Field Test / Engineering modes - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hello and sorry if this is in the wrong thread.
I am an engineer for a GSM company and I have a AT&T Tilt.
I have the Field Test up and running but it lack important info like the Cell ID
Has anyone updated this program to include this?
I am currently running HTC Home theme with a short cut to fieldtest.exe and I have the RIL I can run to see Cell ID.
I have seen other app, commanger I believe.
I would be nice to fix the Field Test to be more effiecient or maybe a way to put a live app that runs in the today screen with DB and cell id
the iphone has a nice engineer mode is it possible to emulate that on a wm6 device. Thanks again.
I do alot of driving and have at least the DB and cell id would be nice.
Right now I carry a Tilt, Blackberry and a Nokia with Field test. I would like to scale back to one device.


Harrier Location API

I've got a ppc-6601 (harrier) from Sprint and I'm trying to develop a program to use the location information - hopefully gps coords. Any idea on how to get that info? The program will basically be a location connector - converting phone location info to nmea sentences so any mapping program out there will be able to use the location info. The big question is, how do I get that info from the phone?
Is this a HTC product?
I once looked a (if I remember correctly) Swiss product that was able to show th current location based on the cell-info from the gsm radio.
The trouble seems to be that you need a map calibrated with gsm cell-info.
Remember: you wount get a more detailled specification of the location than approx. 200 metres.
I believe it's built by HTC, but branded by Audiovox. Sprint uses cdma, so the usual gsm location stuff isn't gonna work. Sprint uses the qualcomm/snaptrack technology - gpsOne. Sprint/Qualcomm got a java api out there for MIDP 2.0 phones, but I'm not sure if it'll work w/ ppc phones. This api gives you alot of info - including gps coords.
So any ideas?
The carrier must have a location server online, currently Sprint and Verizon's LBS servers are not ready for point-to-point relay of LBS data.
An Australian based company has managed to extract this info from windows ce devices. From their web site ( it also seems as though this kind of service is supported on all mobile phones.
Pretty cool I thought.
HickHack said:
An Australian based company has managed to extract this info from windows ce devices. From their web site ( it also seems as though this kind of service is supported on all mobile phones.
Pretty cool I thought.
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Uh, no. That program relies on tracerouting your IP address, and, if available, using their proprietary LBS API that if you want to route into GPSOne, you get to do on your own.
No, it doesn't use traceroute. I've got an i-Mate device here on Vodafone determining location to within 100m. The external API is for other/desktop applications (such as CRM, field management, mapping etc) that may wish to display the device's location.
Friends of mine have also tried their clients for Blackberry and Symbian OS with similiar results...
HickHack said:
No, it doesn't use traceroute. I've got an i-Mate device here on Vodafone determining location to within 100m. The external API is for other/desktop applications (such as CRM, field management, mapping etc) that may wish to display the device's location.
Friends of mine have also tried their clients for Blackberry and Symbian OS with similiar results...
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Well, on the GSM side it has more options (I was referring to the Harrier and CDMA), such as locating the location of the tower and using signal fade information to make a best-guess estimate. Depending on where you live, and how close towers are spaced, it can get pretty close.

Engineering mode

I have been playing with my tmobile MDA (wizard) and in HKLM/software/HTC/engineermode there are some keys I find interesting. On mine LaunchEngineerModeAppDialStr is set to *#*#364#*#* (364 maps to 'eng' which is probably why it was chosen).
Has anyone played with this at all? I tried but I get 0 mobile srevice her eand got a message back saying 'please try you call later' (sms style) which I am certain came from the phonei tself. Normally I get just 'failed' rather than 'please try your call later'.
At any rate, it might be something fun to look at I know that some people were looking to get the tower IDs and other info, and usually engineering mode includes that.
I have an update to this. I have 2 SIMs both tmobile US. The old one is at least a year old, maybe more. It is totally inactive. The new one came with the phone. When I use the old one I get 'please try your cal llater' with the new one it goes into engineering mode and displays cellid and other bits of info. of course its not highly useful for me right now becuase I have no cell signal, but ...
The title bar reads 'gsm test mode' and there are 3 tabs. GSM, AMR and GPRS. At least now the key to get the dial string is known, if it wasnt before (I didnt see anything) and the fact that you can get tower IDs and other stuff (something someone wanted elsewhere).
the gsm test mode app appears to be a totoally different app as well (according to start->system->memory->running programs. I do not have good tools yet to see exactly where this app is and how to access it. But I am sure that if that program were located a debugger could provide useful info on extracting the syscalls or whatever is done to get access to the cellid and other bits of info.
Note cellids can be used to track location, they are fixed and reported, at least in the US., While you may not know exactly where someone is, by knowing which tower they are on you can guess. RSSI can be used in conjunction with this as the far field (where most radio communications occur) falls off at the inverse square, you can guess at the distance (but not direction). Multipath and other issues can affect this reading, so its not highly accurate but ...
Now does anyone know of a good tool like ps in unix that shows me not only the full program name but also any arguments given for WM5?
GSM Test Mode..
An easier way is to look in your \windows dorectory and look for the "GXM Test Mode.exe" ....

