[REQ] answer a call like Touch Hd - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

Hi everybody,
does someone know, if it's possible to write a tool or simple change files to answer or ignore a call like the new touch hd?
I saw on a kaiser rom, that someone use this way.
i put a pic, so you can see what i mean

hallo everybody

xtreme2000 said:
Hi everybody,
does someone know, if it's possible to write a tool or simple change files to answer or ignore a call like the new touch hd?
I saw on a kaiser rom, that someone use this way.
i put a pic, so you can see what i mean
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That looks really cool, i'd like to use that, it could potentially fix my problem, hehe
Bumping for justice!

QVGA devices already have that
good luck guys

so we have to hope that some genius can make a VGA version

I am looking for ways to minimize missed calls. I do realize there is sylus lock, sensorlock and answerkey disabler but i find they all have limitations before I answer eg I dont want to take out stylus to answer a call, rotate a phone to answer, etc. If I understand this correctly when you get a call you swipe one way or the other to either accept or reject a call. I think this would be the best option. Hopefully one of the talented people here can have this for the vga screen

chakde said:
I am looking for ways to minimize missed calls. I do realize there is sylus lock, sensorlock and answerkey disabler but i find they all have limitations before I answer eg I dont want to take out stylus to answer a call, rotate a phone to answer, etc. If I understand this correctly when you get a call you swipe one way or the other to either accept or reject a call. I think this would be the best option. Hopefully one of the talented people here can have this for the vga screen
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I just have 2 say... S2U2
Sounds pretty close to what u are looking for...

NisseDILLIGAF said:
I just have 2 say... S2U2
Sounds pretty close to what u are looking for...
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even in the newest version s2u2 still sucks out the power from my battery.

yes you can use s2u2, but i dont like the Callerid from s2u2. I would like to use the "nearly" original callerid from Windows. So we have to wait

this looks really great...is there a video to see how smooth the slide effect is on this?
also, is that really from the touch hd?

i was thinking of somthing like that as well, but also hooked with a regular screen lock check it out @ http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=432021

Looked at Kaiser section and downloaded the cab/oem pack for Opal Dialer (the dialer we are looking for).
I didn't understood if it is a 3g or standard dialer, for sure it's just for QVGA devices...do you think that's sufficient to rearrange all pics to VGA resolution to let it works on our diamond?

exactly, this is we are looking for.
It would be great if someone is able to rearrange the icons to make it run on a diamond

Isnt it worth just waiting for a port of the Touch HD ROM for our Diamonds im guessing its built into the new TF3D as well as other new features.

I have same request
but no result

looks very cool...

We can make a "reward thread" (maybe it will become a sticky) asking for a dealer with these features:
- all standard manila ones (vga,videotelephony support and flip to mute ring mainly)
-slide to answer/reject as the opal one
-lighter (in program memory consuption) as possible
An hibryd between manila/opal dealer in poor words...
When someone will realize this app all thread subscribers will donate him something...

This will solve all problems with unintentional answering to calls.
I imagine that this feature will be included in the next firmware update, but until then I would not mind to have a port from Touch HD.

I love s2u2, however this would make a very nice addition to my diamond

I made a simple edition to S2U2 so It looks more like the Touch HD answer screen...
Just a fun thing really
Copy the images to the 'gfx' folder of S2U2...


Bigger phone pad buttons ??

