Energy ROM skin development(updated test dialer) - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

UPDATE: 4-16-09 Tried an update on the Wait cursor only cab
UPDATE 3-30-09: added the registry entries for battery in waitcursor skin
added wait cursor only cab. If someone can tell me who made the original taskbar, I will give full credit in this post. Thanks
updated dialer skin(thid will only work on VGA devices with HTC or ATT slide dialer.
The purpose of this thread is to keep skin discussions and ideas for the Energy ROM in one location, and to save space on NRGZ28's thread.
I am working on skinning some components for the ENergy ROM, full list will be at bottom. I'm basically trying to add to the already great look of the ROM without adding too much(like the Elite project which looks great). Please post any ideas, and if you are graphically talented at all you can help out in the process. I am planning on making a few variations on some skins for people to choose from. These may or may not be cooked into the ROM, or even better installed during customization for people who like the plain old stuff
I am very busy right now moving from QVGA to VGA, and have my fingers into all sorts of stuff(skinning, ROM cooking, and some other things). Any help with skinning would be greatly appreciated. I have a great deal of knowledge for skinning almost all aspects of Winmo, so if you want to skin something but are not sure how to go about it just ask. There are some great tutorials and resources at if you haven't been there yet, I suggest to have a look. There is a great team of skinners there and we are all willing to help with any issues you might have.
Please use this thread as a central meeting place to discuss ideas and share skins that will go good with the Energy ROM. Sorry if I missed something, I made a really nice thread yesterday, but it was lost in the fire(XDA was hacked or something yesterday)
Progress so far:
-Wait Cursor: Made this for Energy ROM, but decided to share as most of the kitchens I have been using include the same taskbar icons and stuff. The attatched cab is a full taskbar replacement, as well as the cursor. This uses no additional RAM or programs, as it is just replacing the stock items.
-"White" Energy wallpaper: This is most likely going to be used as a background image for Dialer, Commanager, Thumbcal, etc. I am posting it here incase any skinners on the same ROM would like to help out.
-Dialer: Uploaded second test dialer. Should flow better with the call history up top.
To Come:
In no specific order, I bounce around a lot so whatever gets done first gets done.
-Full dialer with in call and curtain
-Communication manager. Need some help on this. The new Rhodium Commanager with enhancements uses a different background than the Diamond or Kaiser commanager. Diamond one uses P_BG.png, which I found and changed but has no effect on this commanager for some reason. Anybody with a cab or OEM of this? Is it someything built into the new manilla? if so can you point me to tje right manilla file?
-iContactBE: Using some of the new notification icons and colors to compliment the new Manilla interface
-Thumcal: again to compliment the new Manilla and incorporate the "White" Energy BG
-PocketCM Keyboard
-Windows Media Player skin
-TP2 Calculator
-Resco Explorer\Registry
-Opera Splash Screen
Skins I would like to see from others( feel free to skin the above list as well)
-PocketCM contacts
-Yota dialer/contact replacement
-Anything you wanna skin
Please see following posts for screens. I will update this thread as needed(when I have time) If you post a skin you can PM me and I will add it to the first page. I'll be attatching items wherever for now until the collection grows.

Screens of waitcursor and test dialer:

Reserved for development

reserved for development

reserved for submitted skins

hey jmckeejr's I dled your waitcursor full cab and all worked well except the battery meter part....I charged my battery last night it was fully charged this morning but it only shows on my homescreen that its 20% full an thats annoying so maybe you can look into fixing that an releasing a fixed cab please cause i really want to use it fully functional thanx!! great work btw!!

looks great bud.

hey jmckeejr's I dled your waitcursor full cab and all worked well except the battery meter part....I charged my battery last night it was fully charged this morning but it only shows on my homescreen that its 20% full an thats annoying so maybe you can look into fixing that an releasing a fixed cab please cause i really want to use it fully functional thanx!! great work btw!!
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Sory, didnt realize I needed to add the registry entries for batery. Should be a cab floating around in the "FlenixNover customizing taskbar thread". Updating the cab now. should be ready in about 15 minutes. If someone could tell me the creator of the original taskbar icons, I would like to give credit in the first post.

jmckeejr said:
Sory, didnt realize I needed to add the registry entries for batery. Should be a cab floating around in the "FlenixNover customizing taskbar thread". Updating the cab now. should be ready in about 15 minutes. If someone could tell me the creator of the original taskbar icons, I would like to give credit in the first post.
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hey thats cool mistakes happen just as long as there corrected lol...but I just wanted to point it out to you so that your work would be perfect an we can all smile an enjoy your work!!! was the new cab upload with the fix in it???
ok thanx my man i seen you posted it i dled it and all is aaaaaaaaaa ok lol thanx!!! love that new wait cursor its soo bad ass!!! great job!!

