Harrier Location API - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I've got a ppc-6601 (harrier) from Sprint and I'm trying to develop a program to use the location information - hopefully gps coords. Any idea on how to get that info? The program will basically be a location connector - converting phone location info to nmea sentences so any mapping program out there will be able to use the location info. The big question is, how do I get that info from the phone?

Is this a HTC product?

I once looked a (if I remember correctly) Swiss product that was able to show th current location based on the cell-info from the gsm radio.
The trouble seems to be that you need a map calibrated with gsm cell-info.
Remember: you wount get a more detailled specification of the location than approx. 200 metres.

I believe it's built by HTC, but branded by Audiovox. Sprint uses cdma, so the usual gsm location stuff isn't gonna work. Sprint uses the qualcomm/snaptrack technology - gpsOne. Sprint/Qualcomm got a java api out there for MIDP 2.0 phones, but I'm not sure if it'll work w/ ppc phones. This api gives you alot of info - including gps coords. http://www.shaftek.org/blog/archives/000139.html
So any ideas?

The carrier must have a location server online, currently Sprint and Verizon's LBS servers are not ready for point-to-point relay of LBS data.

An Australian based company has managed to extract this info from windows ce devices. From their web site (www.locatrix.com) it also seems as though this kind of service is supported on all mobile phones.
Pretty cool I thought.

HickHack said:
An Australian based company has managed to extract this info from windows ce devices. From their web site (www.locatrix.com) it also seems as though this kind of service is supported on all mobile phones.
Pretty cool I thought.
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Uh, no. That program relies on tracerouting your IP address, and, if available, using their proprietary LBS API that if you want to route into GPSOne, you get to do on your own.

No, it doesn't use traceroute. I've got an i-Mate device here on Vodafone determining location to within 100m. The external API is for other/desktop applications (such as CRM, field management, mapping etc) that may wish to display the device's location.
Friends of mine have also tried their clients for Blackberry and Symbian OS with similiar results...

HickHack said:
No, it doesn't use traceroute. I've got an i-Mate device here on Vodafone determining location to within 100m. The external API is for other/desktop applications (such as CRM, field management, mapping etc) that may wish to display the device's location.
Friends of mine have also tried their clients for Blackberry and Symbian OS with similiar results...
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Well, on the GSM side it has more options (I was referring to the Harrier and CDMA), such as locating the location of the tower and using signal fade information to make a best-guess estimate. Depending on where you live, and how close towers are spaced, it can get pretty close.


TOMTOM Navigator for USA

Hi Folks,
I am currently using TTN3 with UK and MRE. It is using a TomTom Bluetooth GPS and all works great with no probs at all. I am going to the USA on business at the end of the month. Does anyone know a way I can use it with tomtom maps of the USA without having to buy TOMTOM Navigator USA, but instead add maps to the TTN3. I think it would be wrong if I had to purchase the whole application again just because I fly over the big pond to the states.
Would you like a copy of DeLorme street atlas, I have the handheld version and the pc/laptop version.
DeLorme, makers of Street Atlas USA announced XMap Handheld - Street Atlas USA - Edition, a complete mapping program for the entire U.S. that lets users bring detailed, up-to-date street-level maps and directions on either Pocket PC or Palm OS handhelds.
With most handheld mapping software, users need to plan routes on their desktop PC before they set out on their trip. XMap Handheld Street Atlas USA Edition's unique feature of creating and managing address-to-address routing directly on the PDA is easy, providing the added security of always having exactly the maps needed and allowing for last-minute changes on the road. The enclosed desktop CD, with maps of the entire U.S., lets the user decide what kind of maps and how much coverage area they want to bring on the handheld. The software shows the amount of memory for each map prior to downloading. Users simply load as many maps as they want directly on the handheld or removable storage cards, and then quickly find directions and phone numbers to local restaurants, hotels, and much more.
XMap Handheld Street Atlas USA Edition provides detailed vector-based maps so users can search for their address book contacts, place names, streets, cities, or choose from categories including 4 million places of interest including hotels, ATMs, restaurants, gas stations, attractions, and more, most with phone numbers. Enter start and finish points on the map and the software automatically calculates the quickest or shortest route and displays a detailed map or written directions.
that would be great if you could. please send me the details and i will get in touch.
Just send pm.
Hi there. I have sent you a PM (i think) are we any further along in solving this one..
I need your details for posting.

