Event Drivin App Launcher - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

As some of you may know, I held a poll to decide on an application I would develop next. The winner is an Event Drivin APP Launcher. I have determined some of the events that I can catch easily, and the list is rather long. See the list here. What I want to know from you all, is what other events would you like to see? Sorry, but no GPS in this app, it is just too much overhead as I am trying to make this as small of a footprint as possible. Post here with your questions.

There already is something similar being developed by Schaps - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=413600
I'm really surprised nobody found my suggestion useful to develop network connection manager for WM - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=408243


Cool 1 button audio task creating application request...

I'm not a developer. One day maybe but for now I only marvel at those who can actually create applications. But I could really use this app. Perhaps there is a developer that could too and will run with the idea?....
The Application: Task created by one button press on PPC that records an audio task reminder, creates task dated today with subject "Audio Task" and attaches the audio clip to the task.
The idea is that you can create tasks on the fly with 1 button press (say you are driving or whatever) as long as you have your PPC and remind yourself later. 1 press and say "Pick up beer for Friday" (okay not likely I'd forget that, but you get the idea). It beeps to confirm it worked and then the task is created and shows up in outlook after syncing.
For me this task then shows up in my outlook 'today's tasks list' which I live out of and I can take it from there.
How hard would this be to build? Just a script of some kind I'm guessing - maybe not as I say I'm not a developer. Any takers? Should I pass the hat?
Nice idea.
I'm quite busy right now, but consider using PocketMax AlarmToday, or alternatively a poor man's alternative is to use the built in Notes Voice recorder (hotvoice) and couple it with the plugin AudioNotes, to show your audio notes count on the today screen.
The key is getting it into Outlook....
vijay555 said:
Nice idea.
I'm quite busy right now, but consider using PocketMax AlarmToday, or alternatively a poor man's alternative is to use the built in Notes Voice recorder (hotvoice) and couple it with the plugin AudioNotes, to show your audio notes count on the today screen.
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Vijay thanks for your comments. And yours suggestions are good and get the solution part way there, and as you say would serve as a stop gap.
But the key to this app (and people loving it) is that it integrates seemlessly into the way they manage there lives now. For me (and I've found for a suprising number of people) everything flows through outlook, having another location to check, even on as front and center as the today screen, simply won't do.
The key to the idea is to have a zero headache and 100% reliable way to record and then forget a task until it needs either done or alocated to the day it will be done.
I actually thought I was a bit of freak managing a lot of my life through tasks but I have come across a bunch of people that are way more organized and 'freaky' than I am.
Anyway, thanks for you suggestion. If you get some time and find this interesting let me know. I could draft up a non-technical spec doc pretty quickly. I've got several versions in my head starting with a basic utility to do what I mentioned (which is all I'm really after), right up to one that uses speach to text to fill in the details for you and location positioning to remind you to do things based on where you are (ever been right near the dry cleaner but forgot to pick up the cleaning?). But that's a whole other story.
Hmmm. Speech to text is something I'm still working on.
I'm unlikely to get time to focus on this immediately, but if you see me loitering on streetcorners some weeks hence, stop me and ask me if I'm still "doing business" - ie send me the spec over.
Thinking about it in theory, it doesn't sound too bad. Use POOM to create a new task, use the sound/voice recorder control to embed into the associated note, grab the current date etc. However, like all programming, theory is easy, execution takes time and Jolt.
I use tasks for staying on top of updates for my apps - it's the only way I'd remember all of the requests, otherwise I'll forget everything. My brain is useless Needs a firmware update.
Loitering on street corners hey. Be careful who you meet doing that sort of thing. :shock:
I'm in our same boat, very pressed for time at the moment (just started a new job with Siemens), which is one of the things reminded me why this app would be so handy. That said I'll see about putting a spec together.
Ya I like the theory too, but that's as far as I get. But as you say it seems a lot of the foundation is there from existing apps. I guess it just depends how easy ol' MS has made it to work with them. Does POOM have a reasonable api?
If you know of a Brain Firmware upgrades other than the stock version sign me up. Without task to keep me on track I'm lost.
We'll just see how the time comes together and seeing as I can't help on the programming side I'd be more than willing to provide the jolt. :wink:
I program in native pure C++. In that, POOM has a horribly arcane API. It's much easier in .net, so if anyone wants to try their hand at it, jump in.
But I'm not a .net convert yet... too sloooow.
Not that this is a substitute for the OPs original proposal (which is really nice),
here is an interesting AudioNotes/Today Plugin combo that is meeting you half way...
Blade's Audio Notes
Of course Blade uses .net (1.1 in this case) so it does run slower than C++, but it's free
Blades Audio Notes is a start. But can I send my Boss to blade when I forget to make the phone call because it Outlook wasn't reminding to do it? :wink:
Am I the only one that uses Outlook pretty strictly to manage getting things done? Just curious. I've been called worse than "outlook freak" before and likely again...
...but thanks for the heads up malatesta.

