The file 'IntShrUI' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Ok found on here and installed it, soft reset, and attempted to install the latest version of the WMWifiRouter program (which I finally succeeded in sourcing!).
However I get a message telling me cryptically that it 'cannot be installed' after attempting install. I wonder if this is related to ICS...
I now have the InShrUI.exe file in /windows/ *but* attempting to run it gives:
'The file 'IntShrUI' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate or one of it's components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file.'
I reinstalled it over itself (i.e. ran the cab again) same error.
Was this the right file? I seem to remember it was dated 11th January 2008??
Thanks again for hte help folks!
I should say I'm running Microsoft Windows Mobile Version 5.0 (OS5.1.195 (build 14955.2.3.0).
Lastly I should say I've started a new topic as the last one was getting a bit off topic my original concern having been answered :-D (thanks guys!)

probably you only opened a shortcut (*.ink) and the shortcut pointed to a not existing file. Another thing is that it also was intsalled correctly (the *.exe), but the dll's or whatever are not installed.

Thanks. I'll try redownloading and repeating.
I was wondering if the file needed signed with some unique private key or something?
Anyways will give it a shot and report back

softonic123 said:
probably you only opened a shortcut (*.ink) and the shortcut pointed to a not existing file. Another thing is that it also was intsalled correctly (the *.exe), but the dll's or whatever are not installed.
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Thanks for your suggestion I'm now a tiny bit further on.
On soft resetting the PPC I get the following error:
'Pocket PC Networking
Unable to obtain a server assigned IP address. Try again later or enter an IP address in Network settings.'
InShrUI is still giving the same error as before (and it's definately the .exe file I'm clicking).
However the improvement is: This time WMWifiRouter succeeded in installing...
However the same PPC networking error occurred during the install. I could probably tweak whatever is causing that error to use a static IP address rather than DHCP probably...but it's kind of dodging the problem.
And as said before I can't launch IntShrUI without getting that error. This time there is a shortcut to it though in program files.
I should also say that neither the executable or the shortcut has an Icon Image (i.e. it's the default no icon blank) so I suppose it might be the .exe file that's corrupt (since the shortcut get's it's icon from there I think?).
Last but not least:
WMWifiRouter reads:
'Not Connected'
Waiting for connection
I suspect the problem must lie with InShrUI but then again I'm a noob so I'll wait for the XDA gods to come and share their wisdom!

MrVarioII said:
Thanks for your suggestion I'm now a tiny bit further on.
On soft resetting the PPC I get the following error:
'Pocket PC Networking
Unable to obtain a server assigned IP address. Try again later or enter an IP address in Network settings.'
InShrUI is still giving the same error as before (and it's definately the .exe file I'm clicking).
However the improvement is: This time WMWifiRouter succeeded in installing...
However the same PPC networking error occurred during the install. I could probably tweak whatever is causing that error to use a static IP address rather than DHCP probably...but it's kind of dodging the problem.
And as said before I can't launch IntShrUI without getting that error. This time there is a shortcut to it though in program files.
I should also say that neither the executable or the shortcut has an Icon Image (i.e. it's the default no icon blank) so I suppose it might be the .exe file that's corrupt (since the shortcut get's it's icon from there I think?).
Last but not least:
WMWifiRouter reads:
'Not Connected'
Waiting for connection
I suspect the problem must lie with InShrUI but then again I'm a noob so I'll wait for the XDA gods to come and share their wisdom!
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Is there no1 who can answer this? Anyone got any ideas?
Device is a hermes (T-mobile Vario-II) running WM5.....
There's one MAN point up for grabs for whoever can solve it!

I tried installing WMWifiRouter 0.89 onto a ROM which didn't have ICS included (which meant I had to try the same route you did) onto my Vario 2... I just couldn't get it to work, and I spent a while trying to make it work too.
I'm figuring that there's some deep-seated DLL or system association which ICS needs, which isn't configured if ICS is stripped out of the ROM - I ended up just reflashing with another ROM (the T-Mobile WM6.0 official ROM) and ICS and WMWifiRouter works fine.
Sorry that's not a solution, but it's the only way I could get it to work. Not an expert ROM cooker, so my knowledge of how ICS is stripped / included in ROMs is fairly limited, though I understand the concepts and techniques.

