Application Development (WM5) - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I'm working for a research project at my school and I figured this might be the best place to ask some questions. I'm a seasoned programmer, I've worked with Java, C/C++ and C#. I got thrown onto this branch of the research project and I'm looking to tie a widget individual contact's calling information.
Basically, I need to be able to add a option to send a type of notification to said contact (e.g. Going into the contact menu and sending a text message to a specific cellular line - I need to make a custom entry there). Is there an easy way to do this?
Also where would be the best place to read up on the API with tying into the calling system and SMS system? The research, unfortunately, ties heavily into the fact that I need to be able to send information based upon phone calls received and calls being placed.
Lastly, would I be better off writing native code in C++ or does the .NET SDK allow for such access?
Thanks guys. I hope to be able to help the community out during my stint on this research project.


I want to write a Tariff Checker

I have a lot of knowledge of programming in a few languages but not much experience with pocket pc.
Can anyone point me in the right direction, or give an example of code of how I can iterate through the message accounts, specifically the SMS account. I can already access the call list so I have something to work with.
As with most of the development projects on here, my program will be completely free to use if I get it finished.

How to receive incoming call notification

1st of all - hello!
This is my first post in this Forum and I feel very uncomfortable at this point because I got a question, which has been hit many times before. Further it won't be the exact right place here to ask, because I dont own a XDA but a Motorola MPx200 with Windows Mobile 2003 Smartphone Edition. Nevertheless, I guess you can help me because developement in .NET is quite the same - and most of the features will work there too.
But getting startet...
I'm trying to write a program, which will indicate on my desktop computer if there is a incoming call on my mobile. Further it has to show me the incoming callers ID, maybe from the buildin phonebook of the mobile. For that Programm i have to write a little "listener" for my mobile, which calls a function (which talks to my desktop) when a incoming call is received.
Unfortunatly I can't write C++, but I think there must also be a solution in C# .NET over a API call. But I don't know, which method in which DLL I should call to receive the information if there is an incoming call or not.
Can anybody please help figuring out how to do this.
What I know now is, that it has to do with RIL and TAPI, but I must read myself in RIL to understand that.
Your my last chance - i googled the whole day, even read about 20 pages on google groups but there wasn't the "All-i-need-to-be-happy"-solution at all. I also have searched the wiki in here...
Sorry if you don't understand some parts of this text - i come from germany, so english isn't my native language.
Thanks so long.
for WM2003 it is kind of hard and involves a lot of study concernaing TAPI.
with WM5 it should be quite easy using .net compact framework 2.0 as there is a new namespace Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Status and a System Property called: SystemProperty.PhoneIncomingCall yet I have not tried that route.
One more Option which I didn't try - but could be a chance for you without learning TAPI is to register a small console.exe within the notifcation queue to run on the appropriate system event! (memmaid is a good explorer for the notiication queue)
This option will most likely just tell you that there is a call - and now details - I have no time to research this right now.
And is it working??
I thought I was the only one who wants to get this working...
Let us know !

[search for tip/advice] Accessing contact data - Hooking call start process

I would like to try to design an add-on to use VoIP services that offer callback services (Voipbuster, Voipcheap, jajah,...) in a more convenient way.
I don't mean to use the VoIP feature that requires making calls through the data connection of the phone, but I would like more to use the callback feature that allow such service to call me back on my mobile and then establish a connection to phone I want to reach.
This can be easily achieved from the Web account panel : enter your phone, enter phone to be called, then click "Call".
Although this works from PocketIE, this is not integrated with the contact data base so we have to copy the phone we want into the web form and submit. Not a great user's experience.
So this is where I want to go : initiate the call in the most transparent way from the contact manager application.
I imagine that different methods are possible and I would appreciate your opinion of feasability of each one, and if possible, to some pointers to documentation and/or sample code :
Method 1) Make my own app with make its own list of contact from contact data base (SJ Phone do this for example).
+: easy, probably best for prototyping
-: Have to write a GUI for it
Method 2) Like Skype, adding a context menu for "Call with Xxxx service".
+: no specifc GIU, use standard contact manager
-: works only with standard contact manager and not with alternative such as Contact CM
Method 3) Hook in some way the phone's call-initiation process.
How could his be done ?
This will really be my 1st project for WM after Hello World, a little ambitious, so please be patient for it to come out but I am pretty sure that with your support this can come a great app.
Thanks in advance for your help.
could be good
i was lloking for thi for a while ,but only could find the java version, and as you mentioned it was little crappy, without integration of the contactlist.... hope your project works out ok.
good luck!!

Help me develope this program..

Well, i'd like to develop a security program that if your pocket pc phone gets stolen, you'd be able to do something different than just get the logs, gps coordinates, and number--i'd like to develop something that where if it gets stolen and you text the persons new number with a special word (like camera), it'll take a picture of the current setting of the phone. Sure at times, it might be in there pocket, but as long as you text that word, the phone takes pictures without the jacker knowing it and sends you the picture. I've never developed something so i'm asking if anybody here has, to what the first step would be. I chose this (got it from a convo with a friend) because i've yet to see something of this sort. Thanks
That would be slick.....hahaha..... that would be crazy if the ass taht stole it was in the same place u were....the club or something! NICE...I wish I had some programing skills....ONE
Yea, that's why i'd like to develop something like this--there would be a lot of interest and i've already heard that it would be super nice to have. Just need a cushion to start
I have two thoughts on this:
The phone side of it could be a simple MMS automation process. It would cut out a lot of work, because the MMS app already has the ability to interact with the camera and add the picture to the MMS and send it, even video and audio.
Secondly, there are programs out there, such as Vito FindMe, that provide the necessary code for making your phone run an automated process when it receives a specific word via SMS. In the Vito FindMe case, if it receives the word, it connects to GPS if available and then sends the phones GPS coordinates to the Sms'er. If a similar but open source type of Vito FindMe software could be found, most of the work would be done already. Then all you would need to do is tweak it to run the automated MMS script instead of GPS.
PS I am aware that Vito FindMe is free, but I don't think it is open source Etc I don't think the code is available.
What programs would i start off to develop this?
There is one more thing to think about. When someone stoles your phone, he probably won't use your sim-card (=phone number). To achieve all of this you need to find thief's phone number. You'd need some app to let you know the new nubmer when someone changes sim-card.

[Q] Mobile Chat App - Advice Needed

While I am not new in any way to Java programming, I am still quite a novice at Android development. Regardless of this, I took it upon myself to mobile-ify a custom chat applet for a website I frequent. The question here is, what would be the best way of going about this?
The application needs to be able to store login info on the device for ease of use. Every time the user joins the chat, it will send a POST request to the website's login.php with the stored username and password, to get an SID back which will be used to login to the chat. For this I plan on using a simple SQLite database.
After it has the SID, the phone will establish a connection with the server and, once connected, send it a message containing "/login [sid]". From then on, the user is connected to the chat and will receive messages and be able to send them. How I'm currently going about this is to use a background Service which will actually handle the connection, so the user can put the chat on hold while they do something else, and when they return will still be connected and receiving messages.
This second part is what I'm not sure about: since the Service handles the connection, the Activity which handles the UI needs to be aware of it. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this aspect of Activity-Service communication. Would a BroadcastReceiver or some other class be more suited for this purpose? It's hard to decide when the examples provided in the Android Dev Guide don't quite match up.
Any helpful tips or suggestions are always appreciated.
Activity-Service interaction is tricky, hope this helps:

