Wiz Freezing 3 times a day, help - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Where to begin....
I have had my wiz for about a year now (maybe longer) and everything was running fine. Nothing special installed really. I've Sim and CID unlocked, flashed to 1.1 and then flashed again to Mr. Frazzz's XDA Mobile 6 (awesome btw) and had been running that for quite some time with battery status as the only other thing I've really added.
One night I was out and managed to hit my touch screen on a table and it shattered. Things ran fine for a while (could still see considering the touch is seperate from the LCD) and managed to use it as a phone using shortcut keys. Then i started getting problems like slowing down etc and I figured it was partially due to the duress of a cracked touch screen making the phone think it was having a part of the screen pushed (or not there) so i finally had the screen, both the touch and lcd, replaced. Shortly after, I noticed the phone would freeze up randomly. (this is also about the time i switched from t-mobile to at&t prepaid) Sometimes it would do it 3 or 4 times a day and the only remedy is removing the battery. Sometimes it will go for over a week without any issues. Any ideas? Im ready to melt it.
Here's what I've done thus far with no results:
Reflashed to official t-mobile 2.26 and then flashed to Mr. Frazzz's WM6. I've re-installed battery status and then came across a thread stating that the latest version of which might be causing hangups....so i gimped it at first, using only settings I had known to work before with no issues and later uninstalled the whole thing. Still having the same problems.
I have the WM6 radio fix for cingular and 2.69.11 radio as well.
One thing I do notice is that, everytime i make a call and receive the system message stating what that call had cost me, it can cause weird things to happen if I was in the process of doing something else. Not sure that's part of the issue though considering the phone will just be sitting in my pocket when it does randomly freeze.
Is it possible that my mem card is just being jostled and causing issues? or that somehow the powerbutton is being adversely affected inside my pocket if the phone gets flipped upside down? Anyone and everyone's imput would be greatly appreciated, especially if Mr. Frazzz has any input. BTW, this has happened using both WM6r3 and r5 by Mr. Frazzz. I upgraded to r5 this last time i reinstalled WM6.

I'm guessing battery status is doing it. Same thing happended to me, did a hard reset, installed all my programs again excluding battery status and everything is fine.

Is there something else I can install that will overclock for me when the phone is active and kick down the speed when idle?
I also used battery status for the disable proxy thingie when wiFi is on.

Well...Overclocking is never safe and the manufacture of a cpu has clocked a cpu at a set speed. Why, because it is more stable. So anything past the stable speed will bound to be unstable. I overclock mine to 260 and still do not notice a boost so either you leave it at 195 and run smoothly or make it "faster" and have more issues. Your call.


Random SoftResets... ?? :(

To start, I'm terribly sorry if this is a cross thread and the question has already been answered, but i couldn't find it...
Anyway. I'm using my Wizard w/ WM5 IPL\SPL 2.25 and AKU 3.3. And it likes to RESTART/SOFTRESET it's self randomly. I have not a clue what to trace this back to... It did it on WM6, so i went down to WM5 for multiple reasons, one, to see if it fixed the reset issue... It still does it, but not near as much as it did w/ WM6..
I use batterystatus, and i do over clock, and i overclock a little lower than what most people OC to. I OC to 247 w/ CPUSCALER on at 143~195~247 ~ 260 Boost. My temps are pretty low. Spiking sometimes at like 32C and maybe in the sun and heat it goes higher than 35. otherwise i usually see an average of about 28 or 29C constantly. Drain is always between 50~250 mA and 219~1200 mV (i'm not sure what the high is on the mV reading...)
But anyway. The thing just resets it self for no apparent reason. Theres nothing i'm doing to induce it. I'll simply open my keyboard and then try and respond to a text (that i'm now getting with WM5, i hope the missing text/call issue w/ WM6 will be resolved soon. :] ), or i'll set my phone down on my desk, and then try and wake it up by tapping the power switch, but it's off..
So I don't know. I don't to bore you guys w/ information. But if there's anything else I can let you know to help solve the mystery, please ask.
A little extra:
If this means anything. Today I had to make a trip to the local AT&T store... My SIM was fried.. I'd turn my phone on and it said "Invalid or Missing SIM." So i was stumped. I Turned it off, put in a friends chip, and it worked, i even got one of her texts.. I call up 611 to see if i could go to the store and get a new chip, and yes i could. I ran down to the ATNT store and got my self a new chip and now my phone works again, with yet less Softresets... So idk if this has anything to do w/ the issue. If the old SIM was shorting or something.. i have no clue....
edit: whatever, got a warranty exchange.

