Mini-sd slot broke - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Today I removed my minisd card and put it back in shortly after, but something went horribly wrong
Somehow I broke the thing that holds the card in position so now it wont stick in.. so I tried to make it stuck in with a paper which works but it doesn't get recognized then, I guess the mechanism which holds the card always turns on a switch thats tells my wizard to start reading the card
Does anyone got any idea to fix it, cause this sux big time (I bought the phone a few months ago for €200), I cant find my receipt but ill try to get a copy of the shop .
Im so pissed right now

Nobody knows, the warranty is overdue
Could I open the phone and maybe fix it myself?
I got the service manual but not the tools, anyone ever seen the inside of the phone, would it even be possible to fix it?

bump ...

similar problem
Hi there
i had a similar problem - had to buy another htc 8125 and unfortunately it came with a broken slot for the minisd card. At first i thought i wasn't pressing the card enough for the thing to click and hold it. Then i realised it was broken. As far as i could see from the little opening there was a white slider which is pushed down by the wider side of the minisd card. It has a spring behind it and somehow it has to click in down position and hold the card.
i tried to push it down with a very very small screwdriver and understand the way it worked. With my bad luck i pushed a little harder and broke that white slider. It just broke in the middle and one part stayed down and the other was pushed up by the spring. It broke exactly at the place where it was pushed by the memory card. So my card was not jumping anymore out - it just stayed in but was not recognised by the phone.
I didn't know what else to do so i found some instructions on how to open the phone and went for it with the hope to reach the memory card slot an hopefully fix it. HTC has taken good care of the stupid slot. It is soldered to the motherboard and nothing much could be done. There are 4 points that hold it but i didn't go that far to unsolder it (didn't know how many springs and other parts would jump out of it). Anyways - what i noticed was the following:
there are two small "plates" at the bottom of the slot. Wheny ou isnert the card they touch and i think this is what makes the slot active and knowing that there is a card in it. I had some dirt betwen them and that was preventing them from making a contact. After i removed that small piece of dirt and inserted the card it worked like a charm. It stays so tight in there now that i hardly can get it out - which is not that bad because i can always use the usb cable to transfer whatever i want.
I think i still have those manuals for opening the phone, so if you decide to go this far and can't find them i can send you an email.
Hope i was of any help

There's no need to open or disassemble the phone to repair the slot,just apply a thin layer of any adhesive tape around it but make sure you do not cover the connectors and insert the card firmly in the slot.
Cheers !

But well even if I push it in it doesnt get detected(I added a piece of paper to hold it in but it didnt detect it still).
I think ill buy a torx screwdriver and open it.

I'll still advise you to check the mini sd in some other phone,if it still doesn't get detected than get a new one or it may need to be reformatted.Opening up the phone might lead onto more problems.
Cheers !

zabardast_1 said:
I'll still advise you to check the mini sd in some other phone,if it still doesn't get detected than get a new one or it may need to be reformatted.Opening up the phone might lead onto more problems.
Cheers !
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I got a 2gb minisd and a 512mb minisd both dont work so im sure its the phones fault , they have always worked fine.