Awesome. I will have to cook this stuff in the next release...

Thanks NRG, making this stuff special for your ROM, since thats the one I like until I figure out how to cook all those goodies in myself
Anyone using the Energy ROM, please do post opinions on some of this stuff so we can get a good looking ROM. Don't want to just hear " I dont like this" or "I dont like that", if you dont like it either post a suggestion or skin it yourself.

jmckeejr.... from PA.... you would not happen to have a relative named Joannie would you?

Not really sure. Haven't been to the family reunion in like 10 years.

Here is what I came up with for MWC 3. Hope you like it!

I started doing that, then got sidetracked. Looks good, I stopped using MWC because the transparent parts would stick sometimes. I mean when I switched to a different program or page there would be a square where the transparency was. Is that fixed in the new version?

hey bud I think your doing awesome work please keep it up

jmckeejr said:
I started doing that, then got sidetracked. Looks good, I stopped using MWC because the transparent parts would stick sometimes. I mean when I switched to a different program or page there would be a square where the transparency was. Is that fixed in the new version?
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That was a problem with 2.2. So far, I haven't seen it with 3. There is also an option to set up a 'time out' on the cursor, so it stops after the length of time that you set it for.

hey i just noticed that when i installed just the new wait cursor you made, it works and all but sometimes you see the old wm spin wheel behind flickers behind it thus making you see both of them which is odd...that shouldn't happen. so i just wanted to point that out to you so that it can be fixed cause that wait cursor FANTASTIC!!!
P.S.---- I was wondering can you make a cab file with just the new icons for the stuff you see in the settings etc...they come along in the topbar wait cursor cab but i would just like those seperate if possible!! THANX A MIL!!

hey i just noticed that when i installed just the new wait cursor you made, it works and all but sometimes you see the old wm spin wheel behind flickers behind it thus making you see both of them which is odd...that shouldn't happen. so i just wanted to point that out to you so that it can be fixed cause that wait cursor FANTASTIC!!!
P.S.---- I was wondering can you make a cab file with just the new icons for the stuff you see in the settings etc...they come along in the topbar wait cursor cab but i would just like those seperate if possible!! THANX A MIL!!
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I'll look into the dll file in the wait only cab/. Maybe I left an old image in there or something, couldnt test it. Gonna be busy a couple days though, so I would suggest to use the full one for now. I cant stand the stock icons up top. I dont know if I should cab up just the icons, cuz I didnt make em. If you wanted you could just extract the files and overwrite them into your windows folder. phcanpverbmp.dll, tapres.dll, and I think I have outres.dll in there. I do plan on continuing this stuff, but right now I'm sort of trying to learn how to cook my own ROMs.
I'd like to be able to cook a ROM with all the core apps I use. Not having a problem cooking them, its just trying to get all the updated packages from rhodium that are already ported. I need a few more and then I can really start. And then I can cook in all the skins from as well.

Hi jmckeejr,
Having a look at the that you posted on the Raphael OEM Repository. Noticed that the .RGU file seems to be adjusting the Battery registry settings.
Are these .RGU settings actually required or can I simply replace Shellres.192.dll.0409.mui with your version to get the wait cursor? Reason I ask is that I am using the TP2 Color Icons which change the registry settings for the battery.


Tired of your ugly Dialer Skin?

