Jam Battery Meter Problem.. - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Hi everybody,
I'm having a strange problem with my i-mate jam.. I've replaced the battery 2 months ago with a new one. The new battery works like a charm.. I can make calls with only 6% of charge..
Anyway, about a week ago, the battery meter started jumping all over the place; all of a sudden the meter would show 100% charge then change to "Charging" state with 0% charge (both the primary AND the backup battery)!! Then in a while change back to 100%, then eventually it goes back to the real charge value (65% for example).. And then it goes to 0% "Charging" and so on.....
When I connect the charger, the device shows the right charge value, but sometimes it gets stuck @ exactly 81% even after 2 hours of charging, the LED is constantly yellow as usual but I can see a green flash every 8 seconds or so..
Sometimes, the device behaves correctly and charges to 100% without any problems, but when that problem happens it gets so irritating and annoying, and I am totally confused about it coz I can't make out a logical explanation to why this keeps happening.. I didn't install/uninstall any new programs.
Do you guys know anything about that problem??
Thanks ahead for your replies..
P.S: here's my ROM info:
ROM version: 1.11.00 WWE
ROM date: 03/14/2005
Radio version: 1.11.00

does the old battery also behaves like that?

does the old battery also behaves like that?
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No, the old battery never behaved like that.. It's a new problem. Anyway, I discarded the old battery so I can't tell if it behaves the same or not.
As I'm writing right now, the phone is connected to the laptop via USB cable, the LED is yellow and the "Power" menu shows 0% battery and "Charging" status! It's been like that for almost 30 mins now! I have no idea what's going on, the phone appears to be charging but the power meter indicates 0%!!
Could it be something with the charging circuitry??

Sound like a typical hardware problem.

Sound like a typical hardware problem.
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It could be. However, the meter has been behaving normally for 2 weeks now. And I'm linking the problem to low temperatures. Apparently, the new battery is of poor quality, so when the ambient temps. go below 12C the metering circuit starts showing false values.
I'll keep monitoring the problem and report if anything new happens.
Thanks all for your help.

i'm not sure but here in New Delhi when the temperaures have come down to almost zero, my device sometimes starts behaving like this but it corrects itself in about 5 seconds.and the battery is what was bundles with it and has been working perfectly from past 2 years.


