Idea to develop Random Access in Programs Start Folder - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I like the Random Access from HTC \ HTC Diamond developed for the Contacts application. Similar to this concept is seen in PCMContacts and iContact (slightly different way but works very well).
I'm no developer, so I'm just sharing this idea with the great minds with you guys. Hope one of you can come up with this.
Now what do I mean?
When you press Start, Programs, what you see are some sub-folders and the rest of applications that you had installed. Many cooks had created sub-folders here, naming them 'Multimedia', 'Utilities' etc. It takes time to remember what are the apps in each of this sub-folder, but at least it is a good step towards solving the problem of needing to scroll downwards to find the app you want. I find it hard to remember what apps are within which sub-folder. So I thought if we could implement 'Random Access' similar to HTC Random Access or iContact, we will be able to get to the location of the app much faster.
Well, what do you all think?
Thanks in advance. I really wish I was a developer and I can get about doing this little project. At least it will increase productivity for many of us who might have tried many commerical apps that tries to give a nice, smooth means of navigating but in the end, realise that it takes many thumb scrolls to get to the app that you want.
If any of you great developers is willing to try out this concept, give me a PM or even answer my thread. Hope this will develop into something useful for the community.


Feature requests - give them to me!

I am parsing a list of feature requests for the next update on touch innovation
Basically post whatever you want to see on there to make your browsing experience easier!
(see sig for link)
not sure if you have this already
but how about a mobile version of the site where you can
easily download the cab files to the phone
Sorry you have already something similar
Keep up the good work
Yeah I do,
It will automatically re-direct you if your on your phone! But this feature is to be improved. I am also recoding the website's html to make it more cross-browser compatible!
Another feature soon to come will be "Add applications LIVE to the website" where you can add a program, choose the category and it will add it, with of course lots of security such as only cabs and zips allowed, and it will warn you when you download a "User-submitted" application, that it is liable for virus's. But each and everyone will be checked by our admin team.
Any more ideas?
Specific descriptions of what the programs are and do. The "copy and paste" of the author's descriptions aren't always descriptive enough to figure out what the programs really do or if they're worth a try.
The names themselves are good clues, but it's limiting.
I would also suggest taking out the narrative and simply write what the programs are. For example:
HTC Home Customizer:
"Do you have a HTC phone, that has the htc today plugin? No? Ah well doesn't matter because this programs automatically downloads and installs it for you, not only that.. but it lets you customize it to the tiniest detail.
Why not just say that it "The program customizes and if needed, installs the HTC Today plugin."
One sentence that says the same thing.
iContact - Burt Edition:
"Truburt has done it again. Yet more features, including:
- Improved scroll speed
- Improved search feature
- Lots of small improvements
- Lots of bug fixes.
This should be in the features section and a description of the program (it's differences to the others) should be there.
You get the idea. There's a lot of good stuff there, but I might just be the only one that have a hard time figuring out what the new programs do. It'll be obvious to a regular user, but to someone new, it'll be hard to figure out the difference between the three... four... five? iContact programs.
On that note, I suggest removing the old versions of Burt's iContact.
And maybe put the Main Features right under the Information section.

[X] WApps - A windows mobile "appstore"

