Phone as Modem hangs Vista, any ideas? - Mogul, XV6800 General

Hey, I have a Mogul through sprint and actually pay the $40 a month for the PAM feature. It works great most of the time by USB tether, which I prefer because it keeps the phone charged. My problem is that after a random amount of time, sometimes a few minutes, sometimes an hour or so, the connection no longer sends or receives packets. the phone still reads connected, but the vista network connection status screen says (not responding) in the title bar. I've made sure my NDIS driver is up to date, and I've searched for other people who might have had the same problem, but all I can find are people troubleshooting methods to avoid paying for PAM. WMWifi and pdanet and stuff are great, but i need a hand with the legit PAM if anyone has any experience with it. (Oh, and my phone is running 2.17 rom and 1.47 radio that came on it)

Ok, so it seems to be that when I plug in the usb cable, even if I've already started the phone as modem connection, ActiveSync still starts, and vista doesn't always seem to give the pam connection priority. Is there any way to disable auto-start of activesync on the device? there is no activesync on vista, its their windows mobile device center junk and it has no options or preferences at all.

Mantaray52 said:
Ok, so it seems to be that when I plug in the usb cable, even if I've already started the phone as modem connection, ActiveSync still starts, and vista doesn't always seem to give the pam connection priority. Is there any way to disable auto-start of activesync on the device? there is no activesync on vista, its their windows mobile device center junk and it has no options or preferences at all.
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I think there's an option where you can disallow USB connections. I'd try that. I've been using PAM on vista since we figured out how to beat the tethering charges using the reg hack with no problems. I have noticed that activesync tries to connect to it though, and usually what I do is have an active connection first, plug it in while I'm hitting connect and it usually works fine. You might try that too.
Good luck!
BTW, you might try updating your ROM to one of DCD's releases...they work much better than the stock rom IMO.


Why oh why is Activesync so awful??

Here I am, installing 4.1 for a third time....
Why is it so hard to make a stable connection utility? All I get now, no matter what I do re: firewall/connecting while off/rebooting/rerunning AS is "USB Device Not Recognized".
God I hates it.
I take it there is NO alternative to syncing my Outlook 2003 etc?
Yep, it's about as tempremental as a 3 year child.
I find best solution after that error is.
1 disconnect pc and universal
2 reboot both and let them finish starting
3 press power switch on universal to put it to stand by.
4 connect them
5 when universal awakes go to activesync and select sync.
Have you checked your firewall thoroughly?
This drove me crazy until I realized the firewall was blocking connection to the device.
Remember that with stoopid new activesync, which also conveniently removes wifi syncing, you are making a tcp connection to the device that requires a clear path through your firewall.
vijay555 said:
Have you checked your firewall thoroughly?
This drove me crazy until I realized the firewall was blocking connection to the device.
Remember that with stoopid new activesync, which also conveniently removes wifi syncing, you are making a tcp connection to the device that requires a clear path through your firewall.
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Was giving error even with firewall temporarily (!) turned off.
All sorted now, uninstall etc...
I gave up on USB and use Bluetooth only (works perfectly)
I gave up on trying to get USB to work with Activesync ... after several hours of frustration. I use the "Connect via Bluetooth" option and it has worked perfectly everytime, which is a great improvement of my XDAII. I hope this helps.
I used the newest german version on
Connected immediately.
So i think it's the version,

Wierd behaviour syncing with Vista

On XP with ActiveSync I can keep my 3G connection going reliably while still syncing. Whatever I do with Vista, the 3G connection goes down and I assume the "Internet" connection goes through the USB. Downside of this for me is VOIP - get a VOIP call while the phone's in the holder and you can't pick it up without losing the connection.
Gotta say I'm no fan of Vista Home Premium, besides not having remote desktop, we're forced to use their Windows Mobile Device Center. I've done Mr.Vanx's Vista hack, but haven't dared to upgrade anything on that system given it's wierd behaviour (relay on my XP system instead).
What am I missing here? Anyone else get the Vista sync to work as well as with XP?
(I've run some searches, but must have missed something.)
did you make sure you turned off the data service through the connection options? I know somewhere in there it gives you the option to allow data connections while connected to the pc.
I would never upgrade a device over Vista the sync center; it is so unstable, I too run Vista but to upgrade I have to boot into XP because device center crashes just synching and this is on a top spec machine. I would never trust it to do a upgrade.
Thanks for the tip, vwest87, but I guess that's what I'm after.
In the connection settings on XP ActiveSync if you select "Allow data connections on device when connected to PC" and have the device set to "Enable advanced network functionality" in the USB to PC connection settings, the phone can sync with the computer while at the same time maintaining the 3G data connection. With the same settings on Vista WMDC, I've mostly experienced that the 3G connection shuts down and all data is rerouted to the USB connection.
Now, after uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times it appears to be working as it should (like XP ActiveSync). Guess Murphy's law is in play here. As soon as I put up a post, it miraculously fixes itself. That's what I love about M$, they somehow manage to put magic into a system that's supposed to be logical and controllable (or maybe its gremlins).
Douh! Spoke too soon. Vista shut down WMDC and the device lost the 3G connection and began cyclically trying to reconnect right after my last post. Vista claims that the WMDC host process was improperly using system memory.
Imagine if that happened while upgrading a radio ROM. Upgrading on Vista is tantamount to Russian roulette with your device.
Oh well, back to disabling advanced network functionality on the device to use the USB connection as a charger only.