Can the buttons be made bigger - is there a skin for this?
I find them too small after coming to the trinity from an old motorola a1000 which was really easy to dial with.
Thanks, Dean
Can anyone help woth this ??
dwphoto said:
Can anyone help woth this ??
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sure Dean - do a search yourself, or start here:
I'd suggest you install a different keyboard like the ones from SPB or any others that ppl recommend. Google's your friend
BlackBeauty said:
sure Dean - do a search yourself, or start here:
I'd suggest you install a different keyboard like the ones from SPB or any others that ppl recommend. Google's your friend
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Thanks for the response but its not the keyboard I'm looking for (I use fitaly). I want a different phone pad with physically larger buttons for dialing. I've searched high and low for this but every phone pad skin seems to be a variation on the same layout ie the buttons are the same size.
I'm beginning to wonder if such a thing is possible or if the buttons have to be a certain size/postition on the screen.
This could be very useful, texting would be almost like on regular phones with one hand usage, if this comes with vibrating when you press a button it will be ideal.
OK, still looking for an answer here. Anybody with a suggestion ....
NO response here sorry - but I also would like a phone skin with bigger buttons and so would just about everyone else I know!
bepe's ROMs came with the new style black dialer that was a lot more finger friendly. Up till now, however I have not seen it with video dial capabilities. Have a look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=41640&d=1181983764
I think it can be downloaded here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=311225:D
nealed said:
bepe's ROMs came with the new style black dialer that was a lot more finger friendly. Up till now, however I have not seen it with video dial capabilities. Have a look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=41640&d=1181983764
I think it can be downloaded here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=311225:D
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i'm using the phonepad/dialer in the above post, however, i've noticed that the smartdial will ocassionaly stop working and require a soft-reset. other than that, it appears to be better than the standard one that comes with the Trinity.

Screen Orientation - VueFlO

Has anyone thought about linking the screen orentation to VueFLO so it automatically changes depending on the orientaiton of the device? Is this possible? I would certainly be interested
apd said:
Has anyone thought about linking the screen orentation to VueFLO so it automatically changes depending on the orientaiton of the device? Is this possible? I would certainly be interested
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Good Idea!
would LOVE to see that....
Would VueFLO be able to tell the difference between tilting the device to the left (when in landscape) and rotating it into portrait?
A really REALLY cool idea though
Less talk and more results !!!
This would be truly a great app to have on the advantage. Anyone out there willing to build this app for us, it would be appreciated to the entire forum.
is it possible....and if so..how..?? doesnt VueFlo..uses manual buttons..can any1 care to explain if its possible or not..buh if it is..then it wud be great
i would to wite a programe for VueFlo on athena but i can't find any way for connect to VueFlo
i would write the programe for a thing like anti thief
it mean for example if i take athena on the table and turn the programe on, then if someone takeit, it play a sound and ...
i hope you can underestand my post
sorry for my bad English
Arya said:
i would to wite a programe for VueFlo on athena but i can't find any way for connect to VueFlo
i would write the programe for a thing like anti thief
it mean for example if i take athena on the table and turn the programe on, then if someone takeit, it play a sound and ...
i hope you can underestand my post
sorry for my bad English
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Eybi nadare dadash.. Your english is just fine...
And that sounds like a great idea... look, i do some xcode programming for iphone and being a close plathform i feel you can do more on that then Athena. dont get me wrong i love my Athena and i wouldnt change it but i think it is capable of so much more ... i broke my x7500 and got iphone and wasnt doin it so i got another athena. i use the both and i love my athena more than i phone....
fatouraee said:
Eybi nadare dadash.. Your english is just fine...
And that sounds like a great idea... look, i do some xcode programming for iphone and being a close plathform i feel you can do more on that then Athena. dont get me wrong i love my Athena and i wouldnt change it but i think it is capable of so much more ... i broke my x7500 and got iphone and wasnt doin it so i got another athena. i use the both and i love my athena more than i phone....
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you learn persian
eyval eman jan, pas irani hasti
