Huge Problems With Activesync! Heellp! - Mogul, XV6800 General

I have a Sprint Mogul. ActiveSync has ALWAYS worked perfectly fine for me, but today I think I may have messed something up...
I bought my girlfriend an MP3-Player for her birthday, so I loaded it up with all her favorite songs and CDs. After that, I decided that I want a few of those songs on my Mogul, so I disconnected her MP3-Player, and hoooked up my Mogul. All of a sudden, I get an error message that says:
"Synchronization cannot be completed successfully. Reconnect your device and try again. If the problem persists, see the Microsoft ActiveSync Troubleshooter in ActiveSync Help on your desktop computer..."
However, I can still explore ALL the file son my Mogul, so it IS connected and reading my phone AND storage card. The problem is, when I try to Sync music, or install a new application to my Mogul, I get another error message that says:
"Your device is using an outdated driver that is no longer supported by Windows Media Player. For additional assistance, click Web Help."
I realize what it says, but I loaded a few songs on my Mogul not 1 hour prior to getting this error.
Another weird thing is that every time I try to connect my phone it shows up as "WM_Owner1", then 2, then 3, etc...
-I have now performed a hard-reset, and now I can do absolutely nothing but make calls. I can not install applications, edit/delete ANYTHING, uninstall programs... Basically, it's almost like every file on my Mogul has turned into a write-protected file somehow. I do not have access to ANYTHING...

Have you tried reinstalling Activesync? Have you tried canging USB cables. Usually one of those is the culprit if a hard reset doesn't fix it.


ActiveSync cannot be completed successfully...

Sorry in advance for another AS issue. However, search as I may, I couldn't loacte anything like this...
Anyhow, my T-mobile MDA (US) has about driven me nuts with this issue. I was able to sync successfully a few times. However, now when I plug in the MDA via USB (direct, not through any hub), it will connect but when the device starts to sync, I get the following error from ActiveSync:
"Synchronization cannot be completed successfully. Reconnect your device and try again. If the problem persists, see the Microsoft ActiveSync troubleshooter in Microsoft ActiveSync help on your desktop computer".
I've uninstalled activesync, deleted all registry entries, reinstalled, ensured proper firewall configuration, changed com ports, disabled my internal WLAN card and BT card...and nothing. Short of a hard-reset, I am at a total loss.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any work-arounds?
try to install everything again and don't plug it on the usb hub...coz power is not sufficient on a usb hub .. just try.
I'm getting the same error exactly on my Cingular 8125. plugged into pc directly via USB, tried reinstalling AS several times to no avail. Please help. I don't want to have to hard reset. :? Thanks
As I mentioned in my OP, there is no USB hub involved in my setup. This is a direct USB connection from my PC to the MDA.
hehehe.. Are you syncing via the cradle or a hotsync cable ?. Sometimes if the cable is also charging, the connection is not sucessfull until it's fully charge and the top light is green.
I've had this problem myself before now.
Rockshow...are you also running SPB Weather?
No, i'm using spb pocket plus 3.1 though, but its the first thing I installed and i'm just now having problems after 3 weeks without any problems
Do you use a firewall (Windows XP or other one)
If so, check this out.
It worked for me!
I'm also facing the same problem with my tmobile-mda(us). I had spbplus but after this problem, uninstalled it. but the problem still exists.. any help ?
i noticed 2 things with my sync problems which are now resolved. one problem was with softick card export, it was causing some errors which were gone when i uninstalleed it. but then had another problem, it would disconnect while syncing randomly. i found out that my cable was damaged(some dirt was in the connector which thankfully ruined the cable and not the phone part) also when u first connect ur device it shows that network connection in the taskbar with the bouncing yellow ball. if u right click it and click on repair that helps some time.
RoCkShOw said:
No, i'm using spb pocket plus 3.1 though, but its the first thing I installed and i'm just now having problems after 3 weeks without any problems
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What's the significance of PSB Weather? I've had sync problems, some days it works some days it doesn't. I can cope with that, but sometimes SPB weather doesn't update it self for days, which is a bit of a pain!
Incidentally I recently hard-reset my device, reinstalled SPB Weather and can nolonger select the option of syncing from, which limits my choic of available cities. Any ideas?
RoCkShOw said:
No, i'm using spb pocket plus 3.1 though, but its the first thing I installed and i'm just now having problems after 3 weeks without any problems
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What's the significance of PSB Weather? I've had sync problems, some days it works some days it doesn't. I can cope with that, but sometimes SPB weather doesn't update it self for days, which is a bit of a pain!
Incidentally I recently hard-reset my device, reinstalled SPB Weather and can nolonger select the option of syncing from, which limits my choic of available cities. Any ideas?
Try killing and restarting activesync on the phone. I've only had that problem once and that sorted it.
I had the same problem.
Found out it was my virus protection (TrendMicro PC-Cillin) When I disable my virus protection it syncs, otherwise it only connects and then gives the error you described.
I had the exact same problem untill a few minutes ago when I did a hard reset. I back up my all my data using Sprite but when I restored it gave me the same error message. I gave up and did another hard resetjavascript:emoticon(':x')
Mad. Right now I'm reinstalling all my programs. I would love to know how to fix this without a hard reset just in case it happens again....javascript:emoticon('')
Crying or Very sad
Having here the same problem. Still looking for a solution... ANYBODY??
fadewiles said:
Sorry in advance for another AS issue. However, search as I may, I couldn't loacte anything like this...
Anyhow, my T-mobile MDA (US) has about driven me nuts with this issue. I was able to sync successfully a few times. However, now when I plug in the MDA via USB (direct, not through any hub), it will connect but when the device starts to sync, I get the following error from ActiveSync:
"Synchronization cannot be completed successfully. Reconnect your device and try again. If the problem persists, see the Microsoft ActiveSync troubleshooter in Microsoft ActiveSync help on your desktop computer".
I've uninstalled activesync, deleted all registry entries, reinstalled, ensured proper firewall configuration, changed com ports, disabled my internal WLAN card and BT card...and nothing. Short of a hard-reset, I am at a total loss.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any work-arounds?
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I had the same error today. But luckely i was only using ActiveSync 4.0, so i just updated to version 4.2 (I had to because of the new rom upgrade). I haven't had the problem since. But i have only tried it once... so i donno.
same problems with my Neo today.
Funny thing is that I could sync for 3 days then it suddenly stops. USB is recognized but then the "connecting" sign is just on and on and on.
I've tried all the methods from Microsoft web and from you guys in this forum but hopeless. (except for Re-install XP sp2)
Still searching the solution
same problems with my Neo today.
Funny thing is that I could sync for 3 days then it suddenly stops. USB is recognized but then the "connecting" sign is just on and on and on.
I've tried all the methods from Microsoft web and from you guys in this forum but hopeless. (except for Re-install XP sp2)
Still searching the solution
I seem to be having the same problem. It connects, then just hangs at "Looking for Changes." It doesn't even load up the list of things that it normally used to showing what it's comparing to sycn up. It was working FINE until just now....I've resetted the PDA, and my comp a few times already, and I even allowed all those ports access in both directions, both TCP and UDP through Norton Firewall...I'm completely at a loss....Any ideas?

