Trinity & Fonts - P3600 General

There is a way to change Fonts on system? In sms module?

for me, i use Myriad Web font. i simply rename the font file name from myriad.ttf to toahoma.ttf and myriadb.tff to tahomabd.ttf, then use Resco Explorer and copy to the Trinity Windows folder. you get a message warning that you are overwritting a ROM file, i choose ok. soft reset and the new font will now be used by device. as always, do this at your own risk. it works for me!

cortezzi said:
for me, i use Myriad Web font. i simply rename the font file name from myriad.ttf to toahoma.ttf and myriadb.tff to tahomabd.ttf, then use Resco Explorer and copy to the Trinity Windows folder. you get a message warning that you are overwritting a ROM file, i choose ok. soft reset and the new font will now be used by device. as always, do this at your own risk. it works for me!
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Any change you will post a screenshot here?
Tried different fonts but havn't seen any that was better than the "normal" font.

this is a view of my Trinity with the Segoe UI Font, with the Screen Text Size set at 1 position to the right...

Thanks! Looks really nice!

you're welcome...


Deleting Fonts???

I just installed a font, than realized how much space it takes up on my onboard memory. How can i delete this font??
What did you use to change your FONT? thru Fontlink technique? if yes, try to delete those created entries on the registry then soft rest..after soft reset..delete the font on \windows\fonts or to where you have put the font..then soft reset again..that should revert your fonts back to Tahoma.
freeyayo50 said:
I just installed a font, than realized how much space it takes up on my onboard memory. How can i delete this font??
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1. move the font file to, say, the root directory
2. reset the PPC
3. delete the moved font file
This is the only way to get rid of semi-locked font files.
I installed the font by just copying the font file to the Font folder in the Windows dir.
BTW - How is Fontlink? Can you have the font file anywhere with that program?
I just deleted the font. I just changed the file extension to something other than .tff and than i was able to delete it.

[HOW-TO]Change the system font in Windows Mobile 5.0/6/6.1

Hey all, seeing as I couldnt find this topic here already, I thought that I would share with you all how to change the system font on our beloved Wizard. It is quite simple really but it does require a few things:
1-A Wizard/MDA/O2 XDA Mini S/Cingular 8125
2-A Truetype style font(they end with file extension .ttf)
3-5 minutes of time
Alright now here is how to do it!
1)-Connect your device to your computer, and let Activesync do it's thing(until the green double-arrow icon in your tray stops spinning).
2)-Click on [Explore], then on "Windows Mobile Based Device", then on "Windows". If you cannot see the "Windows" folder, goto the top of the window and click [Tools] then [Folder Options] then the [View] tab, then scroll down a bit until you find a checkbox that says-"Show Hidden Files and Folders" and make sure that it is checked(or dotted if the case may be).
3)-Now, leave that window open, and go and grab you font. Right click on the font file itself and scroll down to [Rename]. In the field, type "Tahoma" then [OK]. Now, copy that file that you just renamed, and paste it to another directory(such as the desktop so that it is easy to get back to), and rename it to-"TahomaBD" and click [OK].
4)-Now click and drag, or copy and paste those 2 files into the "Windows" folder that you have open from earlier, tell it [Yes] to overwrite the existing files if needed.
5)-Now, soft-reset your device and voila! You have a nice shiny new system font! Wonderful! Now, you may be wondering how to get your old one back, and it is indeed very simple.
6)-To restore the Tahoma font, either download a copy of it from the internet(note that it is NOTE public domain, and it is against the rules to post it here at XDA-Devs), or navigate to your computers "Font" folder and simply copy it to your desktop, and rename and copy it as above, soft-reset again and BAM, back to OEM status you go! You can also just Hard-reset if you get desperate.
Well, thats it! Quite simple eh? Took me about 30 minutes or so to figure it out, but here are some screens to prove that it works!
ROM=TNT 6.1 build 20273
I am currently using a font based of the one used in the Star Trek:The Next Generation TV series, but any Truetype font should work!
I hope someone finds this useful!-ashasaur
Thnaks you
I Can't copy Tahoma & TahomaBD into my device cause i can't delete the old ones cause they are read-only or something like that can u help me?
try to use Resco Explorer, it works
Change font on Ipaq 314
I have a Ipaq 314 and i don't know how change and resize font in it
Someone tell me how do it?
nice mate ....
and it's work ! thanks for your effort

More fonts on BA?

