Strange wake-up slowdown - Advantage X7500, MDA Ameo General

Hi peeps !
I have the weirdest problem with my Athena, regardless of ROM versions (from official WM5 french version to my current Black Touch by PK 2 - awesome ROM, just installed it, gonna contribute and that's no bs).
When my Athena wakes up when I turn it on (or I'm called on the phone), even if I dont do anything, CPU load's about 80%. Needless to say, it is then extremely sluggish.
When I check what processes use CPU time using various task managers, it shows what it should, which is the idle process "using" (so to speak) almost all resources. Meaning that no other process shown by any task manager uses more than 2-3% at a time.
If I leave the Athena connected to a power supply, turned on, after a while, like 10 minutes or so, CPU load falls back to 5%, and my Athena then goes from turtle to rabbit.
What I tried already:
- hard reset and nothing installed: same behavior;
- disabling services: nothing changes;
- killing all "killable" processes: nothing changes;
- formated microdrive from Athena / "recovered microdrive" / formated microdrive from XP (FAT32) using WM5torage: nothing changes;
- searched and searched through the forum(s) and the internet for anything that remotely resembles my problem (hence the microdrive manipulations, for instance).
I'm therefore running out of ideas, and hopefully turning to the good people of the forum to see if they have any suggestion or idea as to what my problem is, and how to solve it.
Its especially frustrating to see my Athena "debilitated" to the point of being almost unusuable when I know how fast it can be... :-S
Thank you all for your help !

Another weird thing about my problem: I used Pocket Hack Master both to "see" CPU load real time, and to force various clocks to the CPU and see what happens.
And the strangest thing is that CPU usage remains "constant" at about 80%, from 200 MHz to 728 MHz !
Weird, huh ?
I'm at a loss... :-S :-(

hardware faults? Tried replacement?

Well, no, haven't replaced it. I was kindda hoping that someone would have an idea, because it doesn't "feel" as if it has a hardware problem: when after a while CPU drops back to normal, the Athena feels lightening fast again, and even when it is sluggish, it works, it's just... Extremely slow.
It "feels" as if something is being "checked" or I don't know what, by some processes I can't see in a task manager. Of course I may be wrong, and if nobody has any idea as to how to fix this , I guess I'll have it replaced.
Thank you for your interest in any case !

try dual 3.0 if i remember correctly btio was causing a steep wake up cpu load and it caused problems like u mentioned. thats why it aint in 3.0

Hi there, Pawel !
Well, I'd removed btio from my startup folder, because I'd experienced the huge battery drain issue.
But you know, I'm gonna try Dual PK 3.0 and see what happens... I'll let you guys know !
Thank you for your answers, guys, though !

In place of btio, you might want to try the latest wktask, which already has a battery metre.

Well well well, I installed Dual PK, but alas, thrice alas, same old same old problem. :-(
I was wondering: is there a way to disable embedded devices the way you'd do with a desktop Windows ? I tried from the registry but the HKLM\drivers and such keys, I didn't have the right to modify.
I have an idea that it may be my SD Card slot that causes the problem (I've always had minor troubles with it, such as having to take the card out and in again every once in a while, even tough I'd modified access times in the registry). I'd sure like to disable it to see. But I tried from a Taskmanager (to disable the device) and from the registry, even tried to delete the dlls, but couldn't (the modification was either refused or altogether ignored).
So, is there some kind of "failsafe mode" comparable to that of Windows 2000/XP/Vista ? Or an "admin" mode that lets me do what I want with my registry and DLLs ?
Thanks a bunch guys !

1. where do you install your [email protected]?
2. are you using miniSD or miniSDHC?
3. What exactly were your format parameters?
4. What benchmark do you manage to get using sktools for your storage card?

1 - since i had some problems with my SD Card, I now install applications to the main memory (not microdrive, not SD);
2 - Both, actually, when I use SD Cards (which is only for transfer purposes, now). When I first experienced problems, I thought it was due to my 2GB Transcend 80x MiniSD, so I bought a 4 GB SDHC from PNY. But that didn't solve anything, alas. The SDHC worked, though, well, it worked just like the regular SD, which means with the same "disconnected-have-to-take-it-out-put-it-back" once in a while trouble;
3 - For my SD ? Although I don't have them with me right now, I belive it was FAT32;
4 - Haven't tried, actually. Will do so tonight !
Do you know if there's a way to disable embedded devices, aside from modifying my ROM's registry and hard-reseting ? Maybe logging in with a more critically privilieged user than guest ? If so, how do I do that (searched the forum, didn't find it) ?
I just installed MemMaid, to see if it tells me someting I don't already know... :-S
Thank you for your interest, man. This thing is driving me nearly insane... :-S

HeartOfDarkness said:
1 - since i had some problems with my SD Card, I now install applications to the main memory (not microdrive, not SD);
2 - Both, actually, when I use SD Cards (which is only for transfer purposes, now). When I first experienced problems, I thought it was due to my 2GB Transcend 80x MiniSD, so I bought a 4 GB SDHC from PNY. But that didn't solve anything, alas. The SDHC worked, though, well, it worked just like the regular SD, which means with the same "disconnected-have-to-take-it-out-put-it-back" once in a while trouble;
3 - For my SD ? Although I don't have them with me right now, I belive it was FAT32;
4 - Haven't tried, actually. Will do so tonight !
Do you know if there's a way to disable embedded devices, aside from modifying my ROM's registry and hard-reseting ? Maybe logging in with a more critically privilieged user than guest ? If so, how do I do that (searched the forum, didn't find it) ?
I just installed MemMaid, to see if it tells me someting I don't already know... :-S
Thank you for your interest, man. This thing is driving me nearly insane... :-S
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Installing everything on device memory could be the cause of the problem, if by doing so you become critically low in storage or program memory. I monitor this occasionally to ensure I have at least 40 mb of storage free.
You must format miniSD in FAT16 and miniSDHC in FAT 32.I've posted somewhere the effect of various parameter on read/write performance in another thread. I'll find that thread later and let you have the info.
See post number 2
As for embedded devices disabling, I have not found any need to do that.

Hi !
Ok, thanks for the info on FAT format for the cards, I'm pretty sure that's what I had, I'll recheck tonight. But for now, I'm SD-Card-less, so I should think it's not the immediate cause of the problem.
I never went below than 70 MB of free storage, so I guess that track's out the window too. :-S
Yeah, I know that I shouldn't try and disable any embedded device manually, but since my Athena's acting up and I *think* that one (or more, god forbid) devices may be the cause, I'd really like to try and disable them one at a time, until I find the culprit.
Do you know of a way to log on to WM6 with enough privileges so as to be able to rename / remove \windows\DDLs or delete HKLM\drivers\ registry keys ? I don't really care if I screw my Athena up with such manipulations, I not hard-reset shy anymore.
Thank you for your help, in any case !

As I have not felt the need to do that, I'm yet to find out how to do this myself. Perhaps someone like Powell or Olipro would have done it.

Thank you for your help, Steve.
Well, let's hope one of them cruises by, sees the light coming out of the thread and feels like sharing a bit of wisdom.
That'd be an even greater christmas gift than that...
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Yes, I *am* a geek alright.