Freeware GPS utility

VIto FindMe lets you send your location via an encrypted SMS to a friend also using Vito FindMe and then allow them to input the co-ordinates into Google Maps to see where you (and they) are at that time.
Downside is the fact that it appears to be currently working with "Pocket PC Phone Edition with built-in GPS receiver". May have to wait for the possible GPS unlock later this year to test it with our Moguls.
Just as info...
Hi, i've already post it on the gps unlock thread, but for someone who wish interesting free navigation soft... Get a look at
If you like vito, try Vito smart navagtor, that combine all the Vito tools...
And may be Tracky will interest you.
Also Navizon and Reperion may be tryed.
In fact when i've got my P4000 the tech supp, was tolding me that the gps chip of my device was not locked-up, and that i should found and 3rd app that fit my device....(that techn was less knowing than me lol)
So i tried many app.
Gpspassion may also be an interesting forum for info about gps...
Wish will help you, to dicover the gps interesting worls.
P.S. in community that you're looking for (net tracking) you'll find tools like registring for you and your friends point of interest like: automatic speed radars cameras, speed limits( the soft will advise you of over-speed), many other geocatching funny tools.
Other forum: (Navizon is a peer-to-peer virtual gps using cell tower, with a reward program for the users that help creat the localisation net. Advantage get localisation in city or subway (like subway maps) were some other gps failled, but in regional area it"s really not the better one's 'cause it need cell towers)
yea but taht VITO FindMe doesnt work with 6800 tho
Does not work with 6800 yet !!
True... Mentioned it in my post. There might be a work around to get it to work though and considering the talent of the forum, I am sure someone will find a way.
FindMe generates position errors of up to 150 metres when I try it. i think it may be miscalulating the lat/long in decimal from the lat/long returned by the GPS. GPS is OK with all other GPS apps I have run on my Kaiser (v1615).
Apart from that it's a great app

Trace-Me (live location/story/picture tracker)

Trace-Me enables you to trace where you’ve been and augment that information with pictures and stories that you’ve taken on the road. It’s especially nice for holidays or any other trip. It can be used by yourself to afterwards see where you’ve been and what you’ve done, but you can also give your friends and family the opportunity to watch where you are live in real time.
Trace-Me is in beta and is free to use.
for more information goto:
Interesting app.......
cool idea.
I guess it uses only GPS and not any triangulation stuff.
So, my qtek s200 is off the table.
For now it only uses GPS that's right. Triangulation would be a nice feature to add. I'll scribble it down on my 'wanted features' list.
Neat, I love the idea.
Yeah.. i´m out too.. please please use triagulation also...
google must have some api for it... as google map mobile uses triangulation...
I'm developing for (Compact) .NET. So I would need some C# code to do the triangulation or at least get the cell ids and hook them up to some database. Feel free to leave any tips behind.
of course you can always use an external GPS if your phone doesn't have an internal GPS
I've managed to get some code working that uses cell ids to fetch position instead of GPS. So all people without GPS enabled phones should now be able to use Trace-Me aswell.
Since this is pretty fresh stuff I could really use some volunteers for testing this stuff. Please send an email to [email protected] if you want to test this stuff. Or goto the Trace-Me forum (goto English->General and reply to the 'volunteer to test non-GPS location algorithm' topic)
Ok it seems I've had some major problem with people trying to access the website and actually see their data. Something with cross domain and flash and webservices and all that jazz.
Since the webservice is running from my own domain I would very kindly like to ask a bunch of you to visit this link and please tell me that you're seeing (should take about 1 minute MAX!) a drives list at the left side of the screen (16e heenreis, 17e lagos, etc, etc).
Just leave a reply in here thanks!
I'm seeing your drives list.
k, awesome, it seems to work for everyone now

[DEV:LPM] Location Profiler Mobile (13/Jan/2009)

