Bluetooth SAP, Mercedes, HTC Touch Dual / Nike - Networking

I have an unlocked 16-key HTC Touch Dual plus a Mercedes 2007 S Class with a Bluetooth SAP profile puck in. They do not want to talk to eachother.
The Bluetooth SAP puck pairs fine with my Nokia 8800 and works wonderfully (except I don't want to use the 8800). On the HTC it discovers the phone, then displays a number I should enter. What is meant to happen is (on the rather odd mercedes UI) I then select call. With the 8800 this then brings up a bluetooth incoming pairing request on the phone, I enter the passcode, and it all works. With the HTC, the Mercedes immediately wipes the number of the screen and says "bad number".
I have got SAP Proile on (i.e. turned Remote SIM Access on within SAP settings), and obviously have the device's bluetooth both on and discoverable (or it wouldn't have been able to ascertain the Device ID). Any ideas?
Has anyone paired any WM6 device with the Mercedes Bluetooth SAP unit? (same unit in lots of cars, I'm using the European model which is apparently different from the US model).
My phone reports WM 6 Professional
CE OS 5.2.1622 (Build 18128.0.4.4)
ROM version: 1.31.405.09
ROM date: 10/31/07
Radio version:
Protocol version:
Any ideas?

any luck?
hi, i was wondering if you had any luck connecting to mercedes sap bluetooth set, i have atom exec and trying to connect with no success.
i have applied the recommendation in this link
the number shows as you said, and does not disappear, but nothing shows on phone screen, (no request of the number)
i was wondering if any one can help
thank you

We need help !!
fawzis said:
hi, i was wondering if you had any luck connecting to mercedes sap bluetooth set, i have atom exec and trying to connect with no success.
i have applied the recommendation in this link
the number shows as you said, and does not disappear, but nothing shows on phone screen, (no request of the number)
i was wondering if any one can help
thank you
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Hi, Any luck at all??.
I'm having the very same issue with a brand new ML and a Touch Pro.
I'm very surprise to see many people struggling with this and still no luck even from this talented group.

bluetooth Touch Diamond 2 and Mercedes
I have exactly the same problem: HTC Diamond Touch 2 and Mercedes Benz bluetooth.
In fact the notice of MB gives a PIN of 5 digits and the HTC accepts only 4 digits!!!!
Any idea of what to do?

chrisgar2509 said:
I have exactly the same problem: HTC Diamond Touch 2 and Mercedes Benz bluetooth.
In fact the notice of MB gives a PIN of 5 digits and the HTC accepts only 4 digits!!!!
Any idea of what to do?
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Which bluetooth device are you using : the COMAND built in one or the add-on SAP device connected to the internal BUS?
I had no problem connecting up to the first one, inlcuding outlook contact download but still struggling with the SAP device.
For info my ML is the latest one meaning the COMAND unit is the latest.


MDA Compact (MDAc) and BMW Bluetooth Module (SA633)

I just got my new BMW 330 (E90) with Navigation and Bluetooth. I can pair my MDAc but that's it.
When a call comes in, My BMW signals it. Sometimes I can get the call with the button in the steering wheel. Sometimes not. Sometimes I can but the connection breaks down in the middle of the call.
I see the reception of my MDAc in the display and when a call comes I also see the number of the caller.
I cannot make a call (dial out).
I read a lot but did not find a solution yet. Has anyone experience with BMW carkits or any advice what to change in order to get it going. I sort of refuse to have another handy...
BTW I have the latest T-Mobile Update (1.12) but I did not install everything from the extended ROM.
I have exactly the same problem with Audi bluetooth, with my Nokia 6230 works perfectly, with my S100 I have the same problems you have experienced. I have an old ROM 1.06, but I see that even with 1.12 the problems are not solved.
I tell what I tried: I've installed various BT stacks (Toshiba, Widcomm, Bluesoleil also with crack). Toshiba pairs but does not find any service, Widcomm does not run, Bluesoleil does not have the needed profiles.
I have installed the CAB from VCABT project (see the thread in this forum), I can answer from the car I can call using the car voice command but I can't use the S100 buttons.
Hope that somebody could help us.
fdigianv, have you tried the new A2DP Stereo BT Tool to see if it works better with your Audi.
I just upgraded my JAM to 1.12 and have yet to try it with my Audi A6 4.2 2005 MMI BT System.
I'm tired of waiting for Audi to fix anything. It seems like the only fixes or upgrades they offer come in the form of a new car release.
I like you can call out from the Audi, but those on thger other end of the call complain about sound quality.
I'm getting ready to make a move to the new Treo MS Mobile device, or a smartphone that works better with my Audi.
I spoke to BMW this morning and they claim has more to do with the version of Bluetooth installed on the phone than BMW's implementation of Bluetooth.
BMW supports Bluetooth verson 2 and up.