Help! Weird problems on my jasjar

I have a jasjar recently and had problems turning off at 50 percent. It was working fine as long as power odesnt drop below 50 %. Then I bought a desktop charger (made in china) and started charging from there. That's when all this weird problems started.
When I put the fully charged battery inside sometimes it doesn't power on by pressing the power ubtton so I have to reset it to turn on. Sometimes it doesn't turn on with reset so I have to go to bootloader then reset just to turn it on. Sometimes it just won't turn on! If it does turn on sometimes the screen is white! When it does boot properly and go on standby. The lights blink but it won't wake up so I have to reset it. Sometimes while using it, the screen would just turn garbled white.
This don't happen all the time, Im actually typing this post using my jasjar and even if I charge the battery using the phone, it exhibits the same problems once in awhile.
Any ideas? Could the battery be doing this or is my jasjar messed up? Please help!
I downgraded to wm 5 Helmi ROM and seems to work for now. I was using Helmi's wm6 so I don't know if that attributed to that. Will update.
Still didn't help.. Any ideas? Is my jasjar dying? Please help!
Battery issues
Here and elsewhere are postings which make it apparent that some after-market batteries don't work well with the Jasjar. Some electronic devices are relatively fussy about voltage and amperage levels, and some off-brand batteries are fairly wide of the mark in those regards. Not necessarily on the low side, either.
The problem is not limited just to computers. I had an electronic remote reading thermometer whose display went nuts; the manufacturer asked whether I was using EverReady or Duracell batteries. When I replied no, I was using Ikea batteries, they told me I had to use EverReady or Duracell batteries or I was likely to encounter the problem, and they're right: using those batteries fixed the problem. Not that the Ikea batteries were bad, mind you: their power level (voltage and amperage both) were actually too high, according to the manufacturer, and my VOM tester confirmed their assertion.
Somewhere on this forum is a link to an eBay supplier of batteries which work reliably in the Jasjar. Good hunting! Cheers,
Thanks but I'm using the original battery. So do you think that the desktop charger did something to the battery?
may be it caused by a desktop charger. When i used a chaeger made in chine for my alpine, sometime the screen goes white, or ALL buttons seems die (All button didn't work). The most terrible is that charger make my dive hard reset 2 times (first time i din't realise if it cause by my charger, then i just install all progs but when i charge, it hard reset again).
Even for 5 days after i bought it run well, except the ringtone goes on silent every time i charging.
Now i throw away that thing.
So its the charger!! GRRR...Anyways, even when I'm using the Jasjar to charge, everything is the same. Lockups from standby, white screen..You think I should try another battery? Any ideas?
Weird stuff / battery related?
Hi there,
dont know if anyone is reading this thread coz it is kinda old, but i have the same probs mention as above. I have the orginal bat and charger which came with the device. I also uses a car charger sold from my phone provider.
now after 14 months i have the weirdest things like shutting down randomly when the bat is about 58 thru 50 percent. I can not start the device again coz it stops in the middle of the boot process. It only starts when i connect it to a laptop by usb or to the standalone charger...
I tried differnt roms found here and radio roms but it doesnt help...
my guestion: does any one know if this prob is solved when I buy a new battery? or is it wise to thro out this universel suck device ( I have had so much probs with this device so neglect my tone...)
