Password not accepted anymore????? - P3600 General

I have a quite unusual problem/bug!
I have tried and could not believe it at first, it is happening with severeal flashes.
I have tryed with adewidt, Kaiser, Pdaviet, bepe and others.
I connect to my email account by Exchange server, my server enforces the use of password on device, until here all is fine.
After some days of use, without any reason when turning phone on it does not accept password anymore!!
I mean the password we enter as we reboot the phone!
It always happens for example when we set for the owner info to appear after booting, password will not work anymore... it just changes to unknown passowrd forcing me to do a fresh install of the ROM losing all settings!
But even without this procedure it happens on just normal use after some days.
I am desperate as it's not fun to flash new ROM every three days, although my contacts and mails are stored on exchange server I have to configure verything again.
Any help?!?

I presume you are using WM6. It is a common known and reported problem with people having their PIN changed to an unknown pin number and locking them out. Most people ignore this problem by not using the pin at all. As yours may have been applied a policy from the exchange server, you have to use the pin on yours.
There isn't much news on this bug fix yet (I think). only solution is to use WM5 or official WM6 (if there is for your phone).

hanmin said:
I presume you are using WM6. It is a common known and reported problem with people having their PIN changed to an unknown pin number and locking them out. Most people ignore this problem by not using the pin at all. As yours may have been applied a policy from the exchange server, you have to use the pin on yours.
There isn't much news on this bug fix yet (I think). only solution is to use WM5 or official WM6 (if there is for your phone).
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Thanks for the reply.
Is there any thread or other information where I could follow this problematic and therefore be ready when a solution comes out?
Or is there any workaround on this exchange server policy?

hmm.. I'm not following the case, but you should look around, it hovers around new ROM (i.e. try to see the thread on the ROM you are using). Or.. possibly wait for someone to reply here.
Unless you are the exchange server admin, I dont think so. There are register hack where you can hack it to your liking before the next sync though. Try a search.


How do I disable password on phone???

When I set up an exchange account the phone ask me to set a password. Now every time I turn on my phone it or wake it up it asks me to enter the password. How do I remove the password???
If you were forced to set a password when you set up exchange activesync then the password is enforced, you can't remove the need for a password as long as you sync to that server.
The IT policy is set by whoever administers the server for all connected devices, most companies would use that setting for example to protect their data.
Who is hosting your exchange? Is it a work account?
It's 1&1. I really wish i knew that before i bought. Everytime I wake up the phone I have to put in a darn code. Is there any way around this? Very annoying.
Only way around it is to remove the exchange connection.
It's a server-wide policy - to cope for some users needing passwords, maybe even their own staff it will have been set up.
I'd stick with it personally, the device is more secure when lost with it enabled... I carry a wizard and Blackberry - both need password entry but I'm used to it
This week end I tried to sync my oulook mailbox and it asked me to accept new security policy.
It was in fact my company that upgraded to latest Outlook mail server with push functionality.
I was very happy and push is working fine.
But now I also have this annoying Pin code to enter every hour.
Also even when I entered the code and I am free to use my phone during one hour, I noticed that each time I turn it on I have a blank screen for 1 seconde before it loads the today page slowly.
This password feature is not nice at all and I really want to get rid of it.
I am pretty sure we will be able to find some regkey to unlock this stupid security policy like in HKLM\security\Policies\Policies.
It has to be a user choice in the end.
Do you know if I stop syncing with my server if i can remove it?
no, as I've said twice already, if you're using exchange activesync then this policy is enforced.
It's not user choice, if you're syncing your device with your employers equpment it's their data, they're legally entitled to protect it. If you're syncing with a third party server then the device will do as its told... the server is considered authorative - the same is true of Blackberry.
If you can find a way to alter the policy the checksum of your settings will differ to that stored on exchange, when the device next syncs it will see the change in policy and enforce the correct settings, turning the security back on.
Seriously guys, if you want exchange activesync then live with the policy , if you don't then disable the server connection.
remove the activesync service then yes you should be able to edit again to disable.
of course the thing mentioned above is not a solution...
i'm hal-way there and spoke with the rom makers to find a complete solution...this one is just temparary...
SeanH said:
I have been using a registry hack everyday to prevent my WM5 device from locking itself every 30 minutes. At around 7:00pm the company I work for forces a policy to my device using push email. At that time I open a registry editor and modify \hklm\security\policies\policies\00001023 from 0 to 1. That prevents the unit from asking for a password for 24 hours.
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good luck
remen said:
of course the thing mentioned above is not a solution...
i'm hal-way there and spoke with the rom makers to find a complete solution...this one is just temparary...
good luck
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I've decided I'm not going to be able to help on this one. It's your company's choice to enforce that security policy and not mine to help you get around it. I'm not being rude, I'm just not able to put time into research to do that at this moment.
Good luck.