Frequent 3g connectivity on/off on vista side

Anyone with same problem. I only have seen it on vista side. Working with 3g conectivity. One minute is connected with tray icon showing globe. Then 30 isnt connected with tray icon showing computers with red cross. Then again connected 3 minutes. It seems a problem between vista side and internet sharing service from snapvue. I ve seen this issue in other spanish shift. Maybe a spanish version problem? any idea?
Not much help I know but see my thread titled 'continued vista connection problems'. Have you been using internet sharing to gain access to WM 6.0? i noticed Activesync was always starting on the snapvue side which I think is linked to the constant disconnections.
A full restore from the restore partition solved my problem and I now get a steady 3g connection.
Thanks for your response. Not alone now. Format is a solution but we should know the origin of this problem. Obviosly is related with the way connects to 3g, this is, using Internet Shared connection with snapvue...but...why suddenly activesync (client or server part) tries to connect the other side and breaks the internet shared connection? any idea?Did you install sp1? is your shift language english or other one? ( I am trying to discard sources of the problem).
pd. While I write these lines on winmo side I can listen vista side sounds (connect/disconnect each minute...)
I did some changes and It seems (by now) the problem is solved. I ve playing with continous 3g connections. This is what I did (I dont know which one did the trick).
1) Disable activesync usb connections for both sides( I did it for vista side days ago but know I did too in snapvue size.
2) Sevice Sync bluetooth Server stopped and set manually.
3) Reset both sides
Now I ve a stable 3g connection....
Glad you got it working. What do you do to disable Activesync on the Snapvue side?
I only noticed this problem after installing SP1 but I was working mostly with WIFI so cannot be sure there is a link.
gavmiller said:
Glad you got it working. What do you do to disable Activesync on the Snapvue side?
I only noticed this problem after installing SP1 but I was working mostly with WIFI so cannot be sure there is a link.
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The problem is solved, now for sure. Open Activesync in winmo,then menu/connections and uncheck "use usb ...". I removed too the partership between both sides althought It isnt important, I think...
Thanks Daniel. Good to know incase it happens again.
Today I am having the same issue...mmm, I dont know what else I can do. I will post the events I can see in the event's viewer....
danielherrero said:
Today I am having the same issue...mmm, I dont know what else I can do. I will post the events I can see in the event's viewer....
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Hi Daniel - are you still having these problmes?
Hi. I didnt have that issue anymore. I removed the partership whith the device on vista side. I remove "Usb connection option" on activesync in both sides. I uninstalled "Remove NDIS Share connection" (Device Manager) on vista side and rebooted. Then on restart vista recognized again the device(Remove NDIS Shared connection) after some minutes(5-10 min) and then all worked correctly. I think the last step did the trick. But I am not free of problems. Like I told before when I resume the device and It was hibernated/suspended for a long time (several hours) the 20% of times It cant connect 3g and even I cant restart vista but keeping pressed the power button. So, by now, If my device is going to stay suspended for a long time (night) then I turn it off......
pd. When I need connect vista and snapvue I turn the phone off. I enable usb connection in both sides and use usbtools. After using the connection I undo these steps and all works correctly by now (last 3 weeks).
Ensure too that Vista hasnt setup a new Windows CE device on Device Manager. To check it open Device Manager, then "See devices by connection" and check each usb connection. If you see any Windows CE device disable it. I think both Remove NDIS Shared connection and a Windows CE Device was fighting for the same usb connection (In my case)
danielherrero said:
Hi. I didnt have that issue anymore. I removed the partership whith the device on vista side. I remove "Usb connection option" on activesync in both sides. I uninstalled "Remove NDIS Share connection" (Device Manager) on vista side and rebooted. Then on restart vista recognized again the device(Remove NDIS Shared connection) after some minutes(5-10 min) and then all worked correctly. I think the last step did the trick. But I am not free of problems. Like I told before when I resume the device and It was hibernated/suspended for a long time (several hours) the 20% of times It cant connect 3g and even I cant restart vista but keeping pressed the power button. So, by now, If my device is going to stay suspended for a long time (night) then I turn it off......
pd. When I need connect vista and snapvue I turn the phone off. I enable usb connection in both sides and use usbtools. After using the connection I undo these steps and all works correctly by now (last 3 weeks).
Ensure too that Vista hasnt setup a new Windows CE device on Device Manager. To check it open Device Manager, then "See devices by connection" and check each usb connection. If you see any Windows CE device disable it. I think both Remove NDIS Shared connection and a Windows CE Device was fighting for the same usb connection (In my case)