XCube said:
Hi there,
dont know if anyone is reading this thread coz it is kinda old, but i have the same probs mention as above. I have the orginal bat and charger which came with the device. I also uses a car charger sold from my phone provider.
now after 14 months i have the weirdest things like shutting down randomly when the bat is about 58 thru 50 percent. I can not start the device again coz it stops in the middle of the boot process. It only starts when i connect it to a laptop by usb or to the standalone charger...
I tried differnt roms found here and radio roms but it doesnt help...
my question: does any one know if this prob is solved when I buy a new battery? or is it wise to thro out this universel suck device ( I have had so much probs with this device so neglect my tone...)
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I bought my Universal (Jasjar), used, almost a year ago and use it daily. To date, I haven't had this problem, but I'm anticipating it. Yeah, I'd say it's almost surely your battery (they don't live forever), just be careful to replace it from a reliable source.
Sorry you don't like the device; I've thoroughly enjoyed mine! Cheers,
I guess u r right, batteries will die. So I ordered a new one, I will let you guys know if it helps. I bought the qtek 35H00058-00M battery which is the orginal bat
The thing is, normally will a battery be faster drain so it would become faster 0 or 10 precent, instead this piece randomly shutting down or switches off in the middle of a phone call.
I have a Blue Angel as well, now for more then 2 years, which is charger daily just like mine unversal. The batt of the Blue Angel outruns the uni with bat life. Never had this weird stuff with the ba, like shuttingdown without a warning.
Well I will see if a new bat will fix the trouble, tomorrow my new bat will arrive.
I also have the same issue with the 02 Exec. It switches it's self off when the battery reaches below 50%. I have ordered a new battery. Will let you know if this still happens once it arrives.
I already knew it but now its for sure at my end. HTC and ms together gives u pretty expansive CRAP.
Got my new battery which was carefully chosen because of other rumours of battery problems. I bought exactly the same battery from QTEK as the original.
Yesterday i got the battery, left it alone to get on room temp. this morning switch it with my old battery.
1. First thing what i found strange was that my **** device said it was at 100%
2. after 45 min I had the same bat prob as with my old battery
3. device can not be started on bat power, which would let u think that the bat would be ZERO procent. However turning the device on when on wall power this **** device says that the bat is 100%, but disconnecting it from the wall power it shutdowns right away.
the new battery is worse then the old bat. the only difference between them is the serial number. same type same manufacturer.
I was already think of buying a non HCT / Micro**** mobile device, but today after 14 months of trouble and losing important phone calls I am going to say good bye to this universal crap.
I wise u the best with our device but for me it ends here.
Used a 3800 mah battery from expansys, made in Taiwan by Dyna and still same problems...not battery related at all...Anybody got a mainboard they can sell me...even a broken miniusb.
Problem and solution found
The Problem is a faulty voltage controller in the mainboard causing Bulverde CPU to hang and give funny colors to the screen
Solution is to disable Cpu scaling of Bulverde by using pocket hack master and setting speed at 312mhz before turning it of or closing the screen. You could always set it at 520 when using it but before turning it off make sure speed is 312. Hopefully this helps others with this problem.

