Hi I cant get my Pioneer bluetooth radio to connect to my XDA EXEC I have used my Pioneer radio to connect to other phones fine.
Anyone else got this working?
also can u rename the Bluetooth on the EXEC

I don't have an answer, but can you comment on how the pioneer radio works as a hands-free kit?
Not technically how it works, but how you have found it ie: echo's, caller experience etc.

Works fine the mic that comes with the radio works great, I installed it in the top right hand corner of the drivers side, and even if passanger wants to talk the person hears other end,
Some people have said that there is a bit of a Echo on there end.
Normally it conncect to bluetooth phones easy, juts click on register it finds phone then enter code on phone and done.
I have managed to see the radio from connecting from XDA to the radio, but the radio will still not register it !!. can anyone help.

Don't use the radio's 'register' function. Go to connect and set it going then go to the pda and add a new BT device with the code 1111. Worked for me on my JAMin.

Can anyone confirm if the Exec is compatiable with this stereo? I've got an Orange M5000 and was thinking of getting this stereo, specifcally for the bluetooth functionality.
I don't think the phone is on their compatibilty list, but I know these lists aren't always kept up to date.
Thank you in advance!

ianlarner said:
Can anyone confirm if the Exec is compatiable with this stereo? I've got an Orange M5000 and was thinking of getting this stereo, specifcally for the bluetooth functionality.
I don't think the phone is on their compatibilty list, but I know these lists aren't always kept up to date.
Thank you in advance!
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Maybe you should tell us your ROM version so we can see if it has A2DP support.

ROM Version 1.30.90 WWE
Radio Version 1.03.00
Ext Rom 1.30.174 WWE


Qtek S110 - bluetooth without phone radio on?

Is it possible to have bluetooth running without the radio (phone part) working? Whenever I try to turn on bluetooth it insists on me turning on the phone part also.
Is there a way to turn off the phone part without switching the device to flight mode?
Thanks alot.
hi borgs.. i hv no problem at all for getting my BT on while my phone is totally switch off.. im using 02 mini too.. no problem at all
spin_x said:
hi borgs.. i hv no problem at all for getting my BT on while my phone is totally switch off.. im using 02 mini too.. no problem at all
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It depends on yr rom version. On newer rom version, switching off radio will switch off BT.
U can try PhoneAlarm from It lets U turn off the radio without affecting the BT
Thanks alot for the info.
My ROM versions are:
Qtek S110
Rom: 1.12.00 WWE (05/28/05)
Radio: 1.12.00
Protocol: 1337.42
ExtRom: 1.12.119 WWE
It looks like my ROM version is different to the information in the manual I have as, in the manual, it states that the phone can be turned off by holding the power button. On my machine, this turns off the backlight only, even if I hold it down for more than 5 seconds.
I wonder why the newer ROM versions don't allow bluetooth to be on without the phone. My reason for wanting this is I intend to use the device with a bluetooth GPS whilst hiking and, if I'm not near a mobile transmitter, this will run down my device much quicker.
I'll give the trial version of that software a try.
Thank you.
the developer maybe was in unclear state for this new version,haha
jackleung said:
spin_x said:
hi borgs.. i hv no problem at all for getting my BT on while my phone is totally switch off.. im using 02 mini too.. no problem at all
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It depends on yr rom version. On newer rom version, switching off radio will switch off BT.
U can try PhoneAlarm from It lets U turn off the radio without affecting the BT
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Thanks for the info. I gave PhoneAlarm a try, unfortunately it doesn't seem to work. I set a profile that had the radio off but the bluetooth on but when I switch to the profile but I cannot get it to work. It seems that on my ROM version the radio has to be on for bluetooth to be on - which to be honest is just sheer dumb.
Can you please tell me which versions of the ROM components I need and where I can get them please? I have a Qtek S110 UK - doesn't seem to have any phone network configuration on it.
Here's a reply I just got from Qtek:
Hi Steve,
you are cotrrect - the Bluetooth works independently from the phone. please go back to your point of sale and raise this issue with them, the return is their responsibility. Kind regards, Robin
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve
Sent: 06 January 2006 08:47
To: QtekUK
Subject: Enquiry from QtekUK
I recently purchased a Qtek S110. I am finding that the device will not allow me to have bluetooth on when the radio (phone part) is not on. This is no good for me as I intend to use the device with a bluetooth GPS whilst out hiking. If the radio stays on then my battery will drain really fast as I will be nowhere near a phone transmitter and it will be using large amounts of power to communicate with one.
Other people tell me that their Qtek S110 allows them to have bluetooth on when the radio isn't on. To be honest this is how the phone should work, bluetooth should have nothing to do with the radio part, and I am very surprised that mine doesn't that way.
My firmware is:
ROM: 1.12.00 WWE, Radio 1.12.00, Protocol 1337.42, ExtrROM 1.12.119 WWE
If this can be fixed with a new firmware then please tell me how I do this and where I find them as I can find no mention of firmwares on any Qtek site. Otherwise is there any other way of having bluetooth only on?
Thank you,
So, they want me to send it back to my supplier but to be honest, I don't actually think its faulty - just a faulty ROM. I can now see a struggle between me and the supplier. Any ideas?
Ok, thanks to jackleung and kta I have now managed to get Phone Alarm to have bluetooth on and GSM off. I guess, either I was using an older version, or I wasn't quite doing it right.
But I can now confirm it to work. Seems like Qtek don't know what they're talking about or at least some firmwares may do it when others don't.
But the good news is that I don't have the hassle of returning the machine or risking flashing the firmware. £10 for the new software is far easier.
Thanks again.
There is a registry hack in this thread that sorted the problem for me and my Alpine, although the hack was currently posted in the Magician forum.
Cheerio !

