TouchPal v3.5 released - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

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TouchPal3.5 Overview Video:
The best input method.

Thanks for the heads up on this - I'm a registered user, but I never seem to get the email updates. Do they actually send them?
I'm liking this version so far. It looks nicer and has handy little features. The "More" button on word suggestions was badly needed.

se0siris said:
Thanks for the heads up on this - I'm a registered user, but I never seem to get the email updates. Do they actually send them?
I'm liking this version so far. It looks nicer and has handy little features. The "More" button on word suggestions was badly needed.
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TouchPal v3.5 released today..
You can go to below link download new version free update:

The download I got was for 3.1 version. They need to fix that. Can anyone post the cab for 3.5 please?

mphayvanh said:
The download I got was for 3.1 version. They need to fix that. Can anyone post the cab for 3.5 please?
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same problem here. thats kinda okay, cause i had 3.0 before that so its still an upgrade...but you know.

just downloaded, wonder have they made a black skin for this yet

here is the cab file for 3.5

ChInEsE ChIcKeN said:
here is the cab file for 3.5
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Downloaded this and version says v3.1.1008

looks fantastic , gr8 work

Lycox said:
Downloaded this and version says v3.1.1008
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A mistake from Cootek.
It is version 3.5 when you look inside the program when keyboard pops up (click on Option tab, then "?" icon=>Check version info.

wittanny said:
A mistake from Cootek.
It is version 3.5 when you look inside the program when keyboard pops up (click on Option tab, then "?" icon=>Check version info.
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Ahhh, I see. Thanks for the hint

Nah, don't use this one, it makes my device run slow (I have an Axim at 600Mhz and with touchpal runs like 200MHz).
Better try FTPRO from , it's fast , cool and has more options. For me it's the best software keyboard.

LOVE TOUCHPAL - but when i type "its" my Orbit soft resets !!!!!!

Have no problem using TouchPal on my Cruise, which runs on 400Mhz chipset.
The 'Its' bug has been fixed. Redownload the latest installation file from Cootek website.

hays said:
LOVE TOUCHPAL - but when i type "its" my Orbit soft resets !!!!!!
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Ouch... nasty one

xda-addict said:
Ouch... nasty one
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Yea. Good job it's been fixed ey!

i downloaded the latest version that chinese chicken posted, and it still reboots my phone when i type its!

Thank you so Much !!
from where please i can get arabic language Someone point please!!!!

MDtouchDiamond said:
i downloaded the latest version that chinese chicken posted, and it still reboots my phone when i type its!
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is that so? did you download the official release? or something someone else posted? because I've been using TouchPal since version 2 and all the bugs have been ironed out. I have caught 3 of the bugs myself and they were fixed within 24hours.
TouchPal is my main sip, I use it at least once every 30mins while I'm awake. 3 times I've used it to write 5 page essays on my mobile. it's capable and fast once you get the hang of it. yes, there is a learning curve but it shouldn't take too long to get it.
to get the hang of it I'd say the best way is to open notes/word/textmaker or whichever is your favorite and type random words that comes to mind. it's the same layout as on a computer keyboard. so it shouldn't be too hard to understand where each key is located, plus you don't have to press the actual letters of the word you're trying to write, pressing the ones beside it will work just fine. its text prediction is really good, you can turn off the text prediction if you don't want it.
however, the text prediction is pretty good at saving typing the time it takes to type words.
eg: typing the word "circumstance", all I have to type is "circu" and it shows up in the word candidates.
lol, it's word association is good too, if it type word "nasty" it will show "masturbation" in the word candidates, lol. it sure saves me typing time when searching for these kind of videos in WVD lol.
get the file from and remember to select the download for the os you're using.
have fun

This looks pretty sweet. I will try it out in a few minutes.


