Controlling the red phone button (Mogul) - Mogul, XV6800 General

On my Mogul, a long press of the red phone button turns the phone on and off, and of course because the red phone button is raised it is often pressed by accident and turns off the phone.
I tried AEBPlus to de-assign the button, but both the new assignment works AND the phone still turns off. The author thinks that perhaps phone on/off is done "in the driver".
I'd rather handle this with software than by grinding off the button or trying every case on the market
Does anybody have a software tool or Registry hack that might help?
P.S. I'm also in the market for a replacement phone app that lets me place the speakerphone button on the same page as the digits (i.e. not skin, an actual re-arrangement)

I saw this over at , havnt tried it but it sounds like it might help. Good Luck
Source Hai-zi
HOW TO: Permanently Disable Flight Mode
You must have a registry editor installed on the PPC. I used PHM RegEdit
Go to the registry and change the following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> ControlPanel -> PhoneExtendFunction -> CDMA
Change FlightModeSwitchByPnHEndKey to 0
This will prevent the phone from going into Flight Mode if you accidentally press the End Call button for too long.
Note that Flight Mode can still be used by tapping the signal strength meter. (I wish I could disable that too)
p.s. if you find that phone app let me know

Cornan said:
On my Mogul, a long press of the red phone button turns the phone on and off, and of course because the red phone button is raised it is often pressed by accident and turns off the phone.
I tried AEBPlus to de-assign the button, but both the new assignment works AND the phone still turns off. The author thinks that perhaps phone on/off is done "in the driver".
I'd rather handle this with software than by grinding off the button or trying every case on the market
Does anybody have a software tool or Registry hack that might help?
P.S. I'm also in the market for a replacement phone app that lets me place the speakerphone button on the same page as the digits (i.e. not skin, an actual re-arrangement)
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Better to have your pocket press the red button and turn off the phone than press the green button and redial your last call all the time. Stop both from happening by Start>Settings>Today>Items and making sure Device Lock is checked; then click "Device Unlocked" on the Today screen, which locks input, before putting the phone away. You will have to click "Unlock" to re-enable the buttons and screen; however the green phone button will still work to answer incoming calls while locked.
Also, were you aware that holding the green phone button down for about three seconds while on a call toggles the speakerphone on/off?


Phone Off button

Haven't been on the forum for a while...has anyone sorted out this anomoly with the instruction book saying you can turn the phone off by holding down the red button, whereas in fact it doeesn't. I remember someone saying that some phones did it, and then they withdrew the facility or something. I wondered if anyone has found a way of making it work. Thanks
it works for me; hold it for a few seconds; i am at pocket pc 2003 att
No, it definitely doesn't do anything. Is yours a US version or something? I bought mine in Engalnd shortly after they were released here in November 03. What is pocket pc 2003 att?
You talking about the XDA2 or the XDA?
On the XDA2, holding down the red phone button disconnects GPRS. It doesn't turn off the phone itself.
Correct, on the MDAII it does not switch off the phone
:idea: It is possible to turn the phone off using a button. I use Vito Button Mapper and have created a button macro to replace the stylus taps to turn the wireless function off.
well if flight mode can be choosen in settings where you map your buttons then yes
otherwise some programming would be required
No programming is required. The utility allows you to easily create macros containing stylus taps and assign that macro to a button. It turns the wireless function off in the normal way (not using flight mode).
The macro thing sounds really good, thanks. Where did you get Vito Button Mapper from?
good old googles first 2 results on the string Vito Button Mapper
The only thing is that with the new o2 rom update, you have to assign one button each to on and off instead of one button for both on & off. This is because in the connectivity 'bubble' the addition of "flight mode (wireless off)" shifts the link for the 'turn on/off' stylus tap down slightly.

