WM6 VPN to home computer not working - Networking

O.k. I've exhausted all the resources I have found on the net to troubleshoot my VPN problems myself so can someone please help me figure out why this isn't working.
I have a VPN set up on my home desktop that I can connect to fine with my laptop (both XP home SP2). When i connect with my Verizon XV8600, the connection is stable, no trouble logging on and no timeouts, but I can't access any of the shares on my desktop. I go to file explorer and try to open a path, same as I do when connected at home via wifi, and I get "The network path was not found" and "Network resource cannot be found or you do not have permission to access the network".
I'm connecting via PPTP, I have tried with my network adapter set to "The Internet" and "Work". Under the advanced tab in connections under the "Select Networks" button I have tried both the "My Work Network" and a new network I set up for the private network selection.
It's just diving me nuts because it connects every time and stays connected, but I can't do jack with it. What am I missing people? Any help would be greatly appreciated, this is the last hurdle to having my phone set up the way I want it.

One area to question would be weather you have a firewall or some type of security agent blocking data access on the VPN port of your laptop. Possible?

many routers also need to be setup to pass vpn

lub2lrn said:
One area to question would be weather you have a firewall or some type of security agent blocking data access on the VPN port of your laptop. Possible?
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The VPN is set up on my desktop and my laptop connects just fine. The trouble I'm having is getting my phone to connect properly.

Rudegar said:
many routers also need to be setup to pass vpn
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I've set up the port forwarding on the router, the phone connects, it even shows up under the network neighborhood on the desktop when it's connected. I just can't seem to access my shared folders.

animez said:
I've set up the port forwarding on the router, the phone connects, it even shows up under the network neighborhood on the desktop when it's connected. I just can't seem to access my shared folders.
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Which ports did you forward? And which router/firmware do you have?
It's not enough just to forward port 1723 you need to enable the GRE protocol (type 47) also. Without enabling it (GRE protocol) the computer from outside connects, you see it in your logs, but it actually can do nothing.

Falcon2008 said:
Which ports did you forward? And which router/firmware do you have?
It's not enough just to forward port 1723 you need to enable the GRE protocol (type 47) also. Without enabling it (GRE protocol) the computer from outside connects, you see it in your logs, but it actually can do nothing.
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The router is a linksys wrt54g v8 with firmware 8.00.5, yes pptp-passthrough is enabled.

I did a bit more research on GRE and my particular router and have come away confused. Some sites say it doesn't work at all on the wrt54g, but according to them it shouldn't even work on my laptop. I can stream music from an external ip on my laptop and browse all my shares so it seems like its working to me.
There must be something different about how the phone uses that protocol that the router is screwing up. Most of the forum posts seem to suggest that GRE on a lot of linksys routers is spotty at best. I'm thinking about flashing the router with a third party linux firmware (dd-wrt) that supposedly handle GRE properly. Not sure though, don't wanna risk bricking my router just to connect my phone, which I'll probably do once in a blue moon.


Can my jasjar and Centrino communicate?