Battery Charging

Dear all,
Does anyone have the problem where HTC Touch 3G does not fully charged the battery even after 8hours of continous charge. When I do a soft reset the battery will show 100 percent and if I plug in back to the charger, the LED light on the device will turn solid green after a while. Also if I switch off the device via holding the power button and selecting 'YES' from the dialog box then it would also charged to 100%. Does anyone know if this is software or hardware related? Thanks.
Me to: It will not completely charge!
Same behaviour here! It will not completely charge the battery. When I do a soft reset the battery will show 100 percent and if I plug in back to the charger, the LED light on the device will turn solid green after a while.
I guess it is software related..?
same on mine!
This is what I understand how it works...
The moment you unplug the charger, the fully charged battery is immediately used and becomes 99.999* %, even if the phone is off. Some power will be used e.g. the internal clock. But the default and customised some battery indicator will still show 100% (depending on what settings you use). If you use the customised 1% increment/decrement level, it will immediately show 99% and down and down. So when you plug on again, the battery is already 99.9999% and it will charge until 100%.
Battery issue..
The same behavior here too.
It appears as 100 % only after Soft reset.
And the LED - when the battery is full the LED flashing Green,but still flashing.The LED use some energy,so its normal for me.
azahidi said:
This is what I understand how it works...
The moment you unplug the charger, the fully charged battery is immediately used and becomes 99.999* %, even if the phone is off. Some power will be used e.g. the internal clock. But the default and customised some battery indicator will still show 100% (depending on what settings you use). If you use the customised 1% increment/decrement level, it will immediately show 99% and down and down. So when you plug on again, the battery is already 99.9999% and it will charge until 100%.
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Is not like that...
When battery is about 10% gives a message about the low battery level. I charge it, and the battery level becomes up, until 70%, then stops growing up and the led continues in orange. It can pass hours and the level maintain the 70% and the led doesnt turn to green.
Any could say what could happen?
I think it wolud be problem of:
1- the battery
2 - the charger
3 - the hardware in the htc that manages the charging.
4 - The software in the htc that manages the charging.
5 - ...any idea?
nicodbgh said:
Any could say what could happen?
I think it wolud be problem of:
1- the battery
2 - the charger
3 - the hardware in the htc that manages the charging.
4 - The software in the htc that manages the charging.
5 - ...any idea?
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Have you tried charging your unit with the screen turned off ? or maybe shutdown the phone and charge it, I do it in my Jade and it charge very quick. in less than two hours the LED turns green. Hope that helps
I have to a Hard Reset for the battery recharging status to work. Also when third party battery Icon program is used the problem comes back again. So now I have remove them all and it have worked for a few weeks now. Removing the third party program without a Hard Reset does not do the trick. Hope this helps.
nicodbgh said:
Is not like that...
When battery is about 10% gives a message about the low battery level. I charge it, and the battery level becomes up, until 70%, then stops growing up and the led continues in orange. It can pass hours and the level maintain the 70% and the led doesnt turn to green.
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nicodbgh said:
Is not like that...
When battery is about 10% gives a message about the low battery level. I charge it, and the battery level becomes up, until 70%, then stops growing up and the led continues in orange. It can pass hours and the level maintain the 70% and the led doesnt turn to green.
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My opinion, you may have problem with the hardware, charger or even battery itself. You should send the set to the service centre.
KA Kueh said:
I have to a Hard Reset for the battery recharging status to work. Also when third party battery Icon program is used the problem comes back again. So now I have remove them all and it have worked for a few weeks now. Removing the third party program without a Hard Reset does not do the trick. Hope this helps.
Regards, Kueh
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I use a customised battery icon (the 1% incremental) and there's no problem. Full charging from about 10% is reached in < 2 hrs, even charging using PC or laptop.
azahidi said:
My opinion, you may have problem with the hardware, charger or even battery itself. You should send the set to the service centre.
I use a customised battery icon (the 1% incremental) and there's no problem. Full charging from about 10% is reached in < 2 hrs, even charging using PC or laptop.
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Have you tried ArielBattery program. I like it but it just interfere with the full charging problem and without it the system works perfectly in my case it is not hardware problem.
KA Kueh said:
Have you tried ArielBattery program. I like it but it just interfere with the full charging problem and without it the system works perfectly in my case it is not hardware problem.
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Yes, I have used ArielBattery for quite a while, and I did not give me any problem. Now I am using this (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3330601&postcount=69) and there's no problem either. And I do check and compare between the two
azahidi said:
My opinion, you may have problem with the hardware, charger or even battery itself. You should send the set to the service centre.
I use a customised battery icon (the 1% incremental) and there's no problem. Full charging from about 10% is reached in < 2 hrs, even charging using PC or laptop.
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I have changed the rom and the problem seems to be solved.
Yesterday last around 4 hours to get 100% charged, but finally the orange led become green without doing reset or unplagging the jade.
I would be expectant next time i recharge...

