Universal turns off all the time - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi all! I've got a really serious issue! My Universal turns off all the time and it can't be started if it's not connected to external power supply.
Tried two different batteries without luck. Did a hard reset and tried different roms. Additionally I tried to over-/under-clock the device to 624/416 MHz using xcpuscalar, because I thought that this app probably caused the problem, but also without any result. Cleaning the batteries contacts didn't work either.
What to do? Any idea? Is there some application for self-diagniostic out there? It doesn't turn off while it's connected to power supply or on stand by. But after some minutes of work (phone call, sms, gaming erc.) at battery mode it switches off.
I think there are some fluctuations in voltage or power!?
Help is really, really appreciated! Thanx!!

Power problems
spratelboing said:
Hi all! I've got a really serious issue! My Universal turns off all the time and it can't be started if it's not connected to external power supply.
Tried two different batteries without luck. Did a hard reset and tried different roms. Additionally I tried to over-/under-clock the device to 624/416 MHz using xcpuscalar, because I thought that this app probably caused the problem, but also without any result. Cleaning the batteries contacts didn't work either.
What to do? Any idea? Is there some application for self-diagniostic out there? It doesn't turn off while it's connected to power supply or on stand by. But after some minutes of work (phone call, sms, gaming erc.) at battery mode it switches off.
I think there are some fluctuations in voltage or power!?
Help is really, really appreciated! Thanx!!
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Hi there,
It just sounds like typical old battery sympoms to me, I had the same problems on mine so I bought a new battery and it was problem solved.
the only thing I will say is try to get a genuine battery, not a cheaper copy or you tend to get battery level display problems. I got one of the cheap extended battery and it showed 100% till it went flat. I could be wrong of course, this is just what happened to mine.
Good luck

responderman said:
Hi there,
It just sounds like typical old battery sympoms to me, I had the same problems on mine so I bought a new battery and it was problem solved.
the only thing I will say is try to get a genuine battery, not a cheaper copy or you tend to get battery level display problems. I got one of the cheap extended battery and it showed 100% till it went flat. I could be wrong of course, this is just what happened to mine.
Good luck
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I agree...seems like a battery problem.
Mine is going bad as well. Next week I am going to order a new one (extended of course).


