UNLOCK UNIVERSAL FOR 0.99pence - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Some people here have been ripping people off, charging 40£ just for unlocking the spv 5000 when you can get the software your self for only 0.99£
Here, go ebay, and get the software and unlock HTC universal phones:
or jus search for "unlock exec" on ebay.co.uk
FAIR PRICING! BUSINESS WITH MORALS!! dont give in to rip offs!

The advert title mentions the M5000 but it's not actually in the list of compatible devices :?:

I beleive it works for all versions of Exec. But im not sure, that ebay auction is not mine. Message the seller to see if SPV M5000 is supported? In the list O2 XDA EXEC is there, so thats supported.

Umm yeah it works on the Exec because the Exec is ALREADY UNLOCKED.
If something is too good to be true, it most probably is not.

and if you read the full advert it says the following at the end:
"it is easy just connect your xda 2 2s 2i .. with ur pc run the file on it then follow the instructions and it will be opened."
No mention of universals..... :shock:

ks2k said:
I beleive it works for all versions of Exec. But im not sure, that ebay auction is not mine. Message the seller to see if SPV M5000 is supported? In the list O2 XDA EXEC is there, so thats supported.
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Jeez, you still banging on about this....
It doesnt work with SPV M5000 or any locked universal device...
Its the same program that you can download here to unlock the himalaya etc which doesnt work on universal...
It worked on JasJar and XDA Exec as they are ALREADY unlocked...

ks2k said:
FAIR PRICING! BUSINESS WITH MORALS!! dont give in to rip offs!
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Yeah, 'cos selling something that's on the 'net ( ON THIS SITE) for free is very moral....
the people selling the codes for the m5000 are at least doing some work.


XDA IIi Availability? Does anyone know where I can get one?

Does anyone know who is importing the XDA IIi units to the states and selling them? I would like to pick one up. I threw away my XDA IIs because its is junk! :x
I can by them sim free but they are locked to o2 UK
Re: XDA IIi Availability? Does anyone know where I can get o
Mikee4fun said:
I threw away my XDA IIs because its is junk! :x
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Did yo really thhrow it away?
Re: XDA IIi Availability? Does anyone know where I can get o
Mikee4fun said:
Does anyone know who is importing the XDA IIi units to the states and selling them? I would like to pick one up. I threw away my XDA IIs because its is junk! :x
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S model
is the S model really that bad? what went wrong with it?
the xda2s was the worst thing ever, main problem was the microphone on the device was terrible and people could hardley hear you, and the bluetooth did not work as it should so the headsets did not function properly..
So the XDA2s is ok as long as you not useing it for phone calls
applecom said:
I can by them sim free but they are locked to o2 UK
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is it xdaIIi that you can buy sim free ?? if yeah then could you please tell us aswell where can we buy it sim free as i am really looking forward to buy it but without any tariff that is SIM FREE.
We are a small phone shop and we buy the direct from o2, ready to sell with or without airtime contract.
sorry yes its the XDA2i, but we can get the 2s as well but would strongely advise people not to get one tho.
applecom said:
sorry yes its the XDA2i, but we can get the 2s as well but would strongely advise people not to get one tho.
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I've got a 2s and a 2i and I think thats a harsh statement. Everyone has different needs.
The microphone on my 2s is absolutely fine. After a short time with the 2i I still haven't decided which one I'm going to keep. Sure the bt stack is better on the 2i (presumably only until the next 2s rom release) but is that enough to make me give up the keyboard? As a heavy emailer I just don't know if I can go back to all those screen taps with the stylus. The 2s has it faults at the moment but after the novelty of the 2i has worn off a bit I'm kinda leaning back towords the 2s.
applecom said:
I can by them sim free but they are locked to o2 UK
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You do not sell the XDA IIi SIM free and SIM unlocked? DO you ship outside the UK?
OK sorry it was a bit harsh, Only on most of the XDA2s's that i had the microphone worked but people i talk to alway say it was hard to hear me, as if i had my finger over the mic hole, witch of corse i did not. And with the bluetooth not working correct that made macking quality phone calls not possible.
Yes good point with the keyboard some people like the idea of it being there when you need it, and slid away when not needed, but some of them stated to loosen up badlley after a week or 2 of use
For us being a mobile phone shop and a customer caller us but then is having trouble hearing what we say is no good advert.
I will speak to o2 and seee if i can get some ( very few ) unlocked so i can sell sim free anywhere
i saw a qtek 9090 (xdaIIs) loooks HORRIBLE !! specially when the keyboard sticks out....it has 60% chances of breakin apart when the keyboard sticks out....but still i would go for xdaIIs only if it EVER HAD 1.3 MEGA PIXEL CAM (no probs even if the resolution and image quality is like xdaIIi)
I am reside in US and would like to buy O2 xda IIi as well. Applecom can you please forward me some info on how to get one from your shop. Thanks.
Ok, still no luck as far as finding a new XDA IIi unlocked/simfree. Can anyone point me to anyone selling one, or shipping one to the US.
How much are you looking to pay.
I can get you an XDA IIi unlocked, brand new.
Name your price.
imranuk said:
How much are you looking to pay.
I can get you an XDA IIi unlocked, brand new.
Name your price.
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200 gbp...... ? postage on u.......im in uk....
zairyaab said:
imranuk said:
How much are you looking to pay.
I can get you an XDA IIi unlocked, brand new.
Name your price.
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200 gbp...... ? postage on u.......im in uk....
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I'd take one too!
THe XDA IIi is worth £500 (more sim free)
When I get my stock in, I will be looking around 425 mark. Negotiable.
Or just get one from O2 for £384 with full support and warranty.