Who's been eating my battery?

When I first got my TP2 the battery life was great. Then I started adding tons of applications and tweaks and then suddenly one day the battery started to go crazy, it would drain in under 4 hours, with absolutely nothing running.
I started trying to track down the culprit. One thing I noticed right away is that my data connection would come on randomly. I'd shut it down, then a little while later is was on again. I turned off all the automatic updates I could think if (email, weather, stock, Windows update). With data, BT, wifi all turned off, screen off, nothing running, the battery would get hot and every minute would lose a few more percent. The phone was at this point basically useless. Because task manager showed nothing running I figured the battery had gone bad, or horrors, some fault maybe in the TP2. I took it to TMobile and got a replacement.
On my new phone, battery life seemed OK again. So, I did my Resco restore but it didn't work because I had password protection on the phone when I did the backup (not the TMobile password, but the one before that you get during boot up), so on restore it wouldn't let me into the phone saying the password was invalid (apparently something I should have known. grrr, bad Resco!).
So, I manually reinstalled everything again, not thinking to do it one piece at a time because I thought my battery troubles were over. I was wrong. Once it was all loaded up again, the exact same battery sucking began, and the data connection coming on again.
One thing I had noticed is that if I turned off TF3D I could see the icon for ESET virus protection running (it doesn't show in task manager). I knew I'd installed it, but because the TouchFlo screen hid the icon I'd forgotten about it. So, I went to that and clicked 'update' wondering if it was automatically checking for updates and so accessing the internet. But 'update' just gave an error message. So I figured the anti-virus wasn't going to be much use to me until updates were working, so uninstalled the application. BAM! (c) Emeril, battery problems ended!
I did a little googling and saw a couple of other references to ESET and battery drain on other phones, so I think that's been the problem. I don't know if the problem was the software itself draining the battery in its normal state, or if it was maybe constantly trying to make an internet connection to check for updates (but because that feature wasn't working it just kept trying).
I'd like to point out that I am in no way maligning ESET, it's totally my fault: 1) they do not yet claim compatibility for the TP2 ( http://www.eset.com/products/mobileantivirus.php ), and 2) I picked up the .cab from a link from one of the phone forums (not sure where or how any more, I have loaded up so much stuff), not from the ESET web site, so I could well have an older or bad version. I thought the software was freeware, but looking on the site I see it's just a free 30 day trial, so it's quite possible I had a cracked version. Their official version may well work with no problems.
But I did want to post this warning in case anyone else runs into battery drain issues.
Hi Iam an official reseller for the Eset antivirus. Just installed a version on my phone, will report back if drains my battery. How quick did it drain. If any probs i will report back to eset, to get sorted. Could just be the patched version. Funny enough the very firts pc version i got was a pirated version. Liked it so much much i thought sod it and paid for it.
Let me know if you wish to purchase it I can do a bit of a forum discount for you. same goes for pc version.
Hi, thanks for helping to try to get this resolved. The software ran very fast and I think could become a valuable addition once the WM6 viruses become more prominent.
The drain was *rapid* I'd say from 100 to 0 in about 3 hours, so if you do have the same problem, you should know right away. Also, the battery got warm to extremely warm, I might even say hot to the point that it was getting uncomfortable to hold. That certainly leads me to believe there were possibly two problems. One being that the software was for some reason maybe running aggressively in the background. The other that it appears to have been trying to connect to the internet every so often. I'm not sure exactly how often, it seemed somewhat random, but I'd say at least every 15 minutes (I would keep turning off the data connection whenever I saw it running). So I don't know if these are one and the same problem (that the software was trying to update and that was the code that was going out of control). Now that I have the phone working well again, I can have the data on constantly without anywhere near the drain I was experiencing, so the data alone was probably only a minor part of the issue.
When I tried to 'update' I got an error (I can't remember what it said). Is this still the case with the current version? If not then I can assume I have an old version and maybe the battery issue is gone now.
If you like I'd be willing to dl the 30 day trial and see what the latest version does.
Several hours later no battery drain. The software should only update itself 1 a week by default and at most every 3 days if set. Download the trial give a whirl. PM me if you want to buy and I can get a cuople of quid off, same goes for pc based one. This is extended to anyone else aslo.
Don't use any antivirus program on your phone. I've tried several antivirus trials on several htc phones (s620, s710, touch pro) and they all showed extreme battery drain. Since then I've stood clear of any antivirus program on my phone.
Well nearly 24hrs later and no significant bettery drain. I even ran a couple of scans. There is no reason why an antivirus should drain a battery, otherwise no one would have them on laprops either. It was probably down to the pirated version you had.
Let me know if you have any probs.
I never used a pirated one, I only used trials (that's why I tried so many ).
Maybe it's a different story these days, might have to try one again some time...

