Push mail user agent - Networking

Push mail in Outlook Mobile sends its requests to the Exchange web server with the user agent: MSFT-PPC/5.2.1604. (Build number changes, of course).
Is there a method to modify this user agent? I can't find any registry reference to it. I need to change it because my network provider allows only certain user agents to pass through (silly security measure) and it seems like MSFT-PPC isn't on the white list.
I'm using WM 6.1 on a Touch HD.
Update: I resolved the issue with my network operator by allowing the user agent after hours of convincing. Mods, delete this topic or keep it if it could ever be useful if answered...


Push email update

I've got all my details on how to connect to my Exchange server, however how do I get it to update as and when I receive new mail? At the moment I have to do it manually.
On the PDA, if you have filled in server, user name, password and domain thats all you need to do.
If you are not getting the email automatically I suspect its a setting issue on Exchange Server. Thats outside my experience, you are best posting a question on an MSDN forum related to Exchange
As colonel said, the settings themselves are very few and easy to input.
The major problem is:
Which settings do you need ?
This is highly dependent on the infrastructure "your" Exchange Server is located in.
Personally I would have been lost without the infos sent to me by the SysAdmin of our company.
Is it really "your" Exchange Server or the one from your mobile operator or the company you are working in ?
If the former is the case: you should know the settings, because it is very risky running an Exchange Server without being familiar with it downto the bits. If the latter is the case you are lucky off: your (experienced) SysAdmin will be glad to tell you. If he doesn't the service will not be open for useing it and if you are in a company it's be advisable then not to try to bypass services not intended for internal use.
It's through a third-party. I have a copy of Exchange, but I don't currently have a Windows server to run it on.
Trapper, go to Activesync on your workstation and press the Schedule button. Select "When new items arrive" for both Peak and Offpeak times.
There are also settings within your user ID in Active Directory. Go to properties of your user ID and I think it is the Exchange Advanced tab. This will allow you to set the sync options from the server side. You will need to do this from your Windows server, or get your administrator to do it for you.
Trapper, go to Activesync on your workstation and press the Schedule button. Select "When new items arrive" for both Peak and Offpeak times.
There are also settings within your user ID in Active Directory. Go to properties of your user ID and I think it is the Exchange Advanced tab. This will allow you to set the sync options from the server side. You will need to do this from your Windows server, or get your administrator to do it for you.
If its through a 3rd party then they are responsible. Why don't you contact their support dept. ?
1. If its a professional company like 4smartphone.net or mail2web.com then their IT depts will help you.
2. If its a small company with an exchange server and a DSL connection who have 'gifted you' an account they will need to get 3rd party consultancy to solve this. There are a number of checks, for example is it exchange 2003 ? has SP2 been applied ? has push been setup in the server engine ? etc etc
My experience of server based systems is that you need an expert. If you want to become an expert yourself then fine, but that probably means many years in the business, reading loads of books and/or an MS certified course.
I have had so much experience over the years of people who claim to know about a system, tinkering around but not solving problems. You have to get the A-Team.

Windows Mobile 5.0 Email Bug

I would like to kno if anyone in xda was able to address the problem with the wm5 client address on a forum i read about, i beleive i am havin the same problems
"the Pocket tv team"
we found a bug with the Windows Mobile Email client that prevents using
certain SMTP servers.
i suspect the bug is general to all Windows Mobile devices including Pocket
PCs, but we only tested it and confirmed it on the Motorola Q (a Windows
Mobile 5.0 Smartphone).
the bug prevents using some login names on SMTP servers (i.e. outgoing
email) that require a user name DIFFERENT from the POP3 ou IMAP4 server
(i.e. incoming email) and when the login name is something like
'[email protected]' i.e. when the login name contains an '@' sign.
this type of server login name is common on servers that use shared domains
on a single IP address, and this is a common case. in this case, since
there may be several users with the same name under different domains (on
the same server), the correct user is identified by using the domain name
with the '@' sign.
in fact i found that bug by trying to configure the Motorola Q to use one of
our email servers to send my email.
what happens is that the Smartphone email client removes the @ sign and
everything that follows it when loging to the SMTP server - we confirmed
that by looking in real time in the log files produced by our SMTP server.
i am not aware of any workaround.
the problem does not happen when the SMTP server uses the same login name as
the POP3 or IMAP4 server (in that case, the login name can have an "@" sign,
and it is handled correctly). the problem only happens when the SMTP server
uses a different login, and that this different login has an "@" sign.
once again, MSFT was apparently trying to be "smart" i.e. they assumed that
the @domain part in the login name of the SMPT server was entered by mistake
by the user, but being too smart is not always a good thing.
note that using fully-qualified user-name that include a mandatory @domain
part is very common and even google's gmail uses this, as you can see in the
'Account Name' section of
http://mail.google.com/support/bin/a...y?answer=13287 .
if you use gmail to both receive and send email, it will work, because the
POP3 and SMTP servers use the same login. but if you want to use gmail just
to send (i.e. SMTP), and use another server to receive (i.e. POP3 or IMAP4),
then it won't work, because of that bug.
this is a pretty serious problem.
also, the IMAP4 client configuration does not allow to specify the remote
directory (in the user's account on the IMAP4 server) where the IMAP folders
are located, which may be different from the default login directory. This
renders IMAP4 completely un-usable in some cases.
Of course those bugs are not new to Windows Mobile 5.0. It's just a shame
that MSFT never fixed them.
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can't connect to any POP3/SMTP site that requires the use of SSL.