Just want to share about Magician battery (s*cks!)

Last night I am charging my HTC Magician until 100%. Yeah, full. Then I unplug it from the cord. I've check the battery meter, 100%. Then I using it for some phone call, internet and sms. The remaining battery is 96%. But, I dont know why, myself is checking the meter again. It show charging !!! What? I am not plugging it into power cord! But the backup battery show "_Charging" ... hmm .. what does the underscore character meaning on the backup battery? It is never charged, I always look it 100%. Thinks it an error, I restart the device using psshutxp.
But, what? Still black screen?
Hm, then I remove the battery and reinsert again. Not turning on. OW ow...it seems bad. I retry remove and reinsert, same. Plugging the power charger, the LED turning on RED. Hmmm...on each battery, RED is initial charging, when battery discharged fully, hm?
BUT I'VE CHARGING until 100% approximate 45 minutes ago!!
Trying again to remove and reinsert the battery without power charger.
It turns on! Wow! BUT ...
I am using Cotulla HTCMAG_WWE_O2 rom. When we do hardreset, cotulla rom have a progress bar, written "Erasing...please wait" right?
OMG, I think the PDA is 'restored'. Hey, PDA, I dont do reset!
Damn ... I've lost all of my SMS and contacts ... bad news ... But I have backup contacts via activesync so dont need to worry. About SMS? Yeah, they're gone. Then I sleep. Hmm...SMS messages collected since aug 08 lost just because of this f*cking battery.
This morning, I want to going to work.
Hey, the PDA is dead again!
Try remove and reinsert, then press power button, LED turn on with violet color! (i think it was the combination of bluetooth LED and red coloured LED).
Trying several times, and then turn on again. Restored again.
It seems the battery needs to replace (ABSOLUTELY...since got this PDA, it turn off when 28% battery).
Will going to a store to find a replacement battery.
I am using Cotulla HTCMAG_ROM_WWE_O5 Rom.
When I charging my HTC Magician until 100% the LED never change to green color.
Anyone have same problem with me???
yes, mine too. may be it rom's problem.
sounds a lot like you have a dead battery, try getting a new one, that should fix the problem.
I've had batteries that did all sorts of crazy stuff when they were dying.
if batery voltage is going down to 3.2V or less that mean it dying? I looked with powerDetect and when battery remaining less then 30% voltage is going down. and if it is less than 3.1V My magician turn off and I should turn on again. If I try turn on phone on less than 10% my magician turn off too. So that mean I should change my battery?
I don't know bout voltages etc. but if your battery is not holding charge well and/or is shutting off suddenly (mine used to do it at around 40%), then it is time for a new battery.
I recommend this one http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.23962 (if you search magician you can also find the 1800mAh version.
the thing about these are they are fakes made by dealextremem, so they haven't been lying around for as long as some of the bateries on ebay etc.
on top of that they are really cheap with free shipping to boot.
but these batteries quality same than original? Because I don't want change battery or have explosion as I hear in news about other not original batteries
It is funny, people are beta testing a free stuff. Yet they complain like they've paid zillions for it. Sometimes those who complains most are those who intentionally sell Cotulla's works on their puny mobile phone shops. Instead of complaining, try contributing by experimenting on the software.
Keep it up Cotulla, Since you began the 6.1 you've been beaten and crucified for telling the world that it would work. Many thinks Cotulla is crazy and is dreaming. I salute one great Russian guy who once branded GAY and Crazy. Now he re written history, several times.
Let's just be thankful,
you know, my battery used to turn off at 50%. because sometimes it uses it for backup battery so your data is not lost completely quickly. u should buy htc just like i did because the battery is very good. and by the way does anyone have a cooked rom for htc blackstone cause i want 2 upgrade it to wm6.5