Thanks for your help Christopher.
I considered flashing a working ROM. My worry is about losing all the programs I have installed on the device (it took a long time to get it *this* customised ;-) ) is there any way to flash the new ROM while keeping the old registry entries etc. for registering my programs (Especially those I've bought such as Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine - which I cannot register anymore)? ...
Or could I somehow back up the registry and restore it later (I know that's likely to be a dangerous idea...perhaps simply the file associations and programs stuff -the windows mobile section?)
Thanks bro!

MrVarioII said:
Thanks for your help Christopher.
I considered flashing a working ROM. My worry is about losing all the programs I have installed on the device (it took a long time to get it *this* customised ;-) ) is there any way to flash the new ROM while keeping the old registry entries etc. for registering my programs (Especially those I've bought such as Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine - which I cannot register anymore)? ...
Or could I somehow back up the registry and restore it later (I know that's likely to be a dangerous idea...perhaps simply the file associations and programs stuff -the windows mobile section?)
Thanks bro!
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Bumping as no replies for ages

Bumping again as no replies for a week or so

Bumping again to ask if anyone knows a way of slving this without having to reinstall all my programs, re register them, and reconfigure everything? (which I suspect installing a different ROM will do?) is it possible to back up the registry entries for all of my programs then do the ROM upgrade and restore the registry entries from my other programsMost of my programs are installed on the microSD card anyway (i didn't want to use up the main memory and slow the device up).??
If so how?
Thanks again folks !

I have the same problem...
I cant seem to find the answer but will continue to try.

if your programs are installed on your memory card then chances are you should be able to past shortcuts into the programs directory after reflashing. I tend to do this BUT I have found some programs that need to be re-installed or re-registered. Backing up registries can cause SERIOUS problems in itself so I would 1st do a full backup of your system (try spb backup, it backs up EVERYTHING on the phone then re-installs the lot so it seems like you never had a problem..) then flash. Try putting on shortcuts and if you have no luck you have the choice to start again on the new os or reflash to old and then restore backup (old problems wil still be there). Hope this helps.
Ps. I use resco explorer instead of the crap file explorer on the phone. It allows MUCH more versatility to do as I want. Cheers....


