More fonts on BA? - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 ROM Development

Is it possible to install more fonts on BA? How?

yes, you can, simply copy fonts of your choice to /windows/Fonts/ folder and u will see them in your office applications

dark_prince said:
yes, you can, simply copy fonts of your choice to /windows/Fonts/ folder and u will see them in your office applications
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Yes office word shows new font but I wanted to read web based mails in that font using pocket IE. Is there a way to do that? What plugin is needed for PIE so that it can use many fonts to display text?

I say YES!
but u need to change system font to achive this
First of all i suppose you want to install Segoe UI font as your default system font.
1. Copy segoeui related ttf files from your pc to your pocket pc in /windows/fonts/ directory.
2. Open registry editor (Resco Registry or PHM registry editor or total commander what ever)
3. Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\SysFnt\ and here edit the value in Nm DWORD to Segoe UI (it might be Nina (in case of WM2002, 2003) or Tahoma (in case of WM2003SE, WM5/6/6.1). just dont care about any thing wrong )
Copy this Nm DWORD Value to:
Overwrite if prompted
Now close registry editor. Stop all running programs from your task manager or from Memory control. Reboot your device. and then tell me if u get it working
thats it........
You r welcome in my inbox for help

Hmmm..That's interesting
Thanks dark_prince ;
I hope that way works good;
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
" Copy this Nm DWORD Value to:
you mean to edit the value in Nm DWORD to Segoe UI (the same as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\SysFnt\ ) ?
Another thing, in registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ there isn't System\OOM\OOMFnt\ .. but only System\OOM .
Best regards,

well just find the OOMFnt key in HKLM. that wud be fine. Remember to put your font name as correct and Case sensitive
any more thing u all want ????
just ask. I am lurkin around to share what i know

dark_prince said:
I say YES!
but u need to change system font to achive this
First of all i suppose you want to install Segoe UI font as your default system font.
1. Copy segoeui related ttf files from your pc to your pocket pc in /windows/fonts/ directory.
2. Open registry editor (Resco Registry or PHM registry editor or total commander what ever)
3. Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\SysFnt\ and here edit the value in Nm DWORD to Segoe UI (it might be Nina (in case of WM2002, 2003) or Tahoma (in case of WM2003SE, WM5/6/6.1). just dont care about any thing wrong )
Copy this Nm DWORD Value to:
Overwrite if prompted
Now close registry editor. Stop all running programs from your task manager or from Memory control. Reboot your device. and then tell me if u get it working
thats it........
You r welcome in my inbox for help
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This does not solve my problem. I wan to keep "Tahoma" as my default font but I want my IE to read Tahoma and one more font which appears on my web mails. How can I do that?

just change the DWORD Nm Values to Tahoma and all would be fine
IMHO, WM2k3SE, 5, 6, 6.1 by default come with Tahoma
registry settings is for Default Windows Mobile Font. Rest fonts must be just put in to \Windows\Fonts\ Directory. Internet Explorer will pick them automatically if th website requires

use this application to change ur system font easily. this application will do the necessary changes in registry automatically.

1. I added Hindi fonts (mangal) to FONTS directory in window. still IE could not recognize those fonts.
2. I changed the system fonts as suggested above, then every character on phone became square square unreadble, except when I opened, I noticed that all message in english became unreadable whereas hindi fonts were readable.
This is not what we desire, I wanted system to remain same, using Tahoma fonts but IE to recognize Hindi fonts in addition to Tahoma fonts cause my web google mails contain english as well hindi messages.
Any help would be appreciated.

how to change font to default font,help me please.


How to change default font size in Word?

I always have font size 10, i want to have a default size 8.
Anybody know how to change it?
There is no registry hack. You need to create a new template (with pocket word) with font size 8 and name it Place it in my documents\templates and then goto options\templates in word and change it to normal - that will do it.
Please Explain Simply...
dodadent said:
Please Explain Simply...
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Ok then make it easier - enclosed is (unzip to find it) - this is the new template for word that will give a default font size of 8 instead of 10.
1. Place this is \my documents\templates on your device
2. Open Pocket word - goto options\ default template - choose normal - ok
3.Now when you select new document it will have font size 8.
p.s. i chose the name because that is the default name of the template used in PC Word but you could rename it or something if that is confusing.
Thnks a lot. It Works.

