Resco Backup for Pocket PC - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Resco releases its brand new application – Resco Backup
After big success of its backup application for Palm OS, Resco announced today the availability of Resco Backup for the PocketPC platform.
In addition to the standard functionality such as manual or scheduled backup, partial backup/ restore, compression or encryption, Resco Backup offers many superior features such as:
• Incremental (differential) backup beats any other backup product in terms of speed.
• Backup profiles (called projects) enable backups of selected data such as messages, contacts etc.
• Ability to verify backup or check backup set integrity
• Tools for backup analysis, e.g. performing a comparison between the device and stored backup set or between any two backup sets.
• Backup sets can have comments, icons or can be pinned - excluded from the update cycle.
It is highly recommended for anyone who does not like to lose precious data.

You spelled "lose" wrong on the Website
Just a suggestion:
"Never loose your data again"
Where are we loosing it to? The wild?
The word is "lose"

already fixed

good. will try. hope it will become a classic like resco explorer
resco said:
Resco releases its brand new application – Resco Backup
After big success of its backup application for Palm OS, Resco announced today the availability of Resco Backup for the PocketPC platform.
In addition to the standard functionality such as manual or scheduled backup, partial backup/ restore, compression or encryption, Resco Backup offers many superior features such as:
• Incremental (differential) backup beats any other backup product in terms of speed.
• Backup profiles (called projects) enable backups of selected data such as messages, contacts etc.
• Ability to verify backup or check backup set integrity
• Tools for backup analysis, e.g. performing a comparison between the device and stored backup set or between any two backup sets.
• Backup sets can have comments, icons or can be pinned - excluded from the update cycle.
It is highly recommended for anyone who does not like to lose precious data.
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xxza said:
good. will try. hope it will become a classic like resco explorer
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Yesterday we released next version with the desktop unpack tool and couple of other improvements. There is also a nice speed increase, mainly in the restore phase.
We consider this version a milestone as a lot of functionality covering the needs of a vast majority of users is included and the qualitative parameters are more than satisfactory.
Milestone means we are considering things that could be improved - exclusion rules, FTP, registry-related tools etc. We shall be glad if you have any ideas that could help in this respect.
Best regards,
Michal Sartoris

I'm not sure if I'm in the right place, but I have a question about this application.
Yesterday I used Resco Backup v1.11 to create a backup of my messages because I wanted to flash my device (T-Mobile MDA Vario III, a.k.a. HTC TyTN II/HTC Kaiser) and I wanted to keep the SMS messages I had received.
So I unchecked everything but "Messages (E-mail, SMS, MMS)" and did a backup. I then flashed my device and tried to restore the backup, but failed. After that I couldn't even see the SMS/MMS part on my device anymore, and I was unable to send/receive any SMS. The email settings had also been reset and I had to set up my email account again.
I checked the integrity of the backup and I get the popup "Backup Set Integrity. Valid backup set". Then I checked the error log, and got the popup "Backup set. Valid backup set". So I don't think there's anything wrong there.
About the error, when the restoration was finished I got the popup "Error. Restore competed with errors. Try Restore -> Verify to restore just the differences.". At verify it shows the status "OK" at all files except the file "pmailFolders", where the status is "The system cannot read from the specified device."
When I go to Restore -> Verify, most of the files (about 60) show as "Not in device" and about 15 files show as "!=". When I try to restore single files with the status "Not in device" it shows the restore status view and appears to restore several files and then returns to the verify view. However the file still shows up in the verify screen and remains with the status "Not in device". It then requests a reset, and after that reset I have the same problem: The SMS/MMS part on my device has disappeard, and the email account had been removed.
I tried to remove some files from the backup, as I don't really care about the emails since those can be easily retrieved from my email account, however I had no luck there. If there is a way to remove the emails part and only keep the SMS part from the backup I would be willing to try that, as maybe I would have more luck restoring the backup then.
On a side note, I flashed my device with the exact same ROM I had when making the backup, so it can't be an error caused because there are 2 different ROM versions either. The ROM I used was: RUU_Kaiser_VF_UK_3.08.161.0_radio_sign_25.74.40.02_1.64.08.21
I also had a look at the desktop unpack tool, however I have no idea what I should do with the extracted files (which look the same as when you just extract the .zip files of the backup). I can open the files with notepad and read some of the emails/SMS, but as I said, besides that I wouldn't know what to do with them.
Any help would be greatly appriceated. Thanks in advance!
// ScarS