i think athena is very better and i love my athena and don't change it with any other
but there's some small problem on it, like phone call sound recording and some other...
tanX for your answer and sorry for my english too
So is anyone actually create this program, or are they going to bull**** about how cool it is, and easy to make ......
SupraSkylineSTI said:
So is anyone actually create this program, or are they going to bull**** about how cool it is, and easy to make ......
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well i guess you could just always do it
irus said:
well i guess you could just always do it
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Believe me, If I could, I would.
Some coding god needs to reverse engineer to vueflo apps to work out how the hardware is accessed. After that, any coder can do it just like the iphone/ipod people are all making stuff that uses the accelerometer in them.
Its not an easy task. We need somebody in HTC to leak the details really.
Arya, so you were never able to fix your phone call recording problem? The built-in recorder handles it, I forget now why you were still having a problem. Off-topic, I know, discuss on the original thread.
On-topic, the motion sensor on the hard drive is just that... a motion sensor. Not an orientation sensor (like mercury switches are). Just turning the unit on its side won't let the OS know its now on its side, however, by adding some kind of motion code it will work just fine. Like shaking it twice downward in the direction you want to be down. Shaking it once would produce too many false changes, but twice or maybe 3 times would send the right message.
This type of phone input has been in the news a lot lately, along with vibration as a feedback. The idea on the news is you would shake your phone to see if you have any messages waiting, and it would vibrate back if you do. Unfortunately since the Athena doesn't have a vibration motor the output part isn't possible, but the input part is, since it has the motion sensors already! (the lack of vibration is one of the top-5 flaws of this device, IMO, hopefully it will get added on the X7502)
So, taking the topic of this thread one step further, how about creating an application that launches apps based on motion input? Yes I know there is a program out there that lets you reprogram most of the function buttons to do this (I forget its name at the moment, I haven't bought it yet), but adding motion to this mix would be so much cooler!
shake it baby?
these ideas seam very good but sahaking it multiple times and to open programs seams like it may cause problems because our device is just tooo big, imagine to shake or rotate ur device a specific way to get pie running (maybe it could be shaken to the rythem of ur favourite song (which has to be the Smashing Pumpkins..) and it shakes out of your hand on to the concrete pavement below wooops!!! just imagine the insurance form for that
Well, the unit's motion sensitivity is quite high. Easily confirmed by changing the viewflo sensitivity to high and then gently tilting the unit when you are in a browser. You wouldn't have to create martinis or milkshakes to launch an app, just a gentle flick or two will do. A downside of all this is carrying it around would present problems (either on your belt or in your hand). Even if you ignore the g-sensors when the cover is on, the cover-on switch is so faulty you might get to work and find that you wired $150 Euros to the Red Cross and sent all your checking account information to some guy in Nigeria.
techntrek said:
Arya, so you were never able to fix your phone call recording problem? The built-in recorder handles it, I forget now why you were still having a problem. Off-topic, I know, discuss on the original thread.
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i can't record call when i talk with handsfree
only when i used load speacker it record, but on load speack can't talk good, and call quality is not good!!
I try some of software that the friends tell me, but nothing not work
this is the Thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=346126
apd said:
Has anyone thought about linking the screen orentation to VueFLO so it automatically changes depending on the orientaiton of the device? Is this possible? I would certainly be interested
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why did i just know someone would suggest this. hahaha prolly cause i thought that too! hahaha
1 reason of many i can think of is Iphone look alike
Hi, i'm interested in an iphone-like app too.
I still can't understand why HTC inserted a hardware which can handle with orientation, and then it's only possible to use scolling in PIE or Opera.
Why not Scrolling in PIE AND Opera. I love this feature, and want it always and for other apps too, like Rotate Screen automaticly, skip music file or backwards in WMP, Forward/backward in PIE/Opera when moved left/right.
I don't unterstand this. The difficult part is the integration of hardware, and HTC didn't develop a simple app which makes the hardware really do what it is supposed to do.
I even don't believe they added the G-Sensor for the Microdrive.
nothing new?
even with the new softwares incluede in devices such as Omnia or Diamond?