I finally got tired of the ugly dialer skin that comes with t-mobile roms. I know there is a cingular one out there and I have found a few other sites with limited skins. Well I thought I would give it a try and make my own Photoshoping part came easy, but I don't really have a clue on creating .cab files at all.
I created a test run skin of the oh so fine, Scarlett Johansen. Please feel free to download and give feedback. I will be creating some more in the future.
Also, if anyone out there is a wiz on creating cab files, any help you could give...
And one last thing... anyone know where to find TRUE windows mobile 5 themes?!
Thanks - is it possible to give screen shots please. WM5 true themes are rare - i've not found a site that does them. Look in 'My today screen' thread in this forum - i've posted a few including one recent.
Use Ben Thon's themegen ce to create true wm5 themes and look at microsoft's guava bubbles.tsk to see how its done properly.
screen shot
I don't have anything installed on my wizard to take a screen shot, but I'll try to make a mock up on photoshop and post it.
unless anyone out there can suggest a good screen capture utility?
Thanks, and that's for the support!
Re: screen shot
jess said:
I don't have anything installed on my wizard to take a screen shot, but I'll try to make a mock up on photoshop and post it.
unless anyone out there can suggest a good screen capture utility?
Thanks, and that's for the support!
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As you are into photo manip, use Pocket Xnview, also has a screen capture facility.
Ok here is a screen shot
Keep in mind, this is only my first, I'll get more experiemental the more I mess around I want to create theme packages... today screens, dialer screens, and ring tone-sounds that are all the same theme.
Thanks, Jess
MagicSS for screenshots.
Ok here is a screen shot
Keep in mind, this is only my first, I'll get more experiemental the more I mess around I want to create theme packages... today screens, dialer screens, and ring tone-sounds that are all the same theme.
Thanks, Jess
A complete theme package
I have found how windows mobile 5 themes are created now after examining some files. therefore I think imma build a total theme package. today theme, dialer skin, and ringtones. If I'm feeling really adventurous, maybe media player skins as well??
so I was thinking a superman theme or starwars, etc.
Any ideas anyone?
I figured it as time I gave some back to the wizard community!
Thanks, Jess
man of steel! Cool!
that looks cool.
How about something for the girls? Johnny Depp, maybe?
Re: Ok here is a screen shot
jess said:
Keep in mind, this is only my first, I'll get more experiemental the more I mess around I want to create theme packages... today screens, dialer screens, and ring tone-sounds that are all the same theme.
Thanks, Jess
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Well put together jess - good job! (not sure my wife will like it though lol!)
btw how did you create the wooden dialer buttons? - i tried to for a wooden dialer i was putting together and just could not get them right. Yours look good might pinch them for my own! lol One comment though - i feel the talk button should be in green not red :wink:
Your cab seems well put together the only hint is to get rid of the initial destination dialog - see here on how to change xml file to do this
Windows media player skins are easier than phone dialers see here
look forward to more skins
Looks good so far. I have poked around with some of the same stuff you are now. I did it all when I had WM2003SE because that is all that was out then. I found that the OS didn't always want to display the images correctly. and would bounce back to the system default for some of the buttons, mostly when you pushed them down and while you were in a call.
I hope for your sake you can over come the issues I fought then and begin making your own dialer skins.
You also may want to take a look at He has created some skins for the Nice looking E-Ten dialer. It works seamlessly with my 8125 and I loooovvvveeee the way that the skins handle much better than the defaults. I'm pretty sure that the images work very simillarly. Give it a look.
Re: Ok here is a screen shot
jess said:
Keep in mind, this is only my first, I'll get more experiemental the more I mess around I want to create theme packages... today screens, dialer screens, and ring tone-sounds that are all the same theme.
Thanks, Jess
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Could you throw a leopard skin background on that, my wife would love that on her 8125. If you need a picture let me know, I have one in particular that she'd like.
Thanks and good work.
I would like to second the request for a leopard print one!!!
Leopard skin
A leopard print skin... sure thing! I am finishing finals so it will be a few days, but hopefully this next week or two I can get a website up for posting theme files.
Post an example jpg of a leopard print if you like.
BTW, still wondering if anyone out there is a savvy cab file creator, Im using a GUI right now that works ok, but for test purposes only and expires soon.
hi jess
may i ask u 4 something
could u b so kind to explain how 2 do it ourselves
this way i can use private photoes and prepare some 4 my friends
thanks again
I'm in the process of creating a leopard skin total theme (dialer, smart dialer, today theme, ringtones) for those of you who asked. After that I am gonna have to build a more manly one lol. It will be available shortly ( like I said, finishing finals for summer term! )
Guys, gimme any ideas for a complete theme!
For those of you who enquired about how to do this yourself... keep in mind, im not using some little app that makes this simple, like a theme generator or anything. There are files and registry values associated with the dialer skin and the smart dialer. Just replacing these these will work, but it's difinately better to create a new directory with new files names and then reference them with new registry values. This way if you goof up or wanna change anything back, you can do so without a hard reset.
I started this lil project because I have searched and searched for true mobile 5 themes and dialer skins with little or no luck. I am very glad to see so many interested. I will certainly share the information to anyone that likes, I just wanna make sure you know what you are getting yourself into
hi jess
god my wife was going to kill me , "who is that girl and y z she opssing in ur phone?"
could u put something NEUTRAL as a backgroud ?
thanks dear
one thing more
could u explain how u did it ? so a retard like me can have his own
thanks again
Green WM theme?
Hi Jess.
My suggestion for another "complete" theme (Dialer skin, Today themes, etc etc) would of course be an all WM5 Greenish style theme.... I already have the "HTC_default" green today theme, but it seems kind of lame to have the blue background on everything else...
If my wish could be taken under consideration, I'd be a happier man. :lol:
I am working on a few at the moment...
One a leopard print style another windows vista style.
I am however having set backs, since I just installed vista RC1 and am working out some kinks.
Thanks for the input and patience, Jess

