compact framework 3.5 unsafe code problem - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

When i'm put some unsafe{} section in some method(C#), i'm receive InvalidProgramException when call this method.
when i'm use a full framework, everything work fine.

Can anybody help me?


Compact Framework Error (MissingMethodException)

Today, ive played around with my Touch Dual a bit. I tried to get TrackMe working, and since it required Compact Framework 3.5, i installed that too.
However, after some troubles getting Compact Framework 3.5 to install, i finally just removed both Trackme and Compact Framework.
However, now when i boot up the phone, i get a MissingMethodException with SlideMon.exe (SlideActions). I know SlideActions requires CF2.0, so i installed that, with and without Service Pack 2. DIdnt help either.
The error I get is:
Version=, Culture=neutral,
(Error message in Norwegian, but its regarding an object or dependency not found etc)..
Any help would be really appreciated!

framework errors on a stock HTC Touch HD rom ?

Hi there,
Has anyone got the same errors like when you try to start TrackMe or other Compact .Net framework based applications ?
It says something like Method missing... No better luck if I reinstall the Framework
Error message is (translated from the french):
file or assembly called "System.Data.SqlServerCE, version=, Culture = neutral" is missing
I have the same, any solution out there ?
Make sure you install SQLce too
(in the meantime, I switched from blackstone to a G1)

(HELP) apps on NET CF 3.5 not working

I have many apps working only with NET CF 3.5 installed.
everything was working fine.
today I hard reseted my device to replace the hebrew support (it used to be P.D.A.C hebrew and now it's EYRON)
now nothing works.
tried to install NET frameworks from PC and from .cab - nothing works.
when I open up the "details" list on the ERROR msg. it says a lot about it being a wrong platform and something about globalization.
do you know of a direct connection between frameworks and lang. support ?
any fix ?
or am I wrong ?

Problem with .NET CF 3.5 contained in ROM

Hi guys,
recently my HD2 just didn't want to work anymore. Basically it was "on" and plugged via USB to my computer and when I came back by some time, it was completely "off". I tried to activate it but did not succeed to get further then the white screen, whatever I tried.
Result: hard reset.
As I saw that there is an official ROM which was newer than mine I downloaded 1.66er ROM from
Everything wet well until I wanted to start Task Fascade. TF tells me: "For this application is a newer version of the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework required" (translated from german to english)
Okay, easy go, I downloaded the 3.5er version of the .NET framework and tried to install the CAB but the installer complains too:"The .NET Compact Framework-Version you are trying to install is already contained in the ROM" (message has also been translated from german to english)
Now I was confused, obviously the 3.5er version is already installed. So I did some search and found (once more) help on this page:
13. Install Compact Net Framework 3.5 to Make Old Apps Work Again
Some apps you may have used on another phone will not work on the Leo unless you install Compact Net Framework to your phone. Download the cab from the following link and install to Device only - not Storage Card and then reset. [...] Also make sure your phone is using the 3.5 as default and not 2.0. Go here: HKLM/Software/Microsoft/.NETCompactFramework. Change the DWORD data of entry 2.0.7045.00 from 1 to 0. Next Change the DWORD data of entry 3.5.7283.00 from 0 to 1 and then reset. This disables 2.0 and enables 3.5. Also some apps need the file NETCFv35.Messages.EN.wm. Here is the link to download the file: [...] Install the to device after you installed and reset.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I did everything I could and double checked the registry entries, rebooted several times but achieved nothing. TF still says the .NET version is too old and the 3.5 installer complains that 3.5 is already installed.
I need some help now

HELP PLEASE...need the app Tellme to work on the 6.5 vogue roms help please...

I installed this on my Sprint Touch(Vogue) , it actually installed fine , and the touch controls work, but doesnt reconize voice like it cant hear me and mabee needs to install Net cf 3.5 ,, but Problem with installation, I got the Error 3 that another poster got(newer version already installed) and could not finish the Net CF installation. If anyone has gotten this/ or fixed this error, please post. hear r some things thay say we need to have.
also attached is a working bing with voice app. help please
and hear is the app.