Connecting, connecting, connecting.......

Activesync just keeps trying to connect and is never successful. I have re-installed Activesync on my pc but it didn't help. Also, my work pc doesn't connect either. Definately a problem with my 8125. All has been well for a couple months and I have added no new software before the problem started. This problem also happened about two weeks after I got the phone and the only resolution was a hard reset. What a pain reinstalling all the software and settings I have now, it's customized just the way I like it. Anyone know how to re-install Activesync on JUST the phone or have any other ideas?
Try the latest activesync 4.2 beta and disable any firewalls if possible on the pc. On the device start activesync application and go to menu\options - delete pc that you are syncing with and try again.
Deleted profiles on both pcs installed beta on one. Still no connecting. Tried clicking SYNC on phone, pauses for a second then nada. No connection.
Have you deleted profiles on the device? and disable firewalls, and if you have a network adapter enable it because latest activesync treats the connection with device as a network - there are many posts on this issue do a search and read through some - seem to be many different factors involved.
First- Thanks for the replies Mark
I removed the PC profiles from my 8125. Also reinstalled Activesync 4.2 on my work pc. Nothing. Although this time I got an error message- Cannot find the file "" (or one of its components) Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all libraries are available". Like I would know what that means. Anyways, no firewall enabled. Besides, this should not be happening, all of a sudden, on 2 separate pcs. That kinda rules out a pc problem. It has to be in the phone. That, and the fact that a hard reset fixed it last time. I'm thinking something corrupted in Activesync on the phone???
And searching on this forum is useless. I type in "connecting Activesync" and every post with either word shows up. 614 in just Wizard forums alone. Is there a way to search so that ONLY posts with both words show up? That way I can modify my wording until I find something useful. Search for any terms or use query as entered is ticked. On other forums you can just use quotation marks but not this one. It makes searching very difficult. ROB
Oh, and yes my network adapters are still enabled as always.
Yes best to search with the word AND cuts out all the other stuff i.e. activesync AND connection would do it. Yep sounds like it may be the device.
found couple of posts that seem to be relevant
Happy reading, the last post is about connecting activesync via bluetooth so maybe thats an option.
Thanks Mark. I think I may try the bluetooth connection when I get home tonight. Or I may just throw in the towel and do a hard reset. that worked last time. Plus, I can install the latest ROM upgrade. Shame theres no way to uninstall and reinstall Activesync on the phone. Seems that should do the trick (maybe). Just tried my friends 8125 on my work pc- syncs just fine. So much for all the pc fixes everyone seems to be trying.
I had the same problem with AS refusing to connect via usb or BT.
In the end i went & purchased (although the demo version would have done) Sprite backup. installed on the PC. Browsed to the install dir to find the cab file. copied to my wizard (wifi, or sd card reader etc).
Insatlled & backed up to SD card
Hard reset
stop here if you're happy, if not
AS to sync calender & contacts to pc
hard reset
update ROM
AS contacts, cal, docs etc back to wizard
install SW & settings
Yep. Had to hard reset. All is working again. Crappy Activesync. What's up with this P.O.S. ? Trying to setup bluetooth now and the pc finds the phone but AS won't connect. The phone finds the pc (HomeCenter) but it shows no services available. I'm assuming that there should be some listed (maybe Activesync?) Guess I'll have to do some searching for bluetooth problems with AS now. Did I mention that AS is a P.O.S??? But you all knew that already. :lol:
Dont forget to open a port in you BT settings (on the pc) and tell AS (also on the pc) to accept connections on that port.
Then your wizard should be able to see the AS service on the pc (you initiate the sync from the phone, not the pc)
I have had this problem since day one, and continue to have it despite several (more than 15) hard resets, multiple ROMs, multiple pertnerships etc. I plug in my PPC USB, and it just says "connecting" forever. Every time, after plugging in my USB, I have to shut off my PPC, and turn it back on. Then my laptop finds and connects with my PPC, and syncs all my data like it should. If I do this more than 3 times, my laptop crashes and reboots. If anyone has figured out how to fix this, let me know.

Can't get 8525 to work under Vista (32 bit)

Hi all, I have a frustrating problem with my Cingular 8525. I just formatted the comp and installed Vista Ultimate on it fresh. I downloaded WMDC but I can't get it to recognize my phone for the life of me. It keeps saying "connecting" forever and never does. I have done all sorts of installs, re-installs, hard resets, but I can't get it to detect at all! Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