Location based task management

Hi All, First post so be gentle!
Would it be possible to create some sort of location based task alert manager by Cell location? This struck me as useful for example when you might need to do something on the way home from work ("you forgot to pick up the dry cleaning again!"), where you may not know exactly what time you need to be reminded, but by rough location instead. Would something like this be useful to the xda-developers population? I am no coder myself, but cannot imagine this would be overly complex compared to some other apps to come out of XDA dev?
Of all the newbie stuff.. this is probably the best newbie stuff I've heard. It is a good idea.. and it is certainly do-able (there are similar application what switch to different profile based on tower ID). Just need someone to pick up the project.
Seems like all my best ideas are coined in the shower - see I got home today and had once again forgoten to buy shampoo on the way home
bdavbdav said:
Hi All, First post so be gentle!
Would it be possible to create some sort of location based task alert manager by Cell location? This struck me as useful for example when you might need to do something on the way home from work ("you forgot to pick up the dry cleaning again!"), where you may not know exactly what time you need to be reminded, but by rough location instead. Would something like this be useful to the xda-developers population? I am no coder myself, but cannot imagine this would be overly complex compared to some other apps to come out of XDA dev?
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There is location based profile switch mort script floating around this forum. Try to contact the author. Your idea seems to be quite useful.
hmm, nice idea indeed, this is simple enough to be scriptable (for basic purposes, nothing much fancy)...mortscript is easy enough to do this (just check the value of a registry entry that has the tower string, and then read the msg off a database/text file and alert the user accordingly)..
mm, nice idea indeed, this is simple enough to be scriptable (for basic purposes, nothing much fancy)...mortscript is easy enough to do this (just check the value of a registry entry that has the tower string, and then read the msg off a database/text file and alert the user accordingly)..
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Would it be possible to have a script such as this one index a bunch of tasks (to pull a tower ID out of the note/location for example) from the default task list?
If by "default task list" you mean the WM/outlook tasks database then I'm not sure. I have never done that. Will look for it.

Idea to develop Random Access in Programs Start Folder

I like the Random Access from HTC \ HTC Diamond developed for the Contacts application. Similar to this concept is seen in PCMContacts and iContact (slightly different way but works very well).
I'm no developer, so I'm just sharing this idea with the great minds with you guys. Hope one of you can come up with this.
Now what do I mean?
When you press Start, Programs, what you see are some sub-folders and the rest of applications that you had installed. Many cooks had created sub-folders here, naming them 'Multimedia', 'Utilities' etc. It takes time to remember what are the apps in each of this sub-folder, but at least it is a good step towards solving the problem of needing to scroll downwards to find the app you want. I find it hard to remember what apps are within which sub-folder. So I thought if we could implement 'Random Access' similar to HTC Random Access or iContact, we will be able to get to the location of the app much faster.
Well, what do you all think?
Thanks in advance. I really wish I was a developer and I can get about doing this little project. At least it will increase productivity for many of us who might have tried many commerical apps that tries to give a nice, smooth means of navigating but in the end, realise that it takes many thumb scrolls to get to the app that you want.
If any of you great developers is willing to try out this concept, give me a PM or even answer my thread. Hope this will develop into something useful for the community.