GPRS Monitor

I cannot install GPRS Monitor from myO2 CD, it says i need to update my ROM, i did a corporate install btw
Anyone else had any probs?
Another forum member had this same problem when installing the ClearVuePDF Reader also supplied by o2 as part of the HTC application suite. He has the MDA, but flashed with the o2 Exec ROMs and then installed in Corporate mode.
From work we did together, it appears to be just the install program that was not validating his device. When I tried a hard-reset and Corporate mode install, I had no problems installing. However, its beginning to look as though a hard-reset does not totally clear the Exec's memory. In his case, I found all the individual files and registry settings needed for ClearVuePDF to run and he copied those to the device. Runs perfectly for him like that.
So I'm afraid you'll have to find somebody with the o2 version of GPSMonitor installed and get them to determine all the files/locations and registry-settings needed to get it to run. Unfortunately I don't have a GPRS connection or GPRSMonitor installed.
Just a thought. Have you yet tried a full o2 Personal mode install on your device? It just might be this action that puts 'something' in memory that is not cleared by a hard-reset, and that 'something' might be what the install program is looking for.
Sorry that I can't be more helpful.
No problem thanks for your help
dazzled said:
I cannot install GPRS Monitor from myO2 CD, it says i need to update my ROM, i did a corporate install btw
Anyone else had any probs?
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I did a basic install and I get the same error. Sorry, Not much help though.
Me too. The ClearVuew PDF reader is rubbish! Text misalighed all over - Adobe with pixel doubling is better than this.
Please try this
Could one of you having a problem to install the o2 supplied GPRSMonitor, please try installing the attached .CAB after copying it to your device.
This CAB is extracted from the CD-ROM install program, so hopefully skips the validation stuff. With luck you might be able to get around the failed validation by installing from this CAB.
Note: Even if asked to install to Storage Card, the o2 supplied version (2.3.0 build 600) puts very little there, most goes into device memory. The current version 2.41 from spb will obey the instruction to install to SD-Card, but wasn't reliable when run from there - the monitoring part aborted four times in 10-minutes whilst I was playing with it.
Unfortunately, since I don't have the install problem, I can't test this install out.
It works a treat. Thanks muchly!
Ward said:
It works a treat. Thanks muchly!
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Am I glad about that - I was in the midst of trying to locate all the files/registry entries needed for a manual install.
Perhaps I can go to bed now! :wink:
I also managed to 'locate' another copy and it works fine, thanks for all the help.
astage said:
However, its beginning to look as though a hard-reset does not totally clear the Exec's memory.
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I can confirm this but with other files. After several hard resets (even with the clear storage icon), the pictures I had taken were still there.
Tron_Of_Borg said:
astage said:
However, its beginning to look as though a hard-reset does not totally clear the Exec's memory.
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I can confirm this but with other files. After several hard resets (even with the clear storage icon), the pictures I had taken were still there.
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Ouch! I didn't realsie it was as bad as that.
The situation is made worse by the backup program I'm using (Sunnysoft Backup Manager) not backing up all the data and settings. Neither does it perform a true restore - just merges the backup with what's there after the hard-reset.
Unfortunately, I'm used to HP's backup applet from the Jornada 928; which performed a total backup/flush restore. Are there any other applets for WM5/universal that really performs a full backup/restore?
Does anyone have this cab please? I have just bought a new O2 exec and am having the same problem with it saying my ROM version is too old!!
sorry ignore that post! Work computer blocked the file out
I am running my XDA EXEC in basic mode. When I tried copying the .cab file to my device and running it from there , still get the problem.
Any suggestions ?
I was running personal mode then switched to basic mode, could this cause the problem.
Thanks for you replies in advance.
Cannot remove GPRS monotr app
I installed this file to test it out om M3000. Unfortuntely I cannot seem to uninstall it now! It doesnt show up in my Program list - How do you uninstall it?
I looked in the \\windows folder and removed all files and shoretcuts I could find, but its still showing up on my 'today' screen with an error.
Any ideas? The registry?
I was also getting the ROM version problem installing programs to my SD card on my O2 exec. Since I'd only just added the card and was running the basic installation, I did the following:
1) Hard reset
2) Personal Install
3) Re-install ActiveSync on PC
This did the trick. Thankfully I like the Personal install best anyway, but I don't know if that step was necessary.
Tried it. Still get the problem :-(
My mistake - I managed to install the Clearvue PDF program, not the GPRS monitor program. I'm still getting the ROM version error with the GPRS monitor program, but I've not tried the above download yet.
Anyone got any other ideas to fix this problem.
Shame O2 don't have an update to fix this problem on their website.
I've now tried the CAB posted above by astage and I can confirm it worked for me. Just copy the CAB to your device and then open it to start the install.

