Problem with bluetooth handsfree - P3600 General

I have a Vodafone P3600 which I had unlocked and flashed to test both HTC WM5 and Faman WM6 3.3 and 3.4. I have a problem using it with my Parrot CK3100, and it's the following: devices pair perfectly, but when I leave my car and then return, most of times P3600 does not connect with handsfree. Sometimes, it does connect, but after a long time. This occurs with any OS version I have tested.
A problem with CK3100 is discarded because I have flashed it with latest software version, and it was tested with a HP RW6815.
I tried disabling power saving, setting bluetooth as discoverable, installing Jetware, but nothing made it work as it should.
I'm near to sell my P3600 and buy a new HTC Touch only to solve this problem, because I need much a handsfree working in my car.
Can any of you give a hint of what the problem could be?

I forgot to say that if I power on my HTC, it always connect to the Parrot. But when it's in standby sometimes connects and others no.

I have an SonyEricsson HBH-DS200 and this works unfortunately with the P3600 also in a from you described way. I tryed AWE and PDAVIET and also AX3L ROMs.
Other points and problems with BT HandsFree are:
1.) A litle icon to show that the BT HansFree is connected will be showed in the status only after the first paaring. After that, nothing shows you, that the BT HansFree is connected (and therefor can be used) or not.
2.) After a phone call the BT HandsFree will be disconnected.That meanns, that I can not hear the phone ring in the earpice. I only hear it from the P3600. I have 2 choises after that:
a.) If I push te Answer button on the P3600, the voice is on the P3600.
b.) If I push the Answer button on the BT HansFree then the voice is on the BT HansFree (but it will be disconnected after the call).
3.) The volume can not be changed if I use the BT HandsFree. That means, the volume slide bar can be moved/changed, but this has no effect to the volume in the BT HansFree.
In my opinion if the paaring is done and the BT HandsFree is switched on it should be always:
- connected
- an icon in the status line appear
- the voice in the BT HandsFree - independent if the answer button is pushed on the phone or on the BT HandsFree
For me is the BT HandsFree very imortant, and I am a litle bit disappointed, that a device for 500 Eur works that buggy with a technology that is almost 10 year old.


Switching Between Multiple BT Headset Devices??

I have an i-Mate (v1.52.00WWE) and two (2) BlueTooth headset devices:
Parrot CK v3.11 - Car Kit
M3000 by Plantronics - Ear Piece
Both are bonded, but I guess I can only ever set one as my default at any time (obviously you can't have the call ringing in two places at once - but that would solve the problem!).
Is there a way of switching between them simply?, or having them 'auto select' the correct default profile?, or having them both active at once? I currently have to rediscover them to switch.
Would this be made easier if the i-Mate had both Headset and Handsfree (?) profiles? Is this available?
Hope its not such a silly question :lol:
Thanks in advance,
I have BT carkit, and BT handsfree,
and I have the same problem.
With my Nokia 6600, it works great,
there's no "default profile",
both works.
Even more confused now
Thanks for the reply - I'm even more confused.
What I ment to say that with the 6600 it works great, :lol:
unlink the i-mate pocket pc. :roll:
I have just purchased the xdaII and found this problem too...
Have you found out any more info on this?
The only thing i can do at the moment is rename the bluetooth device and it then prompts me to set as default...
Thanks for the tip
No I have not found out more.
I tried the widcomm drivers, but found headset was all screwed up.
Thanks for the tip on rename. I have been deleting and recreating.
Now we only need a application on the Today that can rename the two BT devices and back.
Maybey a reg.key-file we can 'click' ??
One more of the shortcommings of XDAII in anything related to the BT sofware.
I read about a new ROM version comming out soon, that is supposed to fix the those BT problems, Has anyone more info on that?
IanF said:
I have an i-Mate (v1.52.00WWE) and two (2) BlueTooth headset devices:
Parrot CK v3.11 - Car Kit
M3000 by Plantronics - Ear Piece
Both are bonded, but I guess I can only ever set one as my default at any time (obviously you can't have the call ringing in two places at once - but that would solve the problem!).
Is there a way of switching between them simply?, or having them 'auto select' the correct default profile?, or having them both active at once? I currently have to rediscover them to switch.
Would this be made easier if the i-Mate had both Headset and Handsfree (?) profiles? Is this available?
Hope its not such a silly question :lol:
Thanks in advance,
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I just rx'd my Plantronics M3000 headset. It bonds to my XDA2 but I cannot for the life of me, answer or make a call with the headset.
1. When searching for a Bluetooth device, it finds the M3000 by Plantronics
2. I highlight it & tap next
3. I enter the bond code
4. I give it a name & tap finish.
Then it asks me, "This Bluetooth device supports headset profile, would you like to set it as your bluetooth headset?"
I answered Yes but I can't do the calling. Should this be answered No?
I originate a call on the XDA2, when it connects, I press and release the headset TALK button, hear a tone in the earpiece but the call never switches to the headset.
I have the green 3 sec blinking green light so unit is on. XDA2 has the blue indicator blinking.
Any feedback would be helpful since you do have the Plantronics,
Hi cshields1!
I don't have a Plantronics, but two SE HBH 30 and HBH 35 that work "somehow" with my XDAII.
First I would reccomend you to upgrade your ROM, since the Bluetooth radio stack of version 1.06.01 seem to have improved a bit over the previous ones (just in case you haven't yet)
Second, no matter what you do, actually you would NOT be able to initiate a call from your headset, you just can answer an incoming call and end a call, that is with the poor BT support in the XDAII.
Third, I'm not sure what you do, but please check:
- once your headset is bonded, turn your BT setting back to ON (BT icon on the bottom right of the Today screen)
- be sure your phone is NOT in flight mode
- Check that your "BT headset mode" in Today Screen is enabled
Tell me if this works.

