Are O2 XDA Mini S' unlocked? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I am about to sell my O2 XDA Mini S and I was just wondering if they are unlocked out of the box (I know a lot of o2 phones are...)
If not, what is the procedure, and how much does it cost?

just search the site for the unlock program

here you go :

Awesome, thanks guys.


sim free vs. unlocked xda ii

im new here and don't own an xda ii yet. a friend of mine will purchase one for me from O2 UK and have it unlocked so that i can use it at home (philippines). the question is - will there be any problems with this in terms of OS/ROM, software or usage.
what will be the advantages if i'll purchase one which is sim-free - say from singapore.
No, there will be no problem at all with upgrades.
Just buy the cheapest you can find.
All the other info you need to unlock, do ROM upgrades etc, you can find on this forum.
thanks jos.
i guess i'll post some more questions once i got the unit.

how to unlock the O2 Exec?

I'm trying to get my friend from the UK to help me purchase the O2 Exec.
When he called them up to check, they told him that the device was locked.
Is there any way for me to unlock the device? He says the shop cant unlock it. Are there any unlockers here that I can use?
Or are all the Execs not locked and my friend got the wrong information?
Would appreciate all your help. Thanks in advance.
my o2 exec is not simlocked out of the box
steverae said:
my o2 exec is not simlocked out of the box
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when did you get yours? my friend's gettin it for me tomorrow and he's located in scotland. would that be a factor you reckon?
I got mine from O2 online yesterday and I'm currently using my Proximus (Belgium) SIM in it with no problems. Despite what O2 told you, I'm fairly sure that the O2 XDA Execs are not simlocked.
My xda exec from o2 uk is unlocked just tryed a t-mobile sim in it
thanks for all your input guys. hope what my friend got was false information.

Help XDA Mini S *Unlocker Needed Please.......

Hi, i am new to this forum, i have buyed a XDA MINI S, i sould be recieving tomorrow, and its locked on O2. i use orange mainly.
Can anyone direct me to a software to unlock to all network.
YIM email me
thats a shame. o2s data tariffs are much better then orange's now!
Orange offer an 'equivalency' offer. So if you ring their Customer Service and tell 'em O2 are better, they'll match the O2 100 for example.
bgulum said:
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hi thanks for your help.
which version do i use?
If its an O2 mini s it is already network unlocked.....
mcwarre said:
If its an O2 mini s it is already network unlocked.....
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unlock it to Orange or t-mobile
Use v0.2a :?
Listen Peeps:
If it is a UK sourced O2 XDA Mini S there is NO NEED to unlock it; it is already network unlocked. Stop giving the guy false info!!!!!


Some people here have been ripping people off, charging 40£ just for unlocking the spv 5000 when you can get the software your self for only 0.99£
Here, go ebay, and get the software and unlock HTC universal phones:
or jus search for "unlock exec" on
FAIR PRICING! BUSINESS WITH MORALS!! dont give in to rip offs!
The advert title mentions the M5000 but it's not actually in the list of compatible devices :?:
I beleive it works for all versions of Exec. But im not sure, that ebay auction is not mine. Message the seller to see if SPV M5000 is supported? In the list O2 XDA EXEC is there, so thats supported.
Umm yeah it works on the Exec because the Exec is ALREADY UNLOCKED.
If something is too good to be true, it most probably is not.
and if you read the full advert it says the following at the end:
"it is easy just connect your xda 2 2s 2i .. with ur pc run the file on it then follow the instructions and it will be opened."
No mention of universals..... :shock:
ks2k said:
I beleive it works for all versions of Exec. But im not sure, that ebay auction is not mine. Message the seller to see if SPV M5000 is supported? In the list O2 XDA EXEC is there, so thats supported.
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Jeez, you still banging on about this....
It doesnt work with SPV M5000 or any locked universal device...
Its the same program that you can download here to unlock the himalaya etc which doesnt work on universal...
It worked on JasJar and XDA Exec as they are ALREADY unlocked...
ks2k said:
FAIR PRICING! BUSINESS WITH MORALS!! dont give in to rip offs!
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Yeah, 'cos selling something that's on the 'net ( ON THIS SITE) for free is very moral....
the people selling the codes for the m5000 are at least doing some work.

Cheapest Price available?

hey guys, i'm looking for a New unlocked TyTn with the cheapest price, got any links?
and pleas correct me if i'm wrong, it's only tytn/jasjam which are sold new and unlocked right?
"o2 Xda trion"s are also selled unlocked.
try ebay,,
X_Farhad said:
hey guys, i'm looking for a New unlocked TyTn with the cheapest price, got any links?
and pleas correct me if i'm wrong, it's only tytn/jasjam which are sold new and unlocked right?
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I found my device through Keep in mind that pretty much any device can be unlocked for free with Pof's software.