Microsoft Voice Control 1.5

Hey Guys,
Ive been using a trial of voice control for a few days now, and wondered wether i have to press my mapped button everytime i want to tell my xda what to do.
As far as i can make out, if i have to press a button each time, it looses its appeal quickly
I use the hands free xda headphones to command it, so while im on my bike it would be nice to tell media player what to do without pressing a button in my pocket each time.
Please help,
There is no "Microsoft Voice Control", neither there is a "Microsoft Voice Command Trial"...
Chatty said:
There is no "Microsoft Voice Control", neither there is a "Microsoft Voice Command Trial"...
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I apologise, using the word "control" rather than "Microsoft Voice Command", and there is a trial of this software, im using it right now and I downloaded it from
So does anyone have an answer to my question above, do I have to press the button to start "Microsoft Voice Command" everytime I want to do somthing.
i suspect that it does it like that because of cause if it would just catch the commands when ever spoken it would have to be turned on all the time
and if it were running like that it would be trying to recognize background noise and voices as commands all the time and use even more power and possible recognize some of the stuff as something and do odd things
I thought that might happen too, then i realised i have the 2 call buttons on the handsfree earphones that are easy to access (ref and green caller buttons) however i cant map these to voice control, does anyone know how to hack the button mapping ? like the volume sliders
You can only map buttons 1,2,3,and 4
Thanks everyone for your inputs, i have now managed to map the green or red buttons to anything i like, so now i can use my xda earphones green button to tell voice control what to do, works a treat, if anyone wants to know how, just ask.
adam_beasley said:
Thanks everyone for your inputs, i have now managed to map the green or red buttons to anything i like, so now i can use my xda earphones green button to tell voice control what to do, works a treat, if anyone wants to know how, just ask.
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pls go ahead and post how u did it..
Go to and install this simply utility onto your XDA (found searching on the forums earlier)
Once this is done, you can choose to unmap hardware buttons (red and green call buttons) as well as the volume slider etc etc
Then, like voice control requires, you go to control panel > buttons.
You will notice the usual "Button 1, Button 2" etc, however now you have the option to map "Green btn" or "Red Btn" (or any button you unmapped)
Link voice control to either of your choice, I used green for this test. Once you have done this, plug in your xda official headphones. You can then press the green button on the earphones to activate voice control, and therefore instruct it to do the usual things.
Tonight this was especially usefull on my bike to work, allowing me to change songs without having to stop and take my xda out my bag each time.
This obviously means you loose the use of the green button for accepting or making calls without remapping each time, the onlt workaround for this is having "Phone" on the start menu and just using the touch buttons on the dialer for calling etc.
Hope this is of use to some people out there, its certainly prompted me to buy the full voice control later today.
You can still use the green button to make calls!
Press the button and say 'CALL whoever'
although it isn't a good idea to make calles while on a bike anyway :lol:
Green Phone button mapping
rather than place the phone icon (shortcut) in the start menu, why not map the phone to let's say contacts or calendar buttons?
you can also map 3 programs to a single button & access the programs by the number of press(es). program 1 = single press, program 2 = double press, and so on....
also, you may try to map the phone function as program 2 in the green button so that when you double press it will function as the usual phone button.
unluckily, I can't test & confirm to you since I haven't reinstalled it yet after the upgrade to WM2k5 V1.60a.
The problem i have from all of this, is that during playback on media player i toggle the screen off to save power, when i do this, my red or green buttons do nothing, even with button lock off.
So even tho this system works well, its flawed bigtime for me over this one problem, anyone have some ideas ?
Why don't you try turning the backlight down to 0%, but leaving the screen on? It's the backlight that is responsible for most of the battery drain.
You could make a profile in PocketZenPhone with all the settings for your audio playback (backlight, volume etc). I seem to remember there is a way to make PocketZenPhone change profile from a button press - you could map a double click of 'hang up' button to change profiles.
I also switch the screen off whilst listening to MP3s and have mapped the Action (joystick click) button to 'toggle' the screen display. In this mode pressing any other button does toggle the screen back on. I do not have the ButtonLock on as you can't then wake the machine up to accept a Voice Command. I have Voice Command currently mapped to the Record button on the side of the device but would like to map to the Green button. I would prefer single press - to answer the phone, double press - to activate Voice Command. I have e-mailed a few questions to the author of the AE Button Plus utility to confirm this can be done.
anybody want voicecommand
Email me i will attach to you.
If only we could map the BT headset to the green button....
Is there a way to get the BT headset into the option list for the green button. Is there some other BT program that facilitates the recognition of the main button of the BT headset?
AE Button Plus has inactivated several buttons in my Blue A
Well, it seems i should read with more attention, but now that the damage is done I hope someone can help.
I installed AE Button Plus in my Blue Angel, and as a result the ok and explorer buttons do not respond to anything anymore. I then unistalled the program, did a a full back up, a hard reset followed be restoration. Nothing has changed, these two buttons are still dead. The don't even show on the list of buttons anymore. Argggghhhh!!
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
Hi, this is slightly off-topic, but I tried the PC version of Voice Command a long time ago (I don't think M$ still has it out on the streets), and it used to listen to every command, but won't do anything unless I begin the command with the word "Computer"... e.g. "Computer, what time is it?"
Wonder if there is such a switch for the O2... :roll: O2, what's my battery status :lol:
Re: AE Button Plus has inactivated several buttons in my Blu
gonzaloblanco1992 said:
Well, it seems i should read with more attention, but now that the damage is done I hope someone can help.
I installed AE Button Plus in my Blue Angel, and as a result the ok and explorer buttons do not respond to anything anymore. I then unistalled the program, did a a full back up, a hard reset followed be restoration. Nothing has changed, these two buttons are still dead. The don't even show on the list of buttons anymore. Argggghhhh!!
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
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This happened to me at first, but i think your biggest fault was backing up while having this error, now any restoration is going to have this fault.
Rather than uninstall, just try installing it again, however when then screen appears with buttons to handle (about 7 drop down boxes), just choose "Do Not Handle" on each button then soft reset, worked on mine, then I uninstalled it.
How to upload the files to ftp, i have voicecommand 1.5, it working fine with me.