Help! Weird problems on my jasjar

I have a jasjar recently and had problems turning off at 50 percent. It was working fine as long as power odesnt drop below 50 %. Then I bought a desktop charger (made in china) and started charging from there. That's when all this weird problems started.
When I put the fully charged battery inside sometimes it doesn't power on by pressing the power ubtton so I have to reset it to turn on. Sometimes it doesn't turn on with reset so I have to go to bootloader then reset just to turn it on. Sometimes it just won't turn on! If it does turn on sometimes the screen is white! When it does boot properly and go on standby. The lights blink but it won't wake up so I have to reset it. Sometimes while using it, the screen would just turn garbled white.
This don't happen all the time, Im actually typing this post using my jasjar and even if I charge the battery using the phone, it exhibits the same problems once in awhile.
Any ideas? Could the battery be doing this or is my jasjar messed up? Please help!
I downgraded to wm 5 Helmi ROM and seems to work for now. I was using Helmi's wm6 so I don't know if that attributed to that. Will update.
Still didn't help.. Any ideas? Is my jasjar dying? Please help!
Battery issues
Here and elsewhere are postings which make it apparent that some after-market batteries don't work well with the Jasjar. Some electronic devices are relatively fussy about voltage and amperage levels, and some off-brand batteries are fairly wide of the mark in those regards. Not necessarily on the low side, either.
The problem is not limited just to computers. I had an electronic remote reading thermometer whose display went nuts; the manufacturer asked whether I was using EverReady or Duracell batteries. When I replied no, I was using Ikea batteries, they told me I had to use EverReady or Duracell batteries or I was likely to encounter the problem, and they're right: using those batteries fixed the problem. Not that the Ikea batteries were bad, mind you: their power level (voltage and amperage both) were actually too high, according to the manufacturer, and my VOM tester confirmed their assertion.
Somewhere on this forum is a link to an eBay supplier of batteries which work reliably in the Jasjar. Good hunting! Cheers,
Thanks but I'm using the original battery. So do you think that the desktop charger did something to the battery?
may be it caused by a desktop charger. When i used a chaeger made in chine for my alpine, sometime the screen goes white, or ALL buttons seems die (All button didn't work). The most terrible is that charger make my dive hard reset 2 times (first time i din't realise if it cause by my charger, then i just install all progs but when i charge, it hard reset again).
Even for 5 days after i bought it run well, except the ringtone goes on silent every time i charging.
Now i throw away that thing.
So its the charger!! GRRR...Anyways, even when I'm using the Jasjar to charge, everything is the same. Lockups from standby, white screen..You think I should try another battery? Any ideas?
Weird stuff / battery related?
Hi there,
dont know if anyone is reading this thread coz it is kinda old, but i have the same probs mention as above. I have the orginal bat and charger which came with the device. I also uses a car charger sold from my phone provider.
now after 14 months i have the weirdest things like shutting down randomly when the bat is about 58 thru 50 percent. I can not start the device again coz it stops in the middle of the boot process. It only starts when i connect it to a laptop by usb or to the standalone charger...
I tried differnt roms found here and radio roms but it doesnt help...
my guestion: does any one know if this prob is solved when I buy a new battery? or is it wise to thro out this universel suck device ( I have had so much probs with this device so neglect my tone...)
XCube said:
Hi there,
dont know if anyone is reading this thread coz it is kinda old, but i have the same probs mention as above. I have the orginal bat and charger which came with the device. I also uses a car charger sold from my phone provider.
now after 14 months i have the weirdest things like shutting down randomly when the bat is about 58 thru 50 percent. I can not start the device again coz it stops in the middle of the boot process. It only starts when i connect it to a laptop by usb or to the standalone charger...
I tried differnt roms found here and radio roms but it doesnt help...
my question: does any one know if this prob is solved when I buy a new battery? or is it wise to thro out this universel suck device ( I have had so much probs with this device so neglect my tone...)
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I bought my Universal (Jasjar), used, almost a year ago and use it daily. To date, I haven't had this problem, but I'm anticipating it. Yeah, I'd say it's almost surely your battery (they don't live forever), just be careful to replace it from a reliable source.
Sorry you don't like the device; I've thoroughly enjoyed mine! Cheers,
I guess u r right, batteries will die. So I ordered a new one, I will let you guys know if it helps. I bought the qtek 35H00058-00M battery which is the orginal bat
The thing is, normally will a battery be faster drain so it would become faster 0 or 10 precent, instead this piece randomly shutting down or switches off in the middle of a phone call.
I have a Blue Angel as well, now for more then 2 years, which is charger daily just like mine unversal. The batt of the Blue Angel outruns the uni with bat life. Never had this weird stuff with the ba, like shuttingdown without a warning.
Well I will see if a new bat will fix the trouble, tomorrow my new bat will arrive.
I also have the same issue with the 02 Exec. It switches it's self off when the battery reaches below 50%. I have ordered a new battery. Will let you know if this still happens once it arrives.
I already knew it but now its for sure at my end. HTC and ms together gives u pretty expansive CRAP.
Got my new battery which was carefully chosen because of other rumours of battery problems. I bought exactly the same battery from QTEK as the original.
Yesterday i got the battery, left it alone to get on room temp. this morning switch it with my old battery.
1. First thing what i found strange was that my **** device said it was at 100%
2. after 45 min I had the same bat prob as with my old battery
3. device can not be started on bat power, which would let u think that the bat would be ZERO procent. However turning the device on when on wall power this **** device says that the bat is 100%, but disconnecting it from the wall power it shutdowns right away.
the new battery is worse then the old bat. the only difference between them is the serial number. same type same manufacturer.
I was already think of buying a non HCT / Micro**** mobile device, but today after 14 months of trouble and losing important phone calls I am going to say good bye to this universal crap.
I wise u the best with our device but for me it ends here.
Used a 3800 mah battery from expansys, made in Taiwan by Dyna and still same problems...not battery related at all...Anybody got a mainboard they can sell me...even a broken miniusb.
Problem and solution found
The Problem is a faulty voltage controller in the mainboard causing Bulverde CPU to hang and give funny colors to the screen
Solution is to disable Cpu scaling of Bulverde by using pocket hack master and setting speed at 312mhz before turning it of or closing the screen. You could always set it at 520 when using it but before turning it off make sure speed is 312. Hopefully this helps others with this problem.