Well, unless one of the gurus out there provide me with the miracle solution to my problem, I guess I'll start the replacement procedure (which, being in France, is probably gonna drive me nuts).
Thanks eaglesteeve and Pawel (and others who might have thought about this strange problem of mine).

HeartOfDarkness said:
Well, unless one of the gurus out there provide me with the miracle solution to my problem, I guess I'll start the replacement procedure (which, being in France, is probably gonna drive me nuts).
Thanks eaglesteeve and Pawel (and others who might have thought about this strange problem of mine).
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well did you try to test it in this way:
- flash a rom (stock rom or PK3.0)
- do not do anything at all, do not modify registry or anything
- remove SD card
- turn off all wireless and the phone too
and see if it is still sluggish, if so then it is some subtle HW problem on the motherboard or something, and i recommend having it replaced

Well I'll try that tonight, and post here my observations.
If it is still sluggish, well, we can proceed with what I suggested to pawel by PM, if you guys are interested.
Thanks for your help !

HeartOfDarkness said:
Well I'll try that tonight, and post here my observations.
If it is still sluggish, well, we can proceed with what I suggested to pawel by PM, if you guys are interested.
Thanks for your help !
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OK, thanks, have you had a chance to test it out yet?

HI there cmonex !
Actually no, not yet, new year's eve kindda put the thing on hold. And I am still (lol can't help it) trying to find a way to locate and "destroy" the antagonistic Ghost inside my Athena.
Hence my other question about the power button, I thought I maybe had a lead there.
But I'll follow your suggestions very soon and let you guys know about it ASAP.

HeartOfDarkness said:
HI there cmonex !
Actually no, not yet, new year's eve kindda put the thing on hold. And I am still (lol can't help it) trying to find a way to locate and "destroy" the antagonistic Ghost inside my Athena.
Hence my other question about the power button, I thought I maybe had a lead there.
But I'll follow your suggestions very soon and let you guys know about it ASAP.
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ok, no problem, though i think i missed the power button idea, where did you ask about it?


