xv6800 - no dialer skins work? - Mogul, XV6800 General

Hi all,
I'm pretty much at a loss here. Over the last year or so I've tried installing several CDMA-friendly dialer skins and none of them ever seem to take. They all install without errors, but the skins never take.. I'm always stuck with the default ugly blue frog style dialer. I follow all the instructions supplied with the dialers to the letter.. always uninstall the previous attempt and soft-reset before installing the new.. still nothing.
I've also done two hard resets, the dialers still don't seem to ever take.
Am I doing something wrong? Or is this just something with the VZ version of the 6800?
Thanks in advance for any advice

I'm using the "minimal dialer letters.cab" dialer and have used the "mogul big button dialer" as well with no problems. Posting from my xv6800 now so I can't link the files but post back if you can't find them here on the forum or via google. Both work fine and the ## codes work as well...

The ultimate dialer for anyone!!! Once I found this, i never switched again.

EDIT : Thanks Osteo.. the PDG minimal letters actually worked. I was amazed when I rebooted and it showed up LOL Finally rid of that dark dark dialer.. I hated the fact that I couldn't see the numbers if I was outside in the sun!

Glad you found and like the dialer. That one is my favorite as well. If you're looking for a good finger friendly replacement for the the built in contacts manager, give Pocket CM a try (www.pocketcm.com). Working fine on my 6800. Merry Merry and Happy Happy!


Help please, I have lost my phone dialer screen

Sorry that my 1st post is a request but I have messed up my new phone.
I have just received a new SPV M600 from Orange UK, being new I have played with it, installing and uninstalling software adding and removing themes etc.
I had a nice skin combination from
My phone had his black qvga reptile today screen and phone dialer screen, this went well with the phone being black. Anyway I decided to remove both of them just to try a new contrasting colour. The today screen recovered ok, but I have lost the phone dialer. I can not recover either the default WM5 dialer, nor the Orange modified dialer, I am left with a large white screen and a phone on which you can not dial.
I believe the phone is located in the registry under HKLM\SECURITY\PHONE\SKIN
But I do not know what to do now in order to recover the default dialer. I have contacted zombienexus, but they could not help.
If I have to Hard Reset, apart from losing everything that I put on the phone, will it damage it in anyway, or remove the setup I received from Orange? I do not want to void the guarantee or insurance on this phone.
I am not sure how to recover your dialer, but let me assure you that aside from loosing personal data and any apps you (yourself) installed on the device there will be no harm.
Hard reset simply restores the device to factory defaults. Since all Orange customization is in the (extended) ROM it will recover as well.
levenum said:
I am not sure how to recover your dialer, but let me assure you that aside from loosing personal data and any apps you (yourself) installed on the device there will be no harm.
Hard reset simply restores the device to factory defaults. Since all Orange customization is in the (extended) ROM it will recover as well.
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Thanks for the reply. Funny thing though. I thought that maybe it was just another microsoft bug, so I set and reset the registry value DWORD 'Enabled' back and forth, from 0 to 1, soft resetting between each change.
On the 6th attempt at 0 the default WM5 dialer returned, however, I still cannot recover the modified Orange dialer. No big loss though, as I never liked it anyway. It was the Orange dialer that made me skin the phone in the first place.
Look in this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=48325&highlight=
There are several very nice dialler skins in there. I'm using an O2 themed one (even though I'm on Orange)
Here's what my skin looks like:
Hello Again
Despite losing my Orange dialer I am very happy now. I have installed Wisbar Deluxe and skinned the phone again using the themes from http://www.zombienexus.net/portal/.
This time I have gone with the dark blue reptile, theming the phone dialer, today screen and Wisbar.
The phone looks great, and one benefit I was not expecting from third party software, Wisbar is lightning fast. Everytime I click on a program or a folder it opens instantly, before with windows controlling its own programs there was always a lag. I would have thought that it would have been even slower with software over the top, but it is very fast.
Heres the new themes I highly recommend them.
Heres the new themes I highly recommend them. (Idiot)
Here are the new themes, I highly recommend them.
NewSPV said:
Heres the new themes I highly recommend them. (Idiot)
Here are the new themes, I highly recommend them.
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Here's the new themes I highly recommend them. (Would have been OK) :wink:

Easy question for ya peeps

I have the HTC 4000 from telus/canadian version. It looks the same as the titan. I'm curious is it the same PDA? I'm looking to change the mod to a iphone mod if thats even possible since it is touch screen or just something more snappier since my work mates are starting to get the same phone and would like to be better looking hehe.
PS. Is it possible to unlock my phone to change it to different mods?
the p4000 is the titan yes...
ppcgeeks.com has custom roms galore, find one to suit your needs
Has there been a successful iphone mod to the Alltel version of the Sprint Mogul? Is there someone on this forum who has the Alltel version with either the TouchFlo theme or iPhone theme?
If you're looking to spruce up your titan, I'd look into something like Wisbar Advance Desktop and Wisbar Advance 3 from lakeridge software, before I looked into custom roms. I dont think there are any custom roms yet for the titan but with those two programs you can download or even make your own themes, they have about a billion different iphone themes to download on their forums.
Here's one WAD that makes your phone look just like an iphone.
Heres another example of what you can do
There are some programs you can find here on xdadevs like Slide to Unlock and Pocketcm that will further add iphone like features to your phone.
Check out Lakeridgesoftware.com. I think they might cost like 10 bucks each but you can do some amazing things with both programs.
the iphone theme really isn't my style but heres a couple pics of it running on my titan, not the best shots in the world but gives you an idea
thanks jonnycross for the pics. did you use the instructions given out by torx on the lakeridge site? I appreciate any help. Thanks.
Meanwhile i think i will go ahead and purchase the programs that you provided me the link to.
yup, there is a readme file in the newest version zip that explains it all. You can download a free trial of wisbar advance desktop and wisbar advance 3 for like 15 days to try it out before you even spend any money. If you run into any problems I might be able to help you out.
hey jonnycross22, someone had suggested in another forum to update my rom before I do the iphone theme. Did you have to go through this as well? I get my phone tomorrow (hopefully) and I will check to see what rom it is running.
Also Alltel is advertising WM5 for the PPC6800. I don't think it should make a difference, should it?
I just want to make sure that I have the necessary things done to the phone before I get the iphone theme on.
wm5 should run it just fine, you shouldn't have to do any rom updating at all, the programs will run regardless, let me know if you have any problems getting it all up and running and i'll help you out
1. Is it possible to startup on the regular windows desktop, and then launch the iphone theme?
2. Does your iphone theme slow or freeze your phone?
3. I click on calendar and it shows my calendar on monthly view, but I cant close on the top right corner, like there isn't an exit button there. Any suggestions?
Alright, an update on installing the iphone theme on my phone.
I have gotten everything installed and linked the missing links to the icons. I also managed to correct the exit deal with the calendar, for some reason everytime i clicked the calendar it would load two of them. So I just unlinked and relinked the path.
When playing youTube videos i get the error "The file 'rtsp://rtsp.yoube.com/youtube/videos/... cannot be opened..." anybody with this problem? I'll try checking out some things and report back.
what program are you using to view the youtube files TCPMP? do you have a flash bundle pack installed?
just installed the flash bundle pack and it works great now. Everything works, but after getting a few calls and browsing a few minutes my phone will not ring and sometimes will hang after sliding to unlock. I can live without the s2unlock but any suggestions on why it will not ring when a call is recieved?
Honestly, I've had nothing but trouble with all the slide to unlock programs i've ever tried on the mogul, I tried a couple different versions and always had some kind of issues, either with it freezing, caller id, even text messaging, which is too bad because I really, really like the slide to unlock programs but in the end I just had to uninstall them because they had more problems than the program was worth :/ just letting you know you aren't alone, I tried just about EVERYTHING to get a fully functional S2U program working on the mogul, just didn't happen
Theme has been running successfully for a full day, although I had to uninstall S2U.
It really is too bad that S2U has too many problems, it was kind of a neat little program.
Thanks for the heads up johnnycross22.

