I want to write a Tariff Checker - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I have a lot of knowledge of programming in a few languages but not much experience with pocket pc.
Can anyone point me in the right direction, or give an example of code of how I can iterate through the message accounts, specifically the SMS account. I can already access the call list so I have something to work with.
As with most of the development projects on here, my program will be completely free to use if I get it finished.


How to receive incoming call notification

1st of all - hello!
This is my first post in this Forum and I feel very uncomfortable at this point because I got a question, which has been hit many times before. Further it won't be the exact right place here to ask, because I dont own a XDA but a Motorola MPx200 with Windows Mobile 2003 Smartphone Edition. Nevertheless, I guess you can help me because developement in .NET is quite the same - and most of the features will work there too.
But getting startet...
I'm trying to write a program, which will indicate on my desktop computer if there is a incoming call on my mobile. Further it has to show me the incoming callers ID, maybe from the buildin phonebook of the mobile. For that Programm i have to write a little "listener" for my mobile, which calls a function (which talks to my desktop) when a incoming call is received.
Unfortunatly I can't write C++, but I think there must also be a solution in C# .NET over a API call. But I don't know, which method in which DLL I should call to receive the information if there is an incoming call or not.
Can anybody please help figuring out how to do this.
What I know now is, that it has to do with RIL and TAPI, but I must read myself in RIL to understand that.
Your my last chance - i googled the whole day, even read about 20 pages on google groups but there wasn't the "All-i-need-to-be-happy"-solution at all. I also have searched the wiki in here...
Sorry if you don't understand some parts of this text - i come from germany, so english isn't my native language.
Thanks so long.
for WM2003 it is kind of hard and involves a lot of study concernaing TAPI.
with WM5 it should be quite easy using .net compact framework 2.0 as there is a new namespace Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Status and a System Property called: SystemProperty.PhoneIncomingCall yet I have not tried that route.
One more Option which I didn't try - but could be a chance for you without learning TAPI is to register a small console.exe within the notifcation queue to run on the appropriate system event! (memmaid is a good explorer for the notiication queue)
This option will most likely just tell you that there is a call - and now details - I have no time to research this right now.
And is it working??
I thought I was the only one who wants to get this working...
Let us know !

Can anyone develop an SMS application . . .

Hi all.
I was wondering if it is possible to develop an sms application whereby as well as all the usual info you type in eg recipient name, number, message etc, you could have a way to control and set the outgoing 'from' number as well.
This would be handy where some of us are forced to carry two phones around with separate contacts on each.
maybe its not possible but id love to have something like that to simplify life instead of spending multiple messages explaining why id like the reply to a different phone number. ( and no we are not allowed to transfer contacts )
Thanks Guys.
Sorry, the from field is not set on the device itself, but set by the network, to do that you would have to do it on the service provider side.
...the only options you can set at the application layer are the ones available through the SmsSendMessage API:
To achieve something like this is not possible at application level..what you'll need is to get into a much larger sphere of sim spoofing, which can be carried out, I think, (as I'm a BTS s/w guy,i.e., network software developer) in following two ways:
1. Cloning/spoofing the sim itself using another sim(can be done and is done a lot I think)
2. Hacking into the GSM\Radio image that is loaded into our devices and then hacking the messages exchanged between network and mobile, but this is not possible since we dont have the source code for the radio image
Anyways, if any of these methods are possible, then not just the sms, but ur complete phone functionality will be replicated, i.e., basically u will have two phones with the same number which kinda defeats the purpose of having two phones

Application Development (WM5)

I'm working for a research project at my school and I figured this might be the best place to ask some questions. I'm a seasoned programmer, I've worked with Java, C/C++ and C#. I got thrown onto this branch of the research project and I'm looking to tie a widget individual contact's calling information.
Basically, I need to be able to add a option to send a type of notification to said contact (e.g. Going into the contact menu and sending a text message to a specific cellular line - I need to make a custom entry there). Is there an easy way to do this?
Also where would be the best place to read up on the API with tying into the calling system and SMS system? The research, unfortunately, ties heavily into the fact that I need to be able to send information based upon phone calls received and calls being placed.
Lastly, would I be better off writing native code in C++ or does the .NET SDK allow for such access?
Thanks guys. I hope to be able to help the community out during my stint on this research project.

[Q] Mobile Chat App - Advice Needed

While I am not new in any way to Java programming, I am still quite a novice at Android development. Regardless of this, I took it upon myself to mobile-ify a custom chat applet for a website I frequent. The question here is, what would be the best way of going about this?
The application needs to be able to store login info on the device for ease of use. Every time the user joins the chat, it will send a POST request to the website's login.php with the stored username and password, to get an SID back which will be used to login to the chat. For this I plan on using a simple SQLite database.
After it has the SID, the phone will establish a connection with the server and, once connected, send it a message containing "/login [sid]". From then on, the user is connected to the chat and will receive messages and be able to send them. How I'm currently going about this is to use a background Service which will actually handle the connection, so the user can put the chat on hold while they do something else, and when they return will still be connected and receiving messages.
This second part is what I'm not sure about: since the Service handles the connection, the Activity which handles the UI needs to be aware of it. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this aspect of Activity-Service communication. Would a BroadcastReceiver or some other class be more suited for this purpose? It's hard to decide when the examples provided in the Android Dev Guide don't quite match up.
Any helpful tips or suggestions are always appreciated.
Activity-Service interaction is tricky, hope this helps:

[Q] Private Update Server

I have made an application for my fire department where it will send a text message when we get paged out. The only problem right now is that I have to hard code the numbers of the members in until I learn how to do multiple contact selection and code it in.
For right now, myself and 3 other people have the program but I am constantly adding/deleting numbers. How would I go about adding a button that could check a personal server for an application update? I don't want to put this application on the market for the simple fact that it needs to stay private.
Skullmonkey said:
I have made an application for my fire department where it will send a text message when we get paged out. The only problem right now is that I have to hard code the numbers of the members in until I learn how to do multiple contact selection and code it in.
For right now, myself and 3 other people have the program but I am constantly adding/deleting numbers. How would I go about adding a button that could check a personal server for an application update? I don't want to put this application on the market for the simple fact that it needs to stay private.
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Why not just read the contact info from a web server? Just update it in one place and the clients get it from there.
Skullmonkey said:
I have made an application for my fire department where it will send a text message when we get paged out. The only problem right now is that I have to hard code the numbers of the members in until I learn how to do multiple contact selection and code it in.
For right now, myself and 3 other people have the program but I am constantly adding/deleting numbers. How would I go about adding a button that could check a personal server for an application update? I don't want to put this application on the market for the simple fact that it needs to stay private.
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I did that on my own app. It downloads the file from my Sourceforge site, takes the MD5 sum of it, and compares it to its own MD5. It's inefficient because it downloads the entire file before deciding if it needs to update, but it works and all I have to do to update it is change the .apk it downloads.
The relevant .java file in my app can be found here and the pertinent method is the update method starting on line 214. It uses the downloadAndInstall() ASyncTask on line 337, as well. Hope it helps!