G'day all,
Well I got my jasjar today, and essentially I was originally under the impression that with this I would be able to use the wireless technologies of my laptop and jasjar to sync outlook, and browse the fiels on the notebook etc.
Then reality hit me.
You cannot sync via wireless. Then as it turns out I have no clue on how to setup a wireless network..
So im just wondering if anyone can inform me, is it possible for my jasjar and centrino notebook to communicate with each other wirelessly? If so what do I need to do in order to do that.
Thanks in advance
a very confused wireless enthusiast.
ActiveSync will not work on wi-fi, but you can setup a device-to-device network and use files on a share on your computer. If your Centrino has Bluetooth, you can use ActiveSync with that.
i have AS over bluetooth fine, and allows me to browse the internet etc
i have WIFI configured at home and work which allows me to browse shared folders with passwords and permission, run terminal server to my XP and our Terminal Server, and allows me to run Terminal Server over wireless over the internet direct to my remote work servers.
so it really depends on what you want to achieve, it will more than likely be a combination solution.
WIFI = Internet and Shares and Terminal Server
WIFI = Streaming music and videos
Bluetooth = AS
Bluetooth = Internet
Bluetooth <> Shares and Terminal Server
Well my laptop doesnt have bluetooth so that is no good to me.
Yeah I just want to access the laptops music, video or documents wirelessly. Im a little or completely lost as how to do this, I do not have broadband, and I have no networking experience really.
All I have is a Centrino laptop armed with the latest wifi components, and a jasjar.
I managed to make a device-to-device connection as someone suggested, and the devices appeared to connect, but I couldnt seem to do anything with them as such.
Try Resco Explorer (www.resco.net) It allows you to map network drives (once you have your device-to-device connection sorted)
Wiz - Off topic but can you share how you got your O2 Exec Blackberry Enabled? I'd like to do the same. Ta - philg
Got resco explorer, gotta say thats a handy lil feature packed app. But to my problem at hand....does anyone have or can anyone give me a run down of how to get a device-to-device networking happenng.
I can get the two devices to connect as such via wifi, both jasjar says connected as does XP, however when I go to map a network drive, in Resco or XP fo rthat matter, I just an a message saying no computer is connected or availbe. This despite the fact that it is right there!!
Any suggestions, tutorial recommendations?
r u using xp pro or home?
what sort of antivirus r u running?
firewall? ms or other
any other security settings imposed?
generally, go to pc, find folder u want to connect to, RMC, properties, sharing, enable with a name you like, apply security with password (nb sharinmg over wifi will allow others to access without security).
goto pda, resco, map drive, type in \\computername\sharename, enter your username to log onto pc and password (assuming these were the same pemissions you applied when setting up)
I had this working using a wifi access point via a local router, but norton screwed it up and been unable to fix....
Yes XP Pro
Default Network Security really, like I said ive never really used them or accessed the features so usually keep em closed.
and running NIS 2005. But yeah look im not a total noob, ie I disabled NIS at one point to see if that was hampering the connections, and even enabled it and enabled full access and that did nothing either.
what you suggested I pretty much did.
however, when ive set up the device to device connection it gives me security options ie WEP WPA etc, done these restrict other networks from using the shared folder?
I ask because there are a fare few wireless networks around me, wouldnt want to give any of them access to my stuff, even if it is only my music and some documents.
If you start your WIFI on your PPC and PC, does the WIFI icon on the PPC create the connection, ie the antennae and two arrows that remain still.
If so, then you have got the connection to the PC, we just then need to get the folders and access to each other. If not, then we cant get any further till we resolve this issue.
RMC My Computer or go to control panel system. Far right Tab allow remote connections, tick the box to allow. This should allow a Terminal Server connection from your PPC to your PC. So find out the IP of your PC, then open TSC and enter the same IP address and see if it connects. If it starts to get create a connection via GPRS/3G cancel it. This will be due to the "My Work" and "Internet" settings which we will have to come back to.
If it you can open a TSC then you have established the WIFI and can create and authenticate a connection, so it means we have a problem with the foler sharing.
So in summary, doing the above will:
1. Estabish that the WIFI connection using WEP is working
2. That you are connecting over the same common network using TSC to connect and control your PC from your PPC
3. THat the problems are folder sharing related
Let me know how you go.
I wont be able to try these suggestions until tomorrow but im pretty confident one of these will work, thanks for taking the time, I will definitely try em tomorrow.
But just for what information I have ATM, yes the wifi icon you described is there, so like I said the PPC is definitely connecting, just when its connected I dont seem to be able to do much.
Will let you know how I go
THanks again
I have resolved the problem that I have been having with connecting to a network share, when I could before and cant now....
The answer was simple, and I cant believe how simple.
The answer was found here, and posted by DUTCH
"Make sure you have "Enable Netbios over TCP/IP" checked in your TCP/IP Advanced settings."
If your not sure where this is let me know, but it provided and immediate fix for me. ...
Well, actually, I did two things simultaneously, so not sure which actually worked. I also went into the specific connectsion > Network Cards on the PPC, Network Adapter set to work, then Wireless tab, found the specific network opened this and changed this from internet to work.
So the combineation of the IP settings and the change from internet to work allows my ppc to connect to my computers folder shares.
well, i tested it furter.
If i left the work setting on my network, then when I used the internet, it opened and connected a gprs connection to open the web site.
so i changed the network connect back to "the internet", and was able to use the network card to connect to the internet and access the web.
I was also STILL able to access a network share whilst the network connected to "the internet", so the solution for me was
"Make sure you have "Enable Netbios over TCP/IP" checked in your TCP/IP Advanced settings."