Trinity & Fonts

There is a way to change Fonts on system? In sms module?
for me, i use Myriad Web font. i simply rename the font file name from myriad.ttf to toahoma.ttf and myriadb.tff to tahomabd.ttf, then use Resco Explorer and copy to the Trinity Windows folder. you get a message warning that you are overwritting a ROM file, i choose ok. soft reset and the new font will now be used by device. as always, do this at your own risk. it works for me!
cortezzi said:
for me, i use Myriad Web font. i simply rename the font file name from myriad.ttf to toahoma.ttf and myriadb.tff to tahomabd.ttf, then use Resco Explorer and copy to the Trinity Windows folder. you get a message warning that you are overwritting a ROM file, i choose ok. soft reset and the new font will now be used by device. as always, do this at your own risk. it works for me!
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Any change you will post a screenshot here?
Tried different fonts but havn't seen any that was better than the "normal" font.
this is a view of my Trinity with the Segoe UI Font, with the Screen Text Size set at 1 position to the right...
Thanks! Looks really nice!
you're welcome...

hw 6915 changing language to englisch by registry edition

If you have hw6915 localizet by mui files you can tray changing language by editing system registry.
1. Instal on your device some registry editor.
2. Make backup of whole registry before you change enytching .
4. Change dword of "Enable" from "1" to "0"
5. Soft reset your device.
I need help to develop this method by changing names of system folders (Start menu, Programs, My Documents etc.) and Start menu items to englisch by editing registry. It could by very easy method to change language to englisch witchout flasching roms.
What you lot think?
If you have hw6915 localizet by mui files you can tray changing language by editing system registry.
1. Instal on your device some registry editor.
2. Make backup of whole registry before you change enytching .
4. Change dword of "Enable" from "1" to "0"
5. Soft reset your device.
I need help to develop this method by changing names of system folders (Start menu, Programs, My Documents etc.) and Start menu items to englisch by editing registry. It could by very easy method to change language to englisch witchout flasching roms. It would be very helpful if somebody will upload copy of clean englisch registry (after hard reset).
What you lot think?
Regardless of your rom language you can always take English fonts from your home computer and dreg them into your pocket at windows/font dir
You can also assign them to the OS menus using 3prt app like sk-tools spb-tips& tricks … (any tweak app )
You can also assign manually if you lookup at this site for the specific location
I recommend using the trial period of any tweak app
Please backup your device before any attempts
Im veryinterested in changing the languege of my hw6945, to spanish. And this method sounds way safer then a rom flash wich has being imposible for me, anytips?
Ha Ha
Solution not work.Start menu not competed.
Regardless of your rom language you can always take English fonts from your home computer and dreg them into your pocket at windows/font dir
You can also assign them to the OS menus using 3prt app like sk-tools spb-tips& tricks … (any tweak app )
You can also assign manually if you lookup at this site for the specific location
I recommend using the trial period of any tweak app
Please backup your device before any attempts
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could u tell me how to tweak the registry to enable the GPS configuration for my device HP6915????

