New iPhone Dialer Skin- Revised Directions - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Since iFonz and iPhone themes started making there way onto our ppc's , I have tried to find a dialer to go along with the overall look. But everyone I try has the same bug (locking up between status and keypad) as the other, if not more. So I made a skin for one of the most stable dialers I have found. Smartdial works, 911 works. Everthing works. My skin doesn't compare to the brilliant dialpads like Nargz or Dcx but I believe it's pretty decent. It will hold me over until one of them get the kinks worked out anyway. But thanks to "Jimm98y" for creating the original dialer, and thanks also to "kidnamedalbert" for creating the .cab file and making the skin easy to install. I havent had much time to see if there are any flaws in the skin, but if you notice any , post it and I'll have it fixed by the next day with a updated version posted. Also these skins are fully customizable. So if you have a request for a special background of any kind, any certain button design or button layout, anything at all , let me know and I'll try to get it to you.
Instructions are easy,
*First Install the .cab found in the "Install First" folder.
*Second Install the .cab found in the "Install Second folder.
Ok, after you install the first cab, it will tell you to restart your device. Hit cancell, DO NOT restart yet. Then go install the second cab. THEN DO A SOFT RESET.WILL NOT SHOW UP UNTIL AFTER RESET! Thats why its easier to cancell the first reset and just do one after both cabs are installed. Or do a reset after each cab instillation . This should fix you alls problem of it not showing up .Let me know , & sorry I didnt specify this earlier.
Ive used this for around a month now on my CDMA ALLTEL VOGUE/TOUCH. Every feature works. Ive not had one problem since installation. However, this dialer was originally for gsm. There are reports of it working on both. We'll know when the feedback piles up. But Im confident it will work on both, and with the new instructions, there wont be any more trouble.
Im trying my best to work some more in. Smartdial works on my phone so ill have to see which ones it doesn't on then try to patch it up. The Smartdial option should be located under the menu option while on the keypad. Im working to add video call and a few more features.

Some pics would be nice!!

Any screenshots?

TweakMan said:
Since iFonz and iPhone themes started making there way onto our ppc's , I have tried to find a dialer to go along with the overall look. But everyone I try has the same bug (locking up between status and keypad) as the other, if not more. So I made a skin for one of the most stable dialers I have found. Smartdial works, 911 works. Everthing works. My skin doesn't compare to the brilliant dialpads like Nargz or Dcx but I believe it's pretty decent. It will hold me over until one of them get the kinks worked out anyway. But thanks to "Jimm98y" for creating the original dialer, and thanks also to "kidnamedalbert" for creating the .cab file and making the skin easy to install. I havent had much time to see if there are any flaws in the skin, but if you notice any , post it and I'll have it fixed by the next day with a updated version posted. Also these skins are fully customizable. So if you have a request for a special background of any kind, any certain button design or button layout, anything at all , let me know and I'll try to get it to you.
Instructions are easy,
*First Install the .cab found in the "Install First" folder.
*Second Install the .cab found in the "Install Second folder.
Let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy.
Sorry, heres some pics. My screen capture app sucks so a couple of the words look different darker and lighter, but thats just the pics, it doesn't have that problem on the phone.
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Nice work!!
However, be careful when you say 911 works. It depends for what kind of phone you are talking about. If it is a GSM phone, then probably, but I doubt if 911 would work with a CDMA phone. If I am not mistaken, Jimmy98 dialers are based on GSM phone, so you will have issues with CDMA phones like Sprint.
With that said, any chance you can post the raw graphics files used, maybe in png's or other graphic file format?

You made this dialer????

Actually to my surprise its working perfect on my CDMA Touch Vogue. I also recieved a PM saying its working on a GSM phone as well. Hopefully it stays that way. One dialer for GSM and CDMA, I hope. But Ive used it on mine now for a month with no flaws yet. I would love to know what everyone thinkds though. Custom requests welcome. From Spiderman to Lillies!

I made the skin. The wonderful dialer was made by Jimm98y.

where can I get smartdial feature for this dialer?
If its included, then its not working on my XDA IIs...
EDIT: Smart dial works. I just didnt know that after pressing the numbers, you have to press "Hide Keypad" to view the filtered contacts...
Sorry about that...

