How to change default font size in Word? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I always have font size 10, i want to have a default size 8.
Anybody know how to change it?

There is no registry hack. You need to create a new template (with pocket word) with font size 8 and name it Place it in my documents\templates and then goto options\templates in word and change it to normal - that will do it.

Please Explain Simply...

dodadent said:
Please Explain Simply...
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Ok then make it easier - enclosed is (unzip to find it) - this is the new template for word that will give a default font size of 8 instead of 10.
1. Place this is \my documents\templates on your device
2. Open Pocket word - goto options\ default template - choose normal - ok
3.Now when you select new document it will have font size 8.
p.s. i chose the name because that is the default name of the template used in PC Word but you could rename it or something if that is confusing.

Thnks a lot. It Works.


Loading Fonts from Storage space and not from RAM

Dear all,
attached are 3 files. contains FontOnStorage.exe which is used to load any fonts in the same folder as it. contains sunglobe.tff chinese font from CE-Star. As it is more than 3 MB, it is wasting precious space in the RAM. Chinese contains the registry entries required.
How to use them:
1) Create a folder (I used "Fonts") in the Storage (you need Big Storage)
2) Place FontOnStorage.exe and the font file in the folder.
3) Unzip Chinese and run the registry file to install it.
4) Soft reset and run FontOnStorage.exe. It will load the font file.
You can create a shortcut to startup if you use the font frequently.
Without FontOnStorage.exe, the font will not be used by Windows.
Great, did you post it in the PPCSG forum as well?
Nope. I did not. Anyway, I find that this method works as long as you run the executable immediately after a soft reset. Else, sometimes, it doesn't work.
you can always post in the PPCSG forum...I'm sure lots of ppl would find this helpful
ebliss said:
Dear all,
attached are 3 files. contains FontOnStorage.exe which is used to load any fonts in the same folder as it. contains sunglobe.tff chinese font from CE-Star. As it is more than 3 MB, it is wasting precious space in the RAM. Chinese contains the registry entries required.
How to use them:
1) Create a folder (I used "Fonts") in the Storage (you need Big Storage)
2) Place FontOnStorage.exe and the font file in the folder.
3) Unzip Chinese and run the registry file to install it.
4) Soft reset and run FontOnStorage.exe. It will load the font file.
You can create a shortcut to startup if you use the font frequently.
Without FontOnStorage.exe, the font will not be used by Windows.
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Hi ebliss, I still can't view the chinese character after the following steps.
1) Create a folder (/Storage Card/Windows/Fonts) in the Storage (miniSD card)
2) Place FontOnStorage.exe and the sunglobe.tff chinese font file in the folder.
3) Unzip Chinese and run the registry file to install it.
I'm not sure if I perform correctly for step 3. I unzip in my PC and run the registry. I can't run the registry file in my ipaq.
4) Soft reset and run FontOnStorage.exe. It will load the font file.
Please help me step by step. Thank you very much.
whyNOTme said:
ebliss said:
Dear all,
attached are 3 files. contains FontOnStorage.exe which is used to load any fonts in the same folder as it. contains sunglobe.tff chinese font from CE-Star. As it is more than 3 MB, it is wasting precious space in the RAM. Chinese contains the registry entries required.
How to use them:
1) Create a folder (I used "Fonts") in the Storage (you need Big Storage)
2) Place FontOnStorage.exe and the font file in the folder.
3) Unzip Chinese and run the registry file to install it.
4) Soft reset and run FontOnStorage.exe. It will load the font file.
You can create a shortcut to startup if you use the font frequently.
Without FontOnStorage.exe, the font will not be used by Windows.