PLEASE READ -- aGPS / gpsONE coordinate access

I know this has been hashed out a number of times, but I need to reassert the efforts of this forum on accessing the aGPS coordinates in many of our CDMA pocketpcs. The link below refers to a program for symbian UIQ phones that allows access to the aGPS for navigation.
If this exists there MUST be a way to access the GPS coordinates on our phones. Ideally what we need is a way to create a softGPS that would output GPS coordinates to be used with 3rd party navigation software such as TomTom. I have heard that the output format for aGPS is different than with proper sat-based GPS units. Perhaps a program such as GPS Babel http://www.gpsbabel.org would assist with that. I will gladly ante up some money to anyone who can make this a reality (and I'm sure I'm not alone!) Thanks for reading this far down the page!
mbial said:
I know this has been hashed out a number of times, but I need to reassert the efforts of this forum on accessing the aGPS coordinates in many of our CDMA pocketpcs. The link below refers to a program for symbian UIQ phones that allows access to the aGPS for navigation.
If this exists there MUST be a way to access the GPS coordinates on our phones. Ideally what we need is a way to create a softGPS that would output GPS coordinates to be used with 3rd party navigation software such as TomTom. I have heard that the output format for aGPS is different than with proper sat-based GPS units. Perhaps a program such as GPS Babel http://www.gpsbabel.org would assist with that. I will gladly ante up some money to anyone who can make this a reality (and I'm sure I'm not alone!) Thanks for reading this far down the page!
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I have TomTom which is great. The GPS pins you down to within a few feet of where you are. Fantastic.
Assisted GPS (why they call it that beats me as it is definitely NOT GPS) has to determine where you are relative to cell sites and I'm not sure that it is going to provide an accurate enough fix to make is useful for navigating.
While there is a mysterious GPS section of the OMAP chip that runs an HTC wizard, I don't think there is definitive information as to whether it is actually used in these devices or not.
aGPS Hack on Tytan/Mogul
I, too, am eager to figure out how to get this to work. In theory, once we get access to the tower aGPS info, we could create a library that converts the tower format into standard GPS feed format and "fool" Google Maps, etc. into thinking it is accessing standard GPS feed data.
This would be immensely helpful, even if we can only get general location accuracy (+- 1 mile).

TyTN cellid?