TweakMan said:
Since iFonz and iPhone themes started making there way onto our ppc's , I have tried to find a dialer to go along with the overall look. But everyone I try has the same bug (locking up between status and keypad) as the other, if not more. So I made a skin for one of the most stable dialers I have found. Smartdial works, 911 works. Everthing works. My skin doesn't compare to the brilliant dialpads like Nargz or Dcx but I believe it's pretty decent. It will hold me over until one of them get the kinks worked out anyway. But thanks to "Jimm98y" for creating the original dialer, and thanks also to "kidnamedalbert" for creating the .cab file and making the skin easy to install. I havent had much time to see if there are any flaws in the skin, but if you notice any , post it and I'll have it fixed by the next day with a updated version posted. Also these skins are fully customizable. So if you have a request for a special background of any kind, any certain button design or button layout, anything at all , let me know and I'll try to get it to you.
Instructions are easy,
*First Install the .cab found in the "Install First" folder.
*Second Install the .cab found in the "Install Second folder.
Let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy.
Sorry, heres some pics. My screen capture app sucks so a couple of the words look different darker and lighter, but thats just the pics, it doesn't have that problem on the phone.
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so the cab i made worked?

can you make it with video call working??

joseph.sapri said:
where can I get smartdial feature for this dialer?
If its included, then its not working on my XDA IIs...
EDIT: Smart dial works. I just didnt know that after pressing the numbers, you have to press "Hide Keypad" to view the filtered contacts...
Sorry about that...
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Just about to post the same question. Great cab

anyone got it working on a sprint touch ?

TweakMan said:
Actually to my surprise its working perfect on my CDMA Touch Vogue. I also recieved a PM saying its working on a GSM phone as well. Hopefully it stays that way. One dialer for GSM and CDMA, I hope. But Ive used it on mine now for a month with no flaws yet. I would love to know what everyone thinkds though. Custom requests welcome. From Spiderman to Lillies!
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What carrier are you on? I am pretty sure Jimmy98y dialer was written for GSM, so even though things seems to be working now, you will probably run into problems in the near future. How do you know 911 is working, btw? If you are on Sprint, do this simple test: Pull up the dialpad and type ##data# (or ##3282#), does the data provisioning screen of EPST come up? If not then it is not written for CDMA.
On the other hand...nice work on the graphics. can't wait for you topost or send the graphics files.

I installed this on my CDMA Touch. Its working but it doesn't look like the screen shots. My "talk" and "End" buttons are not red and green. and I have no Earth background

Theres an option to turn smartdial on on the menu on my vogue. Theres also som reports of it working on GSM devices, but Im unable to test this.

New Directions In The First Post

Unfortunately it's not working well on my tmobile wing with open touch v3 lite rom, mostly having trouble with Jimm98y's dialer itself. The smart dial sorta works after hiding keyboard, but I can't get it to re-dial the last number (it's important because lot of the times I'm simply returning a call), nor can I access my contacts from the dialpad screen. It behaves very similar to the other iphone dialer but I didn't get to a point of freezing yet. Now I'm back to the old touch dialer that came with the rom.
However I do see that the call status screen is very similar to the touch dialer. Is it possible that I only use that portion of the graphics? It's not too difficult to customize the dial pad using tdial but I could never get the status screen to look right. If you could share your graphics, or simply make a skin pack for touch dialer then it'll be great!
Thank you for the hard work.

I choose this dialer because its so stable. Even if you by chance loose a feature, in my opinion its worth the stability. Ive used it for a month now and not had 1 dialer related lockup or problem. In my opinion its worth it. Hopefully you enjoy. Any custom requests still welcome, just post it.

If your having a problem with this dialer itself, I can try to create the skin for you dialer of choice, Stock or Not. Just post all the original graphic files on here and PM me and tell the page and post number there on. I can do it fairly quick. 24-48 hours.

I don't have the original pictures of the touch dialer I'm using, but it's the same as people discussed in this thread:
I could care less about the earth background (too !phony) but I do like the red end button and green talk button on the status screen in your skin and the texture of those buttons. And if possible could you use these attachments as backgrounds? I use this as my wallpaper for today and for S2U2 and it'll be very nice to go with these.
Thank you!


