Prophet + Holox BT-541 - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

My problem is that I have Qtek s200 and TT6 and I tried it with friends BT GPS reciver. It worked like charm. I was so thrilled so I bought one for myself at once. But I noticed that TT6 with my new Skytraq GPS wasn't so "quick" as it was with my friends gps. It was "late" 10-20 meters and updated very slowly when I was turning on the new road. With other gps (from my friend) it worked superb!
I did some research and only difference I could find is that my friends GPS is SirfIII and mine is Skytraq (Holox BT-541). I am satisfied with other aspects Mine BT-541 is much better than the other gps (friend): battery time, sensitivity (indoor receiving), Smart power management with Vibration sensor so I don't freely want to change gps reciver. A lot of people on other forums says that it can depend on bluetooth connection.
Is there any help? Tweak?
I don't want to buy another one!
Thanks in advance!
Greetings from Sweden

Well I've got a cheap Holux too (rebranded as "nothing at all"...). With a WM5 Prophet (Qtek s200)
I bought it as a proof of concept, to see if I could record mountain bike tracks and for car navigation - I too bought a copy of TomTom6.
Mine too has a lag in terms of position, and also in terms of refresh (I can be coming off a roundabout, and the GPS display is still on the roundabout).
My plan is to buy a sirf III GPS, i'd prefer to borrow one for a couple of days, but I don't have that option...
I think a sirf III receiver will resolve your problems (& mine)

Hi Paul!
Tnx for your answer.
As I mentioned with other gps (sirf III) it worked like charm.
I borrowed my friends gps last weekend just to double chek it once more.
And YES, it worked superb!
So yes, I think too sirf III gps will solve my/your problem.

This is mai I recived from Skytraq ([email protected]):
This the first occurrance we heard regarding slow response of BT-GPS using our chipset.
When the receiver seem slow while turning, is the environment much blocked having bad visibility of the sky? Or is it fair sky condition?
When doing a side-by-side comparison of SiRFstarIII and our GPS receiver, we see similar lag between the actual position and the displayed when driving with both receivers. This is due to reason that : GPS receiver takes a snapshop measurement of your actual position, do some calculation to get the lat/lon position (about 400 msec), sends it out through UART and Bluetooth interface using 38400 baud (also couple hundred millisecond), and the map takes a little time to decode and display dependent on CPU speed in Qtek s200. Thus there may be 1sec ~ 1.5sec lag between the position shown and your actual position. When driving fast, such lag will be more significant.
Best Regards,

i was using a bluetooth gps receiver i bought cheap on ebay, 1 of the older chipsets, but that wasn't good, anyway that went kaput & boght a holux 1 with sirf iii chip & all is good
so yeah maybe it is just the chipset of the gps & u noticed it your self

Interesting reply from the manufacturer, though... is he just trying to confuse us with technical talk? It seems the Sirf III has a faster reaction.
I've tried all sorts of tweaks (upping the baud rate for example), and still have that lag.
Later today I'll try with overclocking (just installed BatteryStatus ) and see if that reduces the lag.
However, our experience so far indicates the Sirf III chipset is simply faster.

I allready tried with overclocking!
Unfortunatly - that is not helping.
Still same lag!
I think I'm gonna sell my Prophet and bt gps and buy HTC TC instead buying a new gps device.
Have read some fine critics about gps in TC.
The only problem is that TC is not aviliable yet in Sweden
But so0n


