Problem in opening web pages - Touch GSM General

Hi all,
I have been using gprs on my touch since I bought it around 5 months ago.
Lately I am getting an error of Web Page not found using Internet Explorer.
Only if I restart the phone or re-run the gprs settings it connects properly. Sometimes it doesn't connect after doing the above steps also, so I have to just refrain from using it for a couple of hours.
I do not keep the gprs conn On continuously. I judiciously turn it off after my browsing is over.
Can anyone help me with this?

hi, try and use skyfire is freeware and better web browser

You might want to get in touch with your carrier and have them set up your gprs connection again. Perhaps something on their end is causing it.
Alternatively, as a suggestion....use opera....its a lot more stable. Check to see if your connection behaves the same way there too.


Problems browsing when DirectPush is enabled...

I've always had trouble getting IE to load any webpage when direct push is enabled...
It keeps saying "Locating..." and does nothing. Eventually, the only way to get it working is by going to comm manager and disabling directpush, disconnecting gprs & reconnecting it.
Is it just me, or does everyone go thru this ordeal when you need to browse a couple websites?
I also have trouble when I try to browse over wifi. My guess is that IE is confused if it has to use gprs or wifi for communication...
I'm using a cingular 8125, with the ak2 rom.... i have no problem browsing with direct push and gprs on.... but the phone does freak out a bit if wifi is on as well. if I'm going to use wifi I just turn off direct push and browse.

Need help with internet connection issue on Artemis

For the past couple of weeks, I've been having issues keeping an internet connection. To describe, I have push email set up so I'm always connected. I seem to get emails fine and I always have an "e" above my signal strength to show that I'm connected. But When I actually want to go to a website, it will connect but after I click on a few links, the next link will just hang. I'm using Opera mini, and after a few pages I get the network test page. Sometimes it will come back and say "you have a working network", and other times it just won't start again.
I was thinking it was just my service (T-Mobile USA) because I use a proxy configuration that's not really ment for full internet access. But I noticed that I was having the same issue when connected to wifi networks. Then I tried PIE and I had similar issues connecting with it as well.
I did just replace my housing. That's the only major change I can think of. I hope this isn't a hardware issue. Anyway, emails still come through but surfing forums has been pretty much shut down. Anyone have any idea of what it could be?
BTW, I've been using the same ROM for over 7 months (O2 Premium Plus) and never had this issue before. No new programs installed since problem either.

Data Connection Problems?

Has anyone else had the problem that you go online and surf the web then maybe a couple of hours later you launch Opera again to go online and it just hangs (the data connection not opera)?
The only way to make it connect is to turn off the data connection then it will log back on...
JetMouse said:
Has anyone else had the problem that you go online and surf the web then maybe a couple of hours later you launch Opera again to go online and it just hangs (the data connection not opera)?
The only way to make it connect is to turn off the data connection then it will log back on...
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yeh iv been getting that problem for sometime now, its frustrating, sometimes i even have to soft reset to get the data connection working. It shows that the data connection is fine and everything seems connected, but then when you try and update weather or browse the web (anything that uses data) you end up getting an error,
its very similar to the problem you get on your home broadband, your router shows its connected and your dsl and everything is active yet you get a white page on your browser and then you have to reset your router, very very frustrating, so i understand your problem exactly.
I'm wondering if this is anything to do with changing cells on your network?
When you travel to a different cell location although the network says you are still connected (and you can still send/receive calls) the data network has actually dropped and needs refreshing?
I suppose what we are after is a program that can refresh the data network every few mins - don't know if this is possible though?
Here in Germany o2 has a problem with the Qualcomm Chipset. I also have hanging connections. A workaround is to disable HSDPA. Maybe you have the same problem?
same problem here (also o2 Germany)
the 3G icon is there and the bubble says there is a connection for x minutes but opera or google maps mobile report a missing connection after a short time of usage. i have to kill the connection manually and after the connection is reestablished it works again for few minutes...... this is so frustrating...
Same problem in Czech republic with O2 provider.
At this moment I found as a fastest way to switch off and on the radio.
I'm using most of the time GPRS connection and this problem is about two times per day so reconnection every day two times is really annoying.
Hopefully somebody will find solution soon...
My problem is slightly different. Sometimes (after using Opera or not) I try to refresh weather and it says "refreshing" but the data connection won't connect (it shows antenna, no arrows with H or 3G). I must then soft reset the PDA to make it work. Any solutions or similar experiences?
Blackstone data connection problems
I have been getting the same problem for sometime now, it is very frustrating, I always have to soft reset to get the data connection working. It shows that the data connection is fine and everything seems connected, but then when you try and update weather or browse the web (anything that uses data) you end up getting an error.
I try to refresh weather and it says "refreshing" but the data connection won't connect (it shows antenna, no arrows with H or 3G). I must then soft reset the PDA to make it work.
I am also wondering if this problem is limited to Blackstone (HTC Touch HD) or extends to HD2 also?
I have noticed that no one ahs posted any solution.
Comeon senior guys PLEASE help us out here.
Many thanks in advance.
Kam2kam, question, What rom are you using, and are you using activesync? If so, have you downloaded any email attachments? I was having the same problem where a couple of times a day I would have to soft reset. The connection would look fine, but if you tried to update anything or browse the net you were met with an error. It was frustrating. I finally narrowed the issue down to activesync and the new manila documents tab. My theory was that when I downloaded an attachment to view in the documents tab activesync would continue to sync the attachment each time it polled for new mail. Since activesync is often slow to sync attachments, my connection to the VPN would timeout before it could finish syncing causing the dreaded "waiting for network". My thought was my VPN connection would freeze thereby preventing my carrier internet from being able to connect; since, at least for me, you cannot have two different data session running simultaneously, i.e. VPN connection and the carrier's connection. The only cure was to soft reset. Ultimately what I did was hunt down any and all email attachments that I had dowloaded, and deleted them all. Since then my data connection went from freezing up twice a day to zero times a day and it's now been over two weeks.
You may not have the same set up as I do, but perhaps there may be something similar going on.
I hope that helps a bit.