I got the idea to make a application finder software for Windows Mobile. Specially designed to HTC Diamond, with many G-apps & games and other nice apps. It's under development now, and i will release one screenshot for you.
This app will not be just an styled IE-frame, like many "appstore" like apps that have been released before.
19. October 2008:
New Screenshot of the start screen.
Development stopped, becouse of the Gecko project.
I think this is a phenominal idea. The idea that went around recently was an internet based solution through ie explorer and it just was not device friendly. To have a device based solution is much more sensable. If you could create a server that developers could upload their most recent programs too that would be the best.
Maybe contact the system admin on this site and see if he will give your program to access the sites FTP server or something. Then a user could use your device based program that would seemlessly connect to the interenet in the back ground, poll the server for software, sort it and place it into a thumb friendly interface on the phone by which it could be sorted into categories of games, utilities, themes, programs etc etc....
Of course the admin would have to create those categories on the site's side and the developers would need to upload their program to the correct one but I think everyone has been in such a need for this that they would be willing to do it without much arm twisting.
Or, you could create device user interface that interacts with But then you would have to get the updates of programs and upload them to ORB for your program to work. But ORB does already have a sorting feature that your user controls on the device could be made to access for sorting etc. It even has a video section that a user could download tutorials of different programs that someone took time to make.
All just ideas. Some you may find good or not. I am excited to see a device based program though. It make user intereaction easier.
Curious G.
Its a good idea, keep working on it
seems to be a nice idea
I like the idea but this really depends on what will be offered / how updated the actual site behind the store application is. Have you had any thoughts on that yet?
i second that.
at this time i browse via opera tho xda to download stuff... but having a app that simplifies things would be even better...
maybe all the downloads here could be managed and put upto "youre" server in an automated way..
I remember seeing this article a few weeks ago about Microsoft creating their own app store.
Either way, it's certainly a good idea!!
I forward the notion. An app that has all the apps at hand for easy download by category would kick some serious asss..
If I can help in any way let me know.
Greetings to all.
Love this development. Maybe this progress will open up eyes on new skilful programmers and we will see an increase of good looking apps and games. Not that I don't just love the things going on here at xda. But the more the merrier, right? The only complaint that I might have on this forum is the all the threads with wallpapers and especially the ones with half-naked women...But that's me...
So an app store (or two) is going to make it easier for us to sort out what we are interested in and only that.
If needed count me in I can help develop..
Great idea.
In the spirit of AppToDate, which I found worked very very well. But with YouTube-app like interface, all connected to database were latest apps can get installed.
Great idea!
I'm working to figure out how to connect to MySQL from a windows mobile based device, does anyone here know?
double post****
i think if these two threads could be incorporated
that would be a good way to do storage
each developer could use have there own account and then whenever they updated there app they update the wapps link via web or give it like some type of flash capabilities that would be really great
or there could be a generic account that ever one uses to upload too
looks like this is in the works
maybe some collabo might be nice
Nice project!! GoOd Luck!!
If there was a way to advertise this app when it gets made. the diamond would sell millions
Why not just modify a RSS feed reader?
niikoo said:
I'm working to figure out how to connect to MySQL from a windows mobile based device, does anyone here know?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Maybe Sqlite is more accurate for a mobile device ?
And you just download the sqlite file available on a server, this way requests would be very fast.
masterbox said:
Maybe Sqlite is more accurate for a mobile device ?
And you just download the sqlite file available on a server, this way requests would be very fast.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, every time you start it will update from the web or you can click on a button to update (or an 'update every x minutes' function
please keep up the hard work!!!!! love to see this appstore happen!

Can someone develop this? - Finger friendly EZTask application

Firstly, I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this request, if not, please move this to another section.
I use the standard WM Task program a lot. I keep track of what I want to buy, eg. my weekly groceries as well as things to do. I know I can use ThumbCal to do this but they are all 'date' related.
All I want is just a simple Task program which works like the standard Windows Mobile version but the standard one is not finger friendly. I hate using the stylus when I am pushing my shopping cart.
I do not hv experience in PPC programming, can anyone help to develop something like this? I am sure it will be useful for others who is in the same situation like I do.
The characteristic of the program works similarly like iContact. It has kenetic scroll, can easily add a new task, a huge button to press on when it is completed (light-greyish wording when done). The screen is just a simple example of what I have in mind.
Have you tried any of these??
They are all freeware as well.
BTW gogle is your friend. I did a quick search and came up with TONS of related freeware that does this already.
Wow... thanks! Honestly, I tried googling before but I can't find anything. Will check out what you've suggested.
Look thru quickly, only the first one is finger friendly but the rest needed stylus-access. Will test out then.

App Organizer for Android

Hi All
I am toying with an application idea from last couple of days. That is an application organizer with folder structure in android menu tray.
With the market place full of free applications, users end up in downloading and having several applications on their phone and its too difficult to find the right one quickly. In the Nokia Symbian based phones, user is able to create a folder in the menu and then drag the applications to the folder. Thus the main screen stays clean and applications are organized more efficiently.
I tried to search for a similar application in market and found “apps organizer”. Though it does the similar thing but on a very basic level. I suppose there is a vast scope for improvement and making it user friendly.
The best solution will be something where we can replace or extend the default menu tray but I don’t think that is possible without any hacks (need comments from the experts) so may be an application which will present a similar UI to default tray and provide all features we might need to make it more user friendly.
Though we are already working on it but on elementary stages and if you guys think its no worth, why should I waste the time, resources and of course money
Any comments or suggestions are most appreciated.
Please let us know about the features you would like to see in it.

New HD2, where do I start?

