Location based task management - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi All, First post so be gentle!
Would it be possible to create some sort of location based task alert manager by Cell location? This struck me as useful for example when you might need to do something on the way home from work ("you forgot to pick up the dry cleaning again!"), where you may not know exactly what time you need to be reminded, but by rough location instead. Would something like this be useful to the xda-developers population? I am no coder myself, but cannot imagine this would be overly complex compared to some other apps to come out of XDA dev?

Of all the newbie stuff.. this is probably the best newbie stuff I've heard. It is a good idea.. and it is certainly do-able (there are similar application what switch to different profile based on tower ID). Just need someone to pick up the project.

Seems like all my best ideas are coined in the shower - see I got home today and had once again forgoten to buy shampoo on the way home

bdavbdav said:
Hi All, First post so be gentle!
Would it be possible to create some sort of location based task alert manager by Cell location? This struck me as useful for example when you might need to do something on the way home from work ("you forgot to pick up the dry cleaning again!"), where you may not know exactly what time you need to be reminded, but by rough location instead. Would something like this be useful to the xda-developers population? I am no coder myself, but cannot imagine this would be overly complex compared to some other apps to come out of XDA dev?
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There is location based profile switch mort script floating around this forum. Try to contact the author. Your idea seems to be quite useful.

hmm, nice idea indeed, this is simple enough to be scriptable (for basic purposes, nothing much fancy)...mortscript is easy enough to do this (just check the value of a registry entry that has the tower string, and then read the msg off a database/text file and alert the user accordingly)..

mm, nice idea indeed, this is simple enough to be scriptable (for basic purposes, nothing much fancy)...mortscript is easy enough to do this (just check the value of a registry entry that has the tower string, and then read the msg off a database/text file and alert the user accordingly)..
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Would it be possible to have a script such as this one index a bunch of tasks (to pull a tower ID out of the note/location for example) from the default task list?

If by "default task list" you mean the WM/outlook tasks database then I'm not sure. I have never done that. Will look for it.


Cool 1 button audio task creating application request...