Sudden issues with internet connectivity.

So to start with, I did use search
I have my HD with T-Mobile. Everything was working fine for months, until a few days ago.
I'm able to connect to the internet, however after 1-2 seconds, it seems like my phone stops sending/recieving data. Internet connection is still listed as active, yet the pages won't load etc, hitting refresh doesn't do anything.
Worth noting, most of the time, I don't get any errors in Opera, it just stops loading a page after 1-2 seconds. (It's the same with IE and every other online app) Sometimes I get 'ERROR - Could not locate remote server' in Opera.
Internet works fine over WLAN.
I can't link it to any software/rom. When it first happened, I've used Duttys 2.5, now switched to 2.9 and the problem persists. Also tried different Radios, different connection settings etc.
Any ideas ?
Volw said:
So to start with, I did use search
I have my HD with T-Mobile. Everything was working fine for months, until a few days ago.
I'm able to connect to the internet, however after 1-2 seconds, it seems like my phone stops sending/recieving data. Internet connection is still listed as active, yet the pages won't load etc, hitting refresh doesn't do anything.
Worth noting, most of the time, I don't get any errors in Opera, it just stops loading a page after 1-2 seconds. (It's the same with IE and every other online app) Sometimes I get 'ERROR - Could not locate remote server' in Opera.
Internet works fine over WLAN.
I can't link it to any software/rom. When it first happened, I've used Duttys 2.5, now switched to 2.9 and the problem persists. Also tried different Radios, different connection settings etc.
Any ideas ?
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Maybe it's a network issue. Do you have a sim card for another network you could try?
trice1921 said:
Maybe it's a network issue. Do you have a sim card for another network you could try?
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Yeah, I tried. Same thing.
Any more ideas?
It's really wired, I rolled back to old HTC stock rom (still the same issue), installed stock 1.56 again ... and it's working. I have no idea what was the issue, especially considering how many times I've flashed it before and it was always there.
Oh well, I'm happy
Scratch that, forgot that the HD uses my PCs connection when plugged in.
So, it still doesn't work. Think I'll write to HTC, or is there anything else I could try doing?
Have you tried calling someone when you have the problems? After a couple of weeks-months a lot of people seem to have connectivity problems. I've sent mine back and hope to have it back soon!
I have this problem all the time for a week now. Everything but 3G internet works fine.
I did install SPB Wireless monitor yesterday, to check how is the data transfer.
Running the browser, hitting refresh each time, downloaded about 2KB of data (on average). (Same on both, 3 and T-Mobile)
Then, I've left youtube app and browser on - after about 40 minutes, it managed to download most of the youtube app start page and most of one of the pages I've opened with the browser. Data rate was highly random, often not downloading anything for a couple of minutes. In total, it was about 1.1 MB.
Then, after those 40 minutes - it didn't download anything any more for another hour or so. After that (the connection was still active), I've refreshed the browser and tried to load a different tab in youtube app, but for another hour or so no data was transferred.
did you install a new radio? and ifso did you also install the corosponding rilphone.dll?? maybe you can use hd tweak and set the data connection you use to always on. this works fine for me
Yeah, I tried a few radios (with dlls). Didn't help.
Data connection stays on, for hours. (without tweaking, which I find kind of strange).
As I said before, it's not an issue with disconnecting. Connection stays on, yet data is not being downloaded properly.
which data plan are you using?
Also can you navigate here and see if this is like your problem (post 22 and down):
It's web'n'walk. (uk)
However, it's certainly not an issue with t-mobile, as it works exactly the same on '3' as well.
I'm running out of ideas here really. Seems like no one so far (including HTC tech support) had the same issue.
I think the only possibility is, that it is hardware related somehow.
Hi Volw, did you find a fix for this? This is happening to my bosses phone.
Hi... is it my impression or is you Touch HD's behaviour similar to this ?
Sorry for the link, but didn't want to repost...
I think you're not alone!