I-Mate vs Qtek, Urgent help!!!

Whats the difference between the I-mate jam and the Qtek s100. I was told they are identical, which iis better, and I heard that the Qtek s100 has no vibration is this true?
I-Mate gives 24H, 7days a week / 365 days a year, support by phone etc.
there is no diffrence between MDA/M500/I-mate/Qtek S100/VPA
(only the simlock from T-mobile, Vodafone and Orange
Underworld said:
I-Mate gives 24H, 7days a week / 365 days a year, support by phone etc.
there is no diffrence between MDA/M500/I-mate/Qtek S100/VPA
(only the simlock from T-mobile, Vodafone and Orange
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BE AWARE! Qtek support is NON EXISTANT!
In fact, Expansys offers you Qtek units instead of I-mate ones, because they are short of supplies from I-mate.
Is the lack of support a big deal? I mean won't most people go to a forum first anyway?
I was thinking of getting the qtek myself and removing the logo, as Qtek is a crappy name in all honesty.
Do they still provide prompt firmware upgrades? And you can still flash I-mate roms can you not?
Also in the UK at least the warranty offered on the Qtek is 2 years, as oppose to 1 on the I-mate. According to the sales pitch on some the sites at least.
remixme said:
Is the lack of support a big deal? I mean won't most people go to a forum first anyway?.
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Well, forums are OK, I'm here too, but, What happens if your device language is not in the forum? And, of course, your 2 year warranty will be NOTHING once you tweak your phone.
remixme said:
I was thinking of getting the qtek myself and removing the logo, as Qtek is a crappy name in all honesty.
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I did it too, once I found Qtek support does not exist.
remixme said:
Do they still provide prompt firmware upgrades? And you can still flash I-mate roms can you not?.
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If you are not an i-mate owner (valid IMEI), you can not download legally the new upgrades, so back to the warranty issue.
remixme said:
Also in the UK at least the warranty offered on the Qtek is 2 years, as oppose to 1 on the I-mate. According to the sales pitch on some the sites at least.
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You are lucky, I bought my Qtek through Expansys one and a half year ago, and haven't found yet where to send it for servicing. And no, don't try internet, it is NOT there. Qtek do not provide service even for its own named phones, when sold in another country.
All said, even my carrier, Telefónica, DO NOT support the devices from HTC It re-brands as TSM. You can NOT get even a simple battery!
spv c500
get the spv c500,
way nicer design and also covers over de usb connection!!
makes the other magicians feel like they are hit with an ugly stick!
and for 20 pounds or less you get it unlocked for all networks!
check out the site below for great pictures!
Re: spv c500
dvl said:
get the spv c500,
way nicer design and also covers over de usb connection!!
makes the other magicians feel like they are hit with an ugly stick!
and for 20 pounds or less you get it unlocked for all networks!
check out the site below for great pictures!
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Go away man with your C500, this is the Magician Forum!!! :evil:
Re: spv c500
Underworld said:
dvl said:
get the spv c500,
way nicer design and also covers over de usb connection!!
makes the other magicians feel like they are hit with an ugly stick!
and for 20 pounds or less you get it unlocked for all networks!
check out the site below for great pictures!
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Go away man with your C500, this is the Magician Forum!!! :evil:
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No need to be so rude.
In fact it should be a misspelling, cause the SPV M500 is the same as Magician, and the SPV C500 is the Smartphone. It is just a letter, M or C, as you can see in http://www.msmobiles.com/news.php/3768.html
BTW, their performances are not so different, I have them both now...
If you have a problem with the QTEK device, just contact expansys and they would arrange support for you as they were the place of purchase, if they were unable to help at least they would point you in the right direction.

XDA Exec [Philippines]

Hhhmm.. yeah guyz! when do you think XDA Exec will be out here in Philippines? Im afraid that it will be delay just like the XDA IIi wich was already released 2 months before it was available here.. Do you think Philippines will have it as soon as o2 releases it?
According to my calculation XDA Exec will cost not more than P60,000.00 Pesos.
XDA Exec in the Philippines
I heard that Globe are using it already within their offices ... but they are planning to release it by christmas .... i'm getting one too and using it stateside ... i heard it's around 60K Philippine Pesos ...
I wonder when it gonna reach Singapore
yeah 60k just sounds about right haha
what's the difference of exec by the way
the black color and some additional sw
Huh! 60K is so expensive....
I may go for the SE P990i... sad thing is I have to wait till Q1 next year
on christmas? huh.. sounds cool.. This might be the best gift for my self if i bought one..
o2 is the best among the T-Mobile, Orange, I-Mate, etc for me.
to Yankee
You better stick to exec cuz exec will blast all device available excluding "oqo"
It will probably be launched as DOPOD 900 instead of the Exec... either way, still a great gadget..
Meron na nga ba sa Pinas? how much is it now?
Hope you guys get Exec soon -tip for free access.
I sat in Gloreieta jeans , Manila a month a go with my MDA Pro.
One guy asked me if it was an Exec. I was quite rude and abrupt, a short swift Think so. sorry.
My device was new. And I was trying to do an internet chekin to Singapore airlines site which was frustrating me. Their web site does not seem PDA friendly.
Was hoping to avoid checking in at 5AM as opposed to 7AM.
I never managed it. dis use my MDA PRo on a recent flight from Singapore to London. Worked a dream, sending text for the plane via T-mob web site. Shame I had no VOIP or Skype installed.
Glorietta Jeans seems to have free access for PDA's . I was not prompted for login and connected OK.
I purcxhased some wireless internet time whilst in Manila. Wiz and another.
Will look it out and post details here , hardly used. Someone might as well
use it.
Dissapointed with my MDA, like the large screen but my advice wait for applciations. Opera, A2DP and fax software.
I could not even fax singapore airlines as no fax software works on the Exec.
I prefer my MDA compact which has working fax s/w,A2DP and is a nicer size. Until my MDA PRO ROM is improved
Re: Hope you guys get Exec soon -tip for free access.
GDawes said:
I sat in Gloreieta jeans , Manila a month a go with my MDA Pro.
One guy asked me if it was an Exec. I was quite rude and abrupt, a short swift Think so. sorry.
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Hmmm.. question.. why'd u take offense from that fellow asking if it was an exec? He probably was in awe of you for having such a wonderful pda phone...
well, was just wondering...
I was not offended just abrupt in my reply.
Had had a long bad day and was stressed , been shopping with wife,daughter all day and trying to do an internet checkin with a company who's site was not working well and running out of time/against the clock.
If I had managed to check in for my flight, I could have relaxed and shown him my PDA.
AS it was I went to a reacl cybercafe around the corner, used a real PC and the web site was still not working.
double_ofour said:
Hhhmm.. yeah guyz! when do you think XDA Exec will be out here in Philippines? Im afraid that it will be delay just like the XDA IIi wich was already released 2 months before it was available here.. Do you think Philippines will have it as soon as o2 releases it?
According to my calculation XDA Exec will cost not more than P60,000.00 Pesos.
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Any luck finding the Exec? Its not selling in Asia as per the O2 site. ;-(

Vario II, SPV M3100, HTC Tytn or O2 Trion which one ?

