Problem: Slow to Receive Calls - Mogul, XV6800 General

I'm currently using DCD's GPS rom along with the 3.27 radio, so most everything hogging memory is killed off, GPS is working and for the most part I haven't changed the Registry or installed many apps.
The problem: When I receive calls from friends they often complain that they have to wait 4-5 rings before I answer. Typically I see the phone call and answer immediately, and even when this happens I get the complaint again: "Why does it take you so long to answer your phone?"
I have created several small, personalized Ring tones, in the memory area of 50-70k. I've heard that full sized mp3's can take a moment to load and subsequently this creates a problem...but in this case I wouldn't expect it to be.
Does anyone have any suggestions or advice? I'm considering calling Verizon, who is my subscription carrier, but I'd prefer to try to figure it out.
Thanks much.

I have this problem with Sprint too. I agree - it's EXTREMELY frustrating. You can try lowering the Slot Cycle Index (SCI) on your phone, but I already did this and it didn't help much at all.

I just posted a similar question, do u have data? i noticed if i turn off data, it answers the call much faster, then if i turn it back on, it goes back to the same slow answer problem.

This is all the time, not just when I have data. Definitely a bummer.
I haven't heard of the cycle changing you spoke of, how do I go about doing that? Or is it of no real purpose?

scotcha12345 said:
This is all the time, not just when I have data. Definitely a bummer.
I haven't heard of the cycle changing you spoke of, how do I go about doing that? Or is it of no real purpose?
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from all i know, its mostly all change with the cycle stuff

I had this problem as well. It was frustrating enough to cause me to hard reset. After the reset, calls answer right away.


Consistent dropped calls after 10-15 min on phone

I posted this a while back and never really received many responses so I am trying again....
I have a QTEK 9100 with the 2.4x ROM w/Cingular as my provider (I have tried many ROMS) and I can't seem to keep a phone conversation over 10 min. It just drops the call and the signal status icon shows an x.. like it is restarting or searching for a valid signal after the call drops. This is VERY consistent and happens no matter what my location is. If I put the SIM card in a Nokia phone I never have this issue so I know it is not the carrier. It is definately the QTEK. This is very frustrating and I was wondering if anyone has experienced this issue or if anyone has any suggestions on the cause. I have hard reset my device with so many ROM versions from the original 1.x to the latest 2.5 and everywhere in between and above including a beta 2.87 with the same result.
Also... I get many complaints that when people call me, their call goes right to voice mail when I never turn the phone off and I don't receive a missed call notification. I get a voice mail notification later if they leave one when the call never came through.
Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated.
The only similar issue that I can recall is the one we are discussing at
It's different in a number of respects though - in that you can keep calls past the 4 minute mark, and that it seems to be happening for you even with ROMS before 2.2. My thought is that you may have a defective unit - and you may want to consider returning it under warranty.
If you do a hard reset and don't install any applications at all - does it still reset after 10-15 minutes?
Thanks for the reply. That is a very good suggestion and I will try it once I get the battery level above 50%. That is another thing... My battery drain is very severe and even with a replacement battery, I can't get one day use even without talking on the phone without recharging.
Thanks again for the response and suggestion.
BTW: If it is an application that is causing this, I must blame Microsoft for not protecting the phone portion of the device in some way.