ICS & VPN with WM6

My searches on the web haven't yielded much help or information so I thought I would come to the experts...
I have a Treo 750 that I just "upgraded" to WM6 2 days ago. I noticed that DUN has gone away and was replaced by ICS. After configuring my laptop to use that instead of DUN I connected and was surfing the web. My problem now is VPN. I travel frequently (luckily I'm in the office until Jan.) and regularly used my phone to connect to the corporate network via VPN. I also work with a lot of other companies and have VPN access to their systems as well. Basically now I can open my Cisco VPN client, connect to a VPN gateway, authenticate, get assigned all the appropriate IP information, but cannot communicate on the network. What gives? Is there a solution to this? If not, what the heck was MS thinking when they did this!? My phone is basically useless for one of the major reasons I bought it...
Any help is appreciated!
Ok, further searches found that DUN can be added back into WM6 via a cab that was posted here at the XDA forums. I installed it and the DUN service is now visible again. I unpaired by phone and laptop, re-paired, and included DUN. Now when I try to connect, I get the DUN connection box after the bluetooth connection is initiated but when I click DIAL I get the DIALING... prompt, followed by Error 678: The remote computer did not respond.
Anybody get this working on a Treo 750? Thoughts, ideas suggestions?
What is the ip address you are getting via the cisco vpn client
It maybe that it is in the same subnet as the ip address assigned to the pc from the wm6 ics. The ICS gives the address and if your Cisco is also giving a 192.168 address then you will have two routes for the 192 address range thus giving you the problem when accessing hosts.
If this is the problem Im pretty sure you can change the address allocated via the ICS using a registry editor. If not you may be able to get work to use a different range for you on the cisco vpn.
Our corporate network is 172.x.x.x so it's nowhere near the 192.168.0.x assigned by the phone. When I look at the route in the VPN client I see,, and so I am assuming 192 is my laptop, 10 is the phone, and 172 is the corporate network.
I'm guessing NATing is the problem. I've been reading that if I use a different APN (isp.cingular instead of wap.cingular) there is no NATing. I've tried both, and I've tried turning off and on the "force AT&T" proxy setting to no avail.
Tried the DUN cab hack that is floating around for WM6 also. The service is active again and I can also add Modem Link back in and my laptop sees my Treo as a modem but when I dial I get an error stating the remote computer did not respond. I'm guessing along with going from WM5 to WM6 AT&T also updated the radio so the old communications protocols don't work anymore?
Hello Sir,
I have exactly the same problem... I have successfully connected via VPN, however unable to communicate with any devices on that network... Then what is the use of VPN on the phone? I've tried searching online for answers, but no luck... People are having the same problem but no one knows how to solve it... I'll try and trouble shoot this problem more as soon as my exams are done...
Working successfully for me. I am using Imate jasjam wm6. Pc using cisco client connecting via ics on phone. I have telstra 3g connection tested ok on both telstra.internet (Nated ip) and telstra.extranet (real ip).
You are correct it may be an nat issue. Can you check that your transparent tunnelling is on as follows: right click on your connection entry in cisco client and select modify then transport tab. Check that enable transport tunneling is enabled ipsec over udp(Nat/pat).
The other thing to check is that the cisco vpn server aslo has transport over Nat on as well.
Also are you sure your corporate ip range is 172 or is that the range given by the cisco vpn to clients.
Transport tunneling is on (always was). I'll have to check with our network admin and check on the VPN server setting...I guess as long as I have connectivity back to the office, I don't need it that badly for all the customers I need to connect to at various times.
Yep, positive on the corporate IP. Right now it is and I'm in the office.
Thanks for the help so far. Got any other suggestions on how I can troubleshoot further?
One other thought...should I modify the registry on the phone to assign a different IP address to my laptop? Would that help?
Same Problem
MX. I am having the exact same issue but with Securemote VPN. I've looked through the registry and found the assigned address, but I'm wary of changing anything until I can find some more information.
Anyone out there ever change the DHCP configuration for their phone?
Somewhat related question?
Im attempting to route my connection on my mobile through a laptop acting as a wan bridge, then uplinking it into the router. The issue Im having is that XP and WM6 both use the same IP Block. Ive read and read and cant find much to tell me how to change the WM6 IP BLock to something like rather than the default
Does anyone have any pointers? Ive looked through the registry. There MUST be a simple way to change a default.
To clarify my setup, I am using ICS Via USB into a UMPC laptop running XP. The UMPC is set to share that same connection back out over Ethernet. The ethernet runs into my WAN Uplink on the router and then back out via wifi/rj-45
This setup works as I have done it using Wifi with other networks, and I can chose the "Lan3" to share under the advanced settings on the UMPC. The reason I dont just share out via Wifi from the start is that Wifi on my Kaiser and Raphael both make the device to hot to charge, thusly killing the battery within a couple hrs of sharing. If I share via USB , it stays pretty cool and still charges.
Anyone have any pointers?
I have already tried tricking XP into using the Lan on another block but as soon as you try to share the USB lan, it reverts back to the
The only way I can imagine is a registry modification or a program change in ICS.
Thanks Much!