MicroSD card slot

I took out the dummy SD card in the slot by the usual methods of gently pushing and it pops out, I then inserted (the correct way round) my new 2Gb card which sounded to click in place correctly although it is now stuck and doesnt pop out the same way the dummy one did (I did not apply any hard pressure). I presume this isnt how its supposed to work and the mechanism has faulted, has anyone else had this problem?
Vario II
luppy said:
I took out the dummy SD card in the slot by the usual methods of gently pushing and it pops out, I then inserted (the correct way round) my new 2Gb card which sounded to click in place correctly although it is now stuck and doesnt pop out the same way the dummy one did (I did not apply any hard pressure). I presume this isnt how its supposed to work and the mechanism has faulted, has anyone else had this problem?
Vario II
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did you insert the microSD with contacts upside?
I had a similar problem when I first inserted a brand new A-Data 2GB MicroSD. But I've managed to take it back finally, gently pushing and popping it in and out. Then I've found superfluous plastic on the card, removed it, and since then there are no problems. So don't worry about the slot itself until you're sure it is broken
I am having the same problem. I am sure it is in there correctly, as I can access it. However, I can't get it OUT. HELP!!
jeffreyj900 said:
I am having the same problem. I am sure it is in there correctly, as I can access it. However, I can't get it OUT. HELP!!
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If you put it the card in upside down it goes in crooked. If you force it you risk breaking the card.
If you push the card in all the way it clicks gently as it slips in then is retained. If you push the card gently with your fingernail it should go in slightly then pop out.
If you push it in and it goes in by a mm or so but doesn't pop out then something is holding it back. You can try with some needles or safety pins either side to try and ease the card out....
Good Luck. Scary when you've invested so much into these things when they break
I had / have the same problem with my new mda vario II. If you look under the battery next to the slot is a small white piece of plastic in a runner. If you gently push that outwards towards the edge of the phone the card will eject. Use a pin or a paper clip.
Could some explain where the excess plastic on the card is so i can fix my card.
Also i am using a Sandisk card if that make anydiff.
dmj1973 said:
I had / have the same problem with my new mda vario II. If you look under the battery next to the slot is a small white piece of plastic in a runner. If you gently push that outwards towards the edge of the phone the card will eject. Use a pin or a paper clip.
Could some explain where the excess plastic on the card is so i can fix my card.
Also i am using a Sandisk card if that make anydiff.
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You are a VERY SMART man! I really appreciate that. Mine is a 2gb SanDisk as well. I have a Cingular 8525. I had it in the correct way, and was able to use the card just fine. It bothered me that I could not get it out though. I really appreciate the response! Oh... I removed the made in Tiawan sticker on the back of the card to see if that would help. It did not, but did expose some copper looking stuff like at the end of the card. No big deal
Dead SanDisk.
I also had the problem of a stuck 2Gb Sandisk card in a Vario II.
The card was displaying the same problems described in Legolas's card fix thread, (files disappearing or innaccessable) so I was going to check it on my PC.
Unfortunately, in the process of gently persuading it to come out, I appear to have completely killed it! (Unrecognisable in phone, PC or camera.)
I'm going to try painting the contacts on the card with silver paint in case they're not making contact, but I don't fancy digging inside the phone to bend the contacts there.
Any thoughts anyone?
In the meantime I'll wait and see if the 4Gb card is compatible with the Hermes before I order a replacement.
Is this a problem with Sandisk cards, I wonder? Had no problems at all with a 1Gb Kinston card... pop in a new Sandisk 2Gb, and sticks. Didn't shave off any plastic though, just caught hold of the groove on the edge with a fingernail and pulled on it enough to seat it into the proper 'inserted' position.
After inserting it in the slot a few times, it seems to click into place as it should
@dmj1973: Have you updated the Wiki with the info on ejecting a stuck card? Would be useful to have it there, if it isn't already
dmj1973 said:
I had / have the same problem with my new mda vario II. If you look under the battery next to the slot is a small white piece of plastic in a runner. If you gently push that outwards towards the edge of the phone the card will eject. Use a pin or a paper clip.
Could some explain where the excess plastic on the card is so i can fix my card.
Also i am using a Sandisk card if that make anydiff.
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Excellent solution.
I've got a 2 gb SanDisk in a Vodafone 1605 with no insertion/removal problems.
(hee, in past life got quite adept at dismantling my iPaq 5555 to get stuck adapters out)
Hi guys,
Just a quick update. I had a further look at my card. I also removed the "made in Taiwan" sticker. My card ejects and inserts fine now.
Your right about the "contacts" being exposed, though i suspect this won't matter too much as they are covered again once they are inserted into the phone.
I don't believe this to be a problem only with sandisk cards but i may be wrong.
it seems that im a lucky dog because i have never got this problem with my softbank device and kingmax 1g tfcard.
anyhow thx the info upstairs
dmj1973 you saved my day!
today my transcent 16gb microsd arrived. i took the (kind of useless) 128mb out of my acer m900, and suddenly i wasnt able to get either of my micro sd's back into the device! it always jammed half way in ... drove me ****ing crazy thinking my new pda already broke :/ wasted the half day beeing mad until i found this thread! i red until "battery" ... then instantly removed the cover/battery etc, and my cards no longer jammed! -can get them in&out gently again thx 2 you!