Anyone see lockups on stock after a while?

Hello all,
Not sure if anyone has had this happened to them as well.
I am looking to root the phone and this is the only thing holding me back in fears that would be a hardware issue and then can't replace. But thing that it is software.
Here is what happens, like in the mourning I will wake up and check time on device by just pressing lock once and put down (has happened even with out doing that) then will see that alarm won't go off and try and wake the phone with power button and will get no response from the device just black screen and phone is getting warm.
I will actually have to remove and reinsert the battery to get to come back on.
Has been doing this since the update. I have tried to go an uninstall all the programs I don't use and don't have anything on it that my mytouch is not running and that device has no problems. Tried master resetting the device a few times.
I have reset from the recover wipe data option and from spl neither seemed to help
Problem only seems to happen after the phone has been on for over 100 hours.
Weird thing I took notice is after a master reset it redownloads all the apps again right away. Don't know how to stop that.
Right now mine is running the stock software the shipped version manually update to official touch update from sdcard.
So my question is there anyway to have the phone keep the logs since logcat is reset when the phone is restarted to find the problem. Or if this something you all have seen. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Hopefully you have a software-only problem... and I don't know how to prevent logcat from resetting after restarting the phone... but I can recommend one possible solution...
1. Get the stock Google/HTC signed EPE54B firmware... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=642811
2. Rename it to PASSIMG.zip, copy it to the root of your SD card.
3. Reboot in bootloader and select Bootloader from the menu. Your phone should start scanning for the PASSIMG.zip and ask you to apply the firmware update...
And, yeah... no you won't void your warranty by doing this, since this is a stock signed original firmware....
I get this (or a similar) problem too. I'm not yet sure if it's a hardware or software problem, and am therefore avoiding rooting my phone until I'm sure.
I have noticed that this happens more often, or at least seems to be more likely, when the phone is cold... I've not had it happen during the day (when it's nice and warm in my pocket), but when I leave it on my night stand whilst sleeping, or for an extended period on my desk at home, it seems to freeze up then.
I'm an electrical engineer and suspect that this problem may be due to silicon right on the edge of it's qualification range (similar to how some people are able to overclock to 1.2 GHz stably, mine is unstable even at 1 GHz... :-( ), I think my device is unstable at 998 MHz at whatever voltage it's running at currently (looks like Qualcomm changed the recommended voltage from 1.25 to 1.275 and finally to 1.3V over the course of early 2010).
See some of these commit comments for more details:
Based on them, I would guess we can expect more stability in the FroYo release (assuming it's using the 2.6.32 kernel, and is coming soon). In which case I'll wait.
I will try that rom next. In my tinkering I went back to erd and let it auto update to ere on its own. and will see how that does. If it fails again I will try the other rom. I can still revert back from that to erd if I want later right?
everything except the radio... i believe the radio can only be downgraded on an unlocked phone... so i've heard...
It happen to one of my nexus one too, the other one never hangs. It happen mostly when i'm charging on the dock with screen on.
I address this problem with HTC once, and they told me to try remove the micro sd card and see if it happen again. So i switch a newer sd into the phone and its running fine waiting to see if it hangs again if it does, HTC say will they come send a carrier over to fetch the phone to check it.
Running fine for 4 days already, just weird tho how can a sd card cause this?
Could also be a low memory issue with the stock ROM. My wife's does that until I kill a bunch of background apps. I look at the available memory and it's at 13MB. She also hasn't reboot her phone in weeks...so that's probably why it was low on memory. I guess the internal Android task killer doesn't do it's job very well!

