E? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

What does the E at the top of a tmobile mda screen stand for? It is next to the antenna signal. I've hard-resetedmy phone a couple of time and every once in a while there would be a G up there. What is the difference?

E=Edge (this is roughly the equivalent of asynchronous dsl when signal strength is good, in terms of speed: fast download, slow upload)
G=GPRS (this is roughly equivalent to dial-up service, in both directions)
It means your phone is mostly seeing the Edge network, but occasionally loses that signal and degrades to GPRS. Be happy. AT&T doesn't offer Edge network for the 8125 (the equivalent of your MDA).

Myrddin Wyllt said:
E=Edge (this is roughly the equivalent of asynchronous dsl when signal strength is good, in terms of speed: fast download, slow upload)
G=GPRS (this is roughly equivalent to dial-up service, in both directions)
It means your phone is mostly seeing the Edge network, but occasionally loses that signal and degrades to GPRS. Be happy. AT&T doesn't offer Edge network for the 8125 (the equivalent of your MDA).
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what u mean they don't offer it? im running it right now and am with att

Why does it keep changing whenever I do a hard reset?

wassup said:
Why does it keep changing whenever I do a hard reset?
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Do you mean soft reset? Because a hard reset {Press VoiceDial button + comms manager button + soft reset.} wipes out everything. A soft reset is just pushing in the reset pin in the hole on the side, and pressing-and-holding the power button is just powering off and subsequently powering back on. Terminology is fairly important to getting the problem clearly in mind.
what u mean they don't offer it? im running it right now and am with att
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Don't know what to tell you mate. AT&T does not offer EDGE for my 8125. Only GPRS...at least here, that's all they offer.

I had the right terminology in mind. I did do a hard reset and not a soft reset; I do know the difference.


Upgrading from PDA2k to K-JAM

I'm having slow GPRS connection in PDA2k, so I decided to go with K-JAM because of EDGE connection. Does the edge connection sometimes get slow or it is always fast?
Ok, about the processor of K-JAM, is it good enough like PDA2k or slower?
Finally, What do you advise me, to stay with PDA2k or buy K-JAM?
Thank you
I have both; and while the PDA2k has a faster processor, it can sometimes get bogged down doing Phone related stuff and appear to freeze. The K-JAM has a dual core processor, with one core dedicated to the phone, and I have yet to see the device freeze. However, it does slow down occasionally, though not often.
The radio is better on the K-JAM. In nearly 6 weeks, its only dropped 2 calls. That's all... just 2. :shock:
Edge is much faster than GPRS, so you will see some improvement, but its going to depend on signal strength, and you won't have any visible indication from the device that you're using Edge. The connection will just appear faster. As long as you have a strong cell signal, you should be able to get on the Edge network (if the network supports Edge). And yes, there are times when it does appear slow. A soft reset usually makes the device pick back up the speed it appears to have lost.
Having both devices as I do, I find that both are acceptable for my needs; but I like the size of the K-JAM better, prefer the way the keyboard slides out (its actually on tracks and locks in place, vs. the PDA2k), and prefer the size of the K-JAM keyboard keys over those of the PDA2k.
I'll still use the PDA2k occassionally, but will be using the K-JAM as my daily driver from now on.
Thank you Mr. Christopher Spera for your advice. I will buy a new K-JAM and I'll compare it with pda2k and share the results.
ChrisSpera said:
Edge is much faster than GPRS, so you will see some improvement, but its going to depend on signal strength, and you won't have any visible indication from the device that you're using Edge.
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If you're able to connect by EDGE please try to chanche EnableDifferGprsEdgeIcon value in HKLM\Drivers\BuilIn\RIL, it's very interesting...
You're right Christopher. Yesterday I bought kjam and my service provider supports edge. The internet speed was very good. I got around 12Kb/s downloading speed. Before, when I was using PDA2K I got only 2.5 kb/s and sometimes the page can't load.
vishny said:
ChrisSpera said:
Edge is much faster than GPRS, so you will see some improvement, but its going to depend on signal strength, and you won't have any visible indication from the device that you're using Edge.
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If you're able to connect by EDGE please try to chanche EnableDifferGprsEdgeIcon value in HKLM\Drivers\BuilIn\RIL, it's very interesting...
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My K-JAM does not have this registry key, so i'm not certain what to change...
After adding the key I got the connecting GPRS icon with static arrow instead the moving arrows (as seen during connecting phase). The G was gone. Does it mean you get the G only when you are using GPRS and the other icon while on EDGE network?
sooby77 said:
After adding the key I got the connecting GPRS icon with static arrow instead the moving arrows (as seen during connecting phase). The G was gone. Does it mean you get the G only when you are using GPRS and the other icon while on EDGE network?
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This value must be DWORD type. It equals 0 by default, I tried to change it to 1. Unfortunately nothing changed, I got the same G with static arrows. I guess it's because my operator doesn't provide EDGE. I hoped someone gets different...