My Memory Card wont stay in anymore :'(

Anyone know why ??? It just wont click in anymore... I woke up one day and it was just sticking out - Ive tried jamming it in but its just not reading it!!
Anyone have any problems like this before ? All my stuff os on the card :'(
Only replying so you dont feel alone. But 1st off check if anyone broke inside it, Anything stuck? I could suggest opening it if you have the tools to check it out and maybe fix it if its not latching right.
Also you can still get a adapter at radioshack for the mini sd. I did. It was 20$ came with SD, Mini SD and Micro SD all in one. So least you could get your stuff. =)
Mem Card
Does it work if you hold it in? If so, I didn't like that mine came out occasionally so I hot glued it in. Hold it in, run a small bead of hot glue on top wait a sec and press the glue into place with your thumb. The glue wont run into the phone and it's easy enough to remove when you actually want it out. If your careful you can even heat it a little with a hair dryer to smooth out the glue. Personally, I don't ever take mine out. I had problems with the device not recognizing my files after removal. I install most everything to the SD that works right there.
**Try this at your own risk. I've done it several times and never had a problem. Just don't blame me if you break something.**
You can apply a thin layer of sticking tape around it to keep it firmly in the slot,but make sure you don't cover the connections with it.It'll stick in there and work proper.
It just doesnt seem to be reading it at all - But when I plugged in into my wii all the music is still on it and it seems to be working fine.
When I try and jam in my old card it flashing for a second to say would you like to format the card so it must be working kinda... Argh!
Its really annoying - I used it as an mp3 player quite a lot and theres just not enough internal space...
Hopefully it will fix itself soon as that appears to be the only hope
I'm wondering if maybe the mech is loose and pushed inside. May take a little surgery. If I remember right there is some sort of spring loaded mech that keeps pressure on the card connections while in the slot.

SD reader busted

OK now its time for a 2 case problem involving the SD reader
The card stopped staying in one day so i had to start proping it up with a peice of paper acting as a wedge
2 weeks later(yesterday) i removed the SD card and put some new music on it for on the the move, When i put the sdcard back into my device it jammed so i puled it out hoping the locking mechanism started working again. I turns out i some how managed to bend a pin inside the reader X'( I decided earlier today to dismantle my device and look into fixing my device and found the pins had snapped and jammed inside my devices reader.
I thought about trying to solder a bodge contact on to it but thought to seek advice here. would it be easier to have it repaired? or to see about buying an vario with a busted screen and swaping my devices screen with the busted one?
You guys have any other ideas feel free to help as im in a real big pickle cos i love using my vario(wizard, htc) as my mp3 player and all around studio when im not at my PC...
scottymacMDA said:
OK now its time for a 2 case problem involving the SD reader
The card stopped staying in one day so i had to start proping it up with a peice of paper acting as a wedge
2 weeks later(yesterday) i removed the SD card and put some new music on it for on the the move, When i put the sdcard back into my device it jammed so i puled it out hoping the locking mechanism started working again. I turns out i some how managed to bend a pin inside the reader X'( I decided earlier today to dismantle my device and look into fixing my device and found the pins had snapped and jammed inside my devices reader.
I thought about trying to solder a bodge contact on to it but thought to seek advice here. would it be easier to have it repaired? or to see about buying an vario with a busted screen and swaping my devices screen with the busted one?
You guys have any other ideas feel free to help as im in a real big pickle cos i love using my vario(wizard, htc) as my mp3 player and all around studio when im not at my PC...
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I think you should first estimate total cost on both reparing and geting a busted screen WIzard and then think for which you should go i say if Busted Screen Wizard is cheaper go for it else try getting it repaired. I hope i helped. TC

Help: MicroSD does not stay inside the device. Only half of it.

I had a problem with some keys on the keyboard not responding.
But I also have another problem, after assembling the phone back, I tried fitting the card in, and it didn't make the click sound, now somehow I'm not able to have the card inside the storage card compartment.
Is there any switch, was this done, because of the 3 sheets of paper?
DarkWolfx said:
I had a problem with some keys on the keyboard not responding.
But I also have another problem, after assembling the phone back, I tried fitting the card in, and it didn't make the click sound, now somehow I'm not able to have the card inside the storage card compartment.
Is there any switch, was this done, because of the 3 sheets of paper?
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Depends where you put the paper.
Whatever, you're going to need to dismantle again. Either the slot and it's spring mechanism are damaged or (perhaps more likely, something is pressing on it/obstructing it.
I'd say dismantle and test it when you have it apart and keep a close eye on whether anyting is interferring with it as you re-assemble.
Yes Mike, I have it disassembled, I see nothing obstructing the storage card compartment, I checked on top and bottom of it, the 3 pieces of papers should not be obstructing them in any way.
I think the spring mechanism is damaged, how can I determine that, and how can I try to fix it?
When I push the card, on the left side I see something trying to move out, and from the top of it, I see the white mechanism inside pushing in, and it did feel the spring mechanism, but it didn't click, so in someplace it should click, thought I'm not able to find where.
it does go completely in, and feels like springing, but not clicking.
DarkWolfx said:
Yes Mike, I have it disassembled, I see nothing obstructing the storage card compartment, I checked on top and bottom of it, the 3 pieces of papers should not be obstructing them in any way.
I think the spring mechanism is damaged, how can I determine that, and how can I try to fix it?
When I push the card, on the left side I see something trying to move out, and from the top of it, I see the white mechanism inside pushing in.
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I'd need to do a close inspection of that. Unfortunately that's unlikely until the weekend. However, even then I wouldn't be too hopeful of being able to give very practical help, if only because describing anything that small would be difficult enough let alone how to fix it.
Still, I'd be willing to have a look at mine if you still have the problem by then.
As trying multiple times, to see if it made click with anything, the storage card is not even being recognized by the device anymore...
So's basically useless to have the storage card compartment, lock the card.
Don't know why... or the reason..but I'm starting to lose faith in these HTC devices as a first timer...
But anyways, as posted on the other thread, I have an old HTC hermes, that I replaced the motherboard with.
That storage card part, works fine, it does click. But...the real question will be, how exactly can I transfer the old storage card into my own device?
Or maybe if I make work the old motherboard?
Mike: You said on some other thread, that you might think that a fuse is blown right?
I saw an image showing this, but the fuse is under the metal plate, how can I get under it, and check if the fuse is blown indeed or not?