I'm not a developer. One day maybe but for now I only marvel at those who can actually create applications. But I could really use this app. Perhaps there is a developer that could too and will run with the idea?....
The Application: Task created by one button press on PPC that records an audio task reminder, creates task dated today with subject "Audio Task" and attaches the audio clip to the task.
The idea is that you can create tasks on the fly with 1 button press (say you are driving or whatever) as long as you have your PPC and remind yourself later. 1 press and say "Pick up beer for Friday" (okay not likely I'd forget that, but you get the idea). It beeps to confirm it worked and then the task is created and shows up in outlook after syncing.
For me this task then shows up in my outlook 'today's tasks list' which I live out of and I can take it from there.
How hard would this be to build? Just a script of some kind I'm guessing - maybe not as I say I'm not a developer. Any takers? Should I pass the hat?
Nice idea.
I'm quite busy right now, but consider using PocketMax AlarmToday, or alternatively a poor man's alternative is to use the built in Notes Voice recorder (hotvoice) and couple it with the plugin AudioNotes, to show your audio notes count on the today screen.
The key is getting it into Outlook....
vijay555 said:
Nice idea.
I'm quite busy right now, but consider using PocketMax AlarmToday, or alternatively a poor man's alternative is to use the built in Notes Voice recorder (hotvoice) and couple it with the plugin AudioNotes, to show your audio notes count on the today screen.
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Vijay thanks for your comments. And yours suggestions are good and get the solution part way there, and as you say would serve as a stop gap.
But the key to this app (and people loving it) is that it integrates seemlessly into the way they manage there lives now. For me (and I've found for a suprising number of people) everything flows through outlook, having another location to check, even on as front and center as the today screen, simply won't do.
The key to the idea is to have a zero headache and 100% reliable way to record and then forget a task until it needs either done or alocated to the day it will be done.
I actually thought I was a bit of freak managing a lot of my life through tasks but I have come across a bunch of people that are way more organized and 'freaky' than I am.
Anyway, thanks for you suggestion. If you get some time and find this interesting let me know. I could draft up a non-technical spec doc pretty quickly. I've got several versions in my head starting with a basic utility to do what I mentioned (which is all I'm really after), right up to one that uses speach to text to fill in the details for you and location positioning to remind you to do things based on where you are (ever been right near the dry cleaner but forgot to pick up the cleaning?). But that's a whole other story.
Hmmm. Speech to text is something I'm still working on.
I'm unlikely to get time to focus on this immediately, but if you see me loitering on streetcorners some weeks hence, stop me and ask me if I'm still "doing business" - ie send me the spec over.
Thinking about it in theory, it doesn't sound too bad. Use POOM to create a new task, use the sound/voice recorder control to embed into the associated note, grab the current date etc. However, like all programming, theory is easy, execution takes time and Jolt.
I use tasks for staying on top of updates for my apps - it's the only way I'd remember all of the requests, otherwise I'll forget everything. My brain is useless Needs a firmware update.
Loitering on street corners hey. Be careful who you meet doing that sort of thing. :shock:
I'm in our same boat, very pressed for time at the moment (just started a new job with Siemens), which is one of the things reminded me why this app would be so handy. That said I'll see about putting a spec together.
Ya I like the theory too, but that's as far as I get. But as you say it seems a lot of the foundation is there from existing apps. I guess it just depends how easy ol' MS has made it to work with them. Does POOM have a reasonable api?
If you know of a Brain Firmware upgrades other than the stock version sign me up. Without task to keep me on track I'm lost.
We'll just see how the time comes together and seeing as I can't help on the programming side I'd be more than willing to provide the jolt. :wink:
I program in native pure C++. In that, POOM has a horribly arcane API. It's much easier in .net, so if anyone wants to try their hand at it, jump in.
But I'm not a .net convert yet... too sloooow.
Not that this is a substitute for the OPs original proposal (which is really nice),
here is an interesting AudioNotes/Today Plugin combo that is meeting you half way...
Blade's Audio Notes
Of course Blade uses .net (1.1 in this case) so it does run slower than C++, but it's free
Blades Audio Notes is a start. But can I send my Boss to blade when I forget to make the phone call because it Outlook wasn't reminding to do it? :wink:
Am I the only one that uses Outlook pretty strictly to manage getting things done? Just curious. I've been called worse than "outlook freak" before and likely again...
...but thanks for the heads up malatesta.

