sd card door problem - Touch CDMA General

The lower pin doesnt snap into place and if I press some on the top end of the door the lower end pops out easily. Is there a fix for that?

dunno but the sd card location is a pretty ****ty design.
i guess htc didnt want to have the same problem the ppc6700 had where the sd card would go flying out the phone randomly so on the touch they decided to bury it inside.
as for your original question, call htc they might offer some type of warranty if it's that bad. i usually rub my finger back and forth to push it into place. usually that method works if you're in bed too

SD card door
This has to be close to the WORST design ever, they certainly didn't make it easy. Couldn't they have a little slot on the outside where you push your stylus to release the micro SD?
In your situation you might need to use something like a bit of gum on the inside, sort of icky but, I can't see a way of replacing that tab thing.

After using a few different PPC's, I'll be honest, I don't mind it since I can throw my 8GB SDHC in this bad boy! All my music, a few movies, and a bunch of House.


Fitting an Oyster Card inside my Vario II?

Right, I got my Vario II a couple of days ago. Its great, but I was wondering something - could I cut to fit my Oyster card to sit underneath the battery cover? Anyone tried this? Does anyone know how much I can trim off of the card? Would be great to just get the phone out to swipe with!
I can't even fit a spare 1Gb MicroSD under it without the cover bulging, so I doubt an Oyster card would fit without some major mod's. You can't trim much (if any) off it, the RF coils are pretty much all the way around the edges of the card. Great idea though!
I just put my Oyster card next to the SD spacer(don't have a Micro SD card yet) and they are about the same thickness. I thought it might be the case with the coils, which is pretty annoying as the card really isn't far off fitting in. Any ideas if there are any pics showing a kinda 'xray' of the Oyster?
haha, you copying the Japanese on this? They too have the equivalent of Oyster cards (Suica, much more advanced with online usage if you have a card reader attached to your computer) which can be integrated into their mobiles. In fact, I do wonder if the technology of the 2 systems are teh same
I'm sure there must be a way to cut up the oyster card so that only the data bit remains? Anyone got a spare fiver to dissect an oyster card?
Oyster is a standard Mifare card.
Although I've not seen "inside" the oyster - a mifare card has a coil slightly larger than the size of a 50p in the centre - with the chip either inside or outside of the coil.
Right fellows I have tried to search nearly an hour to find-out what’s & where the chip is inside the Oyster but no joy, finally I have tried one another card to just give it a try and I am sadly declaring that it is NOT possible at all to sandwich the oyster card between the battery & its cover (I have tried on my XDA-IIi -- Alpine), even though I have tried to press the cover so hard that the sliding latches could break in a split second. Check the pictures.
So why would you want to take out your highly desirable phone in a crowded tube station?
Do you need the insurance money?
Maybe you could attach credit cards to a lanyard, hang them from the phone and have your PIN number tattooed to your forehead.
Anyway I am carrying my oyster in the card slot of my XDA-IIi's leather pouch and touching the pouch on the scanner every day, works fine for me.
I think this is more secure from the prying eyes and for the scratch protection of the device.
i would say yes, with some modification. check out this link if you are still interested. I plan to do this for my Hero in the coming weeks

My Memory Card wont stay in anymore :'(

Anyone know why ??? It just wont click in anymore... I woke up one day and it was just sticking out - Ive tried jamming it in but its just not reading it!!
Anyone have any problems like this before ? All my stuff os on the card :'(
Only replying so you dont feel alone. But 1st off check if anyone broke inside it, Anything stuck? I could suggest opening it if you have the tools to check it out and maybe fix it if its not latching right.
Also you can still get a adapter at radioshack for the mini sd. I did. It was 20$ came with SD, Mini SD and Micro SD all in one. So least you could get your stuff. =)
Mem Card
Does it work if you hold it in? If so, I didn't like that mine came out occasionally so I hot glued it in. Hold it in, run a small bead of hot glue on top wait a sec and press the glue into place with your thumb. The glue wont run into the phone and it's easy enough to remove when you actually want it out. If your careful you can even heat it a little with a hair dryer to smooth out the glue. Personally, I don't ever take mine out. I had problems with the device not recognizing my files after removal. I install most everything to the SD that works right there.
**Try this at your own risk. I've done it several times and never had a problem. Just don't blame me if you break something.**
You can apply a thin layer of sticking tape around it to keep it firmly in the slot,but make sure you don't cover the connections with it.It'll stick in there and work proper.
It just doesnt seem to be reading it at all - But when I plugged in into my wii all the music is still on it and it seems to be working fine.
When I try and jam in my old card it flashing for a second to say would you like to format the card so it must be working kinda... Argh!
Its really annoying - I used it as an mp3 player quite a lot and theres just not enough internal space...
Hopefully it will fix itself soon as that appears to be the only hope
I'm wondering if maybe the mech is loose and pushed inside. May take a little surgery. If I remember right there is some sort of spring loaded mech that keeps pressure on the card connections while in the slot.

