Lost wifi adapter when soft-reset or stand by - Networking

I have a Acer c530 Pocket Pc. Windows Mobile 5.
In the Windows Mobile's configuration, I have the WIRELESS MANAGER:
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In this configuration screen I have both bt and wifi adapters (I haven't phone capabilities like the screenshot), and I can make connected or disconnected this adapter from this configuration. My problem is that when I make a soft-reset, or there are a considerable time without pda activity (screen turn off and pda is in stand by), I lost the wifi adapter from this screen. The bluetooth persist (disconnected) but the wifi adapter is lost from the list.
To make visible the wifi adapter in this screen, I have to go to the wifi shortcut placed at Today's screen (bottom right) and enable from the contextual menu (enable/disable option).
Is possible that the wifi adapter will be visible (not connected, only visible) in the Wireless manager always?. Is not very usable for me enable this from Today screen, because I use third party softwares like pointui to use (I don't use Today Screen).
Please, help.

You can configure the hardward buttons to switch between point UI and today screen (select "today"in parameters of the buttons)
and thus use the shortcut, me i do like this


Problem with Globalsat BT-338 GPS with Cingular 8125 (WM5)

I want to setup my Bluetooth GPS BT-338 from Globalsat setup with my Cingular 8125 (aka Wizard) phone which runs WM5. I have successfully connected the phone to my laptop and to two of my BT headsets successfully. I have also been able to pair the BT GPS with my laptop and run SiRFDemo to check the unit. It shows the satellites locked on to correctly.
When I try to connect the same BT GPSr to my phone, I can go thru the Bluetooth settings, detect the device, pair it, but when I run the GPSinfo utility on the phone (supposedly the latest one from usglobalsat.com website which says that it supports WM5), it either doesn't launch or when it does, it doesn't scan and show the serial ports I want. It shows only the COM ports that are already in use by other devices. See the screenshot of GPSInfo below:
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When I look at the BT settings in the knowledgebase, the menus shown there doesn't match that of my phone.
Any help highly appreciated.

PPC Remote Desktop

...works great on my wizard. it makes registry editing and other setup/maintenance functions easy and best of all it's free. it's a way to remote the display and keyboard/mouse/touch screen of device to a desktop.
after connecting device to desktop via activesync, run the attached .exe and install to device. it also loads the desktop host to pc and creates a pc startmenu folder.
to use it:
- connect device to pc via activesync
- launch remote display control from pc. you'll get a blank screen emulator
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- launch remote display control from device.
- the device's running remote display program icon will reside in the today tray and the pc's remote display comes to life
- to disconnect, select the device client through the today tray and select "disconnect"
- then close the pc's remote desktop app and select "exit" on device
if you know of something better, please share.
I also recommend http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=514&more=1 for a complete list of all the remote controller applications, their comparison and HTC Wizard-compliance.

audio plugin stops playing

when playing music either with windows or the audio plugin it cuts off when my mugol locks or when slide to unlock comes on. how can i keep it from cutting off?
Yep, HTC is going after the iPhone with an audio player that shuts down when the phone goes into suspend mode
You have two options:
1. Go into Settings/System/Power/Advanced and uncheck "Turn device off if not used for"
But then you'll run into another issue. HTC's version of turning off the LCD to conserve power only dims it about 90%, thereby draining your battery faster than you can listen to Britney's entire album.
2. Download a sleek application called spShutXP which allows you to completely shutdown the LCD whilst keeping the device fully operational. You simply press the power button to bring the screen back up. Another nifty feature is that it also adds a "display switch" which you can map to one of your buttons or launcher for quick LCD on/off action. Some screen grabs:
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Nice, much appreciated. i will install and let you know you how it works out.

Connect Hermes to external LCD - e.g. in car satnav

Can anyone advise if the mini USB out port could be used to connect the Hermes to an external touchscreen LCD monitor, e.g. as included in a built in car satnav system. I have a built in touchscreen satnav in my car (Subaru Legacy) and would love to hook my PDA up to it and use Tom Tom, WM and all my other PDA functions via this large touchscreen whilst on the move. I alraedy have a parrot MK6000 to handle the sound side of things.
usb host is required for a pda to use any other usb device
hermes dont have usb host
Thanks Rudegar - at lreast I have an answer and don't dismantle my car trying to find a way!
It's possible : http://www.spectec.com.tw/products_detal.asp?dptype=v1sdv842 This microSD SDIO cart with TVout allow you to show on big screen stright form PDA screen
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But you will have problem with memory for maps .
I found solutions it's WL-HDD by Asus
It's easy to connect storage on WiFi Hard Disk. Working perfect BTW.

Reboot in quicklist?

I've been searching high and low and cant seem to find anything that works on the diamond.
Just want to add a restart option to the quicklist when you long press hang up, maybe even a power off option in it as well.
All the cabs ive tried don't work, they either do nothing or just make the quick list not work.
Anyone know?
No one know it?
What you mean "quicklist"?
When you long press hang up, by default its lock, but you can change that in settings to show quick list of different options: Turn Airplane Mode on (flight) > Lock Device > Terminate Data Connection > Set Vibrate > Settings
Why you don't use small apps (simply exe files) and with shortcuts you make that you want?
I personally use these apps (screen off, restart, shutdown).
Look the screen below.
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I'm using screen off shortcut to all panels and restart - shutdown to right panel.
You can also put the shortcuts at Start Menu.
I thing it's easier way.