VPN Pptp over wifi in HTC Leo

I have been trying to connect to my to vpn pptp server (witopia.net) for 2 days. I tried every combination that i could think, but there must be something i am doing wrong. I think the mobile is trying to connect to the vpn server through gsm because everytime i try to connect the gsm signal bars disappear for a few moments. How can i make sure that the vpn connection goes through wifi?
I have managed to actually connect to the vpn server, but i cannot access websites like facebook and youtube from the Leo (I live in China and they are blocked). I am able to access blocked services through my iphone and laptop through the same vpn connection.
Any suggestions?
PPTP on WM6 is a major problem. Especially if the server (and most do) required MPPE. Its one of the few niggles I have about WM. If you own the server your best setting up the conection using L2TP/IPSEC.
Or if you dont own the VPN server, and have a server laying around the house (as I do) you could set up your server to use the PPTP VPN then set there server as a Proxy, and connect WM6 to the server via proxy...so basically WM6>Proxy>VPN>interwebs
Hi Jagnet, Thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately i am not able to use Ipsec/L2TP in China, only PPTP works fine with blocked sites.
After trying many combinations, there is a step that i havent been able to figure it out.
Once i am in Start > Settings > Connections (tab) > Connections (icon) > Advanced (tab) > Select Networks, How do i select the WIFI connection in "Programs that automatically connect to the internet should connect using" opcion? . On the modem tab i only can choose "celullar line", "Celullar line (GPRS)" or "Hayes Compatible on COM1:", there is nothing about WIFI there, so when i try to connect at the vpn server specified in "Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using", the phone seems to be trying to connect via GPRS.
¿Any ideas?
joaquinmora said:
I have been trying to connect to my to vpn pptp server (witopia.net) for 2 days. I tried every combination that i could think, but there must be something i am doing wrong. I think the mobile is trying to connect to the vpn server through gsm because everytime i try to connect the gsm signal bars disappear for a few moments. How can i make sure that the vpn connection goes through wifi?
I have managed to actually connect to the vpn server, but i cannot access websites like facebook and youtube from the Leo (I live in China and they are blocked). I am able to access blocked services through my iphone and laptop through the same vpn connection.
Any suggestions?
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having similar issues with HD2. CMCC as well, in China.
I am getting a proxy IP address if I check on ipchicken.com, etc
but I am not able to open FB.
I am not using the PPTP option, but using their SSL service with
openVPN. but STILL not working..
right now on support chats with witopia.
VPN PPTP is simply broken in WM. It will work, but only with no encryption at all, which beats the purpose.
First of all sorry for bumping this old thread. But I have been looking and it seems kinda close to what I`m doing, oh a little new to vpn.
I have managed to sucessfully connect the HD2 via VPN in connections only when on the lan (outwith I need to contact O2 to get it enabled apparently). I setup a dialup connection in Win 7; HD2 says I`m connected to the VPN.
However heres the thing. Am I right in thinking that folders by default have to be shared. Therefore when using resco I can see network folders anyway, when connected to wifi.
So how would I prove that I can see folders shared to the VPN and not on the LAN as I cant seem to prove whether I`m seeing the folder via LAN and not on the VPN?
Sorry if its confusing but perhaps you get my drift? Or am I missing the point entirely....