New iPhone Dialer Skin- Revised Directions

Since iFonz and iPhone themes started making there way onto our ppc's , I have tried to find a dialer to go along with the overall look. But everyone I try has the same bug (locking up between status and keypad) as the other, if not more. So I made a skin for one of the most stable dialers I have found. Smartdial works, 911 works. Everthing works. My skin doesn't compare to the brilliant dialpads like Nargz or Dcx but I believe it's pretty decent. It will hold me over until one of them get the kinks worked out anyway. But thanks to "Jimm98y" for creating the original dialer, and thanks also to "kidnamedalbert" for creating the .cab file and making the skin easy to install. I havent had much time to see if there are any flaws in the skin, but if you notice any , post it and I'll have it fixed by the next day with a updated version posted. Also these skins are fully customizable. So if you have a request for a special background of any kind, any certain button design or button layout, anything at all , let me know and I'll try to get it to you.
Instructions are easy,
*First Install the .cab found in the "Install First" folder.
*Second Install the .cab found in the "Install Second folder.
Ok, after you install the first cab, it will tell you to restart your device. Hit cancell, DO NOT restart yet. Then go install the second cab. THEN DO A SOFT RESET.WILL NOT SHOW UP UNTIL AFTER RESET! Thats why its easier to cancell the first reset and just do one after both cabs are installed. Or do a reset after each cab instillation . This should fix you alls problem of it not showing up .Let me know , & sorry I didnt specify this earlier.
Ive used this for around a month now on my CDMA ALLTEL VOGUE/TOUCH. Every feature works. Ive not had one problem since installation. However, this dialer was originally for gsm. There are reports of it working on both. We'll know when the feedback piles up. But Im confident it will work on both, and with the new instructions, there wont be any more trouble.
Im trying my best to work some more in. Smartdial works on my phone so ill have to see which ones it doesn't on then try to patch it up. The Smartdial option should be located under the menu option while on the keypad. Im working to add video call and a few more features.
Some pics would be nice!!
Any screenshots?
TweakMan said:
Since iFonz and iPhone themes started making there way onto our ppc's , I have tried to find a dialer to go along with the overall look. But everyone I try has the same bug (locking up between status and keypad) as the other, if not more. So I made a skin for one of the most stable dialers I have found. Smartdial works, 911 works. Everthing works. My skin doesn't compare to the brilliant dialpads like Nargz or Dcx but I believe it's pretty decent. It will hold me over until one of them get the kinks worked out anyway. But thanks to "Jimm98y" for creating the original dialer, and thanks also to "kidnamedalbert" for creating the .cab file and making the skin easy to install. I havent had much time to see if there are any flaws in the skin, but if you notice any , post it and I'll have it fixed by the next day with a updated version posted. Also these skins are fully customizable. So if you have a request for a special background of any kind, any certain button design or button layout, anything at all , let me know and I'll try to get it to you.
Instructions are easy,
*First Install the .cab found in the "Install First" folder.
*Second Install the .cab found in the "Install Second folder.
Let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy.
Sorry, heres some pics. My screen capture app sucks so a couple of the words look different darker and lighter, but thats just the pics, it doesn't have that problem on the phone.
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Nice work!!
However, be careful when you say 911 works. It depends for what kind of phone you are talking about. If it is a GSM phone, then probably, but I doubt if 911 would work with a CDMA phone. If I am not mistaken, Jimmy98 dialers are based on GSM phone, so you will have issues with CDMA phones like Sprint.
With that said, any chance you can post the raw graphics files used, maybe in png's or other graphic file format?
You made this dialer????
Actually to my surprise its working perfect on my CDMA Touch Vogue. I also recieved a PM saying its working on a GSM phone as well. Hopefully it stays that way. One dialer for GSM and CDMA, I hope. But Ive used it on mine now for a month with no flaws yet. I would love to know what everyone thinkds though. Custom requests welcome. From Spiderman to Lillies!
I made the skin. The wonderful dialer was made by Jimm98y.
where can I get smartdial feature for this dialer?
If its included, then its not working on my XDA IIs...
EDIT: Smart dial works. I just didnt know that after pressing the numbers, you have to press "Hide Keypad" to view the filtered contacts...
Sorry about that...
TweakMan said:
Since iFonz and iPhone themes started making there way onto our ppc's , I have tried to find a dialer to go along with the overall look. But everyone I try has the same bug (locking up between status and keypad) as the other, if not more. So I made a skin for one of the most stable dialers I have found. Smartdial works, 911 works. Everthing works. My skin doesn't compare to the brilliant dialpads like Nargz or Dcx but I believe it's pretty decent. It will hold me over until one of them get the kinks worked out anyway. But thanks to "Jimm98y" for creating the original dialer, and thanks also to "kidnamedalbert" for creating the .cab file and making the skin easy to install. I havent had much time to see if there are any flaws in the skin, but if you notice any , post it and I'll have it fixed by the next day with a updated version posted. Also these skins are fully customizable. So if you have a request for a special background of any kind, any certain button design or button layout, anything at all , let me know and I'll try to get it to you.
Instructions are easy,
*First Install the .cab found in the "Install First" folder.
*Second Install the .cab found in the "Install Second folder.
Let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy.
Sorry, heres some pics. My screen capture app sucks so a couple of the words look different darker and lighter, but thats just the pics, it doesn't have that problem on the phone.
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so the cab i made worked?
can you make it with video call working??
joseph.sapri said:
where can I get smartdial feature for this dialer?
If its included, then its not working on my XDA IIs...
EDIT: Smart dial works. I just didnt know that after pressing the numbers, you have to press "Hide Keypad" to view the filtered contacts...
Sorry about that...
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Just about to post the same question. Great cab
anyone got it working on a sprint touch ?
TweakMan said:
Actually to my surprise its working perfect on my CDMA Touch Vogue. I also recieved a PM saying its working on a GSM phone as well. Hopefully it stays that way. One dialer for GSM and CDMA, I hope. But Ive used it on mine now for a month with no flaws yet. I would love to know what everyone thinkds though. Custom requests welcome. From Spiderman to Lillies!
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What carrier are you on? I am pretty sure Jimmy98y dialer was written for GSM, so even though things seems to be working now, you will probably run into problems in the near future. How do you know 911 is working, btw? If you are on Sprint, do this simple test: Pull up the dialpad and type ##data# (or ##3282#), does the data provisioning screen of EPST come up? If not then it is not written for CDMA.
On the other hand...nice work on the graphics. can't wait for you topost or send the graphics files.
I installed this on my CDMA Touch. Its working but it doesn't look like the screen shots. My "talk" and "End" buttons are not red and green. and I have no Earth background
Theres an option to turn smartdial on on the menu on my vogue. Theres also som reports of it working on GSM devices, but Im unable to test this.
New Directions In The First Post
Unfortunately it's not working well on my tmobile wing with open touch v3 lite rom, mostly having trouble with Jimm98y's dialer itself. The smart dial sorta works after hiding keyboard, but I can't get it to re-dial the last number (it's important because lot of the times I'm simply returning a call), nor can I access my contacts from the dialpad screen. It behaves very similar to the other iphone dialer but I didn't get to a point of freezing yet. Now I'm back to the old touch dialer that came with the rom.
However I do see that the call status screen is very similar to the touch dialer. Is it possible that I only use that portion of the graphics? It's not too difficult to customize the dial pad using tdial but I could never get the status screen to look right. If you could share your graphics, or simply make a skin pack for touch dialer then it'll be great!
Thank you for the hard work.
I choose this dialer because its so stable. Even if you by chance loose a feature, in my opinion its worth the stability. Ive used it for a month now and not had 1 dialer related lockup or problem. In my opinion its worth it. Hopefully you enjoy. Any custom requests still welcome, just post it.
If your having a problem with this dialer itself, I can try to create the skin for you dialer of choice, Stock or Not. Just post all the original graphic files on here and PM me and tell the page and post number there on. I can do it fairly quick. 24-48 hours.
I don't have the original pictures of the touch dialer I'm using, but it's the same as people discussed in this thread:
I could care less about the earth background (too !phony) but I do like the red end button and green talk button on the status screen in your skin and the texture of those buttons. And if possible could you use these attachments as backgrounds? I use this as my wallpaper for today and for S2U2 and it'll be very nice to go with these.
Thank you!