magician + navigon 4

Does someone know if navigon 4 works great on the magician ?
Can we receive some feedback from users that have tried it ?
I have used it and it works fine although personally I prefer TomTom
I have the same problem with Navigon 4.2 when I connect it to a bluetooth GPS,
I'm tryed with so many options but not yet, nothing at all, IT DOSN'T WORK WITH THE BLOODY BLUETOOTH GPS, unless I find I a way out to change the bluetooth setting there,
I hope anybody can advise...
Navigon works fine with my BT GPS. No problem at all.
TO jacoh.
Did you mean it is working with the imate jam (magician)?
if yes,
did you pair the bluetooth gps with com5 (as outbound)?
then normal setting of navigon,
then work fine (it is not finding the bt gps at all) where other small navigation software finds it and work with but not the navigon,
please advise!
thanx in advance
maybe you should call the Navigon software vendor and ask why it does not work.
unless you did not bought the software of course, but you certainly are not a f**king hacker are you?
Yes. It is working with iMate Jam (well it's a Qtek S100 with french OS). Com5 in Navigon settings. GPS is an emtac. No problem. Most of the time, problems come from BT pairing. Does your GPS receiver comes with a test application (emtac provides one for example)?
to mms72 :
i've read that the 4.2 doesn't work. Only the 4.01 does.
to jacoch :
Is it slooow or not ?
for example, when you don't follow the route, how long does it take to recalculate a new one (big delay or not) ?
I've heard poeple in France saying it's quite slow to recalculate and almost unusable in cities. I have no problem on my side. It takes 1-2s to recalculate. But it seems to depend on the map density. I live in switzerland in a small city and the maps are probably simpler than the map of Paris or London.
Hi all,
I spend a lot of time to get MN4.2 working reliable. It depends on the protocol that your GPS is working with. As default for my RBT1000 was
GGA=1, GSA=1, GSV=5 RMC=1,GLL=0 and VTG=0. With this configuration the bluetooth connection will lost from time to time.
Now i have changed the protocol to GGA=1 and VTG=1. This combination works perfect for me. In some case (depends on your hardware) you need
GSA=1 also,
thank you yoshi:
simple and small question:
How to change those protocls :roll: in my imate jam..
It depends on your mouse how to change the protocolls.
In my case the mouse came with a special software to change the protokoll. You can also some special tools for that for example:
winfast navigator.
thank you for the advice Yoshi
thank you Yoshi,
it (MN4.2) finaly worked with Holux GR-230 Bluetooth GPS after I changed some protocls (((( BuT )))) not stable , it works like 2 sec's on and 4 sec's off in finding the GPS Signal and I'm still trying to play with protocls to find the best combinations...
:evil: :evil: :evil: still fighting with it... :evil: :evil: :evil:
MN4.2 working great on my MDA compact with Fortuna Bluetooth GPS.
Mapfile > 330 MB! on 1 GB SD-Card.
Waiting for my 2GB Card to put the whole European map file on it.
Excellent product!
Just purchased MN4.2 with Navigon's GPS receiver. Their own receiver is great because it has TMC reception for traffic updates.
The software runs really well, routes are very fast calculated, no problems at all.
I think this software is really nice, all completely usable without stylus using the d-pad, it might look less appealing than TomTom, but it is way more sophisticated, and the maps are much better quality.
On their website they offer a very attractive upgrade price from any competitive product.
Only issue I noticed so far is that when I miss a turn it is sometimes very fast in giving me another route, and sometimes it is slower, don't know why, but always acceptable.
The only problem is with voice guidance, as it sometimes speaks too late. Particularly when there are turnings one after the other (very close, say 20m), then the voice guidance is a bit slow. It is ok if I am driving slowly, otherwise it speaks too late.
Having a glimpse at the map display clarifies any doubt, so no big issue.
The software is also extremely stable, you can open and close hundreds times without any problem. In my case, everything is installed on SD Card.
For the bluetooth, I first paired using the OS bluetooth config screen, and then I opened MN4, and gave COM5 as the bluetooth port. If it doesn't work, you should restart the program after switching off and on the receiver.
By the way, I live in London.
When I will have more experience with the product, I'll post further impressions.

Best bluetooth gps receiver...