Mini-sd slot broke

Today I removed my minisd card and put it back in shortly after, but something went horribly wrong
Somehow I broke the thing that holds the card in position so now it wont stick in.. so I tried to make it stuck in with a paper which works but it doesn't get recognized then, I guess the mechanism which holds the card always turns on a switch thats tells my wizard to start reading the card
Does anyone got any idea to fix it, cause this sux big time (I bought the phone a few months ago for €200), I cant find my receipt but ill try to get a copy of the shop .
Im so pissed right now
Nobody knows, the warranty is overdue
Could I open the phone and maybe fix it myself?
I got the service manual but not the tools, anyone ever seen the inside of the phone, would it even be possible to fix it?
bump ...
similar problem
Hi there
i had a similar problem - had to buy another htc 8125 and unfortunately it came with a broken slot for the minisd card. At first i thought i wasn't pressing the card enough for the thing to click and hold it. Then i realised it was broken. As far as i could see from the little opening there was a white slider which is pushed down by the wider side of the minisd card. It has a spring behind it and somehow it has to click in down position and hold the card.
i tried to push it down with a very very small screwdriver and understand the way it worked. With my bad luck i pushed a little harder and broke that white slider. It just broke in the middle and one part stayed down and the other was pushed up by the spring. It broke exactly at the place where it was pushed by the memory card. So my card was not jumping anymore out - it just stayed in but was not recognised by the phone.
I didn't know what else to do so i found some instructions on how to open the phone and went for it with the hope to reach the memory card slot an hopefully fix it. HTC has taken good care of the stupid slot. It is soldered to the motherboard and nothing much could be done. There are 4 points that hold it but i didn't go that far to unsolder it (didn't know how many springs and other parts would jump out of it). Anyways - what i noticed was the following:
there are two small "plates" at the bottom of the slot. Wheny ou isnert the card they touch and i think this is what makes the slot active and knowing that there is a card in it. I had some dirt betwen them and that was preventing them from making a contact. After i removed that small piece of dirt and inserted the card it worked like a charm. It stays so tight in there now that i hardly can get it out - which is not that bad because i can always use the usb cable to transfer whatever i want.
I think i still have those manuals for opening the phone, so if you decide to go this far and can't find them i can send you an email.
Hope i was of any help
There's no need to open or disassemble the phone to repair the slot,just apply a thin layer of any adhesive tape around it but make sure you do not cover the connectors and insert the card firmly in the slot.
Cheers !
But well even if I push it in it doesnt get detected(I added a piece of paper to hold it in but it didnt detect it still).
I think ill buy a torx screwdriver and open it.
I'll still advise you to check the mini sd in some other phone,if it still doesn't get detected than get a new one or it may need to be reformatted.Opening up the phone might lead onto more problems.
Cheers !
zabardast_1 said:
I'll still advise you to check the mini sd in some other phone,if it still doesn't get detected than get a new one or it may need to be reformatted.Opening up the phone might lead onto more problems.
Cheers !
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I got a 2gb minisd and a 512mb minisd both dont work so im sure its the phones fault , they have always worked fine.

SD Slot not locking card in

Think it may have gotten sand in during a trip to the beach, and now SD cards dont click into place, and the unit doesnt recognise them, i took the back off and cant see anything obvious or bent pins. Dont suppose anyone has any advice before i give up on it?
The locking mechanism for your card reader is a small spring that is attached to a metallic pin inside the card reader itself. The way it works, obviously, is it latches on the way in and lets go when the card is pushed again. Can be 2 things - either you pushed a card in with too much force and broke (disloged) the pin, or the spring became detached. The only way to fix it is by opening and re-assembling the card reader, however, the metallic outer cover is difficult to remove and place back, I suggest you discuss the matter with a technician.
i just ripped te whole locking mechanism away

i cant remove microsd

Today i put a micro sd "sandisk" in my tablet but now i dont be able to remove it, when i push it nothing appen and the sd dont turn out, what is the correct metod to do this?
It's quite a firm fit, push it in with your fingernail and the spring will launch it out across the room.
Or if you dont have any fingernails use something like an opened paperclip or a table knife to push the microsd card in far enough to eject it.
Does your tablet show that the micro sd card is in it's slot? I hope you didn't jam it between something. When first using my sd card slot I had to be careful. It felt like the inside of the slot had edges that made inserting the card a little difficult. I always listen for the 'click' when seating or unseating the card. Good luck.
Mine won't eject, either. I can feel it springing, but it doesn't pop out. I had to use a small flat screwdriver (think: eyeglass repair kit) to get it out.
Not a HUGE deal, since I likely won't be taking the SD card out much.
I would just get an exchange if I were you. Never know what you might break accidentally trying to pry it out.
After much work i've get out the sd, probably i push too hard. Now i push it very softly and im able to take out the sd without problem. Thanks to all
I find that if I push a little to the right (where the tabs on the SD card are) w/my fingernail, then it usually clicks and comes right out.
I almost lost my microsd a couple of times as it likes to shoot out across the room whenever I try to remove it.
Sent from my Samsung Epic
bad sd slot
If you can, return it. There is problem with some of the tf101's. My sd went in and i couldn't get it out. I used a razor blade to remove it. Now that i have a replacement i also noticed the power button was also recessed to far in on the one with the bad card slot. On the replacement unit the power button and volume rocker function much much better.

