Events reminders not working anymore - P3600 General

Hi everyone,
Since a couple of weeks, my trinity suddenly stopped reminding me of appointments. Before, it was working perfectly, using either sound, vibration, popup, or a combination of three. Now, it remains desperately silent and inert - it doesn't even raise a popup when an appointment happens.
I'm seriously considering going for the hard-reset solution, but before I try that I'd like to know if there might be any other solution to restore that essential functionality.
So thanks a million in advance !

Try to rebuild the notification queue e.g. using MemMaid or similar application.
Read also this thread and read my posts which maybe will help you.


Lockup with reminder in PPC2003

intermittantly my XDA locks up when a reminder displays on the screen.
Also when it does not lock up the reminder cannot be read (maybe a font problem)!
Can anyone help.
Same over here
I am having the same problem, no solution yet
Re: Same over here
ArcticCat said:
I am having the same problem, no solution yet
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The only solution that I see as of right now is to not use the Display message on screen, use a repeated sound instead.
We are not alone, check out this report/thread over at Pocket PC Thoughts!
I'm having the same problem...god it's anoying !!!
Is it related to PocketPlus from SPB??....trawling the web for some more info on this, not much knocking around....certainly no solution.
If anyone gets wind of a way round this (bar those bloody repeating alarms (hate them!!))...please do let us all know.
Sounds familiar...
Hello! It's my first time posting here... let's see how this works....
I found this topic using search and I'm having the same problems.
But I'm using BatteryPackPro from Omega, not SPB.
My problem is a bit harder. I've gone this through already a couple of times and it's really getting to piss me off: My XDA II freezes totally when a reminder appears on screen. Soft reset doesn't help. And when I finally get power on again (you have to take the battery off before) my XDAII has done a hard reset by itself- all information lost. It's so hilarious to install all the programs and make new settings... So if anyone would know a solution, please let me know... Thanks!

Alarm Clock

How do I get this to work - when xda2 is off , and when xda2 is on?
I also have some problems.
Sometimes the alarm works, sometimes not.
What can I do?
I had same problem
I say had, as it was caused by an mp3 player I had installed on it, once de-installed, and soft reset, it all worked pefect.
So my advise is, check for some programms installed that could interfere with the alarm settings
(As I am a complete newbie to this I hope that I didn't misunderstand this topic)
As far as I found out there is a bug in Pocket PC 2003 that sometimes switches off the alarm. Find more information and a link for a bugfix here:
Hope that will be useful...
The mentioned bugfix...
Okay, I never experienced problems with the alarm clock. Nevertheless I installed the bugfix because I hate not beeing woken up in the morning.
Although the bugfix is installed, the alam clock did not work this morning. So I advise you to use a second alarm clock to avoid surprises in the morning...
I am still having a problem, does any one else have any ideas?
Since I've installed the 1.60 ROM together with the bugfix, the alarm clock seems to work fine. But I still don't trust it and use a second, old school alarm clock...
Alarm clock 2 solutions
I was also having problems with my alarms, read somewhere that unwanted entries in start up could affect this & slow your machine down too, Hope that helps....
Download this freeware (both of them), install them and run them.
I installed this freeware which seems to have (a) cleared a lot of unwanted dross (sometimes 400+!!!!) & (b) sorted out my alarm problem
Someone recommended this excellent and useful 'pocket Alarm' utility when I was still using my XDA I, Burr Oak have now upgraded it and it better than ever!
Try it free here :- (costs $12-ish if you like it enough to register it) 8)
maybe this would help aswell
Thanks for all the help guys, I'm not quite sure what fixed it but my XDA II is not working with the Alarm... A friend had the same problem and could not get his to work. We found out that if we used the power button to turn the device off it would not work...
As soon as I did a software power off the alarms started to work after that (May need to do it twice!).. give that a go it worked for us...
After getting it working I can now use the power off button and all working 100%...
I'm one of you guys: alarm does not work. Unfortunately I don't have much to offer.
I just wanna share a few things that I noticed:
1) I hard reset my qtek and tried the alarm, before any additional software installation.. Guess what! Nothing happened. The alarm did not work. I also used other 3rd party alarm software. It was all the same: the force-wake up doesn't work.
It is obvious to me that it's an operating system bug that makes us go to work late every morning.
What confuses me most, is the fact that I had no problem for the first 4 months of usage. This fact indicates that some piece of software is responsible for this mess. But then again, why a hard reset does not resolve it?
Like I said, I cannot do anything to help but to share these thoughts with you. :wink:
It's OK now?
Did Wakeup Tweak solved the problem for all of you?
Or there is more to it?
I haven't try it yet cchris. I'll let you now.
By the way, I was in Cusago last week. Nice place!
SPB Pocket plus 2.x
If any of you are using SPB's pocket plus 2.1, it would be worthwile to uncheck the alarm feature and use the alarm provided by the OS itself.
I started to have the alarm working again.
It seems that Wakeup Tweak did the job. Alarm works perfectly ok now. I haven't got any problem for the last few days. :lol:

Any success w/ apReminder+ on Wizard?

Is anyone having success with apReminder+ on their Wizard?
I cannot seem to get it to react to notifications, etc. It "runs" and appears to be operating and a .lnk is in the \windows\startup but thats all I get.
Any help/suggestions would be great.
I have tried the pocketmax pa alarm but it is to much for me and seems to slow my dev.
G3 Wizard
ps. I think i've arrived at the promised-land when on this site!
Well, I happened to be the author of this utility.
apReminder+ kind of works on WM5, except one feature - Auto Snooze. That's because the Reminder pop-up in WM5 is implemented completely different way compared to previous versions.
But the repeat functionality should work fine - I'm using it on my JAMin.
Hi Alpax,
apReminder+ is exactly what I have been looking for, but alas I can't get it to work on my WM5 Hermes
Followed your instruction exactly but don't get any reminders.
Any ideas or suggestions... or if you know of an app like yours (simple and small) that will work, would love to hear.
Seems like an indispensable utility to me and I'm surprised there aren't lots avaliable.
esseff said:
apReminder+ is exactly what I have been looking for, but alas I can't get it to work on my WM5 Hermes
Followed your instruction exactly but don't get any reminders.
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The utility does not implement the reminders themselves - it just repeats alarm sounds when finds the system reminder pop-up on the screen. Do you see the pop-up with "Reminder" text in its caption, when the alarm goes off?
If it doesn't work, it's difficult to track down the cause as there is no visual indication if apReminder+ is running and handling reminders.
First of all you have to make sure your system reminder dialog is enabled, then set system sound volume to maximum (just to be sure it's not muted and loud enough), run apReminderPlus.exe, check Play sound option (press [ > ] to test it), set number of repeats to 5, for example, and repeat interval - every 30 seconds. Tap Run, create a reminder in Calendar or an alarm in Clock&Alarms, wait for the Reminder dialog to come up and do not dismiss it for some time - hear for reminder sounds.
I don't see a reason why it shouldn't work - it worked every time I tried on any PocketPC including WM5 devices.
Thanks for the quick response.
I think I see my problem... I thought it would work for Notifications also. I first saw apReminder mentioned in a thread for reminders when calls or messages were missed, which is what I need most - not so much for appointment reminders.
Great little app but if it could do the above it would be awesome!
esseff said:
I think I see my problem... I thought it would work for Notifications also.
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No, it works for regular PIM reminders and alarms, doesn't handle phone notifications, sorry. Those are completely different things, which have to be handled some other way.
Is there an alternate to this program that works on WinMo 6.1 ?

Problems with phone

Ok, I've been looking through the threads looking for a solution for the following problems, but can't find any.
1) For no reason at all I am unable to get a ringer for incoming calls. All I can get is vibrate and silent mode. If I choose ringer it just goes to silent or vibrate depending on what it was last set at.
2) My sms notifier displays that I have a new message, which I don't and it will not disappear even when I receive a new message and delete it. Everytime I receive a new message the counter goes up, but will not remove once sms deleted. Currently stands at 24.
3) I know posts have been made about 'Screen fades to white' and the solution by alkizmo is to take apart your phone. Would this cause points 1 & 2?
I have upgraded to new ROM's but problems reappear after a short time.
Any help appreciated. Basically I think the phone is screwed
the ringer and messages issues sound like software issue.
what software have you installed?
Have a lot of SPB software including SPB Plus, today, weather etc as prefer the userface to HTC Home and today screen.
Fallen Spartan said:
Any help appreciated. Basically I think the phone is screwed
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Thead is still open I agree with this lol
wpa2? working on htc-hermes/vodafone1605 ?
dear kingsizeriz dear , dear Fallen Spartan
if you agree, i will have a kind question about wireless-function wpa2 ,
do you know if htc-hermes can Support this function ?
where can i download the roms and Drivers for this function ?
this would be great ! thank you very much in advance