Your Favorite Tools and Toys

I recently had the need to re-Rom a couple of Wallabies and loaded the A.30.09_ENG to do it. All went great and both T-Mobile units will now run like the wind on either T-Mobile or Cingular networks and from trial and error, I learned that they could both run the Kewlest Caller ID program that I have ever seen.
I was directed to pull it out of the Magician folders at ftp://xda:[email protected] and I did, in hopes of using it on my personal Hermes, but to no avail. It did however work great on my wife's Blue Angel, so I tried it on the Wallabies. Excellent Product!!!! Everyone with a Wallaby should be using it. It allows the owner to assign a different ringtone to each contact AND . . . here is the cool part . . . it allows you to use a different picture for each contact AND . . . AND . . . AND that image can be an animated .gif file. It is so much cooler than Photo Contacts in their current form. Check it out and enjoy.
And everyone else, sign in and ad your favorite tweak and toy or tool for the Wallaby and see if it isn't a bit happier in the pocket.
ok, sorry to be a bit of a n00b, but how do i put this on my wallaby? can i do it with a sd card or does it have to be via cable? and i cant see any installer type files, is that right??
cab files can be be installed from sd cards yes
ok another n00b question (apologies, i am very new to PDA's) but , how do i do it? is ther a folder i have to copy the files to, as ive tried to install another file and all it says is " there is no association with this file"
thanks again
Then you haven´t installed a program on your device to install Cab-Files.
Use this program for it:
ok, have got myself a cable (makes life easier IMO) and installed the cab file thingie, have installed the above caller id ting ( apologies im not very technical!) but when i try to run it, theres a blank icon and it comes up with "cannot find photocontacts or one of its components make sure the path and filename are correct and all the required librabries are available" have i done somethig wrong??
Version conflict?
doozerbob said:
ok, have got myself a cable (makes life easier IMO) and installed the cab file thingie, have installed the above caller id ting ( apologies im not very technical!) but when i try to run it, theres a blank icon and it comes up with "cannot find photocontacts or one of its components make sure the path and filename are correct and all the required librabries are available" have i done somethig wrong??
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It may be that you are running a version of windows that won't run it - or it needs to be re-installed (happens sometimes) because part of the program was installed on a (physically) defective portion of the memory. Wallaby's are getting old enough now to have rust on their internal components.
ok, i thought it might have been the OS as well, so i went and upgraded to WM2003, and fingerrs crossed, it seems to be working ( just need someone to ring now lol)
*edit* have set it all up with photos and ringtones etc, using wma from my card and from the phone itself, and it still plays the default ringtone and doesnt show pics when someone i doing summat wrong?
Thanks for all your post, I have the same problem and now it has been sorted!
It does not installing in my device. I have a smartphone...

Software installation problems on WM5.0 and HTC Advantage.

Hello All,
I've got a HTC Advantage X7500, running WM5.0. I'm trying to install some of my company's software on the machine. The software package has installed fine on many other WM5.0 machines but fails on this one.
The install just reboots the machine towards the end of the install process. On restart, the machine beings the install process from the beginning.
If I look at the registry after the reboot I can see that all the registry entries in the install ARE in the machine registry, so it looks like the most of the install has been done. However, it does not get as far as calling my Install_Exit DLL routine.
So, I removed the custom DLL that I use during the install. But I get the same problem - it reboots and restarts the install. I have no reboots coded anywhere in the install.
I've tried attaching the Visual Studio debugger to what I think is the correct process on the machine but no errors are reported in the debugger, and the reboot goes ahead anyway. I even tried attaching the debugger to ALL processes on the machine, but that just hung the debugger :-(.
Does anyone have any hints for debugging installls, or any other handy ideas. Would I get any joy from the HTC support? (in fact does anyone have a developer support contact at HTC?)
Ah, OK. got it. Sit down, here's a little story.
I binary chopped my way through the install and found the offending section of the script. It was in the [RegSettings] sections, which is actioned by AddReg.
I was creating 8 subkeys or values under HKCR. These are to register two file extensions for some of our application data files. One of these was succeeding, the other was causing the reboot.
The one that fails is for an extension ".DCF". It seems that on the HTC Advantage device (and perhaps on all 5.0 devices) this file extension in already registered. (still, shouldn't cause the machine to reboot).
Here's where the paranoia kicks in.
As I was looking at this I was reading an article about DRM in Windows Vista (very interesting:
So I was very amused when I noticed on the PDA that the "'.DCF" extension is described as "drmcontent" in the registry. Now, it may be a complete coincidence that "drmcontent" contains the acronym DRM, but I was amused nevertheless. Have the interesting attempts by Microsoft to add DRM to Vista had repercussions on Windows Mobile? or is the paranoia really getting to me?
Anyway, problem found, solution accepted (don't register that file extension), and bug reported (well it will be soon, the reboot really should not occur (remember it's not just the reboot, but the re-start of the install from the beginning after the reboot) ).
On a related note, I phoned the HTC support number here in the UK and was told that the only way I could get "developer support" was to write to head office in Taiwan (that's write mind you, not phone, not even email, good old snail mail).
Ah, roll on the weekend.
Thanks to all of you who took the time to read the original problem.

