Loosing authentication when navigating between 2 web pages - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I did develop a web application using asp-pages including JavaScript as a front end for an backend application. JavaScript is needed to interface with the back end application.
In order to get data in and out the backend I need to go via a .dll that is on the web server. Before I can do that I need to login via an authentication object. Authentication details are in the DB.
After successful authentication I can jump between different pages and can do whatever I want based on the permissions that I have as the user logged in.
That is the expected behaviour of the application and it works as described above using an ASUS MyPal.
I have troubles with my MDA (T-Mobile) as I am loosing the authentication when navigating away from the page that holds the authentication object.
Going away from that page, the browsers (PocketIE (after a registry hack) or NetFront) loose my authentication information and database content is not displayed.
Everything is working well on the MDA and contents is displayed correctly if I bypass/delete the authentication code. But then I have a security problem, of course. So the point is, that the information, that the user is authenticated, gets lost between 2 pages. According to T-Mobile the MDA does not fully support Java as they have licensing problems with Sun.
Can this be the problem?
Can anybody help? I am happy with every registry hack or similar. How can I force the MDA to keep the memory, as the ASUS MyPal does or any regular Windows Notebook/Desktop?
Any help is highly appreciated!


Integrated Windows Authentication

I'm having a mare trying to get more info anywhere on the web.
I have an Intranet based web app running on latest version of IIS with .NET & SQL Server 2000 (on different boxes) using Integrated Windows Authentication (the IIS is trusted to the SQL Server box)
It runs fine on IE v6 provided the Enable Integrated Windows Authentication checkbox is ticked.
However on the XDA using Pocket IE (ROM 3.17.03 ENG) it gives Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY \ANONYMOUS LOGON' which usually means no Integrated Windows Authentication.
I can't find any docos on whether Integrated Windows Authentication is supported in Pocket PC 2002 - has anyone else come accross this or got any pointers they could help me with?
As far as I know, Integrated Windows Authentication means that IIS will use the user's Windows login to authenticate the user. This is normally using your DomainName\Username for windows. When you are on your xda, you are not authenticated by Windows as the xda is not on the domain and you are logging into "Windows" using the same DomainName\Username on your xda. Try changing the IIS setting to use simple authentication so that users are prompted for a username and password to access the website.
I hope this helps
Thanks Illwil.
I can't allow simple authentication on the IIS as it will then screw the security for PC users (ie 99%)
I'm already logging onto the Domain via a dial up connection so it should all be OK
I think its something to do with Pocket IE declaring itself as IE version 4 to the Web Server rather than as Pocket IE
IE v4 doesn't support NTLM authentication (ie Windows Integrated Authentication) whereas I think Pocket IE should.
Also I've got 2002 which means that ByPass proxy server for local sites is automatic so its not that.
Still scrabbling - any help still gratefully received!
An answer after 3 months!
Bit of a dull one I know but just in case anyone was interested (!) I've used some mobile web forms instead of normal web forms - they only support ObjectList as opposed to DataGrid but seem to allow the windows integrated seciruty to work.
Thanks to anyone that gave this some thought.

Musings on XDA II WiFi

I've been running a project on mobile computing at work which obviously means that I get loads of cool toys to play with.
So today I connected my XDA II to a server (via D-Link router) running MS Exchange and MS Sharepoint.
Limited success with Sharepoint, it renders ok but you lose a fair bit of functionality which must be down to advanced IE features not present in the mobile version.
Exchange Web Access worked like a dream though (albeit, a dream where the browser window is too small and the wrong form factor!)
However I was doing 3 things at once and ticked "remember password" when initially logging on to the server and the damned thing just bypassed authentication from then on meaning I couldn't try different accounts.
So to the "does anyone know" bit, Firstly anyone have any ideas about clearing the "remember passwords" nightmare, tried stopping explorer, clearing cache and cookies and even a soft reset with no joy.
The main idea of the project is to give our key mobile workers (mainly our Directors) access to this technology, now I would never suggest that Directors are thick (and some of ours are anything but) however the process for selecting and connecting to networks seems bloody fiddly at best, anyone know of any decent software that makes this a bit more intuitive?
Gonna try and make time to try my BTOpenzone account out with the XDA II tomorrow, any thoughts?
For the auto authenticate part, why not just change your account password on your exchange server, youll get a refused connection and asked for password and username again.
I've tried owa on the xda2 and found it very unwield, so I use imap into pocket outlook instead check it just like you would pop3, infact you could use pop3 aswell / instead.
Forgot to mention, have you had a play with remote admin using the xda yet? I'm looking for a better way than the admin website (same problem as owa)
Good idea on the password, owa is being as we have an existing (large) corporate Exchange set up and want a relatively seamless mobile experience. When using notebooks etc away from the office we'll be using OWA so using it on the Xda's too makes it easier for our high powered thinkers!
Might just have to get some iPaq 4150's for the landscape mode while waiting for Xda III!
Not touched remote admin and probably not likely to, the final system will likely be installed in a fully supported datacentre.
Sounds like a fun setup, love to get my hands on a rig like that (probably bring the whole system down!!! LOL).
I think that owa uses editable html pages, so you could maybe create a more pocket pc friendly layout, I would think that you could redirect clients by browser type so that pc users got the standard layout, and xda's got the modified one.
I've found that if you keep the possible number of connection options down the auto select works pretty well.