calendar reminders not working

has anyone experienced this? about a week ago my reminder alarms stopped working..i use them everyday and its quite frusturating. have checked the music file it links to, ive unchecked and rechecked the settings, cant figure it out. havent installed any new programs lately either. the alarm in the time settings works still but i cant get it to find the same mp3 file that the calendar could use?
any ideas?
thanks guys
Fix for 8125 and TILT, may also work on HERMES
This is one of the most frustrating things about Windows Mobile. I had the same problem with my 8125, and it just started on my 2 mo. old Tilt. Even though you have a Hermes, this solution may work because it is a WINDOWS MOBILE problem.
I've done major amounts of research on this subject and many people will tell you you need Memmaid (have it), or SKTools to fix this. Neither worked for me on either phone (except Memmaid is great, you should get it). There are also many other tweaker tricks as well, none of which worked for me. Some even suggest a HARD RESET. Don't do it, it isn't needed.
Here's what worked for me.
On the 8125: pull the battery out while powered on. Put the battery back in, and reset the clock. (the battery trick didn't work on the TILT)
On the Tilt: change the clock to visiting time, and accept changes. Change the clock back to home time and accept changes.
After looking at these solutions I think the clock fix would have done the same thing on my 8125.
I can't take credit for either discovery, however, I can't remember where I read them.
I hope this works for you and the others that experience this most frustrating issue.
Calendar reminders not working on HTC Tytn II (Tilt) + WM6.1
I had recently updated my HTC Tytn II (Kaiser/Tilt) from Windows Mobile 6 to Windows Mobile 6.1.
It took me a little while to notice that my calendar reminders were not working. My "Task" reminders were working fine.
I did the suggested fix - which was to change the timezone to "Visiting" and back to "Home" - and now I have my calendar reminders working again. Thanks for the suggestion hksuper!
It works on Polaris too. Thanks you guys so much
Thanks hksuper .... I just chaged the clock from home to visiting and then back to home and it worked ,,,, Thanks for sharing this info.
I'm glad others are finding this tidbit of info useful.
What bothers me is that the solution is only temporary. It seems like it only lasts for a day and then you have to do the time change trick, which you forget to do. I would set a reminder to remind me to change the time zone, but it wouldn't go off to remind me.
I guess my solution is only a half a solution until someone figures out how to make reminders work permanently on Windows Mobile.
IN other news....I have an iPod Touch, sync'd to my Exchange Server, and it NEVER FAILS TO DING WHEN I HAVE A REMINDER SET. Unfortunately, the reminders don't have as many nice options (like snooze, which I find invaluable). So Apple at least gets points for making it work right. Got that MS?
As an interim solution for you hksuper, why don't you set the reminders on your iPod Touch to tell you when you need to reset the clock....
Seriously though I hope we can come up with a solution to an annoying problem... Come on MS, apples ahead of the game, time for you to get there too....
That is a really good thing to know.
Today I experienced the same problem on my Touch Pro 2, with Windows Mobile 6.5. After doing the clock trick, it is working again.
Hope I don't have to do this daily or else I just throw out this f*cking expensive device
I had this issue in Win 5 when I got my m3100.
I have never had the problem in 6.0 pro though and I use the calendar everyday.
Solution for calendar reminder problem.
Google "The poorhouse pmClean cab." Download the pmClean cab, perform a clean, and do a soft reset. I'm currently on the NRG Phoenix 2 6.5 ROM on my HTC Fuze and it worked remarkably well.
hksuper said:
This is one of the most frustrating things about Windows Mobile. I had the same problem with my 8125, and it just started on my 2 mo. old Tilt. Even though you have a Hermes, this solution may work because it is a WINDOWS MOBILE problem.
On the Tilt: change the clock to visiting time, and accept changes. Change the clock back to home time and accept changes.
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AWESOME!!! MAN! Thank you so much for the tip! It works on Touch HD also
hksuper said:
On the Tilt: change the clock to visiting time, and accept changes. Change the clock back to home time and accept changes.
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a BIG Thank you, after 4 years, the same fault is still happening.
my device is HTC Touch HD.
Works on XPERIA X1. Thanks.
The fix also works on my HTC HD2 T9193.
I had this problem a long time ago on win mo 5.0. I'm surprised to see the same problem is still with us.