HTC Home 2.0

Found in the Hermes forum:
Versin 2.0 allows you to add a diffrent number to favorite People (1.5 defaults to the mobile thus you need to create a new contact to use the Office number.).
Well that is the good news, the bad is that I cant get it to work on my BA
It installs well.
Under Start - Settings -Today - Items - It adds a HTC Home Tab.
The tick boxes work fine (fast as well JOKE).
And on the Today screen it adds Nothing.
I have done a old uninstall, new install, wait, softreset, wait.
This is a patched version based on the thread so may be the clean version would work.
So has anybody got Version 2.o to work on a BA ??
That's v 2.0.720719.
2.0.814.722 is here:
That's v 2.0.720719.
2.0.814.722 is here:
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I didn't try it and MDAIIIUser said isn't working on BA....yet
It looks the same as 1.5 with aditional options, but i can't get it to work either, i install needed certificates but still nothing
xplode said:
It looks the same as 1.5 with aditional options, but i can't get it to work either, i install needed certificates but still nothing
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Click to collapse work much better than v 1.5....thrust me.
Are you able to get to work?
You can see that v and v and all using DIFFERENT certificate to sign. That is my experimenting on the certificates thing. All work OK with my Hermes. Maybe it is certificate thing...maybe it is other matter that prevent the new version from working correctly for BA. But really I DONT see any reason other than certificate. You can try to sign the dll with other certificates to see if it work or not.
I only patch the dll to enable instalation outsite of windows directory and to fix the brightness shortcut. Other than that nothing. So, this should not be the issue
Congratulation guys WM6 finally arrived for BA and Hima user. I should have hold my thrustworthy Hima longer I dont have to upgrade, BUT Hermes ROCKS, no regret.
Thanks schen for your input, i have tryed al the 2.0.x versions with the same certificates (looked mainly into hermes forums) provided for hermes, but the home settings show in today options and the plugin just does not load. I agree that this is certificate error i will try to sign them with difrend certificates to see what will happen
regards xplode
Edit: I have tryed both 2.0 versions on clean hard resseted rom with both certificates installed and none ot them does not work for some reason, now i will try to sign the dll's with sdk certificate to see the results
Anyone have any luck with Home 2.0 on BA?
Same problem with HTC Plus.
I think the problem is certificate sign.
Just to let you know that this issues is just not with your devices, we are also seeing the same problems with the Apache running Helmi's port of WM6. It shows in settings, but nothing on Today screen. Have tried certs and signing as well.
However, both 2.x versions work fine with the Titan running WM6. My thought was that there were some remnants from the WM6 port that were still using WM5.
maybe you are right, because i signed all files with one certificate and then with another ans it is the same result
If you guys have install the before installing home then I dont think it is certs is more like device specific security setting problem
Maybe you guys can take a look at the WM5 security...each of the ROM might have different default setting. Some device even dont allow security setting to be change.
I will also try copying the SampleDevPrevCert.pfx to the device and click on it. It will add the root cert to the thrusted certificate store. It may work it may not but very simple and worth a try.