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Hi ebliss, I still can't view the chinese character after the following steps.
1) Create a folder (/Storage Card/Windows/Fonts) in the Storage (miniSD card)
2) Place FontOnStorage.exe and the sunglobe.tff chinese font file in the folder.
3) Unzip Chinese and run the registry file to install it.
I'm not sure if I perform correctly for step 3. I unzip in my PC and run the registry. I can't run the registry file in my ipaq.
4) Soft reset and run FontOnStorage.exe. It will load the font file.
Please help me step by step. Thank you very much.
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dear all expert,
did anyone successfully try this out ? Please guide me through.
First of all, it works. thanks to ebliss for the precious info. It saves a lot of real estate on my main memory!!
Now, in order for it to work, you must
1. Have the font on your storage (Obviously). Remember, it's on the STORAGE, not MEMORY CARD. Memory card's load time is too long and too unstable ... I wouldn't risk it. But if you don't mind trying, sure let me know if that works or not.
2. You must load FontsOnStorage on startup ... without it it won't work.
3. Have the right path in the registry. The registry file ebliss has provided points to "\Storage\Fonts\". If you have put the font in any other directory that registry file is NOT going to work for you. However, you can use Resco Registry editor, and do a search for sunglobe (assuming that's your font), and change the path manually one by one.
1) Create a folder (/Storage Card/Windows/Fonts) in the Storage (miniSD card)
2) Place FontOnStorage.exe and the sunglobe.tff chinese font file in the folder.
3) Unzip Chinese and run the registry file to install it.
I'm not sure if I perform correctly for step 3. I unzip in my PC and run the registry. I can't run the registry file in my ipaq.
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The reason that doesn't work for you is ...
1. You've put the font on the STORAGE CARD, not STORAGE MEMORY. Storage card = SD card = unstable and slow load time. I am not sure if it will work or not, it can create problem. But it is worth a try.
2. The path you have specified is incorrect. Again, if you use ebliss's registry, he points the files to "\Storage\Fonts\". Since you've put your fonts in "\Storage card\Windows\Fonts\" that registry file won't work for you. You'll have to manually change the registry yourself.
BTW, FontOnStorage doesn't have to be on the same directory as the Fonts ... it can be on the main memory ... that way you won't get a warning everytime it loads!
Thanks again ebliss! It's great!
cani have arabic in this way? and if anyone has any cool font plz share
I think you can move ANY additional font to the storage memory this way ...
anybody share arabic font and any cool font that i can set as system font
Hi ebliss,
I installed it to my Tmobile SDA. I put the font file in \windows\fonts.
After I run FontOnStorage.exe file, I see an icon showing up on the top. But when I try to read a txt file or browse Chinese website, I still can't read Chinese. Any clue?
greet job...i find this long times..thk for you..
Sorry. I could not download the attachment at this time. Anyone?
worked fine on my HTC Kaiser/Tilt ( Windows Mobile 6.1 Prof ) ... from the 'Storage Card\Fonts' folder ... now i can see various glyphs / Unicode letters/symbols, etc much better in Internet Explorer Mobile .
Thanks, to user 'ebliss' .
i've previously tried ... a different way ... changed/added few registry keys to force the Windows to use the 'Tahoma' font from the Storage Card , but instead of Tahoma it will actually use a different Unicode font , this trick worked , but font's glyphs were not as good looking or as clear as other stock font's glyph , so i removed those registry entries .
~ Bry8Star .
i can't seem to make this work on WM6.5... anyone knows how?
well... after days of trying... IT WORKS!
need help with registry
can someone please teach me how to run the registry if it's on the storage card?