iPhone App for WM - LookAlike

Thread Moved to :
Please close this thread someone
I like it, good work. I like it especially it is a 3rd party software so that I can keep my Today screen. BTW, whats the diff of yours compared to the one at the other thread?
Anyway, although getting the aye-Phone interface is good for a start, I think it ought to be able to get some artist to make a better looking interface than aye-Phone.
BTW, as suggestion (for feature), I'm just wondering if you can make your app to respond to the D-Pad (the directional button), like those (say) SonyE phone and then display another graphics to show that the button is being selected.
Design case example:
All icons are black-white. Using your directional button, it goes from one icon to another. The selected icon will have colour (depending on design), and pushing the 'action' button will make it launch the app.
Final thing, whats the difference between yours and the one mentioned at the other thread?
hanmin said:
I like it, good work. I like it especially it is a 3rd party software so that I can keep my Today screen. BTW, whats the diff of yours compared to the one at the other thread?
Anyway, although getting the aye-Phone interface is good for a start, I think it ought to be able to get some artist to make a better looking interface than aye-Phone.
BTW, as suggestion (for feature), I'm just wondering if you can make your app to respond to the D-Pad (the directional button), like those (say) SonyE phone and then display another graphics to show that the button is being selected.
Design case example:
All icons are black-white. Using your directional button, it goes from one icon to another. The selected icon will have colour (depending on design), and pushing the 'action' button will make it launch the app.
Final thing, whats the difference between yours and the one mentioned at the other thread?
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The Difference is that the other one was in 12/24 hour format, it has no exit button, its 1Meg in size, it has some memory leaks that people complained about. Im sure mine has issues as well so please test and let me know.
I can possible make it work on the dialpad with different icons when they have focus. I just wanne make sure it wont eat too much memory and become to slow. Im not good with graphics at all so any suggestions will be appreciated
I was thinking of a config module, for easier? configuration.
Inphyy said:
I was thinking of a config module, for easier? configuration.
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Good Idea, Ill work on that unless you wanna make it? What do you mean by enabled, should it not show or should it be grayed out?
Grumps said:
Good Idea, Ill work on that unless you wanna make it? What do you mean by enabled, should it not show or should it be grayed out?
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I can try make it(i hope). Kinda newbie at programing, but i think i can make it work.
should i make it a seperate app and just make it change the config files?
think that would be the easiest, maybe.
Inphyy said:
I can try make it(i hope). Kinda newbie at programing, but i think i can make it work.
should i make it a seperate app and just make it change the config files?
think that would be the easiest, maybe.
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Yep write a new app if you want and access the config files it would be the easiest. Im also new at programming. What i know i taught myself so thats why its so difficult to do this. This app took my 8 hours to write and im sure someone else could have done it faster and better. Lemme know if you know how to get the Network operator name and Signal strength and battery level out of the registry. I know where they are stored but cant seem to read data from the registry
try this one:
dunno what you can make out of it, since im learning VB.NET atm and have no clue about C#
found something from a previous app i made for windows, here is some of the code i used, dunno how it's done in C# but im guessing it wouldnt be very different
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Dim RegKey As RegistryKey
Dim regSubKey As RegistryKey
RegKey = Registry.LocalMachine
regSubKey = RegKey.CreateSubKey("SOFTWARE\Example")
regSubKey.SetValue("ExampleDwordValue", "0")
i think i would have used
in VB but you should just try to find it.
hope it helps you in some way.
Lightweight and fast is good. As what you're doing is basically possible with WA + WAD. BTW, as for the settings, you may want to have the (4 x 4) + (1 x 4) icon grid flexible, incase people want to have large icons (less stuff to launch?). An ayeFone alternatives design, take a look here
More at the official page
Grumps said:
Good Idea, Ill work on that unless you wanna make it? What do you mean by enabled, should it not show or should it be grayed out?
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I was thinking of removing the whole icon if you dont want it
edit: removing as in hiding
Follow Up
I got the signal strengt working as well as reading the operator name from the registry. The only help i need now is to get the battery level from somewhere withing the registry, ill update the zip files on th first post
sounds good with the provider and signal info, will test it right now.
the icons: since i just arrived home, i did not have any new icons yet. but for workaround reasons, i attached a zip-file with the original iphone-icons , and a zip-file with the alternative icons. i numbered them in the original-iphone-order and added an additional rss-icon (for the 16. field).
(i was not really shure why you choose these other icons in the release (where are they from?)), but the original icons worked just fine for me. the alternatives also.
a blurry picture with before-and-after (left->your release right-> the original icons) is also attached.
nicolas said:
sounds good with the provider and signal info, will test it right now.
the icons: since i just arrived home, i did not have any new icons yet. but for workaround reasons, i attached a zip-file with the original iphone-icons , and a zip-file with the alternative icons. i numbered them in the original-iphone-order and added an additional rss-icon (for the 16. field).
(i was not really shure why you choose these other icons in the release (where are they from?)), but the original icons worked just fine for me. the alternatives also.
a blurry picture with before-and-after (left->your release right-> the original icons) is also attached.
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I was just messing around to see if the autosizing will work, the icons you have look good so ill use them. I still need an .ico file for the actual app. Any Ideas? O i attached a screen capture app you can try so you dont have to take funny pics hehe
Grumps said:
I was just messing around to see if the autosizing will work, the icons you have look good so ill use them. I still need an .ico file for the actual app. Any Ideas? O i attached a screen capture app you can try so you dont have to take funny pics hehe
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roger that! and thanks for the screen-capture application.
i'll try to install it via parallels (a mac and a pocket pc is a disastreous combination )
one request: maybe you should use version-numbers by now. its hard to follow which iphone-zip-folder is the "up to date" one.
nicolas said:
roger that! and thanks for the screen-capture application.
i'll try to install it via parallels (a mac and a pocket pc is a disastreous combination )
one request: maybe you should use version-numbers by now. its hard to follow which iphone-zip-folder is the "up to date" one.
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Ok ive changed it version 0.91
Grumps said:
I got the signal strengt working as well as reading the operator name from the registry. The only help i need now is to get the battery level from somewhere withing the registry, ill update the zip files on th first post
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Tried using SNAPI?
Trying to remember but I think it was something like SystemState.GetValue(SystemProperty.PowerBatteryStrength).
Will test/check when I get home
*Edit* If you don't want to download the sn api then I think wm stores all state information in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\State (battery strength, display orientation, num missed calls, num new sms's etc) */Edit*
Erg, sorry, just noticed the "Visual Studio 2003" part now. SNAPI requires 2005 afaik. Gonna have to grab it from manually from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Status\Battery
ok just tried the latest release. could it be that other file-extensions then *.exe are not recognized?
i.e.: .tr3 or .lnk (i tried to access a tomeraider file and a link to my contacts - but no luck)
furthermore, german pathnames including umlaute ÄÖÜßöäü doesnt work
attachment: was in need for a quick wikipedi /wikimedia icon
does this one have the slide lock?
Link to the other Lock-file