Hi. I am writing a freeware social networking application based on location services ( http://www.fightersoft.ro/mts/index.htm ). Although many devices are supported, it seems that the HTC TyTN isn't. To that end I acquired one and now I am on the quest on getting the cellid in my application.
The approach that should of worked was the COM port. However, no matter what COM port I open, I get a create file error. I am guessing that maybe the internal modem uses a weird port name such as COM550 or other letters instead of COM. I know that another way of getting the cellid is by using ril.dll (or even getting the handle to the gsm modem com port). However, in WM5 this is not documented at all on msdn.com - BUT for WM6 there is documentation.
Firstly, I want to ask anyone if they have extra information about this issue and secondly if by upgrading to WM6, the using the COM port approach works from the box (usually COM9)?
hi, I tryed many programs, which have actually support for cellid information, but no one work on herm, no matter if it was WM5 or WM6. on all phones, I had before it worked correctly... phone alarm also have this functionality, but shown only something like 00-00...
This is so frustrating. Every mobile device with GSM capabilities has a GSM modem insinde. That modem SHOULD be accesible from the OS by the means of COM ports. My guess is that this port is hidden or under a different name than the rest of the HTC devices where it resides on COM9.
CommMgrPro shows Cell Id and Location Area Code correctly on TyNT
I started this thread in the hopes that people will contribute with ideas towards getting this task done. Can you reveal any technical information on how you get the cellid information?
stargatesg1 said:
I started this thread in the hopes that people will contribute with ideas towards getting this task done. Can you reveal any technical information on how you get the cellid information?
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Sure. Ril.dll gives you access to this information and works properly in WM5-WM6. And technically is easier than manager serial drivers......
Documentation isnt included in WM5 so it isnt "official" but realky It is included. The only problem for "not official" issue is you wont get support from microsoft....
Ask me what you want...
stargatesg1, if you have searched the forum, you'd already have the answer. For instance, this thread:
has a reference to RIL API. And I do remember I told you this some months ago in your another thread...
Here it is:
It was at October 26 last year!
Basically I only need the cellid and the lac. I found that msdn.com offers documentation for ril.dll for WM6. This also works for WM5?
From what I learned from msdn.com is that I should do a ril.initialize first and then I should get the cell info using a fuction that I can't remember right now. Is this approach correct?
Lurker0, I know about this approach (I have mentioned it in my first post) however, I need more information because c++ native is not my primary envoirement for developing. That's why I kept searching for a way of getting the lac-cid from com ports so that I could do it directly from managed code.
stargatesg1 said:
Basically I only need the cellid and the lac. I found that msdn.com offers documentation for ril.dll for WM6. This also works for WM5?
From what I learned from msdn.com is that I should do a ril.initialize first and then I should get the cell info using a fuction that I can't remember right now. Is this approach correct?
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Exactly. I downloaded Platform builder to have includes and libraries.
1) Initialize Ril
2.a) Request Position explicitally using a RIL_gettowerinfo
2.b) When you initializa Ril you can pass a callback to be notified upon location changes....
Did you read the source code for RIL interface that I pointed you to?
danielherrero, I see. Regarding the callback function is not neccessary in my app - the user or the app set on auto mode searches for changes in location. Thank you very much for your info.
Lurker0, yes I did, but like I said, I am not a very experienced c++ programmer and I need some documentation to get me started. I am also very greatful for your help and I am sure that I will use information from rilclass.cpp.
Thank you both, I will post back with the results as soon as I will have any.
Good luck
Hi StargateSG,
Did you succeeded in getting MTS working on Tytn?
I had to leave the country on a business trip. I'll get back in a few days and I will start working on the problem.
danielherrero said:
CommMgrPro shows Cell Id and Location Area Code correctly on TyNT
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Does nothing on the Blue Angel.

Non GPS location WM6.1

Hi I'm developing an application for WM that will use location. I don't think I will have too much trouble with implementing GPS but does anyone know of any information to get the devices rough location without GPS using GSM towers or however google maps 'my location' works when GPS is turned off.
Also a quick question I have an idea for what I think is a simple (not related) application and I think such a useful idea that I'm surprised it hasn't already been made. My question is if I ask about how I may go about creating the application is there any chance of someone thinking its a good idea making it themselves and somehow copy writing it so I can't make it myself?
many thanks.
Just bumping in case anyone can help.
As far as I know GSM triangulation only works when your service provider allows it, which is a rarely the case. Google uses the internet via GPRS or WLAN to estimate a user's position. So you'd have to find out how to get the node information to display it on a map.
edit: try to use IP tracing
I think Google finds your location from your CellID. Using the devices that have both GPS and Google Maps installed, it builds up a CellID database which is used to locate phones when no GPS is available.
You can do something similar by a) getting the device CellID and b) using the OpenCellID service to "translate" the CellID to a location.
Look at this:
And this:
Also check out these threads by joubertvasc, he's using CellID and the OpenCellID APIs in his programs, and if I remember correctly they're open source, so those should help you a lot.
ALSO! Next time please ask your question here:
Thanks guys you have given me loads of great information to be getting on with. Sorry about posting in the wrong place didn't notice the Q&A section. Thanks again.
I tried to reverse engineer the protocol used by Live for it's location server and I posted my results here. I haven't indulged any further since things have gotten busy around here but it's a good start.
Google Maps lookup service has already been reverse engineered by a guy on code project here.
I've also looked at Fire Eagle's implementation based on wireless hotspots and it uses skyhook.
Luis Espinosa's TrackMe also queries multiple cell id databases, you can even choose which ones you want to draw from (Google, OpenID, etc). His code isn't open as far as I know but he might be willing to answer some questions.
you guys are great thanks so much for the links I'll be sure to upload my program here first if its any good that is.
Is there any way to use Google's location services? The code project link is down :/
DeadVirus said:
Is there any way to use Google's location services? The code project link is down :/
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No one? :/
Post #19
badasschris said:
Thanks guys you have given me loads of great information to be getting on with. Sorry about posting in the wrong place didn't notice the Q&A section. Thanks again.
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I tried to reverse engineer the protocol used by Live for it's location server and I posted my results here. I haven't indulged any further since things have gotten busy around here but it's a good start.
Google Maps lookup service has already been reverse engineered by a guy on code project here.
I've also looked at Fire Eagle's implementation based on wireless hotspots and it uses skyhook.