ScarS said:
I'm not sure if I'm in the right place, but I have a question about this application.
Yesterday I used Resco Backup v1.11 to create a backup of my messages because I wanted to flash my device (T-Mobile MDA Vario III, a.k.a. HTC TyTN II/HTC Kaiser) and I wanted to keep the SMS messages I had received.
So I unchecked everything but "Messages (E-mail, SMS, MMS)" and did a backup. I then flashed my device and tried to restore the backup, but failed. After that I couldn't even see the SMS/MMS part on my device anymore, and I was unable to send/receive any SMS. The email settings had also been reset and I had to set up my email account again.
I checked the integrity of the backup and I get the popup "Backup Set Integrity. Valid backup set". Then I checked the error log, and got the popup "Backup set. Valid backup set". So I don't think there's anything wrong there.
About the error, when the restoration was finished I got the popup "Error. Restore competed with errors. Try Restore -> Verify to restore just the differences.". At verify it shows the status "OK" at all files except the file "pmailFolders", where the status is "The system cannot read from the specified device."
When I go to Restore -> Verify, most of the files (about 60) show as "Not in device" and about 15 files show as "!=". When I try to restore single files with the status "Not in device" it shows the restore status view and appears to restore several files and then returns to the verify view. However the file still shows up in the verify screen and remains with the status "Not in device". It then requests a reset, and after that reset I have the same problem: The SMS/MMS part on my device has disappeard, and the email account had been removed.
I tried to remove some files from the backup, as I don't really care about the emails since those can be easily retrieved from my email account, however I had no luck there. If there is a way to remove the emails part and only keep the SMS part from the backup I would be willing to try that, as maybe I would have more luck restoring the backup then.
On a side note, I flashed my device with the exact same ROM I had when making the backup, so it can't be an error caused because there are 2 different ROM versions either. The ROM I used was: RUU_Kaiser_VF_UK_3.08.161.0_radio_sign_25.74.40.02_1.64.08.21
I also had a look at the desktop unpack tool, however I have no idea what I should do with the extracted files (which look the same as when you just extract the .zip files of the backup). I can open the files with notepad and read some of the emails/SMS, but as I said, besides that I wouldn't know what to do with them.
Any help would be greatly appriceated. Thanks in advance!
// ScarS
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Hi ScarS,
Unfortunately, we have found a bug in restoring emails in v1.11. Have you tried the latest v1.20? If you will still have the problems, please let me know and we will try to find a solution.
Resco Backup makes copy of massages using database API. This means enumerating all databases in volume file (for massages it is cemail.vol), then enumerating records in the database and write it to backup. Restore will create database which is stored in the backup or if it already exists removes all its records. Then it writes stored records back to database. Unfortunately, creating new records in the databases will create new IDs of these records and mail databases have relations based on this IDs. At the end of restore, Resco Backup tries to replace these relations with newly generated IDs (they are generated by system and cannot be changed). This is the reason, why backup is different after restore.
Deleting some files from backup set to leave just SMS/MMS will not help util you know the structure of these databases. E.g. database with name pMailFolders contains information about all accounts (ActiveSync mail account, SMS/MMS accounts, other mail accounts) with all their settings and folders (e.g. Inbox, Outbox, etc.). Each of this folder has related database calld fldrXXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXX is ID of the folder stored in the pMailFolders database. Each of these folder databases have records pointing to pMailMsgs database where information about messages is stored. Names of files, where message bodies and attachments are stored are made from IDs of records of that messages so when ID of message in the database change during restore, name of the file must be changed as well.
Currently information about databases extracted from backup using desktop unpack tool is useless and is there just for information.
Best regards,
Michal Sartoris

Thanks for the quick reply with detailed information I have just tried v1.20 and tried to restore the backup made with v1.11, however I got the same problem.
Was the bug in v1.11 in the backing up part, or in the restoring part? Because if it is in the backing up part it would make sense that it wouldn't work because then the backup is corrupt.
Before I restored the backup made with v1.11 I made a backup of the current data with v1.20 and also made clone (with another application). After the restoring of the old backup failed I tried to restore the new backup however that failed aswell. Maybe because due to the previous restore (the backup made with v1.11) some settings were 'messed up'? I then used the clone I made to restore my device to the way it was before I installed v1.20.
Eventhough it would be nice to have the data back, it were only about 25-30 SMS that were backed up which I would like to restore and they arn't too important, so if I would end up not being able to it wouldn't be a complete disaster. So if it would take up a lot of your time and you have not had similar problems I wouldn't mind if you discard my problem. I am using a trial version, so I havn't paid for support either.
Thanks for the reply so far, I really appriciate it
// ScarS

resco please read the mail that I have sent to you through private message..Thanks