Hi guys!
I'm looking for a bluetooth gps receiver form my Jam with TomTom 5... any suggestion?
i just bought a holux-236 off e-bay @ £96 inc shipping. Haven't tried it out yet, but read a load of reviews prior to purchasing that sang it's praises. Apparently you can keep it in your glove box and it'll still pick up & stay fixed on sats!
i also have a Holux gpslim 236 this is a great receiver, it has a usb car charger so you can use it with the magician
GlobalSat BT-338 receiver is one of the best - Got mine on eBay for £60. Any receiver with a SiRFStar III chipset is good. Look at for reviews of receivers, there are newer SiRFstar III receivers than the BT-338 now which are more compact - that site will tell you all.
At ebay I bought a "Bluetooth Nemerix GPS Receiver, 16 Channels", wich came in a nameless package (I can't find any brand on it), and it only cost me €65 inc. shipping.
Only after 2 hours the bluetooth began to stop, and after half an hour it was completely dead. Do you might buy a good-one in stead of a cheap one
I wouldn't recommend the TomTom reciever. They make great software, but the reciever I got from them is tempremental, sometimes it establishes a fix in seconds, and sometimes it takes up to 20 mins.
i'm using RBT ROYALTEK 2001,
its working flawlessly , i'm getting fix in less then 2 seconds.
also SIRF III.
elyl said:
GlobalSat BT-338 receiver is one of the best - Got mine on eBay for £60. Any receiver with a SiRFStar III chipset is good. Look at for reviews of receivers, there are newer SiRFstar III receivers than the BT-338 now which are more compact - that site will tell you all.
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Elyl, I have the same GPS, it works great when it wants to. The problem i have with this gps is that it tends to lose its BT pairing on my MDA. Its looks ok from BT menu in win2003PE but TT5 does not see it. This means i have to delete the BT profile and recreate it Bit anoying.
Just wondered if you had the same problem or if anyone else does ?
PS/ this is my 1st post after reading the forums for a while and would like to say hi to one and all
At the moment I'm thinking to buy one of these for my Jam:
Royaltek RBT2001
Globalsat bt 338
Wich is the best?
nogs said:
Elyl, I have the same GPS, it works great when it wants to. The problem i have with this gps is that it tends to lose its BT pairing on my MDA. Its looks ok from BT menu in win2003PE but TT5 does not see it. This means i have to delete the BT profile and recreate it Bit anoying.
Just wondered if you had the same problem or if anyone else does ?
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I can't say I've encountered that problem. One thing to bear in mind, which is a fault of TT5 - when TT5 first starts up, and the BT GPS is on, TT5 will report "No GPS device present" until your GPS gets a lock. What it should really say is "No GPS signal".
As I remember, I thought it wasn't paired the first couple of times I used it, but if you actually wait a minute or so the GPS will get a fix, and TT5 will appear to "pair" with it.
So, more than likely the re-pairing you do is unnecessary, it's just that TT5 gives the wrong message when it doesn't have a signal. Another known problem with TT5 is that it will sometimes do a cold start on your GPS after a certain amount of time if it doesn't get a good enough signal... this is unnecessary also, and means it takes longer to get a fix. TT5 is far from perfect!
Markino said:
Hi guys!
I'm looking for a bluetooth gps receiver form my Jam with TomTom 5... any suggestion?
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I use a normal's all ok.
I see what your saying Elyl,
But after 30 minutes of waiting and resetting the GPS and reloading tomtom, then to delete and recreate the pair and it works within 1 minute makes me think my setup has a flaw somewhere. Will reinstall TT and the BT support.
Anyway back to the topic, the BT-338 is one of the best specced GPS receivers with SiRF 3 chipset for the price. The battery life is excellent too. Ebay is a good place to pick one up from but watch for the carriage !
Agree with this! I own BT-338 and it works very well with Magician. Recommended, very good receiver.
elyl said:
GlobalSat BT-338 receiver is one of the best - Got mine on eBay for £60. Any receiver with a SiRFStar III chipset is good. Look at for reviews of receivers, there are newer SiRFstar III receivers than the BT-338 now which are more compact - that site will tell you all.
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Agree with this! I own BT-338 and it works very well with Magician. Recommended, very good receiver.
elyl said:
GlobalSat BT-338 receiver is one of the best - Got mine on eBay for £60. Any receiver with a SiRFStar III chipset is good. Look at for reviews of receivers, there are newer SiRFstar III receivers than the BT-338 now which are more compact - that site will tell you all.
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Never had any problem like this with my BT-338 + TT5 + Magician.
And I dont turn on the Bluetooth settings (you know, the blue icon in the bottom left corner). But the TT5 stills be able to pair it. Never lost the pairing.
Oh btw, I use ROM 1.01 The oldest one. I dont upgrade it because it works fine.
nogs said:
elyl said:
GlobalSat BT-338 receiver is one of the best - Got mine on eBay for £60. Any receiver with a SiRFStar III chipset is good. Look at for reviews of receivers, there are newer SiRFstar III receivers than the BT-338 now which are more compact - that site will tell you all.
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Elyl, I have the same GPS, it works great when it wants to. The problem i have with this gps is that it tends to lose its BT pairing on my MDA. Its looks ok from BT menu in win2003PE but TT5 does not see it. This means i have to delete the BT profile and recreate it Bit anoying.
Just wondered if you had the same problem or if anyone else does ?
PS/ this is my 1st post after reading the forums for a while and would like to say hi to one and all
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Has anyone seen or used the following gps receiver?
Read the review of that solar GPS on - basically, the solar bit is just a gimmick, and not very well implemented. I think the review said something like you'd need to have it in direct sunlight for about 20 hours to get 1 hour of life out of it.

GPS for HTC which one is the best?