missed calls

hello everyone, I just got the Mogul and Im getting a bunch of missing calls, I found out that whenever the device is powered off (external or battery) I dont receive any calls, I know the phone is ON because the led is blinking but no calls as soon I turn power ON with side button I get the ntification of missed call, is there any setup Im missing or this is a defective phone?
I have treo as well, even the power off, when someone calls everything light up and it rings.
Edit: Never mind the soft reset fixed it, sorry you can delete this thread.
Settings>Phone>Services>Roaming>Get Settings, Make sure Sprint Only is selected.
If you hop onto a different network for some reason, your calls will go straight to voicemail. This is a Sprint problem, not a Mogul problem, I had this issue with my Moto Q.
dragon_76 said:
Settings>Phone>Services>Roaming>Get Settings, Make sure Sprint Only is selected.
If you hop onto a different network for some reason, your calls will go straight to voicemail. This is a Sprint problem, not a Mogul problem, I had this issue with my Moto Q.
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Bad advice. It's a WM problem, not a Sprint problem as evidenced by a soft reset fixing it.
Yes because everyone knows after a soft reset that there's no way your network will change.
I know that in pigfucker land where you live there's only one cell tower, but in real cities there's multiple towers for multiple carriers. Call ************* Sprint and they will tell you the same thing I did. Turn off roaming and your calls won't go straight to voicemail. Sprint has this problem with A LOT of their phones and that's how they solve it.
you dont have to be so angry about it.
He's got a point. Just because a softreset fixed it this time doesn't mean its a device issue. This has happened with other phones (even non-smart devices) as well. A power cycle usually resets your service with the towers.
Couldn't help but post a reply
After reading the posts, I am still not sure if I understand the problem. Is pigfuckerland the only place where this is happening. Since I do not live in pigfuckerland, would I expect that the Sprint tower problem will not occur where I live. Please be more specific in your posts as I would like to avoid pigfuckerland on my travels. I have attempted to look up pigfuckerland in Google Maps, but did not locate it there. Will try using Wikipedia next to see if a post regarding pigfuckerland has made it online. Thanks for any and all information in advance on pigfuckerland that you are able to provide.
Dragon_76 = dicksucking moron for listening to Sprint and repeating what some CS rep told her
I would recommend you change the call ringer pulling setting from the default 5sec or something lower.
If a caller don't call long enough, you might miss a call.
Having a lot of problems
I'm also having the same problem with my Mogul, but I don't think soft reseting the phone fixes anything, it might fix it but only for a day or so. There has to be an explanation for this issue but I need a solution because it's driving me crazy. In average, I'm missing 2 calls per day and that's frustrating. This problem didn't start happening when I first got the phone, it was after a month or so that it began to happen. I'm not sure if there's an application that I installed that's causing this. First I blamed it on psShutXp, then on WMP because I started using it when I bought a bluetooth headphone, or my 8gb sdhc memory card that I recently bought. Whatever the problem is I need to know please!!!!!!!!!
What Radio ROM are you running? I had such problems with the Telus P4000 which is the HTC PPC-6800 or Sprint Mogul. I am currently running 2.06D and it's great the unit came with 1.32 originally, tried 1.40 and 1.47.01. 1.47.01 wasn't bad but not great, had some luck with 2.13 but found 2.06D to work best. I am interested in the latest rom which here which enables REV A, this may help too.
Hey Duck,
try doing this. I think that was happening to me too when i first got my phone. it is going into like a hibernation mode and like a computer's hard drive it is suspending itself til you wake it up. try going into settings/system/ power management or the battery icon. In there go to advanced and make sure that you unmark the two check boxes cuz you obviously dont want the unit to turn off. I hope this works for you.
A friend of mine had this same problem on his P4000. He changed the settings on his phone so that the screen never turns off. When I found out I told him that was a rediculous solution...he told me a CSR told him it was a fix. I convinced him to do a hard reset and it has fixed the problem. If it didn't, I was going to get him to DOA his phone. Try hard resetting...see what happens.
LOL at you people replying to a post from MAY 2007, 4 rom upgrades later toooooo funny
I'm Having the Same Problem
I live in Puerto Rico a US Island 100X35 and hare we have worlds largest collections of antennas per square mile... I is no a problem antennas....
I have the new Sprint ROM I hard reset the Phone and it works for a Day or so without having any app installed on it... and the problem persist... lot of misscalls and some times no voicemail notifications or miss calls notifications
I read a lot and have a lot of hard times with ****ING MORONS in sprint and the have this strange ****ING useless database with most common problems that the only problems reported are with Java and with Bluetooth so after a lot of reading I found some articles about people saying that they ware trying to make some changes to the Bluetooth and they start having problems with calls notifications... Ummmm Java and Bluetooth may be part of the problems when my phone works better is when I have no Headset and when have no Java appz but Hey is a ****ING PDA Phone I want to use Bluetooth... and Java...
What ever it is the problem I don't Know but is someone really know let me know and please **** Sprint and **** Microsoft jejejeje sorry But I think sprint programmers are a bunch of incompetents in a partnership with the Morons of microsoft... and HTC making thinks without thinks about a simple thing (BUG FREE, LOTS OF TESTING, and SOFTWARE and HARDWARE INTEGRATION)
That is what makes Linux what Linux is GPL good Hardware, Testing and Good Integration....
Bluetooth Problems
I've noticed that the problem with missed calls starts happens a lot when I start using my Bluetooth devices. I have the Motorokr S9 headphones and the motorola bluetooth speaker for my car. If I reset my phone then I'll work fine as long as I'm not using bluetooth devices. I'm not saying there's problems with the bluetooth devices but rather the firmware installed on the phone. Hopefully htc/sprint can fix this bug in the next ROM release which is supposed to come out early this year Please let me know if you are having the same problems when using your bluetooth devices!!!!!! We need to find out what's causing this.
Testing and More [email protected]#*ing Testing
jrobertiko said:
I've noticed that the problem with missed calls starts happens a lot when I start using my Bluetooth devices. I have the Motorokr S9 headphones and the motorola bluetooth speaker for my car. If I reset my phone then I'll work fine as long as I'm not using bluetooth devices. I'm not saying there's problems with the bluetooth devices but rather the firmware installed on the phone. Hopefully htc/sprint can fix this bug in the next ROM release which is supposed to come out early this year Please let me know if you are having the same problems when using your bluetooth devices!!!!!! We need to find out what's causing this.
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Ok I'm Testing for obligation the New (not even Alpha ROM 3.16.651.0) becuse I cant go back to my old ROM I don't Know why but That is not the thing The thing is that I have stop using My Bluetooth because I left it in a friends house and I have seen that I'm having very less problems with The lost Calls... I don't Know Some say it is Sprint Problems, Some Say Windows Problems some say Active Sync Problems.... I personally thinks a little bit of everything....
For now I'm having less problems now that I'm not using the headset...