bluetooth turning OFF when making a call

hi ppl
i use an austrian mda2 w/ ROM 1.6.00GER and ExtROM 1.60.07 together with a parrot ck3000 handsfree in my car.
i use the original bt stack w/o ANY changes.
making calls and taking calls is no problem at all and works most of the times.
the problem is as follows: when i enter the car, bt turned on, and also profile says "BT Headset ist eingeschaltet (means bt headset is turned ON)", and the n i want to place a call, the call is not routed over the handsfree. explanation is simple: when i change back to "today" - bt is turned OFF !!!
so my conclusion: everytime bt is used for the first time after disconnetion from the handsfree, it just turns OFF when it should connect. after i turn bt on by hand again it works w/o any problem. ('till i come back to the car of course - and everything starts again)
this is very annoying....
so has anyone any hint what to do? i wouldn't really mind updating to an english rom - if i just knew that that does work.
servus ize|man
when i use this one
my device turn bluetooth on when i call even though i dont have a bluetooth headset maybe it'll help you
thanks rudegar
i know that stack by TOWA. unfortunately that does not work at all here
i'd love to use it, but w/ this stack my handsfree is reconized sometimes, sometimes i have to pair the devices every time i start my car, and i can NEVER place calls with the combination mda2 with networx bt manager installed.
maybe someone has the same experiences and can report them
servus ize|man