[HELP] Screen Blackouts, Freezes, and Reboots

I have had a rooted epic for a few months now and have been experiencing a lot of software difficulties recently. I am using Epic Experience Froyo, but I have switched to other roms and still experience the problems (which I have researched but have yet to find a cure). I have times where the screen will turn black and unresponsive, yet the capacitive buttons at the bottom are still lit up, and it will either restart the phone at the lock screen and regain signal or I will have to manually take the battery out. Sometimes I get the same issue except the screen just freezes. Other times (even if the phone is idle in my pocket) it will randomly reboot and I can feel it vibrating in my pocket. I have done many full factory resets w/oden. Everytime I get the problem it seems to gradually get more severe.
I would love for any input to work towards a solution.
Sounds exactly like the problems I was experiencing with my Evo. Do you overclock your phone by any chance? Or have you ever installed lagfix applications?
I overclocked once for about 2 days @ 1.2ghz, but then reverted to regular. For a long time I had Juice Defender installed.
Slick.dylan said:
I overclocked once for about 2 days @ 1.2ghz, but then reverted to regular. For a long time I had Juice Defender installed.
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Ok, so as far as juice defender is concerned, what are its performance characteristics? Did you ever use quadrant to see what it was putting up? I doubt the overclock for such a short period of time is what would've caused so many problems, but from my experiences, any of these add ons that take your quadrant and almost double it are usually ones that can cause some permanent damage on the phone. I used to run what was called Snap Turbo which was a performance tweaking apk attached to a linked kernal that used to go well with CM6. Well, turbo mode does exactly what ViperSpeed lag fix does. As soon as I started messing around with the Snap Turbo, that's when my screen used to become unresponsive, phone used to freeze, and I would get random reboots almost 10x per day. After I started experiencing these issues, I could never revert back to another Rom or even go back to stock without getting the same issues. I ended up getting rid of that Evo and getting another. As soon as I rooted my next one, random reboots started but not as frequently. Basically, I believe that rooting your phone is going to cause SOME issues. Constantly messing around with it will result in A LOT of issues. It's almost unavoidable and some folks are lucky enough to never experience any issues, but that's the risk you take if you want all the benefits that come with hacking the phone. I hope you find a setup on your phone that isn't so unreliable but I doubt there's anything you can do to completely fix it. I hope I'm wrong, though, because anything you do to fix those issues would be a great help to us all if we end up in the same boat in the future...God forbid!
Juice Defender mainly just altered settings with the wireless connectivity (Like stopping it from using wireless network when the phone is idle). I've also thought about this... I am using 3 different batteries, 1 is default battery, and the other 2 are of a cheap $10 ebay set.
hey guys...i was getting great battery life on di18 and dk28 but for the last week its sucked i loss on average 8-10% an hour (setCPU at 200-1000 ondemand and 200-200 sreen off) i have calibrated my battery twice and still no luck as soon as i take it off the charger it drops to 95% any thing else i can try? thanks for the help

G2 Shuts OFF(resets)! Potential FIX!