Developing new application, need help/suggestions

MAJOR EDIT: Started over, I need fresh ideas!
I'm bored, I got Basic4PPC andI want to make a little freeware app. Seeing how much people wanted another unit converter, I dropped the towel before entering the shower (pushing the metaphor to far...) and decided to consult the experts.
What would be THE best idea for a Pocket PC application? I was thinking about a small app to launch many applications from a single hardware button with some cool UI and all, but it's been down quite a couple of times.
I don't think that a unit converter can be sold easily... I mean: I don't need it, and if I would: there are so much freeware alternatives.
And about your goals:
- only one file... why?
- Try to make it modulair: easier to extend
sounds like a good idea, but why not have currency converter, in fact what would be a cool idea is if it can download a table of exchange rates on startup so that it gives you an accurate conversion figure.
Rhapsody said:
I don't think that a unit converter can be sold easily... I mean: I don't need it, and if I would: there are so much freeware alternatives.
And about your goals:
- only one file... why?
- Try to make it modulair: easier to extend
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I agree, who would buy a unit converter... for instance I use google to convert for me on my phone. Easy and fast to use. I don't really know why I would need to convert a number fast.
I chose a unit converter for ease of use, but since the project is a day old or so, it's the right time to tell me what to make!
N1c0_ds said:
I chose a unit converter for ease of use, but since the project is a day old or so, it's the right time to tell me what to make!
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No I think if you want to make something which you want to sell, you have to come up with the ideas yourself
I think you start at the wrong side. First think about what you want to make (what are you missing at the moment on your phone?), then try to create it and when it's finished you can always decide what to do with it. (shareware or freeware).
The thing is that most of the things are already available freeware.
I don't quite correspond to the typical PDA user. I'm 15 years-old, part time worker...
I can get ideas myself, but I can't really know what the average user wants. The best thing I can of right now would be a hardware button launcher.
When you'd press the button you'd be presented a big touch keyboard from which you could filter the available apps. It would launch the app then close itself. Good or no good?
Timesheet application?
Well, since you asked... This is the only app I used on my old palm device that I have not been able to replace on my PPC. It is a simple timesheet program that allows the user to record time spent on definable projects.
I have tried several of the commercial programs out there and they are all too complex or geared more for billable time and invoice generation. I just need something simple. The PALM program was freeware and can be seen here.
If you are interested in giving this a try I will be glad to give some more details on the desired functionality. The PALM program was not 100% of what I needed, just the best fit from what I could find.
Interesting. I actually made something similar in one of my Palm apps (which was never finished because I switched to WM).
I'll have a look at that. I'll try it as a filler, waiting for a great project.
P.S.: your themes are awesome!
That would be wonderful! The biggest things I would need are below:
Multiple projects with name and number (13 digit)
Ability to delete project from available list but keep past history
Day and Week summary view reports
Easy selection / clock in / clock out on main screen
Those are the main things. There are lots of ways to do this and I have ideas, but part of the fun of coding is UI design and code structuring. If you decide to take this one please let me know. I will be very happy to test for you.
Woah, calm down, I'm only about to complete the table. It looks like the screenshots for Timesheet right now (without final total, project selection and "today" button).
what about an app that can install automatically and in silent mode a big list of cabs. we should just have to select the destination : phone storage or sdcard. it would make reinstalls easier after rom updates .....
perhaps it already exist, i don't know ...
The thing is now useable! It saves date, in time, out time and calculates the difference between the two. When you exit it save your current data to load it when you launch.
Looks like this:
Date In Out Time
08/08/2008 17:15 17:20 00:05
And it adds one row for each in/out.
Sample coming soon.
kaiser47 said:
what about an app that can install automatically and in silent mode a big list of cabs. we should just have to select the destination : phone storage or sdcard. it would make reinstalls easier after rom updates .....
perhaps it already exist, i don't know ...
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Interesting idea, but I doubt people would pay for it.
CAB File!
Here's the working version. It yet has to show total time, money owed and all, but that's a good start!
Does anyone know a better CAB making app? This one sucks.
N1c0_ds said:
Interesting idea, but I doubt people would pay for it.
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basically exists as user customisation... a new thing where cabs from storage card can be installed if u basically make an xml file with links to all the needed cabs
N1c0_ds said:
Here's the working version. It yet has to show total time, money owed and all, but that's a good start!
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I am impressed. Then again, I don't have a WM dev environment. It is running fine so far on my P4300 WM6. Thanks for taking this on! There is nothing out there right now that is simple and clean.
I'm about to cancel all that crap right now. After a hard day of work, it was all made useless because Basic4PPC can't freakin' handle tables as it should. Thus instead of getting the standard plain white tables with grey headers, I get some ugly dark gray filling where there is no data. Then thing get even uglier when scrolling is needed. That kind of crap is enough to make me quit.
Unless you guys can get me something actually worth its price, forget about my app, I'm too pissed off to continue and all the files went straight to the bin.