Yahoo Mobile not working with Pocket IE on k-Jam

I've been trying to access Yahoo Mobile (http://wap.oa.yahoo.com) via my k-Jam, and I always get a "Cannot Connect" popup from Pocket IE.
It doesn't matter whether I go through WiFi or GPRS -- the result is the same (cannot connect).
However, when I try using a different web browser (not pocket IE) it _works_ (and I can do regular http get's to the Yahoo Mobile site, etc.)
Secondly, if I try through a proxy server (from Pocket IE) it works.
Has anyone seen this (or know what might be happening)?
Not sure, as I haven't tried it, but instead of http:// try wap:// or wsp://
Tried wsp with no luck
Yep, I'd already tried wsp:// (wap:// doesn't work on k-Jam).
The problem gets stranger still: If I explicitly insert the IP address for wap.oa.yahoo.com in the URL it works (but this doesn't help much, because the home page contains links that use the explicit host name).
But, as I said, every other application on the k-Jam can properly resolve the hostname and connect. It's something "different" about the way Pocket IE does DNS resolution I'm guessing.
I'm not absolutly sure, but I think Yahoo Mobile is compressed, that's why PIE cannot render it.

Pocket Internet explorer and php

Hi All,
I've produced a web form for one of my clients. This is a simple fill in the details and press 'submit' type of affair written in PHP, but is a HTM document hosted on our server.
This works fine on my Touch, but the 'submit' button does not work on the clients Orange m3100. I know that the m3100 is WM5 and the Touch is WM6 but i never knew PIE was different.
Is this a security issue with PIE or do I need to update it? If so, how do I do this without changing the ROM?
BTW my client is miles away, so I can't get my hands on the handset.
if its a htm page running on pie with elements of php try making a wap page instead, ive noticed some pages are fussy on pie especially with forms which sometimes use elements of java as well. ive got a few sites ive had issues with forms on.
wish they would fix pie up.

WLAN :: Browser authentication trouble

Hey guys,
At my school the students have access to an open WiFi network. The internet connection is routed through a local proxy, and when we first open the web browser we are presented with an authentication page where we input username and password. Using Firefox, Chrome, or any other browser on a regular computer, this works just fine.
On my Hero however, something prevents it from working correctly. I get the authentication screen, input my username and password, I click Login, but from here nothing seems to work.
The proxy spits out a message saying something like "authentication successful, logging you on to the network", but then it says something about a DNS timeout, and that I have to restart my browser to gain internet access.
Obviously, that doesn't work. I tried once to load google.com, using its IP and it worked I think (given that the browser didn't load it from the cache). I guess the problem somehow relates to the way Android handles DNS.
My Hero is not rooted, and for various reasons I'm not planning to do it either. Running latest official ROM.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, as IT on my school doesn't seem to actually know anything about the authentication process.
I also have problem with secure login but in my case I can't load the securelogin page where I need to enter the user name and password.
Non android phone don't see this problem and also I don't have this problem with my android at my home with open WIFI.
I am using HTC Hero G3 with official android 1.5.
Hi, has anyone been able to make this work?
I'm also having the same experience but with my x10mp.
the browser login page is not displaying so i'm unable to use the wifi.
shameless self bump.
i have already tried 2 apps (Open Wifi Login and Browser Wifi Login) that should have solved this but did not.
can anybody help with this issue?

