Pocket Internet explorer and php - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hi All,
I've produced a web form for one of my clients. This is a simple fill in the details and press 'submit' type of affair written in PHP, but is a HTM document hosted on our server.
This works fine on my Touch, but the 'submit' button does not work on the clients Orange m3100. I know that the m3100 is WM5 and the Touch is WM6 but i never knew PIE was different.
Is this a security issue with PIE or do I need to update it? If so, how do I do this without changing the ROM?
BTW my client is miles away, so I can't get my hands on the handset.

if its a htm page running on pie with elements of php try making a wap page instead, ive noticed some pages are fussy on pie especially with forms which sometimes use elements of java as well. ive got a few sites ive had issues with forms on.
wish they would fix pie up.


Loosing authentication when navigating between 2 web pages

I did develop a web application using asp-pages including JavaScript as a front end for an backend application. JavaScript is needed to interface with the back end application.
In order to get data in and out the backend I need to go via a .dll that is on the web server. Before I can do that I need to login via an authentication object. Authentication details are in the DB.
After successful authentication I can jump between different pages and can do whatever I want based on the permissions that I have as the user logged in.
That is the expected behaviour of the application and it works as described above using an ASUS MyPal.
I have troubles with my MDA (T-Mobile) as I am loosing the authentication when navigating away from the page that holds the authentication object.
Going away from that page, the browsers (PocketIE (after a registry hack) or NetFront) loose my authentication information and database content is not displayed.
Everything is working well on the MDA and contents is displayed correctly if I bypass/delete the authentication code. But then I have a security problem, of course. So the point is, that the information, that the user is authenticated, gets lost between 2 pages. According to T-Mobile the MDA does not fully support Java as they have licensing problems with Sun.
Can this be the problem?
Can anybody help? I am happy with every registry hack or similar. How can I force the MDA to keep the memory, as the ASUS MyPal does or any regular Windows Notebook/Desktop?
Any help is highly appreciated!

O2 Exec SSH Client

I'm a webmaster and just bought my O2 Exec today and am so far very happy with my new toy! My main reason for buying this is so that in emergency situations wherever I am I can fix my servers which receive 10,000's of viewers per hour.
Can anyone recommend a good SSH client for my O2 Exec similar to putty on the PC?
Go for Pocket Putty http://www.duxy.net/~aleq/PocketPuTTY/PocketPuTTY_v0.1-preapha-0.53b.zip
is that one workin on wm5?
Tried that last night, programme loads but there is no ok button to connect to server. Also there was no way to specify a custom ssh port.
Any ideas what to do?
PocketPutty is working on WM5 however custom ssh port is not supported, also there is a lot of problems with emulation. So far I was unable to find working ssh client for PDA.
I use PocketPutty on my MDA Pro (HTC Universal) and I have no problems with it.
when the question comes where you need to tap on ok, just press enter on the builtin keyboard.
I would like to change the font used by PPutty, as the vga screen can show much more information thus making directory listings etc. much better readable.
Can you use custom ssh ports? All my servers use custom ports for security reasons.
No, I use standard ssh Port. too bad that the source code is not open source or I would change it myself
Tried on my Dpod 900 but failed to login. :evil: :evil:
vijay port a new wm5 version thanks =?)
Hopefully sometime soon putty will be converted to wm5 with custom ssh port support.
Hi Supafly
I do similar stuff to you and there are lots of products out there that just do not work. I need ping, ftp, tracrt, telnet, SNMP, Packet sniffer . But instead of supporting web servers I support Telecoms VOIP network with 24/7 cover.
The best for these that support ozVGA are the Cambridge products. Even though I gather they were built 6 years ago they just work without any problems at all on the universal. Some have been ported to PPC 2003. The telnet client is good in ozVGA as you get a full screen that can show the entire screen from most telnet apps.
Here is the link http://www.cam.com/windowsce.html
I did try pocket putty first but did not have much sucess with it. If any one has a better suite of products that work well I am all ears.
http://www.dejavusoftware.com/pocketty/ works well for me, it can run in VGA with any of the VGA hacks, and lets you choose any font you have as well as screen width/height. It also does all the encryption stuff properly, that a lot of clients dont bother with. Port tunneling etc too.
The screen sometimes goes half size, but you can fix that by opening and closing the onscreen keyboard.
Courier new with font size 6 gets you the full terminal window on your screen, and its readable nicely in VGA mode.
supafly said:
Can you use custom ssh ports? All my servers use custom ports for security reasons.
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That pocketty program supports custom ports as well.