Hi all, I have a frustrating problem with my Cingular 8525. I just formatted the comp and installed Vista Ultimate on it fresh. I downloaded WMDC but I can't get it to recognize my phone for the life of me. It keeps saying "connecting" forever and never does. I have done all sorts of installs, re-installs, hard resets, but I can't get it to detect at all! Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
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first try to install the driver of your device.. go to device manager and look for unknown device at OTHERS..
good night and good luck
The driver is installed... it displays HTC USB Sync. I am getting frustrated . Stupid Vista.
USE the search function dude
Hermes vista config guide
Also make sure you dont have any firewalls active. I have had issues syncing my phone with my computer when using AVG's firewall. I simply disabled the firewall and it fixed my problems.
mrvanx said:
USE the search function dude
Hermes vista config guide
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I already tried that guide... still not working. Ill try disabling the firewall
go to settings->connections->usb to pc and then check Enable Advanced network functionality.
If that doesn't work remove/uninstall htc sync device, unplug device and plug in device to reinstall the htc sync device after you have set the usb to pc connection settings.
Also try using a different USB cable and plugging it into a different port, you never know, it could just be something defective.
But I'm putting my money on the firewall
I had a problem connecting my 8525 to my Vista machine. It would say connecting but it would never finish 'connecting'. It took a while but finally I figured out what was causing it. It was the 'recording' .wav files in the notes directory that were causing the issue. If you have any .wav files in your notes directory I'd suggest moving them to say your SD card or deleting them. That fixed the 'connecting' problem for me and since I did that it's been syncronizing fine ever since.
I tried everything listed in here at once.... something worked I should have done each step by step to pinpoint what exactly... but its working now. Thanks everyone!
I tried everything listed in here at once.... something worked I should have done each step by step to pinpoint what exactly... but its working now. Thanks everyone!
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Same for me. I had a load of problems getting the Mobile Device Center working with my HTC TyTN. First I was unable to even install the driver when I first connected my device. The "add new hardware" wizard always tried to connect to Windows Update and install an updated driver which then failed. The solution was to let it fail and manually install an older driver from the list using the icon in Device Manager. After that I could start Windows Update and download the latest update.
Then I had the same problems as you describe. When I started WMDC it just hung while displaying "Connecting". Looking in the task manager I noticed that the wmdc.exe process was consuming more and more memory, up until something like 250 MB, after which WMDC just showed "Error". Finally I got it to work. It is hard to pinpoint exactly what I did to fix it. I know that the "advanced network features" under USB in connection settings on the TyTN need to be ticked and the device showing as a Windows Mobile Device instead of HTC USB Sync.
Initially I did a hard reset of the TyTN. Further, I manually unistalled and reinstalled the driver in Device Manager a couple of times. I tried to reboot both the computer and the TyTN several times. Also, I did restart the "Windows Mobile-based device connectivity" service after plugging in the cable. Finally it just recognized my device and I could setup the partnership. Now I can sync over bluetooth too and skip the cable.
HTC phone support was not very helpful with this problem. "We will call you back". Yeah right.
Mobile cofiguration:
Dopod 838 Pro
LVSW 4/17/07 WM6
Hard SPL
PC configuration:
Windows Vista Business Edition
I encountered the same problem. Currently able to sync back by hard resetting my device. The USB to PC connection on settings does not appear to affect the sync problem.
I suspect that the problem arise when I originally sync with an XP machine.
What worked for me was to enable the advanced usb setting on the phone as mentioned...then while the phone is still plugged in, I removed everything associated with the phone from device manager on the pc. Once that was done, I unplugged the cable, waited a few seconds, and plugged it back in (with the advanced usb settings still checked.) Worked like a charm with WMDC.
I had problems with all sorts of "connectivity" in Vista, including connecting up my Trinity, and setting up my xbox 360 as a media extender.
As soon as I uninstalled MS One Care it all started working.