New iPhone Dialer Skin- Revised Directions

Since iFonz and iPhone themes started making there way onto our ppc's , I have tried to find a dialer to go along with the overall look. But everyone I try has the same bug (locking up between status and keypad) as the other, if not more. So I made a skin for one of the most stable dialers I have found. Smartdial works, 911 works. Everthing works. My skin doesn't compare to the brilliant dialpads like Nargz or Dcx but I believe it's pretty decent. It will hold me over until one of them get the kinks worked out anyway. But thanks to "Jimm98y" for creating the original dialer, and thanks also to "kidnamedalbert" for creating the .cab file and making the skin easy to install. I havent had much time to see if there are any flaws in the skin, but if you notice any , post it and I'll have it fixed by the next day with a updated version posted. Also these skins are fully customizable. So if you have a request for a special background of any kind, any certain button design or button layout, anything at all , let me know and I'll try to get it to you.
Instructions are easy,
*First Install the .cab found in the "Install First" folder.
*Second Install the .cab found in the "Install Second folder.
Ok, after you install the first cab, it will tell you to restart your device. Hit cancell, DO NOT restart yet. Then go install the second cab. THEN DO A SOFT RESET.WILL NOT SHOW UP UNTIL AFTER RESET! Thats why its easier to cancell the first reset and just do one after both cabs are installed. Or do a reset after each cab instillation . This should fix you alls problem of it not showing up .Let me know , & sorry I didnt specify this earlier.
Ive used this for around a month now on my CDMA ALLTEL VOGUE/TOUCH. Every feature works. Ive not had one problem since installation. However, this dialer was originally for gsm. There are reports of it working on both. We'll know when the feedback piles up. But Im confident it will work on both, and with the new instructions, there wont be any more trouble.
Im trying my best to work some more in. Smartdial works on my phone so ill have to see which ones it doesn't on then try to patch it up. The Smartdial option should be located under the menu option while on the keypad. Im working to add video call and a few more features.
Some pics would be nice!!
Any screenshots?
TweakMan said:
Since iFonz and iPhone themes started making there way onto our ppc's , I have tried to find a dialer to go along with the overall look. But everyone I try has the same bug (locking up between status and keypad) as the other, if not more. So I made a skin for one of the most stable dialers I have found. Smartdial works, 911 works. Everthing works. My skin doesn't compare to the brilliant dialpads like Nargz or Dcx but I believe it's pretty decent. It will hold me over until one of them get the kinks worked out anyway. But thanks to "Jimm98y" for creating the original dialer, and thanks also to "kidnamedalbert" for creating the .cab file and making the skin easy to install. I havent had much time to see if there are any flaws in the skin, but if you notice any , post it and I'll have it fixed by the next day with a updated version posted. Also these skins are fully customizable. So if you have a request for a special background of any kind, any certain button design or button layout, anything at all , let me know and I'll try to get it to you.
Instructions are easy,
*First Install the .cab found in the "Install First" folder.
*Second Install the .cab found in the "Install Second folder.
Let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy.
Sorry, heres some pics. My screen capture app sucks so a couple of the words look different darker and lighter, but thats just the pics, it doesn't have that problem on the phone.
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Nice work!!
However, be careful when you say 911 works. It depends for what kind of phone you are talking about. If it is a GSM phone, then probably, but I doubt if 911 would work with a CDMA phone. If I am not mistaken, Jimmy98 dialers are based on GSM phone, so you will have issues with CDMA phones like Sprint.
With that said, any chance you can post the raw graphics files used, maybe in png's or other graphic file format?
You made this dialer????
Actually to my surprise its working perfect on my CDMA Touch Vogue. I also recieved a PM saying its working on a GSM phone as well. Hopefully it stays that way. One dialer for GSM and CDMA, I hope. But Ive used it on mine now for a month with no flaws yet. I would love to know what everyone thinkds though. Custom requests welcome. From Spiderman to Lillies!
I made the skin. The wonderful dialer was made by Jimm98y.
where can I get smartdial feature for this dialer?
If its included, then its not working on my XDA IIs...
EDIT: Smart dial works. I just didnt know that after pressing the numbers, you have to press "Hide Keypad" to view the filtered contacts...
Sorry about that...
TweakMan said:
Since iFonz and iPhone themes started making there way onto our ppc's , I have tried to find a dialer to go along with the overall look. But everyone I try has the same bug (locking up between status and keypad) as the other, if not more. So I made a skin for one of the most stable dialers I have found. Smartdial works, 911 works. Everthing works. My skin doesn't compare to the brilliant dialpads like Nargz or Dcx but I believe it's pretty decent. It will hold me over until one of them get the kinks worked out anyway. But thanks to "Jimm98y" for creating the original dialer, and thanks also to "kidnamedalbert" for creating the .cab file and making the skin easy to install. I havent had much time to see if there are any flaws in the skin, but if you notice any , post it and I'll have it fixed by the next day with a updated version posted. Also these skins are fully customizable. So if you have a request for a special background of any kind, any certain button design or button layout, anything at all , let me know and I'll try to get it to you.
Instructions are easy,
*First Install the .cab found in the "Install First" folder.
*Second Install the .cab found in the "Install Second folder.
Let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy.
Sorry, heres some pics. My screen capture app sucks so a couple of the words look different darker and lighter, but thats just the pics, it doesn't have that problem on the phone.
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so the cab i made worked?
can you make it with video call working??
joseph.sapri said:
where can I get smartdial feature for this dialer?
If its included, then its not working on my XDA IIs...
EDIT: Smart dial works. I just didnt know that after pressing the numbers, you have to press "Hide Keypad" to view the filtered contacts...
Sorry about that...
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Just about to post the same question. Great cab
anyone got it working on a sprint touch ?
TweakMan said:
Actually to my surprise its working perfect on my CDMA Touch Vogue. I also recieved a PM saying its working on a GSM phone as well. Hopefully it stays that way. One dialer for GSM and CDMA, I hope. But Ive used it on mine now for a month with no flaws yet. I would love to know what everyone thinkds though. Custom requests welcome. From Spiderman to Lillies!
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What carrier are you on? I am pretty sure Jimmy98y dialer was written for GSM, so even though things seems to be working now, you will probably run into problems in the near future. How do you know 911 is working, btw? If you are on Sprint, do this simple test: Pull up the dialpad and type ##data# (or ##3282#), does the data provisioning screen of EPST come up? If not then it is not written for CDMA.
On the other hand...nice work on the graphics. can't wait for you topost or send the graphics files.
I installed this on my CDMA Touch. Its working but it doesn't look like the screen shots. My "talk" and "End" buttons are not red and green. and I have no Earth background
Theres an option to turn smartdial on on the menu on my vogue. Theres also som reports of it working on GSM devices, but Im unable to test this.
New Directions In The First Post
Unfortunately it's not working well on my tmobile wing with open touch v3 lite rom, mostly having trouble with Jimm98y's dialer itself. The smart dial sorta works after hiding keyboard, but I can't get it to re-dial the last number (it's important because lot of the times I'm simply returning a call), nor can I access my contacts from the dialpad screen. It behaves very similar to the other iphone dialer but I didn't get to a point of freezing yet. Now I'm back to the old touch dialer that came with the rom.
However I do see that the call status screen is very similar to the touch dialer. Is it possible that I only use that portion of the graphics? It's not too difficult to customize the dial pad using tdial but I could never get the status screen to look right. If you could share your graphics, or simply make a skin pack for touch dialer then it'll be great!
Thank you for the hard work.
I choose this dialer because its so stable. Even if you by chance loose a feature, in my opinion its worth the stability. Ive used it for a month now and not had 1 dialer related lockup or problem. In my opinion its worth it. Hopefully you enjoy. Any custom requests still welcome, just post it.
If your having a problem with this dialer itself, I can try to create the skin for you dialer of choice, Stock or Not. Just post all the original graphic files on here and PM me and tell the page and post number there on. I can do it fairly quick. 24-48 hours.
I don't have the original pictures of the touch dialer I'm using, but it's the same as people discussed in this thread:
I could care less about the earth background (too !phony) but I do like the red end button and green talk button on the status screen in your skin and the texture of those buttons. And if possible could you use these attachments as backgrounds? I use this as my wallpaper for today and for S2U2 and it'll be very nice to go with these.
Thank you!