(LAST CHANCE TO VOTE) need some idea's

It is 12:00 central time (17:00 GMT I think) and I will close voting at 5:00pm Central Time (22:00 GMT) today. So that leaves you just 5 Hours to make your vote. I will try and post the winner up here later tonight, or you can check yourself at www.gudensoft.com.
First, thanks for all the great ideas. I would love to develop all of these if I could, but we have to decide on just one of the programs! So, Since I couldn't add a poll to this thread, I added it to HERE.
I bet I know which will win, but who knows? The poll will end Thursday or Friday (depending on if it is a close race or not).
Hey guys,
I want to know what cool program, functionality, or software you would like to see created. I am a .net programmer (among others) and would like some ideas of projects you would like to see. I would like to stay away from a graphic intense program and involved games, so think functionality, usefulness, fun, etc. If I get some good ideas, I will then add a poll, vote on the best one, then build it. I will release it under my donationware license which means it will be free. Right now I am finishing up my Golf Gps program (and will continue to support), but will start this project once we get it deceided. So Shoot me your ideas!
cool a programmer who need ideas
I have proposed something here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=434925
though it would maybe not appear as a grateful program for a developper ( a toolkit for other programs), it could be a good way to have a large diffusion through many config panels in different programs
it was just an idea
Maybe simple for .NET, but for me impossible to do (without performance/battery penaulty) with basic4ppc or mortscript. And thats all I can handle.
What I would like to have is a program that enables me to execute programs when specific events occur. I'd like to know when AC power gets connected/disconnected, when there is a change in screen orientation, and when a headset gets connected/disconnected and so on. Maybe even when an internet connection through WIFI is available/unavailable.
Also I'd like to know is a specific BT device is connectable/conneted. I'd like to know if a specific WIFI network is connectable/connected. I'd like to know if I'm at a specific location. All event driven, without a performance consuming programing loop or battery drain.
Yeah, all or even some of those options would make my digital mobile life so much easier
Good luck huntig for input, if you ever get bored contact me and make me happy
le_cactus said:
Maybe simple for .NET, but for me impossible to do (without performance/battery penaulty) with basic4ppc or mortscript. And thats all I can handle.
What I would like to have is a program that enables me to execute programs when specific events occur. I'd like to know when AC power gets connected/disconnected, when there is a change in screen orientation, and when a headset gets connected/disconnected and so on. Maybe even when an internet connection through WIFI is available/unavailable.
Also I'd like to know is a specific BT device is connectable/conneted. I'd like to know if a specific WIFI network is connectable/connected. I'd like to know if I'm at a specific location. All event driven, without a performance consuming programing loop or battery drain.
Yeah, all or even some of those options would make my digital mobile life so much easier
Good luck huntig for input, if you ever get bored contact me and make me happy
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Doable, handy, not a massive undertaking, I like it! Not sure I would go the .net route on something like this, as really a GUI is not required (except for settings maybe) and the overhead is large with .net. Certainly will add it to the list. Keep them coming!!
t0k0m0k0 said:
cool a programmer who need ideas
I have proposed something here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=434925
though it would maybe not appear as a grateful program for a developper ( a toolkit for other programs), it could be a good way to have a large diffusion through many config panels in different programs
it was just an idea
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This would be pretty difficult unless all of developers used the same programming langauge/technique. The only real feasable way I see this working would be developers using a common set of graphics. That would be more of a graphic undertaking instead of programming. I do like the idea, but pretty hard to impliment.
I would love to see something like Launchy for launching apps and files etc. as well as quick search of various types online. I'm guessing the on the fly search would require too much processing power, but if it's doable it would be awesome.
I'm interested in new ideas too. I also use B4PPC.
Here's a few ideas:
-A tamagotchi, really. I was about to try this out tonight but Paint hates me.
-An app launcher like PetitLaunch on PalmOS. It's something that can pop from any app (hardware button) and when you type in extra letters it filters which apps are shown. I got this started and I can give you the files if you want.
-Pursue the development for Tippy. The source is on Nicbou.com/downloads if you want it.
-A time clock. A friend of mine notes down how long he works to make sure he doesn't get screwed and it takes him several minutes every week. He doesn't have a Pocket PC but maybe someone would be interested in something that tracks the hours you work and calculate the salary. I almost did this too.
And don't forget to share the source! If you need any help with B4PPC I'm here
galt said:
I would love to see something like Launchy for launching apps and files etc. as well as quick search of various types online. I'm guessing the on the fly search would require too much processing power, but if it's doable it would be awesome.
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Sounds simular to the app launcher listed in the next post, seems like there is a theme going on here, you all need some sort of good app launcher.
I'd like the Launchy features for search-on-the-fly off on board apps and file launching, but ever more for different site searches (google, maps, wikipedia, live, youtube, Amazon, etc).
N1c0_ds said:
I'm interested in new ideas too. I also use B4PPC.
Here's a few ideas:
-A tamagotchi, really. I was about to try this out tonight but Paint hates me.
-An app launcher like PetitLaunch on PalmOS. It's something that can pop from any app (hardware button) and when you type in extra letters it filters which apps are shown. I got this started and I can give you the files if you want.
-Pursue the development for Tippy. The source is on Nicbou.com/downloads if you want it.
-A time clock. A friend of mine notes down how long he works to make sure he doesn't get screwed and it takes him several minutes every week. He doesn't have a Pocket PC but maybe someone would be interested in something that tracks the hours you work and calculate the salary. I almost did this too.