XDA Exec wont last more than 20 minutes

I know that there have been previous discussions on battery problems, but after doing my best to read through, I'm still a bit unsure and wasn't able to find an exact solution nor an identical match to my problem.
My problem is that recently my XDA Exec has gone from lasting around 6 or 7 hours to less than 20 minutes when using GPRS on lowest backlight and no sound.
When it goes off, the battery meter still has aroubd 95% left showing so it is really quite puzzling. What happens is that after around 20 minutes, the LCD just fades away into black and the device completely dies, no sign of life.
Trying to turn it on or reset it both result in a soft reset, and the device comes up to the O2 Logo fine, loads for a few seconds, gets to the WM logo screen and then the LCD fades away and it dies again.
The only solution is to connect it up to the power, after which it then works fine while powered, indicating some sort of power or battery problem. When plugged back in, the battery meter is still at around 90% or so and goes all he way back up to 100%.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be the problem and what might be a good solution? Would buying a new battery help (although the battery meter does indicate the battery is still nearly full and estimates around 6 hours usage)? Do I need to send it in for repair?
Thanks very much in advance, any advice or help would be greatly appreciated
You should wait for the experts to help but from my intuition it really sounds like a battery problem. Lithium batteries can act very strangely if they are faulty. If nothing else works you may want to try and get a new one. Better than throwing the device in my opinion.
I don't know that I'd count myself with the "experts," but my similar problem was solved by getting a new battery. Mine too would "fade" off and then only come back on when it was plugged in. And the "fade" happened at around 70% power, so by all appearances it should have had much more time left. This was a battery that was about 15 months old, but with quite a bit of daily usage.
Go for the new battery.
Welcome to about 10 months ago when this happened to almost everybody. Get a new battery, problem solved.
Thanks for the replies,
I guess I was just surprised it might be the battery itself that's dieing, seeing as the fact it still shows charge and that it doesn't get heavy usage, only a few times per month and it's only just gone a year and furthermore, compared to my old Pocket PC which had a lot more usage and still is working fine seven years later.
Am I right in thinking that this is what I need to purchase? Wouldn't want to get the wrong thing
Thanks again for the help
Quboid said:
Am I right in thinking that this is what I need to purchase? Wouldn't want to get the wrong thing
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That's the one!
Right, i have looked at most of these battery problems and my issue is the same as Quboid so, of I toddle off and purchase a new battery and guess what..!! Still the same, the damm thing shuts down with around 85% full charge.
What I cannot accept is the fact that this problem suddenly appears after no battery issues for the 12 months of owning the unit, you would have thought if the battery was going belly up that it would gradually happen but no...it just happens..!!, now is it that the new battery is dead...not so sure becasue at the place i work there are several universals around amd i have tried different batteries and still the same problem...
Could it be something to do with the unerversal thinking the battery is dead or is it reading a false level of charge...do you need to hard reset when adding a new battery..??
This is getting me down, after months of no problems there is nothing worse than a dead machine after 20 minutes of a full charge.
on ebay you can find batteries that could be docked into a sort of charger and charge without the use of the fone.
are these any good?
It depends on the type of the battery. If you just take your phone to the shop where you bought it, and have them give you a new battery, you'll be fine.
The original batteries only last about 6-10 months, and then they will need replacing.
Thats what i have, a new battery from the suppliers...
I've got the same problem.
My XDA dies after about ten minute's use with a full battery. I have purchased a new battery and it still dies.
I've reinstalled the ROM -- which is the standard latest O2 ROM.
I've tried it on the O2 setup, and the non-O2 setup.
I'm running nothing extra software wise -- even completely clean it dies.