What do you think so far

I love my TyTn no problems at all, very fast and HSPDA rocks, so does the scroll wheel one handed operation is now a reality
So far, I'm very impressed with the speed.
The one-handed aspects (like the scroll wheel) are tremendous.
HSPDA definitely rocks. Depending on where/when I try, I've seen download speeds between 600kbs and 1.2mbs. Not too shabby!
I'm having issues with "Internet passthrough" access while connected to ActiveSync, but otherwise, problem-free!
goestoeleven said:
So far, I'm very impressed with the speed.
The one-handed aspects (like the scroll wheel) are tremendous.
HSPDA definitely rocks. Depending on where/when I try, I've seen download speeds between 600kbs and 1.2mbs. Not too shabby!
I'm having issues with "Internet passthrough" access while connected to ActiveSync, but otherwise, problem-free!
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Then please tell me the following:
(a) How do you conclude you are on HSDPA ? I assume you are deducing that from the downlink speed you experience, ain't ya ? Acc. to my experience you can conclude you are on HSDPA if you get good continuous rates of well beyond 400kbit/s.
(b) Then which software (PDA or PC-based) are you using for checking the downlink data rate ?
(c) Can you disclose in which town in the US you are residing ? Afaik Cingular has only recently rolled out HSDPA. So I'd assume you live either in or slightly outside a larger town to have access to HSDPA.
Something else - regarding the scroll wheel:
I agree, this could be a great helper for a one-hand operation.
Unfortunately I think it could work more intuitively and is in some aspects even lacking functionality where functiuonality would really be needed.
E.g. when surfing in the internet.
You can invoke the IE using the scroll wheel; but how the hell can you then access your IE Bookmarks ??? :-(
As a resolution HTC could have programmed the first up-scrolling movement with the wheel after invoking the IE as a trigger for starting the Bookmarks. What do you think ?
Also when scrolling thru the Bookmarks the wheel opens every sub-folder when moving on it, thus it needs really very long for selecting any specific bookmark if you have accumulated a big collection.
Why is the wheel opening a sub-folder when only a click at a folder should open it ? A little bit of a bug. What do you think ?
My opinion is:
The wheel definitely is a step forward, but still needs development.
Regarding HSDPA: There is no way of finding out if the device is really on HSDPA (same applies to EDGE btw) other than by judging on the downlink data rate experienced (which tool ?).
As my operator offers HSDPA here (and I get tremendous downlink rates using one of these Vodafone Mobile Connect Cards) I somewhat doubt that the TyTN already offers HSDPA capability as the speeds I experience (both when using as a surf machine as well as a modem) are good UMTS speed but really not HSDPA !
Which brings me back to my mantra:
"Guys, we need a generic way for distinguishing between HSDPA/UMTS and EDGE/GPRS, like the registry tweak for the predecessor models !!!"
Oh the TyTN does indeed do HSDPA. I live in a Cingular HSDPA launch city, namely Salt Lake City.
I've teathered it to my laptop and have acheived speeds of over 860/kbit download via dslreports.com. I can also acheive nice low latency between 200-300ms.
I have seen the device drop to GSM/EDGE mode when I'm in a bad area and the speed immediately drops to 100kbit or less.
At least in Salt Lake City, wherever the phone shows a U icon, I'm getting increadible speeds.
I ran the dslreports mobile test on the device and it gets the same speeds as when teathered to the laptop. Also I ran dslreports speed test through my wireless internet connection at home which is teathered to an 8mbit cable modem account. On this connection the TyTN tops out at being able to measure around 1500/kbit through pocket IE, so the average 600-800kbit over HSDPA must be pretty accurate. Very rarely am I seeing less than 600kbit download.
For Salt Lake City let me clarify. When I have a U, it's always getting HSDPA speeds, when it shows a G, I'm always getting EDGE or less speeds.
Around here I assume everywhere we have UTMS, we have HSDPA enabled, this is how cingular did it. This is the same for GSM, wherever Cingular has GPRS, they have EDGE so whenever I see a G icon, I'm getting edge speeds.... now wether it truely is EDGE, or regular GPRS I don't care, in fact who cares, it's so slow compared to HSDPA the difference is not important to me. As long as I got the U, I know I'm getting HSDPA.
I guess for networks in Europe that deployed UMTS before HSDPA this doesn't help you determine if you are getting HSDPA or not. However from what I understand, if the network has HSDPA, and your phone is capable of it, then you just automatically get it. You are not selectively being denied HSDPA or anything, it's more spectrally effecient for the operator to let you use it if it's available. It would simply decrease their cell capacity to somehow deny you use of it.
A good example is on Cingular, I have a data package, I popped my 3G sim into my phone, and the same data login settings still work, only it's a hell of a lot faster.
Can you determine if HSDPA is indeed availabel on the towers in your area?
In Europe, as the operators started off with UMTS a couple of years ago, HSDPA is definitely something of an "upgrade", thus not seamlessly switched on.
Would suppose its to a large extent a question of licensing and licenses have a better payoff where the services offered thru them are actually taken up by the customers.
This is surely the reason why there is generally not (yet) HSDPA available in every cell which is offering UMTS. (Agreed there are other reasons for that as well, but this one is a very important reason.)
As I live in the capital of my country and the HSDPA coverage is very good here (also other populated places in the country are well covered with HSDPA already) I can get high data rates using one of these high-speed PCMCIA data cards for the PC (e.g. the Vodafone Mobile Connect Card).
In the same cells I get a much lower data rate when surfing with the TyTN.
This made me wonder whether the TyTN at all already supports HSDPA.
My only complaint so far is the A2DP. The headsets I have tried with it do not have great connection. In that I mean that it connects fine, but there is always these constant pauses within a song (i.e., when I'm listening to a song) that drives me nuts. My M600 from Sony Ericsson does not do this as the connection is problem free. Also, the whole phone seems to slow down when I'm using the bluetooth headset to listen to music.
That's it so far.
tkao2025 said:
My only complaint so far is the A2DP. The headsets I have tried with it do not have great connection. In that I mean that it connects fine, but there is always these constant pauses within a song (i.e., when I'm listening to a song) that drives me nuts. My M600 from Sony Ericsson does not do this as the connection is problem free. Also, the whole phone seems to slow down when I'm using the bluetooth headset to listen to music.
That's it so far.
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Check out the wiki:
There are some registry hacks that help the AD2P performance
Thanks for the post. I'm in Salt Lake City too using heavily hacked Wizard on T-mobile's network. I love the wizard but have been missiing the Evdo speeds of Verizon but I need a world phone for my business.
Where'd you order your TyTN from and what is your cingular plan costing you?
Thanks again.
rambo6 said:
Thanks for the post. I'm in Salt Lake City too using heavily hacked Wizard on T-mobile's network. I love the wizard but have been missiing the Evdo speeds of Verizon but I need a world phone for my business.
Where'd you order your TyTN from and what is your cingular plan costing you?
Thanks again.
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I created a big stink on ho-fo because my TyTN was defective and I tried to return it after the 7 day policy of the online reseller.
Listen, I would be neglectful if I didn't tell you you are taking a big risk by purchasing this device, regardless of where you buy it. As you may have read here, this device has a serious quality control issue. Even replacement units are not always bug free.
That being said here are some things you really need to consider when purchasing this phone.
HTC is not obligated to repair your phone outside of the countries where it is meant to be sold. The United States is not on this list. I read the warenty documentation carefully. This doesn't mean they won't repair it, it just means they can tell you to bug off at their leisure. You could end up shipping this thing back to Europe and who knows if you will ever see it again.
The phone will cost between $700 to $800. Now that's a lot given that HTC isn't obligated to fix it, and the retailers you will encounter online will only offer a 7 day "exchange" policy only. Not only that, this policy may not be made clear to you during the checkout procedure.
Now assuming the HTC didn't have the number of issues that have been reported here, I could recommend someone to buy it from, but I certainly don't want you to take the chance of ending up with a defunct device with no warranty and basically up **** creek without a paddle.
While the device is "fun" and "neat" I doubt it's really going to provide you with any more functionality than your current device.
Now onto some positive information...
I have an older $19.99 media net package. It has unlimited data. I get 1200 text messages and 200 MMS messages. This package will work fine on the TyTN regardless of what anyone at Cingular will tell you.
What they won't tell you is what the physical difference between MediaNet and the PDA/Laptop plan are.
Firstly, there is not speed difference, if you have HSDPA, then you get the speed, period.
Secondly, Media.Net uses a fake IP address, similar to what happens when you have a router at home. the PDA Plan will give you a real internet IP address that people can connect to from the internet. The operational difference is simple, Media.Net will not allow you to use Corporate VPN, I have tried. Skype, and about every other application will work fine on Media.Net.
I don't know why Cingular makes such a big Stink about this, I use Cingular video MobiTV and you can literally eat hundreds of megabytes of data using Cingular's very own Media.Net applications. It's really just a scam to get you to buy a more expensive plan, which is fine if you need VPN.
As for me, I'm in the process of returning my TyTN and I'll stick with the LG CU500. It's an excellent phone. I think I'll find a PDA with 640x480 and bluetooth and just get the internet via the phone over bluetooth. This way I only need to carry the bigger device around when I need it and the phone just works without any complication.
If you can accept all the complications and risks involved in buying an imported phone for that amount of money, then I can recommend a good person, however I didn't fair so well.
Wait for the Cingular version.
Thank you for the candid response. I was going to wait anyway. I get a new phone every 6 month now and I've only had the Wizard for 4. In browsing this forum, I see there's quite a few bug which need fixing. Your advice to wait a while is much appreciated.
My wizard is working so well that the only thing I miss is the 3G internet. T-Mobiles 2.5 G ain't bad for anything except streaming video.
You've made me very eager to try the device on the Cingular network.
Thanks again.
Thanks for the A2DP performance tip from the Wiki, works for me with ITech S35 - improved audio quality.
jmacdonald801 said:
For Salt Lake City let me clarify. When I have a U, it's always getting HSDPA speeds, when it shows a G, I'm always getting EDGE or less speeds.
Around here I assume everywhere we have UTMS, we have HSDPA enabled, this is how cingular did it. This is the same for GSM, wherever Cingular has GPRS, they have EDGE so whenever I see a G icon, I'm getting edge speeds.... now wether it truely is EDGE, or regular GPRS I don't care, in fact who cares, it's so slow compared to HSDPA the difference is not important to me. As long as I got the U, I know I'm getting HSDPA.
I guess for networks in Europe that deployed UMTS before HSDPA this doesn't help you determine if you are getting HSDPA or not. However from what I understand, if the network has HSDPA, and your phone is capable of it, then you just automatically get it. You are not selectively being denied HSDPA or anything, it's more spectrally effecient for the operator to let you use it if it's available. It would simply decrease their cell capacity to somehow deny you use of it.
A good example is on Cingular, I have a data package, I popped my 3G sim into my phone, and the same data login settings still work, only it's a hell of a lot faster.
Can you determine if HSDPA is indeed availabel on the towers in your area?
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out of curiosity, do you ever see an "E" when connected to edge networks? or does the TyTn handle "G" as either gprs or edge and "U" for UMTS?
edit: nvm...read the FAQ. that kinda sucks...i hope someone can figure out how to enable the "E" icon for the hermes.
I live in Austria - I am on T-Mobile and I just gut 664kbit/s using http://performance.chello.at:81/
So that seems to be HSDPA
No "E" for edge on the TyTN unfortunately. The known reghacks don't work. Some are playing with the bitmaps that make up this display but so far I haven't heard of any success stories.
vodafone hspda
just measured 1100Kbps, so much for my monthly data allowance at this rate it'll last approximately 300 seconds ......