Problem with battery charging

I have a problem during charging my battery in HTC Iolite.
LED which mean charging can stay yellow for many, many hours. For example today my device was charging from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (9 hours), and the LED didn't change to green.
It change just when I twice use soft-reset and few times plug and unplug the battery charger cord.
Any one know what's the problem?
Best regards,
I have the same problem, but if i'm recharging the iolite from my computer via the USB cable it works properly and it turns green. Is this a common problem? Anyone else has this strange behaviour?
Maybe the wrong AC/DC - unit? Look at the backside. 230V or 110V input? (for instance from USA or some asian countries)
Greetings Mirko
mirko.prinz said:
Maybe the wrong AC/DC - unit? Look at the backside. 230V or 110V input? (for instance from USA or some asian countries)
Greetings Mirko
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Mine says 100-240V and it came with an attachable European plug.
shandoor said:
Mine says 100-240V and it came with an attachable European plug.
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2nd idea: you have a AC/DC ad. from a navigation-unit? Try it, so you see, is the adaptor or the phone defect.
I don't think, it is phone or charger problem. Mine does the same (orange light for about 5 hrs). At first, I thought, it has something to do with SEX Battery enhancer, but I think, problem is somewhere else. Device is fully charging maybe for 2 hrs (just guessing) and when it is near full charge, it slows charging current. My laptop is doing it in the same way - Quick charge to 95 %, then slow to 100 %.
Also whe you use WiFi, BT or data connection, battery is draining and charging all the time. With combination above, it might be charging all day.
This is just my guess, but very probable one.
shandoor said:
I have the same problem, but if i'm recharging the iolite from my computer via the USB cable it works properly and it turns green. Is this a common problem? Anyone else has this strange behaviour?
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I'll try to charge via USB next time or in the car.
But so far I've used original AC/DC and second one from HTC Trinity. Both are 110-240V, 5V, 1A. And nothing has changed.
I have also a HTC Touch HD... but in my opinion it's not AC/DC problem.
Maybe should I change ROM or something?
torrentonly said:
I don't think, it is phone or charger problem. Mine does the same (orange light for about 5 hrs). At first, I thought, it has something to do with SEX Battery enhancer, but I think, problem is somewhere else. Device is fully charging maybe for 2 hrs (just guessing) and when it is near full charge, it slows charging current. My laptop is doing it in the same way - Quick charge to 95 %, then slow to 100 %.
Also whe you use WiFi, BT or data connection, battery is draining and charging all the time. With combination above, it might be charging all day.
This is just my guess, but very probable one.
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... but in power settings (information tab) is a date of "last full charge" which changed when LED turns green...
My laptop charge to 100% in about 3-4 hours when I'm using it (2 hours when turn off), and after that battery is "unpluged" and working only on AC/DC. I think it's to prevent from battery damage because of still being charged.
Change ROM is not so easy, because are no many working ROMs avaiable (CID-lock!), only the oiginal ROMs. I think, torrentonly is on the right way.
I have the SEX-Battery-Enhancer on my phone too, my LED will be green after a while. You have any data scessions on, for instance bluetooth or AGPS?
I was disable all data connections, make the weatherupdate and internet with ActiveSync or wifi. With AdvancedConfig I was disabled the "auto data connection" and enabled the power management. My battery runs one week with normal using (ca. 3-4 calls per day and ca. 1/2 hour per day playing with any apps) 4-5 hours needed the loading from ca. 15% to 100%
Greetings Mirko
mirko.prinz said:
2nd idea: you have a AC/DC ad. from a navigation-unit? Try it, so you see, is the adaptor or the phone defect.
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If you mean the car charger kit, than I can say that when the last time I used the phone as a GPS it was fully charged after 1 hour (it was just half way charged when I connected it) and the green light came on just fine. This is a mistery
I use a AC/DC from my old Navi, have a mini-USB-plug. They have more power (the Volt is the same) and it works only with 230V~. Yesterday i was tested the original Power unit from Iolite - works too.
Now, when Palingo not makes data connection, maybe it works now?
the device actually stops charging, but the led doesn't turn green
You can sense this - htc not being worm after a while (when it finishes charging)
If you soft reset the device, the led will turn green immediatly and the battery level will be 100%