mobile.southwest.com access from Wizard

I would like to use mobile.southwest.com. However, it detects that I am visiting with a PPC and redirects me to the main site.
The problem with this is that I often want to check in, and if you do it from the main site but don't print a boarding pass, when you "reprint" a boarding pass at the airport, it reclassifies your boarding group. If you check in with the mobile phone, it remembers that you are boarding class A.
I tried installing opera mini (which, since I use a T-Mobile MDA, required installing a midlet manager) and then going to mobile.southwest.com, but southwest still redirected me to the regular site.
Has anyone figured out how to go to the southwest wap site?
there is a registry setting, so your browser will be detected as a desktop pc,
don't remember the setting you have to search like registry setting for IE6
I need the opposite
The problem is that mobile.southwest.com is detecting my ppc as a desktop pc, and thus assumes I have an attached printer. I want to tell it that I am not a desktop pc.
How to spoof a desktop pc is in the wiki:
but I haven't been able to find how to spoof, say, a treo (on which this mobile.southwest.com returns wap content).
Tried them all
I have now tried PIE, Opera mini, Minimo, and Netforce 3.3, and can't reach mobile.southwest.com on any of them -- I'm sent to the main site instead. So clearly it isn't a browser issue but some other settings. Does anyone know how to spoof a wap browser?
The solution to this problem turns out to be to use a WAP browser. The two main ones are Klondike ($23) and winwap ($50). Klondike's trial has a not-very-obnoxious trial reminder periodically but my understanding is that it works indefinitely, which is very nice of them.
I tried the Tweaks2k2 changes and nothing helped with getting mobile southwest to work.
I downloaded Netfront 3.3 and if you allow WAP on the program, the mobile southwest will load correctly.
I called southwest before doing all this and got nowhere.
If anyone has an idea of getting the default browser to work, I would like to know before, I pay for Netfront.
Have any of you tried skweezer.net? It's a site that condenses web sites for small screens. I went there on my LAPTOP, entered mobile.southwest.com into the search window, and brought up the mobile version of southwest.com. I surfed the mobile site for a while. I even looked at the mobile pdf schedules page. Southwest.com never detected that I was surfing from a laptop, not a mobile device since I loaded the page through skweezer. I think skweezer might fix both problems.
Works for me
texasaggie1 said:
Have any of you tried skweezer.net? It's a site that condenses web sites for small screens. I went there on my LAPTOP, entered mobile.southwest.com into the search window, and brought up the mobile version of southwest.com. I surfed the mobile site for a while. I even looked at the mobile pdf schedules page. Southwest.com never detected that I was surfing from a laptop, not a mobile device since I loaded the page through skweezer. I think skweezer might fix both problems.
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Cool! This works!
Nice Bass Aggie.
Skweezer compressed the web site but it still does not bring up the mobile website.
Any other ideas on how to get it to work on PIE.
I'm using Summiter's last ROM:
and mobile.southwest.com works fine for me.

WM2003SE Internet browsing popup

When I navigate on the web using Pocket Internet Explorer on my pda-phone I cannot have access to some forum or view via browser my mail account.
I call my phone provider (gsm/gprs) and they tell me that I must not have activate IE' popup block.
Where can I found this option?
Your phone provider has morons in technical support!
There is no such thing as "pop-up blocker" in PIE (Pocket Internet Explorer).
The reason you can not see many sites is because this browser is very limited, it can not handle java and other things many sites, particularly forums and mail need to display properly.
What you need to do is download the free minimo (mozila) browser. It can handle almost any site and has tabs and other goodies - the downside is it is extremely slow (heavy app).
I had my suspicions about that...
When they tell me about popup a huge doubt grow in me!
I thought I'm wrong
But there is a strange thing. One of my friend have hp 6515 with Windows Mobile 2003se and he can access to one forum that I can't access with my xda! ...it's strange...
What do you think about opera?
Thank you,
i'm not sure what the deal is with your friend being able to browse the website while you can't, but i do highly recommend opera's latest beta. far and away a better browser than pie, with many more features such as tabs and flash support. most definitely one of, if not the, best for internet browsing on pocket pc.
here's the link for WM2003:
Or trying using Opera Mobile as your main browser.

Opera and NTLM support

Hi all,
since a couple of days I have a new HD2 and it's fantastic!
On my old Diamond I was able to enable the NTLM support in Network section of Opera config file but, with a big surprise, in the current configuration (on HD2) the NTLM is missing (in the Network section and other of configuration file).
Since I need authentication for ISA proxy (via NTLM) on company intranet (my connection is through dedicated APN that link directly on company intranet) I can't use Opera on my HD.
Any suggestion or workaround?
IE works corretly but don't suppport multi touch zoom so I would like to use Opera.
The previous version of Opera installed on Diamod (last italian official ROM) work perfectly.
Thanks all!!
I'm interested in this too (just bookmarking the page really).
I use IE as Opera doesn't work, but would rather use Opera. I browse private folders via IIS and don't have the opportunity to log in with Opera.
johncmolyneux said:
I'm interested in this too (just bookmarking the page really).
I use IE as Opera doesn't work, but would rather use Opera. I browse private folders via IIS and don't have the opportunity to log in with Opera.
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Doing the same (bookmarking), just for fun I tried to check some webapps on my corporate Intranet set up with IIS integrated authentication and it worked perfectly with IE. I didn't try with Opera. Will do on monday and see if I can come up with a solution
pat12 said:
Doing the same (bookmarking), just for fun I tried to check some webapps on my corporate Intranet set up with IIS integrated authentication and it worked perfectly with IE. I didn't try with Opera. Will do on monday and see if I can come up with a solution
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Opera doesn't offer a dialog to enter domain authentication. It just says "the server requested a login authentication method that is not supported."
It seems pretty sure of itself
I'm not entirely happy about this, but there appears to be a workround...
Doesn't help if you don't have admin rights on the server, of course.
You are right on both accounts! It IS very sure of itself. As MS would say, this is not a bug, this is a feature or this is by design.
As for the workaround, I hadn't seen your post until now and being sysadmin for a lot of IIS servers, I thought about the same solution, tested and it works. I came back here to report about it but you beat me to the post by almost 48 hours -
Anyway, it's not a good solution and not everybody with a HD2 has admin rights on the IIS servers of his company.
So we are stuck with IE until maybe a new version of Opera mobile. After all, Opera on desktops supports it (sort of...)
Ok, thanks for support.
What sounds strange to me, is that Opera installed on my old Diamond implement the NTLM authentication and the version on HD2 (newer) not at all. Moreover I installed the Opera 10 beta and, in this version also, the NTLM support is missing (I don't find it in the configuration file).
Why they removed it?