Ring Delays Problem?

So i have had my hero for a couple of months now, and ive been noticing i get voicemail notifications without my phone ever even ringing, i was hoping u guys could help me out and to see if you guys have the same problem
so i had my friend sitting right next to me and he called me, it took like 8+ rings on his side before my phone actually began ringing on my side and then after 2 rings that i heard on my side the phone went straight to voicemail.
but it didnt happen all the time, sometimes my phone rang right after we heard 2 rings on his side, which i think is normal
now i use google voice, i was wondering if you guys experience this as well? and if so do u use google voice or normal voicemail.
also i think its worth to mention i changed my phones meid to match my old lg rumor. so it is a cloned phone, but the original donor phone is always off with the battery out.
this problem sucks cuz people call me and in essence i dont pick up their calls because my phone sometimes doesnt ring n people think i ignore them...
I haven't ever had that problem (and I also use GV). But you can change your slot cycle to tell it to poll the tower more often which might help you. Now there is going to be an extra delay because of GV, but it shouldn't take 8 rings. If this doesn't work then there might be something causing a slow down on your phone which is why it takes a while to realize it's ringing, or it might be the MEID swap causing strange things.
##3282# Set slot cycle index to 1. Your phone will poll towers more often and will respond to incoming texts and calls faster.
this was set to 2 so hopefully this works, what about 0?
0 might drain your batt faster then normal
So I went to "##3282#" to make a change and it wouldnt let edit anything because it asks for password, anybody know what could be the password?
The password is actually your phones individual MSL#. It can be obtained by calling Sprints tech support. They might refuse to give it to you, but just tell them what you want it for and they probably will.
had my MSL thankfully since i make notes for all my sprint calls.
thanks for this tip - hope it helps me out too!
I just did this, lets see what happens.
Any updates on this? I am set to 0 for slot cylcle but consistently get more than 2 rings before my phone rings.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think slot 0 is reserved for police and other first responders. You're not supposed to use it without permission.
I believe I read somewhere that changing the slot cycle index on the phone itself will not actually change anything, except that it may drain your battery faster. As I understand it, the tower's setting for that attribute will override end-user devices' settings.
FWIW, I changed it on my Hero, and it made exactly zero difference in the ring delay (timed in seconds). If you watch a timestamped kernel debug log when a call comes in, you can see that it simply takes the phone a long time to get its sh*t together and start ringing. This is common across HTC phones. Piss-poor design for a phone if you ask me.
My phone takes 2-3 rings on the callers end before my phone rings, this would be fine if it didn't go to voice mail after 6 rings. Is there any way to change how many times the phone rings before it goes to VM?
Nanan00 said:
My phone takes 2-3 rings on the callers end before my phone rings, this would be fine if it didn't go to voice mail after 6 rings. Is there any way to change how many times the phone rings before it goes to VM?
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According to Sprint's latest answer, "no". With past phones, Sprint HAS changed that parameter for me. My previous phone would ring for more than 60 seconds before going to voicemail. Sprint now tells me that is not possible, nor was it ever possible. Obviously, it *was* possible. I didn't just imagine that it would ring for a full minutes.
The ring configuration is actually managed by number of seconds before voicemail, as the number of rings depends completely on what ringtone you use. I forget exactly what number they have it configured for currently (I know its less than 30s), although I do remember that the Hero itself only rings for exactly half of the Sprint-specific time. Sprint did acknowledge that that Hero (and other smartphones) have a problem with the ring time, but they offered no suggestions to fix it.