***[COOL]*** Samsung i718 Flash Menu

Here's the flash menu ported from Samsung i718, Its very cool & working nice on my touch.
tHANKS!! I've got a couple of friends with i718's and always thought the menu was slick. Great job and thanks again!
very nice, well done working great on my hermes
So we must have flash player installed on our device prior using this application?
nope no flash player. it seems to be an actual app
Is that how you spell "Organiser"?
Also, is there a way to edit the programs targets in the registry or something?
mr.jcarter said:
Is that how you spell "Organiser"?
Also, is there a way to edit the programs targets in the registry or something?
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i dono yet. found this over at Ipmart yesterday though. I tossed it on my touch and my brothers mogul and its sweet. Even my mom was able to navigate WM6 once we showed her this. I'm sure someone will find out how to edit it real soon. Possible skins anyone???
Nice find!
i find that the i718 or something like that, looks really a lot like the shadow,
maybe tmobile copied it
o, and by the way, nice find, but the launcher doesnt look like like the ones ive seen one the phone
I've read a few sites on this phone now and the opinion varies a bit. One place I found that was good for expert reviews and real life opinion on the Samsung SGH I718 even had a few photos and the like which i found helpful. Hope that helps others that landed here doing their own research:->
This is HEX-edit job not a regeistry job.
windows\launcher.exe can be HEX editet for customizing.
mr.jcarter said:
Is that how you spell "Organiser"?
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Yep, that's how you spell it in english. Real english
shandar said:
Yep, that's how you spell it in english. Real english
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Yeah, we definitely need some adjustments to this. I would like to add a clock to the home screen.
Some Questions
Some link in this interface haven't a workings properly, How I can solve this problem?
love this app, just wish i could customize it, or even just get rid of the dead links. would love just to have the messaging and favorites pages.
Yeah.. I'd really like to add my own menus to this.

PocketText 1.54 (27-01-2008) - TV Text viewer (multilanguage)

Due the lack of time this project is no longer supported. The 1.6 beta is the last version for PocketPC and is VGA-compatible
Latest version: 1.6 'beta'
Download link:
Since a while I'm working on a TV Text viewer for my Wizard. Today I finally finished a version which I can show to you.
I developed it because I have an old tv without TV Text support (yes they still exist....ah well I got it for free) (edit: I've got a new tv now )
- Support for favorites
- Customizable homepage
- Customizable double tap action. (what to do if you tap twice on a page)
- Mouse gestures for navigating to the previous and next (sub)page.
- Support for multiple tv text sources.
It comes with a default set of favorites (my own )
1.60 (18-10-2008)
- VGA compatible
1.54 (27-01-2008)
- Last line issue in RAI text fixed
1.53 (23-01-2008)
- Subpages for Czech text fixed
- Subpages for Italian text fixed
1.52 (17-01-2008)
- Remove all favorites option added to the menu on the favorites screen.
- History issue fixed
- Czech encoding fixed
1.51 (16-01-2008)
- Support for SVT Text (Swedish)
- Support for YLE Text (Finish) *
- Support for RAI Text (Italian)
- Support for Czech text*
- New welcomescreen
* Some pages are not displayed correctly yet. I hope I can fix this soon. The Finish tv text has some invalid HTML to parse.
1.5 (11-01-2008)
- Support for Swedish text added. Source (Dutch or Swedish) can be changed on the options screen. This is still a beta. Version 1.4 is also still available.
Smartphone version
0.2 (08-04-2008)
- Navigation page fixed
- Screen is now rotated 90 degrees
- Load favorites in separate thread
- Suggestions are welcome
Known issues
- Some text is not displayed correctly. This is caused by the 'text-version' of the website where I'm grabbing the pages from...
See below
See below
System requirements
.NET Compact Framework 2.0
I'm sure I will use this quite a lot...
Very nice, will come in handy
wow nice job maat!
this is really useful!
If you make it to read swedish tv Text. I will never get out of my sofa. *lol*
snotboy32 said:
If you make it to read swedish tv Text. I will never get out of my sofa. *lol*
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Is there a website out there providing swedish TV text?
like this one for dutch tv text:
Yes! or
snotboy32 said:
Yes! or
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The first site looks very usefull!
This weekend I don't have so much time free but I promise you to take a look at it. Thanks!
Thank you! you just made my day. take all the time you need
snotboy32 said:
Thank you! you just made my day. take all the time you need
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A first try to display Swedish text. Not finished yet but there is a start.
Hehe, I digg this, especially since I actually work at NOS.
looking good that swedish tvtext! (Im not worthy) *lol*
rachidnl said:
Hehe, I digg this, especially since I actually work at NOS.
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hehe, that's nice to hear.
snotboy32 said:
looking good that swedish tvtext! (Im not worthy) *lol*
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Ah well I like to figure it out.
a way to see italian text?
useful application!
Very useful! I'm loving it already and I didnt even install it yet
I'm trying to be not too demanding, but would it be possible to make RTL Text ( viewable?
alex_time said:
a way to see italian text?
useful application!
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Can you provide me a textversion of the link?
prodinho said:
Very useful! I'm loving it already and I didnt even install it yet
I'm trying to be not too demanding, but would it be possible to make RTL Text ( viewable?
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This is also an image. I need a text-only version so I can parse it.
I need a text-only version instead of an image. This because I parse the page and extract the pagenumbers to detect when a user taps on a pagenumber.
Swedish text is coming soon.
I found a nice website ( containing a lot of links to tv text sources. Unfortunately a lot of them are not in text-only format and mostly they use Java...
Rhapsody said:
Can you provide me a textversion of the link?
This is also an image. I need a text-only version so I can parse it.
I need a text-only version instead of an image. This because I parse the page and extract the pagenumbers to detect when a user taps on a pagenumber.
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This one?
Thats amazing! Rhapsody. Im sitting here waiting until you have finished the swedish version. Keep up the good work!
Tnx !!!
Werkt prima!
Great job
Great tool! I love it, thanks!