Bottom line, if you try the "No Security" setting which allow all signed or unsigned apps to pass and the HTC Home still not working then I dont have any idea anymore.
Please try....
Out of curiosity why v2 of HTC home working on certain device and rom and not working on others, I have resigned all the dll, exe, and mui files with my own certificate.
Installation note in the Readme file inside the zip.
I am looking for some people to try if the cab work. As soon as 2-3 report still not working I will delete the attachment.
Test it, i couldn't install at all; "installation of ... was unsuccessful"; thanks anyway Schen.
Now installing, will keep you posted in few minutes
the instalation of the cab is unsuccessful (the home cab)
Test it, i couldn't install at all; "installation of ... was unsuccessful"; thanks anyway Schen.
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Same error message for me
schen said:
Out of curiosity why v2 of HTC home working on certain device and rom and not working on others, I have resigned all the dll, exe, and mui files with my own certificate.
Installation note in the Readme file inside the zip.
I am looking for some people to try if the cab work. As soon as 2-3 report still not working I will delete the attachment.
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I tried 3-4 times, but always installation of HTC Home cab was unsucessfull
Hi Schen,
Thanks for your help with this issue. I can confirm DANDANA's results on my Apache (Helmi's WM6 AKU .7) with no prior version of HTC Home installed. Your cert cab installs OK but the fails to install.
I believe this is due to the mui files (from my own experience in trying to unsign/resign them I think the certificate table gets corrupted somehow).
I sent you a PM earlier, but would it be possible to obtain a copy of all of the original HTC Home 2.0.814.722 PE files (prior to any hex editing & re-signing)? Helmi would like to take a look at it since it seems to be an issue with his WM6 ROMs (also affects his AKU .42 release for APAC).
Thanks again!
i have removed flags in cab for the self registering and shared for WmpPluginToday.dll and now it installs but it still does not work
xplode said:
i have removed flags in cab for the self registering and shared for WmpPluginToday.dll and now it installs but it still does not work
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Yes....I forgot to remove the self registering of the plugin, that is the cause of installation unsuccessfull....Earlier I tested this on my hermes manually coying the files and it work OK.
I have remove the cab. AT least I am convince by now it is not the certs thing. your PM...I will have to look for the original HTCHome.dll if I still have it. As I said before....the hack I did was just to change the default directory (\windows) to (\HTCHome) for the graphics AND change it to call HTCUti1.dll instead of HTCUtill.dll...They are unicode hex editing only. You could hex edit and change "\HTCHome" back to "\Windows" and "HTCUti1" back to "HTCUtill", resign it and everything is back to original. The mui files came unsign. I have to sign the mui files to get it to work for hermes.
In the mean time....the main difference between v 1.5 and v 2.0 is the "PROFILE" Tab...Try to install, disable the "Profile", reset if necessary to see if it work. The attached cab only enable the Home tab by default...if it work, you can enable all other tabs one by oneto see which tab is causing the problem.