[APP] FEWidgets (Omnia like widgets, need it done VGA)

This is an app that puts widgets like the Omnia on the today screen. The only issue is that it doesn't support VGA yet (hence the reason for the post). I used SecondToday to get another today screen, loaded FEWidgets, and mapped the top volume key to go back and forth between TF3D and the today screen with FEWidgets. It worked liked a charm, with no lag or hesitation. The widgets worked fine by controlling comm devices like bluetooth and WIFI. The only thing you may have to change is the wallpaper in the programs folder in order to get VGA (480x640) wallpaper to cover the whole screen (once you get them in the folder there is actually a widget you can change them with). FEWidget does use the entire screen, so other today screen plugins can not be used. The only problem is the widgets are small (QVGA), and looking to you guys to find a solution. I haven't had a chance to look at the files, but I will to see if the widget icons can be manipulated. It is damn cool though. A simple button press takes you to another screen with widgets!!!!! The Diamond engine handles it so well, it should have been intergrated. Here is the link to the thread, and all credit goes to nicodega for an awsome app.
(Ill try to post some screenshots in the morning, but there are shots in original thread).
zmob123 said:
This is an app that puts widgets like the Omnia on the today screen. The only issue is that it doesn't support VGA yet (hence the reason for the post). I used SecondToday to get another today screen, loaded FEWidgets, and mapped the top volume key to go back and forth between TF3D and the today screen with FEWidgets. It worked liked a charm, with no lag or hesitation. The widgets worked fine by controlling comm devices like bluetooth and WIFI. The only thing you may have to change is the wallpaper in the programs folder in order to get VGA (480x640) wallpaper to cover the whole screen (once you get them in the folder there is actually a widget you can change them with). FEWidget does use the entire screen, so other today screen plugins can not be used. The only problem is the widgets are small (QVGA), and looking to you guys to find a solution. I haven't had a chance to look at the files, but I will to see if the widget icons can be manipulated. It is damn cool though. A simple button press takes you to another screen with widgets!!!!! The Diamond engine handles it so well, it should have been intergrated. Here is the link to the thread, and all credit goes to nicodega for an awsome app.
(Ill try to post some screenshots in the morning, but there are shots in original thread).
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i am trying to download the files to test it. problem is that the link dont work, could you help me pls?
thanks in advance
nice program, works well, only thing is like you said - it's too small
waitin for a vga version
your today screen looks fantastic,how do u change topbar icons?do u use wisbar?
Have you seen this thread
SAKAJATI has the VGA files for Omina....
chasist said:
your today screen looks fantastic,how do u change topbar icons?do u use wisbar?
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Start here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=2657881#post2657881
can you tell me where you get this have you this in a cab file looking for this if you have please share it thanks (ahave it make in yellow )
keko001 said:
can you tell me where you get this have you this in a cab file looking for this if you have please share it thanks (ahave it make in yellow )
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Dude wrong thread for your request and question, and I didn't make them, the icons and request should be done in the proper thread. Just hit the link and go through them, the cab files are there or PM me, this thread is for something totally different
VGA version
I'm working with nicodega to get this perfected on the Diamond.
zmob123 said:
I'm working with nicodega to get this perfected on the Diamond.
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this would be great! so there would be no reason to buy and test the omnia
hi all,
i am running the last version of this great application on my Diamond.
it seems to be fine and fast, remap the left soft key in TF3D et voila'.
many thanks to the developer.
yes, you are right, it works!!
not so smooth but it´s nice to play with!
hi guys,
frankly speaking, this application is nice to see but useless.
it dry a lot of memory and if you dont get it still on the background..... is slow to open.
anyway, thanks for sharing.
zmob123 said:
Dude wrong thread for your request and question, and I didn't make them, the icons and request should be done in the proper thread. Just hit the link and go through them, the cab files are there or PM me, this thread is for something totally different
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ok so I can not find this mod mentioned in the thread you posted, nor can I find it via search which more or less leaves me no chance as to ask you again in the wrong thread if you could point me to the mod or the file to get those icons changed.
Thank you in advance and sorry, I do know its the wrong thread. As it should be a simple question to answer though I would highly appreciate a hint
Just tried it out.. And it is really nice! However.. It is pretty laggy..
Have a look at this vid
How have they made it so fast and smooth? And there is more widgets there.. Maybe the got a newer version ?
Oh and maybe i have gotten this wrong, but as i have understood this, you guys have takin this today plugin out of the omnia right?
Da9L said:
Just tried it out.. And it is really nice! However.. It is pretty laggy..
Have a look at this vid
How have they made it so fast and smooth? And there is more widgets there.. Maybe the got a newer version ?
Oh and maybe i have gotten this wrong, but as i have understood this, you guys have takin this today plugin out of the omnia right?
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well thats str8 up on the omnia... we are dealing with porting it do a different resolution... i'm not too sure why else it may be lagging but i'm sure it will be smoothed out in the coming releases.
One thing i really like is the screen rotation of the omnia in that video... is that impossible to get for our diamonds?
thks but don't work on my diamond
Does anyone know how to assign specific buttons to toggle this in SecondToday? All I see is right and left softkey and neither of them seem to work anyway. Ideally I'd like the Home key to toggle between TF3D and FEWidgets.
Secondly, if I run the FEWidgets alone I can move them around etc. but if it's loaded through SecondToday I cannot, is there a way to fix this?