Recurring Storage Card Corruption

Corrupt files and folders are starting to appear on my Vario II storage card (sandisk 2Gb) and I cannot establish why. As you can see from the view of the card below it contains many illegal characaters so neither the files nor folders can be deleted. Whilst I can understand any crashes of the device may cause stray files they do not normaly comprise corrupt names and as you can see from the file dates it all looks rather nasty.
Last time I just copied all the good folders (using a micro SD card to USB stick converter) to my laptop then formatted and started again with a freshly formatted (Windows FAT32)and checked (Windows scandisk) the card - copying all files back afterwards.
This solved the problem but as you can see the issue has occured again and I notice that some files and folders have disappeared (I tried Google and this forum but the posts seem to concentrate on fixing the problem - I can do that). What I need to know is how to avoid this again - can anybody offer any help? Is it a virus perhaps? I am concerned that my files are at risk and even resolving this immediate problem will not address the cause.
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Stop using sandisk - get a kingston card. all my problems disappeared ...
I used to have the same problem on my Xda IIi, so maybe it is a card problem more than the phone? Sandisk too...
Use kingstone!
I originally had sandisk 512mg and had problems of lock ups and corrupted files. Soft reset would fix it but not for long. However, since I got a new Kngstone 1gb card, all problems were gone. After that I needed more storage and couldn't find Kinstone 2gb card where I leave, so bought sandisk ultraII 2gb card 3 days ago hoping it would be different. Nope! The problems are coming back again. I am going back to Kingstone.
tony.wheeler said:
Corrupt files and folders are starting to appear on my Vario II storage card (sandisk 2Gb) and I cannot establish why. As you can see from the view of the card below it contains many illegal characaters so neither the files nor folders can be deleted. Whilst I can understand any crashes of the device may cause stray files they do not normaly comprise corrupt names and as you can see from the file dates it all looks rather nasty.
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Hi Tony,
Notwithstanding that there are apparently known issues with certain SanDisk cards, do you remove the mSD card while the device is still powered on? I have noticed disk corruption such as lost clusters and truncated files on my Kingston mSD card when I have done this. Seems better to power down the device and wait the ~10 secs for the caches to be flushed before removing it.
johnburn said:
Hi Tony,
Notwithstanding that there are apparently known issues with certain SanDisk cards, do you remove the mSD card while the device is still powered on? I have noticed disk corruption such as lost clusters and truncated files on my Kingston mSD card when I have done this. Seems better to power down the device and wait the ~10 secs for the caches to be flushed before removing it.
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I have removed the card from time to time but this appears not to be the cause in this case. I have now even started removing software in the hope of resolving the issue but so far this has not helped. I have found the problems occur every few days and if left gets worse - the screen shot below shows how it starts - this happened today. I have not removed my card for days now but it has once again happened - BUT take a look at the screen shot of my device in Resco Explorer. Note that there are corrupt files in the route, that folders have gone (trust me) and also that a folder previously named "GB_plus_major_roads_of_WE" is now called "GB_PLU~1". Most of the folder names are now also in upper case where by default they are not normally.
This is very frustrating and although I can revert to the full folder structure copy on my laptop it's a pain to restore so often.
Each time I restore the data to the card (2Gb Sandisk) I remove the card and put into a USB adaptor that allows the card to be used as USB stick, format the card (in Windows XP - tried FAT and FAT 32), then run check disk on the card - which never finds any errors even on the card with corrupted files and folder names! ARGHHH - what can I try next?
I have found plenty of references to this kind of fault but nobody appears to have previously posted screen shots or referred to this detail - it's almost as though there is some form of MS DOS (8.3) folder name change going on for at least one of the folders. Any help would be most welcome - it's almost time for a hard reset to try to isolate the problem - I suspect software is the cause because of the MS DOS type folder name change...
tony.wheeler said:
Each time I restore the data to the card (2Gb Sandisk) I remove the card and put into a USB adaptor that allows the card to be used as USB stick, format the card (in Windows XP - tried FAT and FAT 32), then run check disk on the card - which never finds any errors even on the card with corrupted files and folder names! ARGHHH - what can I try next?
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It's possible that bad software is doing this, but I'd be surprised. This looks more like "low level" (i.e. SD Card controller) corruption. Have you tried a different card (even from the same manufacturer)? It's possible that there is a hardware fault with the card that you have (does happen, especially as they become cheaper and cheaper).
johnburn said:
It's possible that bad software is doing this, but I'd be surprised. This looks more like "low level" (i.e. SD Card controller) corruption. Have you tried a different card (even from the same manufacturer)? It's possible that there is a hardware fault with the card that you have (does happen, especially as they become cheaper and cheaper).
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For a while now I have thought this is a hardware issue that then leads into software issues. IMHO it's possible that the card (particularly Sandisk) is making poor contact with the contacts in the device. This poor contact, possible it's intermittent, then messes up the tasks the software is performing. My reason for saying this is some of the common factors reported:
1. The card works fine in a card reader on PC (yes the corrupted files show up but scans reveal no problems
2. The cards have not been reported to become corrupt when being used in a card reader
3. There are likely to be miniscule differences in the physical dimensions/contact surfaces between different manufacturers. Hence Sandisk shows more issues. However use caution with this assumption - there are probably far more Sandisks around than other makes - hence statistically there will be more problems with them.
4. The problem appears to be random - not associated with any particular programme or use of inbuilt software package.
5. There are reported cases where folks say if they insert the card at a certain angle or pushing up or down a little when inserting the card will work better. This is a fairly definitive indicator of contact problems.
6. Some have reported sticking a layer of paper on the non-contact side of the SD card makes it work better. Again this suggests a problem with contacts. Perhaps Sandisks are a little thin than other brands?
7. To make a very crude point - the card slot and internal contacts are very delicate. We have all had a torch with poor battery contacts that when shaken the light comes and goes (or brightens and dims). Imagine the same situation if this happens to your SD card while data is written or FAT tables read.
8. All makes of card can suffer corruption if card is removed while data is being written or card is removed before data is written back.
There is a backup FAT table that can sometimes mean that if you spot corruption on the disk and perform an immediate soft reset the data may return in un-corrupted form as the device uses the backup table. However if you continue to try opening and closing files in the corrupt state or if any information is automatically written to the card then the corrupted version of the FAT table becomes the backup and the corruption is non reversible. This is a matter of pot luck when you spot the corruption, it may already be too late.
May I just say that I have never suffered this problem and I use a Sandisk 2gig.
I had same problem with my hx4700 after I upgraded it to wm5. but that was 2 years I ago. have you tried defragmenting your card? just a suggestion
mikechannon said:
...... May I just say that I have never suffered this problem and I use a Sandisk 2gig.
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Thanks for the excellent summary of factors - it sounds like the contacts may be to blame as I have rarely removed the card when the device is powered - and then when I have it appears not to have caused any problems. I wonder if I am not able to retify the problem because I use applications installed to the card and they access the card so removing the FAT backup and the possibility of making good with a soft-reset. I'll try the paper trick - I've already tried gently cleaning the contacts on the card with a soft clean cloth. I'll report back.... This card has now been in use for over 6 mths and only just stated to cause problems.
I have a Sandisk 2Gb that never corrupted but I have a Sandisk 2Gb Ultra 2 that has been corrupting with my old WM5 builds
I did not tried it with WM6 as I am working with this unit...
Card now appears to have failed
The card now seems to have failed altogther as neither the USB card reader (USB Stick like) nor the device can even see the card when inserted! Suspect card failure as the USB Stick-type device is recohnised in Windows empty and inserting the MicroSD card just makes the light on the stick come and stay on.
I wonder what can fail in these cards? There is no damage and no obvious sign of any external problem
tony.wheeler said:
I wonder what can fail in these cards? There is no damage and no obvious sign of any external problem
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Aha, as I suspected. Lucky guess more like it!
SD cards contain flash memory (obviously) and also a controller (basically a mini-processor) to do things like wear leveling (not writing too many times in the same spot, since flash memory is only good for so many write cycles) and automatic defragmentation. Considering its size, it is quite a complex piece of electronics. Like many pieces of complex electronics, it is also suspectible to damage through bad handling, e.g. static discharge across the contacts. However, newer devices are definitely better made (at least, the more expensive ones), are more resilient and last longer. I guess the old adage, "You get what you pay for" comes to mind.
This posting is not at all meant to undermine Mike Channon's comments (whom everyone here acknowledges is the XDA Hermes hardware expert), in fact, Mike comments were quite valid and now that I think of it, probably the cause of my corruption experiences. It's probably wise to buy a card, insert it (carefully) and just leave it there. Probably will last longer.
Sd Card No Sandisk But On Kingstone
I had a SANDISK CARD and I HAD ever problem of detect and crash of smartphone. Now, I have buy a new KINGSTONE card and all my problem are finisched.
by and say see you at SANDISK
New Card ordered
I've just placed an order for a new 2Gb Kingston card so will see how this gets on. Thanks for all the advice. I am now trying to pursue a claim against the warranty - bought it via "flashman" on Ebay so this might be interesting (to claim against an ebay seller). I am sure I will be referred to Sandisk and I have already sent them an e-mail seeking advice.
Tony, try to use a 2mm thin tape , 5 cm long and tape it over the card right next to the notch, overlapping the notch slightly. This fixed my UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER 2G byte card and made my TYTN fly comparing to the state it was before. I used to SR 10 times a day, loose my card at least 5 times a day and not be able to turn my TYTN on twice a day. This all gone and my TYTN today is steady as a rock with WM5, 2.11 and many programs installed including SPB Plus, Diary, Time, Weather, Imageer, Backup, Emoze and others.
barrr said:
Tony, try to use a 2mm thin tape , 5 cm long and tape it over the card right next to the notch, overlapping the notch slightly. This fixed my UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER 2G byte card and made my TYTN fly comparing to the state it was before. I used to SR 10 times a day, loose my card at least 5 times a day and not be able to turn my TYTN on twice a day. This all gone and my TYTN today is steady as a rock with WM5, 2.11 and many programs installed including SPB Plus, Diary, Time, Weather, Imageer, Backup, Emoze and others.
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The card is now dead altogether and will not even read in the USB stick convertor, which it had done quite OK before. Are you suggesting I appliy this mod to the card and then try using in in the card reader?
tony.wheeler said:
The card is now dead altogether and will not even read in the USB stick convertor, which it had done quite OK before. Are you suggesting I appliy this mod to the card and then try using in in the card reader?
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I doubt he is. That trick is for a card that is making a poor contact - normally in the phone only. If your card does not read or format in a PC card reader then sadly I think "it's up the Swaney"
mikechannon said:
I doubt he is. That trick is for a card that is making a poor contact - normally in the phone only. If your card does not read or format in a PC card reader then sadly I think "it's up the Swaney"
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Thanks Mike,
I'll report back here on how my next Kingston card (also 2Gb) gets on - the problem is that the Sandisk worked very well indeed for at least 4 months!
tony.wheeler said:
Thanks Mike,
I'll report back here on how my next Kingston card (also 2Gb) gets on - the problem is that the Sandisk worked very well indeed for at least 4 months!
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Well yes, my Sandisk 2g has been perfect for 10 months now, touch wood.