Is it possible to install more fonts on BA? How?
yes, you can, simply copy fonts of your choice to /windows/Fonts/ folder and u will see them in your office applications
dark_prince said:
yes, you can, simply copy fonts of your choice to /windows/Fonts/ folder and u will see them in your office applications
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Yes office word shows new font but I wanted to read web based mails in that font using pocket IE. Is there a way to do that? What plugin is needed for PIE so that it can use many fonts to display text?
I say YES!
but u need to change system font to achive this
First of all i suppose you want to install Segoe UI font as your default system font.
1. Copy segoeui related ttf files from your pc to your pocket pc in /windows/fonts/ directory.
2. Open registry editor (Resco Registry or PHM registry editor or total commander what ever)
3. Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\SysFnt\ and here edit the value in Nm DWORD to Segoe UI (it might be Nina (in case of WM2002, 2003) or Tahoma (in case of WM2003SE, WM5/6/6.1). just dont care about any thing wrong )
Copy this Nm DWORD Value to:
Overwrite if prompted
Now close registry editor. Stop all running programs from your task manager or from Memory control. Reboot your device. and then tell me if u get it working
thats it........
You r welcome in my inbox for help
Hmmm..That's interesting
Thanks dark_prince ;
I hope that way works good;
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
" Copy this Nm DWORD Value to:
you mean to edit the value in Nm DWORD to Segoe UI (the same as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\SysFnt\ ) ?
Another thing, in registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ there isn't System\OOM\OOMFnt\ .. but only System\OOM .
Best regards,
well just find the OOMFnt key in HKLM. that wud be fine. Remember to put your font name as correct and Case sensitive
any more thing u all want ????
just ask. I am lurkin around to share what i know
dark_prince said:
I say YES!
but u need to change system font to achive this
First of all i suppose you want to install Segoe UI font as your default system font.
1. Copy segoeui related ttf files from your pc to your pocket pc in /windows/fonts/ directory.
2. Open registry editor (Resco Registry or PHM registry editor or total commander what ever)
3. Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\SysFnt\ and here edit the value in Nm DWORD to Segoe UI (it might be Nina (in case of WM2002, 2003) or Tahoma (in case of WM2003SE, WM5/6/6.1). just dont care about any thing wrong )
Copy this Nm DWORD Value to:
Overwrite if prompted
Now close registry editor. Stop all running programs from your task manager or from Memory control. Reboot your device. and then tell me if u get it working
thats it........
You r welcome in my inbox for help
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This does not solve my problem. I wan to keep "Tahoma" as my default font but I want my IE to read Tahoma and one more font which appears on my web mails. How can I do that?
just change the DWORD Nm Values to Tahoma and all would be fine
IMHO, WM2k3SE, 5, 6, 6.1 by default come with Tahoma
registry settings is for Default Windows Mobile Font. Rest fonts must be just put in to \Windows\Fonts\ Directory. Internet Explorer will pick them automatically if th website requires
use this application to change ur system font easily. this application will do the necessary changes in registry automatically.
1. I added Hindi fonts (mangal) to FONTS directory in window. still IE could not recognize those fonts.
2. I changed the system fonts as suggested above, then every character on phone became square square unreadble, except when I opened, I noticed that all message in english became unreadable whereas hindi fonts were readable.
This is not what we desire, I wanted system to remain same, using Tahoma fonts but IE to recognize Hindi fonts in addition to Tahoma fonts cause my web google mails contain english as well hindi messages.
Any help would be appreciated.
how to change font to default font,help me please.