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OK, the only bit I hadnt tried was the uninstall of the NDIS in device manager. I'll give it a go and see what happens. Thanks again for this reply!
Thanks Daniel for your detailed description on this problem, which I also have. Interesting thing is that for me it only occurs when I am on the move with my Shift. No problems when my Shift remains on my desk (like others described in this thread: )
On your described solution: I removed the Vista/Snapvue partnership and the usb connection on both sides. But I am not able to do the next step: "Remove NDIS Share connection" in device manager, because it's not there (see attached screenshot). Does this mean it was never there, so I do not have to uninstall it? Or is there a different way to find it?
Reset Vista to ensure It boots correctly. Then wait to be 3g connected. Once you are connected the device "Remote NDIS shared connection" should be there under network cards. Then uninstall it and reset again. Once booted you have to wait several minutes until vista detects it again and installs drivers.....
pd. And try to contact HTC. Maybe (only maybe) if HTC is reported with same problem from many people they releases a fix.....
Hi there,
That did not help at all!
Waste of time.
But thanks for the hint.
What DID help for me was closing WMDC through taskmanager.
When you just exit WMDC, task manager still shows that it is running there in the background and apperantly scanning your ports for mobile devices ore something.
I stopped it from running and have a stable connection now.
(replying from train right now)
Pfeffa-rah said:
Hi there,
That did not help at all!
Waste of time.
But thanks for the hint.
What DID help for me was closing WMDC through taskmanager.
When you just exit WMDC, task manager still shows that it is running there in the background and apperantly scanning your ports for mobile devices ore something.
I stopped it from running and have a stable connection now.
(replying from train right now)
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Do you have to do this each time you start vista?
firedup said:
Do you have to do this each time you start vista?
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I think you only have to do it after you used WMDC. On my shift it doesnot start at boot (not anymore...) If I want to sync shift or my kaiser, I need to startup WMDC manualy.
My experiences so far.
Is it possible that it is the energy plan that is responsible for the loss of connection. I installed SP1, no problems it seemed. Today I wanted to use the 3G connection with the battery (balanced energy plan). And then it started to disconnect and to connect in small intervals. I did the routine Daniel described: uninstalled NDIS driver. Reinstalled it but connectivity problems remained.
Is it something to do with the battery powered system?
Because, as soon as stop using the battery, plugging in the power adapter again everything seems to be okay. I am not sure about it, but I think, when I use the max power option with the battery the connection stays and fails when I use the balanced energy plan.
So can it be that something in the energy plan is responsible for the loss of the connection?
Experts, does that make any sense?
I will give it some more tries.
I had the High Performance powerplan on all the time......
had it to
This is a problem when sp1 is installed and you are using 3g in vista being in balanced or power save power plan. it has nothing to do with activesync and usb ports (i have never had a connection)
i called htc yesterday, they clamed they had never heard about it before, so please as many as possible call htc and tell them then maybe just maybe they would release a fix
in rhe meantime i uninstalled sp1 and everything works
In my case the solution is quite clear.
3G works in Balanced mode and in High Performance when power is plugged in. I am not so sure if it works in “Power Save” even when on power.
3G does not work when either on “Balanced” or “Power Save” when using the battery. Battery works in “High Performance” even when all the options are set like they are in “Balanced” mode.
This I found somewhere else in the forum. It is from Daniel and I guess he says the same, more of less.
Well. I ve been doing many tests and changes and I thing the sd, suspend crashes and 3g closed connections are gone.
I use equilibrated energy plan but I hadn’t any issue when ac connected so I ve modified this plan to make equivalent the behavior when not ac connected, but not success. The problems are still there. Its incredible because the configuration for ac connected/disconnected is the same I ve modified all the parameters (usb, expressPCI, , etc)
So I ve set High performance plan and I ve modified it a little bit, only screen brightness when no ac connected and now all works correctly. I start the system (no ac connected). Then I suspend / wake, hibernate/resume the system several times being ac no connected and the problems are gone. 3g connection is very stable. No crashes from standby to hibernate state. No sd missing problem. So by now I will keep in this "High Performance" modified state
pd. So It seems that a plan is compounded by customizable parameters by the user and hidden parameters)
Now, those who have not installed SP1. Is this really no issue for you? Or have you always been on power or always used “High Performance”?
Well, even when I plug in my external battery and the green light indicates that the machine has been plugged to power, even then it only works in “high performance” and not in the two other modes.
Very strange!