Last Update January 15, 2009
I have been working on a nice add-in for windows mobile,
this application will find your location (based on cell id) and change the profile based on these locations.
currently the software is capable of changing the WiFi status (on/off/unchanged) and also Bluetooth (on/off/unchanged).
changes to this document will be marked in blue
Added Spy Photos of the new Version, it will take a while but it worths the wait
- Add Vibration Control.
- Add Ringing Volume Control.
- Make as invisible process.
- Unknown location Profile.
- Switch to Flight mode profile option.
- Display Personal Note profile option.
- smartWatchM Support, Displays location and vibrates when location changes
- Suggestion : Mortscript or application execution on certain location.
LPM V0.1.1:
- Hide Button.
- Display Cell ID Instead of unknown.
- Added Programs Shortcut.
LPM V0.1:
- Initial Release
- Cell ID Based
- Switch Profiles Automatically.
- Wireless (on/off/unchanged) support
- Bluetooth (on/off/unchanged) support.
- Leave Unchanged option.
- XML Configuration and profiles storage.
- Polling rate of 30000ms (30 Seconds).
- Windows Mobile OS (Tested on WM6.1 Xperia).
- dot Net framework 3.5.
i have published the source code on Codeplex on this link
if you are interested in working with me to improve this application, let me know
How to use :
1 - Start the application.
2 - Click and hold on the Empty box then select add.
3 - Type the location name, select BT & WIFI settings (unchecking the box = Don't change status when reaching this place).
4 - Click menu, start recording. then move around the place to capture all cell IDs.
5 - Click save
6 - Repeat for your locations.
7 - Enjoy.
Please Post your mobile device after testing the software. state if the test is successfull or not and if you found any bugs.
Compatibility List :
- Sony Ericsson X1
Warning : Use at your own risk, neither me or XDA-Developers are responsible if anything goes wrong.
the file(s) attached here follows the License found on codeplex
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته​is it only for changing the profile or it can do more
thanks !! for your time to make it happen any how.
awesome, I was designing this kind of application myself..
But this looks nice, I will look at the source and see if my style matches yours. If so I think I'd like to help develop.
This could duplicate (and more) the functionality of Wifilocations (also on xda-developers), but more than just turning on/off the wifi and bluetooth!
johnchan78 said:
This could duplicate (and more) the functionality of Wifilocations (also on xda-developers), but more than just turning on/off the wifi and bluetooth!
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i don't think so, anyway i'm planing to implement alot of new features.
let me know if you have any specific request.
I've been wondering when WM would get to have something like this. About 3yrs ago, I played with a similar program on my Nokia S60 phone. It worked pretty good. When I went to the conference room I could have the phone memorize that location and it would put my phone to silent. And so on. Thanks for your interest and work on this. I look forward to testing it out!
noellenchris said:
I've been wondering when WM would get to have something like this. About 3yrs ago, I played with a similar program on my Nokia S60 phone. It worked pretty good. When I went to the conference room I could have the phone memorize that location and it would put my phone to silent. And so on. Thanks for your interest and work on this. I look forward to testing it out!
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thanks for your support, please let me know if you are facing any problems.
i will be including some more stuff in it soon
I use Wifilocations, but I find it somewhat unreliable with the cell-readout (but perhaps it's me). Anyway, I will give your application a try. I will mainly use it for turning on/off Wifi anyway.
I have a few questions though:
What is the polling frequency?
Is there a special -hide autostart option?
What is going to be different from Wifilocations?
Thx for your work!
Best, danckel
danckel said:
I use Wifilocations, but I find it somewhat unreliable with the cell-readout (but perhaps it's me). Anyway, I will give your application a try. I will mainly use it for turning on/off Wifi anyway.
I have a few questions though:
What is the polling frequency?
Is there a special -hide autostart option?
What is going to be different from Wifilocations?
Thx for your work!
Best, danckel
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in the future, this application will have alot of features,
it will have a default profile (Unknown Location Profile) which will allow you to set your default setting when you are not in a known area.
also it will have options to prevent from stopping bluetooth and/or wifi if a call is on going (to prevent a BT Headset from disconnection or to prevent Wifi incase of VOIP call).
some more features will be there and whatever you have in mind can be implemented.
the polling time will soon be an option to set i think now it is set to 30 seconds (i'm not sure about the timer settings), the software automatically polls the cell id when a major event happens (add new location or edit one for example).
but i'm concerned about one thing, is it consuming battery?!
i didn't notice anychange in battery life or performance of the device. can you please confirm this?
thanks all for your support.
Didn't test it yet, but I'll suggest you add:
launch an app (sequence)
send predefined sms
connect to A2DP receiver
go to flight mode (cinema, hospital, plane)
turn off GSM part (bad or no coverage)
antitheft actions / lock the phone (when it leaves a specified location)
-> maybe this can be done with just running another app
How accurate is this ?
Good Job ,, Well Done ,,