[20080920] Opensource XIAMultiTheme - New engine is ready! Look at Youtube Video

XIAMultiTheme is a multi purpose skinnable GUI so you can make your launcher or multiple "today"
Themes are very closer to rlToday but the engine is dll based so if you like to write a widget do it! XIAMultiTheme
Tested and working:
- Unlock
- Incoming Caller
+ New debug test software: XMT_EventTester.exe use this if unlock does not work properly on your device.
If you do not like the Unlocker popup when the light turn off remove the line with event="56"
* Animated Manila Weather theme sample! (loop every minute!)
* New Engine release!
- Gestures
- Animations
and a lot of new features, look at theme samples.
- Use the installer/Uninstaller exe to first step, than run configurator!
- if you like to use bitmap fonts remember to put 0.png into the folder
- if you like to use TTF fonts remember to call it like it's name ex: Cicago.ttf
- Warning: if you are using a task manager software take care when tapping on OK on today configuration applet because your task manager may not really send "OK" tap!
- to disable unlocker feature simply put an empty theme name
- do not develop theme with a lof of "convert" please use "folder:"
- scroll and DnD are very heavy features, enable if your pda is powerful
- do not forgot to pay me a coffe... it's a GPL opensource XIAProjects product!
How to test/Help me?
- this engine will load rlToday themes test my engine with them! report differences or try make newest with new features like page management!
It's a opensource because I like opensource and respect people ideas so... do not start copying code to gain money!
donate money via paypal
Help with installing
This looks interesting, have looked before but couldn't work out which files/folders to put on ppc?
Could you please explain what to load on to ppc, once that is done I'm sure I can figure out how to use and/or make a theme.
Sorry if this is simpler than I think, still learning.
Downloaded 0.6 but will update to nightly build if you answer this, tia.
privacy issue, sorry
Ixtana_ran said:
This looks interesting, have looked before but couldn't work out which files/folders to put on ppc?
Could you please explain what to load on to ppc, once that is done I'm sure I can figure out how to use and/or make a theme.
Sorry if this is simpler than I think, still learning.
Downloaded 0.6 but will update to nightly build if you answer this, tia.
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Just simple put folder XIAMultiTheme in to ppc. and run XIAMultiThemeConfiguration for setting XIAMultiTheme.
Hope can help
Does anyone experienced incompatability issues with XIA MultiTheme and SPB Mobile Shell 2.1? XIA MultiTheme works great inside UltimateLauncher however as soon as I install Mobile Shell 2.1 my PPC freezes after bootup...
It may have nothing to do with XIA MultiTheme but just thought I'd try and rule out possibilities given that this application is at alpha or beta level.
Disregard...I got them working together...
Thanks for the great program!
One question: Does XIAMultiTheme support image resizing? I've tried setting Width and Height but instead of scaling the image it crops it to the height/width.
Is this thread going anywhere.
I was excited when I found out about MultiTheme but got less excited when I could not find much documentation.
Also, the source has been locked. Not Opensource anymore?
Great app!
Hi Stefanux
I've been using rlToday for more than a year now and really like this fully customizable today plugin. I was really excited when I saw that you've started to implement a similar application that also supports tab switching. I've been playing with it for a while and my first impression is: thumbs up!
Are you also planning to implement rlToday's feature to display a monthly calendar overview? (i.e. show a grid with all the days of the month)
Thanks heaps and please keep up the good work!
Nightly builds stopped.
It looks like the last build was end of June.
Maybe he's on holiday?
I hope this work continues as it does look promising.
"I'm studing for last engeneer exam! which will be 21/07!"
Good luck.
On with the ap
Hi Stefanux,
I really hope everything went well today.
I am really looking forward to working with XMT, I have used rlToday for awhile now and enjoy the full control abilities that the app allows. That said I believe XMT will be a killer app. You are probably too far along in design to make this change but it would be good to shorten the program names so that they are legible in the file explorers. The XIAMultitheme..... really gets too long to see which program I am tapping.
Two of my rlToday themes use variations of the calendar as seen in the default rlToday xml which at this poing won't move to XMT and I would like to use some variation of this full month calendar. Is this a part of your current plans or should I plan on coding myself?
Again I hope the exams went well. Glad those days are way behind me.
Hi, first of all I'm a noob, so bear with me, second, thanks for all your great work.
Now, I'm struggling with the XIAMultitheme, I installed as the instruction said, and tried with the Manila and the MiniColor themes, but I always got the same result: a blank screen, only the original wallpaper. I think, that's because the only selected "item" in Settings -> Today -> Personal is is it?
....what am I doing wrong?!?
Thanks in advance
XMT Support
Stay tuned on my website for updates!
If you need support, write email via website.
Thank you
New Manila WIP
Hey all take a bit look here:
I'm going to update XMT Before 14/Sep/2008! stay tuned for all new features
stefanux said:
Hey all take a bit look here:
I'm going to update XMT Before 14/Sep/2008! stay tuned for all new features
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Cant wait
how to remove notification
Hello stefanux,
XIAMultiTheme look really promising
I'm a big fun of rlToday myself, and I'm looking forward for even more customization
One question though: Playing around, I messed with the directories and while I'm trying to uninstall XIAMultiTheme, I get the "Could not execute ...XMT_OnPowerOn.exe" Notification Error Popup. How do I remove it? I have already tried the XIAMultiThemeKiller.exe and XIAMultiThemeUninstall.exe but the popup insists to come up when I turn on the screen.
Any hints?
thank you and keep the good stuff coming
hypest said:
Hello stefanux,
XIAMultiTheme look really promising
I'm a big fun of rlToday myself, and I'm looking forward for even more customization
One question though: Playing around, I messed with the directories and while I'm trying to uninstall XIAMultiTheme, I get the "Could not execute ...XMT_OnPowerOn.exe" Notification Error Popup. How do I remove it? I have already tried the XIAMultiThemeKiller.exe and XIAMultiThemeUninstall.exe but the popup insists to come up when I turn on the screen.
Any hints?
thank you and keep the good stuff coming
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Hi, thank you to try XMT!
running XIAMultiThemeUninstall.exe will remove the power on notification, if this does not append manually remove using TaskMgr
Creating Animated PNG
You can convert MNG, GIF or WPA animated images to XMT supported multiframe vertical film PNG with ImageMagick:
convert -append -dispose 2 1.wpa prova.png
I will post some samples skins soon.
New YouTubo video!
Manila Weather Animation theme
Youtubo video!!
Hey today i'm happy to show the 2nd video!
Unlock + Phone Call Themes
The unlocker by default will popup when the light turn off, if you do not like this, remove lines with event="56"