Trinity & Fonts

There is a way to change Fonts on system? In sms module?
for me, i use Myriad Web font. i simply rename the font file name from myriad.ttf to toahoma.ttf and myriadb.tff to tahomabd.ttf, then use Resco Explorer and copy to the Trinity Windows folder. you get a message warning that you are overwritting a ROM file, i choose ok. soft reset and the new font will now be used by device. as always, do this at your own risk. it works for me!
cortezzi said:
for me, i use Myriad Web font. i simply rename the font file name from myriad.ttf to toahoma.ttf and myriadb.tff to tahomabd.ttf, then use Resco Explorer and copy to the Trinity Windows folder. you get a message warning that you are overwritting a ROM file, i choose ok. soft reset and the new font will now be used by device. as always, do this at your own risk. it works for me!
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Any change you will post a screenshot here?
Tried different fonts but havn't seen any that was better than the "normal" font.
this is a view of my Trinity with the Segoe UI Font, with the Screen Text Size set at 1 position to the right...
Thanks! Looks really nice!
you're welcome...

Make themes

Hello everyone...
I just looked for hours...
But can't find a program to make my own theme's for diamond.
I've tried using google, youtube and this forum... iam sure iam missing something,,,,
I understand i shall use Manila editor??? or???
But when iam opening it ... I can't se any pic's i can change...
I really hope someone can help me.. maybe its just in front off my eyes... But then iam totaly Blind.....
-Best regards Dennis
The easiest way is this, and do note themes do not work on any theme with a disattached Manila (for example, TLR ROMs seem to have problems with theming):
- Make a folder on your computers desktop called "Theme", and in it a folder called "My Theme" or the name of your personal theme.
- Connect your Diamond to your computer and copy ALL manila files (files ending in _manila) in the Windows subdirectory of your Diamond to the "Theme" folder on your desktop.
- Download Manila Editor and extract the files to a place where you can easily find it.
- In Manila Editor, press "Select Path" and select the "Theme" directory on your desktop. The program will "parse" the files and you'll see a loading bar in the bottom left.
- The files are now loaded. Browse through the files, and notice they're ordered by category. Also note the "Friendly name" is somewhat of a description as to what each image is. Finally, do note some files do NOT have a description and can be found in the "Unknown" category.
- Select the files you want to modify, and use Export -> Selected -> BMP/JPG/PNG (whichever you prefer). Choose a location to extract the files to.
- Use The Gimp, Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro or your image editing program of choice to edit the files as desired. Use the old file as indicator for placement and size. Save the files under the same name for practicality, or give them a name that lets you easily figure out what each image is.
- When done, go back to Manila Editor and select the items you modified one by one. Each time, click the item, then click "Replace". Select your new image, and click OK. Repeat this as many times as necessary.
- If all files are correctly changed, click Zip -> Zip All. I've found that Zip All gives the least problems on most ROMs. This will create a .zip file, which you can name and save anywhere you wish.
Installing: (Sushilange has confirmed that later versions of Manila Editor will have a "Create Theme" function).
- Rename the .zip file to .theme and copy it to a subdirectory on your Diamond.
- Download, Install and Run Diamond TF3D Config 0.6.7 or higher. Go to the appearance tab and select the "Path..." button. Select the DIRECTORY in which your .theme file is and click OK. Then, from the dropdown list, select the name of your theme (the name of the zip-file).
- Select "Apply'. Take into account you need AT LEAST 20MB of free space on your device, as indicated by the program.
- Select start, wait until it finishes (don't worry if it says something about deleting files), click Finish and let the program restart your Diamond.
Thank you very much...
Perfect explination...'
Thank you . Glad it helps.
Instead of renaming the exported manila files from .zip to .theme, you can also use QuickCab to make a cab file of the exported manila files. Then you don't have to use the Diamond TF3D Config 0.6.7 program.
Advantage is that you can run the cab file and you can easily uninstall your theme. Uninstalling your own theme means that the original manila files wil be restored again. Furthermore it's much more easier and faster to install a theme.
MRE-net said:
Instead of renaming the exported manila files from .zip to .theme, you can also use QuickCab to make a cab file of the exported manila files. Then you don't have to use the Diamond TF3D Config 0.6.7 program.
Advantage is that you can run the cab file and you can easily uninstall your theme. Uninstalling your own theme means that the original manila files wil be restored again. Furthermore it's much more easier and faster to install a theme.
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Wouldn't uninstalling the theme through Diamond TF3D Config also restore the original theme? That's what happens here, in any case.
but how do you copy manilla files from Diamond to PC ?
it doesnt show Windows directory in Vista on Windows Mobile Device Center ?
Hello There Greg...
Your Going To Wanna Go To MY COMPUTER> MOBILE DEVICE>MY WINDOWS MOBILE DEVICE> Tools>folder Options>view>show Hidden Files And Folders
Hope I Helped... Ill Be Looking At The Thread So.... You Can Ask For More Help If Need Be
tha_rami said:
- If all files are correctly changed, click Export -> Export All. I've found that Export All gives the least problems on most ROMs. This will create a .zip file, which you can name and save anywhere you wish.
- Rename the .zip file to .theme and copy it to a subdirectory on your Diamond.
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You meant "Zip" not "Export"... Export is only the converting-function qtc->png
tha_rami said:
- Download, Install and Run Diamond TF3D Config 0.6.7 or higher. Go to the appearance tab and select the "Path..." button. Select the DIRECTORY in which your .theme file is and click OK. Then, from the dropdown list, select the name of your theme (the name of the zip-file).
- Select "Apply'. Take into account you need AT LEAST 20MB of free space on your device, as indicated by the program.
- Select start, wait until it finishes (don't worry if it says something about deleting files), click Finish and let the program restart your Diamond.
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No, no! Don't do this! Wait until I added a "Create Theme"-function in Manila Editor. A *.theme-File is not just a Zip-File. You can't use a custom zip as a theme-file.
sushilange said:
You meant "Zip" not "Export"... Export is only the converting-function qtc->png
No, no! Don't do this! Wait until I added a "Create Theme"-function in Manila Editor. A *.theme-File is not just a Zip-File. You can't use a custom zip as a theme-file.
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I'm just telling what works, but I can't wait until you get that functionality in - sounds good.
And yup, I meant Zip All, will edit now.
tha_rami said:
I'm just telling what works, but I can't wait until you get that functionality in - sounds good.
And yup, I meant Zip All, will edit now.
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I know that it is possible, that it works But the problem is, if it is not working in some reasons, the noobs are crying and i can't give support ;-)
When I add the feature officially, I can give support
I'd daresay screw them. It's not supported by your application yet, so you have no obligation to make it work for them until making *.theme files is actually supported by the program.
Great program, by the way.
I don't know whether I am asking too much. I want to know if it's possible to turn the big digital clock on the 3D theme to transparent (instead of white opaque color). I wanted to change the background to a photo and the clock occupies half of the screen and always blocks the person's face in the photo.
bbju said:
I don't know whether I am asking too much. I want to know if it's possible to turn the big digital clock on the 3D theme to transparent (instead of white opaque color). I wanted to change the background to a photo and the clock occupies half of the screen and always blocks the person's face in the photo.
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Try this one
NisseDILLIGAF said:
Try this one
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Wow, NisseDilligaf you are an angel!! I searched the forum for about 2 hours and couldn't find it. This is EXACTLY what I want.
If I do not want to create a new theme (because I do not know how ) , can I change the png?.
So I change 123213_manila for my icon 123231_manila , Can it works?.
Thank you
Juan w said:
If I do not want to create a new theme (because I do not know how ) , can I change the png?.
So I change 123213_manila for my icon 123231_manila , Can it works?.
Thank you
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Yep that works. See
MRE-net said:
Yep that works. See
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Thank you.
I will try it.
tha_rami said:
The easiest way is this, and do note themes do not work on any theme with a disattached Manila (for example, TLR ROMs seem to have problems with theming):
- Make a folder on your computers desktop called "Theme", and in it a folder called "My Theme" or the name of your personal theme.
- Connect your Diamond to your computer and copy ALL manila files (files ending in _manila) in the Windows subdirectory of your Diamond to the "Theme" folder on your desktop.
- Download Manila Editor and extract the files to a place where you can easily find it.
- In Manila Editor, press "Select Path" and select the "Theme" directory on your desktop. The program will "parse" the files and you'll see a loading bar in the bottom left.
- The files are now loaded. Browse through the files, and notice they're ordered by category. Also note the "Friendly name" is somewhat of a description as to what each image is. Finally, do note some files do NOT have a description and can be found in the "Unknown" category.
- Select the files you want to modify, and use Export -> Selected -> BMP/JPG/PNG (whichever you prefer). Choose a location to extract the files to.
- Use The Gimp, Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro or your image editing program of choice to edit the files as desired. Use the old file as indicator for placement and size. Save the files under the same name for practicality, or give them a name that lets you easily figure out what each image is.
- When done, go back to Manila Editor and select the items you modified one by one. Each time, click the item, then click "Replace". Select your new image, and click OK. Repeat this as many times as necessary.
- If all files are correctly changed, click Zip -> Zip All. I've found that Zip All gives the least problems on most ROMs. This will create a .zip file, which you can name and save anywhere you wish.
Installing: (Sushilange has confirmed that later versions of Manila Editor will have a "Create Theme" function).
- Rename the .zip file to .theme and copy it to a subdirectory on your Diamond.
- Download, Install and Run Diamond TF3D Config 0.6.7 or higher. Go to the appearance tab and select the "Path..." button. Select the DIRECTORY in which your .theme file is and click OK. Then, from the dropdown list, select the name of your theme (the name of the zip-file).
- Select "Apply'. Take into account you need AT LEAST 20MB of free space on your device, as indicated by the program.
- Select start, wait until it finishes (don't worry if it says something about deleting files), click Finish and let the program restart your Diamond.
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GREAT explanation! Thanx!
bbju said:
I don't know whether I am asking too much. I want to know if it's possible to turn the big digital clock on the 3D theme to transparent (instead of white opaque color). I wanted to change the background to a photo and the clock occupies half of the screen and always blocks the person's face in the photo.
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You can find many transparent clocks here