And don't forget to share the source! If you need any help with B4PPC I'm here
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I had to look up tamagotchi, either I am too old, or just out of the loop to know that 10 million of these things were sold! Wow! That could be fun, but would take a pretty fancy AI type system to really be fun.
A form of Tippy is already out there, 1-calc has some of the features built in already.
A time clock could be cool, maybe a stop watch type thing perhaps?
Never used B4PPC, I mainly use C# and Visual Studio. It looks like the old Visual Basic for desktops. And last but not least, depending on the project, I more than likely will release the source.
Thanks!!! Keep'em comin!
File Explorer Needs Help
Has anyone wanted to see a preview image in explorer's folder??
I'm not talking about fexplorerext2. although it is a fantastic enhancement; it takes a long time to load the preview immages.
I have a better idea (well, actualy MS thought of it first)
for every folder that has an image file, this dll is created to replace cache of images. this way ou do not have to load it everytime and scale them down for thumbnail view. it is already there specificaly for each folder.
This alows the explorer to show a preview of the first image in the folder (or last created/accessed)
This is whatt I think WinMo is lacking - windows. lol.
I do not care much for the tabbed browsing. it hurts my head. too much scroling and not enough info. Icons work better I think, and waste less space on an already small screen.
well, that's been on my wishlist for a very long time. a dll that ataches to the already existing explorer making it work better.
Thanks for workin g on something new
program that makes led lights flash when phone rings would be nice
Interesting...I will have to think about how to tackle that. It would basically take a new file explorer (like total commander). This might be a bit larger than I want to tackle, but will research it a bit before ruling it out.
bedaweed said:
program that makes led lights flash when phone rings would be nice
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This would be very difficult as not every device handles the leds the same. Also, not every device has the same leds (color, # of, etc). I think No2Chem has a int. driver, but think it is only for the titan. Would be cool though...
a system-wide launcher dock program like that on the velocity 103 PPC..
here's the URL for the review and video of the app (and the phone)
a new top bar replacemeent/notification system much like the "android Notification Drawer" it can replace the bubble (multiple) notifications icon when you got multiple and simultaneous notifications.. and also make it finger friendly (unlike M2D, no need to go back to homescreen to check email/sms previes and also calendar events, calls, etc.. also unlike big taskbar - from the touch phones, this'll have previews)
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7qbPa1O8Ys&eur (at the 2 minute mark) , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy-YcGNyJds
mjg7876 said:
Interesting...I will have to think about how to tackle that. It would basically take a new file explorer (like total commander). This might be a bit larger than I want to tackle, but will research it a bit before ruling it out.
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Fexplorer2 is basically a dll that works with the original file explorer context menu. there is a small exe that overwrites the original explorer to make it think that the explorer"s context menu has already been opened.
in a way it maybe possible to write a new dll and two exe
EXE 1 to replace the file explorer
EXE 2 to make thumbs db
DLL (conte4xt menu that alows to view as thumbnails/list etc ; as well as launching the second exe to make a thumbsdb)
maybe you can get some help from Hou Ming, the guy that made that program before.
it would be cool if you could get some of the old emus like pocket gba and pocket snes with window 6.1 I know i would be happy.
le_cactus said:
... when AC power gets connected/disconnected, when there is a change in screen orientation, and when a headset gets connected/disconnected and ...
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I have been looking for a program that would stop the music (S2P, Audio Manager, or WMP etc...) if during playback of the music the headset is removed. Or for instance, when the device is on vibrate and you connect headset, it automatically changes profile to normal or something.
Another one is when I dock my device (or connect AC basically), I'd like clock program (or home screen, or photo slideshow, etc...) to come up automatically.
A feature that I miss from my older phones is the ability to set them to beep every minute during a phone call.
Now these are very general and not specific features. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me!
Thank you,
ytsejam_ said:
a system-wide launcher dock program like that on the velocity 103 PPC..
here's the URL for the review and video of the app (and the phone)
a new top bar replacemeent/notification system much like the "android Notification Drawer" it can replace the bubble (multiple) notifications icon when you got multiple and simultaneous notifications.. and also make it finger friendly (unlike M2D, no need to go back to homescreen to check email/sms previes and also calendar events, calls, etc.. also unlike big taskbar - from the touch phones, this'll have previews)
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7qbPa1O8Ys&eur (at the 2 minute mark) , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy-YcGNyJds
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The launcher on the 103 looks a lot like manilla, I know it is diff, but to me it seems mainly by presentation, not functionality. I do however like the notification top bar like that on android. Not sure how difficult taking over the top bar would be. I will do some digging.
S.V.I said:
Fexplorer2 is basically a dll that works with the original file explorer context menu. there is a small exe that overwrites the original explorer to make it think that the explorer"s context menu has already been opened.
in a way it maybe possible to write a new dll and two exe
EXE 1 to replace the file explorer
EXE 2 to make thumbs db
DLL (conte4xt menu that alows to view as thumbnails/list etc ; as well as launching the second exe to make a thumbsdb)
maybe you can get some help from Hou Ming, the guy that made that program before.
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Can you give me a link to this? The only thing I could find (quickly) was sketchy at best. Still seems a bit much, but would like to know more about this Fexplorer2 thing before nuking the idea.