UPDATED Sep-29-2008 Matrix RLToday Skin Now has weather page.

Hey guys. I've been working on this skin for rltoday and i think it's finally ready to see the light of day. It is meant to be a full replacement for the today screen for device with 240x320 resolution. The skin features 9 configurable buttons. Also has a configuration script.
The buttons are numbered from left to right so row 1 has 1-3 row 2 4-6 and row 3 7-9 the configuration is in the buttom right hand corner and can be used to initially setup the buttons or for modifying them after initial setup. The buttons can also be setup simply by pressing on the button you wish to setup.
The SMS Count lonks to the messangin app and the calls links to the call history. The clock is also linked to the windoes clock&Alarms. I'm working on a weather page for this skin as well but it might be a little while.
For the moment you will need to copy the font file(MLTWNII.ttf) from the rltoday folder to the windows\font folder.
i tired making a cab but the font seemed to get applied to other areas of windows so i'm going with the manual route for now.
So extract the folder in this zip to your rltoday folder and change the skin to matrix.
NOTE:SD version taken down as it turns out(should have looked into it) rltoday can't run from sdcard sorry if i caused anyone any confusion was just covering all bases. thanx to brunoisa10 for helping me realize this fact.
Weather page now added. it uses yahoo weather feeds so go to and find your city
ex: mine is at so my weather code would be CAXX0297.
it will ask for this code when you update for the first time. it will also ask if you want C or F as your temp reading and creat a link to the yahoo weather page that can be accessed by tapping on the icon for today's forcast. I have been using it and perfecting the positioning for a few weeks now. all should be perfect. a few icons still need resized they will follow soon. for anyone updating just replace your existing matrix folder with the one in the new archive. then reload the rltoday skin by long tapping a empty spot of today screen.
Let me know what you think.
Version history
Added weather page!!
Rewrote some parts of the button and config scripts
removed some useless messages
fixed some alingment
Removed all xxx(apart from weather page) from the skin(happens when rl can't find a reg key)
and probably a few other things over the weeks that i forget.
initial realese
to do:
Landscape support
make icons changeable.
any other suggestions?
thanx to syrguy1969 for the graphical work.
Download mirror(Thanx 2 Napbree): (still has version 1.0 Napbree let me know when you update)
Very nice, it looks GREAT on full-screen!!! I am sure you will get a lot of hits on this skin!!
syrguy1969 said:
Very nice, it looks GREAT on full-screen!!! I am sure you will get a lot of hits on this skin!!
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thanx man i really hope so...either way i will enjoy it but i did it to share it mainly. work progressing on weather page. i'm going to need your help with graphics for it tho if you don't mind helping me again...i will e-mail you with a quick paint drawing of what i envision.
Grondinm said:
thanx man i really hope so...either way i will enjoy it but i did it to share it mainly. work progressing on weather page. i'm going to need your help with graphics for it tho if you don't mind helping me again...i will e-mail you with a quick paint drawing of what i envision.
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I don't mind at all, I enjoy helping!!
so many views yet so little downloads/feedback...oh on weather page progressing...going to so some major testing tonight...might be up over the weekend if all goes well...(probably not since i have no graphics for it yet but sooner than i originally thought) would anyone using this be so kind as to leave some sort of feedback...good or bad.
just another quick update in case anyone is actually using/interested in this skin. finally got got the code for the weather page to do what i wanted it to do...just missing graphical part and a little more testing....should have new version soon(couple of weeks life permitting)
while playing around last night i discovered a few issues...expect a new version up over the weekend for sure...even if i can't included weather page yet to fix these bugs(mainly if mortscript is not installed and if you don't use the matrix font)
Hi Grondinm
I saw you were excellent about Mortscript , I see now you are very good about rlToday .
I like these two products too , and BatteryStatus ,now HomeScreen ++ UI .
just a little question : you've posted one zip for rlToday on SD Card , what is your version of rlToday ?
I thought we couldn't install rlToday on SD , it is a marvellous news for me , because I have many xml and graphics and mortscripts ready to work and I had removed rlToday just because of the place on memory
brunoisa10 said:
Hi Grondinm
just a little question : you've posted one zip for rlToday on SD Card , what is your version of rlToday ?
I thought we couldn't install rlToday on SD..
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well then....i actually just assumed it could be installed on sd....never tried it just wanted to cover all i see that it can't be installed on sd so i will have to take down the sdcard link...sorry about this guys i don't ever install any apps to sd but like i said wanted to cover all bases incase it could be installed theire....
Great skin
weather page almost ready icons just gotta get them perfect...keep an eye out for update
new version up. Weather page!!! see first post
Way to go, another example of your strong work!!!!
looking for a little input. should i replace the vmail count with e-mails?
another thought anyone interested in landscape support?
just keeping you guys up 2 date. new version coming verry soon(maybe as sson as this weekend) it's going to have preliminary landscape support(meaning app launcher but not weather page yet) also i'm adding a new script to it a cutomizable intenet launcher. keep an eye out for this one guys.
found bugs in config script...i will try to put out new version thsi weekend but with the holidays i might not have time to finish what i want to do for version2.0. sorry to keep everyone waiting so long have been busy at work. but i think version 2.0 will be worth it. keep an eye out
Hello Everyone i know i have been away from this site for a while but i have been very busy at work with year end stuff at work and holidays. I'm still working on this skin...just letting everyone know i'm still alive and hope to have time to put out new version within the next few weeks.
Wow! Thanks for sharing!

Update NEW Themes for I780 & i900 for "TodayLife"