More fonts on BA?

Is it possible to install more fonts on BA? How?
yes, you can, simply copy fonts of your choice to /windows/Fonts/ folder and u will see them in your office applications
dark_prince said:
yes, you can, simply copy fonts of your choice to /windows/Fonts/ folder and u will see them in your office applications
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Yes office word shows new font but I wanted to read web based mails in that font using pocket IE. Is there a way to do that? What plugin is needed for PIE so that it can use many fonts to display text?
I say YES!
but u need to change system font to achive this
First of all i suppose you want to install Segoe UI font as your default system font.
1. Copy segoeui related ttf files from your pc to your pocket pc in /windows/fonts/ directory.
2. Open registry editor (Resco Registry or PHM registry editor or total commander what ever)
3. Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\SysFnt\ and here edit the value in Nm DWORD to Segoe UI (it might be Nina (in case of WM2002, 2003) or Tahoma (in case of WM2003SE, WM5/6/6.1). just dont care about any thing wrong )
Copy this Nm DWORD Value to:
Overwrite if prompted
Now close registry editor. Stop all running programs from your task manager or from Memory control. Reboot your device. and then tell me if u get it working
thats it........
You r welcome in my inbox for help
Hmmm..That's interesting
Thanks dark_prince ;
I hope that way works good;
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
" Copy this Nm DWORD Value to:
you mean to edit the value in Nm DWORD to Segoe UI (the same as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\SysFnt\ ) ?
Another thing, in registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ there isn't System\OOM\OOMFnt\ .. but only System\OOM .
Best regards,
well just find the OOMFnt key in HKLM. that wud be fine. Remember to put your font name as correct and Case sensitive
any more thing u all want ????
just ask. I am lurkin around to share what i know
dark_prince said:
I say YES!
but u need to change system font to achive this
First of all i suppose you want to install Segoe UI font as your default system font.
1. Copy segoeui related ttf files from your pc to your pocket pc in /windows/fonts/ directory.
2. Open registry editor (Resco Registry or PHM registry editor or total commander what ever)
3. Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\SysFnt\ and here edit the value in Nm DWORD to Segoe UI (it might be Nina (in case of WM2002, 2003) or Tahoma (in case of WM2003SE, WM5/6/6.1). just dont care about any thing wrong )
Copy this Nm DWORD Value to:
Overwrite if prompted
Now close registry editor. Stop all running programs from your task manager or from Memory control. Reboot your device. and then tell me if u get it working
thats it........
You r welcome in my inbox for help
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This does not solve my problem. I wan to keep "Tahoma" as my default font but I want my IE to read Tahoma and one more font which appears on my web mails. How can I do that?
just change the DWORD Nm Values to Tahoma and all would be fine
IMHO, WM2k3SE, 5, 6, 6.1 by default come with Tahoma
registry settings is for Default Windows Mobile Font. Rest fonts must be just put in to \Windows\Fonts\ Directory. Internet Explorer will pick them automatically if th website requires
use this application to change ur system font easily. this application will do the necessary changes in registry automatically.
1. I added Hindi fonts (mangal) to FONTS directory in window. still IE could not recognize those fonts.
2. I changed the system fonts as suggested above, then every character on phone became square square unreadble, except when I opened, I noticed that all message in english became unreadable whereas hindi fonts were readable.
This is not what we desire, I wanted system to remain same, using Tahoma fonts but IE to recognize Hindi fonts in addition to Tahoma fonts cause my web google mails contain english as well hindi messages.
Any help would be appreciated.
how to change font to default font,help me please.

