Animation - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I was thinking of an idea for a program the other day at work. Me and another guy were really bored so we started to make flip book animations. Then I thought it would be cool if there was some program were I could take pictures of each frame then use the program to animate it. Is there any such program out there?

imageready in adobe cs2 does exactly that. it's used to make gif files


Gif problem

When I open .gif file the animation goes one time and then spon. It's not like on PC to go over and over again. Can you tell me program or something to change it. PSL
stating which program you watch animated gif's with would help a great deal since it's 100% controled by the program you use
some thing on pc's

Giff as background???

Did somebody manage to install gif picture as background.
Why not convert it to JPG/BMP?
Because of animation...
Like on Samsung mobiles
Never seen animated backgroud on PPC (not thought it my me useful). You can only use external application to make it work as a screensaver, or maybe somebody made a new today-like application that can do it? You need to google it out.
there are options

S2u2 Question: How Do I Resize Gifs???

With S2U2 now supporting .gif formats, how can i resize them without distorting the image? I have a few wallpapers I want to try myself, but I cant figure out what program to use. Can anyone help me?
hhhmmm do you mean on pc or pda?
irfanview is a good program to do it on pc
but you can never do it without it becomming blocky
all resizing do is to multiply the sizes of the pixels
no software can add new infomation to an image
those tv shows where they can keep zooming
and it audo makes the picture unblocky is just tv
I use GIMP 'Scaling' feature to scale a picture to 240 x 320, after I crop out the portion I want.
GIMP allow you to save multiple layers of pictures as gif format and even determine the speed of animation.
So....would GIMP enable you to take a 240x320 and crop it to a 240x240 like cropping a photo in other imaging software?
Yes it sure does.
GIMP may seem a bit 'daunting' for non-graphic designing tool user like me at first glance. but once you play with it for a while, it's not that difficult.
I'll give it a shot...thanks for the quick response!
is there a way to resize these in a batch rather than one by one using gimp? I just spent 30 mins trying to resize one gif and it still wouldnt even let me save it. Can someone give me some quck instructions on resizing using this program por favor?
How many layer are there in your gif file? I think the length of time taken is due to your unfamiliarity with GIMP. Otherwise, it should be pretty fast. Not sure whether there are other software out there which allows an even faster and easier way of doing this.
By the way, a question for the guru. I notice the picture quality dropped a bit after I saved them into gif. Any tips to get around such a drop?
i believe one gif had about 141 layers, is there a LIMIT to how many layers S2U2 .96 will support?


I did do a search in here for this but the only thing closest I could to find was AC's S2U with gif wallpaper.. This is something on the home screen wallpaper which was created by Skrew called "VWallpaper" see this link and view video
, This application is on the Iphone.. Would this be able to be made..? It would nice to be open onto home screen while you get a view of a video clip of example, a movie clip, cherished memory, imagination is broad onto what can be added as a vwallpaper. I'm not a Iphone fan but some apps created or recreated have been truly a work of art. So question remains is this possible.. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
God Bless

Moving Wallpapers

i havn't been on the website in a long time and really love all the option you guys put up here. i will be receivin my tp2 come monday and really interested in using the HDWall, but has anyone created a software were it allows you to use a video or .gif file? i have tons of pics to choose from 1 for portriat and 1 for landscape but what about video? granted these phones prob are not made to handle constant video or i could be wrong, but a program that lets you compress a video or use a .gif and if possible run of a memory card would be a plus to minimize the use of the rom. am i making any sence, i think it would be cool. how long should it run, how big a file size it can be, i wish i was a programmer/dev. anyone can tell how i go about that, can it be self taught or a course is required.
it could be video clips, cartoons or a slide show of pictures
the new dusk sense rom/theme i believe has an animated wallpaper feature, its not really developed alot though, but this would answer your question....