power button hack for Cingular 8525?

Does anyone know if there's any type of hack to enable a different button on the Cingular 8525 to be the power on button? Being right-handed, when I pulll out the phone, it's annoying to have to use 2 hands to turn on the phone. I have the AEBPlus program but it only lets you assign a different button to power "off" the phone. I'm looking for a way to program a button on the left-hand side (possibly button 5 [ptt button] or the Windows button [labeled "ok] to power on the phone). Anyone have any ideas?
I guess no, power buttons on almost devices is connected directly to procesor (like reset button and watchdog circuit), and in fact if device is off, no system loaded, there is no way to adjust registry settings to change this.
might sound stupid, but you can try to hold the phone differently? i operate the phone with both hands (am right handed) and either way, you can power on/off the phone with 1 hand.
if holding it in the left hand, use your left hand's index finger wrapped around the back of the phone.
if holding it in the right hand, use the thumb of your right hand.
i know it isn't the solution you were looking for, but it might help
Yeah, I figured that I could do that. It's just that when I wrap my hand around like that, i have a tendency to push out the keyboard and then I have to go back to 2 hands anyway.
In using AEBPlus (or even the default commands under the "buttons" settings) and it wouldn't be so bad if I could figure out a way to get the screen to come back on. But even when I try and set one of the buttons on the right to "screen on/off" it will turn off the screen but won't turn it back on. I'm not talking about a powering on/off of the phone. I'm just talking about a way to turn on/off the screen.
never mind. I figured it out. I had the "key lock" set to the fact that the only button that would turn on the device (if the screen was off) was the power button. I fixed that. Now I'm good to go.

Power off and Device Lock Reg Edits?