Work discontinued due to Today Life Developer has stopped development on this project. Sory about the screen shots I accidentally removed them from imageshack.​
NEW i900 Omnia Theme. Monday Morning, all credit for this theme goes to the talented Bluemetalaxe you can visit his official thread here
All I have done is convert this theme and some of the graphics to fit on the Samsung i900 Omnia. Please read the the Notes and instructions below before installing.
This is a Theme for Today Life Program for Omnia i900 Only
This is only a theme for the program TodayLife. The program is not completed and is still in development. Meaning there are tabs without any function, or some functionality may be disabled from time to time for testing and developing purposes. As the program is updated I will be updating this thread with information on the newly added functionality and options. This program does not require any 3rd party shell or programs.
Credit and Thanks goes to Dazzlingdaz for creating this wonderful program.
I will not waste time answering questions to the general operation of this program or problems related to the program itself. This is not productive for me or the developer of the program Dazzlingdazz to have to answer questions in multiple threads. So if you have program specific questions or problems or suggestions of options or functionality to be added please post them in the TodayLife thread found here.
FAQ ( Please Read)
Q. It crashes because of xxxxx
A. First try copying and running the files from system memory as some devices (HTC Touch) have issues resuming from standby with program running from the storage card. If the program still fails - edit the config.XML and select YES for errorreporting - then run the program - when it crashes post the errorreport text file here and I can try and help you.
Q. Why is there nothing on the calendar or music or blah blah page?
A. Because the app isnt finished yet - as clearly stated above! - more is being added
Q. What version of WM do I need?
A. 6.x - it does not work on WM5 or below
Q. How do I install it?
A. You dont! - simply copy all files to a folder on the device and run the EXE - that's it - no install - no uninstall - nothing changed on the device - no registry entries required.
Q. What is the default unlock sequence
A. 1 single guesture - ^ (you can change this on config.xml)
Q. Can I change stuff?
A. Yes - everything! - the landscape.xml and portrait.xml contain all the positions for the icons and layouts for the skin, while config.xml contains details about non-skin related options
Q. What Compact Framework do I need?
A. You need either 2.0 or better still 3.5 - unfortunately some custom rom cookers have not fully incorporated CF into their build and this may cause you problems - not just with my app but anything that uses CF. My only suggestion here is to try an updated (or different) base rom! - it works perfect with all the WWE builds with CF installed - so I know it's the rom
Current Functionality of Highway theme:
Home tab is about 90% finished. There will be some modification in the future like: Tower when press to open comm manager or WiFi. When press signal meter it opens default comm window. When press sun it will open weather. When press clock will open alarm.
The contacts tab is currently empty but has been tested and will have a very smooth scrolling contact list.
The settings tab currently is only for program exit, future additions on this page.
The Big red power button is the Program launcher and is on all tabs. When you open the launcher just scroll and tap firmly in a straight up and down motion. To go back to the main screen gesture from right to left
Volume, still in development but to see how it works click on the speaker icon, then gesture up and down to change volume. Note Vibrate not functional yet. Gesture right to left to exit volume.
For email you may have to edit the Portrait.xml to define your email account. Mine is set to Hotmail. If you need help let me know.
Vmail indicator does not seem to be working. This is one reason for me to release this now as I need help testing on the I780. It seems to be working on other devices.