Compact QWERTY Keyboard / SureType

I've been looking all over the place of one I saw a video of but I have had no luck in finding it. Does anyone know of where I can get access to one? Thank you. I want to know how it works so that I can try and make my own.
haykuro's HTC_IME is what your looking for. it has normal qwerty, t9 and compact qwerty keyboard options
ubernicholi said:
haykuro's HTC_IME is what your looking for. it has normal qwerty, t9 and compact qwerty keyboard options
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I thought that he may have something but his blog is down and I can't get to it ATM. Any more help is appreciated. can get the IME you need in this thread as well as some help. Remember you need to push three files for it to work. Oh and you need to use adb
A good keyboard that I am using is called big keys updated.
Get it on the market ,do a search, it's free.
It works on on 5.02 h and should work son all cupcake builds.
It also gets rid of the annoying gmail tutorial.
ubernicholi said: can get the IME you need in this thread as well as some help. Remember you need to push three files for it to work. Oh and you need to use adb
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I can do all of that and I have the adb ready to go too but it says the link is invalid (I did remove the 'you' in it as well). As far as I knew I thought threads had six digit references.
bestwebs said:
A good keyboard that I am using is called big keys updated.
Get it on the market ,do a search, it's free.
It works on on 5.02 h and should work son all cupcake builds.
It also gets rid of the annoying gmail tutorial.
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Thanks! I'll try it out now.
sorry, the g1 is not the most efficient way to post in forums.....
ubernicholi said:
sorry, the g1 is not the most efficient way to post in forums.....
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No need to be sorry! Thank you for helping me out, I got more than what I was looking for. Have a good day (or night ) further.

cyanogen roms rock BUT!!! NEED TO ADD HTC_IME.APK

This is my 2nd night trying to get the htc_ime.apk to work in my girlfriend's g3, and mine too. after i updated the phone to the 4.2.8 cyanogen roms from the cm-updater both thc_ime. keyboards don't work it forecloses. so 2 nights and now i downgrade it to 4.2.7 and it works just fine, other thing is like when im in the browser with the 4.2.8 roms afer pressing home to check text it takes like 5 secs to go adding wallpapers and pictures frames does the same thing. cyaonogen you rock and nothing by respects for you my friend but could you please add this app to all your roms????
Why are you posting this here ?
HTC IME is not included in Cyanogen's ROMs because he only includes parts which he has express permission to distribute, since the whole Google fiasco. Since the HTC IME is closed source and riped from a Hero dump he doesn't have permission to distribute it. He will most likely never include it again.
Check torrents and see if u can grab it there, i dont have it or id put it on a upload site for ya.
shata said:
Check torrents and see if u can grab it there, i dont have it or id put it on a upload site for ya.
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It's even easier than that - there's a link to it at the bottom of his first post, which leads you here:
and subsequently to:
thank you for the information and i apologize for posting this in the wrong place im new at this and there is so much about it that it gets confusing.
thank you all for the help.
what does htc_ime do?
its on the cyanogenmod website..
The HTC_ime is installation for the htc keyboard..
i also use it.. lovvveee ittt...
anheuer said:
its on the cyanogenmod website..
The HTC_ime is installation for the htc keyboard..
i also use it.. lovvveee ittt...
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ok i just installed this thing to see what it was and enabled it in settings
I dont see difference or a improvement
J.a.M said:
ok i just installed this thing to see what it was and enabled it in settings
I dont see difference or a improvement
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Did you enable it and also switched to it?
(go to your sms app. tap on the field were you type your message and hold..
don't let go until you see a menu pop-up, and choose the input method - touch input)

Swype comes with new languages!