Problems with PAM disconnecting as soon as it connects

Ok, so I've had issues with vista and pam before, but I have a new one, that I can't find anything about on google, on here, or anywhere else so far. I have a laptop with vista 64 home premium that I can PAM with mogul's ICS using my phone or my wife's (both are on the unlimited PAM plan.) My wife's laptop runs vista 32 home premium, and both of our phones have an identical issue when trying to tether with it, meaning its not an issue with the phones. When connecting to PAM on her laptop, 7/10 time, it will go through the steps, and when the vista networking gets done with identifying, pulling an IP from the phone ICS, and checking for connectivity (which vista does by pinging a server by domain name to determine that the DNS is working in addition to the network being open) it will be up for a split second, then disconnect. Sometimes it will disconnect after Identifying, but before making the connectivity check. The rest of the time, it connects and works fine. We have tested other cables, and recently I tested it under safe mode with networking, and made my first progress.
Under Safe mode with networking, it will connect perfectly every time. The hard part now, is I do not know what program or device conflict could be causing it to disconnect immediately after completing connection. Has anyone had this issue and found any other programs or hardware to interfere?
I haven't had this proble in specific but I did have a problem with using ICS in vista to let my PS3 go online via my laptop using the mogule as my internet connection, in one instant it actually gave me the blue screen of death. I have to say that with Ubuntu and Vista the best way to use the phone as modem is to run ICS (on the phone) and hit connect (I'm speaking about the usb method) the phone will say check cable or something and then hook the cable up. This way has eliminated the quick disconnect witch i experience in Ubuntu a few times.
Hope this help

ActiveSync not working (all of a sudden)

Hi All
I searched the Forum but couldn't find a solution to this problem.
1. Came back form holiday yesterday - synced up my HD" with Outlook no problem
2. Tried to do it this morning. By the normal 'connect PC' option didn't come up and activsync icon didn'tr light up on PC
3. Rebooted HD2 and change
4. Tried to repair/reinstall activ sync, but towards the end of the repair it says 'there was a network error reading from file 'setup/msi'. Guessing that the file may be corrupt, I downloaded it again..same I can't repair or reinstall
5. There is definitely a connection of some sort as the HD2 begins to charge when connected
Bottom line is that the HD2 is not syncing - and I can't figure out why not.
Any advice appreciated...
Do you have a Norton (Symantec) firewall installed? I’ve found that the Norton product can interfere with ActiveSync.
Active Sync not working
Good point..but no. I have AVG installed (and everything was working OK yesterday)
Spooky thing is, I have managed to uninstal, reinstal and reboot..and it still won't show that it's connected with AS even though there is a connection of some kind, cos the device is charging.
ActiveSync is just a bit crap. It'll do this occassionaly, so if you use it a lot then get used to it.
A restart of the phone, whilst the USB cable is not plugged in, usually does the trick. Only plug it in again when it's fully started.
Also, try setting the AS connection to not allow USB connections, unplugging and plugging back in, and then setting it to once again allow USB connections.
Just messing with it like that usually works for me. Like I said, it's just a bit crap.
Activ Sync
Yeah, I seem to recall I had this problem a while back - I'll faff around with the settings and see if it makes a difference
stevep said:
Good point..but no. I have AVG installed (and everything was working OK yesterday)
Spooky thing is, I have managed to uninstal, reinstal and reboot..and it still won't show that it's connected with AS even though there is a connection of some kind, cos the device is charging.
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Well if johncmolyneux's suggestions don't work then try disconnecting your phone from the PC, restarting both, disconnecting the PC from the network, disabling the firewall element of AVG (if it has one) and then connecting the phone to the PC again.
If that doesn't work I can only suggest removing ActiveSync, totally shutting down your PC, starting up, then re-installing ActiveSync.
I had a similar problem but I was able to narrow it down to Norton in the end but it's a real pain when you don't know why it won't work.
Good luck with this.
I also occasionally was not able to connect with Active Sync, but rebooting the HD2 always fixes that issue. You said that this did not helped you, so try messing with the settings on Active Sync, like johncmolyneux said, also try when plug the usb cable into the device by default it asks you what kind of connection you're establishing (Active sync, data transfer and internet sharing) - try using data transfer, if it connects, unplug and connect it again, this time use active sync.
Reinstall activsync and Try to disable faster data Synchonization on HD2
Active Sync not working (solved)
That'll teach me to not check the obvious! - It turned out that the cable had developed a fault. I changed the cable and it's now OK.
Case closed.