Activesync Connection error suddenly

I have been connecting and syncing device w/out any issue until today that it begins to connect and suddely it gives me an error" Synchronization cannot be completed successfully. Reconnect device and try again" then it reverts back to "guess" instead of my device name. This is really frustrating because I cannot do anything, not even download new software. I recently downloaded WM 6 softouch but it has been working fine until today.
Update: This is really weird. I was able to download a new radio rom eventhough I got this error, but I cannot do anything else through activesync such as contacts, notes, etc.
I was able to get it to work by deleting and re-installing activesync 4.5. So far it is syncing ok. Anybody had a similar issues and how were they able to resolve other than hard-reset or reinstalling activesync.

Can't sync or stream.

I am using a Sprint HTC 6800 Mogul Pocket PC running Windows Mobile 6.
Suddenly, as things as do, I noticed the following problems:
First when I went to stream video or audio from sites that I had previously successfully visited I got an error message: "This device is restricted from downloading this file type."
Second when I went to remove the last programs that I remembered installing (Navizon, SprintTV, TouchCommander were among them) I discovered that there were NO programs listed in the remove programs screen.
Finally when I connected my ppc to my desktop it would connect only as a guest. ActiveSync reported that "Synchronizaton cannot be completed successfully." It advised me to try again and if necessary see the troubleshooter on the desktop. Unfortunately that procedure showed no problems and provided no solutions.
Any suggestions?
gosimon said:
I am using a Sprint HTC 6800 Mogul Pocket PC running Windows Mobile 6.
Suddenly, as things as do, I noticed the following problems:
First when I went to stream video or audio from sites that I had previously successfully visited I got an error message: "This device is restricted from downloading this file type."
Second when I went to remove the last programs that I remembered installing (Navizon, SprintTV, TouchCommander were among them) I discovered that there were NO programs listed in the remove programs screen.
Finally when I connected my ppc to my desktop it would connect only as a guest. ActiveSync reported that "Synchronizaton cannot be completed successfully." It advised me to try again and if necessary see the troubleshooter on the desktop. Unfortunately that procedure showed no problems and provided no solutions.
Any suggestions?
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I have the EXACT same symptoms. I wonder if the DST fix over the weekend did something bad to my phone.
Edit: This is a PPC 6800 upgraded with the 2.16.651.0_1.47.00 ROM. Maybe I will have to go back to 2.09 after all...
Edit 2: I had to do a hard reset and restore my data from backup (Spb Backup!) to get my Mogul functional again. Still have not reverted to 2.09 yet...
I have the same prob and mine wont even hard reset. is there a certain order in wich to hit both soft keys and then the reset button with the stylus?