mmm ,, also I suggest to search for another products to collect more ideas to rich your software ,,
You can test this software I'm really using it ,,
it has many ideas that you can include in your software ,,
also ,, this software not depending on net framework ,, and it has an independent wm service working in backgroud to monitor the cells and change the profile this thing make it too light and stable,,
it also has a today pluggin ,, so today pluggin it important ,,
so ,, give your self a time to try it to get more ideas for your software ,,
like,,, making it shareware
nono ,, please don't make it shareware ,, take all features from GSM Locator except this one ,,
lastnikita said:
Didn't test it yet, but I'll suggest you add:
launch an app (sequence)
send predefined sms
connect to A2DP receiver
go to flight mode (cinema, hospital, plane)
turn off GSM part (bad or no coverage)
antitheft actions / lock the phone (when it leaves a specified location)
-> maybe this can be done with just running another app
How accurate is this ?
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Sure, Sure, these are all nice features
i started immediately on some of what you said
regarding the accuracy, this cannot be measured in any unit!
the GSM mobile cell looks like a hexagon, when you are outside the city this hexagon is set to be larger (covers more land) while it is smaller inside the city, mostly, inside the city (or locations with high mobile traffic) will have more accuracy but not that much precised! for example it will not distinguish a room in your home, but it will be able to recognize your home (but maybe not your neighbour if both are covered with the same cell tower).
CodeMaster said:
Good Job ,, Well Done ,,
mmm ,, also I suggest to search for another products to collect more ideas to rich your software ,,
You can test this software I'm really using it ,,
it has many ideas that you can include in your software ,,
also ,, this software not depending on net framework ,, and it has an independent wm service working in backgroud to monitor the cells and change the profile this thing make it too light and stable,,
it also has a today pluggin ,, so today pluggin it important ,,
so ,, give your self a time to try it to get more ideas for your software ,,
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needing dot NET framework is not a minus! it's a framework, it makes my life (as a systems developer) easier.
developing a today plugin is tricky, it requres an unmanaged code (cannot be done via managed code at all), so if anyone is interesed in helping me in this part i would be pleased
lastnikita said:
like,,, making it shareware
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No way, i'm not planing to establish a company and sell this product. i'm having fun developing it in my spare time
some people might have a performance concern, i did my best to avoid any practice that might affect performance. but even though, please report any performance issues if you face some
enjoy it
CodeMaster said:
Good Job ,, Well Done ,,
mmm ,, also I suggest to search for another products to collect more ideas to rich your software ,,
You can test this software I'm really using it ,,
it has many ideas that you can include in your software ,,
also ,, this software not depending on net framework ,, and it has an independent wm service working in backgroud to monitor the cells and change the profile this thing make it too light and stable,,
it also has a today pluggin ,, so today pluggin it important ,,
so ,, give your self a time to try it to get more ideas for your software ,,
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Guy, you were plugging your app (with handango link no less) three times on the other thread and now you are bumping it in here on the other app's thread, again? You must seriously work for them. Please, cut it off.
I tried your program, however, it could never get a fix on my location... it was always "unknown".
Im using a Xperia X1 GSM version...
johnchan78 said:
I tried your program, however, it could never get a fix on my location... it was always "unknown".
Im using a Xperia X1 GSM version...
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please check the first post, i added how to use.
let me know if it didn't work and if you are facing any more problems.
anaadoul said:
the polling time will soon be an option to set i think now it is set to 30 seconds (i'm not sure about the timer settings), the software automatically polls the cell id when a major event happens (add new location or edit one for example).
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Polling time of 30sec is fine, but I could not verify it. A very helpful trigger event is "turning on the device again". Could you include an active polling on this event?
It would also be nice if the application showed the actual cell id rather than reporting "Unknown" on the main screen. This enables me to check whether the polling actually works.
Wifilocations also has a trigger event when you leave rather than enter a cell. This could also be very handy.
Battery drain is of course a major concern, because the application has to run continuously. I haven't had time to check the battery drain yet.
Finally, is there a program switch that enables starting the program in the background?
PS: Thanks also for sharing the source code.
send predefined sms
-this option would be very useful for people who always travel because it can send an sms to a pre defined number especially if it will also send the cellid. it can be used as a tracking device.
this is what i did:
- launched LPM
- Options > Add New Location
- added location name: Office> ticked Ringing Volume > adjusted to lowest point > Start Recording > Saved
- quit the app
- relaunched the app, now the Current Location shows "Office", Ringer: 0%
- when someone calls, the ringer volume is still max