Bigger phone pad buttons ??

Can the buttons be made bigger - is there a skin for this?
I find them too small after coming to the trinity from an old motorola a1000 which was really easy to dial with.
Thanks, Dean
Can anyone help woth this ??
dwphoto said:
Can anyone help woth this ??
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sure Dean - do a search yourself, or start here:
I'd suggest you install a different keyboard like the ones from SPB or any others that ppl recommend. Google's your friend
BlackBeauty said:
sure Dean - do a search yourself, or start here:
I'd suggest you install a different keyboard like the ones from SPB or any others that ppl recommend. Google's your friend
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Thanks for the response but its not the keyboard I'm looking for (I use fitaly). I want a different phone pad with physically larger buttons for dialing. I've searched high and low for this but every phone pad skin seems to be a variation on the same layout ie the buttons are the same size.
I'm beginning to wonder if such a thing is possible or if the buttons have to be a certain size/postition on the screen.
This could be very useful, texting would be almost like on regular phones with one hand usage, if this comes with vibrating when you press a button it will be ideal.
OK, still looking for an answer here. Anybody with a suggestion ....
NO response here sorry - but I also would like a phone skin with bigger buttons and so would just about everyone else I know!
bepe's ROMs came with the new style black dialer that was a lot more finger friendly. Up till now, however I have not seen it with video dial capabilities. Have a look here:
I think it can be downloaded here:
nealed said:
bepe's ROMs came with the new style black dialer that was a lot more finger friendly. Up till now, however I have not seen it with video dial capabilities. Have a look here:
I think it can be downloaded here:
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i'm using the phonepad/dialer in the above post, however, i've noticed that the smartdial will ocassionaly stop working and require a soft-reset. other than that, it appears to be better than the standard one that comes with the Trinity.

xv6800 - no dialer skins work?