Bluetooth headset and GPS

Hi all,
Just a quick (and probably stupid) question. I have the O2 mini and find the loudspeaker rather poor. When using the GPS it is often hard to hear the instructions. Is it possible to send the audio to a bluetooth headset, or even a bluetooth car kit.
I am new to all this so any help would be greatly appreciated.
if you are connecting the GPS via BT, it is not possible in the first place to connect a second device in parallel. Unfortunately you can have just one BT connection at a time.
Even with a cable connected GPS it won't work, because it is not possible to use the BT handset as a audio device.
So, no, what you are trying to do is most probable not possible. I am doing it like that, that I use a BT GPS receiver and a cable headset if I do not understand the voices correctly. This way, you get the instructions and you can even make a call without using the loudspeaker.
Thanks for the advice marco. Much appreciated. Will just have to stick with the cable headset.
Bluetooth and GPS and Headset can work
Have to disagree with Marco99. I use a Navman 4420 Bluetooth GPS unit and an O2 Bluetooth headset with my I-mate PDA2K (1.40 ROM 1.12 Radio). I use Destinator Software (The Navman SmartST is better at finding the optimum route, but it is buggy and always seems to need upgrading to use the latest ROM).
Anyway, I frequently have both devices paired.
Last weekend coming back from SA to Vic I had the Destinator humming along, and a phone call comes in. The phone screen pops up and I answer the phone using the headset button. I minimise the phone screen, and the Destinator screen re-emerges, still tracking nicely along the Glenelg Highway. You lose the Destinator voice prompts during the phone call, but not the GPS signals, nor the visual prompts.
After hanging up, again using the headset button, the Destinator voice prompts start again and away you go.
I have the HQ audio patch and a HP BT Headset. I must try that sometime with the Destinator. However, I do agree that you can't listen to the navigation software through the headset and answer the phone, only one audio connection can be made via Bluetooth.
Now, if they can fix the "Line of Sight only" B/T headset bug...
Can do BT GPS + Headset at the same time
Just to confirm, I have had my Tomtom v5 Bluetooth GPS & my cheap-n-cheerful "Abe" Bluetooth headset working concurrently. Tomtom mutes when the phone receives/makes a call, but otherwise all is working together 100%, you can make & receive phone calls OK.
Can also confirm this works with non-Tomtom BT GPS (Globalsat model).
Re: Can do BT GPS + Headset at the same time
joe2316 said:
Just to confirm, I have had my Tomtom v5 Bluetooth GPS & my cheap-n-cheerful "Abe" Bluetooth headset working concurrently. Tomtom mutes when the phone receives/makes a call, but otherwise all is working together 100%, you can make & receive phone calls OK.
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Just to ensure:
You didn't get the voice commands out of tomtom in your bluetooth headset, or?
Tomtom5 & BT headset
No Stefan, Tomtom displays a "Mute" icon, so no sounds come from it. Only the voice call is transmitted to the headset
Re: Tomtom5 & BT headset
joe2316 said:
No Stefan, Tomtom displays a "Mute" icon, so no sounds come from it. Only the voice call is transmitted to the headset
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I can confirm that 100% :roll:
Re: Bluetooth and GPS and Headset can work
Camstech said:
Have to disagree with Marco99.
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I have to agree with camstech! I was not aware that this really is working, did not believe it and just tried it. And it works exactly as described. So, one new thing learned. As the protocol does not explain the behavior, it looks like the (otherwise crappy) bluetooth stack is quite inteligent here, and switches between different devices, so it looks both work in parallel. So, during my next roadtrip I can bring along my BT headset!
Anyway, unfortunately that does not solve your problem, Adam, as it is not possible to redirect the Navigation voice to your bluetooth headset, as long as the device (BT stack) does not support the appropriate BT profile.
EDIT: just checked the wikipedia entry I must have dreamt about the single point connection with BT. Looks like a BT net (called piconet) can contain up to 8 devices, where one is working as master with up to 7 slaves. The details can be found in wikipedia. Maybe there is just connection per profile but I dont know for sure. Maybe there is a bluetooth expert here in the forum that could enlighten us. And possibly maybe, this is way to technical and all of you guys fall asleep during the first pragraph of my posting anyway ...