I recently got this email from att yahoo:
Dear AT&T Yahoo! Member,
We're making some security improvements to your AT&T Yahoo! service. These changes will affect members who send or receive email from a desktop or mobile client program, such as Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, Eudora, Apple Mail, or Thunderbird.
To help us ensure the security of your email, you will need to change the settings on your desktop or mobile email client program.
you may take the following steps to change the settings on your desktop or mobile email client program:
Open your email client program.
Locate the email account settings for your particular client.
Change the POP server to pop.att.yahoo.com.
Change the SMTP server to smtp.att.yahoo.com.
Check the option labeled Use an encrypted connection (SSL) and change the SMTP port to 465.
Check the option labeled Use an encrypted connection (SSL) and change the POP3 port to 995.
Confirm the above settings then click OK.
I already tried my first comandment "Thou shalt not ask before search!" but alas I can't seem to find how to change ports on e-mail set up. I'm running wm6 but I don't know if wm5 had this abbilty as I didn't need it then. Any help would be great!
So, mabey I should have posted under wm6 & titled the post photon question. At the very least somebody would reply to flame me or something. lol
I had the same problem. Turned out to be the operator. They do not offer full Internet services, only WAP and unencrypted e-mail (i.e. no SSL). The problem sorted itself out after switching to another operator . . .
Add a colon then (port #, no spaces) after each in/Out server. That is how I have it set up with my 8525/ wm5
Thanks, I'll give that a shot. If not I guess I can open a hot mail account and forward email till att fixes the auto set up in August (per the "help" desk)

MS hotfix for SMTP not needed for HD

In case you are wondering if you need to install the hotfix Microsoft released yesterday for the deadly SMTP "bug" in WinMobile: You don't need it, since HD has 6.1.4, and patch is only needed for up to 6.1.3 . Only remedy until now was hardreset, for pre-HD.
Link to MS hotfix page: http://bit.ly/Kv5b
This behavior is associated with a feature that was introduced in Windows Mobile 6.1. It provides a way for users to send e-mail through an alternate outbound e-mail server provided by their mobile operator in the event that the default outbound e-mail server becomes inaccessible.
The problem occurs if a mobile operator doesn't use this feature, and therefore doesn't supply a value for the alternate SMTP address. When the mobile device fails on any attempt to connect to the e-mail provider's default SMTP server, Windows Mobile 6.1 automatically loads the value for the alternate SMTP server—which in this case is blank. The e-mail account configuration details are then corrupted, which results in loss of the ability to send e-mail with that particular e-mail account.
With this fix, the feature is patched to ensure that Windows Mobile 6.1 takes appropriate action when it detects a blank value for the Alternate SMTP server.
TT and Garmin did work, but now not getting gps fix, advice please.
sorry miss post !
Ofiaich, I think you may have replied to the wrong thread there.
Lucas0511 said:
In case you are wondering if you need to install the hotfix Microsoft released yesterday for the deadly SMTP "bug" in WinMobile: You don't need it, since HD has 6.1.4, and patch is only needed for up to 6.1.3 . Only remedy until now was hardreset, for pre-HD.
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Thanks for that information
Good news is always most welcome !
- Steve
hi there
i just want to make clear that the smtp bug is NOT fixed on WM 6.1.4 . I recently bought the HD
and it has like mentioned before
WM running on it, but still i cannot send emails,
it wont connect with the smtp server. Can anyone tell me wether an un-
official fix is available for the smtp bug on WM
i looked everywhere but found nothing.
thanx in advance
same problem
6.1.4 is not fixed, smtp fails... and you can't install the fix that works only until 6.1.3
please help, I tried anything but I can't find any good tip or patch around..
I do a lot of email on my HD, before with SMTP. But I prefer Push (receiving email on my HD automatically), so if your provider supports Imap maybe Imap Pusher Service is for you:
The program is no longer supported, and has a bug freezing it when it cannot connect to the server for a prolongued time (no signal), but it works fine in major coverage areas. I use it with Gmail and German GMX.
Well, since the bug is basically that your operator has not set a secondary SMTP server in the registry, maybe this reg entry suggested by ButtonBoy from this forum here could help you.
1. Add the reg key “Operator” to \\HKLM\System\Inbox\Settings
2. Add the reg key "OutgoingServer" below Operator key.
3. Add the reg val (reg_str) "OutgoingServer" below Operator key- “”
4. Soft reset
Of course this is not a working SMTP server, but maybe your Outlook Mobile will be happy with it.
I tried buttonboy fix...
doesn't work
smtp settings from my provider are:
mail.xxx.com ssl activated
smtp.xxx.com ssl activated
username and password different from incoming
Ok, just to make sure, and since the smtp/imap bug corrupts your mail account and settings, did you try the buttonboy fix with a new mail account, not an already corrupted one I hope.
The Outlook Mobile team on the blog says its working on a fix for the fix, but only covering problems with the initial fix not being validated by a certificate on the mobile. Doubt this will cover problems you have.
In the meantime, maybe you could try out Flexmail trial client as an alternative to Outlook Mobile messaging.
I'm trying flexmail
my provider told me that maybe the bug it's depending on their server not running windows but linux.

Push mail user agent

My network provider currently has a very small whitelist for which User Agents can access the Internet through the GPRS (Web only) service. Opera on my Touch HD didn't make it to the list, but I managed to modify its user agent to HTC_TyTN_II and now I'm good to go.
However, push mail doesn't work too. Is there a method to modify the User-Agent which is sent in the HTTP headers of Pocket Outlook's push mail client? It is, after all, HTTP traffic.
Any ideas?