Okay guys, heres one for you...
as some of you may know, i currently have a wizard, well an o2 mini-s to be exact, and am due to upgrade, change soon.....
I've have a number of smartphone/pda's in the past starting with the SPV E200, then the E500 then the SPV M1000 (Xda II) then jumped to the XDA Exec, which i sold and got a XDA Mini s.
I don't really want to go to anything bigger than the mini-s and like the slide out keyboard, kinda rules out the xda atom, SPV M600 etc etc
My question is, what is the main difference (apart from colour) of the 3 main hermes devices marketed at the minute.
Is anyone better than the other or is it all just down to bundled software and case colour......
I'm thinking of the SPVm3100 as i like the colour but dunno wheather to wait for o2 to launch the Trion in this country ???
any advice would be helpful.
It is very unlikely that O2 will ever release the Trion in this country, despite what others might say. Do you honestly think that O2 would wait so long?
The Hermes you have in this country are pretty much it, it really depends on what services you want. If you want a locked down device then go for Orange, an unlocked device with very little extra stuff loaded go for the v1605/TyTYN or if you want a device with bugundy go for the Vario II.
bydandie said:
It is very unlikely that O2 will ever release the Trion in this country, despite what others might say. Do you honestly think that O2 would wait so long?
The Hermes you have in this country are pretty much it, it really depends on what services you want. If you want a locked down device then go for Orange, an unlocked device with very little extra stuff loaded go for the v1605/TyTYN or if you want a device with bugundy go for the Vario II.
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Thanks for the reply... locked down can be fixed surely... it hasn't been an issue in any other xda's so far.....
I do know the orange is a good looking device especially in the black... might have to bite the bullet and go back to orange...
I've had the chance to really put the M3100 and Vario II through its paces.
I found the M3100 to be faster and also damn good looking compared to the ugly duckling the Vario.
Almost everything else is the same.
Hope that helps.
steverae said:
locked down can be fixed surely...
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Not yet, other than by convincing your operator to do it (unlikely), or by paying £20 to an online unlocking service.
ash99 said:
I've had the chance to really put the M3100 and Vario II through its paces.
I found the M3100 to be faster and also damn good looking compared to the ugly duckling the Vario.
Almost everything else is the same.
Hope that helps.
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Thanks for that... I had the SPV E200, C500 and M1000 through orange and had no problem apart from i found that the signal strength where i lived wasn't up to much.
BTW Does the SPV M3100 take mini sd or the new stupid sized micro sd..
hope it's mini as i've just had to buy one recently for my mini s.... i've now got a 1gb sd card which is no good, i don't want a 1gb mini sd that won't be any use either
Sorry to say its Micro SD on the Hermes.
here in germany the best choice is the MDA Vario II from t-mobile.
The reason is, that t-mobile is the only provider that supports HSDPA (1,8 mbit i think).
Hope it helps,
steverae said:
Okay guys, heres one for you...
as some of you may know, i currently have a wizard, well an o2 mini-s to be exact, and am due to upgrade, change soon.....
I've have a number of smartphone/pda's in the past starting with the SPV E200, then the E500 then the SPV M1000 (Xda II) then jumped to the XDA Exec, which i sold and got a XDA Mini s.
I don't really want to go to anything bigger than the mini-s and like the slide out keyboard, kinda rules out the xda atom, SPV M600 etc etc
My question is, what is the main difference (apart from colour) of the 3 main hermes devices marketed at the minute.
Is anyone better than the other or is it all just down to bundled software and case colour......
I'm thinking of the SPVm3100 as i like the colour but dunno wheather to wait for o2 to launch the Trion in this country ???
any advice would be helpful.
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AFK_Matrix said:
Sorry to say its Micro SD on the Hermes.
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bugger !!!! thats another bit of plastic that'll go to waste.....
anyway, guess i'll go for the orange spv m3100, gonna give em a ring a see what deal they can do for me to come back to em.....
diven't wanna pay the full wack for it.....
anyone know of any 'special deals' coming up on this

2 x O2 XDA Exec for sale

one is a couple of months old and the other is about 1 week old, both have all O2 boxed items (CD's, pens, usb leads etc) and both are in pristine condition. Will trade or sell (am after an TyTn)
Dont know if i'm allowed to post this in the forum so sorry if i have done anything bad......
how much are you looking for for either or both m8 ..... have you sim unlocked them or still on o2 ??
there is no prob to unlock, look to www.buzzdev.net or wiki here. BTW I'm interested as well. PM me price plz
I don't think that O2 exec's are locked in the first place...
Ive put my Exec on ebay about 5 times now and every time it has been subject to attepted scammers!
if anyones interested i still have a boxed used xda exec, with 1gb sd and also the hemi rom with the VGA Hack, completely unlocked.
call me 07983411102 (the names james)
captainsensible2002 said:
I don't think that O2 exec's are locked in the first place...
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This is correct... O2 Exec's aren't locked.