For about 2 months since I have owned this phone it has given me nothing but crap. I always kept my G1 in my pocket and I always dropped it, even had it in water 3 times! (never had any problems) The G2 however if I kept it in my pocket, dropped it, or open/closed the keyboard repeatedly the phone would shutoff! Very Very disappointed at first. I missed many calls and text messages.
So How come NOW I can drop it, open/close the keyboard repeatedly, and keep it in my pocket without it shutting off?
I did a little investigating of the battery and contact points on this phone, it turns out that there is room for play with my battery. SO every so often the contacts would lose connection with the battery!
TO fix this I put a small piece of folded paper along the top edge of the battery opposite of the contact point to the phone, it made a more secure and snug fit to the contact points.
The battery does get Hot so I do not recommend this as a permanent fix as it is now a small fire hazard.
BUT, to this day I have had ZERO problems.
I am sooooo now with my G2 any questions or other comments please leave them below.
Class 10 4gb microSd
1500MAH battery
Hard rubberized black graphic case
Talk about going backward! I remember the old nokia 5160s that everyone and their brother had folded up paper in the batteries about 10 years ago! LOL
Meh... I don't think anyone else has this problem. If they did then they probably exchanged it.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 running Cyanogenmod.
I have this problem.
I can't exchange it because I bought the phone on ebay.
If you search through the threads and on google, quite a few people experience this random freeze / shutdown where you have to do a battery pull.
I've tried flashing different roms, using only basic apps etc...
I don't think it's software related anymore, and if it is, it's too hard to diagnose. Many suggestions have been made, micro sd card slot, battery connections, software, weird app, different rom... I haven't tried removing SD card yet and my battery connection seems ok, it's pretty tight in there...
Don't know what the problem is and I wish someone could figure it out as it's frustrating to drop too much $$$ on a phone and have it act this way.
Random Reboots
I have a similar problem with my G2. It randomly reboots when its siting stationary on my desk or in my car.
This problem is made stranger though because it NEVER does this while I'm using it!! If I have it playing Pandora or Youtube - no reboots. But, like clockwork, if turn off the screen and set it on my desk, reboot... never fails... it will reboot 2 or 3 times then seems to be ok for a little while. Very annoying because I can't make or receive calls while its doing this.
Like others I've read plenty of posts on this but no working fix I can find. Some people say they returned their phone 2 or 3 times and still have the same issue. Some people say its related to signal strength but it does this will full bars or no bars.
I've tried custom Roms: CM6.1.1, CM7-RC1, & Virtuous 1.0.1 and the problem remains.
Does anyone know how to fix this? This is the only negative about an otherwise HOT little phone.
At least yours reboots! A lot of others just freeze (like mine)! And then you don't even know it.
I'm trying out another theory... Installed CM6 a few days ago. Had the same problem.
But I just started OC using CPU Tuner and the stock CM6 Kernel., the lowest option I have for clock speed is 700 something for some reason, so I just used that. So far, 36h, hasn't done it. I THINK, it might be related to the phone not getting enough juice for some odd reason - even on stock, so when you OC it and set a higher clock speed for idle, it might help. NOT sure yet but testing. Will post up if it "fixes" the problem for me.
My G2 was randomly shutting off a lot, usually right after I stuck it in my pocket. The solution? I exchanged it. The new one never does that XD
Possible fix for random reboot
I think I may have found a working fix for my random reboots. Credit goes to the OP.
I installed the Pershoot kernel and since then I haven't had a reboot and up until now it has rebooted like clockwork.
I'll see how it goes.
I had this problem while using the Red ChiChi/EVO batteries, but I believe my problem to be with the back cover. I might have dropped it and the cover got slightly tweaked, or perhaps it was the chichi battery, as it wasn't exactly a perfect fit. If a certain spot on it gets touched or pushed in, the battery loses contact with the pins and kills the phone. I have to pull the battery and let it set for a minute b4 putting it back in and powering up.
I used the same method, with a piece of folded paper on top for a while.
Perhaps its a different problem than the OP, but this only happened with my ChiChi batteries. With stock battery, it always seemed to be a good enough fit, and the corners kept it in place.
I ended up buying an extra stock battery for around $20, and now I carry 2 Stock batteries at all times.
Solution finally?!
I think I found the solution for my phone:
set OC profiles so the phone doesn't go below a certain mhz threshold.
On CM6 stock with CPU Tuner, it defaults to 700mhz lowest. Did not notice any increase in battery drain.
Uptime - 70 hours. Finally fixed!
//UPDATE: I did experience a freeze around the 100 hour mark, but so far that's the only one in the last week or so. In any case, it's doing MUCH better than before...
//OK I lied it still does it but so far just once or twice a week. Better than once a day.
So far there are apparently three problems/solutions:
- Micro SD slot loose connection / improper close - Check micro SD card slot
- Idle voltage too low, freezes phone / use OC kernel and set screen off speed higher
- Bad battery connection / manually fix
After many tries and diagnosing I think one issue is that on stock settings, the idle / screen off profile is set too low, which can freeze the phone (although I did have it freeze once while I was actively texting... not sure why). But 99% of the time it happened with the screen off. Hopefully it doesn't happen again, will keep phone on to see, but I don't remember it going more than 48h without freezing lately.
I have tried the following which did NOT fix the issue for me:
Micro SD check
Uninstall programs (skype, launcher pro, various others)
Revert to "stock"
CM6 "stock"
Checked Battery
Used stock battery / China battery
All those solutions still led to the random freeze / battery pull situation, but could potentially work for you.
2 G2's did the same thing. T-Mobile states known problem. After 14-hour shut down pulled mSDHC card and Sim and replaced battery which was drained in the off-state.
Solved problem and bought a Nokia N8.
Customer Service at T-Mobile and HTC is totally unconnected and unresponsive. Their answer wait for the FOTA.
Hope they don't send it to my Symbian ^3 jewel!
Was Shutting down multiple times a day - FIXED!
Hey Guys,
I've purchased my G2 from ebay so was not able to return it. So I've been trying to fix this problem for ever.
I have not found anything that works until now (knock on wood).
I installed the Cyanogenmod (cm_vision_full-32.zip) and updated my older CM version. The phone has not shutdown once in 4 days, which is a first.
Note: my GPS does not work with this version. I'm about to try a clean wipe to see if it will activate. I'm guessing however that the shutdown issue is 100% tied to the GPS so if I'm successful the problem will return. If a wipe does not work I'll try new radios.
I'll update any progress.
lost800 said:
I have this problem.
I can't exchange it because I bought the phone on ebay.
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Caveat emptor.
I know. Live in Canada and only way to get the phone.
Me too, although my phone is at uptime: 211 hours right now
CM6 with cpu tuner with the settings posted above... basically make sure it never underclocks below 700 mhz.