TyTN bluetooth car kit issues

Hi everybody,
I completed some tests using my bluetooth car kit (Audi integrated BT MMI car kit). Here is what I saw :
With the original french ROM (
Outgoing calls
90% of the calls were interrupted during dialing or connection. The main problem was UMTS stability with the french mobile operator named SFR. After deactivating UMTS/3G and falling back to GSM, 80% of the calls were interrupted during the first minute of communication because of BT unstability.
Incoming calls
Impossible to take a call : half were immediatly interrupted, half were answered using the internal micro instead of the BT one.
With the JasJam ROM (1.20.305.3)
Outgoing calls
After deactivating UMTS/3G support all the calls are stable. Every thing is working fine and the Audi BT car kit works just fine !
Incoming calls
Still impossible to take a call : quite all are not well handled. BT is still unusable to take calls.
I don't think the BT car kit is the problem, because I am using it every day with a Qtek 8310 (Tornado) and both incoming and outgoing calls are well handled.
If you've got some experience, please share it. I am so disapointed that this marvelous TyTN cannot replace my Tornado, only because this "merdique" (<------ french romantic word ) bluetooth functionnality is not working ! :evil:
Hi Arnaud,
I too have problems - see:
Im also having problems with carkit.
Jasjam and kjam just dont connect with my carkit (while they pair with it) but Jasjam and all nokia / samsung phones work perfectly well with it. Even Palm treo 650 works.
Is this a problem with iMate sets or with Windows Mobile 5.0?
I've had a friend who also has a TyTN which we tried in my kit and it didn't work. It seems that users with other variants (e.g. Orange) don't have this issue?
Further (non-technical) tests have shown that if you answer or make a call, you can get the audio by going into the call menu and choosing "Turn handsfree off". My uneducated guess here is that there is some issue with the headset feature on the TyTN and by doing this, it resets the headset profile and bingo!
It is a pain in the ar$e doing this for inbound calls, but for outbound it is manageable - you simply dial the number and whilst it is connecting, do the menu->Turn handsfree off workaround. Hopefully the new ROM will fix it - when it arrives!!
Hi All,
Just to put in my experience.
I have an Audi A4 with a Gen II car kit. As there is no handset holder for the TyTn I am using the Bluetooth function.
I have the Orange SPV M3100 variant, which works absolutley fine with the Audi Bluetooth, with one problem....
As I don't yet have a car charger, when the phone goes into sleep mode, it appears to disable bluetooh (I occasionally get a 'BT OFF' signal on the car display). Switching off bluetooth, then switching on again on the phone tends to kick it back into life where it stays live for another ten minutes or so until the phone dozes off again..
I have heard of a few people who have also diagnosed the problem as possbily the phone going to sleep to conserve battery, and solved the problem with an in car charger. I will report back when I have a charger.
Again, I do not suspect the Audi car kit as I have previoulsy used this (on Bluetooth) with a Nokia 6230 and MDA Vario, with no problems at all (the Vario was externally powered from the car).
Maybe you TyTn owners can flash to the Orange ROM ;-)
Same Scenario Different Cast
I have a Lexus GS with BT.... here's my Undesired results
actually, the only Problem i am having is very annoying.
If i receive or make a call after i pair with the Car kit, EVERY Thing is fine,
The sound quality is good, the response time is good (no Delay).
BUT after that call is ended, the BT itself on the jasjam TURNS off...
so i have to turn the BT on After EVERY Single Call (either made or received)
Is this Normal, I don't think so, but i had to ask
I have the Original Ship ROM Arabic version
My BMW handsfree works just fine with my TyTN. No issues other than an occasional BT off (loss of pairing). Interestingly, it's not sleep mode related since it usually works just fine in that mode. Generally, disabling Bt then re-enabling it re-establishes the connection then all is well. I have no issues making or receiving calls.
No doubt CarKit issues will be addressed when HTC releases their ROM update. Recent information tells me that this update is pretty much guaranteed to be an AKU3.0 variant. There's a tremendous amount of BT stack improvements in this AKU that should improve this as well as A2DP bluetooth issues.
.. No issues other than an occasional BT off (loss of pairing). ..
Interesting! I have the same issue with MTeoR.. I wonder if MteoR and TyTn are based on the same HTC device PLATFORM.
Updated my Parrot CK3100 to the newest version and things still don't work too well. When I start a call on the Parrot it takes around 20 seconds to start dialing on the phone, and when I receive a call I have to pick it up, place it on hold, and retrieve from hold to be able to hear the other side.
I wonder what/why they changed in the Bluetooth stack, it worked perfectly on my Wizard...
Renault Laguna II integrated BT kit
Works OK with my Laguna system except for the signal strength indicator. It appears that this information is not sent or translated onto the screen in the car.... Calls are fine though, and I noticed that the car rings immediately, the moment the phone does. Could be because the TyTN has the "turbo lag" explained in another thread tho
rmorby said:
Works OK with my Laguna system except for the signal strength indicator. It appears that this information is not sent or translated onto the screen in the car.... Calls are fine though, and I noticed that the car rings immediately, the moment the phone does. Could be because the TyTN has the "turbo lag" explained in another thread tho
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Try installing Jetware mobile extender, that adds signal and battery bars as well as network name.
I enabled Remote SIM Acces in the Bluetooth Menu and now my contacts sync on my Audi Bluetooth Car kit with WM 6.1.