Have you tried a hard reset? In my case it solved until I disconnected from my home network again!
I hope I can help (so little) in detect the specific circumstances in which the error occurs....
My solution, since I had mine for less than 30 days was going to the shop where I bought mine, swaped for a brand new one and I kept for the firmware that came from factory... didn't flash for the current official rom (cooked roms are out of the question for now - with all do respect) and I'm very very reluctant in flashing my new TouchHD. I even flashed the first unit twice but I kept having the same problem.
Now I'm affraid of flashing this one and going back to the shop with a second phone in the same condition...
Still with the installed firmware from factory (previous from the current oficial) I still get a few minutes for it to "see" the active HSDPA connection after disconnecting Wifi!
Sorry if i deviated a bit from subject... just trying to help.
I have exactly the same issue. I've had my HD for about 6 weeks and the Wifi has always worked fine with my home network. But then suddenly one day last week it stopped working.
It's still connected, but no data is being transferred. I can't update the weather or browse the web.
I've tried playing with all the settings and connected to my neigbours unsecured wifi network, but still nothing works.
This is particularly annoying because data is not part of my contract, so wifi was my only way downloading files, updating things etc.
Anyone had any luck solving the issue yet?
Volw said:
So to start with, I did use search
I have my HD with T-Mobile. Everything was working fine for months, until a few days ago.
I'm able to connect to the internet, however after 1-2 seconds, it seems like my phone stops sending/recieving data. Internet connection is still listed as active, yet the pages won't load etc, hitting refresh doesn't do anything.
Worth noting, most of the time, I don't get any errors in Opera, it just stops loading a page after 1-2 seconds. (It's the same with IE and every other online app) Sometimes I get 'ERROR - Could not locate remote server' in Opera.
Internet works fine over WLAN.
I can't link it to any software/rom. When it first happened, I've used Duttys 2.5, now switched to 2.9 and the problem persists. Also tried different Radios, different connection settings etc.
Any ideas ?
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Hi guys, I had exact the same problem.
I'm on O2 Germany network and figured out, that when disabling HSDPA and only using 3G I never had that problem anymore.
I mean although I had full HSDPA connection, Opera was sometimes able to load the Websites, but most of the time the loading failed (mostly the first page load was ok, but all other calls ended in a blank screen, or the "Could not locate remote server"...). This is pretty strange and I would love to use the HSDPA connection again, but for now disabling HSDPA is the only solution for me
greetz giniman
EDIT: I had this behaviour with the stock ROM and also with Dutty's V3.3 which I'm running right now. What I was thinking is, that maybe the auto switching between GPRS/3G/HSDPA is damaging the connection???
HTC HD / Blackstone connection issue
I have the same problem in SG - Opera does not load web page some times, even when the 3G/HSDPA icon is flashing on the top bar, and that the Data Connection in CommMgr is showing green.
I have to click on the Data Connection in CommMgr again (which will not go off), and the connection back up again.
These happen to other internect connectivity as well. Usually happen in the first connection (of each app) to the internet after I restart the phone.

WiFi constantly loses connection :(

Browsing the internet on my 4 day old Leo is a pain. It will not stay connected to the internet on a good reliable WiFi connection.
When it idles it seems to stay well connected to WiFi, but I can't open a browser and load more than 3 web pages before it loses connection, often unable to connect again for a few minutes. I have tried Skyfire, Opera and Internet Explorer, same problem on all of them.
Funnily enough if I go crazy on Google Maps loading as many maps as quickly as possible, it can keep up. But as soon as I start a browser it dies.
I wish the Leo was more like the iPhone, which just does what it's supposed to do straight out of the box
Have you installed any programs to disconnect data? Have you flashed a different rom at all?
If it is straight out of the box, and you are sure it isn't your router, then I would consider getting it replaced.
check with another router if problem occurred send it on rma