Can someone develop this? - Finger friendly EZTask application

Firstly, I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this request, if not, please move this to another section.
I use the standard WM Task program a lot. I keep track of what I want to buy, eg. my weekly groceries as well as things to do. I know I can use ThumbCal to do this but they are all 'date' related.
All I want is just a simple Task program which works like the standard Windows Mobile version but the standard one is not finger friendly. I hate using the stylus when I am pushing my shopping cart.
I do not hv experience in PPC programming, can anyone help to develop something like this? I am sure it will be useful for others who is in the same situation like I do.
The characteristic of the program works similarly like iContact. It has kenetic scroll, can easily add a new task, a huge button to press on when it is completed (light-greyish wording when done). The screen is just a simple example of what I have in mind.
Have you tried any of these??
They are all freeware as well.
BTW gogle is your friend. I did a quick search and came up with TONS of related freeware that does this already.
Wow... thanks! Honestly, I tried googling before but I can't find anything. Will check out what you've suggested.
Look thru quickly, only the first one is finger friendly but the rest needed stylus-access. Will test out then.

Tasks software

Anybody know any good tasks software out there? I searched and searched and couldn't find anything that suits me. Either too many useless additional features, or they simply look bad.
I'm looking for something like the old Memento on the even older Nokia 3310, if anybody remembers it, but more customizable. And maybe with a today plugin too.
My dream would be an additional Tasks tab in touchflo3d, but I'm guessing that will remain in it's dream state.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Take care!
gordonfr said:
Anybody know any good tasks software out there? I searched and searched and couldn't find anything that suits me. Either too many useless additional features, or they simply look bad.
I'm looking for something like the old Memento on the even older Nokia 3310, if anybody remembers it, but more customizable. And maybe with a today plugin too.
My dream would be an additional Tasks tab in touchflo3d, but I'm guessing that will remain in it's dream state.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Take care!
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I have got 2 questions for you:
1) Do you mean a TaskManager to quit running programs or do you mean an application for tasks like Outlook tasks?
2) I don't know the programs you have written about. Do you need a kind of "Touch Task" app?
no, not task manager, tasks as in "to do" list. simple, plain task list. organizer style. like the built-in tasks application in winmobile, but more (MORE) user friendly. that one just doesn't do the trick for me.
gordonfr said:
Anybody know any good tasks software out there?
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I've been using Pocket Informant and Agenda Fusion, but according to your question - too complicated with no convenient "touch interface". Now I'm using http://www.sbsh.net/products/windows_mobile_pocket_pc/calendar_touch
I'm interesting in other suggestions...
gordonfr said:
My dream would be an additional Tasks tab in touchflo3d, but I'm guessing that will remain in it's dream state.
Take care!
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Unfortunately - yes, it is
I've been searching for the same thing but haven't really found one.
I really like the Task2Gather https://task2gather.com/site/windows-mobile-task-management.html
But since they don't support offline mode it's pretty much useless...
They are working on an offline version but when I emailed them they are only planning for the Iphone version... Maybe if more people email them about the Windows version they will put more effort in it.
thanks, i tried calendar touch, but it still is too complex... nevertheless, it's not bad. and that task 2 gather... why only online? i don't see the point. shopping lists, ok, and what else?i'm not looking for a tool designed for bussiness agents or corporations, i'm just looking for a simple tasks list.
don't get me wrong, i'm not mad at you. thanks, anyway.
What's wrong with the standard tasks program?
I'm pretty happy with SPB Diary, which is a today plugin rather than a stand-alone application. It acts as a front-end for pocket outlook & tasks and is nicely customisable. It integrates nicely with SPB Weather and works best when combined with Pocket Plus.
Personally I've tried a lot of task organizers, I feel better with tasks shown in tree structure so I found an excelent freeware application for Pc "To-do List" (http://abstractspoon.pbworks.com/) that I synchronise with "my life organized" on my PPC (http://www.mylifeorganized.net/)
I hope will help...
I am using that one : http://www.mabware.com/
Very simple, but very flexible;
i like it!
I've tried lots of calendars out over time and do you know I find thumbcal the best. The new version is fast and simple to use and looks nice and clean.The task page of it is a must have for me
thanks a lot for your feed-back. i can't believe that, even though i searched for something like those apps, i didn't find them. i think i'm going with my life organized. even though it's a bit more complex than i need, it has a lot of functionality. thanks again!