Backup sussefully done but restoration always gave error. It wont return to the original stage , so I continue using Spb backup which is more accurate for backup and restoration after hardreset.

theme freak said:
resco please read the mail that I have sent to you through private message..Thanks
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your problem has been sent to the right person.
Best regards,
Michal Sartoris

edywanwan said:
Backup sussefully done but restoration always gave error. It wont return to the original stage , so I continue using Spb backup which is more accurate for backup and restoration after hardreset.
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Could you please specify, what error it is?
Best regards,
Michal Sartoris

ScarS said:
Thanks for the quick reply with detailed information I have just tried v1.20 and tried to restore the backup made with v1.11, however I got the same problem.
Was the bug in v1.11 in the backing up part, or in the restoring part? Because if it is in the backing up part it would make sense that it wouldn't work because then the backup is corrupt.
Before I restored the backup made with v1.11 I made a backup of the current data with v1.20 and also made clone (with another application). After the restoring of the old backup failed I tried to restore the new backup however that failed aswell. Maybe because due to the previous restore (the backup made with v1.11) some settings were 'messed up'? I then used the clone I made to restore my device to the way it was before I installed v1.20.
Eventhough it would be nice to have the data back, it were only about 25-30 SMS that were backed up which I would like to restore and they arn't too important, so if I would end up not being able to it wouldn't be a complete disaster. So if it would take up a lot of your time and you have not had similar problems I wouldn't mind if you discard my problem. I am using a trial version, so I havn't paid for support either.
Thanks for the reply so far, I really appriciate it
// ScarS
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Hi ScarS,
The bug was in the restoration part.
Have you noticed the error description immediately after restore? When restore ends it displays a list of all restored items with a short description. Errors have red text and are listed first.
The error you had after verify means that read (probably from zip) failed. Are you able to copy the files stored in the backup somewhere else using file browser?
Unfortunately current integrity check will not catch all problems. It just reads crcs from all zip files and compares them with one stored in separate file.
Would it be possible for you to send me your backup? I understand if not as such data are very sensitive.
Best regards,
Michal Sartoris

For Rom Junkies?
Hi there resco, I currently use "sprite backup" because it has the ability to restore after a rom upgrade and also to a new device. I can't say that it is without bugs, can you tell us how your product performs in theese actions please?

uniqueboy said:
Hi there resco, I currently use "sprite backup" because it has the ability to restore after a rom upgrade and also to a new device. I can't say that it is without bugs, can you tell us how your product performs in theese actions please?
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Currently, Resco Backup does not have such a feature. When you try to restore on different device/ROM, you will be warned, but you can continue to do so.
Personally I have tried a few times to restore backup from one device to another and it looked ok. But I did not check it into details. E.g. I have succeeded to restore SMS on device without phone
Best regards,
Michal Sartoris


Lost data, tried do restore from backup =>not working!!

Hi, I am new in this forum, sorry in advance for my english.
Today the battery from my QTEK 2020 went empty and the backup battery also. The device restarted itself and all the data were lost.
I am regurarly backing up all the data each time I connect to the USB cradle, so I thought.. Hmm no problem, I will restore it from the backup file. Then came the problem...
The device ID from the activesync and from the Qtek doesnt match anymore, so I cant restore the backup file.
How/where can I find this data in activesync so that it thinks that this is the same device like before?
P.S. I am only sure that the device name was "Pocket_PC" on QTEK, but the description I dont remember.
Hi Pipi,
Please see whether the below steps can help:
1) Open Activesync (do not put your PPC into the cradle). Select 'File' > 'Delete Partnership' > 'Yes' (repeat until all the partnerships are deleted)
2) Hardset your PPC (hold power button and soft-reset at the same time)
3) After hard reset, put your PPC in the cradle and let it form a new partnership with Activesync (your should get the default PPC name as Pocket_PC)
4) In Activesync, select 'Tools' > 'Backup/Restore'. Select the backup file you want to restore. Go to the Restore tab, press restore and everything will come back.
Remarks: Please make sure the Regional setting of the PPC after hard reset is the same when you do the backup.
Hope it can help ......
THX I will try, but after i have searched the forum for solutions, i found out that, if you do progressive backup, it is impossible to restore the data, except the full backup.
Is it true?
Yes, you need to use a full backup image to restore as incremental backup does not contain the full image of the PPC and cannot be restored.
i restore inc backup's all the time on my device
if it could not be restored why have the inc backup option at all ?
There are three types of backups -
Full backup - backs up everything
Incremental - backs up everything changed since the last full or incremental
Differential - backs up everything changed since the last full.
So - when you restore with incremental you must restore the last full backup and then all of the incrementals since that last full (in order).
When you restore with a differential you need to restore the last full and then the last differental . . . at most 2 restores.
Incremental backups take up less space and time but require more time to restore the system, whereas differentials take more space and time to backup, but take less time to restore the system.
Different device type
After installing NYDITOT virtual display, my Himalaya crashed bigtime!
Only a hard reset would work.
The problem is, that when I try to restore the backup I get this error saying that the backup was made on a different device type..
Thus rendering me helpless!
I've allready lost 300+ e-mails this way, so I don't trust the backup function any more.
I use newest version of Activesync...
This has happened twice in two days now..
I don't use NYDITOT any more..
hi bonzo,
it's not a big problem: just set the device name AND the regional setting (probably Norwegian for you) to what it was at the time of your backup.
So THAT'S why I didn't make it work..
Those darned regional settings!
Thanks a million!
I had the device name down, but didn't know about the regional settings..
yeah it's in the help in activesync
i had that problem once but activesync's help
gave the solution
one of the first time ever windows help help'd me
It was in the help file?
I swear, I read that file five times...
Desperate for a solution...
Oh well.. At least I've got it now..