Hello all,
I am new to the forums but I have been using the HTC Touch for a few months now, and would like some guidance about a few problems i'm having. First off, I am using the official 6.1 rom with sprint....
I am running S2U2 and am having a problem with my phone turning off while in my pocket. It seems the power off menu can be brought up if you hold the power button, even if S2U2 is running. This is very frustrating, is there anyway to lock the power button when S2U2 is running, or any other option?
Is there any edits that can be done to make S2U2 call the factory device lock? I couldnt find anything related to the lock in the registry. If there is, is there anyway to assign the factory device lock to the power button, so that when you blank the screen it auto-locks? I love this feature with s2u2, and with stock device lock it takes 3 buttons to do this...
honduh said:
Hello all,
I am new to the forums but I have been using the HTC Touch for a few months now, and would like some guidance about a few problems i'm having. First off, I am using the official 6.1 rom with sprint....
I am running S2U2 and am having a problem with my phone turning off while in my pocket. It seems the power off menu can be brought up if you hold the power button, even if S2U2 is running. This is very frustrating, is there anyway to lock the power button when S2U2 is running, or any other option?
Is there any edits that can be done to make S2U2 call the factory device lock? I couldnt find anything related to the lock in the registry. If there is, is there anyway to assign the factory device lock to the power button, so that when you blank the screen it auto-locks? I love this feature with s2u2, and with stock device lock it takes 3 buttons to do this...
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The only thing that I could suggest that might help is to get yourself a good case for your phone that would protect the button from being accidentally pushed. I have never had this problem with my phone. The button actually has to be pressed and held to bring up the power off menu. Even when not in it's case, I have never had this happen; however, the phone is only out of it's case, when I am using it. In the case, there is even less chance of powering off the device.
The default device lock works just like S2U2, as it leaves only the power button unlocked. If you locked all buttons, how would you turn your phone back on??
TheChampJT said:
The default device lock works just like S2U2, as it leaves only the power button unlocked. If you locked all buttons, how would you turn your phone back on??
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The problem i'm having is that the phone actually powers off while in my pocket somehow....what i'm saying is that the phone not only "wakes up" from the standby mode, but also calls the shut down window and you can press the "yes its ok to shut down" button while s2u2 is running, something the stock device lock will not do.
It would be really nice if there was a slide type lock that was based off the code of the stock device lock.
Thanks for the replys
Find what the application is that launches when pressing the button and add it to the S2U exclusions list.
I have a verizon and my power button toggles screen off and on, so im not entirely sure, Is this a stock popup or a program you installed ? There is probably a registry entry somewhere that defines how the power button functions jsut as the button manager does for other buttons.
honduh said:
The problem i'm having is that the phone actually powers off while in my pocket somehow....what i'm saying is that the phone not only "wakes up" from the standby mode, but also calls the shut down window and you can press the "yes its ok to shut down" button while s2u2 is running, something the stock device lock will not do.
It would be really nice if there was a slide type lock that was based off the code of the stock device lock.
Thanks for the replys
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I understand your point, and am still wondering what it is you keep in your pocket with your phone that shuts it off!? Anyways, why do you keep referring back to the default device lock? S2U2 performs the same way, as it locks everything besides the power button. If the power button is locked, how would you wake up the device to unlock it ???
the power button has two functions, it blanks the screen if you press it, or it brings up the power off menu when you long press it. The problem i'm having is s2u2 doesnt prevent the power off menu from coming up, where as the stock device lock does. Thus, it is possible to completely power off the phone while the keys are locked.... of course I want to be able to wake the phone up with the power button, but i dont want to be able to turn it completely off.
And i'm not sure how it turns off in my pocket, except i usually carry it with the power button face down (phone upside down) and it must press against the bottom of my pocket...
The application that it is calling is the stock shut down menu, i'm not sure how I could add this to the exception list, as I dont know how to call it remotely....
Thanks again for the replies!
The title of this caught my attention.
It would be very nice to have a registry edit that will lock the device when powered off or on device wake up.
I use S2U2 and I am really not liking it personally, but it is better then the default setup currently I feel.

Soft button to turn the screen off?

I'm new to Topaz. Every time I finish a phone call or a program, I need to wait for several seconds until the screen is turn off. In fact, I do not key lock my phone.
I wonder if there's any soft button (in any kind of program) can turn the screen off after I finish using the PDA phone?
Short press of the (hard) power button turns off the screen (but not the device). That's not satisfactory?
Hi jabok, thank you for yr reply and i noted the "hard" power button method. As the power button is located at the top of the phone and the button is a little bit difficult to press, in my opinion.
That's why I'm looking for a program or shortcut to have a "soft" button on-screen to turn off the screen
jabok said:
Short press of the (hard) power button turns off the screen (but not the device). That's not satisfactory?
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Yes, you may try PSSHUTXP or SVMPOWERMGR. I am currently using SVMPOWERMGR which provides 4 shortcuts in Windows Start program and one of them is screen off.
black818pro said:
I'm new to Topaz. Every time I finish a phone call or a program, I need to wait for several seconds until the screen is turn off. In fact, I do not key lock my phone.
I wonder if there's any soft button (in any kind of program) can turn the screen off after I finish using the PDA phone?
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You can use TouchLockPro and configure CommandCallEnded = !SUSPEND.
You can also couple a (hardware) key shortcut to TouchLockAction SUSPEND