LTE SUPL servers

Dear All,
I'm trying to answer a question for a colleague and wondered if anyone can help….
I need to understand what LTE SUPL server the majority of manufacturers devices in the EU are likely to use, or indeed are already are using, in Germany etc for their LTE devices
As I understand it (which could be wrong), Google SUPL servers, which may be the first choice for many, only currently support SUPL1.0 which isn’t LTE compatible and I dont know of any plans for migration to 2.0 - so whose servers will everyone use if the Operators aren’t providing them?
Maybe the answer is ‘their own’, but will that work for smaller OEM’s?
Any help much appreciated
Um, if you want to learn how the SUPL I recommend Google to find the article entitled "Location Based Services Part II: LBS Network Architectures," by Neil Shah.
If you ask what the protocol will be used if the LTE standard is not compatible with the SUPL V1.0 it seems to me that this is the protocol LPP (3GPP has defined it for LTE Networks in the Control Plane Protocol).
squash96 said:
Um, if you want to learn how the SUPL I recommend Google to find the article entitled "Location Based Services Part II: LBS Network Architectures," by Neil Shah.
If you ask what the protocol will be used if the LTE standard is not compatible with the SUPL V1.0 it seems to me that this is the protocol LPP (3GPP has defined it for LTE Networks in the Control Plane Protocol).
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Thank you for the reply, I found the article - much appreciated
I dont think it's really answering my question though... I want to know if LTE devices will move away from SUPL and only use a C-Plane based solution (3GPP defined) or if a U-Plane based solution (OMA defined), SUPL2.0 (LTE compatible) is still required?
So are the devices to be positioned via a SUPL Location Platform or a E-SMLC (enhanced-serving mobile location centre)?
If SUPL Location Platforms are still to be used then who will host them?
histrix said:
Thank you for the reply, I found the article - much appreciated
I dont think it's really answering my question though... I want to know if LTE devices will move away from SUPL and only use a C-Plane based solution (3GPP defined) or if a U-Plane based solution (OMA defined), SUPL2.0 (LTE compatible) is still required?
So are the devices to be positioned via a SUPL Location Platform or a E-SMLC (enhanced-serving mobile location centre)?
If SUPL Location Platforms are still to be used then who will host them?
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At least one major US operator plans SUPL 2.0 support for LTE and there are vendors like Ericsson who provide this capability. Wider deployment, particularly outside of the US is uncertain. Google may support it one day but there has been no confirmation. In the meantime, many OEMs are using alternative services that are equivalent depending on your use-case. These include products like Rx Networks' XYBRID RT (multiconstellation AGPS/AGNSS plus Wi-Fi and Cell-ID postioning) and GPStream PGPS (extended ephemeris for AGPS). You can try XYBRID RT under their free developers' program.