I wanted to keep it running until the Omni or I-Mate Ultimate 7150 comes out, so this is really a pain.
Any other suggestions gratefully received.
theambler said:
I've got the same problem.
My XDA dies after about ten minute's use with a full battery. I have purchased a new battery and it still dies.
I've reinstalled the ROM -- which is the standard latest O2 ROM.
I've tried it on the O2 setup, and the non-O2 setup.
I'm running nothing extra software wise -- even completely clean it dies.
I wanted to keep it running until the Omni or I-Mate Ultimate 7150 comes out, so this is really a pain.
Any other suggestions gratefully received.
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My oh My,..
i got the same exact problem, i bought two new betteries one of them is 3150mAh
downgraded to O2 rom official, and still dies at 85%
i was thinking about getting a desktop charger. till i noticed something..
when you charge your handset it charges up 100% but the charger indicator light remains on orange. (and says charging on the soft version)
it should turn green when its full, now shouldnt it.
leaving the phone to charge till the light turns green and ignoring the software reader could charge the battery, (it would still die at 85% thought)
weird problem.. i am sure now that it is a handset problem, because both the battery and the OS (rom) were changed, and still with same results.
can anyone think of something we can try?
come on ppl.. think.. lols
i heva that problem to!!
hi thare i have the that problem to any way to fix it ?
I have the similar problem, except it dies at cca. 30% capacity.
As I can see there are a lot of users with this problem on this device.
I am new to this device, I've been using Wizard till now and just recently bought the Universal that is over a year old.
This battery problem really iritates me.
If ANYONE has a solution to this problem that will actually work I beg him to share it with us that are new to this device.
Well, this seems to be a problem that cannot be answered, as i mentioned before, my unit is a M5000, standard issue without any rom upgrades, new battery from from the Orange shop yet it still fails at even 95%. Gonna try a hard reset because I am sure it is a software issue, i did read somewere that the machine "thinks" it is fully charged/discharged and when you put a new battery in you need to do a re set to position the unit to basic state.
Lets see what happens.
My battery problem solved
Short time ago I suffered likewise problems with my MDA pro. After reading all the comments I decided to go for a new battery from handit. With this installed the problems even worsened, regardless which charger, or cable, or combination thereof, I used. So I swallowed my avarice and bought a new battery from T-Mobile, assured that this is the one they deliver with their phones, and now everything works fine!
It seems that there are slight differences between the batteries from diefferent manufacturers, and the pro might misinterpret the signals from the battery's electronics.
By the way - have you noticed the little red slider adjacent to the baterry with which it is fixed into the housing? If you do not put it into the 'lock' position the connection between the device and the battery becomes unreliable. It may well be that a heating-up of the battery while being charged disconnects it from its contacts!
Its a well known problem, after 9-10 months the battery cannot handle high powered functions causing it to turn off.
Get a new battery and you'll be sorted.
a 3150mah from ebay is only about £10-£15 but will make your universal a bit fatter. (they provide the larger cover for the back)
Yeh fine,,,all well an good if you do not use a jasjar car tray or holder as such, the soddin thing will not fit in it with this slug on its back
Qtek 9000 battery probs
Hi everybody
All I can say is I'm having det excact same problems with a Qtek 9000. Have tried changing batteries. Have even bought an extra extended battery (3150 mAh), and all for nothing. It worked for a brief periode. But now I'm back to square one again. The darn thing dies on me, even though the battery is charged (70-90%).
Have had a dialog with Qtek, but they claim they havn't heard of the problem before
Have been trying to figure out what the problem is..... and have tried to solve it with various workarounds.... Situation right now... Im pretty sure it's the battery on the systemboard that's causing the problems.
It kind of makes sense IMO... if you have a PC with a faulty battery nothing will work.
I'm going to see if I can get the battery changed (still have warranty). Keep your fingers crossed. I'll get back to you all if it fixes my problems.

