App for quickly swapping IE user agent strings? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Is there an app that handles quickly flipping the IE user agent string? That is, when using Bank Of America, and some other sites, I have to change how IE reports. Right now I've only changed it by manually editing the registry. One tool has a text field for it. But I'd like to have one that allowed storing the value in a drop-down field.
So before I go fire up Visual Studio, has anyone already done this?

If you're using WM5, PIEPlus will do it. If you're using WM6, PIEPlus does not work for changing the user agent string (it allows you to tweak the setting but nothing actually changes). If WM6 is what you're on, I would suggest going ahead with Visual, and then post it here when you're done!


Loosing authentication when navigating between 2 web pages

I did develop a web application using asp-pages including JavaScript as a front end for an backend application. JavaScript is needed to interface with the back end application.
In order to get data in and out the backend I need to go via a .dll that is on the web server. Before I can do that I need to login via an authentication object. Authentication details are in the DB.
After successful authentication I can jump between different pages and can do whatever I want based on the permissions that I have as the user logged in.
That is the expected behaviour of the application and it works as described above using an ASUS MyPal.
I have troubles with my MDA (T-Mobile) as I am loosing the authentication when navigating away from the page that holds the authentication object.
Going away from that page, the browsers (PocketIE (after a registry hack) or NetFront) loose my authentication information and database content is not displayed.
Everything is working well on the MDA and contents is displayed correctly if I bypass/delete the authentication code. But then I have a security problem, of course. So the point is, that the information, that the user is authenticated, gets lost between 2 pages. According to T-Mobile the MDA does not fully support Java as they have licensing problems with Sun.
Can this be the problem?
Can anybody help? I am happy with every registry hack or similar. How can I force the MDA to keep the memory, as the ASUS MyPal does or any regular Windows Notebook/Desktop?
Any help is highly appreciated!

MIDP KVM proxy Settings.

I am trying to make the Opera_Mini work using JEODE MIDP 2.0 profile.
My service provider does not allow me to make internet connections except for a predefined wap server in my current GPRS Plan. But I have a \'hacked\' IP address and Port through which I can tunnel through to get \'full\'access to the Internet.
Again, I can easily configure NetFront to make use of this proxy for browsing.
The requirement is to make the Opera_mini Midlet to connect using this proxy.
What I have found was the VM uses an APN, instead of the specific proxy&port to connect to the internet.
I tried with a few other VMs like J9. But ALL of them cant tunnel.
I found this information on the MIDP configuration parameter to set the HTTP proxy:-<url>:<port>
I am yet to create a link which takes this parameter to the VM as an argument.
Again, I have no clue about the MIDP_HOME parameter value w.r.t JEODE or J9. If so, i could set the same values in the $(MIDP_HOME)/lib/internal.config file - instead of passing as a -D parameter.
Do you think this will work?. Anyone faced any problem with HTTP Proxy setting for vm?
Please let me know!
Thanks in Advance and Regards,
(Hopefully) final MIDlet Bible main feature & hack & standards compliance chart published!
It was yesterday that I’ve published a larger excerpt from my forthcoming MIDlet Bible (a full roundup & tutorial explaining what MIDlets are, why you would want to run them, what applications there are to do this etc.), focusing on mostly 3D games. I haven’t been lazy in the meantime: I’ve made some serious updates to the main feature & hack & standards compliance chart of the Bible. The reason I’m posting it as a preview is pretty simple: it will still take me some two or three days to completely finish and, finally, publish the MIDlet Bible. In the meantime, however, you can already check out the new chart. I’m absolutely sure you’ll find it useful if you’re into gaming or running probably the, after Opera Mobile, second best Web Browser for Windows Mobile, Opera Mini 4 beta 2. Or, alternatively, the really unique and useful Gmail MIDlet, which is far more usable than any other Windows Mobile mailer tool.
I’ve, as has already been stated, greatly enhanced the previous version published over a month ago. I’ve added discussions of ClearType / font smoothing, automatic network connection, proxies, text input fields / areas etc. and I’ve even published the source code (!) of some of my test MIDlets I’ve written specifically for these tests. (I’m a Java pro.)
The chart is HERE, should you want to check it out before I, finally, publish the MIDlet Bible.
Comments are REALLY welcome!

how to open port 5060

When i try to edit the registry to open the port it says
access is denied how to i get around it
Any help please.
A registry entry to open a port?
Mind to talk more about what are you trying to do actually?
If you are doing SIP, it's your application to open that port, not the registry.
I am trying to do sip but was told that the port had to be opened by
changing the registry. The item below is what i am trying to change
EnablePort5060 = 0
as i am unable to connect to a sip server.
Hiya Zed
Fancy meeting you here
So you ended up completing this by removing the memory card, rebooting (soft reboot) and making the change. It's certanly an option to remember to get the job done
Oh, Welcome to XDA Developers You can normally find me in the Hermes room
zed333 said:
I am trying to do sip but was told that the port had to be opened by
changing the registry. The item below is what i am trying to change
EnablePort5060 = 0
as i am unable to connect to a sip server.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This registry is only for RTC app which is suppesed to be in WM6 but is not. If you have instlled VoIP from installers taken from x-dev then OK, you can play with this registry, but if you are using some standard VoIP application like SJPhone or some other commercialy available one, then forget about this registry. Your app will do it for you.
However, to change registry, you need proper registry editor. like Resco in eg.
If yo have problem with VoIP and RTC then take in mind that there are SIP servers wth which RTC works, and some other SIP servers with wich RTC does not work. You can try with asterisk, FWD and some few more, but mostly with others you will have problems.
Easy solution, take SJphone for PPC, works well with all SIP servers, is free, but is bit to havy for the system. The best commercial VoIP app (at leas for me) is Aget phone, also good is X-PDA from GlobalIPTel.
Voip sip - working

Push mail user agent

Push mail in Outlook Mobile sends its requests to the Exchange web server with the user agent: MSFT-PPC/5.2.1604. (Build number changes, of course).
Is there a method to modify this user agent? I can't find any registry reference to it. I need to change it because my network provider allows only certain user agents to pass through (silly security measure) and it seems like MSFT-PPC isn't on the white list.
I'm using WM 6.1 on a Touch HD.
Update: I resolved the issue with my network operator by allowing the user agent after hours of convincing. Mods, delete this topic or keep it if it could ever be useful if answered...

Where can i change the user agent string in PIE?

My carrier has customised home pages dependent on the handset model.
Since im using the HD2 which is not issued by my carrier, i plan to use the Samsung i8000 user agent string so that i get similar resolution and dont have to zoom in every time i load a page.
Does any one know where i can change the user agent string in Pocket Internet Explorer in the HD2?
I cant use Opera because i cant access '3' sites using their APN as Opera uses its own servers to minimise data.
Thanks in advance.
I think there's an option in Opera Mobile to turn off "opera turbo", so then it doesn't use the opera proxy server and you'll get a direct connection, etc.
Otherwise, use a registry editor and look under HKLM/Software/Microsoft and HKCU/Software/Microsoft- there's likely to be a setting in there for Internet Explorer and something related to user agent, etc. Probably worth writing down what it is before you change it though!