Data speeds

Please save me from Cingular support hell!!
Although I think I may be doomed...
I have a Cingular 8125. Have Summitter's 2.25 (with CF2), phone info shows as follows
IPL 2.24
GPL 2.24
GSM 2.25.11
Radio 02.25.11
I am located in Washington DC, I usually have full signal and I am on EDGE, not GPRS, but I get crappy data speeds. When I first got the device it was a little better but now it is horrible. I went to DSLreports to do a speed test but after 1 minute of waiting for their page (which is mobile web) to load, gave up so I am not sure just HOW slow it is.
I called Cingular a few weeks ago and they said everything was fine. I know this is not the case because I was in Hawaii on vacation the last two weeks and I was getting better speed there!!! so I think it may be the network.
However, before I call them does anyone have any tips or tricks to try or perhaps an idead of how to get to someone or a Dept at Cust. Service that actually knows what to do.
I have had this a couple of time on T-Mobile in the UK, stupid question but have your tried a soft reset and then opening a page again, if not possibly a hard reset and make sure you try your connection before installing any third party software or tweeks.
In my case it definitely wasn't the network as I had my SIM card in other phones with no problem.
When you say crappy speeds, what exactly are you getting?
Ever since the Edge network issues, I've been getting between 80kbit/s (typical) and 120kbit/s (high end, good day).
GldRush98 said:
When you say crappy speeds, what exactly are you getting?
Ever since the Edge network issues, I've been getting between 80kbit/s (typical) and 120kbit/s (high end, good day).
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Last speed test I got was 55kbits. I did see this post shortly after I put mine up (http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=61990) that talks about changing DNS servers.
I tried it and it seems to have greatly decreased the time it takes for pages to come up. HOwever, this seems to be a function of the DNS lookup, not the time it takes pages to actually load which is a function of the actual speed, which is still pretty low, especially compared to you.

8525 has some bugs...