WHich GPS software is more suitable to a HTC WIzard?
I need something stable and reliable
is there anything u can suggest me?
I need something for CHINA and HK
Giordano said:
WHich GPS software is more suitable to a HTC WIzard?
I need something stable and reliable
is there anything u can suggest me?
I need something for CHINA and HK
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GET Holux Gpslim 236 and you will not regret it! it is a cheap but TOP model! I have it and it is unbelievably good..
Any unit with SiRF Star III chipset
kanate said:
Any unit with SiRF Star III chipset
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I think he needs the GPS software not the GPS receiver ...
OFF again: the holux 236 is quite a piece :wink:
I use TomTom 5.21 with an i-blue receiver. I am pretty happy with it here in South Florida, USA.
kelu said:
kanate said:
Any unit with SiRF Star III chipset
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I think he needs the GPS software not the GPS receiver ...
OFF again: the holux 236 is quite a piece :wink:
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Haha, yeah, I just read his post more carefully this time. So I'll recommend again, TomTom Navigator 5.21 ! That's the best so far and pair it with SiRF Star III chipset Bluetooth GPS receiver
I use TomTom 5.21 in US and it's working great. Heard lots of good things about it for UK too. But I have no idea for China and HK.
I use Destinator PN. Very pleased
I heard TomTom is a way to go when it comes to maps (software) in US and Europe and possibly in China, what about hardware though?
Seidio RBT-2010 vs Holux GPSlim236 vs i-Blue ???
I am currently shopping for a GPS receiver as well, and globalsat BT-338 seems to be the one that's recommended 90% of the time. Anybody paired one of these with their Wizard?
GPS for the Qtek9100
I just got the Holux gr 236Slim yesterday and it just rocks.
Its very sensitive.¨
Getting about 10 satelites with the GPS from inside the compartment.
Re: GPS for the Qtek9100
janthorud said:
I just got the Holux gr 236Slim yesterday and it just rocks.
Its very sensitive.¨
Getting about 10 satelites with the GPS from inside the compartment.
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No antenna?
No antenna, just the HOLUX 236 :lol:
SiRF-III should be the First consideration
I am experimenting with a Globalsat BT-338 with my Wizard (Cingular 8125). I am extremely pleased with the ability of the GPSr to work inside the house, in closed stairwells in office buildings and in densely wooded area. I am having other problems related to my desire to use my investment in Garmin maps with this GPS, but that's another story....
One word of expectations: The user manual is nearly non-existant. Also, the GPS locked up on me once and the only way is to remove the batter (which is easy) and then put it back after a couple of hours. If you face any problem, the tech support and forum moderator at Globalsat sucks, but I will give them points for being prompt with a reply, however canned that maybe. Very cheap at US$130.
I'm using Fortuna Slim GPS
standard nokia battery
8+ hours autonomy
optional bundle with car power supply adapter
really fast
really good 2D accuracy and good 3D accuracy
I am using iGuidance and an iBlue receiver with my 8125. I get 10 sats from the car and can usually get about 4 from inside my house, enough to get a fix but not really doing much navigation inside my home!
It has paired flawlessly with my device. Best part is that is goes into sleep mode and then wakes up only when the paired device requests data. So that means I can have BT on, on my 8125, use my bt headset and the unit stays in sleep mode. When I open iGuidance that wakes the gps and it gets a fix usually in about 50-120 secs. Most of the time by the time I am out of a parking lot or earlier.
So far the maps from iGuidance have been pretty good. The latest release on their website fixes a 3D display issue. Best part is installation is painless, no copying CAB files to get it installed. So far I only have PA, MD, and DE on it and that is about 115M. The longest run I have had with it has been 6 days of about 20 hours of on time and the rest of the time in sleep mode.
Another vote for TomTom...
The receiver they have is great, too.
TomTom 5.x and Holux 236Slim get my vote - Holux is very quick to get fix, even from inside my glove box - and it shares the same connection as my Wizard for the car charger, should it run out of battery.
I have the holux now and cant get it to pair with the 8125
I cant get it to pair with the outgoing port does not show up..when i push new partnership it does not find anything. WHats wrong
I have the holux now and cant get it to pair with the 8125
I cant get it to pair with the outgoing port does not show up..when i push new partnership it does not find anything. WHats wrong
i want gps for my htc wizard, which one is the best? i prefer usb gps if it is possible, bleutooth is my last choice