Event Drivin App Launcher

As some of you may know, I held a poll to decide on an application I would develop next. The winner is an Event Drivin APP Launcher. I have determined some of the events that I can catch easily, and the list is rather long. See the list here. What I want to know from you all, is what other events would you like to see? Sorry, but no GPS in this app, it is just too much overhead as I am trying to make this as small of a footprint as possible. Post here with your questions.
There already is something similar being developed by Schaps - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=413600
I'm really surprised nobody found my suggestion useful to develop network connection manager for WM - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=408243

[Q] What debug and log tools are available?

I'm interested to know which debugging/logging tools are available.
I'd like to get more information about the processes at startup, and specially logs of the CPU usage by each application over a period of time.
I've been searching for some time and the only I've found are the old Htc Test applications, but can't get what I want.
Noted that HTC devices have a builtin debug tool (debuglog.dll). Anyone knows how to use it?
Also found the following the following post describing the HTCDiagDriver and the possibility to analyze the device using QUALCOMM eXtensible Diagnostic Monitor.
Anyone uses it?
Global debuglog can be enabled via DebugTool.exe (available in Htc Test Applications). It depends on debuglog.dll, yeah. Read manual, it works quite well.
Then, if you want to get log for selected app, launch it via IDA.
Also we have CeLog available, I will post needed launchers soon. I can hardly call it useful as we have retail/ship SYS builds. The only useful purpose for us is page faults chart.
EDIT: CeLog attached.
Some of the builds come with the Perfman package. That s.o.b. will really slow down your device, though, and it creates a massive log file, which I could never find the tools to analyze. I think celog does it, though, which is pretty sweet.
The htc debugger works better. You just change one of the debug flags and reset, and the device starts writing the log file. It doesn't slow down the device nearly as much as perfman. I think celog may work on that log file, too. You can royally eff up your device with that tool, though, if you mess with the radio flags. It's pretty cool how it writes to flash memory. Too bad you can't change other things with it like the page pool size.
ultrashot said:
Also we have CeLog available, I will post needed launchers soon. I can hardly call it useful as we have retail/ship SYS builds. The only useful purpose for us is page faults chart.
EDIT: CeLog attached.
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I have been playing with the tool on my Tornado and observed the following (usage related):
Use it while the device is disconnected from PC. The overhead of repllog.exe (connected to ActiveSync on XP PC) and syncing is just filling your log. For my installation (no further MS Mobile development tools on the PC) kerneltracker.exe does not connect to the device anyway.
Though obvious, the files CeLog*.exe have to run on the device, so copy them to a convenient place there.
The CeLogAttach.exe seems to start the kernel logging and it slows down the device (kind of obvious). There is no way to stop this logging. Something like CeLogDetach would be needed, if it exists, to restore the state before CeLogAttach.exe was run.
The CeLogFlush.exe will flush the existing log but also immediately start the logging again.
The CeLogStopFlush.exe does just what the name tells - it stops the flush to file of the (still ongoing) logging.
After transfering the celog.clg file (from \Release\ directory of the device) it can be opened in kerneltracker.exe. Then you see all the kernelactivities logged and aligned per process/thread on a zoom-able timeline (10ms - 10s) including the labels of the logged primitives. With event filtering you can sort out what you are not interested in. Here you may need advice on what to look after when you want to hunt down a certain device behaviour.
I have checked for page-faults, Virtual Memory related actions (Allocate, Copy, Free) and also Module actions (load, free) to get a clue if and how modules and paging (or better said: the use of the Page-Pool) is correlated. Nothing eye-striking coming up here, but it may just be for the unknowing observer like myself.