I bought an 8525 a couple of days ago and have been playing around with it. The 8525 has replaced my 8125, which I loved dearly...
I have noticed 3 major bugs in the device :
1) The 8525 does not indicate when you are using edge by the "E" icon. It simply has the "G" while producing edge speed.
2) The non-3G internet connection is terrible. It times-out quite often. For instance, when I try to check my email using pocket outlook it sometimes takes forever.. or when i am trying to access a website, it says locating for about 1-2 minutes before actually opening it up. When the internet is working without the those time-outs and lags, it works great (better then the 8125 in non-3G areas).
3) Pressing the power button (when the devices screen is off to save battery life) has a weird 2-3 second delay. This never happened with the 8125...
Here is my Device info:
Rom version : 1.34.502.1
Rom date : 9/21/06
Radio Version :
Protocol version : 32.53.7018.01H
The main reason I am posting this is to find out if I am the ONLY one experiencing these problems, if so, I am going to do a warranty exchange swap. If anybody has any suggestions or comments please share it here..
blkwrxwagon04 said:
I bought an 8525 a couple of days ago and have been playing around with it. The 8525 has replaced my 8125, which I loved dearly...
I have noticed 3 major bugs in the device :
1) The 8525 does not indicate when you are using edge by the "E" icon. It simply has the "G" while producing edge speed.
2) The non-3G internet connection is terrible. It times-out quite often. For instance, when I try to check my email using pocket outlook it sometimes takes forever.. or when i am trying to access a website, it says locating for about 1-2 minutes before actually opening it up. When the internet is working without the those time-outs and lags, it works great (better then the 8125 in non-3G areas).
3) Pressing the power button (when the devices screen is off to save battery life) has a weird 2-3 second delay. This never happened with the 8125...
Here is my Device info:
Rom version : 1.34.502.1
Rom date : 9/21/06
Radio Version :
Protocol version : 32.53.7018.01H
The main reason I am posting this is to find out if I am the ONLY one experiencing these problems, if so, I am going to do a warranty exchange swap. If anybody has any suggestions or comments please share it here..
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Yes you're the only one with these problems. I don't know how they had the nerve to sell you it. I have searched the threads and posts here and let me see.... no ... nobody's had anything like this.
I'd take it back!
Edit: OMG look what I just stumbled on! Stop the presses perhaps not MAJOR bugs but still bugs of mass destruction!
blkwrxwagon04 said:
I bought an 8525 a couple of days ago and have been playing around with it. The 8525 has replaced my 8125, which I loved dearly...
I have noticed 3 major bugs in the device :
1) The 8525 does not indicate when you are using edge by the "E" icon. It simply has the "G" while producing edge speed.
2) The non-3G internet connection is terrible. It times-out quite often. For instance, when I try to check my email using pocket outlook it sometimes takes forever.. or when i am trying to access a website, it says locating for about 1-2 minutes before actually opening it up. When the internet is working without the those time-outs and lags, it works great (better then the 8125 in non-3G areas).
3) Pressing the power button (when the devices screen is off to save battery life) has a weird 2-3 second delay. This never happened with the 8125...
Here is my Device info:
Rom version : 1.34.502.1
Rom date : 9/21/06
Radio Version :
Protocol version : 32.53.7018.01H
The main reason I am posting this is to find out if I am the ONLY one experiencing these problems, if so, I am going to do a warranty exchange swap. If anybody has any suggestions or comments please share it here..
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Here is my experience so far:
1) I have yet to see an E indicator for Edge. I live in LA and we are still waiting for our 3G deployment so edge is all we get. I do want to point out that on page 25 of the 8525 manual it does not indicate that there is an edge indicator/symbol display specifically for edge.
2)The non-3G connection here in LA has always been spotty at best so I can't really comment on that. I do however notice that I cannot connect to a lot of the streaming content at locations where it was possible with my 3125 just a week ago. Also it take longer to get the streaming playing if it does connects.
3) For me the delay for power up from power save is about 1 second.
I have never used a 8125 before so I have no way of comparing the behavior of the two.
blkwrxwagon04 said:
1) The 8525 does not indicate when you are using edge by the "E" icon. It simply has the "G" while producing edge speed.
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I can't confirm this because I've not left my excellent 3G signal area yet but from what I understand the current rom doesn't differentiate between GPRS and EDGE.
blkwrxwagon04 said:
3) Pressing the power button (when the devices screen is off to save battery life) has a weird 2-3 second delay. This never happened with the 8125...