Note: almost all the graphics except background and sun were created by hand, by me, and took a lot of time and effort. So if you use them please give some credit.
The latest version of Today Life is included in the zip file. To install Download the zip file and extract it on your PC or directly to you main memory of you device like My documents. Then just click on Todaylife.exe
What can I say? I am speechless. This is a very nice theme, a refreshing change to the Diamond theme...
For future expansion, you can consider installing an ICU (in-car unit) that will call out the player (s2p, mortplayer, HTC AM, WMP, etc..)
Once this is completed, it will be an awesome theme!!
Keep up the good work.
g00ndu said:
What can I say? I am speechless. This is a very nice theme, a refreshing change to the Diamond theme...
For future expansion, you can consider installing an ICU (in-car unit) that will call out the player (s2p, mortplayer, HTC AM, WMP, etc..)
Once this is completed, it will be an awesome theme!!
Keep up the good work.
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Thanks, Very good idea, would like to have a flash or animated screen that could flip out and up above the dash. and have media player controls. May talk to Twolf.
bobsbbq said:
Thanks, Very good idea, would like to have a flash or animated screen that could flip out and up above the dash. and have media player controls. May talk to Twolf.
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Downloading now.
Thanx in advence for your hardwork
and for sharing.
Thanx Bob
New Monday Morning Theme for i900 Omnia
Updated on the first page for download. Thanks to Bluemetalaxe for this great theme. I just converted it and some graphics to fit on the Omnia. Remember this Program is still under development by Dazz and it is not fully functional yet. But enjoy and I will keep it upgraded as newer versions come out.
bobsbbq said:
Updated on the first page for download. Thanks to Bluemetalaxe for this great theme. I just converted it and some graphics to fit on the Omnia. Remember this Program is still under development by Dazz and it is not fully functional yet. But enjoy and I will keep it upgraded as newer versions come out.
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Wow..this is really good for Omnia user like me.
good work bob, i made a link to your thread and wrote some thoughts in my thread.
Small update fixed appointment lines in portrait. Moved clock, volume, and lock icon.
Excellent adaptation from a qvga to a wqvga. You kinda make me want 1 omnia....
Wow, looks very nice. Especially on the Omnia's widescreen, hopefully the developer will add more functions soon.
hey bob.. on my omnia.. i can seem to see the clock appearing on the screen, plus there is no EXIT, SMS, EMAILS, CALLS and LOCK buttons. i only can c the volume button.
also, there is no Program button at the bottom most right position..
any help to amend this prob?
thank you
thank you man great work
spin_x said:
hey bob.. on my omnia.. i can seem to see the clock appearing on the screen, plus there is no EXIT, SMS, EMAILS, CALLS and LOCK buttons. i only can c the volume button.
also, there is no Program button at the bottom most right position..
any help to amend this prob?
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First you are using omnia i900 right? With the monday morning the correct? Is it the same in landscape? And is the calender and contact page ok?
Is there a QVGA version of "Monday Morning"?
Hello, thanks for good work on the subject of omnia, but also will you convert the other or do not have plans for that?
bobsbbq said:
Updated on the first page for download. Thanks to Bluemetalaxe for this great theme. I just converted it and some graphics to fit on the Omnia. Remember this Program is still under development by Dazz and it is not fully functional yet. But enjoy and I will keep it upgraded as newer versions come out.
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Hi...bob...My omnia got new look with Monday Morning.
Thank you, bob, for your great work.
highway theme
Hello, can you post pictures from the highway theme, taht i can see how it looks?
Great theme... keep up the work
Hopefully , someone can share also monday morning in I780...