Need help...Exchange ActiveSync locked my device

Ok this may sound really dumb but I was messing with my MDA last night and set up Exchange Activesync to sync with my work email.
Apparently the email admins (not known to me) enabled the device password policy. After I deleted my exchange activesync settings, the password setting is still there!
Yes, I already tried going into the "lock/password" setting option in the control panel but since the security feature was enabled through the Exchange policy, those options to remove them are grayed out!
Does anyone know of a way to remove this? I'm assuming there MUST be some registry settings I can edit??
I tried playing around with the registry but I'm not that familar with WM 5 registry so I didn't want to mess it up further.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
Device Reset? That's what I did with my MotoQ. I think it is a registry setting though.
I was not able to find info anywhere on MS site how to reverse the darn thing. Even when I removed the policy from the Exchange system testing security settings, it would still prompt for the password.
Let us know.
I have the exact same problem. My device now locks after 1 minute, extremely annoying.
Does anybody have an answer to this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Well... what about talking to the exchange admin and find out the password?
I think you should ask to your exchange admin to remove security policies for your account and resync it !
Have you ever considered WHY there is a password policy enforced?
Maybe to secure the device when left unattended?
And there MUST be a policy enforced to enable a pushed remote wipe, in case you lose the darn thing.
In that case a password policy is the most simple way to do this.
I'm an Exchange Admin myself, and I also enforce a password policy.
So I guess they wont help you with removing.
And even when you remove it via the registry, and you sync it again directly with the server, the policy is enforced again.
So you end up with a device you cannot sync again with your work email.
But a lock policy of 1 minute is harassing somebody, it must be a mistake.
In that case you should contact the exchange admins.
It turned out to be a misclick by myself during the setup. Because I changed the password of my exchange account, I was asked if I wanted a password on my mobile device (according to the exchange admin). Unfortunately I clicked 'yes' en 'next' to fast, leaving me with a device that locked after a minute. Problem was 'solved' by a hard reset.
I suffer from this a whole day even after asking my Exchange admin to turn of that security policy on the server.
Finally I reach a clean solution:
go HKLM\controlpanel\password
turn Dword:HintCounter from 0 to 1
going back to setting-password, now the grayed options return to black.
huangyz said:
I suffer from this a whole day even after asking my Exchange admin to turn of that security policy on the server.
Finally I reach a clean solution:
go HKLM\controlpanel\password
turn Dword:HintCounter from 0 to 1
going back to setting-password, now the grayed options return to black.
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sadly enough, this doen't work for me...
i also got the pushed policy from the microsoft exchange server so i NEED TO HAVE the $%^&$ password, onterwise when i'm configuring the pushmail it won't accept.
if it was just entering the password it would be okay but it seems that when i use the ''password lock fuction'' and push it on stand-by and back on again the today screen quickly show's to turn black again and sort of reload the page (this hapens in about one second).
and when i don't use the ''password lock fuction'' this doen't happen, so it's clearly the ''lock fuction'' that's causing it.
now how can I disable the password?? i know that normaly you can do this by disabeling this in the menu, but it's turned gray cause of the pushed policy i gues...
and i got the wake-up problem too, but that's also solved when the password is removed... :S
for the rest i can only say, REALY GOOD WORK, and that count's for al,most everything here, i'm really satisfied with my wm6 busniess edition, it rock's!!accept for the thing mentioned above...who can help me out??is there another register tweak to disable the lock?? thanks in advandce and excuse me for my bad english
Remen (from the netherlands)

Outlook and SMTP Authentication

I suspect I know what the answer to this will be but it does hurt to ask right
I have been setting up a number of T-Mobile Vario II's to access my companies
mailservers externally. They do this over SSL using IMAPS and SMTP. Everything
works as expected except....
A user complained he kept getting invalid receipent responses to emails where the receipient was definately correct. Being the trusting sort I checked it out
myself an found that the issue was that pocket outlook does not provide the
authentication details on subsequent 'sends' after the first email. In the logs I
can see it authenticate correctly when I send the first email using SSL exactly
as I expect. Then when I send a second email, no authentication is sent. My
mailserver being secure and not allowing relaying from unauthenticated clients
rejects the message.
I then found that if I stopped the pocket outlook program in 'running programs' and started it again, the authentication was sent again. However no matter how long I wait if I have sent one email it won't authenticate again.
I tried another email client called 'Profimail' and this seems to send multiple emails correctly, authenticating everytime. This indicates that the problem IS with pocket outlook. I would just get everyone 'Profimail' but since its not free and we have a number of users, I would need to convince the company to spend the money.
Does anyone have experience of this problem ? Have any suggestions about how to fix it. I have tried searching endlessly but got nowhere. I also hoped that there might be some registry settings to fix it, but nothing in that direction either.
Maybe WM6 will fix it, if T-Mobile ever provide an updrade :-(
Never heard of that problem. All my Wm devices, when set to authenticate on smtp servers have always done so.
Have you checked some of his colleagues devices? If they aren;t complaining, does that not indicate that its his settings?
Nope its definately not settings but thanks for the reply. I think my next step is a process monitor to see if I can spot anything. I suspect the SSL code maybe causing the problem. I wish I could turn it off, but security dictates I must leave it on The fact it works the first time indicates that its not settings, most probably something not clearing down hence the need to stop the process to get it to work again.
I expected replies about how flakey outlook in WM5 is BTW, that seems to be the genral opinion on the net.
Same problem here on three VX6700s. Only first email goes out, the rest go to the drafts folder due to no authentication. We're using a RapidSSL certificate if that makes a difference. Sure would like to find a fix for this. Only the WM devices fail, Nokia 9300i and Treo 650 work great.