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Mine is a 1 second delay. No DSODs though, so it's no big deal for me.
well....i too just upgraded from the 8125...and i find the edge to be a lil suspect. sometimes i take longer than it should to pull up my email.
as far as the power button....it takes longer to turn it on when the screen is locked than the 8125.
The speed of a EDGE or GPRS connection also depends on the serving cell's current capacity. If there is too much traffic, you won't get the maximum of timeslots and so bandwidth will go down. 3G is not very different regarding this issue, but the most likely capacity bottleneck is the basestation's connection to the core network. Here in Germany a lot of 3G basestations have only 2 MBit/s connections, so two HSDPA-clients can use capacity to the full.
inquisitor said:
The speed of a EDGE or GPRS connection also depends on the serving cell's current capacity. If there is too much traffic, you won't get the maximum of timeslots and so bandwidth will go down. 3G is not very different regarding this issue, but the most likely capacity bottleneck is the basestation's connection to the core network. Here in Germany a lot of 3G basestations have only 2 MBit/s connections, so two HSDPA-clients can use capacity to the full.
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Yes indeed.
For those looking for some general background to these technologies this bit of research provides good background.
Research Seminar on Telecommunications Business II
Vesala Sami 47278H
Koivu Katja 44217E's+current+capacity&hl=en&gl=uk&ct=clnk&cd=8
blkwrxwagon04 said:
I bought an 8525 a couple of days ago and have been playing around with it. The 8525 has replaced my 8125, which I loved dearly...
I have noticed 3 major bugs in the device :
1) The 8525 does not indicate when you are using edge by the "E" icon. It simply has the "G" while producing edge speed.
2) The non-3G internet connection is terrible. It times-out quite often. For instance, when I try to check my email using pocket outlook it sometimes takes forever.. or when i am trying to access a website, it says locating for about 1-2 minutes before actually opening it up. When the internet is working without the those time-outs and lags, it works great (better then the 8125 in non-3G areas).
3) Pressing the power button (when the devices screen is off to save battery life) has a weird 2-3 second delay. This never happened with the 8125...
Here is my Device info:
Rom version : 1.34.502.1
Rom date : 9/21/06
Radio Version :
Protocol version : 32.53.7018.01H
The main reason I am posting this is to find out if I am the ONLY one experiencing these problems, if so, I am going to do a warranty exchange swap. If anybody has any suggestions or comments please share it here..
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1. I have never got a E but I am not to sure if Telstra even has a Edge network.
2. I have never been out of UMTS coverage since I got it so I don't know.
3. It takes about 1 second for mine to start-up.
Everthing working great, but no E for Edge either!
blkwrxwagon04 said:
I bought an 8525 a couple of days ago and have been playing around with it. The 8525 has replaced my 8125, which I loved dearly...
I have noticed 3 major bugs in the device :
1) The 8525 does not indicate when you are using edge by the "E" icon. It simply has the "G" while producing edge speed.
2) The non-3G internet connection is terrible. It times-out quite often. For instance, when I try to check my email using pocket outlook it sometimes takes forever.. or when i am trying to access a website, it says locating for about 1-2 minutes before actually opening it up. When the internet is working without the those time-outs and lags, it works great (better then the 8125 in non-3G areas).
3) Pressing the power button (when the devices screen is off to save battery life) has a weird 2-3 second delay. This never happened with the 8125...
Here is my Device info:
Rom version : 1.34.502.1
Rom date : 9/21/06
Radio Version :
Protocol version : 32.53.7018.01H
The main reason I am posting this is to find out if I am the ONLY one experiencing these problems, if so, I am going to do a warranty exchange swap. If anybody has any suggestions or comments please share it here..
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Just wanted to advise, my 8525 shipped with the exact specifications as yours. I too am not receiving an "E" for Edge transmissions. However, as one of the previous posts suggests, we may never receive an actual "E" up top in our display. Haven't had any of the timeouts you are experiencing either. My email and browsing via GPRS/Edge(Edge if I truly am receiving it) works fine. No timeouts on either e-mail retrieval or browsing at this time. Over 2 days battery life so far between charges. Woohoo! Also, in terms of actually switching from stand-by mode to power up, takes approx. 1 sec. as well. I have not yet been in a UMTS area, so I cannot advise of battery life,performance issues related to that. I'm still loving my device!
What data plan are you using media net or pda connect?
blkwrxwagon04 said:
What data plan are you using media net or pda connect?
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PDA Connect. I did read somewhere on the web that there is a client for Blackberry Connect, just can't remember where/which website it was.