Sideways swipe in Messaging, WM6.1??

This question was posted in the Elf forum, but didn't get any answers, so I figured I'd post it here, maybe someone can help me out.
With my original Rogers ROM, I was able to swipe sideways in Messaging to go from SMS to Hotmail to Gmail, or to see next/previous message when in a message.
Since I have flashed my phone to WM6.1 (I've tried Blue Elves V5.0, kokotas Clean ROM Black Edition and AB's Clean ROM), none of these seem to support the sideways swipe in Messaging.
Is this something that is not included in WM6.1? Or is there a reg setting that I didn't see to enable this? I am able to do the same thing with the D-Pad left and right, but I'd like to get the swipe back... That's why we have touch screens, isn't it?
Hope someone can help me out. Thanks in advance...
Damn, my apologies! I meant to post this in the General forum! If a mod wants to move this thread, please do... Sorry!!
That is an HTC feature seen on the Vogue/Elf/etc. Not related to WM. It's part of Touchflo/biotouch/whatever it is called. You need to have that built into your ROM. I think FTouchSL will allow this functionality as well.
Thanks for the quick reply!
I've tried FtouchSL, and I find it doesn't work anywhere near as well as the original "biotouch", also, I has many options that I'll never use, so I'd rather stick to the built in biotouch.exe.
On that note, I had a copy of my original Rogers biotouch.exe from when I disabled the cube on my Elfin, I copied that into the \Windows folder with Resco explorer and overwrote the old one, soft reset, still doesn't seem to work.
I think there's a registry setting that I'm missing perhaps, I'm gonna look around for it, but if anyone else has any ideas, I'd be happy to hear them.
Thanks again...
Do you have the original HTC Cube? If the ROM you're using have a disabled cube, you won't have that feature. (some cooks actually disables the cube since it's pretty much useless now)
Damn, yeah, the roms I'm using all have had the cube disabled. Well, thanks for the help, I guess I'll have to try something else...