So I guess it's something software based
mirko.prinz said:
Change ROM is not so easy, because are no many working ROMs avaiable (CID-lock!), only the oiginal ROMs. I think, torrentonly is on the right way.
I have the SEX-Battery-Enhancer on my phone too, my LED will be green after a while. You have any data scessions on, for instance bluetooth or AGPS?
I was disable all data connections, make the weatherupdate and internet with ActiveSync or wifi. With AdvancedConfig I was disabled the "auto data connection" and enabled the power management. My battery runs one week with normal using (ca. 3-4 calls per day and ca. 1/2 hour per day playing with any apps) 4-5 hours needed the loading from ca. 15% to 100%
Greetings Mirko
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My Iolite is from official HTC distributor, with original HTC ROM and without SIMLOCK. If I decide to update firmware I'll probably use original HTC ROM, but I don't know is there any newer than mine? And where can I find it? On HTC site?
I have:
ROM 1.09.479.3 (40104)
ROM date 01-16-09
How CID-lock works?
I've installed SEX-Battery-Enhancer and going to plug AC/DC again We'll see what happen with LED
BTW: My battery runs about 3-4 days (in Trinity 2-3), but I turn-off phone radio for night (24:00-8:30).
mirko.prinz said:
Now, when Palingo not makes data connection, maybe it works now?
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I'll tell you soon ))
4EST said:
the device actually stops charging, but the led doesn't turn green
You can sense this - htc not being worm after a while (when it finishes charging)
If you soft reset the device, the led will turn green immediatly and the battery level will be 100%
So I guess it's something software based
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I have exactly the same. But yesterday even after two or three soft resets LED didn't turn green.
I've noticed this too - although it doesn't happen everytime. I'm pretty sure it's a software related issue as the charging itself works properly. The only trouble is with the battery indicator/led. I don't feel like hard-resetting my device yet though. Anyone here had the problem since the beginning? Maybe some of recently installed Apps made it work buggy (?).
Following apps have been installed in my device in period when I noticed this issue (maybe the list is not absolutely complete):
(Personally, I am little suspicious about S2P...)
My other thought is that my device totally ran out of the battery life before I noticed the problem for a first time. Maybe also this could be connected to the issue somehow...
So, 3 questions:
Did you notice the problem since the beginning or just recently after using the device for a few days already?
[*]If not, did you install any of the apps above (or any other you are suspicious about)?
[*]Didn't you make your battery flat before your first notice of the issue?
Got no more ideas right now...
light problem
I found some bugs concerning this indicator light.
- I tried a new carholder (Brodit) and thought that this was not the good one, because the light was still green. After trying to plug it just "in the wall" it was also still green.
So I gave it a soft reset and after that everything worked: any powersource made it turn orange.
- If I receive a message or an email there's no change. The indicator does not flash orange. Never. And all settings are just fine: warning (sound) and flash.
edit: according to the manual it should flash green when a message or mail is received. Problem is that there's no difference, because it's always flashing green.
Dair said:
So, 3 questions:
Did you notice the problem since the beginning or just recently after using the device for a few days already?
[*]If not, did you install any of the apps above (or any other you are suspicious about)?
[*]Didn't you make your battery flat before your first notice of the issue?
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1/ Yes, I have this problem from the first charging using AC/DC
2/ I don't use any of these apps so I can't tell you anything about them.
3/ I'm always charging battery when it's not less than 10%-30%
Yesterday I made a small trip, so I use car charger. Original from HTC. And after 2 hours LED turned into green.
So... What's the problem?!
I have the same problem.
I have the italia rom, when i charge the phone with PC usb it's ok, when i charge with the power adapter the only way for charge is shut down the phone and in 1 hour the charge is completed!
Same problem here
I have bought the Iolite two days ago and it have the same problem described in this thread.
The green light of battery charged doesn't appear and the PDA is always hot (even when it is turned off).
I try to hard reset and recharging it and it works fine, but after few hours it begin again: the phone became hot and the battery drains out in a few hour and if i try to recharge the green light never appear (it stay all night with the AC plug).
Anyone have some ideas?
PS I have the Italian ROM too.