[HOW TO] S-Note templates with custom backgrounds

I was looking for an easy way of having the "Note" and "Meeting" templates with white background, so it would print decently. So far it seems there's no easy way to create own templates apart from messing with the .apk file. The alternative of manually setting the background each time I create a note or add a page does not look appealing as well.
Until somebody comes with a better solution, here's what I managed to get:
Simple description:
Modify original '"Note" template
Download the "Wine" template form 'new snote' dialog window
Replace the "Wine.snb" with modified "Note.snb"
Detailed description
* Intro:
Templates are stored in *.snb files, which are plain zip files (just like .apk's), easy to open/change with e.g. 7-Zip.
We want to customize the Note template ('note.snb' file).
Root is necessary.
* How to modify note.snb backgrounds:
Copy the file '\system\app\Snote_wxga.apk' to your PC
On PC:
Open the 'Snote_wxga.apk' file and
Goto to '\assets\templates' folder
Open the 'Note.snb' file
Go to folder 'snote\media\':
- the two .png files located there are note backgrounds (for title page and normal ones) - edit or replace the files with your own
- the two .jpg files are thumbnails - edit or create your own, by e.g. resizing and converting the .png files from previous step
* How to get the modified template to the device:
Download new template from the web (in new note window dialog) - let's say it's "Wine"
Go to folder '/data/data/', it should contain following files:
Replace the file '/T_001/template/wine.snb' with your modified copy of 'note.snb' (remember to change the name from 'note.snb' to 'wine.snb')
All other .png files are thumbnails - edit, make your own or leave as it is
* How to change name of the new template from 'Wine' to something else:
Copy the 'template.list' file to PC
Open it with a decent text editor (e.g. Notepad++)
Find the string {"value":"Wine","lang":"en"} for your language, and change the 'Wine' label to one of your choosing
Copy the file 'template.list' back to folder '/data/data/' on your device
The following procedure can be repeated - so far there are 3 downloadable templates provided by Samsung, each of those can be replaced the same way.
PS1. It works.
PS2. At least on my device.
Thanks for trying that out. I haven't got round to it yet, but I was planning to try something similar myself.
The other solution I had considered was a rather more radical hack of the snote apk, but a more flexible solution: If it was possible to hack the apk so that the downloaded templates are stored in the default external storage in /sdcard/Android/data/ rather than the internal storage you could get to that without root, and just edit the templates any time you wanted.
It would be easy enough to do with access to the java code, and while I'm sure it might be possible to do by hacking the smali files, it's more work than I can find the time for at the moment.
rmein said:
Thanks for trying that out. I haven't got round to it yet, but I was planning to try something similar myself.
The other solution I had considered was a rather more radical hack of the snote apk, but a more flexible solution: If it was possible to hack the apk so that the downloaded templates are stored in the default external storage in /sdcard/Android/data/ rather than the internal storage you could get to that without root, and just edit the templates any time you wanted.
It would be easy enough to do with access to the java code, and while I'm sure it might be possible to do by hacking the smali files, it's more work than I can find the time for at the moment.
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Hopefully Samsung will discover the idea of custom templates some day. Also, judging from the structure of snb files, they must have some template editor (i don't believe they would edit all the xml's manually). Would be great if the editor was made public as well.
As for the solution - editing java lives far above my abilities, so I hope you'll find the time. I chose the described method, because the other solution, i.e. replacing the snb files directly inside the snote apk, would not survive the flashing, unless the new apk was installed to data, which I had no time to check if would work at all. Besides, having the ready-made template folder, I was able to repeat the process on my wife's Note within a minute.
One final remark - I did not bother with creating new backgrounds, any decent graphic editor enables to edit images palette colours, I used GIMP, to simply change background of 'Note' and 'Meeting' to white.
Sent from my GT-N5100 using xda premium
Thank you for finding and sharing this. I am still struggling with finding the Wine template. On the dialog "new note" in my Galaxy note 10.1 it just shows me the 10 templates available to choose. No template to download. Or do you mean another dialog? I don't understand that part really well.
Another question (I suppose I will know that when I can do it). Can I put templates (background images) of higher resolution? . That is the whole reason why I want to change the templates. I think the finest pen stroke looks pretty thick.