remote desktop problem

Hi everyone,
I would like to connect to my laptop next room from local network. I can connect perfectly when I type in my IP address into the first textbox (Computer), but I can't connect when I type in my Computer Name (full computer name) instead. I tried MyPCName as Computer, \\MyPCName as Computer, forwarding port 3389 to my IP, leaving domain name empty, putting in my workgroup name as a domain, putting in my computer name as a domain, putting in myPCName\MyUserName as Username, \\MyPCName as Computer, still the same. It won't connect unless I put in the IP address. I would like to do this since my workplace assigns a different IP to my laptop then I assign at home, but naturally I have the same computer name at both places, so I would like to have a permanent setting for both places.
I'm running Windows 7 64 bit on my laptop and 1.66.405.2 ROM on my HTC HD2.
Many thanks in advance.
can you connect to it ok using another computer? might be a dns issue at a guess...
I can connect from other computers fine. Also on my HD2 I can see the host names of PC's under Resco Explorer and map them. However, remote desktop mobile refuses to work with the Computer Name. I can ping my Laptop's IP and also Computer name from pingbox2. Only in Remote Desktop Mobile there is a problem.
windows 7 by default blocks remote desktop connections from different versions of remote desktop. if you right click computer and select properties, then choose remote settings on the right hand side and select the middle option (accept connections from all verions of remote desktop). havent tried this my self but it solves most issues when using different versions of windows
OK, I sort of figured it but would still appreciate some help. Here is how I got it to work:
I had OpenDNS IP under DNS settings for wireless adapter. I deleted them. If I don't do this, pinging my computer name from HD2 always brings, which is opendns and not my true local IP, i.e. 192.168.x.x. I also had to disable the data connection (3G) and only have wireless. If I don't disable 3G, I can only connect with IP and not computer name. Only after doing these 2, when I pinged my computer name, I got the true local IP and I was able to connect with Remote Desktop Mobile using computer name. Now my question is:
1- I don't want to quit using opendns, is it possible?
2- I don't want to disable 3G connection every time, is it possible?
thanks in advance.
For me it works with MyPCName in computer and empty domain, both for XP and 7.
Something seems strange with your phone's networking configuration. At a guess (and this is a long shot), I would check your VPN settings on your phone to make sure you're not connecting to a different domain over 3G as this might explain why it works when you turn off the data connection on the phone and why it works by IP address.
As I said though, it's a long shot and is the only thing I could think of that fits your particular symptoms...
ozkaya said:
OK, I sort of figured it but would still appreciate some help. Here is how I got it to work:
I had OpenDNS IP under DNS settings for wireless adapter. I deleted them. If I don't do this, pinging my computer name from HD2 always brings, which is opendns and not my true local IP, i.e. 192.168.x.x. I also had to disable the data connection (3G) and only have wireless. Only after doing these 2, when I pinged my computer name, I got the true local IP and I was able to connect with Remote Desktop Mobile using computer name. Now my question is:
1- I don't want to quit using opendns, is it possible?
2- I don't want to disable 3G connection every time, is it possible?
thanks in advance.
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about the open dns issues, I suspect that can be solved by making sure your router lets the incoming connection into your home network (you say it resolves to 66.whatever when open dns is used, shouldn't be a problem do long as you don't forget that will be your home ip address so that connection will neef to be allowed through the router and then forwarded by your routers virtual server (our whatever your router software calls out) to your laptops internal ip address.
as for the 3g it should use wifi over 3g by default..... mine certainly does, no need for me to disable it.
tomallen35 said:
Something seems strange with your phone's networking configuration. At a guess (and this is a long shot), I would check your VPN settings on your phone to make sure you're not connecting to a different domain over 3G as this might explain why it works when you turn off the data connection on the phone and why it works by IP address.
As I said though, it's a long shot and is the only thing I could think of that fits your particular symptoms...
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I think you're right, when the 3G is on (and also Wifi on), Resco shows computers from all around the country when I click computers near me and not my local network. When only wifi is on I can see my local computers. 3G probably has precedence over Wifi? How can I correct this?
samsamuel said:
about the open dns issues, I suspect that can be solved by making sure your router lets the incoming connection into your home network (you say it resolves to 66.whatever when open dns is used, shouldn't be a problem do long as you don't forget that will be your home ip address so that connection will neef to be allowed through the router and then forwarded by your routers virtual server (our whatever your router software calls out) to your laptops internal ip address.
as for the 3g it should use wifi over 3g by default..... mine certainly does, no need for me to disable it.
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But the 66.whatever address is generic openDNS lookup IP and same for everyone. Are you suggesting me to route this IP to my local IP, i.e. 192.168.x.x? Oh, one more thing, I can also connect when 3g and wifi are both on, but only through computer's IP and not computer name. Can you connect with computer name while both are on and connected?