My LED Is blinking orange/green during charging and battery is draining.

This doesn't look good to me. I had my phone tethered to my laptop while I slept which I do often with no problems. Today I got up and saw the LED was blinking orange and green. I looked and the battery was down to 11% even though the status bar showed the battery as being fully charged.
I popped the battery out and in, tried again, same thing.
When I plug it in the LED stays solid orange for about 5 seconds and then stats blinking.
I tried it on the OEM charger with phone turned both on and off.
It doesn't appear to be charging and the LED's are blinking green, orange.
Does this seem like a bad battery? I live in the US so accessories are hard to get, I don't have a spare battery to test yet.
What do you suggest? I have a new battery coming but it's going to take a while before it shows up.
I had that too for a minute. I suspected a faulty charge / sync cable, swapped it out, and never saw these LEDs again.
Had that too. I'm using a second non OEM Battery, I will try it with the original and give feedback.
I had that with my small charging-cable (non OEM) in my car.
I've tried multiple cables. I'm hoping the battery is the culprit. I have another one on the way but it's literally on a slow-boat from China. If it's not the batter then it's the phone and that's no good. Doesn't charge on, off or in bootloader mode. I've read all the threads and it really could be either. Fingers crossed.
My LED was blinking orange/green too
I was using a non-standard (cheap) battery when this suddenly occurred. Changed to original battery and everything was OK again. Seems like the original batteries are best after all (even if they cost ten times more in my country).
Think that too. My Original Battery works well. The Battery from China is "blinking" sometimes for about 15 minutes.
same or even worst problem
During the first day i buy the phone and charge for 10hour, after that i switch on my phone i was shocked my phone wasn't charge at all but the indicator light show from orange to green.
so i charge my phone for the second time, this time its show 100%. i browse the phone setting and function all that less than 30min and before i sleep it was left 70plus % and after i wake up its left with 20plus % and the timing from i sleep to wake up less than 5hr. my wifi ,gprs bluetooth 3g everything is off except the alarm.
now i charge my phone for the third time after charging for 8hr i switch it on and it did charge but only 20plus % and i continue charge my phone for the forth time. i sucessful switch on the phone and its show 100% but it suddenly turn off, i was shock don't know what went wrong i try switch on the phone and its show the phone is low battary.
so i charge it again and the indicator light turn green less then 1min and my phone becoming weird i can't charge and switch on. once awhile it can be turn on.
so i try charging it again and the phone keep on restart.
i got so fedup as the phone is a brand new set and use it for less then 1 week. i'm going to get it fix tomorrow.
anyone with the same problem or know anything when wrong can help pls.
Hard reset helped me + check if a cable is deep enough in the phone
i try already its still the same. do u have the same problem.
i was charging my phone 2 day ago, and listening to music and downloading a lot of mb from internet with wifi, and i putted it under my pillow
after about 2 or 3 hour i pulled it out and saw the orange and green blinking
my phone was like a fire stone, it had a very bad result, the lcd doesn't had touch sensitive anymore
after 2 hour the sensitivity came back, but the story didn't finish yet.
after that, every time i charge this phone, the lcd sensitivity goes off,and after i cool it down, sensitivity comes back
but now while i'm sending this message, the half of screen doesn't have any touch sense what is your suggestion for me???
I had the same issue with my original battery - turned out that the middle pin in the battery connector had been bent when I swapped batteries - I straightened the pin back to normal position and now it charges fine again.
i am having this problem too. the led is blinking and the battery is not charging. i am forced to use a cradle to charge it up.
The orange and green blinking on charge happened to me a couple of times. In all instances the phone was too hot due to having it covered or temperature of the room was also too hot. Allowing it to cool made it work again. I haven't suffered from this problem ever since I started keep it well ventilated. Hope this helps.
yup. i google for it. and notice it due to overheat. i tried with air con on. it seem working well.
but for me. i cant feel any overheat (like hot/heat on my device when it start blinking.
The blinking light is the phone saying its overheating
this happened to me but the worst thing was I could of bought a 1500mAh battery from Hong Kong for something like £5/6 but i decided to buy one from my own country the UK and i read that an extended type was the best so i bought an extended 1350mAh for £7.99 thinking i would have no issues but its with this new battery that it overheats if i am charging via wall or pc and using my phone!
using tbattery it says the battery is only a 1230mAh anyway!!
but with my original battery i can charge and use at the same time so kinda annoyed i thought i was paying more to get better but i guess i live and learn
so now i have ordered an 1600mAh for my phone for £5.99
i should just use it as a backup battery .
p/s : what is the average battery temperature ?
My HTC LEO "HANG" when incomming call???
please help...i have htc hd2 (asia/indonesia)
Why my phone HAMG when i recieve incoming call?
somtimes hang when recieve sms too...
My email : [email protected]
alifasikin said:
please help...i have htc hd2 (asia/indonesia)
Why my phone HAMG when i recieve incoming call?
somtimes hang when recieve sms too...
My email : [email protected]
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Don't hijack threads!
Start a new one otherwise you won't get any reply for your efforts!
I bought 2 batteries from eBay. The cheap Hong Kong one does this at 60%. The other one was from the UK and claims to be the real thing, and it charges all the way to 100% and has given me no problems (it's the one I've been using for the last 30 days).
Moral of the story: Buy official batteries.
Hi all,
a few days ago I`ve got the same issue. Please don`t laugh, but sollution I`ve found is really funny.
Firstly I was trying to flash different ROMs, Radios with no luck. Trying to clean battery contacts and phone contact pins, especially the middle one, with no luck again.
Then, thinking logically ( ), I`ve found what changes occure to my phone. I didn`t flash a new ROM, didn`t intall any new software and so on before the charging become naughty. The only thing that changed was the temperature around, now here is hot like in hell: about +30C. So I plugged in portable charger and put it with my hd2 into refrigirator (changed it to maximum t to avoid any inconvenience) into low humidity container. In a few hours battery stated was shown as 100%. The next time I was trying to charge it again in the room, but got only blinking led, had to put it back into refrigirator
Seems that battery or phone has a temperature sensor, which stops charging when batt t raises above safe level. I believe sometimes this sensor fails or smth like that and charging can be stopped even when t is not so high..