Hermes battery drains, Hermes won't charge, get brand new battery, still the same :O

I'm sure my Hermes is not dead, I'm just having ridicious battery problems.
My battery completely drained out, I saw the screen fade out and kind of "die" as it happened. I then couldn't even charge the Hermes up, so it seems the battery just ran out of juice period. I googled around and it seemed the only way to revive the battery again is doing some complicated wiry thing with alkaline batteries.
But instead of that I just bought a new replacement battery. But it still won't charge! Does this mean my Hermes actually did die? The battery WAS extremely low so I'm certain that it was the battery. The phone can't just die like that.
Thank you so much for your help. N.B. the phone LED won't even give a red light when plugged in without battery in. I hope that's not a bad sign...
Hey there just a guess but I had a simular problem in the past and it seemed to be due to a defective camera part draining power. Only way I was able to fix it was to remove the camera part and then put it back together.
If the red LED doesn't come on when you connect to the power without the battery then your Hermes is dead, good only for parts.... If the LED does light up, connect the battery and see if it turns amber(orangey) that means its charging.
It could be the internal fuse blew. Might be replaceable but could be costly....
Yes, after reading that other people could usually still see a red LED without the battery, I gave up.
Sigh...well at least I got to see my Hermes die...the screen gradually fading away in front of me....sniff.... I will miss it dearly.
- - -
But life moves on and hey hey hey I'm the proud owner of a new Blackstone! I just wasn't ready to upgrade yet...I wanted to wait until a capacitive screened successor to the Touch HD came out...sigh
But I suppose deaths of family and friends don't happen when you're ready for them
Goodbye my Hermes
eyupwolf said:
Hey there just a guess but I had a simular problem in the past and it seemed to be due to a defective camera part draining power. Only way I was able to fix it was to remove the camera part and then put it back together.
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Dear eyupwolf, I have similar problems.
Camera just works some times, but after that it can not be initialised again and drains my battery out. So I don't use it anyway (since 99% times tried it didn't work). If I do, I have to reset Hermes many times to set things up.
Can you describe the procedure how you fixed (removed) that problem?
Thank you,
battery wont charge
I got the same problems with the Hermes 200. I tired the 3 AAA battries in serial connection but it didn't help.
I even tried to cool the battery for 30 mins in the freezer (an old trick to squeeze the last little bit from the battery) the phone turned on for about 10 seconds but the os never loaded up. the phone shows red when connected to usb without a battery but led turns off when battery is insterted.
I ordered a battery on ebay, but until it arrives does anyone have any other suggestions?
PS. It had Olipro 2.10 spl and recently installed the amazing golden globe v9 rom http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=458456
which is amazing.

seemingly dead Hermes.. help :(

Hey all, I've searched the forum and not found much at all..
I have no idea why this happened but my Hermes won't turn on at all, power button has no effect whatsoever and when I try to charge it I get the red light of death..
I put it down on my desk with ~80% battery last night and when I went to check for messages (by watching the service LED for a few seconds) in the morning the LED wasn't flashing so I tried waking it up and it was dead.
Plugged it into the charger, RLoD.. what the ****?
Anyone have any idea what could have gone wrong?
Usually caused by something that causes the battery to drain below 10%. Then you can get the RLOD. The charging circuit gets locked up and won't allow the device to charge. A pesky problem, but at least you have the RLOD, if you didn't then it could be the motherboard fuse.
So some things to try, non of them guaranteed and sometimes it works after trying these things several times over:
I have put my battery in my friend's Hermes and it says its 100% charged, I have put his battery in my Hermes and it still won't boot..
It's really weird.. BTW already tried your RLoD fixes, none worked.
I really hope I can fix it, I keep trying to slide open the non-existent qwerty keyboard on my Magician and it's frustrating using an OSK :S
aaron11193 said:
I have put my battery in my friend's Hermes and it says its 100% charged, I have put his battery in my Hermes and it still won't boot..
It's really weird.. BTW already tried your RLoD fixes, none worked.
I really hope I can fix it, I keep trying to slide open the non-existent qwerty keyboard on my Magician and it's frustrating using an OSK :S
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Other than hard reset (don't think you mentioned doing that) I have only one other suggestion and that is the battery contacts. Hopefully not fractured between the pins and motherboard, but worth a try at cleaning the contacts and pushing the battery against the contacts.
If that doesn't work then I fear a motherboard fault.
Ok well for some reason my Hermes decided to boot up this morning after sitting on my desk for a night..
Weird stuff..
aaron11193 said:
Ok well for some reason my Hermes decided to boot up this morning after sitting on my desk for a night..
Weird stuff..
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It is strange. Sometimes charges can build up within capacitors in a circuit and the "logic" can be disrupted. This is why sometimes it's a good idea with some faults to leave the battery out for a while to clear any such charges. However in your case with all the battery swapping and so on, I am a little sceptical that this was the cause.
If it happens again, I'd certainly be looking for a fault between battery connectors and the battery or between the connectors and the motherboard.
Let's hope that's it cured however