[Problem] Set icons in start menu

I´ve got an issue that i can´t set an icon to task manager and messages in start menu/settings/System. See the pic below. I use a cab file to apply these icons.
i just make a pkg with my reg entries and pics i want to use at the end of my kitchen. open up your reg with reg editor and see if it looks like this...
notice the \\, it must be that way in registry...a single "\" wont work. also you could try assigning rank, but i dont really think that is necessary for the pic to show.
twopumpchump said:
i just make a pkg with my reg entries and pics i want to use at the end of my kitchen. open up your reg with reg editor and see if it looks like this...
notice the \\, it must be that way in registry...a single "\" wont work. also you could try assigning rank, but i dont really think that is necessary for the pic to show.
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Thanks for the tip. I made an OEM of my cab to make it easer. This is what reg i have for the task manager, but it dosnt work.
EDIT: Btw, how is rank determined? Dont really understand what ""Rank"=dword:000002BC" means..
I'm a noobie so forgive me if I make any mistakes.
But... Try adding some "zzz"s before the package to make it run at the end of the build process. If it still doesn't work, search inside all files (most probably the .provxml files) in your kitchen folder for "Task Manager.lnk" and see if another file is assigning a different icon to it. I use EVK's built in search engine to do jobs like that.
I hope I helped
EDIT: About Rank, icons are ordered from highest to lowest rank values in the start menu. I think "000002BC" is a hex value for the normal integer value that the rank is set to.
EDIT2: WOW! Awesome icons! Did you make them?
seeM_ZA said:
I'm a noobie so forgive me if I make any mistakes.
But... Try adding some "zzz"s before the package to make it run at the end of the build process. If it still doesn't work, search inside all files (most probably the .provxml files) in your kitchen folder for "Task Manager.lnk" and see if another file is assigning a different icon to it. I use EVK's built in search engine to do jobs like that.
I hope I helped
EDIT: About Rank, icons are ordered from highest to lowest rank values in the start menu. I think "000002BC" is a hex value for the normal integer value that the rank is set to.
EDIT2: WOW! Awesome icons! Did you make them?
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Thanks for the tip. I have the folder to run last in customization. I understand thats its some sort of hex value or whatever, but i dont understand it so i can place the icons where i want them.
The icons are made by dlink ithink.
2BC = 700. The rankings go from 0-999, and most are higher, which is why that one appears on the low side. The easiest thing is to just arrange everything on the phone (drag and drop), then export the entire start menu registry key and just put that into your start menu EXT. I'm not sure exactly how the values vary left to right and top to down.
I heard somewhere that the built in start menu 'drag n drop' messes with the ranks? I'm probably wrong though
I believe the ranks go in this order.. 1 being highest, 8 being lowest. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I hope NRG doesn't mind me butchering his start menu with my awesome paint skills
Hey... i dont think you are patching and i dont think you are trsut sign the cab... or making the image PNG...
but if you are "cooking" you dont need the cab... just make an EXT PKG with the icons ins the "file" folder... and the REGS in "app.reg" file making the path to the image, if you are patching you must to set the image as "read only" simple slash and be sure that CPL is teh correct one... and for the New TEXTMesage be sure you are using the path to.. tmail.exe i couldnt give you my EXT PKG with the paths cause im not in my home right now
+ Que PPC said:
Hey... i dont think you are patching and i dont think you are trsut sign the cab... or making the image PNG...
but if you are "cooking" you dont need the cab... just make an EXT PKG with the icons ins the "file" folder... and the REGS in "app.reg" file making the path to the image, if you are patching you must to set the image as "read only" simple slash and be sure that CPL is teh correct one... and for the New TEXTMesage be sure you are using the path to.. tmail.exe i couldnt give you my EXT PKG with the paths cause im not in my home right now
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Thanks for the help + Que PPC. The PNG is ok as it works in start menu. Btw, i made a package, instead of an cab. Much simpler to edit. What is the correct CPL for task manager in start menu/setting/System?
I have no clue on CPL or how to determine posistion
Ok i have the stock image for Taskmanager in my startmenu in position #24
Hex = 35A4EBEC
DEC = 900000748
So it seems that in the strat menu you can rank the icons as you want... by this 100 to 900 valu but in settings and for CPL icons the thing is.. they are arranged authomatically by name
(look at the attached image)
and this is the reg for cpl 30
Just this string in: Start menu settings system screen[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Settings\System\cplmain.cpl,30]
String value named Icon
with this: \Windows\Start_Icon_TaskMgr.png
BEsure there is the image in windows folder
so... in your EXT pkg it must be like this:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Task Manager.lnk]
+ Que PPC said:
Ok i have the stock image for Taskmanager in my startmenu in position #24
Hex = 35A4EBEC
DEC = 900000748
So it seems that in the strat menu you can rank the icons as you want... by this 100 to 900 valu but in settings and for CPL icons the thing is.. they are arranged authomatically by name
(look at the attached image)
and this is the reg for cpl 30
Just this string in: Start menu settings system screen[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Settings\System\cplmain.cpl,30]
String value named Icon
with this: \Windows\Start_Icon_TaskMgr.png
BEsure there is the image in windows folder
so... in your EXT pkg it must be like this:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Task Manager.lnk]
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Only need to learn hex editing to position the icons then
I´ve tried theese, but none of them works.
easyst way - works great in build 23112
1. hardcodec-items
the easyst way to change the icon, is to going in the sys folder to the directory
you find all hardcoded items in this directory (e.g. start_icon_*.png)
give your new icons the same name in your ext directory (oem)
2. customize icons
only what you need to customize icon is the following reg-keys
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Task Manager.lnk]
"Icon"="\\Windows\\Start_Icon_Task Manager.png"
-> this key replace the "task manager.lnk" icon in the root of the startmenue
-> this key replace the "notizen.lnk" (like notice in english) icon in the customize directory "order" in the startmenue
so when you need no ranking is the simplest and fastest wayy i can explain to you...
everal said:
1. hardcodec-items
the easyst way to change the icon, is to going in the sys folder to the directory
you find all hardcoded items in this directory (e.g. start_icon_*.png)
give your new icons the same name in your ext directory (oem)
2. customize icons
only what you need to customize icon is the following reg-keys
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Task Manager.lnk]
"Icon"="\\Windows\\Start_Icon_Task Manager.png"
-> this key replace the "task manager.lnk" icon in the root of the startmenue
-> this key replace the "notizen.lnk" (like notice in english) icon in the customize directory "order" in the startmenue
so when you need no ranking is the simplest and fastest wayy i can explain to you...
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- I can confirm that this works fine.
- However, this is good for lnk that have direct entry under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start]. But how to know which cpl index refers to which setting/program shortcut?
everal said:
1. hardcodec-items
the easyst way to change the icon, is to going in the sys folder to the directory
you find all hardcoded items in this directory (e.g. start_icon_*.png)
give your new icons the same name in your ext directory (oem)
2. customize icons
only what you need to customize icon is the following reg-keys
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start\Task Manager.lnk]
"Icon"="\\Windows\\Start_Icon_Task Manager.png"
-> this key replace the "task manager.lnk" icon in the root of the startmenue
-> this key replace the "notizen.lnk" (like notice in english) icon in the customize directory "order" in the startmenue
so when you need no ranking is the simplest and fastest wayy i can explain to you...
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The thing is that i dont get the icon that is in SYS, i get the on in the exe. Would not matter if i change it.
Very true i can confirm that... the CPL images for icons in settings system cant be changed... maybe is due to another reg or .ico or other kind of file in oem
+ Que PPC said:
Very true i can confirm that... the CPL images for icons in settings system cant be changed... maybe is due to another reg or .ico or other kind of file in oem
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Could be.. Probably. I sure hope not
You should convert the rgu files to xml files.
XML always run after the RGU, So its better to use when making custom modification. (second post)
Th e cpl's are loaded in a provxml in the oem folder (don't remember which one off the top of my head). If it's messing with desired settings, rather than loading another provxml during first boot, and slowing down first boot even more, it's better to either edit or delete the oem provxml. Personally, I'd delete it and then put your start info in an app.reg in an EXT that runs near the end of the build.
Edit: the provxml with all of the cpl's is mxip_HtcApps_translation.provxml, and it's in oem-lang 0409. It's a complete waste to run this thing, imo. Just put it in an app.reg and you'll get a faster first boot.
Sorry but for change icon position in start menu, cant you do it just from start menu moving that icon and then go to the right reg key and export it?
This work for Kaiser dunno if Leo,Tp2 or Topaz has different way.
hi fellow chefs
i post my question here as i thought it would be better then openijng a new thread for it
i keep marketplace in my rom but i cant set it to the internet folder
i have looked in the initflash.dat and there is nothing there about marketplace(at least not that i could find)
i have looked in the sys map from market place and found a provxml
i changed it there the same way i did for taskmanager and it still doesnt work(for taskmaanger it works)
can some one help me out where or what i need to edit to have marketplace in internet folder
i attache my provxml so you can see what i have done