Pink Pink Pink

I know I'm going to catch hell for this. I've seen all the "Use the search" field responses. I've used the search field, google, wiki, yahoo, etc in search of a pink, or neon flip tf3d clock for my stock At&t tilt 2. I at one point had it, don't ask me how - pure luck I guess. I lost it due to a hard reset from a bad install. So any help is super super appreciated!
My current theme right now is a combo of the dusk theme and icons from http://tp2.bfgreenberg.com/tp2more.htm
I'm all in all just looking for either a kick ass pink and black theme - not too girly but just enough to look wicked or a transparent pink clock. Like I've said, I have searched and searched and I just can't find it again!
Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction.
Check this out...
MaelXca said:
Check this out...
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Holy schneike those are sharp!! Thanks for the great find!
pretty cool
those are pretty awesome i'll admit, but i am a tad hesitant when it comes to flashing my rom...any other ideas?
thanks a bunch for the help, if i have to i will def. do it just so i can get what i want
Check these out
Anyone else out there looking for some cool clock fonts I found these and they have an awesome Alien Pink font! Love Love Love it! Always on the look out for more girl-ified stuff for my tilt2. Let me know if anyone finds anything!
Update I flashed my Stock At&t rom to HTC's default Rom - WOWZA
This is a lot to read but hopefully it helps someone, somewhere. The newb guides just confused me for a long time. I thought a simple numbered step by step might help...?
After being scared out of my wits of flashing a new rom on my stock AT&T tilt2 I decided to go for it. Granted, I was only going from the stock US At&t rom to the one released in Europe - but it had sense 2.5 and it seemed as though just about everything I've found on XDA only worked for 2.5! So I tested the whole process out on my husbands HTC Pure - better to brick his than mine lmao! After fiddling for 15 minutes or so and realizing that I had sucessfully flashed my first rom I decided I'd go for it. To make things easier for anyone who might come across this thread I thought I'd post this - the dummies guides on xda helped me a great deal but some of it you can only figure out on your own.
First off, I needed a hardspl program that I found here:
Also there I found the newbies guide to flashing the rom which I found invaluable in the whole process. (run that hard spl on the computer - ignore the antivirus warnings (i had tons and windows 7 wouldn't let me do a thing until I disabled ALL my antivirus settings and ran the program as an administrator)
then after failing to install it I found it was required that I get this .cab
which needed to be run on the phone
After installing the enabler program I was able to run the Hard SPL program dealie. Nothing really happened on my phone yet.
I then found this list
and clicked on the fourth one down ->
I had to tinker with it for a while to figure out whether or not I was running this program on my phone or on the computer. Answer - the computer.
I hooked my phone back up to windows mobile device center (everything on xda said activesync - same thing basically) let it sync (which it only did while the phone was on and running - not in tricolor. The instructions from the newbies guide varied a bit here, a lot of them said go into the tricolor (which is really 4 colors but hey, i'm not going to gripe) bootmenu and load it from there. however, windows mobile device center did not recognize any device as being plugged in when i did that - only when i started the phone all the way up. Alas - I ran the program from my desktop with the phone hooked up and the progress bar started moving.
(mind you it took me a while to get all this figured out, it'd stall, or say failed. This is when it finally all came together for me)
6. Phone shut itself off a couple times during the process, went to the boot screen and I got nervous. Finally at 100% it restarted and I noticed immediately it didn't make that annoying warhawk sound. I looked and boom - I had sense. I tinkered with the phone for awhile, playing with my new on screen shortcuts that weren't there before reveling in just how awesome htc's stock rom was in comparison to the crap at&t's came with when I noticed
that my keyboard wasn't quite right...all the numbers were wrong. Search---found another fix here:
Still tinkering and now I'm on my quest to personalize my new phone. Perhaps now that I can actually get some of these tweaks and mods posted on here I might be able to have my groovy pink clock that I've always wanted. A girl can hope right?
mjak83 said:
Anyone else out there looking for some cool clock fonts I found these and they have an awesome Alien Pink font! Love Love Love it! Always on the look out for more girl-ified stuff for my tilt2. Let me know if anyone finds anything!
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That 2nd link is awesome. I like a bunch of these clocks, especially quarantined. Thanks so much for the great links.