Tomtom with O2 Exec or Tomtom one

I know some of you would be annoyed with me posting a topic which has been discussed on this forum but after searching a lot on this forum i could not decide whether to buy a bluetooth GPS reciever or Tomtom one?
I have tomtom software 5.21 with the maps and dont mind struggling a bit initially ( for the 1st time i mean ) to get the bluetooth GPS running with Exec but just want to ask all of those who are using their Exec with tomtom few questions.
How easy is it to use Exec with tomtom in day to day life?
Has anybody used both and what do they prefer and why?
Which GPS is the best cos i have seen few with 32 channel etc etc?
Thanx in advance!!
I've been using TomTom on my Exec since about November last year, and to be honest, I wouldn't even consider getting a full TomTom device.
I've got a BT-77 GPS (about £45 off eBay), wired permanently on in my car (I've also got a second if I need to use it elsewhere), and had NO PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER getting it to work - in fact, I'm bemused at why the whole Bluetooth/GPS issue is such a big one. I simply paired the two, and set up a port - no messing about unhiding the GPS applet etc. Easy.
I've got a Brodit mount in the car - very good. I've also got a Parrot hands-free, so the Exec does everything in the car - phone and sat nav (with Traffic).
Downsides? Well, sometimes the Exec can take an age to start TomTom, but other than that, I'm struggling to think of any.
Same rig as above poster (SPV m5000,Tt 5.21 & BT77 GPS receiver) but did have a little trauma with the Tomtom port problem at first :evil: found the solution here though and now it's all good! Tomtom does suck the life out of that minuscule battery though, so a powered mount or a decent car charger are a must. As for the amount of receiver channels - the more the better (for tracking ability - look for ones with the SIRF III chip-set) i believe. Hope this helps
Thanks Oink1 and StevePritchard
I have ordered HOLOX Bluetooth GPS Reciever 32 Channel 4 TomTom from Ebay and it has SIRF III chip-set aswell.
Will let you know how it is for me
I have been using my Exec with TTN 5.21 for approaching a year now and use it with a SysOn 20 Channel SiRF Star Bluetooth GPS, brilliant piece of kit.
I wouldn't worry about the high end of GPS channel tracking as 12 - 20 suffices. The only problem that I've experienced was keeping the pairing but otherwise it works exceptionally.
Hi all,
Which software version of tomtom supports full postal code directions?
Thanks for all ur input

GPS Program and Reciever

Ok, Im ordering my bluetooth reciever this week, and I was just looking for some help. Other than a auto off and max channels, is there anything else I should be looking for with the reciever? Also, anyone that uses GPS software, can you post some pros and cons of the diffrent ones out. TomTom a system hog? Does Telenav and the other have voice prompts? Are any of them worth getting instead of just going with googlemaps?
Thanks all
I use TomTom and i´m very happy with it. Voice promt and maps are fast enough when overclocked to 273Mhz...
papamopps said:
I use TomTom and i´m very happy with it. Voice promt and maps are fast enough when overclocked to 273Mhz...
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My wing boggs down with anything over 247. And isnt tomtom a memory hog? Have you used anything else Papa?
Airman Gimpy said:
My wing boggs down with anything over 247. And isnt tomtom a memory hog? Have you used anything else Papa?
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tomtom takes 5mb ram - i guess is not such a lot for a device. making a phonecall while navigating is no problem. the program switches sound off - and switches back to tomtom again after call....
i tested
- destiantor (not better)
- mobilenavigator (slooooowwwww)
- etc
But tomtom is the best - even with 247mhz
papamopps said:
tomtom takes 5mb ram - i guess is not such a lot for a device. making a phonecall while navigating is no problem. the program switches sound off - and switches back to tomtom again after call....
i tested
- destiantor (not better)
- mobilenavigator (slooooowwwww)
- etc
But tomtom is the best - even with 247mhz
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Sweet, Thanks. Any advice as far as recievers go?
I've used Iguidance it and it works well, doesn't use much memory either I don't think...but I would still prefer TomTom over it
Need a update
Anyone got any info on what to look for when buying a bluetooth GPS reciever?
Look for a receiver with either a Sirfstar III chip receiver or the MTK chip. A bonus feature would be if they have a mini-usb port for charging purposes.
I've had good luck with Holux receivers. I have the M-1000 bluetooth receiver(MTK chip) which I use with my Wing. The battery life is pretty good and I've been able to lock onto satelites in my living room.
The SIRFIII chip was/is the gold standard until the MTK came along. The MTK offers comparable performance and better battery life for slightly less money.
I also have a Holux Sirfstar III USB receiver as well for my non-bluetooth laptop, but that is another story for another time.
db130 said:
Look for a receiver with either a Sirfstar III chip receiver or the MTK chip. A bonus feature would be if they have a mini-usb port for charging purposes.
I've had good luck with Holux receivers. I have the M-1000 bluetooth receiver(MTK chip) which I use with my Wing. The battery life is pretty good and I've been able to lock onto satelites in my living room.
The SIRFIII chip was/is the gold standard until the MTK came along. The MTK offers comparable performance and better battery life for slightly less money.
I also have a Holux Sirfstar III USB receiver as well for my non-bluetooth laptop, but that is another story for another time.
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Thanks db. This is what Im lookin at.GlobalTop G33 51 Channel MTK Bluetooth GPS Receiver. There were a few ofthers with a few more channels but this looked like a standard, and it got alot of good reviews.