Other language fonts in IE

Hi all,
When I open a site which is in my regional language (Indian language), I could only see squares in it.
Do I have to install Unicode fonts in to my Herald?
I have Aserg's ROM and tried to open in the IE.
Just now, I referred to the following tutorial given in wikipedia. And now I can see all the fonts in my regional language.
I can't read anything.
I can't even read the menu items. Nor the Registry keys. Nothing. I don't know what to change back.
Seems, I need to hard-reset. What a fool I am.
Unicode on Windows mobile 5.0
To Enable the fonts on Windows Mobile 5 & 6
Copy the unicode font to \Windows\Fonts folder
Download PHM registry from (select the "Pocket PC 2002,2003 (ARM/PXA) from the dropdown)
copy registry editor cab file to device and install it.
Enable font linking by adding the below registries
Run PHM regidtry editor from programs
Select Microsoft, go to edit > New Key and add a new key FontLink below HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\
Select FontLink and add a new key SystemLink (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\FontLink\SystemLink )
Select SystemLink and add a string value.
Value name - Tahoma
Value data - \Windows\Fonts\Akshar.ttf,Akshar Unicode
Note: change the "Akshar.ttf,Akshar Unicode" as per the font you have copied to the Fonts folder.
Again go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ and add one more New Key "FontPath"
Select FontPath and add a string value as
Value name - FontPath
Value data - \Windows\Fonts
Soft reset your mobile
So, the method given above just changes the font of the device (while the language does not change).
I am going to hard-reset the device.