mikechannon said:
Yes you're the only one with these problems. I don't know how they had the nerve to sell you it. I have searched the threads and posts here and let me see.... no ... nobody's had anything like this.
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#2 is definitely a problem...
TheCritic said:
#2 is definitely a problem...
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Yes your right of course, I was being petty cos these problems are already posted elsewhere. Sorry for being childish.
I have to say though here in Aberdeen Scotland my GPRS connection is super fast, faster than my wifi connection and it's not on 3G due to my ancient sim card (must get a new one). So more to do with coverage/local GPRS conditions I guess. Weird cos until a few days ago it continually timed out with page not found and now works amazingly well. I changed nothing and I do not pay for a data tarriff!! I do of course get charged for bytes downloaded but still lots of folk on o2 like me don't get this unless they have a data contract. Weird.
For those of you who have connection problems, try switching to the isp.cingular AP (requires the PDA Connect plan). I had all sorts of difficulties when using the default wap.cingular AP, but the ISP one works fine...
jeffreycentex said:
For those of you who have connection problems, try switching to the isp.cingular AP (requires the PDA Connect plan). I had all sorts of difficulties when using the default wap.cingular AP, but the ISP one works fine...
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(boohoo)But I don't wanna pay $25 more a month... (/boohoo)
I'm thinking about it, I just want to know for sure it'll fix these problems because I probably can't go back if it doesn't...
Is it possible to test the isp.cingular settings (and get charged) before switching, or do they not work at all without PDA connect on my account?
Just as a headsup to everyone who got the 8525 from Cingular, one of the things I was able to find out is the "G" in this case, also stands for Edge, I also believe it may or may not be in the documentation but have not been able to confirm that yet, so in this case:
"G" - GPRS, GSM and EDGE
"U" - UMTS and HSDPA
Please take this with a grain of salt.
Can anyone explain the difference between the "wap.cingular" and the "isp.cingular" configurations and the step necessary to make the adjustments?
Also, I have been having some weird connectivity issues where my cingular signal become unstable when switching the Wifi radio on and off. The only way to recover is to soft reset the 8525.
I live in metro Philadelphia and have tested this both in the city and the surrounding suburbs.
blueshockey69 said:
Just as a headsup to everyone who got the 8525 from Cingular, one of the things I was able to find out is the "G" in this case, also stands for Edge, I also believe it may or may not be in the documentation but have not been able to confirm that yet, so in this case:
"G" - GPRS, GSM and EDGE
"U" - UMTS and HSDPA
Please take this with a grain of salt.
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I've got an 8125 and an 8525 side by side in the same room, and the 8125 has an E, and the 8525 says G. Now, the documentation I have clearly distinguishes between the two. "Status Indicators" on the last page of the "Getting Started Guide."
I am using mediaNET on both.
This is a little annoying, but honestly, the speed is the same. Unless someone can confirm that this is causing lower speeds to be rejected, it's just an annoyance that, if I recally from my 2125, can be tweaked in the registry or some other simple tweak.
"Dial up"
Also, I'm having some irregularities using the 8525 as a "modem" for my computer. I have a C2D MacBook Pro, running Mac OS 10.4.8 and Windows XPSP2. With my 8125 I could use "dialup" on the Mac side via BT. On the Windows side, I could use dialup using the USB connection. (And BT in bootcamp)
I also have tested this with a regular plain HP PC laptop.
I have noticed that it doesn't always connect on the first try, whereas the 8125 always did. The connection speed is the same as tested on DSLreports mobile, but I have to say, I find this a little odd that it doesn't always connect.
I am far away from the nearest 3G area, so I won't be able to test it there until my next trip, but, oy....
Anyone else with this problem?
stormj said:
I've got an 8125 and an 8525 side by side in the same room, and the 8125 has an E, and the 8525 says G. Now, the documentation I have clearly distinguishes between the two. "Status Indicators" on the last page of the "Getting Started Guide."
I am using mediaNET on both.
This is a little annoying, but honestly, the speed is the same. Unless someone can confirm that this is causing lower speeds to be rejected, it's just an annoyance that, if I recally from my 2125, can be tweaked in the registry or some other simple tweak.
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The cingular rom on the 8525 DOES NOT (not yelling) include an E icon, only G and U. When in G you are actually on EDGE, run a speedtest and you will see. Hopefully they will correct this in the future release. And since there is no included E icon there is no reg tweak that will correct this.