Problem with phone and soft reset

Hi all
I have problem (or two?).
1. My standard phone's program itself does not finish the work.
Its label remains in top tray all time.
In adjustments I have established a flag of end by pressing the button OK or X.
I almost have no additional programs.
2. WM5 often hangs if the device falls asleep with open processes.
Result: frequent soft reset.
I do not wish to finish the program of phone external utilities all time.
What can I make still?
Thank You.
sgres said:
Hi all
I have problem (or two?).
1. My standard phone's program itself does not finish the work.
Its label remains in top tray all time.
In adjustments I have established a flag of end by pressing the button OK or X.
I almost have no additional programs.
2. WM5 often hangs if the device falls asleep with open processes.
Result: frequent soft reset.
I do not wish to finish the program of phone external utilities all time.
What can I make still?
Thank You.
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I don't have this need to soft reset even if I leave five,six,or even more process alive while the unit goes to sleep. When I switch on the unit again, I simply continue using it without problem.
I'm using spb pocket plus to launch applications and magic button to switch and close them. I set the magic button up so that most applications including phone stay alive when close or x button is pressed. This is to allow me to go to all application by clicking on the icon on taskbar. Also on this way all by applications are immediately on within split second.
May me the cause of your problem lies some where else.
I thank you
I have localized a problem. It because of phone.
All other programs can work and the computer does not fall.
I have adjusted that programs were closed by pressing the button X.
But phone itself cannot finish work and remains in memory after pressing X:
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The problem has disappeared when I began to delete violently process of phone (SK tools).
But it abnormally and inconveniently. Magic Button is good program. But I think, that the problem of phone all the same needs to be solved.
I have found out one more trouble - phone often does not receive calls.
And not always phone works with a voice set. The voice set starts programs, but phone cannot often force to dial the number.
I dont think you CAN close the phone, it needs to be open to receive calls!
So, if your not getting calls, and your forcing closed the phone app...........
sorry, I'm sceptical of this. I believe you must leave the phone running at all times in order to be able to receive calls. It does not show up as a running program in setting>system>memory>running program list. If you use magic button,there is an option to 'don't show when inactive', but you can't try to kill the process by special procedure and then expect to still get calls coming through.
There has to be other reason for your problem, I think.
eaglesteve end Pyrofer.
Yes, it is possible you are right.
Really misses of calls have begun after I began to close phone.
I shall search for other reasons in adjustments of phone.
Thanks all.
eaglesteve said:
sorry, I'm sceptical of this. I believe you must leave the phone running at all times in order to be able to receive calls. It does not show up as a running program in setting>system>memory>running program list. If you use magic button,there is an option to 'don't show when inactive', but you can't try to kill the process by special procedure and then expect to still get calls coming through.
There has to be other reason for your problem, I think.
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You're right eaglesteve.
I use MagicButton without a problem. I have found some applications cause the Athena to hang but it's not the phone.
I am experiencing your second problem as well. If i leave the unit auto power off. I have no chance to power it up until reset from the back.
Currently i have to disable the auto off feature from the POWER menu.
any suggestion?
I solve it by following the instructions found in Google to avoid ActiveSync in WM5 connecting automaticaly.
So the problem looks like if you left ActiveSync running in the PDA and the PPC gos to sleep mode. Once I force the ActiveSync in PPC not to connect the problem never come back.
Now... the ActiveSync being activated by the PC still works... but once you finish and unplug the HTC from the PC yopu need to check if the AS is still running in the PDA and kill it.
u r great! Mahjong,
I just disable close the Activesyn on PPC. it doesn't die any more!
that means it just a matter of software/config. it should be gone with upgrading to WM6. lol
No problem. I'm glad to help.
I found out the AS thing just checking what programs remained open before getting the problem, and AS becames the suspect.
Best Regards,
mahjong said:
No problem. I'm glad to help.
I found out the AS thing just checking what programs remained open before getting the problem, and AS becames the suspect.
Best Regards,
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Just be careful, though - this will mean you can't use push email.
Also, if disabling AS cures the problem it suggests you have a conflict with other software - I have AS running constantly and have never had this problem.
apd said:
Just be careful, though - this will mean you can't use push email.
Also, if disabling AS cures the problem it suggests you have a conflict with other software - I have AS running constantly and have never had this problem.
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Microsoft push mail is for poor people... mine goes with Blackberry Connect for PocketPC :-DDD
Just joking... you are right, but anyway BB works perfectly without the AS thing running.
apd said:
(...) I have AS running constantly and have never had this problem.
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At the PDA? No, you don't. I guess you mean in the PC.
Hi Steve, this may not be the right thread to ask you. I hope you don't mind telling me where you bought your HTC Advantage/Dopod U1000? I am in Australia, it appears there are no stockist here. Presssdigital and Techoni have no idea when the Dopod U1000 will be stocked in Australia. How much was your unit? Thanks
tcmg1666 said:
Hi Steve, this may not be the right thread to ask you. I hope you don't mind telling me where you bought your HTC Advantage/Dopod U1000? I am in Australia, it appears there are no stockist here. Presssdigital and Techoni have no idea when the Dopod U1000 will be stocked in Australia. How much was your unit? Thanks
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Hi tcmg1666,
Mine was a gift from a close relative in Singapore. You could get it from Harvey Norman there for $1998, with bonus pack. Recently, they went for 17XX in a trade show, with bonus pack too. A guy sells it over for around 1800.
It will not be stocked in Australia. I contacted both Dopod and HTC. They do not intent to sell in Australia and New Zealand. Reason is that the Telcos here want to charge them an arm and a leg for "testing fee". I don't know what testing is needed as it works they moment you put in a phone card.
Hope this helps
Hi eaglesteve, thanks for your info. I'll try and get one of my relatives to get from Harvey Norman in S'Pore for me. Did you hav eany problems with using 3.5G and the other GSM bandwidths here in Australia? Did you get free upgrade to WM6?
tcmg1666 said:
Hi eaglesteve, thanks for your info. I'll try and get one of my relatives to get from Harvey Norman in S'Pore for me. Did you hav eany problems with using 3.5G and the other GSM bandwidths here in Australia? Did you get free upgrade to WM6?
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Hi tcmg1666,
I tried Virgin Mobile (which is optus 2100 mhz), and Telstra's next G (850 mhz?). It works smoothly upon inserting the card (well, there will be some auto configuration etc), but I did not try 3 and the other network yet, but they should not be any different. Yes, it would work with normal GSM with no problem whatsoever. But, why use GSM when you could have 3.5G or 3G? Datapack in Austrlia is extremely expensive, if you compare it with that in Singapore. In Sinpapore, 10GB cost less than $40. In Australia, 1GB from Telstra cost more than $100. I think virgin mobile still has the best deal now, with $10 for 300MB (Mine was $10 for 1 GB). Mine is enough for me to surf internet almost 24/7 provided I don't start heavy download of music, video, and watch TV for too long. If I do that, I'd be stepping on the bobby trap and having to pay 1.5 cents per KB, which is extremely extremely expensive. (to display in desktop mode would cost you up to $7, thank you!).
WM6 upgrade will be available only in July. That means soon. I believe we will download from the DopodAsia website.
This is a fantastic device. You will never regret getting it.
mahjong said:
At the PDA? No, you don't. I guess you mean in the PC.
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no, I meant in the PDA. Push mail requires it and in any event I never need to close the process - it doesn`t cause me any issues.
ActiveSync is running all the time on my Advantage. No issues for me.
(And push email is excellent!)