when your phone does a dns lookup on the name it resolves to the open dns assigned address (not the same for everyone, otherwise the open fns system wouldn't work) so to connect to your computer the phone sends its request to open dns who forward that request to your current actual address.at home that address is your home ip address BUT it isn't your laptops address it is your routers address.(stop reading here if you don't have a router).
so the router needs to be told "if you get a connection request in port (whatever the remote desktop port is) please forward it to (laptop ip address)
its called port forwarding in some routers, virtual server in others.
samsamuel said:
so the router needs to be told "if you get a connection request in port (whatever the remote desktop port is) please forward it to (laptop ip address)
its called port forwarding in some routers, virtual server in others.
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You're mixing up things a bit - he's not using dns but the computer netbios name. The point is that he has wifi on and connected as well as 3G, thus with an "intranet" ip address on Wifi... so the program/phone should be looking up the name on that connection, where it would find it, instead of looking up over the 3G connection. As the netbios protocol is not routable, it has no chance of finding the computer name over 3G/internet and back home, even with port mappings.
kilrah said:
You're mixing up things a bit - he's not using dns but the computer netbios name. The point is that he has wifi on and connected as well as 3G, thus with an "intranet" ip address on Wifi... so the program/phone should be looking up the name on that connection, where it would find it, instead of looking up over the 3G connection. As the netbios protocol is not routable, it has no chance of finding the computer name over 3G/internet and back home, even with port mappings.
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you're totally right, I have a router and its port is forwarded to my laptop IP, but this is only good (and works well too) when I want to connect from Internet to my local network. I tried OpenDNS exceptions for VPN and defined an exception named as MyComputerName but it didn't work. Then I tried a dyndns solution, but it only works for external connections and not local network, i.e. it can't map local IP's. What I need is a dynamic client which can update my local IP.
I also tried to edit hosts entry in the registry with MyComputerName. It works for a single IP, but I'm not sure if I can write multiple IP adresses (my work and home local IP) into that. If I could maybe everything would be OK.
I've just tried a couple of things and it really works fine for me. If I connect Wifi only, I can remote desktop with the computer name. If I then connect data connection, it still works. Disabling wifi and obviously it doesn't work anymore. Re enabling wifi, it doesn't work at first, but does again after ~30 seconds once the netbios protocol has done its host lookup procedures.
There simply shouldn't be anything special to do.
kilrah said:
I've just tried a couple of things and it really works fine for me. If I connect Wifi only, I can remote desktop with the computer name. If I then connect data connection, it still works. Disabling wifi and obviously it doesn't work anymore. Re enabling wifi, it doesn't work at first, but does again after ~30 seconds once the netbios protocol has done its host lookup procedures.
There simply shouldn't be anything special to do.
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thank you very much for your time, I appreciate it. You're right in that waiting a bit resolves the issue (it's a bit more than 30 secs for me that's why I thought it wasn't working when 3G is enabled) but only when OpenDNS is not used. I assume you don't use OpenDNS, right? Once I put that one into equation, it takes over NetBIOS protocol and returns its IP instead of the local IP(192.168.x.x). As far as I understand, DNS lookup has precedence over NETBIOS and if the name is not found in DNS it consults NETBIOS protocol. However OpenDNS has this nice "feature" where it finds the name with its own IP. There are several posts about this on its webpage and they say to either disable the typo correction or put exceptions for Netbios names, but sadly none of them works for me right now.
Nope, no OpenDNS, never actually heard of it.
How does it work? Do you enter their DNS server address in the network settings of your pc/phone, or is it an app you run?
you click Start/Settings/All Settings/Connections/Wifi/First Button/Switch to Network Adapters tab/Select Broadcom 802.11 DHD Network Adapter/Switch to Name Servers Tab/Type in for primary DNS and for secondary DNS, click OK. that's all. Could you try if it's not so much trouble? Thanks.
OK, remote desktop doesn't work either with the OpenDNS servers in.
I'm pretty sure it must be a limitation of the remote desktop app itself, as resco explorer can still navigate and/or discover the network shares of my other PCs with no problem. NBTStatCE also finds everybody.
Wouldn't even surprise me, as that Remote desktop mobile has always been troublesome. I don't remember exactly, but in the WM5 days it was pretty much impossible to use on a local network due to a weird handling of names... if I remember well all "local" (NetBIOS) addresses without a '.' entered in the remote desktop app would be redirected to the "Work" connection, while "remote" ones with a period would be directed on the "Internet" connection. As a network card can only be defined as one of them, if you wanted it to work in both cases through Wifi you had to switch the card from Work to Internet and back all the time. And of course when it's on Work it breaks some other things that use the default system handling like mail.