HD2 certificate/component problem

Up until a few days ago, my HD2 was working fine. Then I tried to install Android. I used the one that you just copy to the storage card and run a file called zharet.exe ( !!NOT HARET.EXE!! ). I think it was Cotulla's ROM. First time, it crashed. Second time, meaning after I installed Radio ROM version 2.12, which is required (more specifically, 2.08 or above is required, but 2.12 was easier to find), it started and installed, then rebooted. Third time it worked and was able to send a text message to my stepfather. I switched back to WinMO to ask him if it got there, then I started Android again. It crashed, sending me to the boot screen of WinMO. Upon this start I was no longer able to run many files (executables), the running of which resulted in the message "The File *PROGRAM NAME* cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file."
I have tried numerous fixes:
Soft reset
Reinstalling the applications
Seeing if .NET Compact Framework was installed; the phone claimed it was, but I couldn't find any trace of it and so I tried to reinstall it. I was not able to, so I "uninstalled" it from the phone, which still thought it had it; the operation took no time, so I doubt it was there in the first place. When I tried installing it to the phone again, it said that this version was already in the ROM. Also tried installing an older version of the CF, but it just said I had a newer version.
Switching memory cards (3 different ones)
Renaming the memory card and restarting, a fix recommended to some other people who had a problem with similar symptoms. It refused to cooperate and said that the memory card could not be renamed.
My next step will be to rename the memory card using a device other than the phone itself.
I don't want to hard reset as I wish to keep my messages and contacts, but if that's what is needed to "un-half-brick" this phone, I will of course do it. The way it acts now, I might as well have kept my n95.
It is worth noting that HardSPL should be installed, as it was required for the Radio ROM flash.
EDIT: HardSPL install IS verified, boot screen reads as follows:
PB81100 HX-BC
CotullaHSPL 0x30
In this thread, Gargoyle999 is describing my exact problem:
Keep in mind that this phone is Norwegian with Telenor as its carrier, although the phone itself is not locked and capable of using any carrier.
EDIT: The files that may not be run are mostly third-party ones, like MorphGear, zharet, Google Maps and so on. Most programs that came with the phone, like Copilot, Footprints and Opera work.
I am not too familiar with XDA, so forgive me if I am posting in the wrong section or making some other rookie mistake xD
I am having the same issued on one of my HD2's...anyone??? Help!!!!
This is NOT and android problem.
I'm not exactly sure, but it's a security measure in WinMo that disallows unsigned programs from running after the system has crashed due to those programs running, probably to protect the system from malicious programs.
All you need to do is disable security on it. There are various thread on this site in different places that tell you how to. Personally, I found the mobile security configurations manager(windows) is the best way. Just plug in your phone in WinMo, using activesync, open the program, and load device. Then you can just select no security, and provision it. It'll overwrite all the proper registery settings and whatnot for you.
Also, GOOGLE IT. I found all this information myself just by searching "Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file" +windows mobile 6.5
Yes, yes Google it...I understand...But guess what? I did and found the same utility. And guess what? I got another error when it tries to install a cab file on the phone and for whatever reason the cab file errors out...I came here after reading and trying a ton of stuff and happened upon the OP's topic today.
Another thing is I realize it may not be an Android specific problem BUT prior to installing the mattcfroyo build and then attempting to test another build I didn't have any issue installing a cab file from the SD card. Also before anyone offers about installing another SD card I tried that also and no haps.
Weird and I am still searching for a solution but again XDA is the spot and researching here has not provided me with a working solution as of now....sssooooo...HELP!? Or not...
lstrike said:
Yes, yes Google it...I understand...But guess what? I did and found the same utility. And guess what? I got another error when it tries to install a cab file on the phone and for whatever reason the cab file errors out...I came here after reading and trying a ton of stuff and happened upon the OP's topic today.
Another thing is I realize it may not be an Android specific problem BUT prior to installing the mattcfroyo build and then attempting to test another build I didn't have any issue installing a cab file from the SD card. Also before anyone offers about installing another SD card I tried that also and no haps.
Weird and I am still searching for a solution but again XDA is the spot and researching here has not provided me with a working solution as of now....sssooooo...HELP!? Or not...
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Look up all of the google registry fixes, and try every single one of them.
If none of them work and the program I recommended doesn't work, backup and hard-reset.
then, when it's done first thing use that program to disable security.
Also, most custom ROMs have security disabled by default.
Well I just went ahead and flashed a new rom and I am good to go...
I have tried your application. Got the same results as lstrike, error when installing CAB file. Also, how am I supposed to edit the registry when I can't run third party programs?
Will flash Miri's ROM soon. Any idea of whether or not that one has security disabled by default?
sigh i got the exact same problem after trying to run andriod.... any luck?
same problem here, did anyone face the problem then resolve it?
I found the solution !
When the error appears just go to marketplace, download the free version of Resco Explorer
(Resco was the first official registry app I found but if there's another in marketplace i guess it will do just fine)
After this open Resco Registry (included in Resco File Explorer) and go to
Then go to 0000101a and change DWORD Data value to 1
Now every thing is perfect and you can open all of your apps
Good luck !
Thank you, this solution saved my day!
Rat01 said:
When the error appears just go to marketplace, download the free version of Resco Explorer
(Resco was the first official registry app I found but if there's another in marketplace i guess it will do just fine)
After this open Resco Registry (included in Resco File Explorer) and go to
Then go to 0000101a and change DWORD Data value to 1
Now every thing is perfect and you can open all of your apps
Good luck !
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Excellent! great work, thank you!
Rat01 said:
When the error appears just go to marketplace, download the free version of Resco Explorer
(Resco was the first official registry app I found but if there's another in marketplace i guess it will do just fine)
After this open Resco Registry (included in Resco File Explorer) and go to
Then go to 0000101a and change DWORD Data value to 1
Now every thing is perfect and you can open all of your apps
Good luck !
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you!