Hi all,
I'm pretty much at a loss here. Over the last year or so I've tried installing several CDMA-friendly dialer skins and none of them ever seem to take. They all install without errors, but the skins never take.. I'm always stuck with the default ugly blue frog style dialer. I follow all the instructions supplied with the dialers to the letter.. always uninstall the previous attempt and soft-reset before installing the new.. still nothing.
I've also done two hard resets, the dialers still don't seem to ever take.
Am I doing something wrong? Or is this just something with the VZ version of the 6800?
Thanks in advance for any advice
I'm using the "minimal dialer" dialer and have used the "mogul big button dialer" as well with no problems. Posting from my xv6800 now so I can't link the files but post back if you can't find them here on the forum or via google. Both work fine and the ## codes work as well...
The ultimate dialer for anyone!!! Once I found this, i never switched again.
EDIT : Thanks Osteo.. the PDG minimal letters actually worked. I was amazed when I rebooted and it showed up LOL Finally rid of that dark dark dialer.. I hated the fact that I couldn't see the numbers if I was outside in the sun!
Glad you found and like the dialer. That one is my favorite as well. If you're looking for a good finger friendly replacement for the the built in contacts manager, give Pocket CM a try ( Working fine on my 6800. Merry Merry and Happy Happy!

Energy ROM skin development(updated test dialer)

