
I tried keying in +60120000015 but it says input error, only accepts the no without the prefix.
Just realised that I have to repeat the steps by rekeying the number in whenever i reboot my phone?? Any ideas??
cablesguy said:
Im using Maxis in Malaysia, and your solution Solved my problem, thx :good:, Im just wondering since the no given 0120000015 is without the international prefix which is +6 , will sms's still work overseas or even in Sg whilst roaming?
I tried keying in +60120000015 but it says input error, only accepts the no without the prefix.
Just realised that I have to repeat the steps by rekeying the number in whenever i reboot my phone?? Any ideas??
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sorry for the late late reply.
as far as i know, without the prefix it still works bcos when overseas u will be roaming and the overseas telco will recognise the smsc number by identifying your sim card locale settings, which i assume will declare the prefix that the telco should use. So no problem here
To be fair I will test it out since I'm also going away for a vacation soon.
As to you having to rekey the numbers, actually you do not have to. After keying in the dialer code, when you are in the interface, you may just see an empty box beside the SMSC field but you just need to hit Refresh and after 1-2s you should see the SMSC number displayed in the box. I dunno why its always showing an empty box but you shouldn't worry. As long you enter the correct number and update the first time, it should always be there.
poppienutshell said:
any more of you out there willing to contribute your info here?
I will just need your telco name and SMSC number. If you don't know how to get the SMSC number, you can acces it via Messaging app>Settings>SMSC.
OR alternatively, you can go to your dialer and key in *#*#4636#*#*. Scoll down until you see the SMSC item with a textbox beside it. Hit the refresh button and if you are one of those who did not have any problems with SMSC before, you should see a lengthy number appearing in the textbox. That will be your SMSC number.
I appreciate all that can contribute some input here.
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Here are some UK SMSC Numbers....
Manx Telecom Pronto GSM +447624499955
Vodafone UK +44-385016005
O2 (Was BT Cellnet / Genie mobile) +447802000332 (contract)
+447802092035 (pay as you go) Alternative: +447802000334
Virgin Mobile UK +447958879890
Orange UK +44-973100973
Orange UK +44-973100974 internal
T-mobile (One2One) UK +44-7958879879
Guernsey Telecom +44-4481/7781
Jersey Telecom +44-9797
Jersey +44 7797704444
Hutchinson 3G (3) +44-7782000800
Tesco +447802092035
Nos_20 said:
Here are some UK SMSC Numbers....
Manx Telecom Pronto GSM +447624499955
Vodafone UK +44-385016005
O2 (Was BT Cellnet / Genie mobile) +447802000332 (contract)
+447802092035 (pay as you go) Alternative: +447802000334
Virgin Mobile UK +447958879890
Orange UK +44-973100973
Orange UK +44-973100974 internal
T-mobile (One2One) UK +44-7958879879
Guernsey Telecom +44-4481/7781
Jersey Telecom +44-9797
Jersey +44 7797704444
Hutchinson 3G (3) +44-7782000800
Tesco +447802092035
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Thank you very much for your contributions. Added to first post.
Yeah I'm on a different phone on a different plan but it seems like it's improper apn settings and wrong smsc settings as well that causes this. Kind of a pain.