@ultrashot: I could not find anything I would call a "page faults chart" - where is that - or what is that?
Looking further: If I change certain device properties (like increase the pagepool or playing with OSB advanced options) I fear that the logged information here is just far too detailed for a useful compare. For that you would have to create identical conditions for the action under scrutiny - something that cannot be done with a disconnected device.
So I have to admit that all objective compare of such tuning and tweaking is far above my head and I just have to join the many that make more or less clever assumptions trusting on their model of actions in their heads. I hope that the better knowing heads continue to spread their wisdom without only telling RTFM or guide with LMGTFY (which can help if the results really point to right places).
tobbbie said:
@ultrashot: I could not find anything I would call a "page faults chart" - where is that - or what is that?
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Use Event filter->Miscellaneous->Page fault.
I am not too advanced user of this tool. If we had builds with extra celog instrumentation, we could have take much more from this tool. However, there are some articles in the internets about celog, so anyone who wants to be get more info may just try to google it. I don't want
ultrashot said:
Use Event filter->Miscellaneous->Page fault.
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Click to collapse
That is what I did already when telling about the items I cared below. Page faults are however part of generic virtual memory management and they do also apply for any normal loaded executables. As you know I seek for traces of module related paging and the use of the page-pool.
So it will stay with the trial and error and side-by-side compare with two devices having different settings. Not a big thing doing that...
Some interesting articles on MSDN regarding the paging pool (aka "pagepool"):
Kernel Blog article explaining the fundamentals (highly recommended): http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ce_base/archive/2008/01/19/paging-and-the-windows-ce-paging-pool.aspx
Pagepool Variable explained and simple methods to measure impact: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa451041.aspx
-> this is what kitchentools are patching in the kernel
Then some more backup on virtual memory - just to complete on that:
And to get back to the debug tools topic of this thread, linked form the first article an introduction to the Remote Kernel Tracker to explain what you can actually see there (and why you cannot see certain things as we have shipped ROM builds and not profiling builds to deal with): http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sloh/archive/2005/05/17/introduction-to-remote-kernel-tracker.aspx
Great insight if you want to get a glimpse of how Windows CE operates under the hood.
...reading a little deeper in the MSDN articles, Sue Loh mentions there when talking about the paging pool size determination:
The best tool I know is that readlog.exe will print you a page fault report if you turn on the “verbose” and “summary” options. If you get multiple faults on the same pages, your pool may be too small (you may also be unloading and re-loading the same module, ejecting its pages from memory, so look for module load events in the log too). If you don’t get many repeats, your pool may be bigger than you need.
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To avoid dealing with a full setup of the Mobile Development toolsets, could any one (ultrashot - you have been so helpful - could you??) post that mentioned "readlog" tool? If there is something like "CeLogDetach.exe", please add it too.
BTW: you may notice that the paging pool is a central part of the Windows CE memory management when it comes to running executable code from "memory mapped files" (as Sue Loh calls them). In my understanding these are simply what we know as "modules".
A lot of tweaking strategies go around that when building ROMs with OSBuilder. There are several ways how to avoid or optimize the use of the paging pool for certain or all modules in OSB. I think these options deserve an own thread and I am not sure if the one OSB thread we have should be cluttered with discussing this.
don't have any of those.