UPDATE: 4-16-09 Tried an update on the Wait cursor only cab
UPDATE 3-30-09: added the registry entries for battery in waitcursor skin
added wait cursor only cab. If someone can tell me who made the original taskbar, I will give full credit in this post. Thanks
updated dialer skin(thid will only work on VGA devices with HTC or ATT slide dialer.
The purpose of this thread is to keep skin discussions and ideas for the Energy ROM in one location, and to save space on NRGZ28's thread.
I am working on skinning some components for the ENergy ROM, full list will be at bottom. I'm basically trying to add to the already great look of the ROM without adding too much(like the Elite project which looks great). Please post any ideas, and if you are graphically talented at all you can help out in the process. I am planning on making a few variations on some skins for people to choose from. These may or may not be cooked into the ROM, or even better installed during customization for people who like the plain old stuff
I am very busy right now moving from QVGA to VGA, and have my fingers into all sorts of stuff(skinning, ROM cooking, and some other things). Any help with skinning would be greatly appreciated. I have a great deal of knowledge for skinning almost all aspects of Winmo, so if you want to skin something but are not sure how to go about it just ask. There are some great tutorials and resources at if you haven't been there yet, I suggest to have a look. There is a great team of skinners there and we are all willing to help with any issues you might have.
Please use this thread as a central meeting place to discuss ideas and share skins that will go good with the Energy ROM. Sorry if I missed something, I made a really nice thread yesterday, but it was lost in the fire(XDA was hacked or something yesterday)
Progress so far:
-Wait Cursor: Made this for Energy ROM, but decided to share as most of the kitchens I have been using include the same taskbar icons and stuff. The attatched cab is a full taskbar replacement, as well as the cursor. This uses no additional RAM or programs, as it is just replacing the stock items.
-"White" Energy wallpaper: This is most likely going to be used as a background image for Dialer, Commanager, Thumbcal, etc. I am posting it here incase any skinners on the same ROM would like to help out.
-Dialer: Uploaded second test dialer. Should flow better with the call history up top.
To Come:
In no specific order, I bounce around a lot so whatever gets done first gets done.
-Full dialer with in call and curtain
-Communication manager. Need some help on this. The new Rhodium Commanager with enhancements uses a different background than the Diamond or Kaiser commanager. Diamond one uses P_BG.png, which I found and changed but has no effect on this commanager for some reason. Anybody with a cab or OEM of this? Is it someything built into the new manilla? if so can you point me to tje right manilla file?
-iContactBE: Using some of the new notification icons and colors to compliment the new Manilla interface
-Thumcal: again to compliment the new Manilla and incorporate the "White" Energy BG
-PocketCM Keyboard
-Windows Media Player skin
-TP2 Calculator
-Resco Explorer\Registry
-Opera Splash Screen
Skins I would like to see from others( feel free to skin the above list as well)
-PocketCM contacts
-Yota dialer/contact replacement
-Anything you wanna skin
Please see following posts for screens. I will update this thread as needed(when I have time) If you post a skin you can PM me and I will add it to the first page. I'll be attatching items wherever for now until the collection grows.
Screens of waitcursor and test dialer:
Reserved for development
reserved for development
reserved for submitted skins
hey jmckeejr's I dled your waitcursor full cab and all worked well except the battery meter part....I charged my battery last night it was fully charged this morning but it only shows on my homescreen that its 20% full an thats annoying so maybe you can look into fixing that an releasing a fixed cab please cause i really want to use it fully functional thanx!! great work btw!!
looks great bud.
hey jmckeejr's I dled your waitcursor full cab and all worked well except the battery meter part....I charged my battery last night it was fully charged this morning but it only shows on my homescreen that its 20% full an thats annoying so maybe you can look into fixing that an releasing a fixed cab please cause i really want to use it fully functional thanx!! great work btw!!
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Sory, didnt realize I needed to add the registry entries for batery. Should be a cab floating around in the "FlenixNover customizing taskbar thread". Updating the cab now. should be ready in about 15 minutes. If someone could tell me the creator of the original taskbar icons, I would like to give credit in the first post.
jmckeejr said:
Sory, didnt realize I needed to add the registry entries for batery. Should be a cab floating around in the "FlenixNover customizing taskbar thread". Updating the cab now. should be ready in about 15 minutes. If someone could tell me the creator of the original taskbar icons, I would like to give credit in the first post.
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hey thats cool mistakes happen just as long as there corrected lol...but I just wanted to point it out to you so that your work would be perfect an we can all smile an enjoy your work!!! was the new cab upload with the fix in it???
ok thanx my man i seen you posted it i dled it and all is aaaaaaaaaa ok lol thanx!!! love that new wait cursor its soo bad ass!!! great job!!
Awesome. I will have to cook this stuff in the next release...
Thanks NRG, making this stuff special for your ROM, since thats the one I like until I figure out how to cook all those goodies in myself
Anyone using the Energy ROM, please do post opinions on some of this stuff so we can get a good looking ROM. Don't want to just hear " I dont like this" or "I dont like that", if you dont like it either post a suggestion or skin it yourself.
jmckeejr.... from PA.... you would not happen to have a relative named Joannie would you?
Not really sure. Haven't been to the family reunion in like 10 years.
Here is what I came up with for MWC 3. Hope you like it!
I started doing that, then got sidetracked. Looks good, I stopped using MWC because the transparent parts would stick sometimes. I mean when I switched to a different program or page there would be a square where the transparency was. Is that fixed in the new version?
hey bud I think your doing awesome work please keep it up
jmckeejr said:
I started doing that, then got sidetracked. Looks good, I stopped using MWC because the transparent parts would stick sometimes. I mean when I switched to a different program or page there would be a square where the transparency was. Is that fixed in the new version?
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That was a problem with 2.2. So far, I haven't seen it with 3. There is also an option to set up a 'time out' on the cursor, so it stops after the length of time that you set it for.
hey i just noticed that when i installed just the new wait cursor you made, it works and all but sometimes you see the old wm spin wheel behind flickers behind it thus making you see both of them which is odd...that shouldn't happen. so i just wanted to point that out to you so that it can be fixed cause that wait cursor FANTASTIC!!!
P.S.---- I was wondering can you make a cab file with just the new icons for the stuff you see in the settings etc...they come along in the topbar wait cursor cab but i would just like those seperate if possible!! THANX A MIL!!
hey i just noticed that when i installed just the new wait cursor you made, it works and all but sometimes you see the old wm spin wheel behind flickers behind it thus making you see both of them which is odd...that shouldn't happen. so i just wanted to point that out to you so that it can be fixed cause that wait cursor FANTASTIC!!!
P.S.---- I was wondering can you make a cab file with just the new icons for the stuff you see in the settings etc...they come along in the topbar wait cursor cab but i would just like those seperate if possible!! THANX A MIL!!
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I'll look into the dll file in the wait only cab/. Maybe I left an old image in there or something, couldnt test it. Gonna be busy a couple days though, so I would suggest to use the full one for now. I cant stand the stock icons up top. I dont know if I should cab up just the icons, cuz I didnt make em. If you wanted you could just extract the files and overwrite them into your windows folder. phcanpverbmp.dll, tapres.dll, and I think I have outres.dll in there. I do plan on continuing this stuff, but right now I'm sort of trying to learn how to cook my own ROMs.
I'd like to be able to cook a ROM with all the core apps I use. Not having a problem cooking them, its just trying to get all the updated packages from rhodium that are already ported. I need a few more and then I can really start. And then I can cook in all the skins from as well.
Hi jmckeejr,
Having a look at the that you posted on the Raphael OEM Repository. Noticed that the .RGU file seems to be adjusting the Battery registry settings.
Are these .RGU settings actually required or can I simply replace Shellres.192.dll.0409.mui with your version to get the wait cursor? Reason I ask is that I am using the TP2 Color Icons which change the registry settings for the battery.