Hi guys, I'm new to this forum and it's a pleasure to be a new member! As a brief introduction, I'm completely new to HTC, Windows Mobile and any non-Symbian device! I've used Nokia's, Sony Ericssons & Motorola's all my life and Symbian is all I know, I think you get the picture......
Anyhow, I should be getting my HD2 within the next few days because I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it and I just want to know where to start?! This looks like the most comprehensive forum I've seen on the net and I couldn't think of a better place to start learning. I know it's a bit of a broad question and I have had a look through a number of posts to get my bearings, as such. I've seen posts about Roms, registry modifications, patches...... and it all sounds very interesting and I want to know all the functions and information I can about my new device.
Coming from the Symbian background, everything is pretty straightforward but Windows Mobile sounds a lot more technical and something I'm looking forward to learning about. Any information or tips about what I should & shouldn't do to help improve performance/tweak the device would be much appreciated and I'm a fast learner. PS I've seen this post:
and will work my way through it when I get the device, but it seems to be aimed at people with some previous experience with this platform. I'm sure you guys see these tpye of 'Help Me!' posts all the time but thanks in advance.
Hello Gargon, welcome aboard!
I too am new to these forums and I've spent a not-insignificant amount of time browsing threads on the HD2 since I made the decision to finally ditch the venerable nokia 6030 that has served me so well all these years. Being a self-confessed techie the HD2 appealed to me the very instant I first caught a glimpse of it in all its Kubrick monolithic glory and as soon as O2 release info on their tariffs I will be seriously weighing up my options.
Now, let's get down to the nitty gritty. As a disclaimer I've only been here a short while so I wouldn't be surprised if I get a few facts wrong. Hopefully someone will correct me if I do!
The HD2 is powered by Windows Mobile 6.5 edition and as you might imagine it's not too dissimilar in how it operates to the PC desktop version. You have a desktop, start menu, program files etc. with all the various settings held by the registry. The beauty of WinMo is that it is far more customisable than the iPhone OS/Symbian in that you can change pretty much everything you see and also how you interact with the device. For example, a developer on these boards has released an application which enables the vibration feature on almost every keypress whereas the default HD2 only goes so far. Another dev has released an app which changes HTC's desktop from a 3x3 grid of shortcuts to 4x4. You can even do away with HTC's superb frontend entirely and install something like SPB Mobile Shell which has a snazzy rotating cube effect desktop and many other alternative enhancements (although you will have to pay for this). And this is only the tip of the iceberg! There are thousands of applications and games out there on the internet, and with Microsoft finally getting into the appstore gig we can expect a well-stocked central repository for software sometime in the near future. Failing that, google is our friend
With the help of the talented and selfless developers here at xda-dev almost anything is possible, including the potential for changing the operating system entirely, so you can't rule out the HD2 one day running Android or WM7 somewhere down the line, however this depends on one crucial bit of software -- the Hard SPL. Without this essential bit of kit, peons such as myself are unable to reflash the device to a different operating system or even a different version of the current OS (e.g. a lite version to save valuable ROM space, or an enhanced version with greater functionality). Everything hinges on this being developed by the code masters behind the scenes however such projects require a lot of skill, time and effort and such is the support of the community here that monetary donations are pledged in gratitude for past endeavours and in the hope of new enterprise.
As for installing applications themselves, I haven't yet delved deep enough to give you a comprehensive answer, however I suspect that there are FAQs on the parent forums which will give you all the information you need. From what I can tell, applications are released in .cab format which are executed from the phone and self-install. I can't wait until I can get my grubby paws on this masterpiece and get busy pushing buttons! I'm sure I've missed a whole lot of information but my lids are getting heavy and my battery needs charging. I hope this wasn't too patronising for you and I'm sure some other people here will gladly fill you in on anything I've missed.
Welcome aboard, great first posting. Showing the threads you read already makes many people want to help you more.
If you come from Symbian, some stuff will be the same, i.e. you use icons for programs.
What differs the most is the customization possibilities and the level of deep control you have over the behaviour of your new machine.
Get to grips with Microsoft Mobile Device Center, (syncing your data).
Do you have an Exchange account or Gmail ? You can setup your device to have pushmail connectivity with GMail or Exchange.
If you don't own an Exchange Server, you can setup your own free
Custom Domain at and have your own email adress as a LIVE-ID and have pushmail with it (free).
Then, I would dig in to the many cool free applications around.
Yes, hunt for .cab files as they will install over the air (OTA) and from your device.
Another tip: When you get your device, start at the first Icon, view it, try and dig deeper in the menu's, always. Press and hold the screen/text to see if there are context menu's.
Then work your way through all the settings and icons available. It will take you about 3 days to see all the menu's and options, although the first 80% you will discover the first day
Hope you will enjoy the transition.
Hey guys
First off, this a awesome site with heaps of help. And advice which is great
Secondly I amnew here too and hopefully getting my hd2 soon. Can't wait!!