[REQ] S2U2 Light version

Hi all,
sorry for opening a new thread, probably this question would be in S2U2 thread, but also I think that post in a thread with 3423 posts would mean to waste it.
I would like to have a light S2U2 version with only the slide to answer function and full screen caller ID.
Currently I'm using S2U2 1.35 but I think it's too heavy, often I can't hear my phone ringing before 4 rings, so I miss a lot of calls.
Thanks for your attention.
Ciao, Andrea
Genius2000 said:
Hi all,
sorry for opening a new thread, probably this question would be in S2U2 thread, but also I think that post in a thread with 3423 posts would mean to waste it.
I would like to have a light S2U2 version with only the slide to answer function and full screen caller ID.
Currently I'm using S2U2 1.35 but I think it's too heavy, often I can't hear my phone ringing before 4 rings, so I miss a lot of calls.
Thanks for your attention.
Ciao, Andrea
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Well, for one, you are right about a couple of things: A) That thread is huge and maybe a post in there will be buried under a pile of other posts; B) Yes, you shouldn't have opened a new thread for this...
Anyway, the couple of suggestions that I have for you are:
ThrottleLock: Still pretty early, but APLibo has made some improvements in 0.4 (his latest release)
Mini S2U: Very small footprint and definitely not as pretty as S2U2, but it does what it is supposed to.
I hope this helps some...
egzthunder1 said:
Well, for one, you are right about a couple of things: A) That thread is huge and maybe a post in there will be buried under a pile of other posts; B) Yes, you shouldn't have opened a new thread for this...
Anyway, the couple of suggestions that I have for you are:
ThrottleLock: Still pretty early, but APLibo has made some improvements in 0.4 (his latest release)
Mini S2U: Very small footprint and definitely not as pretty as S2U2, but it does what it is supposed to.
I hope this helps some...
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Many thanks for your reply, I'm using (in alternative) answerkey disabler, and works fine, but I like the full screen caller ID by S2U2
About Mini S2U, I took a look, but it seems that it does exactly what I don't need... It only locks the screen and has the ability to slide to unlok, but I only need the Slide to Answer feature.
Ciao, Andrea
I don't get it.
You want an app to only slide answer, and no locking at all ?
snachez said:
I don't get it.
You want an app to only slide answer, and no locking at all ?
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Exactly, I own a Diamond and I set it to lock the screen after 30 sec., then I have to unlock using the power button, so I don't need the Slide to Unlock function.
Ciao, Andrea
I don't know if this works on Diamond, but I simply installed Phonecanvas!
And somewhere on freewareppc.com I found a tool only adding a fullscreen callerID... but I don't think this worked with a slider...
I agree...I think HTC Phone Canvas is gonna be your best bet if you don't want anything else. It's not completely full screen caller ID but it's close (takes up the full screen but the contact pic is slightly smaller and centered). Has the slide to answer and ignore as well.
Search for Phone Canvas or Opal Dialer.
resist said:
I agree...I think HTC Phone Canvas is gonna be your best bet if you don't want anything else. It's not completely full screen caller ID but it's close (takes up the full screen but the contact pic is slightly smaller and centered). Has the slide to answer and ignore as well.
Search for Phone Canvas or Opal Dialer.
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Thank you, I downloaded Opal Phone Canvas, but analizing it I noticed that it changes 263 files under windows directory, so I'm a bit worried about install it. Also I noticed that it's probably in Englis and I'm using an Italian ROM.
I think that probably I will post under the right thread hoping in an A_C reply
Many thanks anyway.
Ciao, Andrea
i downloaded Phone canvas but received an "installation was unsuccessfull" message. I'm using 6.1 and an i760
the phonecanvas is probably only for htc devices. i cant install it on my ks20 too. hope they can port it to all wm phones someday like what they did with m2d.
anyone know what the omnia uses as a call answerer/dialer? i figure since it's samsung it might work for me... /not holding breath...
