Syncronize with Exhange Server - Radio Issue? - Networking

I'm having a lot of headaches trying to get a few HTC phones in our network to syncronize with Exhange.
I have searched many of the forums on XDA, but only seem to get results relating to SSL certificates and Exchange.
My problem is:
The Majority of HTC devices do connect and synchronize with the Exchange Server without any problem. However, there is around 4 phones that does not ever seem to connect. If you try to sync, active sync will contact the server, the firewall will show that the connection is being re-directed to the relevant port on the Exchange server, but the phone will just sit at a screen showing "synchronizing" for ages, en then (sometimes) disconnect, without any error message, at this stage (while typing this, the phone as been saying "synchronizing" for 5 mins, still with no luck!
My personal phone (HTC Touch Pro) with the stock ROM and Radio, worked fine. Then I updated the ROM and the Radio Rom - resulting in the error to occur once again. I flashed back to the older Radio ROM, and the phone connected fine once again. But now suddenly, for the past week, the phone does not connect anymore (I did try un-ticking the Proxy, but that made no difference)
Any advice or any thread that might help would be fantastic!!
Ps- After waiting another 10mins Active sync replied with a message "waiting for Network" - Yet, the phone is connected to my 3G connection.


wifi help, yes again i know...

i read pages of threads on this forum, but im not getting nowhere fast!
I'll start at the begining, mda t-mobile original rom, working as it should, upgraded the rom several diff ones and not working, tryed the origainal rom and not working!
rom now on the mda,
ROM version
radio version 01.13.10
protocal version
ExtROM version
ive intsalled DJVW WLAN 302.11g Activator
Now the problem, when the wifis switched on it takes awhile to even detect the network, my old ipaq would be conected as soon as switched on?
when it does detect the network it trys to conect for about 2mins then gives up ( in same room as router )
it wont conect but i can see the mda has downloaded about 20kbs of info, but can get no further?
Am i missing something here?
Also where do you go to check you have the latest drivers, updates, newest rom etc
Thanks for taking the time to read this :wink:
I have found that i am having similiar problems with Wifi after updating to the latest qtek 9100 ship ROM on my qtek 9100 device.
the device can "see" the WIFI but it will not/connot "use" it.
Ya same here. I can turn on the wifi but it doesnt connect anymore ! I know fopr sure that there are at least 4 wifi connections around me normally but I dont see any of them !
I had this problem but was able to fix it by giving my router my DNS settings (that I got from my ISP).
For some reason, certian routers will not serve the MDA with any sites unless it has the IP address of your ISP's DNS server.
This should take care of your problem.
If this doesn't work, go to your public library and see if you can get on their wifi. This will help you troubleshoot to see if there's actually a hardware problem.
Actually the problem i had is unusual in that i could connect to any open WIFI zone aswell as our work and home one, BUT it will not carry any traffic AT ALL. Only uses GPRS NO wifi.
I actually hard reset the device yesterday and ensured that Push email was switched off - WIFI is functioning fine now.
There is still one problem. When i cannot the device to my PC for an active sync. It will sync with the PC but throw an error when trying to sync with exchange server via the WIFI.
The error on the PC active sync is
"The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temporary network conditions
SUpport code:85002003"
It also throws an error on the device.
This is a right pain and did not happen on the previous version of the ROM. It means i have to do a seperate exchange server sync when disconnected from the PC. ANyone have ideas on how to fix this.
Incidently, another thing I have noticed with the NEw ROM is that contact lookup is noticeably slower - sometimes I have to wait for a few seconds
before the contact i am searching for actually comes up. This is in comparison to the immediate results of searches in my old ROM.
right ive reload a rom, and the wifi works, then after adding each of my aplications, ive tested the wifi conection, i found wififofum being the problem.
now i know the developer of wififofum has an wizard himself , that runs this aplication no problems, ut on mine it seems to just freeze the wifi, giving a rssi signal of 90 no matter how close or far im from the source?

85002003 error on sync

I keep getting this error on when I try to sync my device - it syncs the local data, but not the data to the server. The server sync is still working through direct push though, just not when I'm connected via usb. Thing is, this error has been on and off since I first set up my device, although this time it has stayed and not gone away. I'm using AS 4.1. I tried upgrading to 4.2, and that worked well for a few days, but then it stopped syncing all together. So I downgraded back to 4.1, set up a new sync profile in AS, and still the problem is there. On my device it says:
Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap Settings.
On my computer it says: The server could not be reached. This may be caused by temporary network conditions. Support Code: 85002003.
This has happened on and off since my ppc had nothing on it. Still though, the last few programs I installed are: One Note Mobile, SuDoKuWizard, Ilium NewsBreak, Spb Weather, Resco today Plugin.
Anyone have any idea what's going on or how to fix it?
I have the same problem, just started failing on Exchange sync.
It seems like the the Wizard is trying to connect via GPRS to sync mail even though it is docked, so this fails. The rest of the sync seems to work.
I have not found a fix yet, except the obvious hard reset. :roll:
I am now also getting an error when I try to run the MMS configuration on the Wizard, it is complaining that MEETING.EXE is missing, dunno why, this also happens when I select meeting from the menu.