TMOUS HD2 Remote Desktop over 3G

Not sure if I should post this question here or somewhere else but since I am using my TMOUS HD2 for remote desktop I decide to put this here.
I tried the remote desktop over my own wifi it works great but just wondering if I can use it over 3G... I tried but doesn't seem to be connecting.
Also does anybody know the list of ports that are blocked on tmous 3g? Thanks a lot!
over 3g don't forget you need to use your external ip address, (I.e not the 192.168.... addresses) and then in the router you need to set up port forwarding from the router to your chosen pc.
been looking for a solution to this for a while. Seems people give out solutions that never work.
I've just done this as a proof to myself, and yes you can do this.
Assuming you have a router, then you need to set up port forwarding from the router to your internal pc, port 3389 TCP.
On the PC, system properties - remote - make sure you choose the middle option.. ' allow connections from computers running any version..'
Then on the phone, you need the data connection active before you start remote desktop, it wont start it itself.
With data connection active, run remote desktop
give it your routers external IP address (not the 192.xxx.xxx.xxx address, , thats your internal address)
no need to fill in user and pass, it will give you the PC's login screen. Domain left blank too.
Note the connection in teh top bar, , edge in one, H in the other. No wifi.
EDIT - if your carrier blocks port 3389 which some apparently do, bypass it by using a different external port.
So in the routersettings you would forward port, say, 3456 external to 3389 internal, and then in remote desktop on the phone, you would put the ip address as (example)
samsamuel said:
I've just done this as a proof to myself, and yes you can do this.
Assuming you have a router, then you need to set up port forwarding from the router to your internal pc, port 3389 TCP.
On the PC, system properties - remote - make sure you choose the middle option.. ' allow connections from computers running any version..'
Then on the phone, you need the data connection active before you start remote desktop, it wont start it itself.
With data connection active, run remote desktop
give it your routers external IP address (not the 192.xxx.xxx.xxx address, , thats your internal address)
no need to fill in user and pass, it will give you the PC's login screen. Domain left blank too.
Note the connection in teh top bar, , edge in one, H in the other. No wifi.
EDIT - if your carrier blocks port 3389 which some apparently do, bypass it by using a different external port.
So in the routersettings you would forward port, say, 3456 external to 3389 internal, and then in remote desktop on the phone, you would put the ip address as (example)
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Ugh, I just can't get it. I have data connected at all times. I try this, but I use windows XP (which for some reason almost everyone who shows how to use this on the HD2 uses Windows 7). Port forward to my internal IP address. Set up to connect to my external IP address (yeah im on a network). Always gives me those 3 reasons why it can't connect and I never got it to work. I just dont get it.
what i changed from stock rom to get RDP to work
in settings/connection change your data access point from whatever it is currently (write it down) to wap.voicestream.com and try (for me that also worked for skyfire). some ports/protocalls may be blocked from the default access piont.
Phenomenon said:
Ugh, I just can't get it. I have data connected at all times. I try this, but I use windows XP (which for some reason almost everyone who shows how to use this on the HD2 uses Windows 7). Port forward to my internal IP address. Set up to connect to my external IP address (yeah im on a network). Always gives me those 3 reasons why it can't connect and I never got it to work. I just dont get it.
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Works fine for me all the time. I have XP Pro.
I've set the IP on my computer to be static (
I changed my Remote desktop listening port to 3399 (changes in registry and windows firewall. Also change in Antivirus firewall if you have one.)
I have a linksys router. I've set the port forwarding in "Games and Applications" as all requests to port 3399 will be sent to
I open Remote Desktop on my HD2 and point to my external IP address with the port number.
example: 24.123.456.789:3399
Its been working fine for me for a month. Speed is good too.
samsamuel said:
I've just done this as a proof to myself, and yes you can do this.