How to undo botched Exchange Servers Password Policy

I tried to set up ActiveSync/Direct Push on my 8525 to sync my corporate email without needing a laptop. I seemed to have gotten part way through the process:
The server pushed to me the new password policy complete with x-digit requirement and x-minute timeout.
When it came time to sync, it bombed (I tried another device - I just think my company doesn't allow ActiveSync).
I'm convinced IT isn't supporting that feature,
Problem - HOW DO I GET RID OF THE PASSWORD POLICY! I'd like to go back to my plain 4 digit PIN with the big keypad. I see some reg entries that must be associated, but I'm not sure.
I did a search on the forums, but didn't find anything. I appologize if this a newbie post ...
AFAIK there is no easy way to do this other than hard resetting the device. I had the same problem I had to hard reset it.
I could be wrong.. but from what i have read the password policy is set on the server and not the phone.. you would probably have better luck talking to your IT people than editing the policy on the phone..
shogunmark said:
I could be wrong.. but from what i have read the password policy is set on the server and not the phone.. you would probably have better luck talking to your IT people than editing the policy on the phone..
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It is definitely set on the phone. It has to be disabled on the Exchange server before you can remove it from your phone. Once it's disabled on the Exchange server it requires a soft-reset before you can remove the lock.
I have the same problem on my trinity ;-)
I delete the exchange server in activesync but security et here :-(
I found the solution :
Originally Posted by SeanH
I have been using a registry hack everyday to prevent my WM5 device from locking itself every 30 minutes. At around 7:00pm the company I work for forces a policy to my device using push email. At that time I open a registry editor and modify \hklm\security\policies\policies\00001023 from 0 to 1. That prevents the unit from asking for a password for 24 hours."
I had this problem on the HTC Kaiser as well; the SeanH solution works like a charm! The tick mark is NO longer grayed out!
006fazer said:
I have the same problem on my trinity ;-)
I delete the exchange server in activesync but security et here :-(
I found the solution :
Originally Posted by SeanH
I have been using a registry hack everyday to prevent my WM5 device from locking itself every 30 minutes. At around 7:00pm the company I work for forces a policy to my device using push email. At that time I open a registry editor and modify \hklm\security\policies\policies\00001023 from 0 to 1. That prevents the unit from asking for a password for 24 hours."
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Unlock Code Changed (BSB Tweaks Prob)

Okay, my HD2 yesterday forgot my unlock passcode, I have not installed any version of sype, and running 1.66 WWE stock Rom. My Exchange Server security policies forces a passcode.
What i have found (tested) is that an option in BsB Tweaks is causing the problem.
The option that is causing this (or at least for me) is 'Owner Information - show or hide owner in settings'
When enabled, with the show notes, your Owner information and notes are displayed when you wake the phone (before slide to unlock) I wanted this option because it gives you a slightly better chance of recovering your phone if it gets lost.
It works well initially, then for some reason it fails to show, restart the phone and BANG, your passcode wont work!! I have experimented this and it happens every time.
Thought I'd let you all know my findings, and hopefully this bug can be ironed out.
I've tested it some more today, and I'm pretty sure that it is the Owner info. Going to leave it off now, but would definitely want this feature fixed As i said before it does give me a slightly better chance in getting it back if it gets lost!
Have you tried using the Recovery Password from the Outlook Web Access for your exchange server?
It's not the Exchange password that gets forgotten, it the unlock code for the phone!!! You just cant unlock the phone, hard re-set is the only option!!
Its a know problem for some people that install sype! Same thing your passcode just will not work
Paul Boy said:
My Exchange Server security policies forces a passcode.
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Microsoft said:
You can use the EMC, the Shell, or Microsoft Office Outlook Web App to recover a device password.
You can require a device password through Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync policies. A user can configure a device password even if your Exchange ActiveSync policies don't require one. If users forget their password, you can obtain a recovery password using the EMC or the Shell. The recovery password unlocks the device and lets the user create a new password. Users can also recover their device passwords by using Outlook Web App.
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Is what I think you are looking for.