a2dp addon for Wizard

Just fyi, I am using the test rom on my Kjam for a2dp, but I just followed the instructions here for my Jamin and it worked flawlessly. Others are reporting it works for the Wizard too!
thanks for the fyi, i may try this later on
Brilliant! Great sound quality! very easy install on Wizard
techspy said:
Just fyi, I am using the test rom on my Kjam for a2dp, but I just followed the instructions here for my Jamin and it worked flawlessly. Others are reporting it works for the Wizard too!
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How is the sound quality as compared to the test rom version? The testrom a2dp wasn't very good at all. I am really hoping this fixes it!
Now I will buy the Bluetooth Stereo Headset.
Works for my xda mini s and will try to my xda exec
FANTASTIC, thanks for pointing this out.
I have installed thgis on my AKU2 K-JAM and all is working nicely.
I can now use my Bluetake BT450rx headphones that i bought myself for Christmas that have been gathering dust on a shelf
so does this mean i can use the latest rom update now and then install this ontop of it?
I have been using the test rom for a long time because fo the a2dp
Well....I did follow the steps...but I do not have an A2DP headset......and I want to be sure this software really works on my T-mobile MDA, before I but an A2DP headset, is anyway I can know this software works with out having an A2DP headset?
I just have the MOTO H700 and HS820....but, I guess it won't work as A2DP headset...
What you guys recommend for A2DP headset for listen to music?
contaygious said:
so does this mean i can use the latest rom update now and then install this ontop of it?
I have been using the test rom for a long time because fo the a2dp
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I reckon its pretty good.
I am actually finding the A2DP Audio has better reception than the standard handsfree profile as with the new Wireless Audio option enabled with my Bluetake BT450rx headphones i can put the k-jam in any pocket or even walk over 5 metres away without it skipping a beat.
However the handsfree profile on the Bluetake headphones gets really crackly if put the k-jam my pocket and cannot walk more than 2 metres away.
Overall i'm really impressed although i have read that having push email and a2dp enabled at the same time can cause problems so im about to give that a go now
is RUU_Prodigy_2170702_21707102_20710_QTEK_WWE_Ship.exe the right rom for this addon?
contaygious said:
is RUU_Prodigy_2170702_21707102_20710_QTEK_WWE_Ship.exe the right rom for this addon?
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This should work on any of the AKU2.0 ROMS with version 2.x so that should be fine.
is the version i just asked about the latest one?
I'm pretty sure that the newest qtek wwe (english) rom.
I have an i-mate and use the i-mate rom so not completely sure but from looking at the ftp site here it seems to be so.
This works with older roms too I am using the older Tmobile UK rom that works with blackberry connect software and it works perfectly
A2DP w/2.17 ROM from Summiter.
Went to Tornado Group downloaded Bluetooth files files installed them, tweaked the registry and I am running the newest ROM with A2DP. Thanks summiter for the ROM and the Tornado folks for the files.
PS Not the 2.8 but 2.17.