Since there are new roms out, swype is usable in a few more languages such as English, Spanish (yes we had that!), Italian, German and French... Hopefully a few more will be added soon, but I think this is really good news! And it does work awesomely fluent and fast!
Have you had any trouble using the long press keys with teh new swype? (press and hold to get symbols and numbers)
I had to go back to the original swype, the new one just wouldn't do long press.
that is really strange. Long press works a the "new" swype on my hd2, even though i think they should integrate the multi-choice on long press!
OK, thanks. (I was running a test cook for a few days, not a final release, so it could be that it hadn't been configured properly.)
It works for me too, and I use both Spanish and English on a daily basis.
I think Swype is one of the coolest technnologies around, without a doubt. It was the reason I flashed a new ROM.
It's great! Works in French like a charm.
I can switch to English with two clicks when the need arises. On the minus side, it switches from the French AZERTY to QWERTY and I'm less familiar with the layout then. But it improves my typing so much that I can live with it
donalgodon said:
It works for me too, and I use both Spanish and English on a daily basis.
I think Swype is one of the coolest technnologies around, without a doubt. It was the reason I flashed a new ROM.
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just to let you know mate... you didnt have to flash a new rom to have swype. You can install either the version ripped from Omnia 2, or the version ripped from T-Mobile US HD2 from the cabs floating around.
samsamuel said:
Have you had any trouble using the long press keys with teh new swype? (press and hold to get symbols and numbers)
I had to go back to the original swype, the new one just wouldn't do long press.
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I think it has more to do with sensitivity, because if you try again....but be sure to hold your finger EXTREMELY STILL it will work.
I have noticed this myself. Even a fraction of a hair of movement is perceived as a movment, and the software acts accordingly, but if I slow down in that brief second to be very deliberate and steady, it works.
Audio Oblivion said:
just to let you know mate... you didnt have to flash a new rom to have swype. You can install either the version ripped from Omnia 2, or the version ripped from T-Mobile US HD2 from the cabs floating around.
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Yeah, that's true, but..
This one is newer (from the 2.10 TMOUS ROM) and I got all the other benefits of a new ROM to go with it, but in the end, it was the one feature I was really looking for more so than anything else, because the multi-lingual support is a thing I require.
donalgodon said:
I think it has more to do with sensitivity, because if you try again....but be sure to hold your finger EXTREMELY STILL it will work.
I have noticed this myself. Even a fraction of a hair of movement is perceived as a movment, and the software acts accordingly, but if I slow down in that brief second to be very deliberate and steady, it works.
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I did give it a really good try, honest, with and without the screen sensitivity tweak. I use the earlier (dark coloured) swype all the time with not a problem, none at all. I've tried the new one a few times (the new one is pre installed on the rom I use, and i tried every time i hard reset for the first few times) and only maybe 1 press in 20 can i get the long press to work. I suspect it's actually a problem with the rom, not my method. I just gave up and put the old swype into my Autoinstal folder in the end, now i don't even see the new one. I don't need the languages anyway, so no biggie.
samsamuel said:
I did give it a really good try, honest, with and without the screen sensitivity tweak. I use the earlier (dark coloured) swype all the time with not a problem, none at all. I've tried the new one a few times (the new one is pre installed on the rom I use, and i tried every time i hard reset for the first few times) and only maybe 1 press in 20 can i get the long press to work. I suspect it's actually a problem with the rom, not my method. I just gave up and put the old swype into my Autoinstal folder in the end, now i don't even see the new one. I don't need the languages anyway, so no biggie.
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Could you install the old one over the new one without issue?
If so, maybe I'll give it a try to experiment. The only two languages I need are Spanish and English, so the old one still works for me, as it includes both.
donalgodon said:
Could you install the old one over the new one?
If so, maybe I'll give it a try to experiment. The only two languages I need are Spanish and English, so the old one still works for me, as it includes both.
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yea thats what i mean, i autoinstal (the rom i use has an autoinstal from sdcard folder feature) so i put the old swype cab in there, then when i hard reset, the old one is autoinstalled so now i never have to even see the new one.
donalgodon said:
Yeah, that's true, but..
This one is newer (from the 2.10 TMOUS ROM)
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er ... i did mention that a cab for that is available didnt i?
anyway... glad you are happy! =)
Where is the link to the old one that contains English and Spanish? I'd like to try it.
donalgodon said:
Where is the link to the old one that contains English and Spanish? I'd like to try it.
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search with google or use the xda search mate... i wouldnt recommend installing it on a rom that has a version already cooked in though... in theory it could be fine but you may end up killing it.