I was going to use this method to try to reduce my ring delay. When I put in ##DATA# nothing happens on my phone. I know the debug codes work because I can put in *#*#4636#*#* and it brings up a screen. Any ideas why this code doesn't work?
kynetx said:
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think slot 0 is reserved for police and other first responders. You're not supposed to use it without permission.
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Negative, that is the Access Overload Class.
I have my slot index set to 0 and my ACCOLC set to 2. I make it a full day without charging for whatever it is worth.
Trevor said:
SCI - Slot Cycle Index - This determines how often a handset polls thenetwork for coverage and incoming packets. The default value is 2. A"Slot" is 1.28 seconds and doubles with each incremental change from 0to 7 (0=1.28, 1=2.56, 2=5.12 seconds, etc). setting a handset to pollmore often may use noticibly more battery if coverage is thin orlacking.
ACCOLC - Access Overload Class - This code determines your priority tomake and receive calls on the network. Higher the number, lower thepriority. Lower the number, higher the priority. Emergency Servicesreserves 0 + 1 (please do not use these) leaving your choices to 2-9.Years ago we began defaulting this code to the last digit of a usersMIN to help assure equal priority seeding.
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I found this thread on the EVO forum and decided WTH I'll try it. Worst that can happen is I have to go back to the stock prl cause it doesn't work. However when I tried it, I have significantly less ring delay "lag" and not one call has gone directly to VM. Hope it helps everyone that is having this problem. Please report back with results.
BTW I had no hand in figuring this out I am just passing on my findings. all credit goes to techknowfile.
animal7296 said:
I found this thread on the EVO forum and decided WTH I'll try it. Worst that can happen is I have to go back to the stock prl cause it doesn't work. However when I tried it, I have significantly less ring delay "lag" and not one call has gone directly to VM. Hope it helps everyone that is having this problem. Please report back with results.
BTW I had no hand in figuring this out I am just passing on my findings. all credit goes to techknowfile.
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I tried this just for the heck of it and not 10 minutes after I rebooted I kept getting "Error 67 Data Call Failure your Sprint PCS Vision user name or password is wrong"
Maybe I did something wrong, but as soon as I put 60065 back on my phone it went away.
For reference I am in Knoxville, TN
Kcarpenter said:
I tried this just for the heck of it and not 10 minutes after I rebooted I kept getting "Error 67 Data Call Failure your Sprint PCS Vision user name or password is wrong"
Maybe I did something wrong, but as soon as I put 60065 back on my phone it went away.
For reference I am in Knoxville, TN
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I am not getting this error. So maybe this will not fix everyone but it sure has helped me a lot.
Thanks for the reply. Kcarpenter
animal7296 said:
I am not getting this error. So maybe this will not fix everyone but it sure has helped me a lot.
Thanks for the reply. Kcarpenter
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Luckily the area I live in has excellent sprint coverage (better than big red) Just wish we had day...
This problem is the main reason why I will be abandoning my hero soon. I have tried at least a dozen different roms and have yet to find one where the phone function ACTUALLY WORKS............ WTF?? My phone usually rings for 2-7 seconds before going to voicemail in a good coverage area, and normally not at all when I'm at my house (poor coverage). I'm currently using the latest Fresh ROM (2.1.2), have done the slot-cycle mod, and have flashed the overclocked kernel, all to no avail. It may be a fine data device, but is a pretty damn pathetic phone.
Heck, I've even cleared my call history (which at 3 weeks old was long enough to lag the dialer for 4-5 seconds every time it was pulled up), and that hasn't helped. It also doesn't help that the phone app crashes on about 1/3 incoming calls.