duguet said:
Thank you for finding and sharing this. I am still struggling with finding the Wine template. On the dialog "new note" in my Galaxy note 10.1 it just shows me the 10 templates available to choose. No template to download. Or do you mean another dialog? I don't understand that part really well.
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Don't know how it works with Note 10, on the 8 the pressin the "+" for new note shows window as in attached screenshot - the 'download button' is marked
duguet said:
Another question (I suppose I will know that when I can do it). Can I put templates (background images) of higher resolution? . That is the whole reason why I want to change the templates. I think the finest pen stroke looks pretty thick.
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I guess you could try, but it could require additional editing of one of xml files - I think template dimensions are stored there
Many thanks!!!
So now I know I don't have the same S-note version. I don't see that download option. Could somebody send me the Wine template file? thanks!
I'll let you know if I made it increasing the resolution.
duguet said:
Many thanks!!!
So now I know I don't have the same S-note version. I don't see that download option. Could somebody send me the Wine template file? thanks!
I'll let you know if I made it increasing the resolution.
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I'm afraid this might not work for you - the whole template/background swapping works because additional templates are installed by SNote app itself. I doubt your version will be able to recognize template files if you just copy them.
anyway, I'll attach the templates after the weekend, so you can try for yourself
duguet said:
Could somebody send me the Wine template file? thanks!
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As promised - modified templates with white background (names in template.list unchanged):
1. Note (replacement of Wine template)
2. Meeting (replacement of Movie template)
3. Memo (replacement of Weaning Food template)
p107r0 said:
I was looking for an easy way of having the "Note" and "Meeting" templates with white background, so it would print decently. So far it seems there's no easy way to create own templates apart from messing with the .apk file. The alternative of manually setting the background each time I create a note or add a page does not look appealing as well.
Until somebody comes with a better solution, here's what I managed to get:
Simple description:
Modify original '"Note" template
Download the "Wine" template form 'new snote' dialog window
Replace the "Wine.snb" with modified "Note.snb"
Detailed description
* Intro:
Templates are stored in *.snb files, which are plain zip files (just like .apk's), easy to open/change with e.g. 7-Zip.
We want to customize the Note template ('note.snb' file).
Root is necessary.
* How to modify note.snb backgrounds:
Copy the file '\system\app\Snote_wxga.apk' to your PC
On PC:
Open the 'Snote_wxga.apk' file and
Goto to '\assets\templates' folder
Open the 'Note.snb' file
Go to folder 'snote\media\':
- the two .png files located there are note backgrounds (for title page and normal ones) - edit or replace the files with your own
- the two .jpg files are thumbnails - edit or create your own, by e.g. resizing and converting the .png files from previous step
* How to get the modified template to the device:
Download new template from the web (in new note window dialog) - let's say it's "Wine"
Go to folder '/data/data/', it should contain following files:
Replace the file '/T_001/template/wine.snb' with your modified copy of 'note.snb' (remember to change the name from 'note.snb' to 'wine.snb')
All other .png files are thumbnails - edit, make your own or leave as it is
* How to change name of the new template from 'Wine' to something else:
Copy the 'template.list' file to PC
Open it with a decent text editor (e.g. Notepad++)
Find the string {"value":"Wine","lang":"en"} for your language, and change the 'Wine' label to one of your choosing
Copy the file 'template.list' back to folder '/data/data/' on your device
The following procedure can be repeated - so far there are 3 downloadable templates provided by Samsung, each of those can be replaced the same way.
PS1. It works.
PS2. At least on my device.
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S Note of Galaxy Note 3
Does anyone know how we can get large (A4) size templates for S Note? The default pages are like small (size) notes.
Can someone give me the S Note apk files for Galaxy Note 3? I want to install this on my Asus tablet as well so I can synchronize my work done on either of the two.
I have been using Asus Supernote earlier on my Asus Tablet and Galaxy S3 mobile, but the Supernote does not work on my new Galaxy Note 3.
Unless I missed it - is it possible to change the default save file name? I used the memo template to create my new one - copied over wine. When I hit save it defaults to Memo_date_time. If I can find where to change the Memo portion of the filename. Would make for a sweet setup then