Bluetooth turns off with HTC TYTN

My bluetooth turns itself off after a few min connected to my parrot car kit? any Clues?
Radio 1.18
which parrot model? I am looking for a bt install kit to go with my vario 2. Tried a motorola HT850, worked ok for about a 1hr test except the voice dial button did not activate the voice recognition on the vario 2. This works ok with my Jabra BT200 earpiece, when its not flat !! Hence why I want an installed unit!
timbouk said:
which parrot model? I am looking for a bt install kit to go with my vario 2. Tried a motorola HT850, worked ok for about a 1hr test except the voice dial button did not activate the voice recognition on the vario 2. This works ok with my Jabra BT200 earpiece, when its not flat !! Hence why I want an installed unit!
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I recently purchased the Parrot CK3200 from Amazon to go with my Vario II. It took about 10 minutes to install but that would depend upon the connections on the back of your car stereo. It mutes the stereo and uses the car speakers. It seems to work very well but I don't use the voice dialling so can't comment on that bit.
The only issue I occasionally have is if I leave the Vario BT on when I shut it down, it doesn't always pair when I turn it back on. It then needs me to turn BT off and on again in the comms manager in order to work. Its easy enough to tell when this has happened as I don't get the blue flashing light on the Vario.
any chance of you testing the voice dial (and voice control of opening applications etc if you knew you could do that!) through the parrot system?
Is the ck3200 the "advanced" one with the lcd display? What's your rom version etc....
Cheers in advance.
It is the one with the colour LCD display, I'll test the voice dial later on my drive home. I had no idea you could open application with voice commands, I guess perhaps I should read the instructions (only do this when all else fails).
My Vario II is running
ROM vs
Radio vs
The parrot is using version 2.03d
Update:- I tried the voice dialling earlier and can report the following.
Pressing the voice dial button on the Parrot triggered the Hermes to wait for a voice tag but using the Hermes microphone. As I drive quite a noisy van this was not successful. After setting up voice recognition on the Parrot and recording new voice tags the Parrot worked reliably but only using the voice tags saved on it not the Hermes.
To use the voice tags saved on the Hermes I now have to press the voice dial button on it rather than the Parrot. Not ideal as this does not automatically mute the stereo.
To conclude, the two pair reliably and if you don't mind recording new voice tags for the Parrot then voice dialling works very well. I also really like the way I can beam photos to the Parrot so that when friends call I get their picture on the screen.
same problem
tabackd said:
My bluetooth turns itself off after a few min connected to my parrot car kit? any Clues?
Radio 1.18
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I have exactly the same problem and I havenĀ“t found solutiont yet. :-(
Bluetooth cutting out on me too
Never had a problem running my Nuvi 660 and Tytn with original ROM. Low and behold, I upgraded to 1.35 with 1.18 radio, and it started cutting out on me. It is driving me up a wall. I am now sorry I upgraded the ROM. I was debating reinstalling 1.04 bootloader and installing 1.21 radio (which I had installed with original Tytn Rom and no bluetooth problem) with 1.35 ROM. Any thoughts here would be appreciated.
I solved the BT problem with my Orange SPV M3100 by setting it to never switch off the display automatically (only switching off the backlight after 20 seconds or so). I also use an in-car charger to power the TyTN. The car is an A6 with RNS-E (BT enabled) and TyTN works fine and never loses the BT connection as long as the display is active.
This is a mid-term solution though and I'm still eagerly waiting for a ROM update that will solve the problem for good.
Here's a fix I used on my old wizard This will keep bluetooth active when in standby,
Props to Funky B for the fix