System font issues....

Well here it is.........
I've been trying to change my systrem font to "old english text"
I have a cab file for it which works, however it changes absolutely ALL the text in the phone, even renders websites in the new font, which is not ideal...
I uninstalled and tried to use sk tools to change the font, this kinda works however the "start" and softkeybar buttons remain unchanged, which is kinda annoying...
I also tried the reg editing method of changing the font from a how to guide on here.... still the same,, system font is changed however "start" and softkeybar remains unchanged.........
Would anyone be able to alter this cab so that it only changes the fonts in WM and manilla (leaving thing like opera/resco explorer etc untouched)...
or tell me which reg entrys I need to revert to default after installing it...
I tried getting into the cab and seeing what entries it manipulates but couldnt find a way of opening an xml file as text on my phone to see whats in there....
Any help would be much appreciated...........
Thanks in advance.....
Does anyone have a cab to restore the default sytem font......??
I found one via search but it doesnt work unfortuneately.............
Looks like another hard reset looming................

Armenian language (and may be others) support

After a few hours of research, I found the way to make this "machine" display Armenian fonts.
In "Windows" folder of the phone there is a tahoma.ttf font which is~144kb, while in Windows 7 this font file is 632kb, gotcha!
So just copy the tahoma.ttf font from windows 7 fonts to "Windows" directory of your phone, replaceing the old 144kb with new 632kb one.
Do the same for tahomabd.ttf font.
Soft reset, and you can enjoy your phone with a more complete language support (this affects mailing, messaging, internet browsing... etc.)
I suppose this will give support of several other languages too.
p.s. you may need "resco file explorer" to replace the fonts.
I have been looking around for the Armenian Fonts since long time now,I will do what you have recommended and will report back later,just hope will not have to hard reset my phone,since with Windows directory you just cannot fool around.!!
hagba said:
I have been looking around for the Armenian Fonts since long time now,I will do what you have recommended and will report back later,just hope will not have to hard reset my phone,since with Windows directory you just cannot fool around.!!
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I've done this on 2 HTC HD2 phones, no problem yet
Not working here,what I did is the following:
On my laptops W7 found the tahoma file in the Windows Font folder there were to files in it ,one tahoma.ttf 681kb the other tahomabd.ttf 632kb,I copied them both to my Pnones Windows directory with Resco explorer,reset,Twice!!.
No Armenian fonts on any website is displayed,also sent an SMS in Armenian from my wifes Iphone, just the same,square caracters,no fonts displayed.
Did I do anything wrong?
Ok just discovered that those two files on my HD2 Windows directory are not being overwritten no matter waht I do,Im using Resco Explorer.
BTW.the files on my phone are 299 and 277kb respectively.
Anyway,Thanks for the help.
hagba said:
Ok just discovered that those two files on my HD2 Windows directory are not being overwritten no matter waht I do,Im using Resco Explorer.
BTW.the files on my phone are 299 and 277kb respectively.
Anyway,Thanks for the help.
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hmm... you can try to delete those files or rename them, after that just copy the new ones... sometimes it does not let you to replace but lets you to rename or delete.
ok I will try.
hey Vassabee,I will declare you the man of the year man,works great Just overwrote it and reset,looks loke I was doing something wrong before.
Thanks a million.
hagba said:
hey Vassabee,I will declare you the man of the year man,works great Just overwrote it and reset,looks loke I was doing something wrong before.
Thanks a million.
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u're welcome now I need an armenian keyboard as an extention to the default HTC keyboard to make more use of my tweak
Found the russian(, but still cannot find Armenian
vassabee said:
After a few hours of research, I found the way to make this "machine" display Armenian fonts.
In "Windows" folder of the phone there is a tahoma.ttf font which is~144kb, while in Windows 7 this font file is 632kb, gotcha!