Hi I cant get my Pioneer bluetooth radio to connect to my XDA EXEC I have used my Pioneer radio to connect to other phones fine.
Anyone else got this working?
also can u rename the Bluetooth on the EXEC
I don't have an answer, but can you comment on how the pioneer radio works as a hands-free kit?
Not technically how it works, but how you have found it ie: echo's, caller experience etc.
Works fine the mic that comes with the radio works great, I installed it in the top right hand corner of the drivers side, and even if passanger wants to talk the person hears other end,
Some people have said that there is a bit of a Echo on there end.
Normally it conncect to bluetooth phones easy, juts click on register it finds phone then enter code on phone and done.
I have managed to see the radio from connecting from XDA to the radio, but the radio will still not register it !!. can anyone help.
Don't use the radio's 'register' function. Go to connect and set it going then go to the pda and add a new BT device with the code 1111. Worked for me on my JAMin.
Can anyone confirm if the Exec is compatiable with this stereo? I've got an Orange M5000 and was thinking of getting this stereo, specifcally for the bluetooth functionality.
I don't think the phone is on their compatibilty list, but I know these lists aren't always kept up to date.
Thank you in advance!
ianlarner said:
Can anyone confirm if the Exec is compatiable with this stereo? I've got an Orange M5000 and was thinking of getting this stereo, specifcally for the bluetooth functionality.
I don't think the phone is on their compatibilty list, but I know these lists aren't always kept up to date.
Thank you in advance!
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Maybe you should tell us your ROM version so we can see if it has A2DP support.
ROM Version 1.30.90 WWE
Radio Version 1.03.00
Ext Rom 1.30.174 WWE

Tytn & Sap Problem With Mercedes

Hi my friends, I have problems to connect my Tytn with my Mercedes Benz bluetooth UHI interface system.
Have you notice about this bug ? I have installed Jetware test build but the problem is the same.
Thank you for your courtesy
A friend of mine had the same problem, seems you need upgrade to WM6 to fix the connection with your Benz.
I have WM6 but the problem is the same. Do you know if your friend has operated other operation ?
I have just purchased a TyTN II which won't connect with the Mercedes SAP car kit. It gets as far as finding the device but when the car kit tries to send the pairing code it fails.
Go to and/or look on the site for your specific vehicle group such as W163 or whatever yours is.
Mercedes - Tytn integration
So it looks like one of the few options is by sending virtural cards to the mercedes thing...
Problem is that you need to do this one by one... any way to automate this? a script or something?
I would be happy already if i could synchronize, copy all my contacts to the mercedes memory every now and then...

Mercedes Bluetooth Car Kit and O2 Orbit

Can anyone point me to a method of pairing an Orbit (with Official O2 WM6 Upgrade) with a Mercedes Benz Bluetooth (SAP) car kit. Please? I have tried copying the BT SAP Test cab and run it successfully which appears to give rSAP (Sim Settings) but I cannot pair the device.
I can find the device, I can dial the long pairing code but I get no request to enter it on the Orbit. The car kit seems to then time out.
(I have had the same problem with a Graphite, a qtek9100... etc.)
Best answer might be to dump the car kit but I live in hope!
now this is the right place
Now that I have the correct thread - I don't suppose you have an answer
is there no place to set the SAP to authorised? in settings. I have installed A new rom
the Artimis touch rom and it has the SimSAP options in it
The problem is,
the old bt "mouse" of the MB cars was incompatible with the HTC telephones. We tried with several models and software revision but to no avail (Hermes, Wizard, Prophet and Artemis, WM5 and WM6).
The new "mouse" (now smaller and less looking like a telephone) works now w/o problems. This seems to be a MB bug and no HTC bug...
I hope I helped you
Segitz said:
The problem is,
the old bt "mouse" of the MB cars was incompatible with the HTC telephones. We tried with several models and software revision but to no avail (Hermes, Wizard, Prophet and Artemis, WM5 and WM6).
The new "mouse" (now smaller and less looking like a telephone) works now w/o problems. This seems to be a MB bug and no HTC bug...
I hope I helped you
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Which MB BT model/mouse are you talking about? The SAP or HFP one?

Audi MMI (Bluetooth) Problems

today I tried to connect my WM 6.1 X1 to my Audi A3 via bluetooth. However the X1 wasn't able to "find" the Audi MMI.
with my old HTC TYTN (WM 6.0) I had no problems.
Any ideas how I can fix this?
I am assuming that it works in a similar fashion to my A6. Make sure that you activate discovery mode on the phone and start the 'add new device' from the bluetooth devices tab on the phone within 30 seconds of starting the car engine, as after this MMI is not visible.
If this doesn't work then try installing the JETware Hands-free Extension for Windows Mobile phones onto the phone internal memory to see if that works (you don't have to pay for the software for the first 30 days).
yes, you are right ... don't ask me why but one day later it worked finde.