All I can say is...WAHOO!
I've been searching every forum I could find looking for A2DP for my MDA. Followed the instructions and it works great with my Plantronics 590A.
I'm using the latest T-Mobile US release ROM from the FTP site (with the goodies rolled in).
If you lose the Bluetooth stereo output (like if you turn off the headset and then back on), go to the Bluetooth device section, hold click on the headset, and finally choose "Set as Wireless Stereo".
Now...if I could only get the headset controls to next/prev track and pause / play...
sting0r said:
This works with older roms too I am using the older Tmobile UK rom that works with blackberry connect software and it works perfectly
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Are you sure? Can anybody else confirm this?
If you are a Cingular user, I just uploaded a 2.17 ROM that has A2DP added. Link is posted in the Wizard upgrading forum.
I try to make single-file cab installation, can somebody of the pros please take a look at it? I also don't know how to insert soft reset feature
Puckster said:
contaygious said:
Overall i'm really impressed although i have read that having push email and a2dp enabled at the same time can cause problems so im about to give that a go now
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@Puckster: Where did u read that? I am really curious whether it works together - if not, A2DP is kind of useless for me...
Any experiences so far?
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TyTN +BT-handsfree, Nokia BH801

Hi, I have a question if anyone here has tried to get the TyTN and Nokia´s new BT-handsfree BH801 to work?
TyTN finds and connects to the BH801, but they dont seem to work.
It all seems to work correct, activationcode is filled in, use as hansfree is activated.
Anyone got a solution??
By the way, NOKIA support says that the BH-801 only supports;
Bluetooth 2.0, 1.2 and 1.1 specification,
Handsfree 1.5 (HFP) and headset 1.1 (HSP) profiles.
Erik_S said:
Hi, I have a question if anyone here has tried to get the TyTN and Nokia´s new BT-handsfree BH801 to work?
TyTN finds and connects to the BH801, but they dont seem to work.
It all seems to work correct, activationcode is filled in, use as hansfree is activated.
Anyone got a solution??
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I could not give you an answer to your problem, but can only let you that the Nokia HS-12W works great on the new AKU 3.3 ROM's. I have the WWE version on my TyTN and the only change I had to make was to activate the stereo setting in the A2DP registry.
Previously I had great deal of problems getting the same headset to work on the SA ROM 1.35. Bitpool changes in the registry as well as Sleuths A2DP fix were necessary.
By the way I have also had amazing results with the HTC BH S100 Bluetooth stereo headset. The great thing about this device is that it allows the user the option to use their own favourite 3.5mm headset.
Hi, and thanks for your reply.
It´s seems a bit tricky to get it working, fiddeling in the program isnt something as I would prefer getting in to, as I´m a noob!
But can anyone see if the profiles that NOKIA demands is supported in TyTN?
And if so, how can I get there??
By the way, I have a swedish TyTN with following setup;
ROM-datum: 07/22/06
Protokollversion: 32.40.7010.02H