inability to restore completely?

I recently sent my xda2 in for repair of the so called "speaker problem". Prior to this I made a complete Backup of my data through ActiveSync (creating a file called Backup.stg). So when I wanted to redistribute the old data to my repaired phone, ActiveSync came up with a message that there were some files that couldn't be restored, mostly the Contacts/Tasks databases and some other files I couldn't allocate a function to. I have searched this forum and found STGviewer, which won't enable me to send over those missing databases, however (they are included in the backup). Do you know some tips to re-gather my information? You'd understand that this is of highest importance to me and I think I've come to the right place. So please, levae input regarding this!
okay, in some strange way contact as well as tasks databases are restored. however, now there is the whole sms account missing and with it all the messages. how in god's name am I going to restore this? All tools who sould be able to do this ask for backup-files ending ond .sdp or sth like that. I only got an .stg file!

Creating an image of my system state

I have two universals and would like to clone the second one with the first one. Kind of like ghost that creates an identical image.
I don't want to go through the tedious process of having to install everything from scratch.
Also, using a backup program is a bad option, they just restore files/registry and stuff. They don't restore the system state (i.e. if file deletions are to be made they won't do it, they will just restore files not on destination machine or replace existing with newer version)
but they will not like delete stuff that I don't want. For example I have a special arrangment of program groups. Using a backup program and then restoring it will leave the initial windows program groups and stuff, and would just append to it my new groups rather then delete all groups.
I tried XDA_Tools but it's probably only working with old models because it didn't work with my universal, couldn't read or write any image.
Anyone's got a solution I could use for cloning a device state to another one ?
I've used spb backup for this, and dont really understand the problem you have with backup programs.
6680abhi said:
I've used spb backup for this, and dont really understand the problem you have with backup programs.
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Backup programs do not restore to system state and are far from giving an identical replicated, like you have ghost on PC.
For example, you backup your PPC deleting many rubbish and your program groups look all different, you got rid of many redundant jpg files and rearranged your program groups the way you like it.
Now, you take this backup and restore it on a nother brand new machine, what you will get is a setup of what that machine looks brand new and IN ADDITION you will get also all the program groups and stuff that were restored from the backup. So you end up with much garbage that exists after a hard reset. An image of a machine is byte wise, not file wise and so it gives an identical copy of the machine, that why Norton Ghost was invented for the PC as well as many other programs.
I am looking for such a solution that would allow me to deploy the SAME system on more than one universal.
SPB Backup does exactly what you are looking for on my Exec.
If I hard reset and restore a FULL backup made with SPB (about 11Mb usually),my Exec is identical to before the reset.
Even stuff that I have deleted from the Rom is gone.
I would definately give it a try.
liverman666 said:
SPB Backup does exactly what you are looking for on my Exec.
If I hard reset and restore a FULL backup made with SPB (about 11Mb usually),my Exec is identical to before the reset.
Even stuff that I have deleted from the Rom is gone.
I would definately give it a try.
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Thanks, I'll try that.
Use SKTOols 3.0, Spb Backup 1.5 or Sprite Backup 5.1. Read / search my blog on all thes ethree programs - I've elaborated on and compared them all.