Major Micro SD problem on Sprint Touch

Continued from
Is anyone else with a Sprint Touch or Touch Dual having a problem with their SD card randomly becoming corrupted and losing all the files.
I thought I was the only one, All my files were currupted. Dont know how to get them back. My computer wont even read the card.
lrosado said:
I thought I was the only one, All my files were currupted. Dont know how to get them back. My computer wont even read the card.
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As far as I can tell getting the data back is not an option. The best you can hope for is to wipe it and start again. Luckily this phone has a ton of internal memory so the only things i have on my card are TomTom maps and music which are easy to copy back over.
I've been using my laptops card reader to format it cause my desktop and usb reader wouldn't read it. But I just tried and that works too if you can't find a PC with a card reader that can read it.
I'll probably get a replacement if I keep having this problem cause I've already tired 3 different SD cards and it keeps happening: 512mb, 1gb, 4gb. All different brands Kingston, Sandisk, and Transcend.
I'm trying my Sandisk 2gb card now.
Not permanantly lost
Corruption appears to be random... and not permanent...
I've been having some troubles with my phone as well... When I look at the SD card via File Explorer, Resco Explorer, or through ActiveSync, most of the files and folders will be missing - replaced with random numbers...
If I remove the card and put it back in, everything returns.
It has scared me numerous times when I thought I lost all of my files, but it's not permanent (in my case).
mcw said:
Corruption appears to be random... and not permanent...
I've been having some troubles with my phone as well... When I look at the SD card via File Explorer, Resco Explorer, or through ActiveSync, most of the files and folders will be missing - replaced with random numbers...
If I remove the card and put it back in, everything returns.
It has scared me numerous times when I thought I lost all of my files, but it's not permanent (in my case).
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I just shipped my phone off to to get fitted for a case, but as soon as it's back I'll give that a try. I tried resetting the phone, but I never tried taking it out and putting it back in.
One morning I found all the filenames on storage card scrambled, but after restart they all came back... nothing lost. Only happenned once in a month.
Lost files... Or so I thought....
Well, it finally happened to me... I lost the files on my SD card - previously, all I had to do was eject the card and re-insert, and my files would show up... But not last night.
So, I decided to figure out what had happened... Since data recovery is just one of the things we handle at work, I fired up some applications to figure out where my data went. I assumed that the data was still there, but just no longer visible - similar to when, with Windows 98, if you powered off improperly, your drive would think you had less data than you did, and a scandisk fixed it...
Ran the utils, and all 350MB of files I had thought were gone were sitting right there - the recovery apps said they were right there - I should see them. Until I looked at the PATH... Turns out that something is going wrong with the path structure, the files that were missing were in the "." path... Confused?
Let's say the root of my SD is the "I:" drive... So
I:\Blah.file is where my files were...
But now, they were here:
Still there, just in "." - and of course, you can't access that! So I simply had it move the data back to the root, and viola - all my files, no corruption, no lost data.
I decided to do a chkdsk on the card, to see if anything had gone wrong other than the data (it was 5AM and I didn't want to do a full byte scan with the recovery apps). XP's chkdsk reported that the path structure was invalid, and even noted that "." and ".." were wrong, so it corrected them! WARNING - DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU HAVE DATA, XP/VISTA CHKDSK WILL NOT RESTORE YOUR FILES THIS WAY, IT WILL ONLY CORRECT THE BAD PATH, BUT YOUR FILES WILL NOT COME BACK. And, funny thing, it said I had CROSSLINKED FILES! Now that's weird - and the only time that really happens is when write processes are interrupted...
Anyway, for people that have important files that they think they have lost, they can probably be easily recovered... Just do NOT use standard operating system tools to fix it, since they probably won't...
EliteXen said:
Continued from
Is anyone else with a Sprint Touch or Touch Dual having a problem with their SD card randomly becoming corrupted and losing all the files.
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I received my Spring Touch on 11/5 and loaded a bunch of pics and a couple of video clips onto my SD card. A day or two later I went to show someone the pics in the Camera Album app, but it was empty. I looked at my card and everything was gone.
I think that was with the 512MB card that came with the device, but I can't remember for sure since I soon went out and purchased a 2GB card. Regardless, I have had no troubles since then (almost one whole month), but I'm careful to have a backup of any file that I store there on my PC as well.
mcw said:
Ran the utils, and all 350MB of files I had thought were gone were sitting right there - the recovery apps said they were right there
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Could you recommend a data recovery app that do this job and would (hopefully) be affordable for personal use?
htc vogue corrupting memory card
The memory card in my touch has corrupted 2x already in the time I have had it. The first time, I only had about 200 MB of files on the card, but it was showing out of memory--none available.
Reformatted the card, was good for a week, now my entire My Documents folder has disappeared, but the available space on the card would indicate that the contents of the My Documents is still taking up storage space.
How do we report this to HTC?
I am using the 512MB card that came with the phone as my wife is withholding my 4 GB Card as a Christmas present.
Happened to me again (second time in a month) this morning.
picture attached.
Didn't lose any files. Directory is just scrambled.
Restart and it all comes back.
Plane flying overhead?
Big brother sneaking around?
add me to the list... in my case, it could be due to me removing the card while the device was in sleep mode. SD card corruption has happened at least once on every WM device i've owned so i always create frequent backups of "important" stuff. fortunately, i recovered from today's corruption (in 5 mins) using a day old backup.
I havent any Problem with the SD Cards!
I have a German Touch Dual
Any idea on how to recover from a broke sd card? I already sent 1 back to the replacement 2gig is acting up.
sprint touch here..
this is the first time on the card that it decided that i cant delete any of these files..
anyone know how to remove these.. it wont allow me to remove them at all
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} found a minor solution to this, and that is to prevent the device from fully going to sleep by using s2u2 to turn the screen off but leave the device on, it prevents 3 problems people have been having 1, it prevents the corruption issue with microsd cards, and it prevents the device from not waking up from sleep and as well as prevents people from missing calls because of that
Howto Recover Lost Data on Sprint Touch Card
I had my second run-in with corrupted storage card on my vogue.
Mostly I wanted to save the pictures and was able to do so using this free program
PC Inspector.
It took hours for it to inspect the files, but it found all of my photos. It doesn't however look like it can find and restore anything other than files in image formats.
PC Inspector Smart Recovery
I encountered the same problem. I usually just need to restart the Touch. But today, reboot doesn't work any more. This is really frustrating.
pissed at my vogue
I'm not sure if i'm happy to read that i'm not the only one having problems with the Vogue After a week of ownership, I experienced my first data corruption on the standard 512 card. However, the only main problem was the 100MEDIA folder in DCIM was gone (along with all my photos). I believe I had the camera album open when the device went to sleep. I just cleaned the bad clusters and made a new folder.
Every week random programs stored on my card won't run and File explorer shows the files aren't on the card anymore. After a soft reset, they're back.
When I take the card out and replace, it becomes "Storage Card 2." Opening this folder shows only Outlook email attachments. I can also open the "Storage Card" folder but missing files are still gone.
I also miss about 3 calls a week from the thing locking up and not coming out of sleep. Besides just having the backlight turn off, has anyone found a solution?
I'm a bit upset about this, but I always keep my contacts (my only important data) synced with my exchange server.
Should i try a replacement phone, or will i have the same issues?
I Got A New 1 Gig Sd Crd From Radio Shack.. 19 Bucks With 15$ Mail In Redbate.. So Far Few Days And No Problems Yet..