[Q] Calls go straight to voice-mail

This doesn't always happen, but i have had my phone in one hand and i have been calling it with my home phone in the other hand and it goes straight to voice-mail even though i have full/plenty of signal! It seems to happen more consistently when the phone is asleep, but does occasionally happen with the screen on. This appears random, but happens A LOT! My girlfriend has given up calling me because she is fed up of hearing my voicemail!
This problem DOES NOT EXIST when im just booted in WinMo, only happens after i boot into android. I have checked this lots to rule out a lot of problems. However, in case it helps i am on O2 UK.
I have followed all the FAQ's and other info for clean installs and how to keep everything working, but just cant seem to shake this one problem!
This problem has happened consistently using different builds from different chefs. I am using the radio ROM and the latest NRG WinMo ROM (have tried a couple but doesnt seem to affect my android!)
I have tried searching, but cant find anything specific to Android booting on Winmo to do with this problem.
Can you help me?!
Please somebody help me, this is a serious problem, after all, a phones first and foremost feature should be a phone!
Try flashing a new radio onto the phone
Go back to an older radio? I'll give it a shot
Flashing a new radio has made no difference Someone must have an answer! As odd as this sounds, i think the phone doesnt show the calls when the screen is on... havnt tested this theory much though...
I've had the same problem no matter if it's an SD build or a NAND rom. It's like when the phone goes in standby it just loses service or something. It NEVER happens when I have it set only on Edge though. It's weird! I guess it's a good think I don't answer the phone most the time anyways.
This is still happening on different radios and roms. I have also noticed that occasionally i have full signal but when i try to do anything online i get a connection error message, also i am unable to send any messages, handcent sms goes crazy thinking that i have signal but being unable to send the message giving me about 5 notifications per unsent text, imagine what happens when i send out a group text....!
This is not a huge issue on the net, which must mean theres a fix or everybody would be having this?
Whats different about my circumstances?!
Again, to reiterate, i have absolutely no problems on WinMo.
i used to get this a fair bit with certain radios on wm roms, stock and cooked, still do occasionally, , i have a very weak reception spot in my house, and if i sit there for too long it does it. I can walk back upstairs (great signal) but it continues to show 1 bar, and calls go to vm.
The only thing that ever worked for me was changing the radio. i have it down to two that very rarely do it, 2.07.50 and 2.11.50.
I also started using a toggle to keep 3g off unless i was using it, i think it is possibly triggered by auto switching gsm/3g/gsm/3g/gsm/3g.
I had one today .. missed call .. Didn't show up on the phone.
I had one today .. missed call .. Didn't show up on the phone.
Only way I knew someone had called .. was they left a VM.
However 99% of my callers never leave a VM.
( Mostly Cause I Tell them Not to! lol )
Because I always see the missed calls and call them back!
Really would like to find a fix ..
I use my phone for Biz and if I miss a call that could me $$$ out of my pocket!
Maybe the Devs Can Figure it out
I have also had this problem with both sd and nand android. Not sure if it happened with winmo, never known of it happening with winmo. But I too have called from house phone to my cell and the call doesn't show up on my cell, and when I check the cell, I have a signal. It's always been in standby when it happens afaik. The only reason I know it happens often is because my girlfriend will tell me that she's called a couple times and my phone wouldn't show it. I figured it must be a problem with T-mobile or something, but hearing that other people have this problem with android, it makes me wonder what the real issue is. I'm gonna be playing around with wp7 now in addition to android, so I'll try to see if I have this problem with wp7. I actually usually have people call my google voice number now, which transfers the calls to my cell and my house, and then google voice lets me know if i miss a call, so this way I know for sure if I miss a call.
Similar issue... possibly a build problem?
I've had this occur on some builds of Android too. I didn't use WinMo long enough to make a comparison. Does it occur more when you are in a weak signal area? Most of the times it has happened to me, I have been sitting with the phone in my pocket, and I think the reception might not be the best.
switching to a NAND ROM seems to have fixed my problem for now! Shame that didnt work for you.
Yeah please let us know if it exists in WP7. No idea how to use google voice, maybe i should check it out!