[SKN] Ferrari/Red Bull/Random Dialer Skins (Standard+Tachi)

Added new Random skin in post 4. (hope to do some other crazy ones as well )
This first post will have the Standard Dialer Skins in it. See post two for the Tachi type.
Installation: Copy CAB to phone, install, SOFT RESET.
If there are any problems uninstalling the CABs, just install either the Original Standard Skin.CAB or the Original Tachi skin.CAB (found in post 4)
Thanks to everyone for all the help.
Let me know if you like them
Tachi Skins
Tachi skins here, they will look the same as the sample above, it's just the Tachi dialer is slightly different and I couldn't be bothered to do a samples image . Didn't realise you can only have 8 uploads per post . remaining files will be in post 4 lol.
Just wanted to say that im loving these ideas/works you've come up with b/c I LOVE FERRARI'S!!! would this work on the newest htc tachi dialer that was ported? and also what would be awesome....could you make these into cab files to install w/the option that there able to be uninstalled in case one didnt like them?? that would be perfect and im sure many would use them including me!!!
Red Bull V2 Standard Skin
Random Standard Skin
Random Tachi Skin
Original Standard Skin
Original Tachi Skin
xavierdemon said:
Thanks for the comments , I don't know if they would work with Tachi dialer as I don't have that installed. I presume they would as the Tachi dialer doesn't affect the Keypad me thinks
Will download Tachi's cab and have a look at the files and see what I can do. In regards to a CAB for the skins, I'm sure it's possible, will just have to learn how to make CABs . But it's not hard to just copy the files to the Windows directory and remember to backup the exsisting files if you do want to revert back.
UPDATE. Ok, so have had a look at the Tachi files, it would appear that the keypad is lightly different, so my skins are not going to work with it . However, I'll just do a set of new compatible ones later , in regards to the curtain for Tachi's dialer, I can't seem to locate the BMP for it but i'll keep looking. CABs, have downloaded a piece of software to generate them but haven't had time to play yet but it is something I'll try to get working.
UPDATE 2: I've uploaded a Tachi compatible skin for the dialer, I don't have Tachi's Dialer installed, so I can't test. Should work though (I hope - need a guinea pig/volunteer please to test). If the new Tachi skin test works, I will create the other styles
I have been trying to make all the skins in CAB form and it does work, however when uninstalling the CABS, it just deletes the files off the phone, which isn't bad for the dialer as this just regenerates itself but the Curtain just dissappears . Haven't worked out how to make the CABs backup the files they are replacing and then revert back to them when uninstalling (I actually don't think this is possible anyway). So the best way is to just copy the files with Total Commander or Resco explorer and then SOFT RESET. I stress to backup the files your replacing to enable you to return your phone to normal if your not happy.
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Thanks for the idea!
I have the New Tachi Port on my phone...with Xmoda TF3D2!, and I unzipped ur Red Bull Racing...and it works perfect!
Let people know that they need to make sure to Backup all their info!
Is it possible that you could Post the process u did to creat ur zips....
I was toying with a couple pics...but ran into some issues with the transperency...
Once again it does work with New Tachi Port...
There is a thread open with Skins for the new Tachi...You might wanna head up there for more traffic!
Thanks acidbath,
You have confused me now as I thought Tachi's Dialer was different to the standard HTC one and that the skins I'd made wouldn't work lol (That's why I made the test one). I'll just have to bite the bullet and install Tachi's Dialer and do some tests myself.
Glad you liked the Red Bull Skin
As I mentioned before, I'd really like to do all the teams but as I stated, can't find good resolution brandings or logos, if anyone has some please post.
Thanks in advance.
HOLD ON!!!!!! just noticed your attached image acidbath, it's not working properly as your missing the TALK button and others underneath the keypad . So as I suspected the current skins DON'T work for Tachi's dialer. If you could try the Ferrari Test, which is in post 4 and post another image, so I can see how that looks and if all is well, I get to work and create the other styles
xavierdemon said:
Thanks acidbath,
You have confused me now as I thought Tachi's Dialer was different to the standard HTC one and that the skins I'd made wouldn't work lol (That's why I made the test one). I'll just have to bite the bullet and install Tachi's Dialer and do some tests myself.
Glad you liked the Red Bull Skin
As I mentioned before, I'd really like to do all the teams but as I stated, can't find good resolution brandings or logos, if anyone has some please post.
Thanks in advance.
HOLD ON!!!!!! just noticed your attached image acidbath, it's not working properly as your missing the TALK button and others underneath the keypad . So as I suspected the current skins DON'T work for Tachi's dialer. If you could try the Ferrari Test, which is in post 4 and post another image, so I can see how that looks and if all is well, I get to work and create the other styles [/QUOTE​]