Assuming you have a router, then you need to set up port forwarding from the router to your internal pc, port 3389 TCP.
On the PC, system properties - remote - make sure you choose the middle option.. ' allow connections from computers running any version..'
Then on the phone, you need the data connection active before you start remote desktop, it wont start it itself.
With data connection active, run remote desktop
give it your routers external IP address (not the 192.xxx.xxx.xxx address, , thats your internal address)
no need to fill in user and pass, it will give you the PC's login screen. Domain left blank too.
Note the connection in teh top bar, , edge in one, H in the other. No wifi.
EDIT - if your carrier blocks port 3389 which some apparently do, bypass it by using a different external port.
So in the routersettings you would forward port, say, 3456 external to 3389 internal, and then in remote desktop on the phone, you would put the ip address as (example)
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To you or anyone else who can do this, are yall using Professional Windows OS? or Home?
remote desktop isnt included in home. (Maybe in home premium, possibly)
there are work arounds, a 3rd party vpn for instance, or there are ways to get remote desktop onto certain home versions.
samsamuel said:
remote desktop isnt included in home. (Maybe in home premium, possibly)
there are work arounds, a 3rd party vpn for instance, or there are ways to get remote desktop onto certain home versions.
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I use this with Win7 Home Premium, which does not have RDC enabled. However, you can simply patch it to enable RDC:
I have no problem RDC to that machine from my HD2 from both in and outside of my network. As mentioned, you need to edit your router settings to enable port forwarding to the machine(s) you are trying to access remotely. I use 3389. The above utility that enables RDC on W7HP also enables port 3389 to get through windows firewall on that machine.
no, still can't get it to work right. Even with Remote VNC workarounds it's still not getting the connection. For some reason, any port checker (even when I configure the router to forward the port to my internal IP) says that the connection is refused. So I dunno wtf it is. I'm guessing either it's Comcast that's blocking this port or the router's messing up, or Tmobile is messing up, but damn it's aggravating as hell finding a solution.
it's not work,I need help
I tried some times Remote Desktop over 3G ,but it's not work,before I connected , Then on the phone, you need the data connection active before you start remote desktop, it wont start it itself.,I actived data connection by use opera browser,and the connection in the top bar,the icon "H" appeared in the top bar,does the Remote Desktop support the connection way of 3G ? please tell me what to do ?thanks a lot ! sorry for my poor english.
Phenomenon said:
no, still can't get it to work right. Even with Remote VNC workarounds it's still not getting the connection. For some reason, any port checker (even when I configure the router to forward the port to my internal IP) says that the connection is refused. So I dunno wtf it is. I'm guessing either it's Comcast that's blocking this port or the router's messing up, or Tmobile is messing up, but damn it's aggravating as hell finding a solution.
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Try connecting to your home computer from another computer outside. Seems to me that your home computer is not setup to allow RD from outside.
kcaj32 said:
Try connecting to your home computer from another computer outside. Seems to me that your home computer is not setup to allow RD from outside.
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Yes, and phenomenon you should really try to establish the connection first while connected to your home network with your phone, just to make sure everything internal is setup properly before you start messing with getting the external connection to work.
Phenomenon said:
no, still can't get it to work right. Even with Remote VNC workarounds it's still not getting the connection. For some reason, any port checker (even when I configure the router to forward the port to my internal IP) says that the connection is refused. So I dunno wtf it is. I'm guessing either it's Comcast that's blocking this port or the router's messing up, or Tmobile is messing up, but damn it's aggravating as hell finding a solution.
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Your router probably has it's own firewall. Can you connect to your computer through your own network?