microSD cannot be read.

I own a Bell Atrix. My carrier is Bell.
I flashed my phone with OLYEM 1.4.2.
Rooted it with Seven's script.
Made sure ADB was allowed to su.
Installed GingerBlur.
Phone got stuck in a reboot loop.
Re-flashed with OLYEM.
Now, I cannot mount my microSD. The settings show as unavailable and the manual mount is greyed out. I have tried a battery pull, a different microSD etc. My microSD works flawlessly in a different phone. I really do not know what crapped it. Was it GingerBlur, the flashing or just bad luck...
This means I cannot root the phone anymore and im stuck with OLYEM and a defective phone.
I took the phone to Bell for repair. They said it's been over 30 days from the buy date so they have to send it to an external firm to have it checked... I just hope they will not come back to me saying I voided my warranty.
Please let me know if you have had this problem or if you think there is something to be done if worst comes to worst.
I had the same issue but it wasn't related to updating. I had to take the sd card out and press down on the metal piece that holds the card in place to get it to have better contact. This worked for a while and then i pressed down even harder and it wouldn't read at all so I had to stick something under the metal thing and pry it back up and now it works great.
Just semantics, but it should be "micro SD", rather than "mini SD" (which is a different card type).
brucewee said:
I had the same issue but it wasn't related to updating. I had to take the sd card out and press down on the metal piece that holds the card in place to get it to have better contact. This worked for a while and then i pressed down even harder and it wouldn't read at all so I had to stick something under the metal thing and pry it back up and now it works great.
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What did you stick under it to pry it back up? I may have to do this myself so I just want to know,
M.k.s said:
What did you stick under it to pry it back up? I may have to do this myself so I just want to know,
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I used the semi-pointed but round end of a nice pen to press it down and when I had to reverse it I used the nail file part of some little finger nail clippers. Just stuff I had sitting around at my desk at work
Thanks for the suggestion! If I get it back and it's not fixed, I will try that. Bell rep told me it would take from 3 to 6 weeks. Yeah... 6 weeks.
Meanwhile, they gave an HTC Desire Z. I really like SenseUI. It works so much better for me when I compare it to Motoblehh. However, I do not like the feeling of the phone. The movable parts do not appeal to me.
Thanks again!
The Bell rep also told me it was the first Atrix they sent back for repair...
Ok, going really basic and this probably is not your issue, but I just had the same issue with a camera and one phone not recognizing one of my cards. I had to reformat it in windows and it has worked perfectly since. Probably because I was switching between so many devices or just coincidence, just passing this on.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
i just get this issue i want to try gingerbreak and i couldnt find my micro sd i reboot and so on many times, perhaps i make it work you need push pretty well, and try moving when its on the phone
brucewee said:
I had the same issue but it wasn't related to updating. I had to take the sd card out and press down on the metal piece that holds the card in place to get it to have better contact. This worked for a while and then i pressed down even harder and it wouldn't read at all so I had to stick something under the metal thing and pry it back up and now it works great.
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There are two metal plates that need to make contact - if they don't the card isn't detected.
In the lower left of the sd card slot you can see the two plates. When the card is in the slot, these two plates should touch. When I got my phone, they were not touching, so I bent them slightly to make the contact.
If the link doesn't work, just go to the iFixit teardown and look at the pics at the bottom of the first page.
I just got my phone back. Looks like the firmware flash was what broke the phone. The repair slip shows a software update only.
Im just happy they repaired it. I think I will wait for a Bell SBF...