So just copy the tahoma.ttf font from windows 7 fonts to "Windows" directory of your phone, replaceing the old 144kb with new 632kb one.
Do the same for tahomabd.ttf font.
Soft reset, and you can enjoy your phone with a more complete language support (this affects mailing, messaging, internet browsing... etc.)
I suppose this will give support of several other languages too.
p.s. you may need "resco file explorer" to replace the fonts.
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I may confirm, it's working. Good job!!!
thanks bro ( shnorhakalllllll) helps me so much .... works on tuch2
Could you send them over?
Do you mind posting your Tahoma files here so i could download and use them on my HD2? or send them via PM
Shnorhakalutyun in advance
lusjash said:
Do you mind posting your Tahoma files here so i could download and use them on my HD2? or send them via PM
Shnorhakalutyun in advance
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I tried to upload it but giving me the message Invalid File.
PM me with your email adress I will try to email it to you.
I found it on one of the computers with Windows 7. I didn't understand in the beginning that you meant Win 7 PC, i thought it is WM7, which i don't have an access to.
Thanks, it is solved now with Armenian in facebook.
hagba said:
I tried to upload it but giving me the message Invalid File.
PM me with your email adress I will try to email it to you.
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Hi everyone, thanks for the tips, but I tried mine doesn't work. I found two Windows folders in my phone, one in the phone directory, and the other one in the storage card, I replaced the tahoma things with the ones you said to overwrite, and after a soft reset it doesn't work, it doesn't display Armenian fonts in web sites, please let me know what to do.
Thanks in advance
Guys also I am asking you to help me with another issue that has got me in trouble for several months now and I can't find a solution. I need the GPS maps for Georgia, Tbilisi, and I have autorputnik on my HD2, the maps work great for Yerevan, but no maps for Tbilisi. I have tried to install Garmin or TomTom but cannot do that. Can you help me with this? What GPS software are you using?
Cant help you with the GPS thing but for the Armenian fonts Just copy your 2 TAHOMABD.TTF & TAHOMA.TTF files with Resco Explorer to the Windows folder of your HD2 and reset,after that go back to the Windows folder on your phone find the 2 old TAhOMA files and delete them,you will know the old ones since they are smaller files in size,something like 260KB vs 680 for the new, and will have $ signes at their end.
Just dont forget to Unhide the files in Resco explorer>
:Menu>Options>general>Browser>and remove all the checks,leave the boxes blanck.
Good Luck,
EDIT:Make sure you chose the Windows folder in your device and NOT the windows folder on the Storage Card.
vassabee said:
After a few hours of research, I found the way to make this "machine" display Armenian fonts.
In "Windows" folder of the phone there is a tahoma.ttf font which is~144kb, while in Windows 7 this font file is 632kb, gotcha!
So just copy the tahoma.ttf font from windows 7 fonts to "Windows" directory of your phone, replaceing the old 144kb with new 632kb one.
Do the same for tahomabd.ttf font.
Soft reset, and you can enjoy your phone with a more complete language support (this affects mailing, messaging, internet browsing... etc.)
I suppose this will give support of several other languages too.
p.s. you may need "resco file explorer" to replace the fonts.
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Thanks a lot ! ! ! it works great !!!
I'm using it in my Lingvo dictionnary , where I added english <--> armenian dictionnary ,
Work fine
vassabee said:
After a few hours of research, I found the way to make this "machine" display Armenian fonts.
In "Windows" folder of the phone there is a tahoma.ttf font which is~144kb, while in Windows 7 this font file is 632kb, gotcha!
So just copy the tahoma.ttf font from windows 7 fonts to "Windows" directory of your phone, replaceing the old 144kb with new 632kb one.
Do the same for tahomabd.ttf font.
Soft reset, and you can enjoy your phone with a more complete language support (this affects mailing, messaging, internet browsing... etc.)
I suppose this will give support of several other languages too.
p.s. you may need "resco file explorer" to replace the fonts.
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barev brat,
Do you also know how i can get armenian font on android version ?