Calls going straight to vm and sms delayed

I have just recently flashed my sprint phone to virgin mobile. Everything is working well except I am noticing some issue which may or may not be related to flash.
If i dont use my phone for while, some people may complain their calls going directly to vm without even a single ring. Even the sms are not being recieved either, but when i try to dial a number, then all the sms would show up coming all at same time with the original timestamp and after that phone would be working fine until I guess I leave it alone for some time.
Right after i ported the epic to virgin mobile, I also upgraded to Clean GB latest ROM. I dont know if the issue is related to ROM itself or maybe a network issue with Virgin Mobile.
The fact that when people call me and it goes directly to vmail, makes me suspect it could be network issue but sms getting the original timestamps making me believe it might have got to phone but never notified on screen.
Couple of years ago, i had same issue on Touch pro phone with Sprint and I remember going to a hidden menu and changing a value of how often the phone could poll the towers of any activity ...
Does anybody have any insight what might be happening. Beside this issue the phone is working in perfect order.
jessydm said:
I have just recently flashed my sprint phone to virgin mobile. Everything is working well except I am noticing some issue which may or may not be related to flash.
If i dont use my phone for while, some people may complain their calls going directly to vm without even a single ring. Even the sms are not being recieved either, but when i try to dial a number, then all the sms would show up coming all at same time with the original timestamp and after that phone would be working fine until I guess I leave it alone for some time.
Right after i ported the epic to virgin mobile, I also upgraded to Clean GB latest ROM. I dont know if the issue is related to ROM itself or maybe a network issue with Virgin Mobile.
The fact that when people call me and it goes directly to vmail, makes me suspect it could be network issue but sms getting the original timestamps making me believe it might have got to phone but never notified on screen.
Couple of years ago, i had same issue on Touch pro phone with Sprint and I remember going to a hidden menu and changing a value of how often the phone could poll the towers of any activity ...
Does anybody have any insight what might be happening. Beside this issue the phone is working in perfect order.
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This is SUPER interesting! Love every second of it. I've been meaning to write this same exact issue but I thought everyone would think I'm coo-coo. I'm glad you stepped up and said the issue. I don't have call problems I don't think, but I feel like text messages sometimes don't ever go through or get received. If only delivery reports worked for us on Virgin Mobile, and I'd have better insight. I think my issue may just be my crappy signal. Mind checking your cell standby under battery usage, click on it to see your time without signal? I hope to help you resolve your issue and learn along the way on how to improve on my own.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Shinydude100 said:
This is SUPER interesting! Love every second of it. I've been meaning to write this same exact issue but I thought everyone would think I'm coo-coo. I'm glad you stepped up and said the issue. I don't have call problems I don't think, but I feel like text messages sometimes don't ever go through or get received. If only delivery reports worked for us on Virgin Mobile, and I'd have better insight. I think my issue may just be my crappy signal. Mind checking your cell standby under battery usage, click on it to see your time without signal? I hope to help you resolve your issue and learn along the way on how to improve on my own.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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I have good signal all the time.I think it is more related to tower polling having maybe different setting. As long as i keep using the phone, everything works perfect, but if the phone goes for sleep for long time, then the problem starts to happen. I might call vm and talk to tech because they have setting in their system where they can increase the time before the calls goes to voicemail, it might work or maybe not.
Let me know if you do something and find fix for it.
I did some tinkering and found the setting i need to modify is
Slot Cycle Index & ACCOLC Setting . I have to find menu to perform that setting.
the next troubleshooting i need to perform is maybe prl file.
found accolc setting under ##3282# and advanced and last entry is accolc. It is value from 2-9. 2 being shortest and phone polls tower more quickly but it is also issue of battery tradeoff.
I switched mine to 2 and will run the test.
Also gonna put the sprint prl and see if that makes any difference.
I had the same exact issue for almost a month. The fix was super easy. There is a glitch that came with the EL30 update that causes a force close from the "reject with" if you have more than 5 reject messages. I only had 5 but the fix seemed to work regardless. All I had to do was go to menu, settings, call settings, reject with, and then menu button and I deleted all of my reject with messages. Then I reboot my phone and I was now receiving calls just as I used to before the update. Haven't had a chance to see if txt messages are working yet.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