JASJAM not charging...Need Help

I have a Jasjam PPC. But the problem is that it's not charging at all. When I put it in charge only red light glow either with battery inserted or battery removed. So, is it time to replace my battery or there is some problem with the Jasjam? I have done resetting during the charge but its not working also. Since my battery is totally drained up so there's not any kind of screen light during pressing power button.
PLZ I NEED HELP...........
hayabusa_ryu said:
I have a Jasjam PPC. But the problem is that it's not charging at all. When I put it in charge only red light glow either with battery inserted or battery removed. So, is it time to replace my battery or there is some problem with the Jasjam? I have done resetting during the charge but its not working also. Since my battery is totally drained up so there's not any kind of screen light during pressing power button.
PLZ I NEED HELP...........
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Usually caused by something that causes the battery to drain below 10%. Then you can get the RLOD. The charging circuit gets locked up and won't allow the device to charge. A pesky problem, but at least you have the RLOD, if you didn't then it could be the motherboard fuse.
So some things to try, non of them guaranteed and sometimes it works after trying these things several times over:
Thank you very much for the suggestion. I have tried the recommended first 2 methods and last method is still left to try but I feel that Its time to buy a new battery becaz the battery is 2 years old. And I also feel that its totally RLOD problem becaz I carry 2 phones and don't pay much attention to this jasjam therefore I dont usually charge it frequently. I have left it uncharged for many times and thus there isn't any problem with motherboard fuse in my opinion. I will try my most to make the battery work.
One suggestion needed. The place where I live dont have any Imate shop but the HTC shop is near. Since TyTyn and Jasjam are nearly the same device should I buy the tytyn's battery and insert it in JASJAM.
Again ur reply needed.
hayabusa_ryu said:
Thank you very much for the suggestion. I have tried the recommended first 2 methods and last method is still left to try but I feel that Its time to buy a new battery becaz the battery is 2 years old. And I also feel that its totally RLOD problem becaz I carry 2 phones and don't pay much attention to this jasjam therefore I dont usually charge it frequently. I have left it uncharged for many times and thus there isn't any problem with motherboard fuse in my opinion. I will try my most to make the battery work.
One suggestion needed. The place where I live dont have any Imate shop but the HTC shop is near. Since TyTyn and Jasjam are nearly the same device should I buy the tytyn's battery and insert it in JASJAM.
Again ur reply needed.
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To the best of my knowledge the batteries are the same. My concern is that a new battery will not solve a "locked up" charging circuit. If however it is a bettery fault then it will cure the problem - and a different battery has been known to unlock the circuit, thus allowing the old battery to start charging again.
You are correct about the fuse being OK. The red LED will not light if the fuse is blown.
Thanks a ton for your reply. And I gonna do all of your provided tricks to cure my JASJAM's RLOD disease.
I need some days to update the result. So I will let u know if i get my device working as soon as possible.
Thanks again for the help.
Thanks my phone's battery is charging again.
But i got one problem and that's my phone is showing that its speaker is on. there's speaker icon always on the top of the start menu taskbar although I cant switch on speaker in call and in some program. How to set it to default? I dunno want to reset my PPC.
hayabusa_ryu said:
Thanks my phone's battery is charging again.
But i got one problem and that's my phone is showing that its speaker is on. there's speaker icon always on the top of the start menu taskbar although I cant switch on speaker in call and in some program. How to set it to default? I dunno want to reset my PPC.
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First I'm pleased you got it charging again. Please tell us what you did that got it working - new battery?, one of the "tricks" mentioned above??
Regarding the speaker problem. When you tap the speaker icon I assume you get two sliding volume controls - one for earpiece and one for rear loudspeaker?? I also assume you have both set correctly??
If you have the volume on both set correctly, we need to know if you get sound from the rear speaker on any programs at all. Can you play music for example. If the answer is NO then I suspect your rear speaker push on connector has slipped off (not uncommon). If so look here:
If however you do get sound from the rear loudspeaker on some applications, then the above is not your problem.
I think that the second option worked for me if I am right.
And for the speaker problem, I think that you didn't understand my question.
My rear speaker works during music or in programs. But the only problem is that when I switch the speakerphone(loudspeaker) mode during the call, it's not working(not rear one). And the speakerphone icon which we see only during call is showing all the time, that's the problem and I cant switch to loudspeaker during the calls even if the loud icon is always there. I hope u understand the problem or I will post the picture.
Thank you for giving your precious time.