Thanks a lot for the replies guys, very informative H2D2 and thanks for the tips lucid. It's good to know that there are other people in a similar situation to myself! If anyone can post any relevant links to any apps or roms/cab files that might be useful for a first-timer then it would be much appreciated. In the meantime, I'll keep doing the research and, if I find anything myself, I'll post it here. Thanks again.
Well I'm new as well so hi everyone!
I used to have a wm phone but that was a few years ago and things have changed a lot since then... so have a bit of catching up to do. Been browsing on here the last few days and ordered the HD2 this morning.
Gargon, I'm sure you'll get used to it all in no time, I know it all looks confusing at first but really it's not that bad and I'm sure the nice people on here will help if you're stuck.
Greetings our new community members
I was in the same situation as You guys half year ago when I purchased my first WM device, the Diamond2. And now Im awaiting my HD2 already ordered
As for the Windows Mobile platform, it is the most powerful, sophisticated and versatile mobile platform ever made, and that's why it has always attracted more advanced users. But on the other hand, it is in many ways very similar to Windowses on your PCs At first you may feel a little overwhelmed of all the functions, tips, tricks, registry hacks and so on. But what's great about Windows Mobile platform, is that once you start to "feel" it, then playing around with your phone becomes extremely addictive. I remember my first week with the Diamond2, it was nothing else than playing with it, installing and testing every trick i could possibly find
Moving on to the relevant stuff:
First of all, you should equip your device with a decent file explorer, as the native WM one is a bit clunky. I recommend Resco File Explorer. Second, equip yourself with a registry editor, as you gonna need it for tweaks. Resco Explorer has a plugin for registry editing and there are even desktop PC editors which you can use when device is connected to the PC.
As for application installation, it can be performed in 2 ways:
1).cab files. These are like .sis in Symbian. You run them directly from the device just by executing them from any file manager.
2).exe files. Those can be installed from your PC when the device is connected to it. Sometimes developers make small apps for phones which are in form of exe files which are designed to run directly from the device. This is possible because every app after installation usually has its folder in Program Files where an exe file of the app itsself is stored (exactly the same as on Your PC Windows)
Moving on to the interface. One of the biggest advantages of Windows Mobile is that it enables you to change practically the whole interface with minimum effort. The native WM interface is unfortunately very old and not finger friendly, and thats why every major company designed their own interfaces. On the HD2 it is called Sense. In fact Sense is only a further developement of an interface which was called TouchFlo 3D. And one thing more you should know. Developers on this forum use the code name of this interface, which is Manila. HD2 has the latest Manila v2.5. So basically Manila=TouchFlo=Sense.
Feel free to ask any questions, everyone of us was a newbie at first I personally am very happy to see new people being attracted by new fantastic WM devices. I myself was a Nokia/Symbian fan for many years, untill half a year ago I discovered that I was living in the darkness all these years
The XDA-Developers is one of the greatest, biggest and oldest communities on the whole internet. This makes this community concrete, mature and serious. This means that members are very helpful to each other and they always communicate with a certain level of etiquette, so You surely won't hear any offensive words, swears or any vulgarisms
So enjoy your new devices and this community, as it will bring you many happy moments, i guarantee this to You
the wiki is a great tool (not much on the HD2 in there yet) but background reading on other devices is good.
As long as you're willing to take time to learn to use the search (often searching around the term you're looking for) then you'll solve issues you may have quickly as well..
several of us are happy to discuss stuff on PM as well..
and don't forget if you find something that you think others would find useful,
The WIKI is always there, to be edited at your leisure
Very nice attitude from Gargon01 and H2D2.
You are on the right track about the winmo os.
In itself it is clunky on the surface but the structure sits on the registry database which is accessible through a registry editor.
This forum is quite unique and must be the largest of It's kind, that is, a community of smartphone developers/hackers.
I have been dropping in for 4 years but only started flashing recently after buying an HD.
The HD came with an earlier development of Touchflo and I saw rom versions on Youtube etc of more advanced versions from XDA Devs.
I took the plunge in flashing roms and have been addicted ever since.
I am running the latest version of sense on my HD but am awaiting an HD2 from clove tech on the uk for which sense was made.
There are many brilliant people in this community who generously offer their creativity, time and energy.
You are in the right place. More will be revealed.
Thanks a lot for the responses guys, exactly what me and I'm sure a lot of other new users are looking for! I'll look for the Resco File Viewer jgal, there was a similar app called Modo on Symbian that was also used for deep-file exploration/modification purposes.
Also, it's good to know that there are a lot of similarities to the desktop version of Windows. I'd like to think that I'm pretty proficient with that so I'll look forward to taking that knowledge and applying it to the HD2.
A big thanks to all the other users who have contributed to the post as well! I was pretty sure that my thread would fade away into non-existence but it's good to know that people seem genuinely interested in offering help and advice.
I should hopefully be getting the handset on Monday so I'll give it a good examination and keep you all posted should I run into any problems. Keep the tips/links coming though, my brain is like a sponge!! Cheers.