I9000M new replacement phone 10.12 dies in less than 3 hours

This is simply ridiculous.... >.<
picked up the phone after work
brand new phone 10.12, with stickers and everything, pristine condition.
it was loaded with JH2, proceeded to sim unlock the phone, done
signed up to my gmail account to enable Market downloads
downloaded my titanium backup pro, and proceeded to restore everything from backup.
great roughly 45 min later after restoring my tons of apps and games, things seems well.
next step, hooked it up to KIES
it works! wow!
immediately came up with the "new firmware blah blah blah..." (JL2) expected
I selected hit yes to continue, it installed JL2 perfectly.
rebooted all nice and tandy
but just in case, i decided to wipe everything, root 2.2, with super1click, flawless
signed backed into google account to get Market downloads
got my titanium pro... started restore... fine at first around 160+ apps restored
then it choke and got worse, only 30ish, and then worse not even 15, and... it's choking even when restoring 1 by 1
that's the sign... the internal SD is on its way out again....
i can't even restore a single app as i type this
and even market downloads, is a some times yes, some times it wont even bother downloading as it can't save.
i'm pretty sure if i go into Recovery Mode, and try a Format, i'll get the dreaded
E:Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 (No such file or directory)
E:copy_dbdata_media:Can't mount SDCARD:
So its not dead. Should change the title ;p mine does the same thing with market and titan have not tryed reformating though and im on darkys rom (no wipe). My phone is a 10.12.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Will this be your 3rd repair now?
I guess they'll just ship you a new one again this time? instead of making your wait for them to try to fix it ?
Try asking for Facinate or Captivate... (if they say they are gonna send you a new one). Why not? Do you really use that front cam?
I know that if they ever gonna offer me to just send a new phone, i'll be asking for non i9000M.
that sucks.. are you about ready to chuck it through the window and tell them to shove it.. what really sucks is we, or at least i bought it outright.. that is an expensive paperweight. I would try to send it to samsung this time and ask them to replace it with an i9000b or i9000t with the 8gb memory maybe.
i'm going to try a few more things, and see if i can "fix" it or something, or perhaps it's corrupted.
i lost 4 hours of sleep last night... not exactly in the best mood right now to try anything on the I9000M without wanting to HAMMER it
but yeah, this time i'll definitely be calling Samsung to get my shipping label, i'm not going through the long wait through the Bell stores again.
yes, it'll be my 3rd time.
On the Positive side of things... the Motorola Milestone XT720 is a nice little beast packed in a great metallic shell, once unlocked, rooted, optimized, it runs even better than a SGS, no joke. Having a great time playing with the XT720
Didn't have time to do much on the Nexus S, i was exhausted... still transferring all my apps and stuff from my SGS to the Nexus S.
Trying to stay positive for the New Year
Happy New Year everyone
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and Special Thanks to lgkahn for all his help
P.S. another problem i found with the new SGS replacement phone is that the USB no longer mounts properly to enable Mass Storage option, as in it doesn't even detect itself as being connected to the PC, unless i reboot the SGS like 2 times to get it to detect it is connected to the USB port of a PC (this is after flashing to JL2, it seemed to be working fine on JH2)
Really? Thats not good news at all.
Bell is no longer sending them back for repairs. Instead, they are direct shipping new phones and if you have a Bell plan, they are giving $100 bill credits as well. Mine died for the third time on Wednesday night. Wasn't even using it at the time. Took it into the Bell Store yesterday morning and they just gave me a number to call saying the Vibrant policy had changed.
Waiting on an 850 band Nexus S to come out, then I'll sell of the Vibrant.
This is scary!!!
AllGamer said:
This is simply ridiculous.... >.<
i'm pretty sure if i go into Recovery Mode, and try a Format, i'll get the dreaded
E:Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 (No such file or directory)
E:copy_dbdata_media:Can't mount SDCARD:
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AllGamer, can you please confirm this. If this is true and your new 10.12 has the same issue as the other going to raise some serious hell!
jentech said:
Bell is no longer sending them back for repairs. Instead, they are direct shipping new phones and if you have a Bell plan, they are giving $100 bill credits as well. Mine died for the third time on Wednesday night. Wasn't even using it at the time. Took it into the Bell Store yesterday morning and they just gave me a number to call saying the Vibrant policy had changed.
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How long does it take them to direct ship a new phone?
arr0ww said:
AllGamer, can you please confirm this. If this is true and your new 10.12 has the same issue as the other going to raise some serious hell!
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here it is
here's zoomed in
new IMEI (obfuscated for protection), different from my original IMEI #
new serial number
pictures came from the Nexus S.... the quality is WOW !!!!!!!!! crystal sharp
... anyways back on topic.
I'm still trying to find a way to make the Internal SD write properly, it might be a software bug on the JL2
I did try to reformat the Internal SD via the Recovery Mode, and it completed, but that doesn't mean crap because...
If i try to download a game, or apps it wont save to disk.
I purchased all for EA titles that were on sale for 99 cents
Sims3, Fifa 2010, Need for Speed Shift, Tetris.
All 3 of them except tetris you need to download the additional content
on my other 2 phones they will download and install just fine
on the Galaxy S nada, zip zero, it gets stuck at 5% download, then it jumps back to 0% download, and back to 5% and 0%
before i upgraded to JL2, i did the same install for all 4 games from market (when it was still on JH2) and they installed fine.
i cleared cache, i wipe, i did everything that i can think of, and still stuck with any install, download, or restore from titanium backup
I simply love Titanium Backup, it's so easy to test for a defective internal storage memory problem
that's the same way how it died in JK4 upgrade
i should have stayed on JH2/JK3
tylerham said:
How long does it take them to direct ship a new phone?
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I was told 5 to 6 business days.
Forgot to mention in my previous reply.
The same Titanium Backup restore on my other phones they can restore completely successfully (Nesus S / Milestone XT720)
I'm only restoring the User Apps + User Data (no system apps, no system settings)
What do you mean by XT720 running smoother/better than SGS?
It's it a same old milestone with 700MHz or so CPU clock boost only?
Sure built quality kick SGS ass. but performance?
xxgg said:
What do you mean by XT720 running smoother/better than SGS?
It's it a same old milestone with 700MHz or so CPU clock boost only?
Sure built quality kick SGS ass. but performance?
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720 Mhz stock, but the CPU was actually under clocked according to tech specs
it can be unlocked or OCed back to 1000 Mhz
runs smoother than SGS even on 720 Mhz comparing eclair 2.1 to 2.1
the other neat thing with the Milestone XT720 is that it can do App2SD without Froyo 2.2
AllGamer have you tried unmounting and reformating the internal memory through settings rather than through the recovery menu. I had pretty similar issues before and I found it worked much better after that.
Call this number 1-888-751-4078 instead of the number from the other post about Montreal Centre etc...
This is a number I received by Social.Hub email support. Once you do call both numbers, automation system is different, with the number I post it goes straight to support without having to press any extensions and loop arounds.
Maybe both numbers end you up to same support depart? I don't know...
But this 1-800-726-7864 seems to a general number to Samsung.
Where as this 1-888-751-4078 seems to be a direct number to Samsung Mobile Canada. Operating hours are different too.
You can even google both numbers and see the type of results you get. Samsung gives out this 1-888-751-4078 and not the other.
But who knows maybe I talking useless info here and both will connect to same end.
stere0xide said:
AllGamer have you tried unmounting and reformating the internal memory through settings rather than through the recovery menu. I had pretty similar issues before and I found it worked much better after that.
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i'm open to suggestions, willing to try anything to revive the internal SD which seems like to be very corrupt, rather than being physically dead.
so far no luck
can you point me to the topic you are talking about?
i've tried a lot of stuff, and losing track of what i've done already
I am now on phone #4.
My last one was a 10.11 and it last a day and 1/2 before dying. The Bell employee also guaranteed me that phone. It came with Froyo Jk4. Just got back from the store and got a 10.12 which came with Eclair for some reason. It appear to already be dying 10 minutes into use. Apps are failing to install. I am beyond pissed and frustrated.
So let me get this right,
You got the phone, backed everything up, and restored it with no problems,
Then wiped it and applied fixes / roots and other stuff, and then are surprised that
its dying / died.
Looks to me that one of the tweaks, fixes, hacks that youve installed is the
problem, and its not the phone that's at fault