email doesn't work but wifi is ok after syncing with AS 4.2

I have a really weird issue. I'm really flabbergasted about this one, I think this is a tricky one.
But maybe some can help me out.
I've got a Qtek 9100 with the latest official firmware ( NLD) so a dutch version.
I use a company SIM card wich has GPRS disabled so I have to use WIFI for internet.
Everything goes well (both browsing as well as email).
But then when I sync my agenda/contacts (none of the other items) with active sync (I tried 4.1 and 4.2) then email doesn't work anymore but WIFI is fine: I still have an IP and I can browse.
The error I get is that the device cannot set up a connection and wants me te set up a modem connection profile (wich I don't have since I only am allowed to use wifi).
Again this error is reported by the emailclient (tmail.exe) but IE works fine!
So somehow after a sync-action with active sync the email client wants to use a GPRS/CSD connection to read mail. I never told it to do so!
I tried the following to solve this issue but with no result:
- I used Memmaid and Check Notifications to find any problems but that was ok.
- I deleted all profiles in active sync (both on the PC as well as on the Qtek).
- I disabled the phone functionality (I hope the phone would understand not to use GPRS/CSD)/
- I tried a soft-reset
The only way to solve this is by a hard reset, but then I have to sync again and I'm back at the beginning of my problem.
Can anyone help me please! I'm desperate.
THanks in advance

Exchange on updating via ActiveSync

Hi all,
We have 2 HD2s which I have cofigured to connect to our exchange server via wireless activesync. Both are running the same ROM (T-Mobile, I know...) and have identical settings appart from the user name and password.
Mine works fine with 'As items arrive' set for the sync schedule yet my bosses simply won't update. It is showing as 'connected' but no updates ever arrive. If I set the schedule to every 5 mins it appears to work.
I know 5 mins isn't a long time to wait but you know bosses!!!!!!
Any ideas would be fantastic!
Thanks, Tom.
It now appears that both handsets keep losing and cannot reestablish their connection. ActiveSync keeps reporting various errors including 0x80830002 and 0x85010018. The only way to establish a connection again is by syncing via USB. After disconnecting the connection stays live for a few mins then drop.
This had all been working fine until a few days ago.
Don't know your errors, but:
Have you activated Microsoft Direct Push in your Phone?
Maybe its a Server-Setting for the User? Or the Authentication SSL/NONSSL.
Do you have to install a private/self generated Certificate?
I would first Check the following:
can your connect via OWA?
Export the Cert (dont forget Root/Intermediate Certificate) install it on your Phone.

Emails over approx 4k cause ActiveSync to fail

Hi all
I have 2 x HD2s configured for ActiveSync with our SBS2003 server. Everything works fine when connected to my laptop via USB or when connected to WiFi (whether at my office or at any remote site unrelated to my local LAN). However, once I am using my data connection I experience the following issue which I have narrowed down through lots of trail and error:
When an email of approx 4k and above arrives I can see ActiveSync trying to sync and it then fails with an error code of 0x80830002. ActiveSync will then never reestablish a connection unless I either remove the particular email from my Outlook inbox, or, I connect to any WiFi connection.
If I set the download limit to 1k, it never fails and I simply receive a trunkated version of the email. However, if I select to download the remained of the text it fails again.
The issue is related to the size of the text within the email as attachements can be downloaded fine.
I have been on to T-Mobile as this feels like a carrier problem as I only experience it when using mobile data connection but they haven't come up with anything.
I'd really appreciate any help you can offer as this is driving me mad!!!!!
Many thanks,
I seem to be having similar problems
Which all started in Mid April. I too am on T-Mobile.....
Though e-mails in excess of 4k have been syncing when OTA is actually working. I hope an expert out there has an idea of what may be wrong!
Hi Niall
I should have posted my solution back here.
I thought (mistakenly) that my SBS2003 box was running service pack 2. It wasn't.
Went to the Microsoft updates website, allowed it to download and install and hey presto!!!
Also, I have noticed that on occasion, for example if the SBS loses its internet connection, that ActiveSync does not reestablish. Simply terminating it in WM task manager causes it to restart and then its fine.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the suggestions. We're on Exchange 2003 SP2 already.
Terminating Activesync in the Task Manager on the phone doesn't help either. The only way to "restart" OTA syncing is to do a USB laptop sync. With SSL it falls down eventually with "Waiting for Network". Without SSL it lasts longer before falling down with error 0x80830002.
I do still wonder if it's related to us changing ISP for head office, but then surely the iPhone or WM6.1 device would also fail?