O2 XDA Mini S and A2DP

Hi All
Found a lot of wonderful stuff here, but still stuck.
Can an O2 XDA Mini S be 'flashed' to support A2DP? I want to
use mine with a set of Motorola S9 Bluetooth stereo headphones
and MP3 player software
I have tried a number of ROMs (TNT 4.0, etc) but it still I only get a
'hands free' check box not a 'bluetooth stereo' or the like box
I have ROM version
Protocal Version 413.1.03
ExtROM Ver
Any help for a poor newbie would be great
Thanks in advance.
I use Vanilla by NotTooSmart, and A2DP works fine with this ROM.
If You cant find it on the net, please let me know via PM, and I will upload it somewhere for You.
Thanks for the reply - I have got a bit further.
It appears my unit may be CID locked, so I have been using batch
tool and pdocwrite and that seems to work.
I have tried Titan V2.0, TNT4.0 and SeeNoEvil all of which give me WM6/
A2DP, however all of them stop my 'Contacts' from working. When I tap
'Contacts', it flashes up and closes again - any ideas? Do I need pocket
outlook installed?
Are you saying that if your Wizzard is CID Locket you will not get the A2DP module to work?
I have a G4 and use ShellTolls to flash it.
I am just about to purchase an BT Headset.
Please reply and let me know if there will be any problems.


I'm hoping someone is having the same experiences or can help recommend a solution.
I have trinity (Obviosuly) with the latest WM6 rom from the Manufacturer, with Radio 1.50.
I use a TomTom One v2 (with bluetooth), and a Parrot 3200ls.
The TomTom has the latest firmware, as does the Parrot.
When trying to get traffic updates to the tomtom thorugh my trinity, the connction works the first time, but switch off both the tomtom and the trinity, the connection never works again and has to be re-setup.
The Parrot will connect to the phone, but sometimes will not connect at all until i reset the trinity, when it does connect sometimes the sound and mic wont be routed to the car kit and you have top physically pick up the phone , not a good idea in communist Great Britain when your driving!
Ive tried different ROMS, I even tried downgrading my radio to 1.45 with no success.
The trinity is a great device but not being able to use the bluetooth car kit safely, and the tomtom plus services, is seriously making me consider going back to my SE k610, which I really dont want to do but I know works flawlessly.
Thanks in advance.
Craig f said:
I'm hoping someone is having the same experiences or can help recommend a solution.
I have trinity (Obviosuly) with the latest WM6 rom from the Manufacturer, with Radio 1.50.
I use a TomTom One v2 (with bluetooth), and a Parrot 3200ls.
The TomTom has the latest firmware, as does the Parrot.
When trying to get traffic updates to the tomtom thorugh my trinity, the connction works the first time, but switch off both the tomtom and the trinity, the connection never works again and has to be re-setup.
The Parrot will connect to the phone, but sometimes will not connect at all until i reset the trinity, when it does connect sometimes the sound and mic wont be routed to the car kit and you have top physically pick up the phone , not a good idea in communist Great Britain when your driving!
Ive tried different ROMS, I even tried downgrading my radio to 1.45 with no success.
The trinity is a great device but not being able to use the bluetooth car kit safely, and the tomtom plus services, is seriously making me consider going back to my SE k610, which I really dont want to do but I know works flawlessly.
Thanks in advance.
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Hi there,
I havebeen struggling with issues on my P3600i (trinity) and Parrot 3200 LS. It seems parrot have issues with WM6. The problems I was facing was reset of parrot during call, random divert of calls through handset, I answr sometimes and have to turn off handsfree on the call menu on my phone so I can hear the caller through my handset.
Today I downloaded the latest software for the parrot and uploaded it to the car kit via bluetooth on my laptop. There is a new feature in the paired devices list of "Forced Connection". I used that and low and behold my issues apparently have stopped. I noticed that my phone book isnt synchronising but the fact that I can actually use the car kit is fantastic!!!! I have been dealing with these issues for over 7 months!
Update to the latest version and see if this fixes it.!.!.!