It's over my head... Android 4 and dualboot? HD2/Leo

Hi guys,
Hardware I understand a bit, hence me salvaging an HD2 from work (mine with broken screen + a waterdamaged one = working one after some hours work, I got to keep it when leaving the company ).
But now I want to replace WM6.5 with Android.
I just came across a link that talked about dual booting.
But I am in WAY over my head here. Half the terms in that link mean nothing to me (cLK NAND vs. Magldr NAND? what's nativeSD? what's EXT4?)
On average I read at least an hour a day on all kinds of subjects (electronics, cars/motorcycles, engines, networks, politics, construction, legal stuff, etc.), so I really DO try, but I simply cannot hack it to understand it all to a level where I get to play with the big boys... And in many cases not even with the medium boys (like in here...)
I have spend a few hours already on here reading up on Android, but don't even know for sure if I have read the most recent threads (one thing I remember is that the camera is still not working, there must be versions where this is fixed?)
So, now that I have felt sorry for myself long enough, here's some questions:
Can I indeed dual boot and keep the original operating system intact?
Will speed/free-memory/etc suffer? (One of my biggest gripes right now is the lack of free space in internal memory even though I try to put everything on the SD card which has plenty of space left)
Would this be a good dummy guide?
Any other links that explain it all for 10 year olds would be nice too... Then I can direct my 9 year old to read up on it on there instead of asking her dad...
PS: I know this might come off as a 'I don't feel like searching and want everything handed on a silver platter', but I hope I made it clear I do spend loads of time trying to figure it out myself, but sometimes that just doesn't work...
You say that you've really searched a lot and I believe you seeing as you've put so much detail in your post, but I still think the answers are readily available in simple terms.
If you want to dual boot, then it literally couldn't be simpler. If you have a TMOUS phone then just download an SD ROM from the SD Development forum, place the 'Android' folder on the root of your SD card (i.e. it should literally be /Android), run CLRCAD then HARET and you've got Android running. If it's an EU phone, check the radio version. If it's above 2.08.50 then you're good to go. If not, then find the latest official stock ROM for your phone (should be 3.14.something) and flash it (you could flash a radio separately but I guess you want a very easy way). Then just repeat the above steps about the SD ROM, CLRCAD and HARET.
If you want NAND Android (which is faster and has better battery life but you'll get rid of WinMo completely [IMO a huge positive ]) then follow this guide. It's incredibly simple, and you can try using the HD2 Toolkit (search for it) to help. Good luck
There you do it again, using all kinds of terms that don't mean a thing to me :laugh:
But I think I've gotten enough to go on, THANKS FOR YOUR ANSWER. And I haven't stopped reading in the meantime, so I am a wiser man than when posting my thread. But still bloody ignorant
I will try to post back here if succesful. Although I know full well, that once it works, I tend to forget all the troubles of getting there, hence might also forget reporting back...
As for ditching WiMo completely: yes please, but for now I am way too much of a chicken to do so. Maybe after several succesful working Android tries...
As for better speed: it has annoyed me from the beginning that the startupscreen has a stutter in it... During the writing of 'quietly brilliant" the sound stutters
My phone (just for extra info)
5.2.21869 (21869.5.0.82)
Manila 2.5.19211619.0
ROM 1.66.404.1 (76641) NLD from 14th of Jan 2010
Protocol 15.322.50.07U
Wait, have you successfully booted SD Android? Because technically I don't think you should be able to. The first thing you should do before attempting anything is to read this handy guide from T-Macgnolia (don't forget to thank him) which explains everything for noobs. Once you've done that, try reading the guide I posted earlier (the same one is in my signature too).
you need atleast radio 2.08 to run android ... flash radio 2.15 you don't need full ROM nothing changes from your wm set up..
Then put any sd android build on your sd card by extracting the files.. click clrad ( nothing happens).. then click haret.. you will boot into android... try gingerbread versions first.. enjoy
Then once you are adventurous... install a native sd Rom... faster than nand builds if you have a nice sd card
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk 2
Nigeldg said:
Wait, have you successfully booted SD Android?.
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No, still reading up on stuff.
pakure said:
you need atleast radio 2.08 to run android ... flash radio 2.15 you don't need full ROM nothing changes from your wm set up..
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You guys feel so at home with the terms being thrown around that you probably cannot imagine how hard it is for a noob to find his way. I've just spend a few hours (after not being on here for days) trying to find a good explanation about how to change the radio to 2.15 and have finally come across a working link with the latest radio-file. But I think I first have to install some boot-loading kinda program (hspl) before it will accept the 2.15 file still to be renamed to leoimg.nbh
I've quickly read through this thread with explanations, but it's like reading a paper on nuclear fusion. I see the words, but they don't mean much and therefor don't stick or make sense. As soon as you learn a little more, you have to reread it and what first was Russian to you (or Chinese for the Russians amongst us) now makes a little more sense.
Getting to see the big picture just takes reading, looking at other threads, rereading, etc.
No worries, I'll get there, but it is very time consuming. *runs off to see if he still has a 1 or 2GB uSD card since trying to sell them all off when getting a batch of 8GB for our phones and Nintendo DS's*.
I'm considering getting a 64GB class 10, but lets get it to work first, then we'll cross that bridge...
Thanks so far, as said I should be able to work it out and will, eventually :fingers-crossed:, report back.
You may need to check if 64GB cards actually work. I've read mixed things about them, some saying they work perfectly fine whilst others say it needs to be repartitioned or something. Can't remember where these are from so I can't post any links, sorry.
Thanks. So far I've only read reports that they DO work on the HD2. But having one can never hurt, there's enough other stuff we have that I can try it in (SLR camera, tablets, USB-uSD-reader (which makes it a 64GB stick), etc.)
If the difference between SDHC and SDXC is indeed basically only one extra pin with no other drawbacks than not being able to use its maximum speed, then there should hopefully be at least one working application for it
R-P said:
Thanks. So far I've only read reports that they DO work on the HD2. But having one can never hurt, there's enough other stuff we have that I can try it in (SLR camera, tablets, USB-uSD-reader (which makes it a 64GB stick), etc.)
If the difference between SDHC and SDXC is indeed basically only one extra pin with no other drawbacks than not being able to use its maximum speed, then there should hopefully be at least one working application for it
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Yeah I don't see why it shouldn't work. I thought that the only difference was that SDXCs were higher capacity lol, I'm sure Google has the answers.