Xperia Issues and Thoughts

I've had the US version for a few days now and figured I would share my experience thus far. This is not a definitive list. I ordered through sonystyle.com and am operating on T-mobile in the US.
The good:
1. Phone build is spectacular.
2. Screen resolution is the best I've ever seen.
3. Wifi picks up and logs on quicker than any phone I've had.
4. Touch-flo cabs can be added very easily. Can mix and match the two GUI's.
The bad:
1. Internet and regular calling access is sporadic. I need to perform a soft reset every few hours or nothing works.
2. A fully charged battery will be used up by evening if push email is auto and have moderate phone use.
3. The phone doesn't seem to be able to switch towers in the middle of a phone call. The calls are dropped and you have to call the person back.
Overall, the phone is really incredible and it's being hampered by OS build or something. If the phone didn't have the potential that it does, I would send it back. I figure I'll be patient and wait for the dev team to patch or cook something. I've used the HTC Touch Pro (Fuze) and the Xperia is definitely more sexy and has a better build and keyboard (personal opinion). It will be interesting to see if any others have the same issues and if it's associated with T-mobile US only.
cooool you have the X1a? Do you mind dumping your ROMs please?
Lurchy24 said:
1. Internet and regular calling access is sporadic. I need to perform a soft reset every few hours or nothing works.
2. A fully charged battery will be used up by evening if push email is auto and have moderate phone use.
3. The phone doesn't seem to be able to switch towers in the middle of a phone call. The calls are dropped and you have to call the person back.
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none present on my X1i. For the battery, just wait, is still new... use it for 5/6 cycles and should be better. Also no issue for internet/calling and don't understand what you mean about towers...
Lurchy24 said:
The bad:
1. Internet and regular calling access is sporadic. I need to perform a soft reset every few hours or nothing works.
2. A fully charged battery will be used up by evening if push email is auto and have moderate phone use.
3. The phone doesn't seem to be able to switch towers in the middle of a phone call. The calls are dropped and you have to call the person back.
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1°) The BT and wifi are bugged. The BT disconnects sometimes (already told in other threads) and the wifi passwords are sometimes just lost.
But on 3G/GPRS/UMTS no problem and no need to perform soft reset.
2°) ouah, perhaps you have a problem there... I have (in France) a software that retrieves the mails (every 15 minutes) with a specific data connection.
This with some Wifi on, UMTS on and some calls, my X1i makes a lot more than a single day.
Did you install something that is draining the battery?
3°) weird, I live in a place where 3G signal is low, and I definitly swap from "2G" to "3G" without a hitch, even while a phone call.
Lurchy24 said:
The bad:
1. Internet and regular calling access is sporadic. I need to perform a soft reset every few hours or nothing works.
2. A fully charged battery will be used up by evening if push email is auto and have moderate phone use.
3. The phone doesn't seem to be able to switch towers in the middle of a phone call. The calls are dropped and you have to call the person back.
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I have not had any problem with #1 and #2, and I'm also on pushmail mode. By the evening, I would still have 50-60% depending on the activities I carry out with my Xperia during the day time (obviously lesser if I do alot of video playback, etc)
for #3, I doubt any phone would be able to switch tower w/o dropping the call. It's the case for any GSM phone, and I could prove that since I got a UMTS access point (equivalent of the tower except that this is a "personal" one ) at home, and once I walked out of the coverage zone, the call will drop regardless of which phone I hold.
By towers, I think he means cell towers, i.e when he is in the range of one tower, lets say while driving, then leaves that tower's range and goes oto another tower, it doesnt switch, it just drops the call.
Yep, I know where the points are on my drive when the range of one tower ends and the other begins. My previous phones could all make the transition without issue. My Xperia definitely can not. 25 minute drive = 3 towers and 2 dropped calls.
Had to soft reset twice this morning before I could get a call to go through. The phone says connecting and then connected but nothing comes through. Real pain in the butt.
Perhaps I have a defective model? Anyone else using X1a on T-mobile in US. I would like to know if it's a ROM issue that can be fixed or somehow the phone isn't compatible with T-mo US....
Lurchy24 said:
Yep, I know where the points are on my drive when the range of one tower ends and the other begins. My previous phones could all make the transition without issue. My Xperia definitely can not. 25 minute drive = 3 towers and 2 dropped calls.
Had to soft reset twice this morning before I could get a call to go through. The phone says connecting and then connected but nothing comes through. Real pain in the butt.
Perhaps I have a defective model? Anyone else using X1a on T-mobile in US. I would like to know if it's a ROM issue that can be fixed or somehow the phone isn't compatible with T-mo US....
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I wonder if the ril file jack posted would help?
What is that file and where can I find it? Thanks for the suggestion, I'll give it a shot.
rorydaredkign said:
By towers, I think he means cell towers, i.e when he is in the range of one tower, lets say while driving, then leaves that tower's range and goes oto another tower, it doesnt switch, it just drops the call.
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yes I know he's refering to the cell towers.
I do have a home version of cell tower at home too. It doesn't switch and it happens for all the phones.
zenkinz said:
for #3, I doubt any phone would be able to switch tower w/o dropping the call. It's the case for any GSM phone, and I could prove that since I got a UMTS access point (equivalent of the tower except that this is a "personal" one ) at home, and once I walked out of the coverage zone, the call will drop regardless of which phone I hold.
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Sorry but you are talking crap. The whole point of the GSM standard is to get phones to carry on talking as you move location. I suggest you read about Handover (or Handoff). The Wiki page isn't the best I've seen, but it does try to explain it.
artesea said:
Sorry but you are talking crap. The whole point of the GSM standard is to get phones to carry on talking as you move location. I suggest you read about Handover (or Handoff). The Wiki page isn't the best I've seen, but it does try to explain it.
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ok I stand corrected. my apologises.
I just noticed that my phone (and my wife's phone) cuts off once I move out of my home umts access point, so I assume its the same for all the cell towers. (on hindset, mine being be a scaled down cell tower so I shouldn't be using that to prove commercial one )
That said, in reading further, do you know if soft or hard handoff is generally implemented in CDMA network? I suspect it's the latter, and that probably explains why you have dropped call due to inability to switch to the new channel fast enough?
zenkinz said:
ok I stand corrected. my apologises.
I just noticed that my phone (and my wife's phone) cuts off once I move out of my home umts access point, so I assume its the same for all the cell towers. (on hindset, mine being be a scaled down cell tower so I shouldn't be using that to prove commercial one )
That said, in reading further, do you know if soft or hard handoff is generally implemented in CDMA network? I suspect it's the latter, and that probably explains why you have dropped call due to inability to switch to the new channel fast enough?
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I doubt your home-hosted access point would be allowed to perform a handover with public cell tower, that's why it cuts off. It's like trying to move from one WLAN SSID to another. If you read more about handover, you'll notice that it includes a lot of security measure also. If handovering and handovered base stations are under different controller(RNC), all encryption information has to be passed from old controller to the new one, etc...
Yes, The point of GSM is that it 'hands off' the call as you pass by different cells automatically, so no dropped calls.
In fact, this is ONE reason they do not want people to use mobile phones on aeroplanes, is that since you would be on top of many towers/cells at one time, then they would be constantly changing/swapping among cells, and if there were a lot of people doing that, the chatter between the cells would be very great and overload them. Thats why they want to set up a cell on the plane itself, so that all the mobile phones talk to that cell only (as the strongest signal).
It has nothing to do with interference to the plane systems. If that was the case, it would be so easy for a terrorist to crash a plane, just bring on a radio transmitter and everyone dies.
Yes, it's the handoff that can't happen.
Othertimes, when I'm sitting in one place, I'll have 3 bars and the signal will suddenly disappear. The phone will take 15 seconds to reaquire and then it will be fine. Usually seems to happen when someone tries to call me. It's almost like the phone hasn't maintained a connection. Very annoying.