I hadn't had enough coffee yet apparently...LOL
I am good now...
Yes I do have the new tachi...its just I am using the energy rom 3.0 skin...
How did I not notice thee talk button?
I will restore my original backup and try the Test ferrari
right now....
I will be back with screenshot soon....
And as far as the other logo's...I am thinking MobileMatt...ya know Fuzeberry man would be a good person to check with on that....He does some pretty great VGA wallpaper stuff...
Maybe he has somegood logos....
Be back soon...
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Here we go... is the screenshot for the Ferrari Test Zip...
Perfection man...
Dont worry...u dont have to bite the
If you want any tested just shoot me a PM (like u did)
and I will help and get back with a screenshot ASAP
Wicked, I'll start creating the Tachi compatible skins soon, am away this weekend but should be done on Monday some time . Cheers for your help Acidbath.
xavierdemon said:
Dude, you need to drink some more coffee, that's the same Red Bull Screen lol. However I'll take your word for it. I need to clean this post up and create the new skins, am away this weekend drinking but should be done on Monday sometime.
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Click to collapse just had to many tabs open and hit the wrong one....
I added it to my post...
PM me when ya get some others done!
Great job
xavierdemon said:
Was just playing around and made these:
Just copy files to Windows Directory using Total Commander or newest version of Resco explorer and then SOFT RESET. I suggest backing up the original files (These are: Assets_dialer_Normal.bmp and Assets_dialer_Pressed.bmp files) first, in case you want to revert back.
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Well for Ferrari i was expecting Blood Red Buttons with Yellow print in it...Idea is fantastic to have Ferrari but the end result is not that impressive.
Request you to make some Blood Red and Yellow buttons
Try to be alittle more positive
vishalkishnani said:
Well for Ferrari i was expecting Blood Red Buttons with Yellow print in it...Idea is fantastic to have Ferrari but the end result is not that impressive.
Request you to make some Blood Red and Yellow buttons
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I think that the best way to ask for a change or mod to someone's newly developed hack or mod, is being a little nicer...
Be less critical and more polite!
Just a random observation for what its worth.
Just hoping we can keep threads positive and with gratitude!
Thanks for the suggestion vishalkishnani,
I'll have a look at completely colourising the entire keypad, once the new Tachi compatible skins have been completed.
Blood Red and Yellow text, ermm, hope nobody suffers from Epilepsy. Would hate to be the first person in history to mod a phone that causes Epilepsy by just trying to dial from it
xavierdemon said:
Thanks for the suggestion vishalkishnani,
I'll have a look at completely colourising the entire keypad, once the new Tachi compatible skins have been completed.
Blood Red and Yellow text, ermm, hope nobody suffers from Epilepsy. Would hate to be the first person in history to mod a phone that causes Epilepsy by just trying to dial from it
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LOL !!
xavierdemon said:
Thanks for the suggestion vishalkishnani,
I'll have a look at completely colourising the entire keypad, once the new Tachi compatible skins have been completed.
Blood Red and Yellow text, ermm, hope nobody suffers from Epilepsy. Would hate to be the first person in history to mod a phone that causes Epilepsy by just trying to dial from it
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Well if u can have all the buttons Red in color (red color of ferrari) with Image of Horse in Yellow background (just like the avatar of yours) overallping few keys that would be great. Believe me your dialer would be rage on the board, coz i just love the ferrari Idea of yours and I am sure everybody else would also like to showcase Ferrari on their Diamond to others.
PS: You can always have a cautionary notice that " I am not responsible for your Mobile Being Damaged due to installation of My Dialer or Either Damages to your Eyes getting Epilepsy" hehehe
It's not a bad idea, have actually been looking at the correct RGB levels for the offiicial Ferrari Red and Yellow and have found them. Am working on it
For those guys who have been trying the Red Bull Type 2 in post 4. I did post this as a test, if anyone has actually installed it, could you please post a screen and some feedback on it's usability a visual quality.
Thanks in advance.
screenshot for Redbull test2
Here is the screenshot for latest test...
Looks great...all buttons working corresctly..
It does make the number a little to transparent though.
But I have my Lumos Backlight jacked up pretty not an issue for me...but when i adjusted my settings to auto adjust it was pretty difficult...
Let me know ur next test..
My girl likes it to
here is a random pic i found...
Hey is a random pic I found...thought it would look nice..
Here are some wallpapers that i hv found. Hope this gonna help you making a dailer
This is so so damn insane!!!! thank you so much!!!!
Ferrari forever!!!! (hope they retaliate in Nürburgring)