I understand your problem..... the hd2 has had great development and umpteen number of roms... you need to read.. the more you read the better you become...i have been tinkering with my hd2 for almost three years now.... happy flashing
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk 2
dont feel bad my friend ...i was in your place just a few months ago now i am a flash addict..the first time i did it i was sure my phone would never work again . i am now runing dual boot ICS on nand and native sd JB. IMO i would think about using a ICS rom first it is pretty stable since ppl have had lots of time to refine it i use the Nexus HD2 ICS 4.0.4 Nativesd rom works great !!then after u get used to using it u could try others out !!
good luck!
Vince211 said:
dont feel bad my friend ...i was in your place just a few months ago now i am a flash addict..
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So I know what to expect
Right now I am puzzled by MAGLDR.
Of course I am not listening to your good advice of starting with an old Android and want to skip to the Nexus version immediately. (Not this one as it only has a native SD version)
MAGLDR should allow me to use a different directory than the standard /ANDROID, but it also warns it will wipe out my ROM... So not running that until I read up on it some more.
BTW I tried running clrcad and haret manually from this Nexus version, but it rebooted into WM6.5, so I'm missing something... (Put it on an empty SD card in a NexusHD folder, which in turn consists of an ICS folder and a file called SD_boot. I did not do anything with the SD_BOOT file, should that have been in the root???)
As said, I'll get there... If the phone doesn't take flying lessons into the brick wall before that... (don't worry, not nearly there yet.:good
(EDIT: I tried rerunning CLRCAD and HARET, but this time it won't run it (no signed certificate or it is missing something), and it added a small file in the root called EndFilt.log.)
The correct process for running SD Android is to have the folder containing CLRCAD and HARET on the root of the SD card, i.e. when you run CLRCAD the path should be /Android/CLRCAD (if your folder is called 'Android', that is). Also, the NexusHD2 JB ROM that you linked has NativeSD, NAND and NAND/EXT versions, so I don't see why you think it's only NativeSD.
Thanks! Am trying Froyo now (MccM DS V4.0 FroyoStone Sense). Issue with certificate persists, so how can I run clrcad again? Tried the red button, but it keeps whining the certificate isn't signed or components are missing.
(Found this, will continue reading tomorrow...)
Nigeldg said:
Also, the NexusHD2 JB ROM that you linked has NativeSD, NAND and NAND/EXT versions, so I don't see why you think it's only NativeSD.
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I meant only NativeSD (and whatever other non-SD options) as opposed to purely SD, which is what I was looking for.
Success!!! Froyo up and running.
I did need to do this:
Frome here:
Following simple steps:
1) Download following file:
From archive we need only SDA_ApplicationUnlock.exe
It allows Registry to be edited from PC.
Run it with working Activesync connection
2) Download Mobile Registry Editor:
Also run with working Activesync connection
3) and modify the following keys to the values listed.
("HKLM","Security\Policies\Policies","0000101b" ,"1 ")
("HKLM","Security\Policies\Policies","00001005" ,"4 0") (actually filled out "40", not "4 0" as that was not accepted)
("HKLM","Security\Policies\Policies","0000101a" ,"1 ")
("HKLM","Security\Policies\Policies","00001001" ,"1 ")
("HKLM","Security\Policies\Policies","00001017" ,"2 4") (actually filled out "24", not "2 4" as that was not accepted)
It perfectly worked with HD2, but I guess it should work with all WM devices.
4) Restart
P.S. Special THANKS to JZ SmartMort
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Ran clrcad and haret and it works. Next step is to transfer my simcard to start using it again.
I will miss my 7 yr old K300i with its standby time of about 10 days... (HD2 is company phone that I got to keep when contract ended)
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Why do you live in Antarctica with no power source near by to charge your phone?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk 2
My wife has misplaced my charger, so we are stuck with one charger for two phones... (HTC HD2 and Galaxy S) When using the old phone, it is suddenly a non-issue.
Especially important as I went to sleep with 70% left on the HD2 and woke up (<6hours later) with a dead phone...
I *hope* it was due to my WIFI, the antenna-coaxial cable was unplugged, so I hope my WIFI and Bluetooth will work properly again now... (edit: theory being the WIFI wasn't turned on when using WM, hence normal battery life, but on Android I did turn it on, but only had reception when less than 3ft away from my router (which is deliberately placed on the top floor of our house, 20ft, a concrete and a wooden floor above our living room))
But I do have this issue: the screen is unstable, moves around, my alarms keep getting activated (edit: while the screen is shaking/vibrating, you see the alarm box being checked, unchecked, checked, etc), etc.
Anyone else have this issue? (This version software: Nexus CM9)
(Re-viewing the above, I wonder whether this is partly due to slowness (edit: of the entire system and class4-SDcard) so if it is a response of me tapping the screen sevaral times to get the keyboard to appear, I'll see if I can get another clip of its quirky behaviour. I can't find similar issues when searching for "moving" or "vibrating screen" under Android and HD2, but there must be better search-words???)
As you can tell by my sig I'm on the same ROM and no, I've never had issues like that.
Just a quick update on using it for a couple of months:
Quite often it is very slow in responding (use the ON button 3 times before I can get 'control' over my phone).
Running stuff from it is very slow too (have a 8GB class4 card, plan to buy a 64GB class10 card to see if that fixes something).
Poweruseage is definately higher than on Windows, even when not using all the extra free games I couldn't run when still on WM6.5 The first half of the battery-symbol it seems to be very frugal, but it will easily drain the second half of the battery overnight. It will simply never last much more than a day, where WM could last 2 on rare occasions.
And I am not quite sure the high-speed charging is working, as it seems to take a lot longer to charge. But I have not found the Android equivalent of "Spooncharge" yet.
And then there's the malfunctioning of the screen sometimes. It is as if it is getting a signal as if I am touching it. It could be due to me repairing the screen, but I have used it on WM for quite a while after the repair, but it never behaved like this.
But despite of it all, I'm not going back
SIM-card trouble ICS on SD card after del an app
Android is not recognizing the SIM card (or something), but WM6.5 has no issues.
It's been so long that I forgot all steps I took to get here (here = a running version of ICS without an EXT4 partition on the SD in my HD2).
I did copy all files from my laptop ICS folder to the ICS folder on the SD card in the phone, but this did not solve anything.
Any time I restart android from the ICS folder, I get into the locked screen of Android, with the line that I can only call emergency numbers, I unlock it, feed it the SIM-password but end up (after several minutes) at the same startup-screen with the same "only emergency numbers" remark. Sometimes it will prompt me to reboot the phone (it will then go to WM, and when I start Android from the ICS folder, it all starts over).
Signs that something was going wrong: Angry Birds would hang. I was going to uninstall it and came across another app I wanted to remove. I uninstalled it through the App's tab in Android, and Android never functioned properly since.
Any clues?