Spb Backup Problem

every time i set a scheduled backup at a certain time it starts the device, perform all the necessary actions (the time to do that is equal to the period it lasts if made manually, it creates the file of back up but.....after it starts up the device automatically, the following written appears:
"unable to locate the shortcut or to open the file"
After i tried to open the .exe backup file and it says:"the file is corrupted"
The lenght of this file is only 450 kb while the one i can create manually is 15 mb.
I discovered that the file which is not openable at the start up is named "SPBBACKUPRUNNER.LNK" AND THE LINK IS REFERRED TO A FILE IN WINDOWS FOLDER NAMED (OF COURSE) "SPBBACKUP RUNNER"
Which could be the possible problem not allowing this.
One most important thing is that i tried also SPRITE BACKUP AND an other backup program and also with these nes i have the same problems performing a scheduled back up.
Is there a setting i have to modify?is there a possible program that stop the scheduled back up program.
Same for me. I have tried all options without success. I am now doing backup manually at regular intervals.
I found that this is the problem when you backup the calendar from WM5 or earlier ROM version and restore to WM6 ROM. So, just don't try to do it that way, make a totaly new calendar in WM6 and the backup and restore will be fine.
I Tried A Scheduled Back Up In Wm 6 But It Doesn't Start When The Device Is Off Or If It Starts, At The End , The File Is Corrupted
even using the manually backup creating a corrupted file , any how to fix it please
i have the same thing was...
one thing i do is Hard Reset my BA, after that it's backup as usual.
well can say just one thing, do not use crappy backup software
i have setuped my device to recover after hard reset for about 10 minutes with all installed software and games without any backup software just one sync and the cabs from the extrom

backup?? i can't think of a title for this one.

Hi all,
I have a question... i use a few htc devices and love changing and trying different roms, different configs, etc... but whenever i get a good config i like, i would love to have a copy of the phone as-is.. i mean, that if one day i want to load that config back, i could just install like a rom with all the settings and config set just the way i want...
am i clear??? i think i lost myself there
anyways, i suppose creating some sort of rom from the phone set up, i could perhaps just flash it just back... i'm not sure which way to go....
any help or pointing in the right direction would be greatly appreciated
by the way, xda rules. no doubt about it.
What you need is called Backup software ,my friend
There are plenty of them: SPB Backup,Sprite Backup, SKTools...
Personally i had problems with SPB and adopted Sprite. You can do a full backup of your device which saves all data and settings; then you'll be able to restore at any time the whole saved configuration as you traveled back in time
Note: backup files (stored in SD) are self-extracting, that means that restore can begin immediately after a hard-reset by just tapping the backup file: no need to install the backup app first!
P.s.: For a "partial" backup that saves only data related to phone and agenda (contacts,appointments,mail,SMS etc..) there's a free app called PIM Backup.
sualc said:
What you need is called Backup software ,my friend
There are plenty of them: SPB Backup,Sprite Backup, SKTools...
Personally i had problems with SPB and adopted Sprite.
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I have Sprite as standard on my T-Mobile Compact V, and I have just used it. I am familiar with disk imaging on PCs, but I am not sure how mobile pdas work. Is this equivalent to a disk image? Somehow, I feel it is not. For example, I doubt if I could restore onto a new phone - or could I?
In my experience, with Sprite Backup I am able to completely restore a previous situation even after a hard reset. This works as long as you don't change ROM: it is absolutely not advisable to restore a backup in a different phone/ROM from which it was created.
Backup for Mobiles works exactly like Backup for PC, you have the same facility in your desktop Windows: you can make a full backup, format your hardisk and have back the whole config with All files by restoring the backup file, it's as simple as that
As a personal example: I have 2 completely different WM operating systems, depending on the SIM i decide to put in...when needed,I can easily switch between one and another within 10 minutes without needing a PC, and that's cool
sualc said:
This works as long as you don't change ROM: it is absolutely not advisable to restore a backup in a different phone/ROM from which it was created
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So this differs from drive images, which may include all the operating system. The ROM is not part of the backup, right? And for there to be such a backup that includes the ROM, one would have to install it with a remote operating system, right?
I confirm that ROM is not included in the backup, that's why it's not recommended to restore on a different ROM and why i wouldn't compare it to a diskimage too. But the backup is able to restore the configuration of that specific rom (e.g. if a-gps was disabled when backup was made, then you'll restore an a-gps disabled config)