[THE][16-7-09][v1.0] Apple style TF3D

Here's something for those who are perhaps coming over from the iPhone. You'll probably be more at ease with your device!
By the way, for the record, I just made this for fun, thinking that there are people who actually appreciates this sort of theme. I use my other theme more regularly. Please don't flame me with Apple-fanboy comments!
Note: This cab does not include the taskbar, and 1% battery driver. You may find them at the links provided. Credit to Chainfire, InsecureSpike
1. Install cab
2. At the soft-reset prompt, tap cancel.
3. Disable and re-enable TF3D to see the changes.
If don't like it, just uninstall. Disable and re-enable TF3D. Back to normal.
Meh, You make great stuff dude..
I use your V1.4 TF3D.. btw I'm curious about something..
Shouldn't the "Mail" and "Messages" icon be replaced with one another ?
Seems like the (a) is more suited for E-mail.. xD
Ha! I like your V1.4 TF3D more..... iphone icons?? Don't think so.... that is the reason why I bought my TP2... and not putting iphone stuff on my TP2.
Btw... Awesome work!!!
Yuuvi said:
...Shouldn't the "Mail" and "Messages" icon be replaced with one another ?
Seems like the (a) is more suited for E-mail.. xD
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Well, I'll say this. I'm not a huge fan of the Messages icon I chose to use. I just haven't been able to find one that feels like "the one". Anyway, have a look at the other thread. I've made a poll to see what everyone thinks...
radiowc said:
..... iphone icons?? Don't think so.... that is the reason why I bought my TP2... and not putting iphone stuff on my TP2.
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That's exactly how I feel too!
Still trying myself to get this theme thing down, Still getting all kinds of white blotches on my screen which is pissing me off but good work on the apple theme although I do hate apple still looks nice.
Wow, no love for this theme...
The download count must have set some sort of record low for most unpopular theme or something.
Don't things too hard! I love parts of your other theme, elements of that I am using on my own theme for the communications and settings tab.
Since this thread is a bit quieter, could you answer a couple of questions?
I've been using Manila Editor v.0.2 to build my theme, which is a bit trial and error since most of the manilla files are listed as unknown (eg, the program doesn't know what icon they represent) but does give you a preview of the file and allows you to change it. What do you use?
What is the correct protocol for posting a theme containing elements from others work? EG my theme would have your communications, settings (and dammit, more fiddling, now the volume part of settings! But thanks for the effort.) Should I ask each person if it's ok for me to share, post but with credits and links to the original theme or what?
Thankyou for going the extra mile on your themes and customising parts that others haven't. It really makes a difference when the phone doesn't just go back to the standard look once you leave the main pages.
Hey Steve, thanks for the consolation, I feel much better...haha!
Now, regarding your queries...
I've used Manila Editor before...back in the days when I was first bought my Touch Diamond and people were just starting to figure out how to edit manila files. But I've always found it really difficult to use and (like you said?) a lot of the files are categorized as "unknown". All in all, this app is pretty outdated and I don't believe it's being developed anymore.
I use Chainfire's great tool, CFC-GUI. Try it out. It should be quite easy to figure out for you.
I don't know if there's even a protocol (per se) in place for creating themes containing parts of other user's themes. I suppose it's ok if all authors are happy with it. I'll be perfectly happy with you just linking back to my theme's thread.
very good,wo like it!!!

